[music] The Winter Olympics are over, and our very own Rodan has won a gold medal in 500 meter twink jumping. You're listening to another episode of Potismyco Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Tappy Carlisle, Huffington, and Rodan. Take it away, kids. [music] One. Two. Three. [laughs] Four. [gasps] Five. Six. [gasps] Why are you already giggling? [laughs] I can't get over his voice. [laughs] Are we starting every show with giggles now, and the countdown? We're starting every show with joy. Oh, yes, joy. Joy. Joy. We're all going to pass gas. [gasps] Joy. Pump it up. Pump it up. Joy, pump it out, pump it out. With pain. Oh. No. We're not talking about the boys of Monroe Middle School now. Hey. We're talking about Potismyco Pilot. Hooray. Hooray. All right, do your intro that you want to do. You horrible evil person. You've just downloaded episode 135 of Potismyco Pilot. Unfortunately, we're all sad this week because Kurt Cameron lost his boner. Oh. Wow. D-tune. D-tune. Wow. Fucking soon. Well, it's even worse because I was watching that press conference this week with a-- There was a press conference? Yes, with check-off doing the-- Yeah. And all I wanted him to do was say nuclear wessels the whole time. It's horrible. He's crying because he lost his son and I'm like, just say nuclear wessels. Just say nuclear wessels. And I'm sitting like in McDonald's for lunch. [laughs] Just hoping he says nuclear wessels. All I kept thinking was now Kurt Cameron's boner is placid. Placid. Placid. Oh. Yeah. Do you know how proud she was at this when she told me this yesterday? I did. And then said, we're going to use that as a title. We're totally going to use that as a title. I was like-- By the way, that wasn't yesterday. That was this afternoon at your house. Oh, wow. So it's two days to think of that. No. My-- the last three days of my life have completely run together into one. So you can see where I would be a little confused by that. Hey, for those of you who don't know, you're listening to the smooth sounds of Taylor the Lottie boy. The menthol cool stylings. [laughs] Taffy Carla Huffington and, of course, the ever popular at Toys R Us, Rodin. Hey. [laughs] We're sorry. Yes, apparently I sound like Harvey Firestein tonight. [laughs] So I apologize for my voice, ladies and gentlemen. I have been very sick for the last couple of days. Aw, poor Taylor. Yeah. Yeah. I was supposed to actually be going to a camp that we do. Not the children's camp that we do every April. This is one that we do specifically for families. And I've been working on it for the last couple of weeks. And the night before, I suddenly got very ill and got up in the middle of the night and was dizzy and woozy and realized that my leg hurt. And I turned on the light in the bathroom and the cellulitis came back. Oh. Dun, dun, dun. Yeah. So I had to-- And I was in a group and I had families that I had been working with that are going to this thing. They were expecting to see me there. It was emotionally--it was a nightmare. Apparently, logistically, it wasn't too bad. I've talked to some of the counselors and they said that they had a really good weekend. Apparently, one of my families, they wanted to kill. But I'll be taken to the woodshed for that on Tuesday. But nothing I can do about it now. So I'm here taping a podcast with you. Wonderful people. Well, you know, every time you mention the cellulitis, it sounds like I get a picture of like the cavity creeps coming in. I don't know what that means, but that sounds damn creepy. Yeah. What is the cavity creeps? Maybe I'm thinking the wrong thing with the things that cause cavities from like an old crest commercial or something. Oh, okay. I see you just talking about that. Like, they call me "yuckmouth" because I don't brush. No, I like my teeth like this. Oh, my God. Do you remember that one? How bad are you? I remember about all sorts of things. Is the one for cheese and they go, "It's a wagon wheel." Oh, I got some beef in my teeth, got some chicken too. Ow, that's a cavity. Hey, that's new. Was that a commercial or was that one of those Saturday morning things? That one of those Saturday morning things. Hey, cavity creeps really is the crest cavity creeps really are something. I had to go look it up. I was afraid. A cavity creep sounds like something junkable I'd have. I'm just letting you out. And her anal cavity. And I'm sure he is a creep, but that's neither here nor there. Oh, my God. That's what I think about when I think of Taylor's cellulitis is the cavity. Oh, my cavity creep. No, actually this time it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was bad enough to keep me from walking around the woods for two or three days, especially considering the last couple of times I've been to this particular campgrounds. I tend to end up either sick with some sort of pneumonia or with cellulitis when I come home. Oh. I guess I just sort of got it before a camp. It was a preemptive strike. Maybe it's like annualized or something? No, I don't think I don't think that. It's not like I signed up for, you know, the fungus of the month club or whatever. You want to call it, but I just luckily I had some old antibiotics in my medicine cabinet and