(upbeat music) What a piece of work is a man. How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties. It's time for another episode of Pot is My Co-Pilot with Taylor and the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington and Rodan. Take it away, kids. Hey everybody, it's February 15th, 2010 and you just downloaded an episode. Fuck. (laughing) Actually, that's timely because I believe we're going to be discussing fucking this evening. Yes, it is the day after Valentine's Day. You just downloaded episode 133 of Pot is My Co-Pilot and I am your host, Taylor the Latte boy. Your cherub, Taylor the Latte boy. I am joined as always by the goddess of sex in your senior years, Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Fuck you, you're Vixen, Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Hello boys. And the patron state of anal, Rodan. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hey, we're one third on our way to our episode 400. Wow, look at you pulling out math figures like that. So that means at 166, then we are a third of the way to 500. Really? Is this what? And at 333, we're a third of the way to 1,000. Oh my God. And at 1,000 we're a third of the way to 3,000. And at 3,000 we're a third of the way to 9,000. Really, really. We could do this all night. But then we would lose all of our listeners and we don't want to do that. We already have. Yeah, many of you have already turned off in which case we'll see you next week. So it is the day after St. Valentine's Day. It is. Yes, we're taping on a Monday night, instead of a Sunday night because, you know, it's St. Valentine's Day and there's a good chance that somebody was gonna get lucky out of the three of us. And what with their not being school so nobody had curfews today, we figured it would probably be Rodan. Exactly. Hey, hey, hey. I have not had sexual relations with any persons or that woman. Mad woman, thank you. Well, OK, can I tell you a little bit about my Valentine's Day? Of course. Our Valentine's Day was actually very low key. Part of it was spent with Taffy, actually. No, surprise. Yeah. My Valentine's Day was really low key. We spent it with Taffy. Thank you. So-- No, she came over-- I meant it was nice to spend time with you in the afternoon. The Huffington clan all went to the state fair and Taffy doesn't do the state fair, so-- Negatore. No. Yeah. I was gonna say, watch your mouth, Jesus. I wasn't sure where you were going with that now. Oh, it doesn't take long. No. But we actually had a really low key day. It's been very cool here in the area, so we just had a day where we kind of later ran our PJs. For part of the day, and played video games. So it's pretty much any other weekend that we're not a Disney World, we're sitting around playing video games. However, we did go to the movies on Saturday, and we saw Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. And how was that? I like the part where they go to Hogwarts. And-- [LAUGHTER] Oh. Yeah. Yeah. And they fight Dumbledore-- no, they don't fight Dumbledore. Dumbledore is the wizard, right? Yeah. Yeah, I don't-- I don't know very much about Harry Potter. Yeah, no. Voldemort, he who must not be named. Yeah, I did not care for it, obviously. Really? Really? Actually, the reason-- yeah, shocking. I know. The reason that we went was that Babaloo has read all of the books that the movie was based on, and he was very excited about it. Unfortunately, he was very disappointed. And he knew going in that I didn't want to see the movie, but I figured for Valentine's Day-- You'll take one for the team. I would take one for the team, knowing that eventually, I would get him to take one for the team, which he did tonight. He bottomed? And by that, he means bottomed, yes. Yeah. Shut up, buddy, shut up. Aw. No, he watched one of my favorite all-time movies, which we've actually talked about on the show. Same time next year? He watched same time next year. Did he love it? He hated it. What? He hated it and said it made him angry the entire time. It sounds like something that makes me angry, too. What is it what's it about? It's-- well, because there's no explosions in it. Megan Fox doesn't open up a giant on top of a motorcycle. That's why you rock. [GROANING] Now, it's about a couple who meet in 1951. And they are both married to other people, but they sleep together. And they decide to meet at the same cabin every year. It shows them over the course of 25, 26 years. But this shows them five-year intervals, and how they change, and how their relationship changes. And I cry at the end of it every time. And I cried again at the end of it this time. And he just afterwards-- I could feel the anchor coming off of him while he was watching it. It was one of these where I was actually made it uncomfortable at certain parts. Certain parts that I always laugh, I was kind of like, I don't want to laugh because it's going to upset him. Well, it does sound depressing. No, but it's really not. He said, this isn't a comedy. This is like a drama, but there's just a couple of funny parts. And I could kind of see where he thinks that. I agree with that. I don't think it's a comedy, for sure. I mean, I think it's