Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 120 - Have a Treat, Trick!, or Burger King Is Not Sacred Ground
After talking real dirty for the first fifteen minutes of the show, Taylor, Taffy and Rodan dive into all things All Hallow's Eve! What were our favorite costumes? Our favorite candies? Movies that scare the crap out of us? Find out here! "From Bukakke to Boo, Fuckers, We Are Pod Is My Copilot."
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[Music] Hey everybody, it's Terrell with a latte boy, and thank you for downloading episode 120 of Pot as my co-pilot. [Laughter] Okay, any other time I do that, I get the woohoo from one of you as I start to do the introduction, so... We've been plagued with, what, a month? Two months worth of technical difficulties? I know. I have no guarantee that the show is going to make it to air. Why should I be excited, huh? Oh, wow, okay, because you know it. Well, you've been excited to talk to us a lot. Yeah, and you know what, sometimes it helps to actually have a little hope. Hope is not a method. [Laughter] Hope is a town in Arkansas. [Laughter] Hope is what every senior girl does two weeks after prom when she's holding that little white strip in the bathroom. She's peeing on the stick. Exactly. [Laughter] No, it's usually the five minutes after she's peed on the stick. Yeah, that's a hope. That's tears. [Laughter] That's hope and grace. Okay. Wow, within the first minute we've already managed to offend, you know, unwed teenage mothers. First of all, I want to thank the widow Carlisle for her wonderful introduction for this week's show. Well, she does have a lovely singing voice. Wait, I don't even think you introduced us. Yeah, well, I'm getting ready to do that. Oh. So I am joined as always by everyone's favorite witch on wheels, Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Hello, lovers. The, oh, what's something I could say about Rodan that's Halloween themed. Well, it wouldn't be Skeleton. He's a jack-off lantern. There you go. Very good. Everybody's favorite jack-off lantern. Rodan. Roar. [Laughter] And I am the scariest thing to ever come across the pot of sphere. Republican Taylor the Latte boy. [Laughter] That should totally be your costume. Yeah, like blue blazer red tie. The blue blazer red tie with the flag lapel pin. Yeah. Carrying a Bible while your hand burns. I jerked my boyfriend off with his hand and now I'm holding a Bible. Why does it seem? Why does it seem? [Laughter] A log cabin Republican. Oh my God. So how are we? We're lovely. It's cool here. It is. It's cool here too. Our next door neighbor actually has a fire going in his backyard. At least I hope to God it's in a fire pit because I can see it from my window. And at first I was a little scared and then I realized he was back there and it's not where the flames are licking the roof of the building so I think we're okay. No, we were on a bike tonight. I actually put like a little jacket on. I was all excited. Oh, I was up north earlier this week and I didn't expect to wear a, I wasn't expecting to get as cold as it did. It was in the 30s, me no jacket, like light sweaters at best. Did you bring your sweater vest? No, I don't have any sweater vests. He hasn't shopped its structure since I think 1996, so. It's structure. Oh God. I loved structure. I love structure. Now it's just express. I don't even express men anymore, just express. Yes, that always pisses tank off because his favorite underwear in the world were from express men and now they're, now he's not allowed to wear them anymore because they're pitiful looking and he wants, he wants new express underwear and he can't find them anywhere. My favorite underwear of all time was actually champion underwear. It changed it a lot. I don't wear it anymore. Yeah, but I mean, it used to be where it had, it was right around the time the boxer briefs got to be where you didn't have to be four pounds and, you know, pay $17 a actual pair of underwear. They were really good and they were really comfortable and they held up really, really well. Now I just get Haynes that my thighs are way too fat for them, so I end up getting tore apart all the time. It's horrible. I have a bunch of, you know, like the two exist stuff, the two exist line that's a target. So I have all these like red and black and white and blue. Two exist has underwear at Target. Yeah, it's called Evolve. There's a whole section. It's really nice. It's really comfortable. Really? Yeah. I remember when two exists first came out and all the gay boys loved them. They were always another, you know, genre magazine and out magazine and... I wear gods underwear. I was out with someone this week that was wearing gods underwear. Yeah. Who wears gods underwear? I'm a big commando fan, gotta be honest with you. Yes, we know. Sorry. We know as do, as does the preschool down the school from you on a windy day. That is true. That has happened when we're walking across the, you know, parking lot at school and all of a sudden I'm like woo. She's just flinging her dress around like trying to catch some air. Yeah. See, even when we're not teaching, we're teaching Tabby. You're teaching Taffy or you're just teaching Comma Taffy. Teaching Comma Taffy. Oh my goodness. Okay. So what's new, what's going on? It's been about 70 years since we've done one of these. Yes. Well, I've been all over. I've been stuck in navigating the world and by the world, I mean, you know, Georgia and North Carolina and Ohio, which is another world. That's still a lot, yeah. And I'm happy to be home except this past week we got home Sunday night and Monday started homecoming week. So I have a senior. So every single night and every single day, there was craziness. And then the game and the dance and blah, blah. So this is like the first Sunday where we really didn't have anything overly creative planned. It was lovely and it was beautiful weather and we kind of were outside and rode our bikes and just kind of farted around. I was baking, which always is a good day. Yeah. I saw that on the blog. You made Red Velvet Twinkies. I did. Oh my gosh. I made Red Velvet Twinkies and I used the nozzle off of, actually I used the nozzle off of one of the barbecue things that we had left over from your birthday party. Oh, okay. And I just, I packed the nozzle. This is all going to sound dirty, but I packed the nozzle full of cream cheese and vanilla frosting. And I just put like that, you know, like saran, not saran wrap, but what does that press and seal. And I just took my finger and shoved it in the hole of it. It just shot them up into the, into the Twinkies. I know I told you, no, you can say this. It doesn't sound dirty. Cooking is porn. Get real. But they, they, they look really good. I used, there are many, many meatloaf pan and they look just like a little Twinkie. And they're one of those things that when you take your first bite, you're like, Oh, are you kidding me? Because there's just enough cream cheese of frosting that it's not overpowering. It's just nice and moist. And it looks a little dirty because the white drips out of the little hole on the bottom, which makes me happy. Okay, except that it's blood red. So yeah, right? Unless it's some sort of, you know, crime scene, sex crimes unit. I don't know that that's necessarily something that would turn anybody on. I'm, I made those tonight and I think what else I meant. Oh, well, we made a first batch of cupcakes. I have seven, seven dozen cupcakes due this week. So there are various cupcakes are going different directions. Not to mention the fact I'm making caramel apples and I'm making boo berry rice crispy treats. Oh, God. Nice. I know. That sounds like something that