Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 100 - By Summer You'll Have Safe Words, or I Put Bronzer On My Pee Pee....
THIS IS IT! A JUMBO SIZED 100th episode of Pod Is My Copilot. Thank you all for your patience, and thank you to Cassie in Montana and Pat Gaik for our intro. The Copilots talk about how Taffy recently fisted Tank, Rodan finds out that a little nibbling CAN be painful, Taylor and Babaloo get the essentials for camping, Facebook Follies...oh yeah, and Log Cabin Republicans....and much more. Plus SOME of your questions.
This episode is our first show where ALL of us taped on GarageBand...we are still working out some of the kinks technically, but I (Taylor) feel that this one of our best episodes ever! And by sure to check out our special artwork for this episode, incorporating all the previous artworks over the last 100 episodes, including our guest stars who have graced us with their presence....
Thank you to all of you who have supported our show over the last two years! You all truly humble us....well, you humble me and Rodan....
blog: www.podismycopilot.com, listener line: 206-202-5165, email: podismycopilot@gmail.com, facebook: Ok, So I Love Pod Is My Copilot
(upbeat music) - Hi, fuckers. This is Cassie. (laughs) This is Cassie in Montana. Hi, Rodanne, Taylor, Taffy. I was calling to say happy 100th episode. You are my all time favorite podcast. I love listening to you. Every week when there's a new episode, I get excited. It's the first thing I listen to. And I've been thinking over the past couple of weeks, there are too many episodes and clips that are my favorite and so funny, but one show I really remember in particular, I'm pretty sure it was episode 20. I'd have to go look it up. When Mountain Woman was on, there were like a bunch of you. Drum was there too maybe? I can't remember, but I really enjoyed that show that Mountain Woman was on and she's really never been back, I don't think. But I don't remember why I liked it. I think there was something really funny in there, probably making fun of Taylor. I'm gonna listen to it again this week and see if I can remember what it was. I found so funny about it. And then of course, you know, I love your fat and all that stuff, all the classic stuff, Minneapolis, everything. Anyway, just wanted to wish you guys happy 100th show, love your show, it's my favorite, bye. - Hello lovers, it's Pat, your sometimes announcer with a message for you. 100 episodes is a fabulous milestone in your illustrious careers and I'm proud to have had even a tiny part in them. And looking back at favorite moments, there are just too many to choose from. Still, I wanted to express my true feelings about the show and its three irreplaceable co-hosts. So this is for you. ♪ 100 episodes with Taylor, Taffy and Roden ♪ ♪ I'm their biggest fan, I can't help it ♪ ♪ I've heard each episode, sometimes more than twice ♪ ♪ It's a shameful price, I can't help it ♪ ♪ Show seven, Taylor whacked off while bunking with Roden ♪ ♪ Show 69, John Goodman, shit in Taffy's hand ♪ ♪ 100 episodes, please do 100 more ♪ ♪ I'll be keeping score, I can't handle it ♪ ♪ Roden and Taffy both broke their feet and toes ♪ ♪ Taylor poked dead people while I do their intros ♪ ♪ And 100 episodes, I hope they'll never quit ♪ ♪ They're funnier than shit, they can't help it ♪ - Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and welcome to Take Four of Pod Is My Co-Pilot, episode 100. - What are you? (laughing) - Who's fucking who? - That's right, our excitement has waned with each passing take. - Which means we're gonna be punch drunk for this episode, so it'll be fine. - Oh my God, okay, we just started to tape episode three and then my audacity locked up five minutes in, so we're starting over again. So if this one locks up, this will be the last episode of Pod Is My Co-Pilot because-- - Don't say that. - 'Cause Mama will be done. I am Taylor the Latte Boy, thank you very much for downloading this centennial episode. I am joined as always by my two wonderful co-hosts, Taffy Carlisle Huffington. - The Betsy Ross of Pod Is My Co-Pilot. (laughing) Betsy Ross of Pod Casting. - And Roden, the Paul Bunyan of Pod Casting. (laughing) - V-f-o-bum. - That's Jack in the Beanstalk, you twit. - Whatever, where's my big purple ox, or whatever the hell it was? - Or babe the big blue ox. - I'm gay, it's purple. - Actually, if you're gay, it should be blue. - Actually, it should be rainbow, babe the big rainbow ox. - Or B-L-E-W. (laughing) - Very good. - Speaking of rainbow tonight, sitting at Starbucks with my 13 year old and my 17 year old, one of the baristas came over and wanted to talk to us about rainbow parties. - Really? - What? - Yes. And she's the cutest little thing I love her to death, and she comes over and starts wanting to chat up, you know, my daughter's about rainbow parties, and I'm going, - Was she inviting them to one? - No, of course she wasn't inviting them to one. - What is a rainbow party? - A rainbow. - Oh, dear. - Oh, dear. - I'll let you handle this one. - A rainbow party is the phenomenon known as when a group of kids have a party and all the girls put different colored lipstick on, and they attempt to form a rainbow along a boy's dick. Now, quite frankly, if that proves that they don't know what the hell they're doing, because there's no way you can make a perfect ring around someone's dick with your lip gloss and actually try to suck it, but I think the goal is just to get the lines to where, yeah. - And Taffy would know. - Who knew? - So yes, that's a rainbow party. Yeah, and I'm just sitting there going, um, that sounds like an urban legend than a real act. Sounds like something-- - Well, they talked about it. - Oh, no, no, it is a real thing to design. - They have talked about it on Oprah, so it must be true. - Jesus, please. - You know it. - Speaking of Oprah, today, Tanya Harding was on Oprah. - Oh, Jesus. - I know how Harding is a fucking liar, man. I cannot hear her talk. That could be the title. Tanya Harding is a fucking liar. (laughing) - Because apparently 1990 called-- (laughing) - That's it. - That's what the show was about, was all the news bakers of the '90s. - Oh, God, really? Who else was on? - Like Lorena, Bobbit, and that Ileon Gonzalez, and O.J. Simpson. He wasn't on it, but they talked about the trial, and then they had Tanya Harding on it. Who, by the way, apparently eight Nancy Kerrigan. (laughing) And not in the fun rainbow flag sense, but in the, she looked like a behemoth sentence, and yeah, it was a tragedy. - So she goes up on the ice, she falls through. No, no, actually, they had her on the skates, and she can still do a bunch of stuff. I was very impressed with the fact she could actually still do a bunch of this stuff, because she's a pretty big girl. - Did Ileon Gonzalez grow up to be really cute? - I was gonna say, did they show what he looks like now? - I wasn't paying that much attention. I was just listening to it to be quite honest with you. I was sleeping in my kitchen floor. I can't sit and watch television during the day. That's something I-- - Okay, so something like that where there's possibly a cute Cuban boy gonna be on TV, you're busy sweeping your floor. But some big fat pig on ice gates doing a triple Lutz, you're sitting right there with popcorn in here. - No, I was sweeping that room at the time, that's why. She was just gross. And you can tell that Oprah knew that she was a total liar too, because Oprah kept fading her in and like, well, that Ileon's answering the question, how did you feel what all that was going down? I just felt like I shouldn't have married Jeff Gulluli. Okay, but how did you feel about, you know, what had happened to that? This was a competition and that your name was tainted. Well, I just really, you know, I wasn't raised in a good home and they just didn't teach me how to make a choices. But did you, yeah, as I said, you could just tell that everything out of her mouth was exactly what she thought Oprah wanted to hear, it was just gross. - She's a pig. - She's a pig, I know. - Yeah. - Sorry. - And there you have it. (laughing) - The world according to Taffy. - But let's not spend our 100th episode talking about Tanya Hardy, shall we? - Please. - One hundred episodes. - Woo hoo! - Well, do you know what besides our 100th episode, do you know what else happened today? - What? - You can get married in Connecticut. - Yes, you can. - Ringly. - You and I, video podcast. (laughing) - That would be awesome. - That's like a bad, that's like a bad 90s NBC sitcom, come to life. Two gay best friends take a field trip to Connecticut, accidentally get married and they find out what happens. (laughing) He's my bottom, Sunday nights on NBC. (laughing) (laughing) - That's awesome. That was awesome. (laughing) - Sorry, you guys are talking about 100th episode. - Do you like to know what shows that we now share the distinction of having 100 episodes with? - No, but let's find out. - What's happening? (laughing) - Hey, hey, hey. - Hey, hey, hey. - The OC. - They made it to 100. - Oh, wait, it gets better 'cause some of them completely, completely blow my mind that they made it to 100 because 100 in the TV world is like five years or something like that. - Yeah. - It's like four and a half. And that's what you try and get to syndication 'cause that's the way they can sell it. It's easier to sell it in syndication if it's 100 episodes. We could totally sell the syndication. - That's right. - Hell yeah. - Wait, Grace under fire? - Really? - Okay, hold on, it gets better 'cause some of these are so-- - I'm not