they had a refill on them. So I was able to go to Walgreens and just get the refill versus going to my doctor because she's going to yell at me about being fat and not eating the right foods. If I go and I don't feel like listening to that right now. So I was a lot of information in 20 seconds. Yeah. And as much as we shouldn't make fun of people losing their sons, the suicide, which is a serious illness to go get help, but you should be talking about like using old antibiotics that you've been laying around the house for a year. That's dangerous and bad. Bad tailor. Well, they seem dangerous and bad for the cellulitis because they worked. I don't send letters, people. I know I shouldn't have taken them, but trust me, my doctor, she's me. And by being, of course, he means accurate as well. Yeah. No, she's totally accurate, but I don't want to hear it. And if I happen to have magic pills and, you know, I'm in my medicine cabinet, then they just, you know, take all the pain away. He was eating. So it didn't take all the pain away because I sat through the way we were yesterday while I was in some drug-induced haze. So you fucked the pain away? Exactly. No, I didn't fuck the pain away. I did see a bunch of movies and caught up on some TV shows. We're up to the fourth episode of True Blood. Oh, that's moving really slow for you guys then. Yeah, well, we watched the first couple and then we didn't watch anything for a while. And then I said yesterday I wanted to do like a True Blood marathon or a Torchwood. We have the first couple seasons of Torchwood on, well, I think we have the first Pat Gike gave us the first season on DVD and then I have the second season is on Netflix. And I wanted to watch one of the two of them and Bobaloo really wasn't into it. But he said I'll watch a couple of True Blood episodes over the course of the day. I can only watch one episode at a time. Really? It's a little too much for me. It's no wonder all of these people have ripped muscles and are, you know, hot. They do nothing but fuck on this show. It's not quite that bad. If I was fucking 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I wouldn't have any body fat either. Well, that's Ryan Quantaine or whatever the hell his name is. I'd slide that in there. So to speak. And I love how they're all talking about Monroe all the time. Yeah. Because, you know, they're all deviants and that makes me think of you. Wow. Yeah, that's pretty much Monroe, all right. So watching a lot of TV, I beat back Batman Arkham Asylum. For those of you guys who are video game fans, it is an awesome game. The creepiest thing I've ever played in a video game. Okay, Rodan, Taffy already knows the answer to this. Rodan, what is the thing that scares me the most in real life? Clowns. Okay, clowns, which are in this. But any movie in which people are walking waist deep in sewers. Oh. Or walking in like murky water where you know the anaconda or the monster or whatever. Okay, there's a whole section of this game where you're being chased by Killer Croc in the sewers. And you have to walk really slow and then he pops up at these things. You have to throw a batterings at him. The first time, I seriously thought I was going to shit my pants. It doesn't help that I'm playing this game on antibiotics, which caused diarrhea. And I'm heading out again and shooting at me. I thought I was going to have to buy a new couch. Aww. Poor Rocco. Hey, speaking of nerdy stuff, I watched Planet Hulk and Crisis on Two Earths. Oh, you said nerdy stuff. I thought you said dirty stuff. I was going to say, what the fuck does that do with dirty stuff with a man? Nerd. Nerd. And what did you think? I loved, loved, loved, loved Planet Hulk. It's like the best Marvel movie they've done so far. Really? Oh, yeah. Oh. Okay. Did you see it? No, I haven't seen it yet. Okay, it's surprisingly good. It was one of those like, oh, okay. Crisis on Two Earths was really good. It took a little bit away from it after I read the reviews and it said that it was really just the story's old that was initially supposed to be a bridge episode between just SLEAGUE and just SLEAGUE Unlimited. That took a little bit away from it for me for some reason. Yeah, I knew it was originally going to be an old episode that they just made into a movie, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. I don't have enough space on my Netflix queue to add any movies, which speaks to, you know, the need that I have to watch 500 movies, apparently. But we're going to eventually add that to the list. We're going to have a backup list for when we get rid of some of the 500 Netflix movies that we have that we can add them to the list, which is possibly the most pathetic thing I've ever said in this podcast. I actually said to Babaloo yesterday, write them down and then realize what a nerd I sounded like. Speaking of nerds, we've completely lost half-y. Yeah, we have. No, I've been replaying the last 15 minutes of Leverne Shirley in my head, so I've been fine. Don't worry. Okay, then. I saw a good movie over the weekend. What did you see? I saw the Leonardo DiCaprio written by a gentleman that graduated from the same university as the two of you, Eckerd. It was very good. Really? Yeah. Really? Someone