we'll give Taylor. I'm going to try and be very good from now on. So, of course, I make this decision and go on the blog. And that's when I see that Taffy's already started her pre-December baking, you know, in October and I'm like, Oh, my God. Not to mention the fact that right before I bake those, I made a blender full of the Starbucks via whatever they pronounced the damn things I don't know what they are. With French vanilla ice cream and chocolate milk in the blender, heaven. Perfection. Yeah, it was, it was wrong. It was wrong on all two levels. You had to have something to watch the Twinkie down with so that worked well. Which is why that was all proceeded with a bike ride. Right. Yeah. You only have to grab some change and get a Coke after I had sucked the Twinkie down. No, you need to get a change and give the guy cab fare after you suck the Twinkie down. No, he doesn't. He needs to call the principal and make sure he can get a haul pass back to class. I'm making a go. Wow. Sorry. Well, you know, those junior high teachers are getting stricter and stricter. What can you do? Hey, hey. Sorry. Hey, I had someone like on MySpace the other day who was 17 who was totally trying to come on to me and it was so obviously like, you know. Detective Lopez down at the Monroe TV. I know, right. What the hell is his name? Does the predator volunteer or whatever? Matt. Oh, what the hell is his name? Chris Harrison. Not Chris Harrison. I'm sure everyone's screaming at the podcast right now. I'm just a predator guy. Yeah. I'm just thinking like, it's just the little guy just trying to cut you. I'm just like, dude, and the guy is like, oh, you should come over and blow and I'm just like, dude, you're 17. Is it like Chris Hanson or Chris Hanson? Chris Hanson. Chris Hanson. Yeah. That's how you said that I'm like going, oh my God, what is the name? Now, of course, I can't go online to check things because I was yelled at, but that's fine. Yes. So I quickly blocked him in every possible way. This is quickly blocked him after he's in his cock shot. Then he quickly blocked him. No, because Rodana is a lady. Exactly. I kept my legs crossed. Well, it is the Lord's Day. So do you know what happens this weekend? What? Halloween. Yes. Oh, yeah. I'm not prepared at all. Well, you got a week. I know. Now, do you get a lot of trick-or-treaters in the Monroe? No, I get no trick-or-treaters. You get enough trick-or-treaters the rest of the year that you don't need anybody coming to your house next time. He has a jack-o-lantern filled with condoms when they walk in and he goes, there you go. It's flavored. That can be your treat. You get a treat, trick. I'll let you come on my face. That's a treat. Okay, I need warning before you say something like that. I just took a sip of water. Sorry for it. That's his mask he's wearing. It's a bukkake mask. I was going to say. No, we said kabuki. Kabuki mask. Though apparently I posed a question to one Taylor T. Latte boy that he did not know the answer to and I gave him the distinct pleasure of trying to find out what the answer to this question is. In relation to a story we talked about last Halloween. We talked about Blumkin's last Halloween. Oh, yeah. And any semblance of class this episode had just went away. Bye, Kevin. Bye, Kevin. So for those of you who don't are new listeners and don't know what a Blumkin is, Taylor, would you like to enlighten them? A Blumkin is when someone is receiving oral pleasure while sitting on the toilet defecating. Yeah, I remember that now. Well, my question to him is that there is a word or a term that is used when said person who is defecating manages to complete the act and the water splashes up through their legs and hits the person giving a blowjob in the face. What is that called? Crickets, crickets, crickets, crickets. There's a word for it. For Rodan, that's called Wednesdays. A typical reason. Oh, my God. No, there's no way. So any listener who has a suggestion of what this should be called, we're going to coin our own word for it, please. Oh, wait a minute. You don't know what the word is? No, I think we have to come up with a word. There has to be a word for it. Why were you thinking about this? I know, right? Is this what you do when you're in PTA meetings? Good Lord. I didn't... What dark crevice of your mind were you wandering around? Or you decided you needed to come up with a word for this? You tell us to derive life experience to come up with stories for the stupid... Okay, I know what... Oh... What did you call it when it splashed you in the face, Taffy? I said... Hand me a towel! No. No, I was just... I was imagining something in my brain as far as a sex act went and then that dawned on me and I thought that would be sanitary. So there has to be a word for that. Wow. I don't know, it's like the beard of Odom or something. I don't know what I was going to do. I've had the strange... I've been confronted with a little bit of kink this week. I wasn't expecting to get confronted with. Maybe later. But I wasn't expecting to be talking about that kind of kink. My goodness. It was a question. It's all... I didn't know. Okay. Whenever... Scat play is involved, it's never just a question. I'm fact-finding. That's all. I'm fact-finding. For your new book. 101 ways to raise a daughter. Raising children the Christian way by TZ Huffington. So, okay. With it being Halloween, what is something that is often associated with Halloween that happens on TV and in the movie theaters? Scary movies. Scary movies. What do I hate more on television in the movies than anything else? Scary movies. Scary movies. What is Baba Lubin watching for the last two days? Which is why I know. Just a little bit. Yes. At one point yesterday, I come walking, you know, where I hear like this sound that's kind of familiar, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. And Baba Lou's out there laughing and just like, "Oh my God, you have to come out of this movie." So 80s. And I'm like, "What is it?" And he goes, "Pultergeist! I proceeded to take my iPod, put my iPod in my earphones and just went back to playing my video game because I'm like, "No, I'm not watching that." Mm-mm. Because again, tree scene. No. Yeah, no. No. I grew up with a tree out in front of my bedroom window. And remember, sitting, watching "Pultergeist" on HBO, the night it premiered, and then having to go upstairs that night and sit and stare at the tree. The only way it could have been worse is if I had a clown in my room. I was clowned. The clown was the worst part. Yeah. Yeah. No. What is this? What is your truly like, the scariest movie you've ever seen that to this day strikes fear in your heart. Like, if you like, if you see, well, Rodan sextapes. Oh. No, I mean like, when you see like, when you see like, it's coming on on TBS tonight and you're like, ah! You have to change the channel quick enough. What would that be? I know what mine is. Mine is Jaws. Jaws? Yes. Jaws? Because Jaws is one of those movies that can actually happen. Where people have actually been eaten by sharks and no, I remember seeing Jaws. I remember seeing, I think it was Jaws to like, five or six when Jaws came. Yeah, but they just, but I used to, I didn't go outside. I used to watch TV all the time when I was a kid so it was always on HBO and this channel we had in Philadelphia called Prism that was like, they showed, they showed movies and, and they also showed, like, you know, the local sports, like Sixers and flyers and Phillies, all that sort of stuff. No. Yeah. Jaws. I was scared to go in my swimming pool at certain points because of Jaws. I was in the swimming pool by myself in an interview one time. So of course you're sitting with your