Pod Is My Copilot
vPiMC: Episode 45 - Cooking With Taffy: Fall Sides
Taffy Carlisle Huffington shows you how she can't even cook without it getting a little dirty, making some of her favorite autumnal side dishes. Guest starring the voices of the Huffington children AND Pipa, the family dog. Oh, and a telemarketer. Bon Apetit!
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[music] Taylor will love that. Hello y'all, this is Paula Deen. You're not really. But it is Taffy Carla Huffington, and today is the first day of fall. So we decided a video podcast would be fun, and I'm going to bake one of my favorite fall recipes, and it's about the easiest recipe you can do, in fact, it's virtually impossible to screw this up. So you're going to need about four things, and a half an hour, and an oven, and that's about all. What you're going to need is [imitates grumbling] apples, some sort of nuts I'm using walnuts today, cinnamon sugar, brown sugar, and butter. I happen to have a groovy little pan that I'm using for this, but actually John Goodman gave me that. You can use anything. We're going to make fake apples. I'm trying to do this by myself, so it's going to look like I'm a crazy person, but that's okay, and very unflattering lighting, but that's life. If I was king, the one would have better lighting. Anyways, okay, so first what we're going to do is we're going to pour some apples. I've already got two dinos, and I'm going to do this, hmm, that's going to be interesting. I guess I can set this here next to a weapon, Taylor will love that. Oh. This is remotely dirty. See how easy it comes out, though? Tonight, I'm only making three because Ollie Pop has a date, so from there, it really literally is nothing but cramming stuff in holes, because this is not what Pop's my coop pilot is really all about. You need about a third of a cup of hard-packed brown sugar, and you just stick it in the hole. Told you this whole thing is dirty. You can cram it in, wow, it's going to get dirty here, I assure you. Okay, after you get your holes nice and filled, there's no way you can do this, it's not dirty. Then you want to stick your nuts in your holes, hooray! Okay, I'm using walnuts, I've used pecans, I've used almonds before, you can use lots of groovy things. Next comes the piece that raises the stonks, butter and sugar, because you know, this is all very dietary. So that's what it should look like when you're done, by the way, that was a teller marketer, I told him to fuck off. That's what it should look like when you're done, and then it's going to go into our oven, do well with my quasi-pink, you know, weird-looking cabinets. It's going to go into the oven for about a half an hour for 30 minutes, but wait, they're very small. I'm going to do one more recipe, and they're both going to bake at the exact same amount of time in the same oven, perfect, wonderful, I'll be back. Hiya, so for our next dish, we're going to make squash casserole. This has even fewer ingredients than the apples, and it's equally as easy, if not easier. This is one of my very favorite ingredients that are totally unappreciated that you can make anything with. And since I don't eat potatoes anymore, I make a lot of things with squash, like squash or cotton. This literally has three ingredients. Squash cheese parsley. If you look at the price, $1.91, it can't beat it. You're using one cup finely shredded cheese, yes, it came from a bag, a little bit of parsley, a little bit of squash. First thing we're going to do is cut up our squash. Okay, I've been trying to do this by myself, but I now have guidance. I'll be popping the little tummy tender here, and they're going to help me. So I'm handing it over to Lolly Pop, so if it's bad playing, alright, we can take in our squash. And we have sliced it thinly, not too thin, but pretty thin. What you want to do is you want to layer it like so, with a sprinkling of garlic pepper. They get to see our leakage. I already told them about our pink gum, our pink, gut, whatever. And they see the perfectness. They really have the perfectness, but they will. The boy says you're hearing from beyond or my children. Layer it with cheese. Then a little bit more of the squash business. This is literally a five minute meal, it's not even a meal, it's a side dish, but it's five minutes of your life. And then it bakes for half an hour, you don't have to babysit it. Maybe you're taping meat or the food? Yes. Well, excellent. And I'll videotape the baby in the moment. So after each layer, you just put a little more garlic pepper on, and a little more cheese. It's really not that difficult. Actually, so simple Taylor can probably do it. He has to edit this, so that's going to all be knocked out, I'm sure. We're almost done. I thought so, maybe not. You're not going to use a mandolin on this because you need all the seeds and everything. And the mandolin has a tendency to squish them, which doesn't make me happy. Can you make substitutions for the squash? You can make substitutions for the squash only with other squash for this particular recipe. You can add things to it though, you can add mushrooms. You can add, I don't know if I'm answering peppers or anything like that. So after you get your final layer of cheese on, you just have it with a little parsley. And you cut it up. You can put tomatoes in it too. Potatoes. Potatoes, well, the whole idea of this, I can't eat potatoes, so I don't usually do that. In general. Yes, in general, I can't. So what I'm saying with people like a kid, I know, all right, so after this you're going to cover this with aluminum foil, and you're going to put this with your apples, you're getting apples. Thank you very much. Amazing. You don't have to zoom. Back on me. Eyes on me. In which place. Okay. I'm happy that we did eat your tapes. After that, you're going to put them both in the oven, 350 for 30 minutes. This one's covered. That one's not. I'll show you more later. Come on. Hello there. It's been about a half an hour, and the apples just came out of the oven, and I was going to show you. By the way, you can make these two side additions to any kind of folly, tight meat. I mean, it can be chicken, pork chops, I'm making fried ham. Or even, you know, cornish ends or anything like that. So, this is what they look like when they are all done. They have pretty yummy goodness, melted and nutty and yum. I would let them sit for about five minutes once they come out of the oven. So our squash has about two more minutes, and then I'll take it out and show you. Hello, we're back. Our squash has come out of the oven. You can see that it's still bubbling, which means, again, I would let it sit for quite a while. Isn't that pretty? Isn't that look yummy? All that is is just garlic pepper, parsley, chili, and squash, and it is good, it, it. So, with your apples and your squash, a little fried ham, we get to go. So, happy fall, happy harvest, and happy pot is my co-pilot. Yeah, just kidding. That's why the lady is a tramp.