feeling so honored anymore. (laughing) - The OC. - You said that already? - No, I did hope and faith. - Really? - Okay, that's right. So now you're not feeling so good about yourselves, are you? And wait, this is really my truly one that makes me kind of sad a little bit. And that would be the Lawrence Welk Show. (laughing) - The Lawrence Welk Show reminds me of my great-grandfather. - Aww. - 'Cause whenever I would have to go to his house, their Lawrence Welk Show was always on. - What about the PJs? - The PJs made it to 100 episodes. - Yup, an American dad. - Well, American dad's still on the air, that doesn't surprise me. - Well, I never heard of it though. - Rob Aloe loves American dad. I like family guy, he's on this family guy, we watch Family Guy every night. And Taffy, as much as you don't care for the animation stuff, you would actually find a lot of it very funny. - I'm sure I would, I mean, I'm sure I would. Some of that stuff is, you know, everyone globally used to drive me crazy about watching South Park and I never watched it until the only two episodes, or three episodes, actually, that I laughed out loud at all three of them. So, I mean, I'm sure that there is a part of Family Guy, I would enjoy. I just, I never think about it. I mean, maybe the next time you're here, you can set it to record one and I'll watch it. And then it'll be like that stupid show you made me watch on Comedy Central, which ruled my life for two years, so. - Robot Chicken? - Yes. (laughing) - Robot Chicken is the funniest show on television. There's no question. - Well, and it serves to your attention span. - Exactly. - Yeah, especially you. - I know. - Well, okay, before we go any further, getting back to talking about our 100th episode, I wanna thank Pat from Don't Get Your Day job, not only for all of the other intures that he's done, but the very special intro that he did for our 100th episode. - Yay! - Thanks, Pat. Well, thank you properly at Gay Day. - We love you, Pat. - And I mean, Rodan. - And you totally missed on one of the versions of the podcast that's talking about your giant legacy. - Yes, yes, we talked at length, so to speak, about the cake legacy that you guys talk about in Don't Get Your Day job. So for those of you who don't listen to Don't Get Your Day job, apparently, Mr. Pat, pack in the Mighty Sausage. So. (laughing) - The Mighty Sausage. - Right. - And not only did we talk about that doing that episode, but we talked about the fact that Tappy and Melanie might make out. (laughing) - Oh yeah, that's right. - You talked about that. You talked about that. Melanie. - You talked about that. - If Melanie wants to be my date for Gay Day's, that's fine. (laughing) - I will proudly wear a Taste My Skittles, or Taste My Rainbow, or Taste My Rainbow, whatever that hell makes for me. (laughing) - Eat My Skittles. (laughing) - Eat My Skittles. - Mm, tangy. (laughing) - Thank you. (laughing) - Two on this Tappy. (laughing) - Oh, Jesus. (laughing) - Well, she does like it rough. (laughing) - Well, you know. - Yeah, no, I don't know. (laughing) - I only hear. - I only hear for that. - I only hear for that. (laughing) - So what? - What did you just say? (laughing) - What? - Huh? - What, Rodan, did you just say? - I said I had someone bite my perine all the other day. (laughing) - Oh my God, I thought that's what you said. - Oh my God. (laughing) Okay, all other stories on the list stop right now, Rodan. - How does one go about having-- - I'd like for the distinguished gentleman from Monroe to take the floor. (laughing) - It's not that great a story, really. It's just, speaking of chewing on taffy. No, I went over for a trick on Sunday night. It was just a blow and go kind of thing. - Well, it is the Lord's Day. - Jesus. - Well, it is, and I was rusting, but-- - You were rusting, so we decided you would lean over and take-- (laughing) - You know, I got kind of like an offer like 10.30. I'm like, oh, I don't want to go. I'm tired, blah, blah, blah, and he convinced me to come over, so I go over, and I'm even too tired to kiss him. I'm too tired to reciprocate. I pretty much just lay on the bed and let him blow me. - Driving. - That's blowing me, you know. He like, you know, goes down, plant my balls, yay. And then, so it's kind of like, you know, like nibbling on my sack. (laughing) I took it, but I just set it out loud. But then, he like continues to go down, and he's like nipping at my peri anal region, and it's like biting me. - And just like, what the-- - And to think Taylor, the most exciting thing we did on Sunday was go to Epcot. - Yes. - Wow. - I think I would have rather gone to Epcot. - Well, you-- - So, it was weird feeling, it felt a little good, but-- - That's bizarre. - I could do without it. - That's very bizarre. - I know, right? - Yeah. - Would you bite someone's peri anal? - No. - No. - No, I don't believe in biting. I know that some people enjoy a little teeth down in the nether regions. But my attitude on that is that you never know what someone's pain tolerance is, and I don't want somebody reciprocating back at that, because I enjoy my area sans bite marks. - My whole thing on that is that, especially if you're doing business the way you should be, that there's a lot of writhing and moving, and then if they get a little aggressive with the teeth, and you writhe at the wrong moment, then badness. Yeah. - Dude, I almost kicked it. - Yeah, I just say, there's-- - Well, I will tell you what happened the other night, and Tank is sitting right here, as he always is, and I don't know what come over me, but apparently Tank likes to be smacked in the face when we fuck them. - Oh, God! Oh, my God! - Apparently this is true, because we were in a position that was, sent to-- (laughing) I'm glad you enjoyed that. - Oh, my God, the men absorbing the hole, you smack and tank while you fuck. - Well, what happened was we were in a position that was how did we say, made me overtly sensitive, and I was getting ready to be done, and I just-- (laughing) - Now you can shy after you said fucking four times. - Well, no, but what happened was, is I told him, I basically said, if you stop what you're doing, I will just punch the shit out of you, and he changed the angle just a little bit, and I went to hit his shoulder, and when I did, I slapped his shoulder twice, and he moved, and I cold-clocked him right upside the face, which, if you didn't see him-- - You know, if you didn't see that face that he made, I think he got off a little bit more because of it, because it was like, I think he was like, oh, ah, I can't believe you just hit me in the face. It was funny, yeah. He's sitting right here, and if I-- Is he part of that story, not true? - Well, I think they have to have to do it in the process. - Well, okay, well, okay. (laughing) - Wow, I didn't remember doing it. (laughing) - Oh. - But he just said, I'm sorry, listen, it's cute. - We heard, we heard, we heard. - We heard, we heard. - Because the way of making me come actually causes me to black out for a little bit, and then I remember, like, I came to because he was, you know, laying there, and we were talking, and I said, did I actually hit you in the face? And he's like, yeah, he goes, I think I kinda liked it. And I was like, okay, 'cause I thought I did, but I wasn't sure, and he was like, yeah, no, you got me pretty good. He goes, it's been a long time since I'm like, you know, Jack slapped me, I'm like, I'm sorry. (laughing) - By summer, you guys will have safe words, eh? (laughing) - By summer, you'll have safe words. One of the titles to episode 100. (laughing) - You're saying that word is yellow. (laughing) - Yeah, sorry, sorry. - Oh my God. (laughing) Well, I'm going to bereave me camp tomorrow. (laughing) - Yay! - Are you ready? Everything done, good to go. - Everything is, everything is about as ready as it's gonna be. Except we have, and it's you. Bobaloo is going, Bobaloo is volunteering this year. Actually, Bobaloo and Drum are both going to volunteer, which everybody at work finds to be hysterical that my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend are both gonna be there. - It'll be fine. - But no, it'll totally be fine. And both of them are very much looking forward to it. Bobaloo's a little nervous, but he's gonna be okay. He was packing or he was getting his things ready last night. Now, he stays in the room with the kids while the counselors, the clinicians, stay in a different cabin because we have meetings after everybody goes to bed and all that sort of stuff. And part of his job is to make sure that nobody sneaks out and that if anybody needs anything in the middle of the night, he goes and gets it. And as he's packing his bag, I realize, and he may kill me for announcing this to everybody, Bobaloo doesn't wear underwear. - Oh, he's dead. - I knew I enjoyed that before. - So I said to him, what are you going to do when you have to, you know, 'cause he wears, well, yeah, I mean, he would probably get changed in the bathroom and all that sort of stuff. But I was just thinking, you know, that's not, there's something about that. There's probably been a little to no chance that anybody, any of the kids that he's going to be in his cabin would see him in any state of undress. But I'm still kind of like, how do you feel about that? And he's like, I feel like I need underwear. So tomorrow we have to go underwear shopping. (laughs) - Do you know Bobaloo? - Do you know that when Lollipop was at Brownie Camp when she was about eight years old, when we got her pictures developed, there was a picture of her counselor's naked