definitely-- it has some funny parts. But I would not consider this a comedy. It's a great movie, but it's not a comedy. And you didn't want to watch it. You were very against it. And you've watched it multiple times, actually. I've seen it several times, yeah. Where she sent me text messages at night in the morning. Same time next year was on at 6 o'clock. I hate you. Exactly. Yes. Well, speaking of watching movies that you know you're not going to enjoy, but you're taking one for the team, my Valentine Day gift tank was, I went to see Avatar. And? OK, there are two camps of thinking here. The first camp is-- it is a beautiful movie. And the way it is shot is spectacular. I thought that the lead girl and lead guy were great. I thought she was much better than he was. And I really enjoyed the story. The first time I saw it in Pocahontas, Anti-Tanic, and about 25 other movies. Because-- That's what I said. No, it is-- but I didn't realize to what extent-- I mean, literally, he took screenshots from Titanic. And instead of a ship breaking in half and crushing people, it was a tree breaking in half. I literally watched this going, really? He spent all this money on the studio, so he wanted to make sure that he stayed true to formula to make sure this-- I was so completely pissed. But it's a very simplistic story. It's every cliche. And oh my god, how preachy. I mean, I was just very much the whole-- we saw a movie. No, it wasn't. There was no thinking to the movie. They spoon-fed you the movie. Yes, it was pretty. I get it, I guess. But I-- Did Tank like it? He thought it was beautiful. He thought it was a beautiful movie. Of course, he also loved what dreams may come. And I wanted to kill myself while watching them. To this day, every time the movie comes on, I just look at him. And I'm like, I still can't believe you made me watch that fucking movie. So we definitely-- there's one place that we are not necessarily compatible 100%. And that is in our movie experience and joy. I want apocalyptic or tear-drickers or-- but not by tear-drickers, not by meaning. Not that stupid shit where someone has to die. And it takes 25 minutes for them to actually die. No, now that's what I'm talking about. But I just-- I didn't get-- I get it, but I don't get it. I went in my two and 1/2 hours back. I literally sat there at one point, going, I want to kill myself. Counting how many apple chips I had left in my bag. Yeah, I didn't care for it at all. So the official pot is my co-pilot tally for people who did not like Avatar is two to one. No, I believe so. And apparently, America's on my side, actually. Well, but America is-- they're easily-- I pretty much anything you say at this point is going to sound like an un-American insult. I was going to say, easy, easy, easy, whatever you're getting ready to say. They're easily amused. I just George Bush, yeah. I don't know if I would admit to that. I got to be honest with you, but you just got to do it, baby. You do what you got to do. So apparently, same time next year is now Babaloo's up. I understand that. So good. Good there. That makes me very happy because he's going to make me go see that fucking movie in the first place, so you know what? Great, why do you have to do that, Taylor? I'll see you're up and raise you same time next year. Well, play, Taylor, you get a gold star. That's OK, because when we drag you to go see Toy Story 3, the week that the Lollipop graduates from school-- Yeah, you can have your fun then. Yeah, the trailer for that, I can't-- I can't watch the trailer yet. The trailer for that, I'm just like, no, I am not going to go see that. Because I think of your daughter and think about you. And no, I don't. No, no, I can't watch the trailer either. I made it-- well, I made it about 30 seconds into the trailer where it's the flashback of him playing with the toys. And then all of a sudden, he spins around in the chair, and I went, ah! No, I can't, I can't watch the trailer. No, that'll be a negative right there, I believe so. No, no, no, only happy movies. Only Sophie's Choice in terms of endearment. I love terms of endearment, I know you hate terms of endearment, but I love terms of endearment. Speaking of, you know, movies and whatnot, Rodan, did you do anything for Valentine's Day? I did not. I cleaned my house. I had a girl. He's gearing up for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I have no plans for Mardi Gras. [GASP] You live in Louisiana, and you're not doing anything for Fat Tuesday. What the hell's wrong with you? It's not like the whole state shuts down, just New Orleans. I believe you said in previous shows that the whole state-- I think that's an actual quote from you, where the whole state shuts down for Fat Tuesday. No, I mean, they celebrate it from beginning, like, you know, January through this weekend. Exactly. Well, speaking of Fat Tuesday and all the gluttony, are you boys giving up anything for Lent? Vagina. I know we have-- That should be really hard for you. We have given up things in the past. We did. You gave up-- you gave up the biggest loser one year. Hand Starbucks one year. And you gave up Starbucks. I gave up bread and lasted about two days. Yes. And you were