from Eckerd College made something of themselves? Accomplish something? Yes. Yes. On behalf of the rest of us from the class of 1996, I want to say thank you for that. And go fuck yourself. No, Shutter Island, it was great. It's much better than I anticipated. I went upon the recommendation of One Miss Kevin B, and it was an excellent movie, and I don't say that about a lot of movies, especially not lately, but it is very, very good. Well-written, amazingly acted, good twists, everything was nice, very good. I highly recommend it. I would pay full price to see it again. No. Well, it's not-- I don't know why you think it's such a-- trust me, I do not like scary movies at all. Again, they're trapped on an island. They understand nobody believes them when they say that they don't belong there. I hate shit like that. It freaks me out. Yeah. It's-- but it's just-- you should give it a chance. I would not recommend something I did not think you would not enjoy. I will say there were two times that Tank did to tell me, "You're not going to want to watch this part." You know, kind of look away. So of course, whatever I'm imagining is worse than what's actually playing, but I didn't watch the two parts. And then Lollipop went to see it last night, and she thought it was great. I highly recommend it to our listeners who can handle those kind of things. It's not like a mind fucker or anything. It's not like, you know, it's not that, but it's definitely something that keeps you guessing. I recommend it. If I was on Pugs on Popcorn, I would give it five stars. But I'm not because I've never been asked to be, but that's fine. I'm not-- Oh. [LAUGHTER] Do you-- I love when Taffy gets past progressive. I love it. I believe the reason that I started-- you know what, I'm not going to dignify that on a public forum when I will discuss that later. Promise? Oh. Can there be a paddling involved? There will be no spanking involved. That's your punishment. That's why my punishment is no spanking. You're withholding spankings for me? With holding spankings is your punishment. Is the other title to episode 135? That made my nipples a little hard. I got to tell you. [LAUGHTER] Oh, hey. So I totally got a random IM the other day that said, I don't think Taffy realizes that the picture she posted of Tank you can totally make out is junk, and he's-- to which then the follow-up text or IM was, I would totally see fucking that. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, somebody posted-- they're like, did you get a load of his junk in picture three? And I'm like, I've gotten a load of his junk four times a week for the last 19 years. Thank you very much. [LAUGHTER] No. I was just-- I was like-- He was all proud of himself because he got-- he bought a pair of-- first off, OK. I love my husband, but you know, Levi's 501s, 1988 just called, but whatever. So he has-- he doesn't own a pair of jeans. He's not a jeans guy. He's a khaki guy. And I kept bugging him that he needed a pair of jeans, so he went out and bought himself a pair of Levi's 501 jeans, except he bought a size 34. And he was all excited because he got them, and he's very much the-- I'm where I wear khaki cargo pants, and they're always pleated in the front, which to me always makes you look like you're heavier, pleats do. But he put this pair of size 34 flat front button up the front, and they looked really good on him, and he was all excited, and he was bopping around the house, so I took a bunch of pictures of him in it. Of course, I wanted to take pictures of him in various states of undress, and he was like, no, because you're untrustworthy. And I'm like, why? I don't know why you say that. [LAUGHTER] So I think he's why he's on his ears, right. And then you post them for all the gay men to drool over. Wow. You know, what are you going to do? Well, I know there was some-- not drooling, but there was definitely some-- what the fuck is that? Did he smuggle an orange out of the kitchen? She was Christ. [LAUGHTER] I know one point, Taylor was like, did you Photoshop that? And I'm like, no. I said he was moved, but you know, he's turn-- it's obvious he's turning, and he's doing something. I was like, no. First off, no. And secondly, no. Taffy, are you like talking to us suddenly from his crotch? Why? Do I sound muffled? The Skype call is coming in really, really muffled. What I'm going to do is I'm going to hang up on you guys and recall you both back. OK. OK, keep recording. OK. Yes, here. [SINGING] Oh, that was bad. [SINGING] [SINGING] Hello. Oh, God. You sound so much better. OK. OK. I played on hold music for you. Oh, well, good. [LAUGHTER] Well, actually, what I'm going to do is the time that we were away from the studio. I'm going to put in a call from one of our wonderful listeners. Oh, do tell. Yes, she said some really wonderful things about us, and I will play the call for you guys after the podcast. We just got the call a few minutes ago. Was she stoned? No. OK. I was just checking. Just checking. She said that you're wonderful, but now I think you should think you're an asshole. And she also says that Taffy, she thinks that you are a wonderful mom and she would love to have you as a mom. Aww. What is her