butt on the roll of film. - What? - And I called the camp and I said, she was changing and it was obvious that Lollipop was taking pictures and she just took the picture, but it was of her bare ass, like no underwear, no thong, no nothing. And she was getting changed and I called the camp and I said, just so you know, - And your children will one day know. - I have a picture and my daughter took it and perhaps you might want to have them change somewhere else because that's a little inappropriate. She was only eight. - Yeah. - That's how well these, he's going to be in with the eight, nine year olds. - Yeah. - So we're going underwear shopping tomorrow and I have a couple of little last minute things to pick up. - So Bobaloo doesn't own underwear at all? - He has like one or two pair, but they're like, you know, the two exist. (laughs) - But they're for fancy nights. - They're for fancy nights and you know, only you know, Mr. Taylor gets to see the fancy underwear. (laughs) - They're under rose. One's Batman and one's Spider-Man. - No, Colby and Brandon who are there because daddy died. Don't necessarily need to see the two exist. (laughs) - Yeah, well. - Good point. - And those are not the names of actual children I just made them up because those are typical, you know, eight and nine year old names. - Colby is a typical eight or nine year old name. - Some of the kids that I deal with, yes, they would be like a Colby or you know, something like that. - Listen, for the number of 25 year olds I've met recently named Corey. - Feldman. - I like literally have met like five Corey's who are 24 to 26. - No. - In the last way too. - Why are you meeting 24 and 26 year olds? You're 33. - He talks about people biting his parry anal. Why do you think he's meeting 25 and 25? - Well, that's true. That is true. - Actually speaking of Corey, I've been a little stressed out this week. - Yeah. - And I got behind some like kind of chubby round face girl who didn't know where she was going. So as I went past her, as I screamed at her through my window, I decided she looked like Topanga from Boy Meets World. (laughing) And actually said, get the fuck out of my way Topanga. So yeah, so I've, yeah, I've been a little stressed waiting for camp, but it's coming and I'm looking forward to it. And it's, I packed my car last night so that tonight I could just relax. I played city of heroes for a couple of hours. I took the dogs for a walk, I'm recording with you guys. It's a good night. So I'm looking forward to it. I will have more to talk about next week when we tape. And the reason this episode won't come out until after the weekend, because like I said, we're taping tonight, but I leave tomorrow for camp. So I'm obviously not going to have time to edit tonight. - They won't know that until after the episode comes out. - Exactly, but you know, whatever. - Absence makes the hard go fonder. - Well, then we've got some really fond listeners because I can't go on Facebook under my tailor name without four million messages. When's episode 100 coming out? I'm like, it's coming soon. - Well, it's funny you should mention Facebook. - Uh oh. - It is funny because you have a story, and I have a story, but I'll let you go first. - Okay, well, as we all know on the Facebook, I've gotten a lot better about being on Facebook and checking things and everything. And I think it's very cool when people find you and people want to be your friend. And I think it's very cool to go through their friends and see people that you know and all this other crap. So I found a person who I knew when I was in college and when I worked at Disney and when I was in Drum Corps, and I asked if they wanted to be my friend. Now, this was someone who was from my life when I was engaged before Tank. And he was friends with them. So I'm going to read you the reply that he sent me upon me asking if he wanted to be my friend. I will have to change some names of course. - To protect the innocent. - To protect the innocent. Okay. It says you really have some balls trying to request me as your friend. - Well. - Hold on. You broke Steve's heart, took him nearly two years before he could date again. And then you broke up with him to date Jim, our best friend and get engaged, then changed your mind. Thus leaving another friend's heart's destroyed. I heard that he lives in your cousin's neighborhood and that you've seen him. Yeah, that was a great couple of weeks after he saw you. Why he still has a thing for you, no one understands. And now you ask to be my friend. All this after what you did to my two best friends. It's amazing that you think that people forget what happened, but I won't. Everyone thought you were the shit in college. Then you treated my friends like they were throwaways. I love it when people's true colors are revealed. I fell for those brown dough eyes and that wicked sense of humor. I was always on your side. Even when you shit on Steve, I knew it was just because of Jim and I thought that you'd be good for him. And then you shit on him. You have some nerve. So this is my favorite part. So you can keep your request as I will be deleting you from mine. I was happy you got fat. It served you right. You should have stayed fat because now you may look hot on the outside but you're still ugly on the inside. Bye forever. Now, here's the kick. Here's the kicker. - You're a bitch. - Here's the kicker though. This was 22 years ago. - Oh my God. This was in 1989, I'm sorry, 20 years ago. 20 years ago, it was exactly, yeah. - That's ridiculous. - Think somebody might be harboring a touch of animosity. This is someone who I never dated, who I was a casual kid with. - Who I think may that may be part of the problem given your brown dough eyes and the fact that you apparently were in a scat with everybody but him. (laughing) - What's even funnier though, is that Tank and I ran into him in Tampa once, like I don't know, six, seven years ago. It was as nice as he could be. Now maybe that's cause he saw Tank and thought, Tank will beat the shit out of him. I don't know. - Wow. - But he was as nice as he could be to me. So yes, so this is my response, which I then forwarded to Taylor because I thought, no one's ever gonna believe this is an actual, I never responded to it, I never did anything. I just thought, well that's, I'm sorry that you, thank you for giving me power in your life that for 20 years you have harbored that much animosity. Wow, I'm sorry you have nothing else going on. I just thought that that was, that was just hysterically ridiculous that an adult harbored that kind of, for someone who they didn't even like really, you know, hang out with or anything. I just thought that was very, very interesting. So that's my Facebook story, but I think it's really cool that I've, you know, talked to people who I've known in my past, except for, you know, him, rather than that. - Well, it's funny, well, yeah, I think that, just the whole thing is ridiculous, but tonight, since you and I talked on the phone, I've had a Facebook incident. - Oh, what? - I talked to him on the phone like two hours ago. - I know, I know, okay. So, here's what happened. I am going through, what I do is, 'cause I went to a private high school, so a lot of the people that I was friends with in middle school went to the local public high school, so I have to kind of go through my friends' pages to get to the class pages to find more friends that I went to school with, you know. I do that, I do that like once a month, just to see who's added and all that sort of thing. Well, I decide I'm going to look for my friend, my next door neighbor from when I was growing up, Michael. Now, I was like, you know, friends. Michael and Joe were four and three years older than me, and I truly think that Michael and Joe taught me at a young age what it was to be gay. (laughs) - Okay. - Because it was pretty much clear that all three of us, there was something in the water on, you know, on the street that I lived on, 'cause all three of us were, you know, wanting to be Wonder Woman when we were really super friends. So, I have been looking for him forever, and I see that he's on, you know, Facebook. So, I had him as a friend, and tonight I, he has confirmed he was a friend for Facebook. I'm all excited, so I go on his page. It says that he's in a relationship, and there's pictures, he's a, he cuts hair, or he's a hairdresser. He works in a salon. - It's a stylus. - In saturation. - In saturation. And the highlight of his life was six months ago when he went to the Bonnie Tyler concert. - Oh my God. - Because he is such, he's still a huge fan. He's in all time, he's his favorite person, and he has pictures of her with Bonnie Tyler, all that sort of stuff. So, you kind of gauge from that, that I would assume that he enjoys the, you know, sausage. - Nice. - Now, his two heroes are Bonnie Tyler and Sarah Palin. - What? - Oh. - And everything on his page is Republican, Republican, Republican. Sarah Palin in 2012, and he's apparently, he lives in New Jersey, so he's campaigning for whoever the Republican candidate is, and they're trying to get Corzine, who's the governor of New Jersey out of there. And it's very, it was like upsetting to, now, I mean, okay. - Well, isn't there log cabin Republicans? - Well, yeah, but-- - Yeah. - I don't understand that whole log cabin Republican thing, and I know that I think Jeremiah is obviously a log cabin Republican. I just, I don't, I can't wrap my brain around it as somebody who is gay, the Republican side of it. - Well, you just-- - I just-- - Yeah, here you see a lot of that shit. It just, it's like, I'm amazed at the number racist gay Republicans here in the movie, yeah. - Well, and that may be part of it is the racism thing for some of them, but it just, I don't get it. I just, I can't wrap my brain around it. So, if we have, I know, I know the election was months ago when we purposely don't normally talk about politics, can somebody explain to me the whole gay Republican thing? 