angry. I had given up a whole bunch of food at the beginning of the New Year, and have systematically over the course of the last week or so. You had donuts? Yeah, I have had donuts. [GASP] I'm so sad. Yeah, I had donuts after a family decision to go visit my family. Then I was like, ooh. I'm going to see my family in a month. Donuts very well. Here's the jelly donuts. I need Duncan. No. Because fried dough is my suit of armor when I visit my family. Wow. My chainmail is covered in powdered sugar, so-- I'm giving up celibacy. Good for you. That's about as hard as me giving up, vagina. [LAUGHTER] No, I don't know. OK, what should I give up? Tappy, what should I give up? Soda. No, that's-- actually, I had soda-- That's the worst thing for you. You know that. I know. And I had soda this week, and I did have with chicken bog. I did-- because I made chicken bog over the weekend, and I did have cherry coke, and it tasted really good. But I had the last of it today, and it was kind of like, I'm sort of done with soda for a while. So soda actually is not that hard for me to give up. Pick something really hard for me to give up. Something really hard for you to give up. Control. Control, yeah. Give up your iPod. You know what's a really good movie? The Mirror has two faces. [LAUGHTER] Did you say give up my iPod? I did. Go fuck yourself. Absolutely not. You said you could give up Starbucks. No. Starbucks? That punishes me. That punishes me again. OK, am I allowed to go into a Starbucks and just not order anything? Yeah. Sure. Oh, then that's fine. That I could actually do that, because there are lots of times when we go into Starbucks, and he day that ends and why, that I do just get a water. That's true. But how about we feel about this? He was poodling yesterday. He was doing the coffee. Coffee. Coffee. And he did eventually go last night and get coffee. And it was like the best damn latte I'd had in a long time. I had to do some-- Well, then end on a good note. It's really good. End on a good one. OK, tell you what I'll do. And actually, one of our listeners is going to go, no! When I say this, I will give up City of Heroes for Lent. Oh, that's a good one. How often are you playing the City of Heroes? I play City of Heroes at least once a day. Oh, really? Give up Facebook. Oh, yeah. You could give up Facebook. No, Facebook, I don't want to give up Facebook, because I do communicate with some of our listeners that way. Oh, OK. So, and my listeners-- our listeners mean too much to us. Did you catch that? Did you catch the my listeners? Yes, I caught that. I definitely caught that too. I was just not going to call them out on it. Yeah, mm-hmm. All right, OK, so I will give up City of Heroes for 40 days. Taffy, what are you giving up? I don't know. I have no vices. I love a pure clean life. I'm trying to think, why could I give up for 40 days? Contact with your dog. That's mean. I was going to say, why would you even go there? I don't know. You tell me, why should I give up for 40 days? I think you should give up. Oh, I have one that you are not going to like. Well, it doesn't mean I'm going to do it, but why? Any time that you are not alone in the car, somebody else has to drive. No, you mean like my child included? That's mean. Your child or tank or me? I don't know if I could do that. Drive their car or drive my car? Either. But Taylor preferred a future of your car. I don't want someone else to drive in my car. Well, you can sit in my car. I'm aware it's blue, and you hate that. But you are able to get in my car. You've urinated in my car. I have. I have. It's true. I'm trying to think. I will consider that. I have to think about that. I'll consider that. Brodanne, what are you giving up? I don't give up anything for no stinkin' the lint. Give up masturbating. OK, you know what? I bet you can't go 40 days without buying DVDs. Well, that's probably true. That's a good one. I could give up Target 40 days without Target. Ooh, that would be hard. Why do you have to ruin our economy? [LAUGHTER] Actually, 40 days without Target would actually be hard. Yeah. Yeah, no, I enjoy going-- actually, I don't go to Target nearly as much as I did over the holidays or for the holidays. I was there every day, seemed like. All right, so are you going to give up? Are you going to give up DVDs, buying DVDs? Sure. Now, how would we know if he's actually doing this? Are we going to-- We won't, but he's just going along because he knows if he says no, then we'll yell at him. We'll give him shit. OK, all right, all right. All right, OK, so City of Heroes, buying DVDs, and Taffy's not allowed to drive for the next 40 days. Excellent, OK. OK, I didn't agree to this. You agreed to it. I didn't know. We'll see. We'll talk about it. OK, fine. All right, if you don't do that, can you give up baking for 40 days? No, I'll let someone else drive. I can't give up baking. Wow. I was going to give up Target. OK, I was willing. So no driving City of Heroes and buying DVDs? What I just say, there's a Target. Is this thing on? Hello. Is this thing on? So you're going to give up Target? I'm thinking about the driving thing. Give me and give me-- Target and super target. Well, you need to have