Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 122 - Schooled By Jewel, or ...With A Children's Playground Attatched
Rodan plays Foolish Games, Taylor's Getting All Fast and Furious, and Taffy's a little concerned about how much Tank knows about certain topics. AND the sound quality is improved this week! Thank you to my co hosts for working on their audio issues (until the end when Taffy turns into a demon - you'll see what we mean.) We are podismycopilot.com
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[music] There's the famous then saying, "Ride your horse along the edge of a sword, hide yourself in the middle of flames." They were talking about Taffy, weren't they? It's time for another episode of "Pod is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Take it away, kids! [music] Hey everybody, this is Taylor, and thank you for downloading episode 122 of "Pod is My Co-Pilot." I'm joined as always by Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Hello, you beautiful thing. And by "thing" you mean our listening group? Our listening audience as a whole. Speaking of holes, we also have Rodan. Oh, what's up with that? What's up with all the hate? Hey, these hands are small, I know. God! Thank you, Jewel. I wasn't aware that you had a snaggle tooth. [laughter] I just saw pictures of her, I was getting my hair cut on, I think it was Friday night, and I saw pictures of her in one of the magazines where she's in like a bikini. Uh-huh. She was like on the beach or something, and she's standing like holding up a pyat and a bikini. It was very weird, I'm like, "Wasn't she supposed to be all earthy and sleeping in the back of her car?" She is. I just saw her last night. You did? Yeah. At the gay bar? No. I was going to say the mighty have kind of fallen, so I just wasn't sure if she was playing the local saloon in Monroe. Now, at her concert in the Shreve Pole. Oh, who'd you go with? I went with Wolfie and Gooney, one of his friends. Gooney seems to be your concert partner of late whenever you go to concerts, he seems to be there. Yes, that is interesting. And was she any good? Yeah, she was amazing. It's interesting because having just seen Brittany now seeing Jewel who actually sings her own music. Right. Wow. And does all the weird things that Brittany Spears does with her voice via electronics? She pretty much does naturally. It's pretty freaking weird. All right. What is your favorite Jewel song? You know, and I know this is weird because it's not really the, you know, one most people think of. But probably Intuition is one of my more favorite of hers, but there's others that I just can't remember of their names. Is that the one in the video where she's like just like a firefighter? Yeah. It's the least Jewel-esque. Yeah. That was when they were trying the makeover with her. And people just sort of scratch their heads and go, "What the fuck?" Well, I think it was mostly making fun of, I mean, it was kind of like stupid girls kind of song because she's making fun of all that. That's the words of the song making fun of product placement and stuff. Yeah, but then you have other people acting that way. You're not the one who actually does. That video always sort of struck me as very odd. Yeah, but there's this other one called Stephenville, Texas, which is actually really good. She's got a lot of, a lot more songs than one would think, so. Rodin has his bedroom voice on tonight. Have you noticed this? I think it's the new microphone. It's the cool, menthol stylings. Yeah. All of a sudden I'm oddly aroused. I'm like, "What the hell is going on with his voice tonight?" Whatever it is, it's working for him. You're oddly aroused because it's a day that ends in life. Well, that's true. I figured he'd been screaming in front of a fan for the last two hours or something because he's all a stick issue. I actually did a little research for looking for standing microphones. Really? For me for the show, yeah. I went to Best Buy and they have like one that has a USB connection. It was 100 bucks. Can we hang scarves on it like Stephen Tyler? That'd be awesome. Yes. What's not where it has an actual stand. It's one of those that has a little thing that sits on your desk, but. Well, couldn't we just try to see if we could borrow air quotes from Qcast? I did ask if I could borrow them. Actually, I asked them once a while ago. I asked Michael what he was planning on doing with them. If he was planning on selling them or anything like that. He was planning on holding on to them, which allows me to hold on to the slight hope that Qcast may come back one day. But I think that's just a pipe dream. Probably. Speaking of pipe dreams. And I was going to save this for later in the show. Last night, I had something that I've not had in about 10 years. Cock? Fuck you. Pussy? No. I believe. Yeah. 20 years. What are you talking 10 years? He's in the other room and he has a name. No. Nice. It's man pussy. No. I had a nocturnal emission. You're kidding me. No. No. Oh my gosh. I literally have not had a wet dream in about 10 years. And I remember what the dream was about and it's embarrassing. Okay. This speaks probably to my psyche, but I can remember of at least of the three. I've had three wet dreams in my