'Cause I just can't wrap my brain around it. And he has one of those weird chin guard beard things, which freaks me out, but that's-- - Oh, I love those. Those are sometimes kind of hot. - Okay, on somebody who's like 40, no. - I don't know, there's a guy at work who's got one, who's like 38, and he's got one, and oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Okay, enough. - Wow. - Apparently, Rodin wants that little chin guard rubbing on his inner thigh, but-- - Oh, yes, please. Order that up for me right now. - All right. - So, okay. - Well, there's a whole new movement, though, about this whole, like, gay Republicans, like, kind of bashing the vlog cabins, but then kind of a new gay Republican movement around fiscal conservatism, but social, more liberal social value. - Well, and I've been to, I've been to, like, months ago, I went to the vlog cab, yeah? - Have you been to the mountain? - Oh, okay. I've been to the website. I've been to the vlog cabin because I honestly, I wanted to understand. So one night I was bored, and I was reading some article about something, and I'm like, you know what? Let me see what their deal is, because my main issue as a gay man, as far as issues go, not necessarily is not financial, but it's more social, as far as, you know, the gay marriage thing and all that sort of stuff. And they are, like you were saying, it's very much fiscal responsibility, and, you know, no tax, not no taxes, but, you know, limit on taxes, all that sort of thing. But I feel like, for us, given, you mentioned about Connecticut, and Iowa, and Vermont, and everything, I mean, gay marriage, gay marriage for me is a big issue. I live in a state that will probably, if we ever see gay marriage in Florida, it will be one of the last states. - No, no way. - No way. - You guys have no clue what kind of homophobia there is. Everywhere, you know, in the center of the country, compared to Florida, Florida. - Well, but, no, we're talking about homophobe. - No, we're talking about very right wing, I think. - Yeah, I mean, Florida is about it. But many would have said Iowa is about as red state as you could get. - No, Iowa's been, Iowa like Wisconsin's been kind of changing for a while, but it's, yeah, I would suspect that Florida will come much sooner than Louisiana, or Texas, or in Arkansas, or Kentucky. - Well, Texas might not be part of the country for much longer than governor, as anything to say about it. - Well, can I ask you a question and tell me if I'm wrong? Is it possible that log cabin Republicans, perhaps they're working to advocate equal rights for these lesbians through the Republican party? I mean, isn't that a possibility? - No, that's the problem, is that they kind of turn tail and run whenever that comes up. And so, there's a big call, a growing movement now, to kind of end the log cabins and kind of circle around something new for the-- - Well, I mean, I think the whole, you know, the whole fair minded Republican is an oxymoron in itself. I mean, that's just me personally. I'm a big, I'm a, you know, libertarian. I think civil liberties need to come into play occasionally. So I'm not one side or the other. God, you know, that whole give me liberty or give me death, where did that go? But that's just me personally. But I guess I can kind of see, I'm not saying that I would, that, you know, I don't understand the log cabin Republican. That doesn't make any sense to me. To me, Republicans don't necessarily strive. They don't strike me as being all encompassing and, you know, all inclusive. I could be wrong. I'm not up on 100% things of the Republican party, but maybe they're trying to transform it. - Yeah, like I said, I am not pretending to know. And I genuinely, just like we were talking a couple of weeks ago about the whole furry thing, and many of our listeners, and I'm not putting furry some log cabin Republicans in the same way to get me wrong, but I mean, I asked a question and people responded. So I am genuinely interested in this as far as, you know, leave us comments on the blog about this. - Didn't that get started in the 70s though? - I don't know, like I said, I don't know a lot. I don't know a lot about it. - I just know that Tank's dad was a card-carrying member of the GOP. - I was gonna say Tank's dad was a quad-cabin Republican. - Yes, no, he was a card-cabin member of the GOP, and he used to have lots and lots and lots to say about the log cabins. And I used to sit, of course, with this look on my face of please, please start the conversation, 'cause I'm armed and loaded, and I will be matching wits with an unarmed opponent, so that will be fine. And it never came to that, but I know a little bit, not much, which is worse, you never wanna know a little bit about something and try to argue your point, you need to be well-armed. - Right, and I'm not trying to argue. - I don't know, I didn't mean that. - I'm trying to become educated on it, so if Jeremiah, if you still listen, I know that you are a card-carrying member of the Republican Party, and I'm not looking to debate, I'm just looking, I'm curious, I'm curious. - 'Cause Taylor has no patience for the debate. - He's bi-curious, bi-partisan curiosity over the middle men. (laughing) - Okay, and that concludes our political portion of the evening. - Road to End, you were mentioning getting tanned. - Yes! - Are you talking about your hide? - I'm talking three. - Did you go to a tanning bed or did you lay out in the sun? - Dude, I went to a tan, I'm sorry. - Taffy. - Dude? - I know, I'm sorry. - Dude looks like a lady. (laughing) - Dude will be punished. - So, Taffy. - Yes. - I went to a tanning bed. I got my hat. - Why was this on a video podcast? - 'Cause I figured it would get boring, and we'd just show 'em the little blue lights back and forth. (laughing) But I got my haircut yesterday, and I was thinking, you know what, I really need to get some color. Booty and I are going to the pink party, which is some big social gathering over in the Shreveport. - Really? - Yeah. - Are you wearing pink? - Yes, I'll wear a pink shirt. I just don't know what kind yet. - Is it like a circuit party? - No, that's what I was thinking too. I was saying it was a big old circuit party, and I'm like, yeah, that should be fun. I'll have to give you a-- - I was like eight to midnight, it's more like a social gathering. - I was gonna say, what is it with you with lifting weights and, you know, getting tan and circuit parties? - I'm single now, I'm trying. - Are you tweaking on Tina? (laughing) - What is that? - No. - Is he doing the crystal meth? - Oh, I don't know what your-- - Okay. - Why is it that-- - Okay, we have to explain to the suburban mom who hits her husband during sex what tweaking on Tina is. (laughing) - Sorry. - We should be up to these new drug terminologies. Actually, these are like '90s drug terminology. - I have to say, I have no idea. - Oh, no, I'm not doing any drugs. I'm just single, and I'm trying to get healthy and, you know, add some color so I don't look like I'm, not so you can't see the veins underneath my skin. - You know what it is. It's 'cause he's coming to Florida in a couple of months, and he wants to be all tan and toned and-- - Hell yeah, gay days needs to be good to me. - That's what it is, that's what it is. - So are we going to have to, you know, have a sock on the doorknob when you have a gentleman collar in the room? (laughing) - A gentleman collar. - And by gentleman collar, I mean seven gentlemen collars in the room. - Oh, wow. - The seven dwarfs. (laughing) - Oh, Dan is still white. - Oh, Dan is still white. - Oh, Dan is seven dwarfs. - Oh, Dan is seven dwarfs. That's the title of the pop gate of the-- - There's, okay, let's see. There's horny, bitchy. (laughing) - Sweaty. - Daddy. - Daddy, slutty. - And fatty, big fat and mess. (laughing) - Luckily enough for much, everyone's shorter than me. So. - Oh, God. - Cubby. - Cubby. Lord. - What are you gonna do? - All right. - So, okay, so how many days a week are you working out? Have you lost any weight? Are you building masks? What's going on? - At this point, I think I'm more building masks 'cause over the, I've worked out probably 16 days out of the last 20. - Wow, okay. - Yeah, so, I mean, I've really, over the last month, I channeled all my energy about my last breakup into, instead of just tricking all the time, into kind of working out. So. - Really? - So yeah, so. - Wait, you mean you could have been tricking more than you were? - Apparently. - Because-- - So, I kind of used up this sexual frustration that I have. - But you decided the need to walk was my right or so, you decided to. (laughing) - No, it's working out, it's got my, what's the thing is, I've only lost about a, excuse me, about a pound and a half. - But are you? - But you're redistributing it? - Yeah, definitely. So I'm down almost a full pant size over the last two weeks alone. - Is that why you're showing your arms all the time and your pictures on Facebook? - No, because I have big ass arms, I just wanted to show them, I'm like showing, like, making a muscle now. - Those of you, those of our listeners who are friends with Rodan, Rodan J. Copilot on Facebook, look