an answer by midnight tomorrow night or you go to hell if you get behind a little car. Somebody hit it. That's the way God works, you know. Well, that might be true. The title, episode 133. That's the way God works. That's the way God works. No, I might have the title. Can I please tell you about 10 minutes before we started recording the exact sentence that tank uttered to me? If you stop pestering me, I'll let you suck me off later. He is a giver. He's like, oh my God, if you stop pestering me, I'll let you suck me off later. Just leave me alone for five seconds. Were you pestering him for sex, Braytell? I was driving him crazy. OK, you have to understand that I'm a girl. And girls do something once a month that, unfortunately, it's God's cruel joke that when women are on their, you know, princess menses or, wait, OK, I have to back this up. You will not believe what Taylor said to me in the car, which caused us both to lap hysterically. And it's disgusting, but he has to say it. All right, well, we were talking about the fact that it's Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day is celebrating the painting, say, to fucking, and that Taffy was not going to be able to celebrate the high holy day as she was on her friend-- Surfing the girls away. --not on her friend, but-- Yes, surfing the girls away. --in some way. Crims serving them as a wave. So to which I said, well, God, it's going to be eventually when you do get off of it, it's going to be like the Kool-Aid guy come flying through the wall going, oh, yeah! And then I might have made up the song where I said-- Don't say it. --mancy's fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah, with no chunks. No, no, no. You're disgusting. No chunks. That's disgusting. Now, come on. So anyway, so again, God's cruel joke is when you're on your period, you're horny. Now, I am a naturally sexual person to begin with. Shocking. I have a fairly high sex drive. So then-- Because you have an egg that needs to get seated. No, I assure you I do not. But there will be no more seated eggs in the Huffington household, at least not by my age how that-- Unless they're tanks. Exactly. Or tailors. Anyways, no, I've been driving them crazy for the last four days, and the girls were out of the house because they do volunteering on Mondays, and they were gone, and I was driving a mess. I mean, like, literally, I could not kiss him that he wasn't like, woman, get away from me. And I was like, what do I do? I was just kissing you. And he's like, you know what you're doing? Get away from me. And I'm like, what? And at one point, I was actually chasing him around the island at the kitchen. Oh my gosh. Well, then it just became a game. Because then I knew it was bothering him. So then it was like, I would walk by him, and you know, he was bent over doing something with a dog, and I like, run my finger up the crack of his ass. He's like, I swear to God. I'm like, what's wrong? And he's like, that's what he said. If you stop pestering me for five minutes, I'll let you suck me off later. And I was like, thank you. I'll try that off through the house. Score one for Taffy Kroll, I'll have to say. Yeah, how is it that it's Taffy wins out on that? [LAUGHTER] Because he has to be moving forward. And most homes across this great nation, it's the guy that eventually goes, score, I win. Well, I'll say, again, that's the beauty of tank. It's reverse psychology. He's making me believe that I have won, and he still gets to get off. And that's why they're perfect together. Exactly. Exactly. Good lord. Now I'm just sitting here thinking about blowing him, and then it makes me-- Oh, well, then we've just lost her. So, Rodan, what's new with you? [LAUGHTER] Did you guys-- Taylor, did you guys do any fucking in the patron saint kind of way in the Valentine's Day way? A girl doesn't kiss and tell. That means it's-- Yeah, whatever. You had your legs up in a big B. He had his heels to Jesus. [LAUGHTER] Were you-- A girl doesn't kiss and tell. OK, let's-- in the cupcake of life scenario, in the muffin of life, were you the muffin top or the bottom? How was that even a thinly veiled metaphor? [LAUGHTER] I assure you, there is nothing thin about the muffin top scenario in any one of the holidays. [LAUGHTER] Oh. Wow. Well, you're a horrible woman. [LAUGHTER] Thank you. And so are you, Taffy. [LAUGHTER] Mm. Again, muffin top. Rodan has a story. Oh, I do have a story. Rodan has a story I'm completely deflecting. You are deflecting. No, Rodan, Rodan, you know what? Babalu told me last night. He's like, I am so going to let him top me. And I was like, excellent. Like, he's-- again, Rodan goes back to the, you know, I'm going to let him think he's winning. But in fact, I get-- see, look at our boys being so crafty. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] I'm putting Rodan in front of you. Like, the way they did Hannibal Lecter when he was in the airport and he has the mask on. [LAUGHTER] I'm wheeling him in front of you. And you're the Congresswoman who's looking for her daughter right now. Rodan, go. OK, so-- There's not going to be some reference to the fact that my nipples are tingling at the thought of breastfeeding, Rodan, is there? [LAUGHTER] No, but now I'm thoroughly disgusted. [LAUGHTER] He could say he smells your kind. [LAUGHTER] She sucks. [LAUGHTER] Oh, that reminds me. I watched Tool Academy last night. Anyways, so I've been talking to this guy online for the last-- I guess off and off for like the last month or so. Of course you had. Well, I know, right? And so he seemed to be really eager to meet me and whatever. So I eventually give him my cell phone number. And so he starts texting me. We're texting back and forth on Saturday to which he eventually responds. His profile says he's like 22, 23. And so I'm thinking, OK, so it's a bit young, but it's not that. We'll see what happens. Look at you. What a giver. I know, right? And so he texted me early on Saturday, asking me if I want to meet. And I'm like, oh, possibly I need to clean the house. But once I get down with that, we'll see what happens. And then his next text message was, well, I'm 18. So I hope that doesn't bother you. No. And I said, 18. Wait, it gets better. 18. I was like, I don't know if I want to meet up then. I was like, that seems-- that's a bit young for me. I'm looking for something a little bit different. And so he responds back. He's like, try a sweet talk to me about it. And I'm just like, I don't know. And he's like, well, I need to be fully honest with you. He's like, I'm in high school. I'm a senior. I play on the football and baseball teams. And I'm really looking for an older guy to fuck me. Oh, dear. To which I have not responded since. He also hasn't gotten rid of his erection since. No. He sent me a picture. He's cute, but all I can think of-- OK, Taffy, what would Tank do? What would you do if one of your daughters brought home a 34-year-old man? He'd never make it to the door. Tank would drop his ass. There is no question. And then he would drop our daughter's ass. But do you think this is something where the parents are going to find out? Not that I'm advocating you do this. I'm asking a real question here. To be honest, I did a little bit more research on him once I'm like, OK, something's fucked up here because, dude, you're going after-- and so I went and looked at his other guys, his friends with online on the gay.com. And they're all-- I'm the youngest one. I am the youngest guy, he's friends with online. I mean, I'm talking-- OK, can I say something to you now that-- was the picture that he sent you? Was it a clothed picture? Yes. OK, so there wasn't any penis or anything like that, right? No, and I've asked him multiple times. I said, are you really 18? Because that's my thought. If he starts off saying that he's 23, and then he goes, well, actually, I'm 18, that means he's 15. Right, no. And so that's why I haven't responded since once he said he was in high school or whatever, I was like, dude. But it just freaked me out. Because I'm the youngest guy he's talking to, and the other guys are like 50, 40s, and they're creepy. That's one of those things where then John Stossel walks in. Chris Hansen. Chris Hansen, yeah. See, I got it right that time. I don't know about that. Yeah, no. I mean, there's no way, no way. And of course, he's telling me this yesterday when I called to tell him that we weren't taping the show. And my first thing was, can I please tell Taffy? Yeah, that's sad. Well, part of me is because I've been watching Mad Men. And I'm like, there's like 50-year-olds who marry 18-year-olds all the time, as they're like second wives, as they're true of their wives. I'm like-- Rodeon, do you know what I tell my daughters? I tell them when the lion approaches the rabbit in nature, the rabbit doesn't hang around because it doesn't want to offend the lion by running off and screaming. It just runs. You have instincts, and your instinct is telling you something might right here. That means something might right here. Oh, I'm not going after it at all. That's-- No, no, no. It just was an interesting story that he was dealing with. Oh, yeah. Of course. I was just like, oh, this is podcast fodder, if ever there was one. I mean, let me see if I can find the-- oh, it's not on this phone. OK. I was going to read you the text message. I was going to say, don't be sending those pictures to me. I don't want to see them. Normally, I'm all about after we finish taping. I'm like, send me the pictures. Send me the pictures. Yeah, I don't need to see this one. I was going to read you the text message, because he sent me an explicit text message, and I was like, and all I could think about is from your mouth of babes, email or letters. It was my clock. Can I ask you a question that I don't know the answer to, and I don't like that? Let's say that this is-- I mean, obviously, I don't really think this is one of those situations we're going to find on Dateline. But I'm saying in general, is this one of those things where if they're trying to catch a predator and they put, I'm 25, and then they change it to, I'm 18. And then you meet them, and it's actually some guy that's on the police force or whatever. I would think that that's entrapment. Isn't that correct? Well, technically, there would be nothing illegal. Right, because he is 18, so he's an adult. Now, if he had