butt in the water and you can't see the water and I think at one point, what if somebody put a shark in here and I couldn't see it? And I was like, 11, I wasn't like, you know, a little kid. So yeah, Jaws, Jaws, Jaws was the scariest movie to me. As we said, we didn't really watch a lot of scary movies growing up. I mean, normally it'd be like, you know, funny scary movies like critters or, you know, Jaws 3D because my Jaws 3, it was not, you know, that's scary anymore when you saw a shark in the water. I would say probably 13 ghosts, which I think I may have mentioned last year is what, because we ran out of the theater sprout and I did because he just, he couldn't take it anymore and I was queasy from it. And then I watched with the Greek not so long ago, haunting Connecticut. Someone else just told me that was scary. Babaloo wanted to watch that and yeah, I said, I know, I don't need to see that. The haremaster was talking about that yesterday and she was like, have you ever seen this movie? And I'm like, negative. And she's like, oh my God, it's so scary. Yeah, it was, it was definitely one of those where it wasn't supposed to be as, you know, I don't think I was supposed to be as freaked out by it as I was, but I definitely was. I always think about when people are getting killed in those movies and this probably speaks to your job probably. Well, I probably, yeah, I always think about people that like, it's kind of like where, you know, okay, these people had a life and they went to school and they had families and all that sort of stuff. And I kind of wonder like what's going through their heads as they're being killed, which I know is really weird and probably, it probably does speak to the therapist in me like what it's like to have that experience, but I mean, but it's ridiculous because, you know, as people are getting sucked into the, you know, the ninth circle of hell, I'm thinking, what's going through the rain right now? You know, other than it man's pain, yeah, I hope I didn't leave the curling iron on. No, shut up, nothing like that, but I mean just that are they calling for their mother? Are they, you know, well, that's why I will say that I actually really enjoyed the movie screen when it came out, which is like, I don't know, like 94, 95, whatever. But the first 15 minutes of that movie with the Drew Barrymore scene and everything where she's on the phone and her mom can hear everything that's going on, of course, that's a slasher movie type thing, but it was still, you know, being a mom, I still was really thought that was horrible. It was the eye for an eye where the daughter's on the phone and she's getting raped by Keith or someone in Sally Field can hear it. Both of those scenes and movies where, you know, you know what the daughter's going through and you know what the mom's going through listening to it, oh God, scares the shit out of me. I see those kind of movies. Oh. Well, I heard paranormal, yeah, I can't begin to imagine just because you're a mom, but that movie paranormal activity is supposed to be some freaky shit and it was only made for like $11,000 or some ridiculously low number. The trailer freaked me out for that. And the trailer's not even that bad about it, but it was one of those that I saw it was on entertainmentweekly.com or something and Bob will who was sitting next to me is like, I don't think you're going to want to click on that. I'm like, oh, please, how bad could it be? And I was like, ah, like kind of ran away at the summer. No, we were in a University of Georgia, like a month ago, they were doing a free college screening of the movie and it had gotten no buzz. I mean, no, it wasn't in any of the magazines. And when I came back, I was telling him about it. And then the next week, it was all in, you know, I didn't go see it or anything, but it was there. All the kids were talking about that it was just it was like this horribly screaming movie that showed a midnight showing free screening, whatever, to get word out. And all the kids were talking about how it was the scariest movie they had ever seen. I'm like, no, I don't believe so. That's a negative. I'll pass. I know it's very hit or miss as far as what people think about it, but the Blair Witch Project freaked the shit out of me. So maybe nauseous, I couldn't be scared of it because I was too busy being sick. Now, the last 10 minutes that movie was scary to me. Yeah, and that was pretty much the scary part, which is that because I have an active imagination. So just that last three seconds of the movie that now, and then I lived in an apartment at the time where I had to walk through woods to get to my get to my door from where my where the parking lot was. And then I managed to get all the way into bed and shut up the light and realize that I never locked the front door, so I had to get back up. I turned on every single light from my bedroom to the front door. Were we living together then? No. No, I was living. We were talking. You weren't living together. No. How very dare you? We were living in apartments across the street from each other at that point. Oh, yeah. Okay. So I went to go see with that lawyer guy, I think. The lawyer guy. There have been so many. I have no idea who. When I went to see the first time I saw Silence of the Lambs tank was in Saudi Arabia. It was like 91 or something. And I had to come back to my apartment by myself and I'm a size, you know, 12, 14. And there's a cat sitting in the window and I just kept going, I just kept replaying every scene in that movie over and over again to the point where this is before car phones. I actually sat in my car and waited until someone else who lived in our apartment complex drove up. And then I got out of my car and I was just like, oh, hi. I know the people who could see me just thought I was crazy because it was like, you know, 10 minutes, I'm sitting in the car just waiting for some other human to be out there. Yeah. That was ridiculous. All right. Do you remember the faces of death movies? Oh, God. Yes. I've never seen any of them. Okay. So Kirk from, you know, Threes Company College, you know, at Ecker College, he dragged me out to those because he thought it would be therapy for me. Okay. Okay. Do you just set them out? I had no fucking clue what to expect. All I knew was I was hoping I was going to get lucky after the movie. Who would want to fuck after seeing them? Don't take me to a movie where, you know, it's people, like real people getting killed, although now obviously, I didn't know this at the time, but it's all, you know, that they faked a lot of shit, but it was freaky. Why? I can just remember the first face of the death I watched with the widow Carlisle and I was about in, I don't know, seventh grade. I remember when they did, because the mother of the year award, 1983 goes to. Right. I remember there were certain things, which even then I was like, that can't be real, but then like when they did one of the guys in the electric chair and they show him being executed, I was, I was like, God, because that was all those things, you know, a satanic ritual where they, you know, remove the liver of the virgin. Yeah. I'm not buying that. But you knew that there were people who really had been in an electric chair. And that was, that was a little more real, some of them were just ridiculous to me. But that was a little more interesting. And then with, yeah, which one you ever saw, but you saw the one obviously with the monkey in the table. Oh, I'm not going to go into it for a little bit. I don't think so. The one I saw, the guy was drawn and quartered and then someone got split in a half on a subway. Oh, Jesus. I'm charming. Well, but it