entire life. In two of which I was a woman. What woman were you? I don't know. But okay, I know it was like the story behind it was that it was kind of like I was a spy. Like it was like in a spy movie and the male lead in the movie was Paul Walker. Oh. Nice. Good choice. You were the spy who shagged me. No. And I remember I was kind of and Rodan will get this and Tappy won't. I was kind of dressed like Molotov Cocktees. I remember what happened. I'm not going to get graphic because I want Kevin to listen to more than the first six minutes of the show. This is a family show. Yeah. It's a family hour. This is played on the way to church for most of our families. I get that. But I do remember that I remember in the dream. I think I can pinpoint the exact moment that had happened in real life because I remember in the dream it was very difficult. And it happened in real life because I remember in the dream it was very, very intense. So and actually felt like I was actually releasing. So last night. And then I woke up and all of a sudden I rolled over and was like why is it wet in the bed? And had a panic attack because as we're going to talk about in probably in a few minutes. The Huffington's and the Babalates went to Magic Kingdom yesterday and I had stomach issues during the day. So I was afraid that I shit the bed. Oh. Oh. Bye Kevin. I tell that as long as I go ahead. Well at least he did get through the first seven minutes of the show. So but it was. So did you have the dream about Paul Walker again last night? No last night was the night that I had the dream about Paul Walker. Oh well you said that you would remember that you had had the dream. The only three times you've ever done it two times you were a woman. I didn't know if the other time you were with Paul Walker too. No. Well you know who the first one was with. Yes. The first one was with Ken Olin from 30 something. Of course. Oh. And we all understand that. Yes. No. I was. Not the Rodin. Rodin doesn't understand that. Ken Olin. Yeah. Okay Ken Olin now versus Ken Olin back in 1988. I don't care. He was still a cheesy fuck. You're dead to me now. Yeah and I don't remember a lot about the second one but I remember. I remember in both of the Paul Walker dream and the Ken Olin dream. I may have had a vagina. Wow. And it was very pretty much like Taffy's. It's spelled of lavender and vanilla. It's wallpaper. It's spelled of cinnamon roll. There's an element of that I think is kind of cool in a way I guess. Yeah. Rodin have you ever had dreams where you thought you were a woman having sex? No. Never? No. I'm trying to take a funny joke to come up with and I can't. No I'm just I'm thinking about that because I don't know if I've ever had a dream where I thought I was a man and having sex. You go through life thinking you're a man. Well that is true. No I'm 100% convinced that I'm a woman. I just have a tendency to behave like a man occasionally. That's I wonder what Freud would have to say about that. Oh I can only imagine what Freud would have to say about that. He hasn't had his boy pissy fucked in a couple of weeks. Well I'm never going to when you put it like that. That's just vulgar. And Rodin is back in the game again. Let me go for the kennel one remark. Yeah every once in a while these bye guys refer to it as a boy pussy and it freaks me out. Refer to what? Your ass? Yeah. Not my ass particular but ass in general. Boy pussy. They refer to his ass as the planet Jupiter. They refer to his ass as the local you know seven eleven. The local McDonald's 100 million served. Open 24 hours drive through exactly what the children's playground apparently. Wow that's a title Wow I got your Happy Meal right here. So yeah Rodin what's been going on with you. Let's see I like I said earlier I went to Jule I was I've seen Jule before in concert and she has much but yeah she opened or like opened or she's she was the supporting act for Rob Thomas so I saw her back in her book of return like three four years ago. Did she have an opening act? She had an opening act this time yeah some Cameron Michelle who I swear probably sings half the songs on like One Tree Hill or you know Smallville I mean it's it's that much yeah it's like very much like featured this week on a very special episode of Melrose Place yeah I I've never seen Jule in concert but I have seen Steve Polts who was her co-writer on You Were You Were Meant For Me okay and he was really good he opened for Lisa Loeb which I know you're kind of you know replacing one for another as far as Jule and Lisa Loeb so it was Lisa Loeb and it was Steve Polts and actually Rufus Wainwright opened for her at the State Theatre in downtown St Pete and Rufus Wainwright came out and sang some horrible song is I know we have people that love Rufus Wainwright I think he sounds whiny and he came out and pretty much said hey Tampa how y'all doing and somebody screamed you're in St. Petersburg faggot and that started the show that's how the show got started and then later words I loved Steve Polts his set so much that he was signing autographs in the back and I was waiting in line and just as I handed him my CD Rufus Wainwright walked up and goes we're gonna get high in the dressing room in like 10 minutes do you want to