name? So we don't have to refer to her as she. That's why I'm saying she, because I don't-- I want to say it's Chloe. Chloe. Since Chloe, or do you know it's Chloe? I don't remember. You know what? I can play it. Hold on. All right. Fine. You know what? Okay. Glisters will be confused, because I haven't played the, what do you call it? What the hell is the thing called? The voicemail? I have a voicemail. But I'm going to try playing it right now. Oh, can you do? Do you know how to do that? No. Oh. Jesus. And all of a sudden there's-- Don't question me. All of a sudden you're just here. Boink. Zee. We got a problem. Taylor's. We got it from talking about tanks barrels. It's barrel of monkeys. Good lord. Tank barrel. Yeah. Oh, I got it. I did. Okay. We're going to try this. We'll see if it works. If it doesn't work, then I'll just edit it in. We'll squeal with glee if it works. Oh, yeah. Are we supposed to be hearing something? No, hold on. That's what they want. Want. Want. Want. Want. Want. Want. Oh, for the love of God. Oh, just get it hard and stick it in. Well, it's my co-pilot. This is Chloe in Charlotte, North Carolina. And I just want to call into you guys because I've been listening for a really long time. I've listened to all your shows. And I just absolutely love listening to you guys. Couple of things that I just-- I guess they adapt to me. Happy number one. You were like the coolest mom. Like, you just sound like just one of the greatest moms ever and you're just so cool. And your daughters are really lucky to have you. Thank you. But, um, and I thought it was really cool on your music episode that you used Peter Murphy's song, "Muggly and the Dietrich Chaver Palm," because that is my-- one of my favorite songs of all time. So that really made my day. Um. Rowdown. Yeah. You'll always keep me laughing, man. You have some of the craziest stories. And it definitely makes my long drive in the morning to the salon a lot more tolerable. And I guess Taylor, you're just full of all sunshine. And I like when you talk about your pug 'cause-- or your pug now, I'm sorry. But they're just so cute. You got a little pug. And I just want to say hello to you guys. And I haven't left a five-star review yet, but I will be. Um, and just wanted to say that, it's a beautiful day here in North Carolina. And we'll just look and enjoy the latest episode and watch "Free Hello." So keep the episodes coming. I'll listen every week. Love you guys. Bye. Aw, that was really nice. Aw. Could you guys hear that pretty good? Yeah. Now, she's moving to North Carolina or South Carolina. North Carolina. Oh, you'll have to go see Lollipop. Yes. That's very nice. Yes, because that's what Lollipop wants is random strangers who listen to her mother talk about bu cocky to show up knocking on her door. Oh my God. I'd love to hear about when your dad shoves it in your mom's ass. It's so awesome. Don't do that when I'm taking a drink. You're really a cheerleader. Have a good day. Wait, who are you? I just need to buy a chemistry book. What? What? Oh. Your dad has a huge dick. Thanks. You're right. God. Have you whipped out the measuring tape? Have we talked about this yet? No, and you know, I have to tell you something and take us out sitting in the room, even though he has heard me say this, which is charming, but I have to be honest with you. My ex boyfriend? Dick was bigger. How was that possible? No. Well, let me tell you, this is the joke is that my fingers can touch each other around my wrist and they couldn't touch around his dick. That's a true story. I've got big hands and I've had guys that are that big. Yeah. I mean, yeah, he was huge. Which is why both the deliveries of her children each took about four minutes. He was big to the point where it became a situation a couple of times where I was like, you know, you know, Taylor and I joke with the easy, easy when it comes to ask fucking, but this was, this was just pure easy because, you know, there are, there are. Wow. That's really big. And wow, that feels really good. And then there are, oh, I don't, I'm not sure if that can, no. So. Yeah. I thought the beast just opened up and it just opened up and like. So now we're calling my vagina the mouth of the beast. Really? I didn't mean your vagina personally, I meant the vagina in general. I just assumed that. We're speaking of the vagina as a community. As a society. As a society. You can be queen of the vaginas. You can be taffy. I much prefer cock. Why would I want to be queen of the vaginas? Get real. We'll give you a scepter that has fur on the top of it. A crown, a orange and clit rings. Oh my God. A clit ring crown. Yes. A clit ring clown, a clown. Clown. A clit ring clown. That's, there's a, there's a website for that I sure. No. Okay. You're ready for this video? Okay. So listen to this. A little less Huffington and I are at, at the big mall in Tampa. And we would go into the gelato store and they have, and I'm sure that I'm going to bastardize the way that this is pronounced. And I apologize to those who know the proper spell, or proper pronunciation. But it was spelled, the, the flavor of this was spelled V-A-G-I-N-E-L-I-E. And it was like, you know, I, I still don't have pronounced it. So it