started off saying, I'm 16 or I'm 17, that's a whole different-- No, no, I understand that. I'm ballpark. Or even in the course of the conversation, if he said he was 16, I think that would change the whole thing up. Because I've had this spat of really young guys coming after me lately. I mean, this is the youngest by far, but 19 and 20 and 21. I'm just like, when did I cross that line from-- I'm not even sure until to that daddy figure point. I'm like, when did I cross that line? Because this is starting to creep me out. Well, but these guys, they all probably meet and talk about you at their after school projects. [LAUGHTER] They mean talking about it. They're doing their report on my future sugar daddy. You're talking about him. I'm like, I raised my first husband. I don't need to raise my second one. By Billy Smith, age 13. Today, in social studies class, we had to meet a member of the community and see if he would fuck us. Hi, talk to Mr. Rodan, who works at the big building down the street. He says, he likes to watch DVDs. His favorite TV show is Small Wonder. Then he gave me a drink. The drink tasted funny. I woke up later, and my butt was bleeding. [LAUGHTER] I hope it's still funny right now. I hope to meet Mr. Rodan again. And he said, he would take me to Chuck E. Cheese. [LAUGHTER] You know, we laugh, but that's not really funny. Yes, Rodan is not really a child, Melissa. No. Allegedly. No. No, we don't have to say allegedly. He's not a child, Melissa. Oh. We don't have to say allegedly is totally the other one. So we don't have to say it. I don't know. Him and a little less Huffington were both trolling for Dick when I was did or so, you know. There's that. He's like, he's like, he's just because I find it attractive. Doesn't mean I'm going to date it, or even fuck it. I love the fact referring to your drinks as it. [LAUGHTER] Just because I find it attractive, doesn't mean I'm going to fuck it. It puts the lotion on its skin. It does it is told. Hey, listen, I may give Riley human characteristics. I don't give my tricks them. You did not just say that seriously. [LAUGHTER] OK, Rodan, you have to understand. We sat and watched Real Sex the other day. And it was-- and if Melissa listens to the show, she will 100% appreciate this. Those of you who ever watched Real Sex on HBO, there's one episode where they do an equine fetish. Yeah, I've seen that one. OK. That's what I had. Taylor hadn't. So he's sitting there. Literally, he's sitting there with the shock and off face going, what the fuck? So the minute you said that I give human characteristics to my dog, but not my choice. I didn't mean sexually. Of course you did. So I just imagine Rodan as he leads someone into the barn-themed bedroom, his house, with the bridal, and the saddle, and the bits. And the spit in their mouth. And the brushes so he can groom them and the whole-- [LAUGHTER] I have to tell you, after watching this, we went to have sushi. And we were walking from sushi to Starbucks. And Taylor said something. And I went, and I rubbed my head up against Michael Horst. He goes, don't ever do that again. I guess at what point does it go from little girls playing with ponies to little girls being ponies? I, that was my-- we actually had an actual conversation about this as far as the whole fetish. And I think we've actually talked about this on the show. How do you figure out that that is what you like? What exactly Rodan, which you said, what is the transition from-- I was thinking about that when we had this conversation with Bob Blue yesterday. And I can think of one example where, in fact, Hank and I have talked about this before, where we actually saw someone figure out that that's what they enjoy. We were at the Renaissance Festival. I've only been at the Renaissance Festival three times. And this was one of the times we went there. And they have a vlogging, like a guy who, you know, does the public vlogging. And a girl who was dressed up as like a wench or something. One of her-- you know, it was one of those that were like, oh my god, fogged the wench and her and all of our friends. And he came across her batonks and jokingly spanked her. And the look on her face when he did it was, it was the look of, oh, I did not realize I liked that as much as perhaps I did. And she turned her head and looked at him again and gave him a look where Tank and I both went, oh, he just opened a Pandora's box, literally. And it was one of the things where every time he spanked her-- And it's oozing down her leg. Yeah, exactly. She got the look on her face of harder. And you could see it in her face. All she wanted him to do was just spank her harder. And I thought, oh, well, someone just figured out something. They enjoy it. It's going to be a hairbrush and her boyfriend's hand. Yeah, so-- Hey, this actually reminds me of a Goonye story. Can I tell it real quick? Of course. Sure. Because Goonye has a little bit of a dark side. Shocking. Really dated you, so that's a good one. Anyway, so he kind of wants to experiment with different things. So he's been dating a little bit on the Wilder side. Nice. Fucking on the wild-- whatever. So tricking on the Wilder side, I guess. And about a year