come to Steve Polts and Steve Polts just kind of turned around and went I'll be back there in a few minutes and Rufus Wainwright sort of tipped out a way on his you know with glitter shooting at his ass and so allegedly Trump was a huge Rufus Wainwright fan and that was kind of the rule in the house that I didn't have to listen to Rufus Wainwright and he didn't have to listen to Spice Girls. Well the one thing about Jewel that was really funny is that she was heckling the audience a little bit because the show was at a casino and apparently you know I got tickets like right when they went on sale and I got like the 12th row but apparently everybody in front of us the first 11 rows was filled with casino guests there were comp tickets most likely because there was not a person in front of us in the first 11 rows that was under the age of 60 oh god no oh yeah there was multiple people with like tissues hanging out of their ears because the music was too loud this is fucking Jewel come on let me go to Atlanta a couple months ago with you I know there wasn't as many oldies in that one but wow and so they would some of them would talk to the concert to which Jewel would stop them and ask them questions and ask them it was like ask us one couple if they were married and then if they were still in love and they still you know were able to find things to talk about after so many years that they couldn't be quiet during a concert oh she was they were schooled by Jewel schooled by Jewel that's the other title she was fantastic I mean she was telling the stories between her sets and stuff it was very very VH1 storytellers but it was it was a lot of fun although there was some like all I can imagine is that she was probably some religious person like three rows back staring at Wolfie and I because I was like holding him through the concert like it started out like my arm around him and then eventually just became he scooted over a little bit and just was like nestled in your crotch no like in my shoulder now is it that you could tell that the woman three rows back was in you because he was facing her bouncing up and down because he was bent over the stadium chair while yeah I mean how could you necessarily see this yeah so yeah she kept looking at me I was like I mean like that that's stair of like daggers I was like I just kept looking at it like a fucking bitch it's the stair of sodomy that's what the stare yeah that's pretty much the stare of sodomy exactly what it was I gave the stare of not the stare of sodomy when you hear the stories going but I gave the evil stare to somebody yesterday in the hall of presidents because they had a baby who cried through the entire 22 minute performance well how's a Bob a Tron gonna save the country if the baby's crying I know so what did you do this weekend Taffy and Taylor we went to Disney world really it's shocking I know no way believe it or not this is like the first time that Taylor and I and Bobaloo and Tank have ever went just the four of us yeah I mean obviously Taylor and I have went before by ourselves and Tank and I went before by ourselves and all of us have went with the girls before but never just the four grownups and we went we had a good time except Taylor's belly was not feeling very good yeah no I was ironically I was giving Bobaloo a hard time because he was homesick from work on Thursday and Friday and then we found out that the weather was gonna be nice and I made you know stupidly a reference to going to Disney and said to him you know if you're not feeling well there's a good chance that we may go without you are you okay with that which he said that's fine as long ago the next weekend we're like okay whatever but he got upset at a morning was like I feel really good I want to go when I was doing the whole thing with him where I was saying I really don't think it's a good idea what if you get sick while you're there which is ironic because we walked in the door and I needed to find the first bathroom like oh luckily I've been at Disney World enough times that I know where every men's room is yeah in the park shut up but so it made it made for easy access again shut up and I was able to get in do what I need to do and get out but that's what I said yeah we did I had a lot of fun and we had a lot of laughing yesterday and being you know inappropriate we tormented we tormented Boba Boba Blue God bless him he is he is the best sport because you know occasionally Taylor and I have been known to be a force we reckon with and Taylor was on Boba Blue's ass shut up I like no I mean seriously he to the point where at one point I thought Boba Blue was actually going to get a little upset with him but he didn't but he we were tormenting him to death and it was so you know just just you know classic Cuban humor how's that we'll just go that route but it was classic human humor yeah which means anything that has anything remotely to do with Latin American culture we we just sort of said well that's you guys right so I said it's sunny out today do you think you need your sombrero to walk around the park so we learned that Tank knows what a glory hole is and knows the official colors of the bear flag does he really huh barely okay first question is how does he