Pod Is My Copilot
vPiMC: Episode 47 - Midnight Madness, Part 2
The shopping continues.....as does the pageantry.....
(upbeat music) Okay, so we have been, it turned down the radio, please, 'cause we have this funky jazz music going on. Thank you. We have been in line to find a parking spot or to get into the mall parking lot for about an hour. - About that. - About on 275, or rather 75. And now it looks as though we made this. - This has been rewarded. - Yeah, our patients may have been rewarded by this spot right here, where a guy is sitting in a truck that his legs aren't on, so we may actually-- - Oh, we may not. - We may not be. But this is the mall. How cool is that if we were able to find a parking spot right away from that car? - It's gonna be, it's gonna be. We'll see, this is gonna be too dark. - It's very dark, but I can probably lighten it up. - Do you wanna go ask them, or are you afraid of it? - Shine them up? - Do you just do a little people? - I don't know. - What do you think? - Oh, well. - That's pretty. - With our Ed Hardy jeans and our gold lemme on the back. - I don't think they're coming out. - Hello. - Hello, I have made our first official purchase. At the gap, please. Great. Let's find. So this is everything that's going on at the mall at, what time is it? Almost 10 of two. So. And the crazies are out tonight. - And filming this podcast. - I feel exactly. The common themes that I've seen have been husky corn fed boys that are kind of cute and kind of dumb. And what else have we seen? - When scratch girls have boots on. - Right, who are fighting? - Who are fighting? - Yeah, with a mom fighting in the middle of it. I was afraid to tape because I was afraid that they would beat me up. And yeah, and lots of pajamas, 'cause apparently if you wear PJs, you get special stuff. - Guess what? Nothing's special enough for me to wear PJs in public. - Yep. - That's a big note. - More later. I've had a difficult time finding something for Babaloo. It is five of three at this point. But I think I found the perfect gift that tells how much I care about him. So it's now about five after three and Taffy is in LaCoste, a store that I hate. So I decided to take a break because my feet are blistering. From walking around, we went to Disney World today and so I'm very tired. But I am trying to keep a good outlook on things and I know we're gonna be up for a while longer and I know that if I complain, there's a good chance that I will get yelled at. So it's probably in my best interest if I just shut up right now. But after this, we're going to Banana Republic and then I think we're done at the outlet mall. Might grab something real quick to eat and then start hitting target or maybe even coals depending all the time we get out of here. I know I'm sort of like looking around lifting right, but it's weird standing here talking into a flip cam right now. So this is, we're in hour three. Somebody just gave you a funny look. - Go ahead. - It is about three o'clock in the morning and I'm being bathed in what I can only call the most natural pleasant of fluorescent lighting. We're pretty much done. We hit J Crew and Lacos and Gaff and Nike Store and we didn't do bad. We did pretty good actually. So we're getting ready to head to the opening of target. - Holds probably by the time we get done. - Starbucks. - So you did great. I didn't spend a single penny because I'm waiting to speak to my people at Target. - And Best Buy. - And Best Buy. - But I think Taylor for coming with me and officially holding some of my bags. - This was supposed to be your job, Rodan. Damn it. I have to be the shelf again. Fucker. - What does that mean? - The shelf. - Put the sexual youth in his middle inner shoe. - No, 'cause I have to carry, I have to carry your stuff. - Please, I carry your stuff all the time. On the show. Bump, bump, shh. - You're a horrible person. - That's a love. - You're a horrible person. - Joe, but you're a horrible person. - No, you're a terrible person. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)