sounds like it's supposed to taste like vagina and vanilla. Thank you. Okay. So the little less tapping says, vanilla vagina. She, she looks at me and she goes, why don't they just call it Tappy Carlisle Huffington? Chef, listen. Shut up. She goes, can I please have, she goes, what, what flavor is that? And she kind of is giving me the look of, that looks nasty. I don't know. Why don't you ask to taste it? So, so they give her a taste of it. She walks out, there's 25 people standing in this, in the, you know, the busiest part of lunchtime on Bay Street. And she goes, I just tasted my first, I just had my first taste of vagina. To which these, this group of businessmen turn and look at my 14 year old child, to which I immediately text Taylor. The little stuffing didn't just said, I just tasted my first vagina. Yeah. I got yelled at for that. He's like, this is my work phone. Right. Funny. If this was a movie, then the scene is me, you know, with my hand over the shoulder of a crying nine year old, and I get a text message in the company policies that I have to check my phone. So I'm sitting with this like sobbing nine year old looking at, you know, you know, the little is Huffington just tasted vagina for the first time. Right. Yeah. So, to which, you know, the little girls like, do you have to answer that? I'm like, oh, I'll answer it later. Don't worry. Yeah. So, and that's when, there you go. Oh, they got, they, I just, I actually just saw Taylor and Bobaloo about 20 minutes ago because they came to our house for Thanksgiving dinner. And yes. What is up with that? February 28th. What is up with that? You need nine months to practice. Or do you need to get turkey based early? Well, no, what happened was is after Thanksgiving, we, when they all go down to, you know, the frozen turkeys go down to, you know, nine cents a pound or whatever, we bought one and just decided that, oh, well, we'll practice, we'll make a turkey because usually we go to the widow Carlisle's for Thanksgiving and there's always some big trauma. So when we decided we were going to start making Thanksgiving dinner here and, of course, you don't want the first time that you make a big, you know, 15 pound turkey to be on Thanksgiving. So I figured, okay, that'll be a good trial run. So we did it tonight and the turkey itself turned out really good. I wasn't happy with the way the dressing was, but other than that, the turkey, I like it. My dressing was a box dressing. Yeah. It's not like you did like a homemade. No. Right. And why you pulled out a box that wasn't a stove top box if you were just going to do a box stuffing. It was William Sonoma and I didn't like it. It was way too salty. Yeah. No. I am of the mindset. I don't mind buying generic brands for things, but there are some things that you don't buy generic for and stuffing is one of them. Well, I honestly, I got it. Did you just say William Sonoma? It was William Sonoma. I got it Wednesday when I was over at $25 stuffing. No, it wasn't $25 stuffing. But it was, I mean, it was, I, and honestly, I just- Well, it's good enough for Martha Stewart's crevasse, and I suppose it's good enough for the cast of pot as I go pilot. But no, I didn't like it at all, but everything else was good. I mean, you know, honestly, to me, Thanksgiving is consist of five things. Mashed potatoes, cranberries, turkey, gravy, dressing. So I got, you know, I got 80%. I'm pumpkin pie. You made a great pumpkin pie tonight. No. It was, it was good. And honestly, it was nice and cool here. So it was very, you know, it seemed okay. So it wasn't like it was 90 degrees outside, and you're trying to bake a turkey, you know, it was- Yeah. It was appropriate weather for that. And tank had taken the girls to the Renaissance Festival, you know, and all their merriment and hazanas. So I was happy to have the house myself. Bless you. Whoever that was. Thank you. Sorry. That was me. Yeah, it's called the mute button for a reason. I'm afraid to hit the mute button because I'm afraid it screws up my computer. So, no, it's just, I can edit that. Of course, now I can't edit this out because we've been talking about it for the last 10 seconds. All right. So there'll be some poor sap sitting in the car or in their cubicle or on a bus that goes, "Ah, bless you." So see you. Yeah, I'm sure. Or jerking off. Well, see, that's when Rodan uses the mute button. There's a filia for sneezing. Oh my God. Okay. I used to work with this guy that I would always kind of see at meetings and that sort of thing. And just like, hi, how you doing sort of thing. And, you know, never made anything of it. And then I can't believe I'm telling the story. And then I ran into him one night on bare 411. And he's left the agency. Ran into him. I'm sure. Huh? Or he ran into you. Well, that may very well be the case. And he and I were talking and he was like, "So what's going on with this person and that person?" And all that sort of stuff. And he's like, "So, what are you into?" And I'm like, "Okay, this is weird because this is somebody that I know." As compared to telling complete strangers, you know, what my likes and dislikes are sexually. It's weird to talk to a friend about that. You know, unless my friend and I are