know what a glory hole is is this some lesson from you know being in the tailor that's only thing I can hope for I have no idea how ting knows what a glory hole is frankly that we can have them on one night and ask him what he knows maybe Taylor taught him we should totally have him on for like a bear pop quiz or something yeah right actually I would rather think that he knows what a glory hole is back from his days in the military like most pornos would indicate but what was funny is there was a car ahead of us and it had a German flag on it and Baba Luke goes oh you know he's a bear and Tank goes no he's not that's a German flag the bear flag is like you know I don't know black brown yellow or whatever and Taylor and I just looked at each other were like how the hell does he know what color the bear flag is he goes I have to know these things people he's like you know I have to know how to you know react how to interact with all people we're like what you're saying you just kind of went on with it like I don't know what the big deal is okay you're okay I'm pretty sure it moved a little bit for Taylor but great yeah I'm sure it did move a little bit for Taylor that's probably why he dreamed he was a woman he as we were as we were heading towards the exit he found a shirt that he wanted which of course Taffy have to go in and you know check on him in the dressing room a couple of times to which is one of these where we're thinking okay they've been in there way too long but he came at one point he goes I you know the the extra largest is too big so I said well then get the large because it's way too tight on my chest and I'm like that's okay it's not a bad thing but it wouldn't be comfortable and I'm like you know fashion is pain it's fine go get the shirt and one thing to know especially something like Tank it's never too tight on the chest yeah never well it is well unfortunately because he does have you know a hairy chest and when you can actually see the hair through the shirt no yeah I don't care if the hairs are poking out of this shirt because it's so tight if it's cupping his muscular man boobs that's all that matters it was it cupping his muscular man no I think out of all of the members of the pot is my co-pilot players he is the one person without moves he has pecs you would have you would have I was gonna say exactly you'd have to call tanks pecs yeah the rest of us would be you know to taste but his would be I will say that tank um Friday was senior night and since lollipop is a senior of course Taylor lovingly came to show his support which is very sweet but tank did do something that caused Taylor and I both look each other and we were like what the fuck was that he came from about I don't know 10 rows back from you know the track where the girls cheer he came down the 10 rows of the bleachers and literally in about the most fluid movement you've ever seen went over a 5 foot chain link fence to hold down one of the pads by the of the court whatever thing for the band of March over it was one of those things that as he did it you didn't even know that it was him doing it until we look to each other and we're like okay I'll give you a thousand dollars if you can do that because of course we go through giggling then he comes back over I mean literally like gazelle stealth like the guy sitting next to me goes yeah I don't even think I could have done it quite that easily and he was like 25 we're like I told him it's oh I this morning I said did you know you were going to jump over it like that because he literally put one hand down it wasn't one of those where you put your leg up and then you know kick your other leg over no he just put one hand on the fence and both legs were over this thing and he goes well I knew I had to get over there quickly but he was like I don't even know why you're questioning this and I'm just like well but you know I could have done it I could have done it and I even said I said I can get my body over the fence there's just no way I could have done it with that you know gazelle like you know fluidity no no chance but I would have looked like a water buffalo versus a gazelle going over that thing oh oh oh so no the game was fun the other night I did feel like a dirty old man at one point because I was sitting with a little bit on 16 year olds well I wasn't trying to hit on 16 year olds but there was like there was a football player because we're sitting behind her home teams you know all the football players so it's guys in tight you know tight pants you know and big football jerseys all the way across well there's one guy was standing getting Gatorade and I turned to the Lola Huffington and said who's number you know 14 and she said well that's you know blah blah blah blah and I'm just like what great is he in and she was like a whole senior and I'm like yes which means there's a possibility he's legal she goes no he's 17 I'm like then that makes me dirty old man because he's got a rocking ass out there and you know somehow that's totally appropriate the fact he says that to my 13 year old daughter I'm totally happy with that no she looked at there and she went you're right he does yeah not to mention the fact that there's some you know this guy comes walking by