was, you know, it was only showed you after and it was all like the paramedic crews coming in, you know, he was still alive because he hadn't severed his spinal cord yet. Oh. Yeah. Exactly. I, I. Needless to say, I did not get lucky that evening, no, pretty, and pretty much my interest in Kirk waned after that. I can understand that plus his name was Kirk. So then there you go. We have listeners named Kirk. Be nice. Well, they're, they're the exception. Okay. I ever seen a movie when I was a kid and this was on like the local UHF channel. Um, you know, from like eight to 10 before they did the 10 o'clock news called burnt offerings. Oh, okay. It had Karen black in it. So that should tell you right there, you know, the quality of the movie. And I think Betty Davis was in it, but it was like, it was one of those movies from like the late 70s about this family that moved into this haunted house and it was the only thing that I remember that was really, really scary about it was that they had, there was this like chauffeur that was always wandering around that was really, really creepy looking and he had dark sunglasses on. And it just freaked me and my sister and our two next door neighbors, it totally freaked the four of us out. Who's that? Marched it. I can remember when I was little that we, when they still had drive ins, they're like the kids movie and then they did the adult movie because by then the kids should be asleep. And I can remember that my mom and my aunt, Karen took me and my cousin, Kim to see snow white and it was a double feature, snow white and hush, hush, sweet charlie. Oh God. Oh my God. And I can remember because my mom had one, had a nova, I think so, it's their call. It was just weird. Yeah. We're talking like 70s, no question. And I can remember that we were sitting, you know, you were, you would sit up and then you'd all have your PJs on and then you'd all lay down. I remember waking up because I had to go to the bathroom and sitting up right in the scene of hush, hush, sweet charlie, where she like knocks her sister down the stairs and I was like, what the hell do they want? I mean, just totally freaked me out of that was I was like, because it was kind of black and white too. Yeah. And I just remember sitting there like, I was afraid to move because I didn't want them to know I was awake and watching it. That was Betty Davis and Olivia de Havilland, right? Havilland, yeah. It gave me nightmares for, because I think it's the one where she has the weird almost like, where she's dressed up like a baby, but she's not really like a little girl or something. No, that's whatever happened to baby Jane, maybe that's what I'm thinking of. And does she have a sister? Yeah. Yeah. And is the sister in a wheelchair? Yes. Yes. Yeah, that's whatever happened to baby Jane, which is the Taffy Carlisle and widow hopping that story if there was one. But John, that chair Taffy, John, that chair. There was some, some movie where there's like, I don't remember bits and pieces of it, but it's like, this guy's walking this girl, I swear it's probably like a not after school special, but I guess it was a war movie, I don't know. But this guy like tried to kiss a girl and she, she wouldn't kiss him back and she pushed her and he felt, she fell back and hit her head and died because yeah, she hit like that corner, you know, the corner, she'd corner in like their brain stem or whatever and it's severed. And so as punishment, the mother, this boy's mother, bricked him into the basement and like for the rest of his life, just fed him through the wall. It's like in the Haunted Mansion where the one guy is, is bricking himself into the. Yeah. There's like this little like 70s movie and, you know, the, and then when the mother die, he was like stuck in there and it was, I don't know, it was weird. It wasn't episode of Frick Strangers. It was, it was Larry. That's what happened about the Exactly. Don't be ridiculous. That's what happened about his career. Thank you. He was bricked into a wall for sure. Well, we made Bronson Pinchot try to be like, do serious roles. No, I don't remember that now talk about horror. Room shot. So talking about no pun intended, talking about Halloween and all things scary. What was your favorite costume you wore when you were little? Did you, did you remember having a favorite costume? Well, okay. Before you ask that, we actually have some listeners to put in Halloween questions and I think that's actually one of a question we have, but we have a bunch of them, which thank God, by the way, I know this is a segue that we're not going to talk long about it, but Facebook is so fucked up this weekend that apparently people, if I look at my actual page versus looking at all of the email notifications I get, I'm not getting, I'm getting all of the notifications, but when I go to the page, they're not there on my page. So I have those of you who have sent questions, I'm actually getting them, like for example, Cassie in Montana wrote, "Who's your favorite fucking listener in fucking Montana?" And then wrote two more where she says, "Where'd my post go?" And then another one that said, "Fucking fuck." So Cassie, we did get you a lovely poetry. Cassie is nothing but a lady. Yes, yes. And she... Isn't our favorite listener in Montana, isn't that, isn't that Rob? Earl. Earl. Thank you. Earl. Okay, follow along, dipshit. Oh, oh yes, Earl. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's why we love him, ladies and gentlemen, he's quick on the update. Wow. He's so fucking slow. Yes, I'm licensed by the state to work with children. Of course, Cassie is our favorite fucking listener in fucking Montana. Sorry. But I think it was George, no, George didn't write that. We'll get to the costume one in a second. But it's what's the worst trick you have ever pulled on someone for Halloween? This guy named Rob, no. The scariest thing probably was a long time ago, I would say probably 10-15 years ago, when we lived in our first house in Florida. And Tank and I had the bright idea of hanging dead people from the trees. And we had about 15, I don't know, like pumpkin, pumpkin-headed stuffed, you know, the proverbial looking scarecrows that were hanging by hangman's nooses in our trees, except one of them was Tank. And honestly, if you looked across them, you could not tell which one was a real person. And so we would have kids that would walk up and, you know, they would swing a little -- and it was very eerie because we had all the up lights and everything, which I learned I don't do scary things for Halloween anymore. I just do, you know, pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. I don't do truly -- I mean, we would go really scary. And of course, so every once in a while, there would be some kid who would be like, "Oh my God, were these those bees? Those would be real?" Cut to Tank raising his head up or reaching his arms out quickly and doing this satanic voice of "Happy Halloween!" These kids, I swear to God, if I had had a camera, it was one of those -- you know how you have the silent scream where you actually can't form a sound, you just see them with their mouth, so I'm going, "Ahh!" Yeah, with their little hands and shaking, that's pretty much all we got. We would only do it to, like, the teenagers, though, not the real little kids, but, you know, probably, yeah, he really got a couple of them to the point where I'm pretty positive they wet their pants, but it was awesome, I mean, that was great. Nice. Thank you. Excellent. I've never been a big playing tricks on people for a Halloween sort of guy. I agree, you know, both of you and I seem to be a little bit more that we're into the treats. No, you're