at his photos. (laughing) 'Cause they kind of make me giggle. (laughing) - Yeah, I know. - And by giggle, I mean, it gives me a little chubby. (laughing) - Oh, wow. - Again, he's my bottom, Sunday night. (laughing) Cluck on NBC. (laughing) - Oh, my lord. Wait, maybe you're gonna have to hang a sock on the door for you and Taylor to let's get it on. - Oh, please. - No. - Bob Blue be in the middle. Now, we have a picture that was taken at the beach Saturday night that is of Bob Blue on the bottom, me in the middle and tank on top. - Wow. - That's right. - That was so much fun. Can I just tell you how much fun I had that night? - That was fun. - That was an unexpected, we went out to a passer girl beach and Tank brought a little, like, was it a kerosene grill? - It was propane. - Propane, okay. And we had a little salad, some sort of like bourbon chicken salad that he whipped up and we sat on the beach and watched the sunset and took a million pictures of each other doing stupid things. I had, both Taffy and I have - Ridiculous pictures. - Ridiculous black malleable pictures of either one of us. I have one of Taffy where she may possibly be peeing herself in the picture. - I think I actually did do myself in the picture. - Yeah, I just peed herself a little bit. And there's pictures of me where I am laying on my side. - You have it in the scene in all the pictures. - But she is sitting by my feet. So it's the first thing you see is my belly and then my eyebrows. (laughing) It's fantastic. - Yeah. - Yeah, put it back in the water. He'll die out here. - Yeah, that's pretty much what it looks like. - And we went from there to the hurricane and then we went from the hurricane to Larry's to have ice cream. So it was, it was a lot of fun. It was a progressive dinner. - Yeah, yeah. That sounds awesome though. - It was, that's fun. I just tell you, I'm burnt in my no-no areas. - Do you know that, let me tell you something. One of the worst places I've ever got burnt on my nipples was from a fucking tanning bed. Because when that thing comes down, you just, you know, it comes down and you're just kind of-- - It's pressed against, yeah. It's pressed against my large pendulous breasts. - Oh, Jesus. - Are you a good lord? - Well, unfortunately, my large pendulous breasts fall underneath my arms when I lay down. (laughing) I don't know what I'm gonna do, so. - Okay, so were you naked in the tanning bed? - The first day I wasn't, so I went last night and it was all like, I don't know what to do. I was all confused, you know. The lady had to help me out, but, you know, tonight I went after the gym and, you know, Gooney told me, just get naked, it's fine. And so I got naked, I rubbed a little stuff all over me and whatever, and I forgot that, you know, I mentioned the story before where I got burnt at the nude beach back, you know, you were right before I started at Eckerd. And I forgot about that. And I just got in there for like only seven minutes. And I can, like, my whole, like, underwear no-no zone is like flaming right now. - Seven minutes to change the balls. (laughing) Yeah. - So, Rodan probably will not be tricking at all this weekend. - Yeah, 'cause chafing is not what you want to have with the sunburn. - Yeah. - No, you can totally use aloe as lube. That'll be fine. - Oh, that would burn. (laughing) - All right, so let me ask you a question. They happen to be talking about this on Daily Purge 'cause one of the co-hosts was talking about how when he tans, and he tans nude, and it turns his dick black. - What? - It darkens the skin on his dick to where it looks like he has a black dick. Did you, have you found that that's going on with you? Or-- - Well, this slimes it just one time. So, I want to see what happens. I did put bronzer on my peepee. - Oh, Jesus. - On the little Rodan. - I put bronzer on my peepee. The title for episode 100. - Yeah. - So, I'm-- - They're so many disturbing things about that image. I can't even talk about, actually. (laughing) - Well, and I'm all like, you know, pasty anyways. So, seven minutes, and I am like burnt. - Now, Taylor, don't you have tanning beds at your gym? - Yes, but I've never used them. - For free? Now, say, I paid like $40 for the whole month. - No, I apparently have free access to them. I've just, well, it would involve me going to the gym in order to use them, first of all. But I have never actually done it. I haven't been to a tanning bed since I was in school. - Is it wrong that when I went in, I said, is there a weight limit on this? 'Cause I was just a little bit like-- - Well, okay, and that is one of those, okay, me in a plexig, or a piece of plexiglass, you know? (laughing) - Yeah, I was a little freaked out by that at first, too. She's like, no, you're fine. As the lid comes down. (laughing) - Yeah, and the plexiglass breaks in-- - As she tries to put the lid down, and then has to keep slamming it down because it won't fit. - Did you say I'm a Rodan Panini? - Yeah, it's a Rodan Panini. - A Rodan Panini. (laughing) - A Rodan-pressed Cuban. - Well. - It was just one of those. Oh, it was fun. - Oh good. - You know, fun is laying there for seven minutes burning. - Well, if you go for a whole month, you go for a whole month, you will be smoking and smoking tan when you get to gay days. - Yeah. I hope so. - It's potter's your co-pilot with Taylor, Taffy, and Tyreek. (laughing) - Oh my. - Oh my. - Well, okay. We have a question. We decided that we are not going to do all the questions tonight just because we did all the questions three days ago and we already kind of know the answers, but we do are going to-- - We will do them. - We are going to do them. We're going to do one or two, one or two a night for the next multiple episodes until we've gone through all of them. But I actually have a question tonight that we did not get to on the latest episode, and it just came in. - Excellent. - It came in yesterday. It really is technically it is for Taffy. - Oh, okay. - And the question is, she would like to know what happened with the Littlest Huffington's poem about Taylor? - Oh yeah. - Well, the Littlest Huffington finished her poem, and it was, you know, an ode to Taylor, and she wasn't allowed to mention that he was gay. So in the artwork of the entire background of the poem, she did a big giant rainbow. (laughing) That was her way of getting around it was the, the poem was printed on a piece of paper that had a huge rainbow in the back of it. And she turned it in and she didn't say anything about it, so, and she got a nay on it. 'Cause the poem itself was good, but I knew there was no way she was gonna let it die, and so she's like, and what was really bad is that she turned it in at school, and I hadn't seen the final product, so I didn't know what she was gonna do, and she goes, oh, I turned my poem today, and I said, she did. She goes, I made a copy, you know, to give to Taylor, and I said, oh, that's nice. And she goes, would you like to see it? And I'm like, oh God, yes. And she goes whoosh, and whips it out, and of course it's this big giant. I mean, the thing is like, I really find it dry. And it's printed on, on leather flag stationery. Yes, it's, it's hysterical, so. It was a very sweet poem. I actually haven't gotten my copy of it yet. I told her I wanted a copy, and she said she would get it to me, but she hadn't yet. So yes, that's how she dealt with it, is she put a big giant rainbow flag in the back of it. Well, and Anna also wants to know, how did the teacher know if that I was gay, if it wasn't in the paper? I think that the first draft, it said something about the fact that you were gay. I enjoyed smoking poll. That's you. That's you enjoy taking it up the ass, yes. Because in seventh grade, that would be appropriate. No, I think the first draft is that something-- The teacher saw Taylor from about a mile away. Well, that's just it. I used to go with Taffy to pick up The Little Us Tappington. And, you know, especially at the Christian school when a lady picks up her children, and there's a man in the car, and it's not her husband. Oh, yeah, that was fodder, you know, I'm intrigued for a year. The Coffee Clatch has a chance, you know, that there's going to be a little bit of talking about that, so. Well, no, no, and you've actually went to school and had lunch with her before, just you by yourself without us. So, I mean, he's been at school many times. In fact, a lot of people, all I have to do is just say, you know, and Taylor was there, and they knew who I'm talking about. But not this particular teacher, and I think the first draft, she made some claim that he was gay, and she goes, you know, I really don't think you should put that in there since, you know, this is junior high, and of course, you know, the little Huffington was like, I don't understand what the problem is. And what was nice is that it wasn't the first line. It was like, you know, buried in paragraph three because she understands that, you know, Taylor is gay, but that's not his only personality trait, which of course is the only personality trait that this teacher saw, which explains volumes. The first line was, Taylor's the tops, but he's a bottom. (laughing) Exactly. Oh yeah, I made up my own inappropriate line for this poem, I can assure you. Yes, yes, and you talked about them last time. (laughing) And Anna also said some nice things about it. She says, "Second, I will keep this brief "because nobody likes a nagging bitch." Which I find is funny. I will simply say that she is apparently very worried about me, that I make too many jokes about my health and that I