and he's like well hello green shirt I'm like he's a junior he's like what I said he's a junior he's 23 if he was a day he's just a really stupid junior that's what I'm telling myself as I pretend I'm a girl thinking about Paul Walker on top of me oh how come all the high school kids are at well I take that back the high school kids around here are mouth breathers hello Mrs. Robinson because oh my god so yeah because I remember like high school kids like when we were leaving high school they were all like you know five four and they looked like they belonged in you know middle middle school or elementary school or middle earth yeah well yeah that too no I let me tell you something there have been many a day and I have said this before to Taylor that when the high school wrestling team our school colors are red white and blue and one year our wrestling coach decided it was going to be some cruel joke on all of these you know six foot tall huge guys to make them wear quite wrestling uniforms oh my god you know what a wrestling you know okay thank you you know what those things look like oh my god one day they were white and they had the other two school colors were like you know edged out where the armholes were in the neck holes they're standing in front of our school sign getting their official picture taken when it's car line time when this is when the little sevington was still in elementary school so I'm sitting in the car line and out walks all of these boys in these skin tight quasi spandex very very the sun is hitting them and you could see every single fold of skin I my hand to god every mother in the car line got out stood next to their car waiting for their kid never before had we all done this but that day in particular and I said you know what this is ridiculous because I had at that point like a fourth grader and you know a seventh grader and I'm thinking what if these kids used to be a seventh grader they used to be a fourth grader and all of us moms are staying there looking at them and this is during the whole Mary Kay Latino thing oh my god we're all going to hell but let me tell you just think you used to be a seventh grader too and I know what I did when I was a seventh grader and I was a I was a fairly good girl when I was a seventh grader but I know boys that I've read notes on this podcast from boys in seventh grade that they wrote to me so I know I goes through their minds you haven't read one of those in a while you need to read one I will I have plenty I can choose from I will find one I should let you help me choose one when you're over here one day now I like to be surprised okay you like the element of surprise I do know I know some of those boys I tell you what doing college visits was quite eye opening I kept looking at kept looking at lollipop a couple times ago and you're going to enjoy the school so much no seriously some of these guys with the whole I'm away from home so I don't have to shave and I can let my hair grow and you know I'm not under the thumb of oppression so I can look however I want yeah and they all you know they all work out they're all athletes and they all have beards or at least go T's and I'm going oh my god just kill me now they're 20 years old I'm a cougar I'm not really I don't want to be a cougar but wow they're cute yeah well and that's thing the ULM kids here not not that attractive however some of the high schoolers apparently must go away to school they must not go to ULM so yeah I remember that at Eckerd it was there were lots of hotties and lots of goblins walking around to I mean you definitely had you had your share haphosated kids so boys between you and tank which was the goblin which was the hottie between me and tank no I'm sorry between Rodin and Taylor see I get Taylor and tank mixed in my head all the time but well yeah because one's your podcasting husband the other ones your sexual husband you know we were both hotties you're both hotties yeah okay I'll go with that would you have had a different answer no okay which means yes but now I'm not going to say it since you just said we both were hot yeah I was just gonna say that I never felt very attractive in college however I didn't really have an issue getting laid yeah but I never really felt like attractive ah Rodin what you didn't have I mean everybody has days when they don't necessarily feel their best but you never had days when you just thought you know I fucking am hot no I was never ever like that you are now no I've watched you I've watched you strut around kitties you think cute it's like wild kingdom we'll meet you with you get real I did not feel all that here is a male homosexual found alive in captivity I'd say well I'm not around the young twink shaking his money maker that is being his wallet let's watch the twink reacts oh daddy I did not feel all that attractive with hanging out with mr. Wolfie at the jewel concert because he's wearing his like you know skin tight polo Henley just like you know every henley is like a little bit too defined for me I was like dude okay I just I can't do this you know what it's I don't know I'm just the tappy just said Apollo is not a Henley and unfortunately that's the only thing that I'm thinking of right now but no no no it