into the tricks, that's for sure. I'm definitely into just, you know, I'll do whatever you want for chocolate. Really? By the age of 14, I was walking and you guys go, "I'll suck you out dick for a Hershey bar." Ladies and gentlemen, you just heard Taylor tell me, personally, that he will do anything I ask him to for a Hershey bar. Actually, technically, if I told George, our listener, that I would suck his dick for a Hershey bar. Well, that's sweet. The only Hershey bar with nuts. Of course, the kind of chocolate he's going to give you isn't quite what you're doing. No, I don't think he's into scat play. Are we having a scat already? It is a horror episode. Well, and there's nothing more horrifying to me than poop, so that's, yeah. Okay. Well, now Gina, another one of our listeners says, "What is...Hi, Gina. What are your favorite Halloween memories from childhood, favorite costumes, candy and hauntings?" So let's do the costumes. What is your favorite costume that you've ever had? As a child? Yes. We'll say from childhood, because she has from childhood, so what was your favorite costume as a kid? I'm going to sound like the biggest square dork when I say this. A ballerina. But the reason it is you have to understand is because when I was little, everyone wore the plastic mask. Raceful, delicate. Exactly. Thank you. Plastic mask things, and then they had the outfits, the kind that you would buy at the grocery store. And our hometown then, and now, depending on what grades you were in, elementary trick-or-treated at four o'clock. And then they were done at six, and then junior high went from six to eight, and then high schoolers could trick-or-treat after eight, which is still the way it is up there, because they didn't want the little kids out with the big kids. And so when everyone was getting ready to come outside of there at four o'clock, everybody knew you had to be ready, and everyone came out at the same time, and you would all start walking down the street. Everyone had on the plastic mask and everything, and I had on a tutu, and my pink ballerina leotard. And I had very long hair. I could sit on it, and my mom had put it up in this huge bun, and I didn't have a mask on. It was like the first time I'd ever wore real makeup. I thought I was like in second grade. I just thought I was the shit. So wait a minute. Let me see if I get the straight. You were feeling the need to outdo everybody? I felt like a princess. I was the epic diva, even in second grade. I had a little word. I did. I remember thinking. I figured your porn is an epic diva. Wow. I don't like wearing a mask. I liked being me pink, pink, and soft, and cuddly. So yes. Well, I've said for years you are the devil, so pretty much anything you went out in as a child, you were terrifying. I'll take that as a compliment. Of course you do. Of course I do. And my favorite candy to this day is Skittles, or not Skittles, sicklets. Oh, I love that. Oh. We just did something. We talked about that on one of the other-- because I just listened to both Halloween episodes. Yeah. We just talked about that. Because I had no idea what they were until you explained to me they're the little round chocolate balls. They have them at-- well, okay. They have them at Target, by the way. Have you ever had any round chocolate balls, Taylor? No, but I know you have. Put them in your mouth and check them out. Poor Eric with an A. Poor Eric with an A. We have a listener that's Eric with an A. Oh, really? That is African American. Maybe he has-- Maybe I did it back a couple years ago. How funny would that be? That'd be so awesome. That would be funny. Eric, if you have a picture of you and Rodin, send it. Send it. Send it. What was your favorite costume, Rodin? I think-- and this is horrible, because it's one of those plastic jobbies that you were talking about before, the really bad '80s, plastic-- you know, you dive-- I don't think they were bad. I just said that that's what everybody else was wearing. Well, yeah. So, one year, my parents-- we never really, really did a lot for Halloween, and so this year, where we actually went and triggered treating us back up in Wisconsin. We actually went and triggered treating, like, you know, around the neighborhoods and around the mall. And I was Duke from GI Joe, so I was very excited. I thought you were getting ready to say that you were Duke, like from the Duke's bathroom. No. That'd be my younger brothers. They were all about the Duke's hazard. I was Yoda. One year. I was Yoda. And I remember it was just one of those, again, the plastic mask and the polyurethane polyester, you know, costume. But if somebody lit a match too close to you, you would have gone up in flames. And I remember I found a big stick out in the front yard, like a big branch, and used that kind of like the way Yoda had the walking stick. So my grandmother took a picture of me, and I'm all hunched over, you know, with the mask on, and got the stick holding the stick, and my sister's looking at me like I'm an asshole. But that's-- Do you have a copy of that picture? She looks at you. You know what? When I go home for holidays, I think I will get copies of all my pictures. I may need to borrow a tank scanner. Okay. That could be done. So, because I think I may be scanning a bunch of pictures and posting some of them. So yeah, I look ridiculous. And I think my sister was Wonder Woman. What was your favorite candy? My favorite candy when I was a kid? My favorite candy was probably M&Ms. It's still a good choice, though. Yeah. I mean, I know it's kind of, you know-- No, they're still that-- Be shy, but-- Yeah, M&Ms is my favorite when I'm getting on an airplane candy. Like, if I'm on an airplane and I'm like trapped there, I always feel better having a bag of M&Ms with me. I always get a mocha frappuccino and a blueberry scone, because that's what keeps the plane in the air. I know if I don't have my mocha frappuccino, it doesn't matter if my blood sugar's 400 when I'm getting on the plane. I'll have a mocha frappuccino and a blueberry scone, because if I don't, the plane will crash and we'll all die. So, that's what I get. I go to Bloody Marion and Xanax, I'm just kidding. That's Taffy's favorite candy. Right. Dang, no. Now, as an adult, my favorite candy now, the dark chocolate milky ways. Oh, they're like-- they just call them milky-wave minnights. Yeah. Because they still call them, and they're perfect little bicep candy. Okay. I love that. Have you had the dark chocolate Reese's peanut butter? No, I refuse to try one, because Reese's cups are my favorite candy of all time, and in fact, they're dark chocolate. I can't even talk about it. I had one last. We got them yesterday. When I went to go pick up my diabetes medicine, they had them two for a dollar, so I want them to, one for Pablo and one for me. Are they good? And I had it last night. I was getting ready to go finish my email and then go to bed, and I was like, oh, I had these sitting here, so I had them right before I went to bed, and I was like, this is so good. But then you wake up this morning and not feel good? Yes. See? But I think that's also because I upped my dosage on my new medicine, so I think that might have had something to do with it. Well, you upped your dosage while you increased your sugar. Good job. Yeah. Well, hey, I got to be me. So. Okay. They have these new Reese's bars. I don't know if you've seen them, but they're like, they're like 10 little Reese's cups all put together one big candy bar. No, I have these. Oh my God. It's so bad. I have them all the time. I don't like them. Not all the time. Well, when we got married, we got married on October 7th, and for our batch, for my bachelorette