and a half ago, he went out on the state with this guy who liked paddling. And so he thought he would be-- On a river boat? You get mad at me when I do that. I know, I can't help it, I'm sorry. So they went out and they were starting to get busy in their kissing and everything. Apparently, Goonye agrees to get paddled. And so this guy bends over Goonye and apparently whips out like a principal's paddle. Nice. It doesn't-- I think Goonye was expecting some soft taps and then some banging in terms of no paddle anymore. But apparently, this guy comes off and whales his ass. Did he like it? And he first freaked out. But he wailed his ass to the point of he was bruised for three days. Yeah, it was that borderline, Goonye got himself in trouble and he had no clue how to get himself out of it. And so that part's really not funny. I think your safety word is. Yeah, well, where was the safety word there? So yeah, that was a stern talking to from Rodan to Goonye. But it was-- My safety word would have been, motherfucker, I will kill you. It's pretty sad when Rodan is giving a boundary lessons to somebody. Yeah, when Rodan is the voice of reason, then that's what-- Well, OK, but so for me, it's all fun and games. And I kind of know where my boundaries are. And I stick to them, right? Well, when other people hear me talk, they may not always understand that. And so I'm very conscientious of my surroundings and the situations I get myself into. And Goonye was kind of trying to emulate that without understanding that kind of basic fundamental rule. Yeah. And so, yeah. Now-- Goonye and I had some-- OK, so I have a real question. OK, there is literally nothing that Tank could ask me to do that I probably wouldn't do. So-- Really? But I think there's a level of comfort there and a level of security and the fact that we've kind of been together for a little while. So I-- Right, exactly. There's really nothing-- You know, honestly, shut up Taylor. So when he presents "Pippity You With One Hand" and a jar of peanut butter with the other-- [LAUGHTER] Why do you have to go there? I think you have some bizarre fascination with the fact that I need to fuck my dog or something. I don't-- [LAUGHTER] I don't understand the need for this conversation. [LAUGHTER] We got Taylor to go to that, he plays. Yes. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] Wow. [LAUGHTER] Yes. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] He's becoming NASA. He's doing a-- He's doing a NASA lab. [LAUGHTER] Great. Now he's going to die. [LAUGHTER] Oh, God. Is it the visual of this? It's making you laugh. [LAUGHTER] God's making a choke to punish him. I said it's the visual of this. It's making him laugh. I said, so God's choking him to punish him. I'm just picturing you. And I'm just picturing your bedroom in all candles. And it's all a nice shot, eh, playing in the background. And you walking in, and tanks, either going, I have a surprise. [LAUGHTER] And Pippa goes out for ramps in the bed. I just said it's the visual that's making him giggle. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, God. [LAUGHTER] The way you said that, fuck my dog. [LAUGHTER] Oh, shit. OK, let me preface advising. Besides, fuck my dog. [LAUGHTER] Right, yeah. Anything. That tank can ask me to do that I win. [LAUGHTER] Except apparently listen to Taylor Choke. And then that-- Oh. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] Are you OK? That was hot. Sorry. I'm hard. I will edit all that. I will edit all that out. But at the very least, lower the sound on mine for that section. Oh, no, the laughing part of yours is great. Oh, I know what I'm going to do. I know what people's ear drums out. OK, so Taffy, what were you actually going to ask? I don't know. I don't even know why it started that whole frickin thing. What was it? You pretty much let tank do anything to you. Well, yeah, no, I'm asking. OK, so I can see where if you're in this situation where you've got a guy, and you guys are kind of fooling around, and he decides he wants to spank you, and he spanks you, and you don't like it, why would he not just say, dude, I'm not into that? Why would he not just-- Well, I think that's essentially how that ended, or he worked away through that. I mean, because it's not like he got-- He chewed through his restraints? He didn't get like 50 licks or anything. I think he only got like three, but-- Sounds nice. That was still enough, so-- Well, I would have to say that there are times when there may be some small amount of spanking going on, which I know is a mental picture for some of you that's kind of making you nauseous right now. And it's easy for either one of us to get a little too-- Aggressive. Invigorated. And he had to go, whoa. Yeah, but I mean, this was kind of first. What the hell was that? Hold on a second, guys. What the hell was that? Are you kidding me? It sounded like a fucking gunshot in our living room. And Pippa's chasing Clara, and she ran and slid against the slit in the rug and knocked over the piano bitch. She's scared to look at the shit out of me. Because the door's closed, all of a sudden I'm like, oh, you're here just just whoop coming out through the living