was a polo Henley not it was a polo that was a as opposed to Don Henley okay we talked about this all week I can't help myself she has Tourette's she has this weird Tourette's word association thing that she hears a word she can't help but finish it though of course unfortunately now I'm getting the same thing because on Halloween night Halloween night somebody said something about where is it and Taffy and I both said it's in the foyer and then both said the Dave foyer and then we turned out yesterday no we were at Target like I don't know Thursday and we not only did we say the same thing but then we said the next thing the exact same and then we both went ah and put our hands up the same way and we both took each other were like get away from me it was ridiculous people who are listening to this have no idea what I'm talking about but it makes perfect sense in my head that's all that matters yeah that is all that matters well really is as long as the people in my head are entertained keep them same keep them taking over what what okay this whole Netflix PlayStation 3 disc thing yeah I am never going to get anything done for the rest of my life why because I watched like four movies today oh because oh because you get Netflix on your PS3 finally yes I got your garage today yeah that didn't happen so you know what you I was gonna we were gonna call you and see if you want to do brunch and I said no we will not call them and see if you want to miss for brunch because he made it very specific on his Facebook that he had a lovely two days with us but he wanted to get things done today so we will not be calling them because I don't want to interrupt them cleaning up and then two seconds after that I got mister I don't want to do the garage I was just to do something else let's watch TV so of course you caved that with absolutely absolutely I've got honestly most of the stuff that's in there is mine and I need to go through it would be him standing around saying what can I do with me saying let me go through this box and you can you know observe it's just better probably if I do most of it by myself that being said the Netflix thing is so cool it is it is I what I finally watched step brothers and I don't understand why you think it's funny because I have a couple of funny parts but it's one of these that the basic joke of the movie was done within the first 15 minutes of course but but the and the funniest the funniest scene in the whole movie you've quoted almost verbatim for the last six months so I was just like oh well this was this was the funniest part though mary steamer just saying what the fucking fuck did you laugh at that's the same what the fucking fuck yeah that's that's one of the best lines in the whole movie and it's only because she says it yeah we watched I watched an episode of Little Britain and I watched Sarah Silverman Jesus's magic which couldn't get the gun far enough back in my Oh my god I own that on DVD and yeah no I watched it I was like oh this is horrible why did I buy this yeah and I know people that think that is like the funniest thing ever and I tried watching it like two or three actually it's probably going on like three years ago and got about 20 minutes into it and thought this isn't funny so I I just took it back but then I thought okay well but now I could just watch it if I decide I'm not going to settle the way through it then I can just turn it off but I kept thinking it's got to get funny eventually and I know it's over because it's only like an hour and five minutes long yeah so we watched um so we watched those things and we watched the original Nosferatu from 1929 the original silent movie now how is it we watched the shadow of the vampire last week which is kind of sort of like a sci-fi version of about the making of that only apparently you know he's really a vampire and shadow of the vampire it was torture what's a Nosferatu the one where he's where they show in all the classic things where he's walking up the staircase and he's and it's the black and white but it's very so we walk up the staircase and it's the super bright light as he goes to the door he's got he's got really long fingers yes that is a white head with big long ears and he's got like the weird eyes and the buck teeth the movie itself was it's interesting to watch it because it was so long ago in the 20s so that whole idea of you know not really editing but kind of editing and and just the way they they film scenes was interesting but unfortunately it was a 2000 year 2000 DVD so all of the graphics in the beginning of it looked like they were done on you know iMovie and they had some like cheesy where all of the music was done on a Casio oh god was it like the all old organ music or just a piano or anything like that it was so we eventually we just turned the volume down and watched it in silence which is actually kind of weird to sit and watch something with no musical accompaniment but the but the but the cheesy late 90s synth pop that they had going on over it was so distracting that we had to turn it off hmm well speaking of movies with no music lollipop went to see paranormal activity last night and apparently there is no there's no soundtrack or no music playing through any of it