party, we took, we did a lot of things. One thing we did, we went on a haunted hayride, and one of my bridesmaids was under the influence of narcotics, and when the guy came after her with the chainsaw, she knocked two kids off the hayride, and jumped up to the car. That was fantastic. She totally, I mean, like, she freaked out to the point where they were afraid they were going to have to stop it, and they had to give her the brown bag for to breathe in to. And then we went to friendlies, and she ate a Jim Dandy, and then she ordered another one and ate the second one. We were like, that's impressive. You know, one of my favorite hallowines, like as not an adult, but as like a high schooler, it was a little bit, like, I think it was a senior in high school. I went to Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights on Halloween with my high school boyfriend. We had sex in the thing. Yes. You shared that story before? I know. I remember sharing that story before. I forgot it was on Halloween. Moment in time that's forever been encapsolized on the show. Yes. You're horrible. Okay. What? Molly, one of our another listener, says favorite. He's going to edit me out, so I'll be like, all three co-hosts are back this week. Why is Taffy's track edited the entire time? I can. Says I, and that's it. I can find the noise from the peanuts from when the adults talk, and just put that in any time you talk. So, Taffy, what's your favorite candy? Well, that's because I am the only adult on this show, that would make sense. That's what we should have done last week. That would have done that for last week. Okay. She wants to know what is your favorite costume that you've ever worn, and then she makes sure to say, "I meant Halloween costume. I forget who I was asking." Well, true. I think it's a costume that I've ever worn. I was talking about today, actually, to Babaloo, and to Taylor, and Tank made them about seven, oh, god, I know, nine, ten years ago, and we went as a flower pot in a watering can, and he made a flower pot out of paper mache and knitting hoops that fit over me, and I had a shirt that had enormous tissue-papered flowers all over me and all over my head. I had the green vines that wrapped around my legs and green tights, and then he had made this ridiculous phallic beyond phallic from the side. It looked like he was a watering can that had this giant spout that came out of where his dick was, and it was huge, and inside it, he had put a drip irrigation system to where he could actually put his hands inside it and pump water that would shoot all over me. We did! We went to a Halloween party and won first place. It was awesome. So yeah, that was probably one of my favorite costumes. It was the most uncomfortable costume I've ever worn, but it was probably one of my favorites. I would have to say my favorite costume that I ever made was actually, I think, my freshman or sophomore year in college, and I was Peter Pan that I made with- I've seen- We've all seen pictures of that. There's a picture of that on- I think on Facebook, somebody- one of my friends from college tagged me in a picture. No, I think you actually posted on the podcast too, or on the blog. Did I? I think so. Okay. I think so, because I know I've seen it. Well, I might repost it just for all of you who haven't seen it, because it's pretty, and yeah, but that was probably my favorite. I was drunk that night. That's the only thing I remember that was that I, at one point, I think thought I could fly. I can fly. I can fly. Yes, I was- I was for as a bulk in the craft. It wasn't the first time. Tricky, tricky, tricky, tricky. Okay, Rodan, yeah, your favorite costume ever, or was that Duke? You know, I don't know, I would say, you know, I think a couple of years I've gone is like a corporate devil, but really, that's what I do every day, so I don't know. I haven't really been a lot for adult costumes, so. Well, okay, then what was one that you had- it was- so pretty much it was Duke, then, as far as- Oh, really? Okay. 'Cause that was one of the more memorable Halloween's that I had, yeah. Okay. All right. Eileen didn't have a question, but Moore has a comment that just says that she thinks the Tappy's Indian name should be "runs with bears." Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, she does. So. And Tank's pretty much a straight bear, so. Wow, that's a fact. Yeah. Even that sometimes is to go- negotiable, so. The bear or the straight part? The straight part. Hey Tank. Okay. Mike. Back off. I get first dibs. Fine. Okay. Okay. Michael- not docu-cast Michael, but Michael Golden says he wants to know if we have any good stories from adult Halloween parties, or rather Halloween parties that you've ever attended as adults. Have you ever gotten laid at a Halloween party? Made out in a cemetery? Worst idea for a costume? Most candied- most candy consumed? So I have gotten laid not at a Halloween party, but I did get laid at a Halloween benefit haunted house for my work. That's right. I forgot all about that. That's back when you were like, "Hore Taylor." Thank you. I was "Hore Taylor." Is that like Bizarro Taylor from the parallel dimension? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, I got a blow job when I was volunteering at a haunted house that I was working at for an AIDS organization I used to work for. Nice. Well, now Taylor and I were at a- it wasn't really a haunted house, but it was a Halloween themed American Diabetes Association benefit once. And that's when you can tell the story of how they told us how to find our tables. I think we've told the story on the show before, but we had- they had little ghosts hanging from these little, you know, they almost looked like they were little trees, little, you know, sleeveless trees that were sitting in each of the tables, and there was a ghost hanging from each one with a number. And the guy gets on the- what do you call it? And the intercom, it tells everybody to get to their tables, and you can find which table you're at by going- by finding the spook hanging from the tree with the number on him. And we just looked at each other, we're like, "Okay, you did hear that." And that's when he told the story about the haunted, that was at the Bellevue bit more. Yeah. And he told the story about how supposedly the Bellevue built more as haunted, and that there was a woman who had lost a necklace, and she died looking for the necklace. So sometimes at night she rooms the halls looking for a pearl necklace. We couldn't get to ourselves. I think- That's one of my favorite pictures of you and I, where you and I are both crying, we're laughing so hard. And of course, and then he goes right into this, you know, it was something for- it was for homeless. It was for homeless shelter. And he's like, "You know, the plight of the homeless is very important, you know, to us, and it's very dear to our hearts that we help people." Meanwhile, we're sitting at table one, screaming, laughing. Yeah, it was horrible. I think the most inappropriate, and obviously I am not offended by anything, you know. I think some of the costumes, most of the costumes. As long as it creates an ounce of ingenuity, I think it's funny. But I remember we were at Guava Wing one year, and one of the most offensive- the costumes that people were most offended by was someone was dressed like a nun and someone was dressed like a priest. And you know the little- the children that they have where they put their hands over their eyes and they hide in the corner? They had sewn them to the crotch of the priest's pants. I've seen those before. Yeah. So that was the first year I had ever seen it, and I think that was one that everyone was doing