sitting in Starbucks and we're making fun of other people walking up down the street, but that's neither here nor there. So he says at one point, he goes, "Well, I have something." He goes, "I always thought you were really hot." And I'm like, "Oh, well, thank you." And he was just like, "You know, and I kind of have what some people consider to be a fetish." And he said, "All right, well, what's your fetish?" And he goes, "I love sneezing. I love to watch guys sneeze." And I was like, "I could honestly say I've never heard of that before." He's like, "Yeah." He goes, "One time we were in a full staff meeting and I was looking at you and you sneezed and I excused myself to the bathroom and jumped off." Oh my God. What? Wow. Yeah. Wow. Now, there's part of me that's disgusted. There's another part of me that's totally flattered. I would go with the flattered part. I was gonna say I would go with flattered. Well, that's because we are three degenerates, so that would totally make sense that we would go with flattered. I've never heard of it. I've heard of people who have many orgasms when they sneeze, but not that they get off watching somebody else sneeze. No, he enjoyed it. Well, it's kind of like watching people get tickled. I assume it's that kind of that. We talked about it for a little bit and he was like, "It's that they lose the loss of control." Does he just walk around with pepper, blown it in people's faces then? I guess that he has a dual purpose for Kleenexes. I love how it took you a minute. That's like you could see the processing in your brain. Right. You could see the real turn there. Okay. Apparently, it's called mucophilia. Mucophilia? So you get off on mucus? Mucophilia. That's what... According to G4TV.com, let me type in mucophilia and see if there's... Okay. ...on my computer and look up things, but you can't... Because when you do shit like that, then it crashes everything. I can do that on mine. And then if he crashes something, then he can blame himself. Mucophilia. M-U-C-O-P-I. So if you sneeze an actual mucus comes out, do they just like jizz in their pants right then? I don't know. Wait, what happens if you're like jizz on their cock? I mean, not that. I mean, sneeze on their cock. I mean, sneeze on their cock. Well, they can use it as lube, I would assume. We are losing listeners left and right. Bye, Kevin. Oh, please. We are both losing listeners and completely gaining new listeners. Yes, exactly. Because in the show notes, I will write mucophilia because you know that there will be some people that will totally listen to this. If you are a fan of mucophilia, welcome to PODIS, my co-pilot. Please call us. We want to hear your story. We totally want to hear your story. We have some listeners that are into some interesting things. I would totally be into if you want to call and be anonymous and tell us what your fetish is at the new listener line, which is 206-350-1287. I hope that's a number and that's not, you know, the Catholic children's orphanage fund or something in your calling saying, "I like it when you're a basil on my cock." I think that's a great idea. I think our listeners should call in and it can be anonymous and tell us what gets you off. And I don't want to hear strawberries and whipped cream. I realize that that does it for you and that's great. No, we want to hear the odd ones, the unusual ones. Okay. Because we're not going to be judgmental. We just want to hear the odd ones. Nice, Taffy. I never said I was going to be judgmental. You did. I won't be judgmental, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to listen to it with tongue and cheek honk. Anyway. That's probably a fetish for some people. Tongue and between some cheeks, maybe. Oh, good lord. We did already say goodbye to Kevin, right? Yeah, we did. Okay. And everyone loves a tough salad now and then, so come on. God. Oh, okay, there's just no opportunity for it. We're all just going straight to hell. There's just no, do not pass code, do not click to an office. We went from chronic illness to eating vagina to now we're on to licking ass. We made fun of suicides earlier. You opened a show earlier. Yes. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Marie Osmond. Oh my god, that's right. Yeah, that's not cool. I was like, why? I was like, why are you making fun of crazy, but then I remembered I saw that story too. I'm making fun of her because she's a little bit country and a little bit rock. No, I believe that Donnie is a little bit rock and roll. Which is purple socks. I had their Barbie dolls when I was when I was little. I had the Donnie and Marie dolls and he had purple socks. I always thought that was so queer. No offense. I just thought it was odd. Plenty taken. Wow. Wow. I just thought that was weird. Wow. I'm sorry. No, I just actually it's weird that this happened because I just saw a commercial that she's apparently the new spokesperson for Jennie Craig or something as opposed to Jason Alexander for Weight Watchers. Oh, really? Is that true? I saw the commercial today and during the Olympics during the hockey game is Jason Alexander and he's coming up talking about how, you know, man, you know, we can totally do this and, you know, the food is really