i don't think i ever even realized that yeah she said that was one of the most she said that was actually one of the hardest things for her to deal with the fact that there were times that there was literally no sound because there was no underlying track underlying music underlying anything because it was supposed to be you know where they've set the video camera up there was nothing added in and she said it got to the point a couple times where i'm like oh my god it's so quiet you know she said it was that made you just nervous the fact it was quiet i was like well i so i i said i never even i don't think i've ever even heard of a movie that i started thinking i'm trying to think of the player which had music and or not i guess it didn't but there was all the you know walking through the leaves there was always crunching and always there was always background noise it's background noise between that and probably there was times where like the wind caught the microphone and everything versus when you're in a house versus yeah it's a versus when you're in your house and it's sitting on you know a desk or a dress or something and then nothing so yeah i can't even i can't even think like watching that movie that never stood out to me ever ever ever like you say that now it's like oh yeah i guess there wasn't well she she said it was very scary really she said well she's 17 and then she had to get in her car and drive home by herself so of course she thought it was scary yeah i remember being 19 and driving home by myself after seeing silence at the lamb so i feel her pain and i was a big girl so he would have skinned me too at one point i guess in the movie there's a there's a part and it doesn't give anything away for people who haven't seen it who want to where um the girlfriend is standing beside the bed like where it shows the time clock ticking away where she stands there for like an hour and a half oh yeah that is freaking freaky okay when and so so she's telling us this and um i'll leave her um a little subington had a friend spend the night last night and i said so what's going to happen in the middle of the night when you finally get to sleep if at all at once you know these two decide that they're gonna go you know start fucking with you and they're gonna walk in and stand beside your bed and just stand there she says i'm telling you right now she's like if you think i'm kidding she goes uh and then she starts flexing her muscles in her legs and she goes look at my legs she goes i will drop kick you out of my room it's not even funny she's like you know i do this for a living i kick things she's like i can put my body in the air i will put her body in the air if she's standing but i'm like wow calm down she's like you door stay how scary it was okay and you're gonna go to sleep in approximately 15 minutes i don't think so so she came in came in and decided she was going to read you know Marie Claire to get her mind off things so well if there's anything out there that'll kill brain cells it's Marie Claire well you know she has to read about Twilight god there's definitely a couple scenes in uh paranormal activity that you know knowing that they didn't really have special effects just trying to think of how they did it practically it is a little difficult you know it's and that's kind of cool when you think about it how do they accomplish some of those things there's one scene in particular that i'm thinking of that can't help out is it true that they is it true that they have different endings for different theaters i don't think so i had not heard that before in that article in entertainment weekly they they talked about the possible other endings that they could have had oh i see yeah i wasn't sure if they had different ones i did start reading julia and julia oh and what do you think so far so good well that's about as glowing a recommendation i think as we're gonna get out of you i no no i think that in reading it especially the first you know the especially the first 50-60 pages there's a lot of parallels between my life and hers which i was not expecting which some of them were kind of i was just like oh oh you know some of it was that the initial where you're finding out all her background information some of it was kind of and you know very interesting to me you know but i am and for someone who loves to cook i certainly thought that it's it's very interesting there's parts of it i that she jumps around all over the place and as fast as i read that's that became problematic at first until i had to figure out okay i have to train my brain to look for those things but no so far i mean i i i will be done with it by tomorrow and i i thought it was i i think it's very good i think that it was a very big undertaking and i can't imagine 500 plus recipes in one year 500 plus recipes from you know the french culinary arts book you know to end all french culinary art books i think that's pretty ambitious which i understand is the whole you know the whole basis of the the book and the the movie and everything is that it was such an undertaking so i certainly find that ambition quite intoxicating i'm not sure if i would aim for that i mean you started doing Martha Stewart's cup cupcake recipe