the whole really, really, but yeah, what are you going to do? We went to Siegfried and Roy two weeks after he was attacked and Tank had a huge tiger on his- on his shoulders with like blood and gore all over his neck and a piece of some people thought that was too soon, yeah, whatever. Too soon. Too soon. We thought I was funny. Oh, yeah. See, I've never had sex at a Halloween party. You had sex at Halloween Harrenites. I know. You're on the main float. What's on the main float? It was off to the side. You couldn't see us. You were the ride at Halloween Harrenites. No. But he was the ride. Oh, anyways. Anyways, no, I had a bit of a threesome on a- on Sacred Ground. Oh my God. Ooh. Okay. Burger King is not really a Sacred Ground. Burger King. That should be the title. No, there used to be a cemetery in Eustis where I- not near where I grew up. No, it was Donavista. Sorry. It was Donavista. They have a bunch of these like, like, untended cemeteries where there's like, you know, 25-30 graves. Mm-hmm. And, you know, they're not really tended all that well and they're not really fenced in or whatever. And my friend, one of my friends in high school used to go there all the time. And so I went with her one time and I was pretty cool and thought, "Oh, this would be really cool to have sex here." So this opportunity arose for me to take this girl that I was- who was kind of enemy. And this guy who was kind of into her, we went to the cemetery where they both blew me. So it was wonderful and freaky and- So it was death becomes her. Her death comes on her. Yeah, right. God. I can remember the only thing that we have a huge cemetery where I'm from. It's more like a park. I mean, it's enormous. And on one side of the cemetery was somebody I went to school with and all the way on the other side of the cemetery and across a highway subsequently was somebody else that I went to school with. And whenever you joined the band and we would have our Halloween band party, that was your initiation where you had to go from David Ashmore's grandmother's house to Robin's house and you'd have to run. It was about a half a mile to get from point A to point B and it was you could go in sets of two. So I always wanted to be paired up with like, you know, the really cute tuba player. So I could, you know, I figured that was my thing. The goal was, you know, I was going to get scared and then he was going to protect me and we ended up making out. You know, the middle of the cemetery? Yeah, never have. I always freaked myself out. You know, I mean, I would always, my brain would go further than, you know, I would see a shadow and then I would, I would just knew that it was going to be every bad 80s movie where the hand was going to come up and grab my foot as I was running and I was going to trip and fall. And yeah. So I never, I was always the pathetic, sad, crying, just get me out of here. Which is funny because only the first year students had it do it and I was like, you know, in a for five years and I still, you know, as a senior would always volunteer to go with freshmen, but it still never worked. Wow. Yeah. Classic. The only time I ever had quasi sex at a Halloween party, I was dressed up as a little red riding hood and my boyfriend at the time was dressed up as the big bad wolf and of course the joke, you know, are you going to eat me yet that running joke on my own? Wow. Why do you have such a big cock all the better to fuck you? That's right. Why grandma would a big cock you have the other titled episode one, 20? God. You think the widow Carlisle's got a big cock. You should see her mother's. That's all I'm going to say. Oh, dog it. Are you talking about your grandmother? Yes, I am. I love that one. Okay. Work as you said, it was good. What have long with the story? Work with me. Okay. I was just randomly talking about the size of Virginia tell you, but thank you so much. Dana wants to know what is our favorite color. Orange. Orange. I asked, they could be Halloween, but they didn't have to. And Dana seems to be the only one who didn't ask a Halloween one, which is fine. And that's not the orange is my favorite color this time of year. Orange is one of my favorite colors, period. Orange is my favorite color all year long. Yeah. All right. John Halsey, who left us to ask this question a couple weeks ago, said if you could be anything for Halloween, what or who would it be, Finn? Professor Dr. Scott and I were thinking about going as Peter Griffin and the chicken. Oh, that would be awesome. But he would be Peter Griffin and I'd be the chicken is what we pretty much decided that would be. He has no idea what you're talking about, but I totally support that. So we still may do that. I've tried to get Bobaloo and Taylor to go as Fred and Barney. Yes, that would be fantastic. We will go as Fred and Barney sometime, which I just, I won't call this weekend. So we can't do it and plenty of people I know have always said that Taylor has bunny robo feet, so Taylor would be Fred, no, no, I know, but he does have Barney, no, I have Fred Flintstone feet, you motherfucker, because you've been saying that since I was 22. I have candles, so why I could go with any costume if I could, if I could look the same way she looked in the costume, hmm, just grab it, even though that's way, way of the little stuffing. And that's like, she loves, but yeah, if I could look that way in the, well, just push your food up and that could be the boobs. Or I would be mistaken, shut up, that's gross, or I would be mystique from the X-Men when she's in the all blue. Yeah. Yeah. You know what, there was a bit of a X-Men joke in Eastwick this week, that was actually kind of funny. Oh my God. Yes, I'm watching Eastwick. I can't help it. So does Bobaloo. No, he watched one and he decided he couldn't do it and I watched about three minutes of with myself. So this is pretty much charmed. And he went, yeah, kind of. I said, okay. And I just kept fighting. It's Desperate Witches. Desperate Witches. Yeah. Desperate Witches for more Botox. Rebecca remains famous is looking like she got hit in the face with a train. She is looking like a beast, probably because everyone else there and that shows like five with five. And she's like five. Seven for three. Yeah. Well, she looked like that on that. She looked like she was a trainer. She was perfect for that. Yeah. By the way, speaking, and I, we have a, I know we're finishing. So yeah. I'm done. I watched. I've been doing this Friday's episode and I can't do it anymore. It's the, it's the same, it's the same show every single week. Yeah. Yeah. I believe it. You had sat, I think if they took ugly, if they took Betty out and made a show about the rest of everybody else, it'd probably be fine. Well, and that's what I pretty much said to Bobaloo. I said, I'm not going to sit and watch an hour shows that I can watch three minutes of the Nestle Williams. It's the only one. Yeah. She's the only one. Nestle Williams and Mark. That's the only two I want to watch. Yeah. That's who you and I should be sometime. We should totally be the Nestle Williams and Mark. That would be awesome. Will Amina and Mark, that's okay, that's, you need a bow tie. Now, Mark's ex boyfriend from ugly Betty's on Stargate universe, which has been fucking amazing. I've heard nothing but good things about that. That's, I may have to. I think you can, can you watch all other episodes on like Hulu or anything? Yes. They're air, they're on Hulu and I think they're up to episode five now. So you have to watch a Stargate universe. Yes. He's shaking his head. Yes. So I think he, I was going to say I thought he watched that. It is a little bit like Battlestar Stargate, but it is, it's so far