great and that's really good for you. And all of a sudden, Valerie Bertinelli appears behind him and he's like, so, you know, let's say what's going to happen when I, you know, lose 30 pounds, you know, you want to kind of kind of insinuate that they're going to hook up and she just starts laughing. This is stupid. It's the most awkward weirdest. And he has like this. Okay. Great. So in one second, you're trying to get men to lose weight to feel better about themselves in the next minute, you're tearing them down going, yeah, you'll still never meet a girl like Valerie Bertinelli. Not that Valerie Bertinelli. Yeah. I was about to say, oh my God, I can lose 30 pounds and fuck Valerie Bertinelli. Oh my God. What torture? That's mean. Yeah. Yeah. But. Valerie Bertinelli. She was never cute. Oh, yes, she was. You just crush on Valerie Bertinelli. Okay. You're gay. I had a crush on Valerie Bertinelli. I was nine. She's man-ish. She's man-ish. She, Valerie Bertinelli. What the fuck's her dad? She's man-ish. Oh, yeah, Mackenzie Phillips. That is the title to episode 135, the one who fucks her out of the in-ish. You know why she's not in it? She's just trying to get through it one day at a time. I still have the theme music from the last time you and I talked about one day at a time and we were like 20 minutes. This is your business. You talked about Bonnie Franklin for 20 minutes, her mobile haircut. And her weird nipples that always poked through the bottom of her, not poked through the bottom of her blast, but she could always see her nipples because she never wore a bra. It's like Jennifer Aniston on Prince, even though she wore a bra. She used to claim that she had some bizarre problem that the studios were too cold and all this other stuff. Okay. You're on TV. Come in and shut up. Of course, I say that and I walk out of the bathroom, you know, at half the restaurants and you know, I can't, there's some things you just can't help, but if you're on television, there are ways to avoid that. When she walks out of the bathroom, she knows that her nipples are showing because even from across the room, I'm gouging out my eyes with the fork. He's like, "I messed up in cold in the bathroom, right?" I'm like, "I'm sorry. I know that nipples confuse and scare you, I'm sorry." You had a traumatic event in your life breastfeeding. I can't help that. Mmm. Speaking of breastfeeding. Of course, yes. Please transition us. Taffy has a major milestone in her life happening in just a few short days. Really? Really? Yes. Yes. Yes, because I think it's wonderful. It is wonderful and I'm excited. Did I say, was that convincing? Yes. That was totally convincing. Wait. Maybe he'd do a more take on it. No. A child otherwise known as Lollipop turns 18 on Thursday. Oh, my goodness. Yes. She does. She still has the mentality of a, you know... Four-year-old. Four-year-old. But she, she who laid on the floor in Giggle tonight because she mispronounced a word of butt. Yeah. She turns 18 on Thursday, which means she can officially listen to Potters My Co-Pilot. She can? She can. Potters My Co-Pilot. And if she was a dude, she could totally date me. Wow. Sorry, I had some 19-year-old, like, pestering me to come over last night and I just kept saying no and I've kept thinking about Taffy admonishing me for having sex with a 19-year-old. So I didn't let him come over. So while you were horny, you were thinking of Taffy? Excellent. I love that control. So wait, you didn't have sex with somebody because you didn't think I would approve? I've never been more turned on than I am right now. That's so cool. Wow. What's the name of your fetish? Well, it's disgusting the idea that, you know, you and Lollipop could be pulling from the same, you know, fuckpool, but, you know, whatever. Pulling from the same fuckpool. That's charming. That's charming. And we're going to have seven titles to the end of the show. Don't think I'm not going to be serious. That pool needs some serious chlorine, I have a feeling, but that's fine. You need to shock that shit. I'm sorry. We defrosted a turkey in our pool. Not our fuckpool, but actually, we have fucked in that pool. So maybe. Good Lord. So I haven't told my McDonald's story. Tell it. Okay. I told you it because I tell you everything. Actually, you know, things before they actually happen because we share a brain program. This is actually a really, this is, this is one that would have offended me, but go ahead. So I am sitting in a McDonald's, which is offensive enough, but that's the bigger there. That's the first problem. Having lunch for Dan. And I'm sitting by myself at a four seater, at a four-seater table. Say okay. Okay. All right. So I know you're listening. He's jerking a lot. And it's not. I'm a captive audience. Okay. So it's not one of those that has the two tables that are sort of fused together. You know, the two, the two seats are fused together. It's like an actual table with four chairs on, or a chair on either side of the, of the table. Okay. Okay. All right. And I'm sitting there with my tray, with my food on it and my work laptop computer because I was working, I was working on some charting while I was sitting there. Now there's another four seater that's sitting