Pod Is My Copilot
vPiMC: Episode 46 - Midnight Madness, Part 1
Join Taffy and Taylor as they journey on an 8 hour trek through the various stores of Bradenton and Saint Petersburg trying to find the best Black Friday Deals!!! Look for part 2 coming real soon! Be sure to download episode 123 of the audio show if you haven't already!
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(upbeat music) ♪ It's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ Hey everybody, it's Taylor from Bottas My Co-Pilot. It is Thanksgiving night. It is about 11.55 p.m. And Taffy is on her way to pick me up where it's going to do some shopping, one of the local hallowals in the area. It was open at midnight, so we are gonna go and hit that first, and then we're gonna hit all of the, you know, the coals and the targets and the best buys and all that sort of stuff. And we're gonna go, we're gonna try and get some deals. And as promised on our Thanksgiving episode, we said we would tape it. So that's what we're gonna try and do. Uh, I don't know if this is gonna be interesting or not, but we're gonna give it a shot. So, enjoy. - It's Taffy, Carlisle, Huffington. - Hello. - They can't see you. - Okay, ooh, bright lights. Turn it down. Hello. - Hello. - How are you? - I'm lovely, how are you? - Oh, good. Let's see, can you keep this, turn this on? There you go. That's not a very good, but whatever. So, we are ready to do some shopping, correct? - We are, it is currently five minutes after 12, and we are on our way to Edmonton. But we just passed 5,000 people at Toys R Us, or I did. - But we have no reason to go to Toys R Us. - Thank God. - 'Cause they don't sell the type of toys that we enjoy. (laughs) - And it's a whopping 55 degrees, which puts me in the Christmas spirit and makes me happy. - I know, I'm in my favorite red sweatshirt. I'm in my favorite red sweatshirt that I kind of stole from Joy Marley Cowhan, but it's still enjoyable. And I could be-- - It's Christmas Eve. - 4,000 pounds, or I could be 100 pounds, and it always fits me. So-- - Well, that's the gift that keeps on giving. - Yes, yes. - You know what else is the gift that keeps on giving? A Starbucks, and we need to find one that's open, and none are in that setting. - Well, they'll be open eventually. - When I'm begging on the door going, open the fucking walls, what is the problem? - Oh, someone was texting me at this hour. - I don't know, but we will find out later. - Oh, it was a little less Huffington saying, "Have fun." - Oh, well, good. - Which means she's still awake. - Well, good. And she was slap happy when we left her at the widow Carlisle, so I can only imagine what she's like now. - A nightmare. - All right, well, we're going to get some gas, and we will get into back in touch with you guys once we get to our first destination, which is Elin's and Elle at malls. - Bye! - Bye! - Bye! - I think so. - I think so, yeah. We are getting pulling up, it is about 12.35, and we are pulling up to-- - Traffic. - Traffic. And we have a long line ahead of us waiting to get off the exit for the mall. Usually you can see the mall, it's over there, but we have to get over this hill first. - And there's a substantial line behind us. - Yeah, so this is gonna be crazy. - God willing. - But we're having a lovely conversation talking about theft and-- - National security. - National security. (laughing) - It's proving that we always have something to talk about. - I don't know if you'll be able to see us or not, but. - I'm focusing on the road. - Okay, well, good. Good for you. I don't know. Where are you going? You're not merging. - I'm trying. - Taffy. Taffy. Don't be one of those people. - Too late. - Oh my God. - Look how all these cars are bypassing. You should show them to the side. Oh, you're good. - I am. - Okay. Well, good. I'm gonna be one of those people who go, "Oh my God, this isn't a turn lane either." Taffy. - Carlisle Huffington, douchebag driver. - No, I'm a douchebag with a smile though. - Oh my God, this is way far back. - Way far back, yeah. - If you can kinda see-- - Oh, I'm getting ready to crest this hill when I can. You'll be able to see the line of douchebag-a-tree. (laughing) - douchebag, a line of douchebag-a-tree, which may be a title to this episode. - Look, look, look, look, look, look, look ahead. Oh, what the hell? - Oh my God. - We're one and one quarter mile from the exit and this is the traffic. - Oh my God. - Yes. - What? - My nipples just got a little hard. - Because of all the traffic? - No, just the idea that, you know, all these people are crazy and are out on shopping for crap they don't need. It makes me happy. - Well, good. (laughing) - Okay. - I need my Juicy Couture pantsuit. (laughing) - Out of my way. - You don't understand, coach has a 3% discount. This is not only. - It's DK and why black jeans, five dollars. All you can take. - Not really. - Because really, who wears DK and why black jeans? I mean, really. - I totally do. - Wow. - Skinny. - Skinny jeans? With my big muffin top over the top. All right. - On that note. - On that note. - On that visual image. - We'll be back once we get to the mall. - If we get to the mall. - If we get to the mall. Or if something else interesting happens. - All right. Goodbye. - Cut to a police officer not talking to us. (laughing) - Hi, officer, smile for the folks and what is my co-pilot? (laughing) God. - Oh my God. It's all, can you see it? All the way up around the curve. Look. - That's crazy. - That's not good. I'm so happy. (laughing) - It's midnight madness, y'all. ♪ You go down in history ♪ (upbeat music) (jazz music)