room. Sorry, guys. That's OK. That's OK. Pippa's just excited about later. Well, talking about her thing got her a little wound up. Yeah, you can understand that. Cheesy Labs, choose Jeff. You painted my entire relationship. Well, the relationship that is pure and beautiful, you're just chipping it. Did you say choosy Labs, choose Jeff? Yes, she's a love of Christ. You are gross. You see, he's laughing now, but what he doesn't realize is that the retaliation of this is going to be beautiful, and he knows it. And now he has safety in numbers, but eventually, you're going to go away. And then we're going to talk about it. That's fine. And then Tabby's going to come over and fist in my pug. Oh, poor Rocco. His name is Babaloo. Oh, I have such a headache now. Well, I actually had love and sex related questions to go along with St. Patrick's Day, but I don't really think we need them, because we've went from fisting dogs to-- I don't know what. Spanking to hateful movies, hateful romantic movies. OK, well, then we should probably just wrap up, because it is during the week, so I'm not going to have as much time at it as I would like as I normally do on Mondays, because Mondays are my day off. So I do have some interesting news, though, that I don't think either one of you really know. What? Oh, Pray Tell. We have a new listener line. Do we really? Excellent! We do. Do we plan on listening to it? Yeah, OK. So we always did, but thank you so much. Yeah, no. And I think that I have the software set up to where I'll be able to play them directly into the show before we start getting some voicemails. Good. So our new-- for those of you who don't know, who don't know, because you haven't seen it on Facebook or on Twitter, because I posted it on Twitter as well, our new listener line is area code 206-350-1287. That's 206-350-1287. Do you have our voicemail set up? Yeah, I've got it where it has an outgoing message that says, "This is the pot is my co-pilot listener line." Blah, blah, blah. And do you sound all sexy? This is the pot is my co-pilot. Jesus! OK. That's how he entices the 18-year-old's Facebook. Yeah, that's why they want to get with this. Do you want to get with this? God. All right. And you can also contact us by going to our blog, which is potismicopilot.com. You can email us at potismicopilot@gmail.com. Call our listener line again at 206-350-1287. Be our friends on Facebook and go to our group, which is OK. So I love potismicopilot. And if you're not already following me on Twitter, you can follow me at PIMC-Taylor. Nice. And I have to make a quick shout out to the boys from Falmonke, Ricky and Gillian, because I ran into them in Orlando. We were all shopping. They were buying shoes. And Ricky looks fabulous. He's dropped a considerable amount of weight. But he is looking hottie, hottie, hottie, hottie. He's been working really hard. Looking at his stuff on Facebook. I bet you've been looking at his stuff. I'm not looking at that stuff. I don't have to go to Facebook for that. That's all over the interwebs. [LAUGHTER] Of course it is. No, he was looking very cute. So I just wanted to say hello, boys. He was the center photo of the month at gingerbears.com last month, so I got to see you. I got to see his twigs and berries there. So actually, speaking of Falmonkeys, those of you guys who haven't been listening to for a while or want to start listening, listen to their latest show, which is I think it's called We Vay Rough Four Four Monkeys. I forget the number of it. Speaking of laughing, hysterically, I listened to it today. I just about peed in my pants, listening to Ricky laugh, were about 10 minutes straight. It was-- He had the best laugh at it. It was very, very funny. And they're obviously a very funny show. We love them very much. We need to set up a co-crossover episode again, like we did before. We have to do that. So Ricky, make that happen. A play date. A play date, as it were, yes. So all right, well, then everybody, we hope you had a happy Valentine's Day, even though this won't come out until the 16th or 17th. But hope you had a wonderful day. And call and leave us voicemail messages, and we'll play them on the next show. I promise we will play them on the next show. If anybody calls in and you have something of substance to say, we will play on the next show. Just remember that we are the ones who get to vote on what is substance. So if it doesn't involve the words bupaki or plumpkin, probably not. It'll just be Kathy from Montana conning and going, fuck you, fuckers. That totally counts. That totally counts of substance. God willing. All right, everybody. Have a good week. We will see you guys next week. This is Taylor. And Taffy. And we're Dan. Have a good week, everybody. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. We're a mess, you know? Yes, I know. I cannot believe we discussed fucking my dog. Seriously, this is what our show has been reduced to. You're insane. And you will buy me lunch this week for that. Just say no. You've been listening to "Hot Is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Doesn't your life seem just a little bit brighter? See you next time. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]