books and one a week and how many did you get through i got through about four or five right so i mean this woman's having to do 500 a year over 500 a year i think that's amazing and still work and you know be married and everything so it's yeah no it's it's it's it's it's it's i think just because the last book that i had was all about you know cutters so reading something like julie and julie was a little bit more a little more light now the book i'm reading the book and it did have pictures right no there's no pictures in it um the book that i'm reading now has pictures in it though it's called dog days no yeah dog days um life on the bedlam farm by an author john cats that i like he wrote other books about he usually writes about dogs which i think is funny because his last name is cats but that's neither here nor there yeah and apparently he lives on a farm now and it's about him with you know the animals and what it's like to live on a farm so but the first page i wrote about this on the blog but the first page of the book it says no dogs die in this book which made me very happy until the first chapter is about a donkey that he has to have put down so cut to me you know sobbing openly in bed is everything about you know carol the donkey who has a stroke in the middle of the night during a winter storm and it was horrible but otherwise the book's really really great it makes me want to have a cow as a pet shut up really yeah because he has a cow named Elvis that apparently loves to you know like catch a ball okay did you get the email i sent you yes yes i did and you are right uh taffy's aunt looks like roco what taffy has an aunt for years that she has said looks like roco and she sent me an email tonight with pictures of this aunt and i saw it immediately it's true and when you said cow they'll reason that that sparked my memories because i asked her tonight she has a huge farm in ohio and i said have you ever heard of a cow that would fetch and she said that her husband back in the 50s they had when they used to have a big head of cattle she said they they had a couple cows that if you threw a ball like a tennis ball or if you threw apples they would go get them and bring them back to you and i said i never even heard of a cow she goes no they would never eat the apples she goes but they would go get them and bring them back i said really and she goes yeah she's like you know they were she's like i won't say they were domesticated she said but they definitely you can have cows that were much more human-friendly as far as coming up to the fence and rubbing up against the fence and wanting you to pet them and wanting you to almost play with them and interact with them i was like because you know all my interactions with cows that weren't you know tipping them we're just eating them eating them and milking them that's about it so i thought that was very interesting but when when you said that that i wanted to know if you've got that email because it it there's no question she looks like her yeah well he says the cows are very stupid animals but they're very gentle and can be very can be very affectionate it's it's a it's a nice book it's very it's one of these that i'm almost scared to give it to taffy because taffy will go out and buy a farm after she's been in this sport of much longer yeah yeah it's it's it's but it's it's i i'm just i'm about i would say a third to a half of the way through it it's called dog days by john cats it's a great book um don't read a dog ear it's his first book of his that i read and i love it but it's very sad at the end and i couldn't take it so for reasons we don't need to get into it no no so okay taffy's voice is getting a little creepy because it's 11 o'clock so her voice is changing like it does around this time you know where your podcasters are yes and i know you guys can't necessarily hear this now but if we stay on much longer you all will be able to hear it and then people will be throwing their ipods down going at so all right it's paranormal activity yeah all right as always you can go to our blog which is podasmicopilot.com you can email us at podasmicopilot@gmail.com or be our friend on facebook at our group okay so i love podasmicopilot and please be sure to leave us iTunes reviews we're up to 170 we want to thank all of our listeners who have sent us iTunes reviews um after the holidays we will be hopefully having one of you guys on as a guest co-host provided you have sent us a review which will give all of those of you who haven't had a chance to send an review to do one now yay yay okay all right taffy's voice is freaking me out so all right we're gonna go we will be back next week with episode 123 until then this is Taylor and taffy and rodan have a good week everybody bye bye good bye all right god your voice fucking freaks me out i hate it hi dad i'm in jail you know when you sound like that i totally see you picking up taylor and throwing them across the room into the camera i'd be impressed if she could do that if she could pick my ass up and throw me across the room you've been listening to pod is my co-pilot with taylor the latte boy taffy carlyle huffington and rodan aren't they just a little slice of wonderful see you next time [Music]