it's been just intense. And I, it's like the first thing I watch on Tivo as soon as I have one in the can. Well, we started, we started this podcast talking about toilet humor and we're ending it talking about in the can. No, we're not. We're not done yet. We have a couple, we have a couple more questions. Just a couple of real fast ones. Crystal, Crystal Greenfield wants to says, I know there has to be some good John Goodman Halloween stories. So spill them. Also, if this has already been asked and forgive me for being redundant, but what are your best Halloween? Oh, we've already talked about the Halloween costumes. Crystal. Okay. Oh, which is costume and a broomstick. You do the math. Oh, but the, which is costume is Elvira, you know, and Elvira's size on a, it's a four, it's a four, it's a four T Elvira costume on a 700 pounds, you know, jabber walkie. Her idea of a sexy costume would be a Marabu Feather Thong, you know, from Lane Bryant in the biggest size they have with the matching black shoes and bra and kitty cat ears. Am I wrong? In a litter box. Oh, can we knock your past John Goodman in it's cat. Your image of that would be awesome, that's horrible. Actually, that was our last one, because I, the last thing that we have is from Cassie, but we started off asking those, so, all right, excellent. So is there anything else that we want to talk about this week? I mean, I know we're already at like 50 something minutes, but uh. It's 10 minutes, so I was waiting for Taffy's double voice to go away. Well, it is Halloween after all. We did have the technical glitches for a minute there, but they seem to have, they seem to have subsided. God, I'm keep burping. I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh. Sorry. Are you burping up Babaloo? Are you burping up something else? No, that's Babaloo's was burped up yesterday morning, so that's fine, but um. So all right. Well, I guess, I guess we're done. Well, don't sound so sad. We'll be back next week. No. We will. We will. Will we be back next week? Are we sure? We need to talk. We need to talk about the new logo. We haven't talked about the new logo. I love the new logo. You did a great job. Thank you. Thank you very much. Yes, we had four billion logos and some of which were, you know, some ideas were submitted from from some of our listeners, including Pat, who accidentally asked me about the logo on my real identity Facebook page, which I was like, yeah, it's all like, I have to delete that right away in case somebody's going logo. What are you talking about? Um, but yeah, we, we, we decided that we were going to go a completely different direction for what we were going to do. And I played around with the Mad Men feature on, um, I guess it's AMC television network.com or whatever. And I was playing around with mine and thought, wait a minute, I could do Rodan and Taffy too. And so we have a very kitschy 50s. Everybody's holding everybody's holding a drink. You know, I so so that's our new official logo. It's up on iTunes. It's up on the blog. It pod is my copilot.com and we're going to use that as cover art this week. There's not going to be the 120 like there usually is, but it's, that's, that's going to be our logo and we're going to go back to having silly, you know, bucocky pictures for every other, every other, you know, album art that we do every other week. But so if you don't know what we're talking about, look at your iPod right now and you'll look at our new, you'll see our new logo pay attention people. Yes. Pay attention. We're always, always trying something new. Have a safe, safe, happy Halloween and send us pictures of you guys in your costumes. Yeah. Couple of years ago. And you know something else that we did that you tried to do a couple of years ago that never seemed to fly. We never had anybody actually do it. What? You asked for our listeners to carve pot as my copilot into a pumpkin and send us a picture of it and you offered, you offered a $20 Starbucks gift card and nobody ever took you up on it. Hmm. I will give a $20 Starbucks gift card to the best picture of the best pot as my copilot or P.I.M.C. that you carve into a pumpkin. Make it happen people. Yeah. Car. Only one of you does it. Right. Carved in not where you print something out and then staple it to a pumpkin and say that's it. It has to be actually carved. So how much, how much you pumpkins go for like five, 10, five, 10 bucks. Yeah. So you're doubling your money and you know coffee goodness from pot as my copilot. And you're making us happy and really you can't put a price tag on that. Yeah. Taylor, Taylor likes it when I'm happy because then I don't verbally abuse him, which I think he, I think he kind of gets off on. What? I just remember something. What? It's the Florida, the week of Thanksgiving. What? Why? Yes. Where? Because I'm going to be staying with my mom, but I've, yeah, so I'm going to be in Orlando. I'm going to be in Orlando. I will be in Orlando Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I'll be there from Sunday through Saturday. I'll be there on Thursday. So there's a treat. Oh, that could be very, very, very, very good for us. I know. Hmm. Well, we'll have to deal more with that, not on the show to give away all of our little goodies, but that's very intriguing. Excellent. Okay. And so beware of Orlando because, oh God, it's coming. Be a very wary bear because the bear is talking about a horror story come to life. And by horror, you mean W-H-O-R-E? It's the horror that topped Orlando. Okay. All right. Well, on that. All right. Well, on that note, as always, you can go to our blog, which is podasmycopilot.com. You can email us at podasmycopilot@gmail.com or be our friends on Facebook at okay, so I love podasmycopilot. Right. And look for the new voicemail number coming soon so that you can all leave messages that we'll never play. Well, we do listen to them though and we love the feedback and we love the questions. Yes, yes. And we love when people send us reviews on iTunes. Please, if you haven't sent us a review, we have a lot of people that listen through iTunes and while we have a lot of reviews, there's a lot of you out there that haven't left a review. Shame on them. We're not going to shame them into doing it. We're going to gently ask, at least once or twice before we start shaming people. Oh, please. These guys want us to beg them and by beg them, I mean, walk across their back with a little here. Yeah. And you know what? I know, right. It's been a while since we've had a listener on as a guest co-host. Hmm. Oh, just saying. There may be a contest coming up. So... Dang, go back here. Yeah. If you haven't left a written review on iTunes, you might want to think about cementing one. Excellent. And look for some guest co-host coming up in the near future. I'm not going to say who, but it's somebody that we all love and talk about pretty much every week. And it rhymes with heaven. Yes. It rhymes with heaven knee. Luke Miller? Oh my God. No. It rhymes with heavenly because that's what he is, heavenly. Okay. Happy Halloween everybody, we will see you all. Yeah. We'll see you next week. I'm sure we'll have stories of fat people and costumes that are way too tight and all that sort of stuff. God willing. Yes. Happy Halloween. This is Taylor. I'm Tappy. And Rodan. Have a good week, everybody. Boo fuckers. Boo fuckers. Okay. That's the title episode 120. I can't. We started with Boo Kocky. We were ending it with Boo fuckers. There you go. From Boo Kocky to Boo fuckers. That's the title. We are Potters Micropile. All right. Goodbye. We'll see you all next week. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. You're watching The ♪ By your side ♪