need to make my health a priority. Now that's a true statement. Well, and I appreciate your concern, and I am taking some steps to try and do something. Well, I'm really glad he appreciates your concern, because when others have anything to say about it, his answer is, "And ultimately you're not my mom." No, I mean, he's listening to that. Which is ironic because usually she's handing me a plate full of brownies at the time. (laughing) No, I am really good at the gym. Have four brownies. Exactly. (laughing) Well, I could start doing what I've started doing with Goony with you, Mr. Taylor, is that pretty much every time I go to the gym, send you a text message that says, "Hey, I'm going to the gym. "What are you gonna do?" Yes, and that's pretty much what I do. Yeah, I can guarantee that that would go over well once. That would go over really well, and that we'd have a new format on the show. A two-person podcast. (laughing) Yeah, that text message would land in your phone as he was calling me and saying, "Would you like to even know "what the text message that Scott said?" That wouldn't go well, I don't think. But back in the day, when Taylor and I were going to the gym on a regular basis, whether together or not, we did razz each other a lot. We were very competitive, and that got us both going. Well, and, okay, okay. I mean, it's obviously more helpful that, you know, you're nearby versus, you know, thousand miles away, but-- I would love to go work out. In fact, I've worked out with Taylor before. We work out, we were actually where we, shockingly, we work out very well together. The first time we went, I thought there might be a little concern, but we actually work out fine. Is it cardio when you're just talking about everyone else in the gym? No, actually, we both did-- Actually, we do really well. We actually, at one point, it was a little upsetting just because we were both on the bikes and we had the, we were doing the random thing. And then it got to where we were both were at a very high level of resistance. So we're sitting next to you, then we go from talking regularly to we're both going, "Oh my God, oh God." And then suddenly you realize, I'm making these noises, and next to me, she's making these noises. Yeah, it was disturbing. It was, I'm thinking, "Oh God." In an alternate universe, we're making these noises, but we're not dressed. Exactly, it was, it was a little disturbing. Well, it works really well because we can work out really well together for sitting and talking and of course making fun of other people. And then he goes into, he does the elliptical, he's a mad man on the elliptical. I've never been able to do them. They piss me off. I mean, he can do an elliptical for like 15, 20 minutes where the sweat will be pouring off of him. And he's like, you know, singing and dancing to, you know, what's her name? Diana DiGarmo, whatever. And I'm just like, I'm gonna be over there. How very, I have never sang and danced to Diana DiGarmo on the elliptical at the gym. It's the treadmill. I do it sitting at my desk where I do "Don't Cry Out Loud" where I mouth the words, but no, not at the, no, it's usually something like the queers folk soundtrack. Right. You know, Deborah Cox remixed or some ridiculous, you know. Well, if he does that and I go over and I do, you know, like the circuit or I do the freeway to the stretching machines and then we end up meeting up again like on a treadmill, but it works out fine. The extra energy for the elliptical comes with the rainbow shooting out of my ass when I'm listening to that music. I'm every woman with hand motion, it's fabulous. Oh yeah, no, totally, absolutely. She came out of the dressing room at one point. I am in my own little world. Yeah. I used to do that to Rodan when we would be on the elliptical ones with each other. He'd look over and I'd be doing it, it's not right, but it's okay. What I love is the fact that at his gym, I'm standing there and I'm like, okay, you know, I'm gonna do my cool down. I'm gonna do 20 minutes on the treadmill. And I'm walking in, I'm walking in, I'm walking in. I'm watching girls just wanna have fun with Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt from, you know, like, 1984. And I'm like, totally blown through 30 minutes. And I'm like, this is awesome because at the other gyms I went to, they didn't have their own little individual. Yeah, they've all got their own individual TVs. That's the only way I can do cardio. It's kind of ironic that usually the first thing I switch to is the Food Network. And it's always like Paula Dean making, you know, double-lared brownies, deep fried in chocolate. Deep fried butter. That's why I go so fast because I'm actually running towards the brownies on the screen. It's the proverbial carrot, except it's actually brownie. Yeah. Mm, brownies sound good. Brownies do sound good. Actually, you know what sounds good? You know what I was fantasizing about earlier? Is friendlies ice cream peanut butter popping? We have to go to friendlies while we're eight. Gay days. Oh, that's gonna happen. Friendlies. That's not an option. Yeah, that's, friendlies is an op. Friendlies is, I'm gonna eat my way around Orlando. Hi, Melanie. (laughing) Why Orlando, how are you doing today? Yeah, I know. I've already planned like the 15 different restaurants. I wanna eat out why we're up there. No. No, we're so pitiful. Because all we've talked about for the last 20 minutes, it's working out, it's feeling good and being tan. And now it's. Raise this piece of Sundays. (laughing) Jim Jazzy. Oh my God. So. All right, well. What else do we have to talk about tonight? I know we've got a million things to talk about. Or are you gonna ask me any more questions? Do we wanna ask another question? Do one more question. All right, well, I'll just pick a random one, so that way we're not going to go. We need our listeners wanting more. Okay. All right. This is a question from Tim, terminally single Tim. Hello, Timothy. And he wanted to know what made us all move away from the dark side and go Mac. 'Cause once you go Mac, you never go back. That's right. Honestly, GarageBand is probably one that, you know, the services that they have or not the services. The software, if Mac software seems to be a lot easier to use than Windows, I had a computer that had Windows Vista on it. Actually, the whole time that we taped the first year. The first 25, 30, yeah. Yeah, it was on a computer that was on, that had Windows Vista and I hated it. And then I got a Mac and then you had to have one. Yes, and then I was talking about how I wanted a Mac and I made the mistake of taking Tapi over to the Apple store and then she decided she wanted a Mac and she got one and I would go over and play with it and then eventually that's what happened to my tax return check last year. I will tell you, if you're thinking of getting a Mac that he is right, once you go Mac you never go back. I cannot even discuss with you how easy they are to use and I know that, and I've said this before, I only know how to use one percent of what this computer can do, but I love it. If you go back to a PC after playing with one, you will, it's amazing, amazing the difference. But it did take me about three weeks to not want to put my fist through the screen 'cause you really have, it's learning a whole new language. You have to completely retrain your brain from the PC to the Mac, but once it's done, it's incredible. I can't say enough good things about it. - I got my Mac because Taylor told me if I didn't get a Mac that he was gonna kill. - That's not true, all right, that's kind of true, but that's kind of true, whatever. Okay, I'm getting, I mean, I'm what, week two, week three into my Mac? - Yeah, you're about three weeks in. - I love it, I like it a lot. I like it a lot and I'm used to the whole things on the left hand of the screen, I'm getting there. But I go back and forth between my iMac, my Vista laptop, and my XP computer at work. - Whoa. - Oh my God. - What do you have on your left hand of your screen? I understand. - Where the, the minimum, the red and the yellow and the green dots, like when you're, when you X out of something. - Oh, oh yeah. - You do the way on a Windows, it's on the right hand. - Right, right, right. - Okay, right. - All right. - So, so there's, so, you know, so I'm still getting used to that and I don't know how to use a lot of this stuff on, you know, iLife yet, and I got, I worked for my best. - Oh God, iLife is amazing. - Well, and I just did the faces thing, which was way cool. - My face book. - And you can automatically publish things to Facebook and I accidentally published all my pictures to Facebook with my, with the faces for a Facebook edition on them. So I had all my name all over the pictures. - Oh God. - So I like, pull them back and fix them. - Faces is something that's on iLife09, which you would lose your mind. It's pretty much where you can go in and it recognizes anytime there's a picture of the Little Us Huffington. If you click type in Little Us Huffington on a search engine, it'll show you all the pictures that has her in it. - No, why don't we have that? - What's funny though, is that I did this with Taylor and did, you know, did all his pictures and the number of other people who pop up as well as Taylor, really kind of funny. 