next to me that's empty, cut to after I'm sitting and I've got my, you know, soda and my burger and my fries. These two old couples walk over, three of the people sit down and the one old lady stands up with the two trays, takes all of her food, all of the people's foods, and puts it on the table, takes her two trays and puts them on my table while I'm still sitting there. Okay. That's just rude. Not to set them down. Not to set them down. No. So, and it's one of these where I look at her and she sort of looks at me and then just kind of, you know, starts to walk away. And the first thing I do is make sure that I don't have my work badge on was in my bag. And the second thing is I said, um, are you going to leave those there? To which her responses, she turns her looks at me and she goes, well, what am I supposed to do with them? Negative. And I said, take them up to the front of the store like everybody else does. And she says, well, but I'm not using them yet now, great, get them off my table. So she proceeds, and it's one of these that the other three people are sort of sitting around like, she didn't really just do that to that guy. So she picks up the trays and puts them on another empty table, looks at me, she goes, how rude? Wow. Well, at least they acknowledge the fact that she, I wasn't like they were offended that you said something. Well, I, yeah, good luck. That worked well. Yeah. But I just kind of hate people. So I actually posted about that on the Twitter page where I called her an old bitch on Twitter because I'm passive aggressive too. And I knew that there was a line that was going to be drawn and you know, children's counselor gets in fist fight with old woman at McDonald's was not going to look good in the local headlines. No, what will look better is local children's counselor fisted old woman. Yeah. And then sneezed and her husband came, the artwork for this show is going to be a box of Kleenexes. I hope you realize that. That's fine. We go from boners to Kleenexes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Well, that is my co-pilot. And actually we're going to do a shorter show tonight, obviously because of my not feeling well. And I have a million things to do this week for work and I am actually going to be out of town next weekend I'm going to be up in the Philadelphia area for just a day or two. I will be back in time for the Oscars. Dun dun dun. I'm so excited. Yes. Rodan, this is your official notification that we are not taping the night of the Oscars. Okay. When is that? That is like, you know, the gay high holy night. So we will not be available for recording. We'll probably tape Monday. So that way you can go to, you know, the local Chuck E. Cheese score. There is no lucky Chuck, no local Chuck E. Cheese. And we know this how because I like the songs that make the whole world saying God damn it. I'm doing it. What do you do? I get off by animatronic animals. Again, there's a fetish for that. I'm sure. It's plushie. All right. Send us send us your fetishes. We want to hear them and mock them, but we want to hear them. Cheese call us at 206-350-1287. Our top three, the ones we find the most intriguing, will act out and post pictures of. And by we, of course, we mean Taffy and her husband, and by Taffy and her husband, we have forced mean at the littlest Covington. I met, I met like if someone is in the bondage, then we could put Rodan in handcuffs. I met like a softer, a fat lawyer. Big Rodan hasn't been in handcuffs before. I've never been in handcuffs. If nothing else is in the back of a squad car in front of a playground, for real y'all. For real y'all. Never been in handcuffs. Seriously? Okay. Yeah. Next time you're here, we'll talk. All right. Okay. You can also email us at potasmycopilot@gmail.com. Please visit our blog at potasmycopilot.com. Be our friends on Facebook at the group is okay. So was that what it's called? Yeah. Okay. So I love potas my co-pilot and also our potas my co-pilot fan page. And please feel free to Twitter me, I am P, I, M, C, Taylor. And thank you very much to all of the people that have added me in the last like two weeks as a, as a, as a tweeter, I guess as it is. Those of you who aren't actual spam bots who are trying to get me to look at your webcams and check out your big worry. You're a twit. Hairy clip. You're a twit. All I heard was twit and clip. Well, that, those are the words that, you know, everything else is just clicks and hoots for you, isn't it? All right, well, I said we were going to do 35 minutes. We're already over 40. So don't forget to leave us a five star review. Yes. And leave us a five star review. Thank you very much. Okay. All right. We have to go. This is Taylor. I'm happy. And Rodan. Bye. Bye. Which one of you is the twit and which one of you is the clip? It's all I want to know. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, some more engorged of the two. So I'll be the clip. Oh. Oh. Oh. And engorged. Wow. Taylor the latte boy as the engorged clip. Oh, I'm totally grossed out right now. You've been listening to Hod is my co-pilot with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington and Rodan, aren't you glad you did? See you next time. Bye. (upbeat music)