'Cause it's not perfect, but it's, it's good. - No. - And you have to, as you identify more pictures, it gets to know, but especially when Taylor's making a funny face, you identify like that picture with Taylor as it's funny face and then next thing you know, it's pulling up like David Hasselhoff or-- - I'm sorry. - It's like all these like random people in the background of pictures. - Now, why don't we have that on our-- - There's Taylor. - Because it's iLife09, we have iLife08 on ours. - Can you buy on ours? - You can buy on ours. - You can buy on mine, but I have no idea how to install that. That's something you would need to-- - It's an automatic download for like $50. - Awesome. Did you hear what the new Wii game that just came out is? - Uh-- - The Gillian Michaels workout that you use. - Yes. - How I hear about that, yeah. - Yeah, that's gonna be in my house this weekend. I guarantee it. - So, well, you don't have the other one yet, though. She has another one that I-- Actually, I almost got you that one for Christmas. But then I decided to get you the Dance Dance Revolution. Which, have you played with that yet? - No. I haven't played with it yet because I can't-- The balance is off for me, so I can't do the balance. - I will come over and play with it. We will do a video podcast sometime. You can videotape me-- - Oh, yeah. - Can you answer the balance stuff, yeah? - Yeah, the balancing thing is a little-- still a little awkward for me. - All right. We have some more questions from Tim, so we're just gonna reiterate all of the questions that are internally single. Okay, if money was no expense, what would you three love to do on the podcast, your ultimate podcasting fantasy? I would say that my original answer was one, the taffy, and I had to get there. That would be like podcasting from France, or podcasting from Europe, like doing a big thing like that. I would love to where we could do a regular video podcast, where our show would be video instead of audio. - Yeah. - Well, we can do that. - Well, we can do that, but it's, I would like to have a studio in all that sort of stuff where it could be-- - If money was no object, Rodan could fly in every, or we could fly in, we could all fly in me at a different location every week and do our podcast. - Can you imagine all of us having something like a set like Howard Stern has or something, and doing it that way, that would be awesome. - We could turn our movie room into that. We could totally turn our movie room into a studio, our podcast studio, and we could have it set up where we have the architects desks, where you sit on one side, nice and on one side, and then we have the whole video feed. That's an awesome idea. - Make it happen. (laughing) - Take him, make it happen, I'm not right. - Okay. - He's shaking, he said yes, I can do this. (laughing) - Well, Rodan, what would you love to see happen with the podcast, with the money-- - I think pretty much it, 'cause that was kind of what I mentioned before, just for us to be able to do the podcast together on a more regular basis, yeah. - Well, hopefully, at Gay Days, we will actually be, I mean, at Christmas, we were all together, and we dropped the ball, so to speak. So, if Gay Days, we should be able to do at least one, besides our Gay Days podcast, one actual podcast, where the three of us are together. - That would be awesome. - That would be awesome. - Yes. - All right. - All right. - This is a good one, especially beings at Episode 100. What has been your favorite moment on the podcast? Rodan, Rodan can go first. - Oh, I have to remember now. The, when we were talking about the dirty snack bacteria, and we were really making fun of that piece, the vaginal area. (laughing) - Which, I don't know why it's such a great source of humor. A great source of pleasure. - A great source of pleasure. - Vaginas are funny. (laughing) - And kind of gross. - That's enough. (laughing) - We've told the story about you at Publix, right? Have we told that story? - I think so. I'm sure we have. - Rodan, have we told that story about the time that I made, and it involves Happy's Vagina, where I made-- - No, it does not involve my vagina. - It involves the vagina. - It started out talking about your vagina, where I made Tappy laugh so hard that she laid down in the middle of an aisle in Publix. Flat on her back. - It's literally a woman had to move her cart around me and ask if I was okay. I don't think I've ever laughed at hard my entire life. - Well, forgive us if we've told the story before, but it has been a hundred episodes, so we might repeat ourselves occasionally. We were talking about, I don't know, you asked me to pick up some sort of like, you know, juice or something off of a shelf, and I said, you know, my god, it's all the time. Everything is with you, you know. Taylor, go get my towels. Taylor, pick up the shoes. Taylor, look, my vagina. (laughing) And you were just like, excuse me, you and I have a problem licking my vagina. And I'm like, yes, because vaginas are gross. And Tappy said, no, they're not, you know. And I said, she said, my-- - I said, my smells of lavender. What are you talking about? And he, which, which he replies? - All vaginas look like melted candles with hair in them. - Oh, whoa. - She was, actually, I think this is how we started the whole dirty snack interior conversation. - She was walking away from me at the time and actually, literally, like, the cart kept moving, but she just kept, like, falling down. - I just remember hearing him say that, and the next minute I was looking up at aisles. I hit the floor. It was, at that moment, the funniest thing I think I've ever heard. Then he went on to say, to say the second definition, or the second, you know, visual image was, it was a butt cake made of ham. (laughing) - Thank you, thank you. (laughing) Isn't that charming? Yeah. - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh. - That's Taylor, ladies and gentlemen. - And some guys just love to stick their face in the middle of that. (laughing) - Jesus. - Nothing better than a glazed, ham and Easter. (laughing) - You two have reduced this conversation yet again. - Okay, all right. All right. - Well, what was your favorite, Taylor? - My favorite, um... - Don't talk about a favorite episode or a favorite, just story or what? - Well, I mean, the big Montana, obviously, I enjoyed myself very much when we talked about the big Montana. (laughing) I would have to say, I would probably have to say episode seven when Rodan told the very embarrassing story about me, primarily because of two reasons. One, Taffy, your laugh through the whole thing is, when I listen to that story, I don't listen to the story. I listen to you trying to catch your breath in the background. - I just remember gasping because I knew what was coming and that was just, it was the realization of the story and it tickles me to this very moment. - Right, and the other part is that that was the moment that I knew that this show was going to work. - Yeah. - For the first, yeah, for the first six episodes, I mean, we were getting along. We were all getting to know each other a little bit and all that sort of stuff. That was all well and good. But that was the moment when, like, Rodan, you know, was hit me with the humzinger, so to speak. And that was, that was, I'm like, okay, this sounds like one of the shows that I like to listen to. And this is one of these, and that was a big, I think that was a big turning point for us. So that was episode seven, we're episode 100. So apparently it's been all downhill from there. - That's right. - All right, Taffy, what's your favorite moment? - Probably Gay Days is a big thing from last year. I loved it, I can't wait for this year. Probably from an actual podcast. I love the whole wedding thing where we did the gift card. I thought that was lots of fun. I'm going to do that a lot this year too. I think my favorite story, probably, my favorite episode is episode 20, the one with drum and mountain woman. I can listen to it, and when I listen to it, it makes me laugh every time. I just think it's ridiculous. - Yeah. - I think that's the, have we fucked episode? - Yes. - Yeah, that, that I think is very funny. I don't know, the story about, I can taste your beer. That still makes me laugh. The Goatsy episode. - The Goatsy episode. - Literally. - Yeah. - The Goatsy episode, literally, that image will be seared into my mind 'til the day I die. - With Tim and Ryan. - Yes, I just, I can just see that image, and it's, it makes me almost blush, just thinking about it, I don't know, but there's lots of things I can remember. And then it was funny, there's lots of things I forget to, and I go back and listen to an old episode, and you're like, I can't believe we talked about that, or I completely forgot, it's a perfect time capsule. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Okay, and the last question from terminally single Tim is what is one great thing that has happened to you that would have never happened if you had not started podcasting? And I'll go first with that, and I think-- - We know that, yeah. - Yes, yeah, and that would be, well, the first would be the friendships that I've made with many of the other podcasters. In particular, Kevin B and Michael Canalope from the podcast. - Oh, no. (laughing) - I, we saw Michael at Epcot on Sunday, very briefly, we all hung out in Mexico with him, and Michael is raising a whole new-- - And as we got to see Michael's cantaloupes. - Michael is raising a whole new generation of hags, because both of them-- - Aww. - Bill of the Steffington and Lollipop are both like, "We love him, we just love him, he's so funny, "he's so cute, we just love him." I'm like, "Oh, Jesus." - So, and while our show is not a spin-off of Q-Casts, we are very grateful for all of the help that they gave us early on, you know, and within our little hottest sphere or whatever you call it. - Hot sphere. - And, you know, ramble red heads at a lot for us. - Yes. - And, you know, "Don't quit your day job, it's done a lot for us." And many of the other shows, you know, "Fell Monkeys," all the shows that we've been on-- - Ricky! - Yeah, Ricky, we love Ricky to death. - Ricky. - And just, that would be, you know, the fact that when we first started talking about doing this, one of your big complaints, I guess, when I said I wanna do a podcast was, "Well, you're never gonna meet anybody doing that, "you're not gonna meet new people." - I said, "You need to find a hobby that's gonna have you, "meeting new people." - Right. - And I didn't realize that him talking to, you know, two of his best friends was gonna lead to a whole subculture of a whole new set of friends, which is amazing. It's amazing. - Yeah. - Because they like us, they really like us. - Right. - And the fact that, I mean, we all get together, while I talk to, you know, while I talk to Taffy nine days a week, and I talk to Rodin, not as much as I would like to, this is one time that I know that we can all get together and visit and, you know, make each other laugh and smack each other around if we need to, and all that sort of stuff. So that, and that is something that I don't know that we would have necessarily gotten to do that as much as we not had the podcast. So that's my answer. - Plus, that's my answer. - Plus, we got to see Kevin-- - That was like three answers, and I think you took both of them. - I'm sorry. - Plus, we got to see Kevin being drag. So really, you can't put a price on that. - Well, that is true. - You can, yeah. - All right, Rodin, go ahead. - I was gonna say it's being able to talk to you guys, and having this lifeline while living here in the Monroe. - Monroe? - Which is actually, I'm sorry, two-inch. - I haven't done that forever, so I'm sorry. - I know, I know, I always expect those, like, oh. So it's been a lifeline, and I love being able to connect to you guys, and it's nice to have that kind of regular time period. So I appreciate that. Most of all, as well as all the kind of new online friends and Michael and Kevin, and-- - New online friends. (laughing) - Hey. - And I got, like, hit up on "Manhunt" the other day from somebody who just saw my profile online, read that, the show reference, and started listening to the show, never talked to me, never did anything, and I guess I'd mentioned something, and so he felt compelled to write, to say, you know, I listened to the show a lot of time, I love it, you know, and some trick stories, like, reminded him of some trick he had, and was telling me about it. So I think it was the "Great Pubes" thing. So it was really nice and-- - And weird how all those things connect. - Rodin, I wanted to tell you something, and you just kind of reminded me of it. The little less Huffington has a little boyfriend. And-- - He has "Great Pubes." - At Chef, and no, she was texting him last night, and I said, so, you know, what is he doing? And she goes, "He's on "Manhunt." (laughing) And I went, I said, "What?" And she goes, "He's on "Manhunt." And I said, "I don't think that's right." And she goes, "Yeah." And I said, "Honey, I don't think so." And she goes, "No, it's a video game." - Yeah. - And I said, I said, "Wait a minute. "He's on the computer, and he's on "Manhunt." 'Cause I'm thinking to myself, okay. - That's not a good sign. - Yeah, and she's like, "Are you kidding? "That's a great sign. "That means she's following in her mother's footsteps." - Exactly, and I, so I even said to her, I said, "Let me see the text. "Shirt up." He says, "You know, what are you doing? "I'm on the computer. "What are you doing on the computer? "I'm on "Manhunt." And I'm going, "I don't know how to process this." So come to find out, "Manhunt is an actual online video game, "which I have no idea." So I, but I listened to her in detail for like, you know, 10 minutes going, "Are you sure? "You know, ask him what he's doing on "Manhunt." And she's just like, "He said he's just on the computer." And she's looking at me like, "What's the big deal? "I don't understand." Yeah, apparently it's a game. I thought it was funny. - No. - I don't know. - Oh, four, four. Oh, that's so funny. - Oh, that's so funny. All right, Taffy, your answer. - What was the question? - Jesus. - What is one great thing that happened to you that would have never happened had you not started podcasting? - I would have gotten this close to Rodin. - Oh, that's a very nice-- - Oh, that's a very nice-- - You would have known him. - Well, I would have known him through you. I mean, I'm sure when he came into town, I would have known him-- - Oh, I would have just told you stories about my "Horry Friend" up in Louisiana. (laughing) - Exactly, but I mean, I think that Rodin and I, not really given the opportunity to, but I think if we were given the opportunity to, I think that I could hang out with Rodin just the two of us, and we would get along great and have a lovely day of single wifedom. - Yes. - Yeah, Baba Lu loves to play, you know, homemaker with me, and ever we go out to lunch. He's like, "Why can't we just do this every day?" I said, "You sound like..." The tailor was to figure out a way to get a grand that we could just sit at Starbucks every day. I said, "So yeah, this is..." So I think that you and I could hang out and have a lovely time, and I think that you and I would never have been anything more than just a link in Taylor's chain of love, and I think it's very cold. - Yeah, that sounds dirty. - What? - That sounds dirty. - It does sound kind of cakey. - Yeah, that's gonna come on day three of gay days, don't worry. (laughing) - Did you just take a sip of water? - I did just take a sip of water. - Okay, 'cause it sounded like you went like down into a pit. - Actually, I was going down. - I don't know about her, but China. (laughing) - Stop referring to my vagina as the pit. Get out the small, unking equipment. Tabby's taken over pants. (laughing) I had to get one, and it's a hundredth episode, come on. (laughing) - Do I ever make fun or reference of "You Are Penis"? - You should. (laughing) - Tushay, Rodine, Tushay. - And on that note, all right, we are at about an hour, and we need to wrap it up. Before we go, on behalf of the three of us. Yeah, thank you all so much for listening for the last 100 episodes, or whenever you started listening. All of the previous episodes are down on iTunes. If you want to go back and listen to shows before. They really are kind of funny. I'm not saying that because I'm on them. - They're awesome. - It's us, pretty much. If you like what you hear, go back and listen to the other shows. It's, we would not be where we are today without all of you guys doing this. If not, we would just be three people talking into our microphones. - Not that we wouldn't do that. - I was gonna say, which one I think about it, we probably would be doing that anyway because we do apparently love the sound of our own voices, but that we do. - And hello, 80,000 downloads. - Yes, yes, we are at over 80,000 downloads over the course of the last 100 episodes. So to plus videos and all that sort of stuff. So to think that that little button has been hit 80,000 times all over the world. - Oh, yes it has. - We have listeners in. (laughing) - Okay, I don't need you. If I'm not letting them make fun of your vagina, you're not letting them make fun of it either. (laughing) You know, we have listeners in Australia and Germany and Asia and, you know, far off places like Kansas and, I mean, you know. (laughing) - I hear everything's up to date there. - Right, I mean, it's. - That ruse. - Right, it's just amazing. So thank you all so much for all of your support and we appreciate it. As always, you can go to our blog, which is potasmycopilot.com. You can email us at potasmycopilot@gmail.com. Call our listener line at 206-202-5165. You can be our friend on MySpace at MySpace.com/potasmycopilot and join our Facebook group. Okay, so I love potasmycopilot. Guys, thank you both very much for being my co-hosts over the last 100 episodes. - Thanks for having us. - Thank you as well. - So I'm sorry to tell you that you're both fired. So look back next week with Michael and Ricky as my new host on potasmycopilot. (laughing) - We didn't say anything about a format chain. (laughing) - Dang, dang, dang. - All right, guys, thank you all very much and we will be back soon. I'm not gonna say next week. We'll be back soon with episode 101. So for everybody at potasmycopilot, this is Taylor. - And Taffy. - And Rodan. - Have a good week, everybody. Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - God, that's how this works. - Oh God, I know. - I know. - I'm a haremaster. You've got your episode. (laughing) - That's right. - Get all Taffy's back. (laughing) - Well. - Well. - Yeah. (laughing) Her master was looking pretty fine too when she did my hair the other day. - Oh, well. - Anyway. - More lesbian loving. - There you go. - Oh. - All right, no more talk of Taffy's vagina. All right. - Thank you. - Bye. - Bye, everybody. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - It's rabbit's. (upbeat music) ♪ Run now, run now, run now, run, run away ♪ ♪ Run now, run now, run now, run now ♪ ♪ It's a little too deep ♪ Run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, run now, Throw him away, see the little body He's cute and fuzzy, but the man with the gun wants to throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away Throw him away [BLANK_AUDIO]