Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 93 - I Love To See Boob, I Love To See Beads....., or Bottom The Pain Away...
The original three are back together this week, and we discuss the films of Robert Rodriguez (no, really) our Valentine's Days, all three of which were fraught with terror and adventure...or in Rodan's case, rum, who Babaloo looks like, the tongue twister makes a return, and coming to you live from the steam room at the Monroe Athletic Club.....and your Voicemails! Granted, they're like 3 months old, but they ARE your voicemails, so back off....
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(upbeat music) Someone wake up John Goodman and slap the shit out of her. It's time for another episode of Pod Is My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Take it away, kids. Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and welcome to episode 93 of Pod Is My Co-Pilot. I'm joined as always by Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Hello, lovers. And Rodan. Hello. How are we all doing this weekend? We're exhausted. Yeah, hung over. Lazy. Oh, this is gonna be a great buy. No, I think all of us have stories from yesterday, which is why we're on the condition we are today. Yeah, yeah, today was definitely, I don't know how it was in the Louisiana, but in Florida it was. Gross. Not cold, but it was just sort of gross and cloudy and black. And we were gonna do all sort of stuff in the backyard and we decided not to. So we sat in the house all day and played Animal Crossing and folded laundry and ordered pizza and watched Grindhouse. You watched Grindhouse? Wow. We watched Sensity. Oh, God, did you know that? I am too weird. It was a Robert Rodriguez love fest. I was gonna say I had no Robert Rodriguez. Were you gonna watch like Spy Kids 3D? Which is really weird about you saying Spy Kids is that what's the mom's name? Carla, like... Jujujujuju. Yeah, she's in, you know, she's completely naked in Sensity and then you watch her in Spy Kids and she's like, you know, the princess of her mom. Super mom, yeah. The one who is the uncle in it has a scene in the very beginning of the movie in a trailer where he's having sex with a mom and a daughter. I can't get past it in Con Air with him. I've never, I've still never seen Con Air, so. Oh, he's very, very bad in that movie. Well, I think that's he kind of goes through life kind of playing that part. And apparently now we have artwork for episode 90 debates. Yeah, I guess so, huh. Well, Baba Lu had never seen Grind House, so he was excited to watch it. He loved the Planet Terror, the zombie part. Of course he did, that's what he had surprised you watched it. No, but that's just it. It's so campy and so over the top that it's, you can't help it. It's silly, hard, you know, it's just weird. And then the second part, the Quentin Tarantino part, was very, he's like, I don't understand. Is this supposed to be scary? And I was just kind of like, just wait for it, just wait for it. And then in the middle when the four girls are going to the lake house and Kurt Russell with the car, that he was just like, oh my god. Yeah, just went nuts. And I remember when Rodan, when you and I went and saw that the scene with the girl on the hood of the car, you and I were like in each other's laps the entire time. Oh, yeah. And he was very much just like mouth open, eyes wide, watching and just like, is she going to die? Is she going to die? And like just watch the fucking movie. Stop asking me questions. Right, he loved it. He was just like, I have to own this. And I said, unfortunately, you can buy each movie separately, but you can't buy them together. And which is fucking ridiculous. It's ridiculous. I just say it's ridiculous, but it's genius. Except that what's one of the best parts of the movie is the trailers commercials. Yeah. And the trailers aren't on either DVD. Oh, really? That sucks. Yeah, that's which is obviously one of those that they're waiting for everybody to buy those two separate movies. And then eventually they'll release both movies on one disc with all of the trailers and all of the extra, like the commercials in the middle, with the gross cheesy nachos and-- It'll be the director's cut. Yes, it'll be the-- yeah. But he loved Grindhouse. It's a great movie. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a lot of fun. It's family fun. Yes, yes. Bring your preschoolers to Grindhouse. And grandma, it's a good after church movie. Yeah, especially the trailer for Thanksgiving, where they have grandma and the turkey with the stuffing coming out of her vagina. Oh, yeah, forget all about that. Thanks. Thanks for putting that image in my head. Oh, and the trampoline girl. Oh. Exactly. Yeah. Wow, we spent the first five minutes talking about a movie that came out 18 months ago. Wow. Oh, well. So what'd you guys do for the big VD? Well, I will let Taffy go first, because apparently Taffy has pictures with showgirls and drunken people hanging off of floats. Oh, wow. We went to one-- I will tell you that we went to a restaurant that's only been open for three weeks. I can't wait to take Baba Lu and Taylor there. It was fabulous. Now that I have said that, I had told Tank that I wanted to go to La Obelivir over in Eboard for Valentine's Day, which is a drag cabaret French extravaganza. Proving that Tank is the coolest husband in the world to take me to a drag cabaret before Valentine's Day. It says quiet romantic Valentine's dinner, like a drag queen. Exactly, yeah. It gets better for quiet romantic. So we are heading across the bridge to our reservations. And we notice a sign on the bridge that says Eboard Event Parking Exit 1. And we're like event parking for Valentine's Day. And I know what the fuck is going on. So we call over to the restaurant. And we're like, hi, we just saw a sign that says event parking. And she goes, oh god, the night parade. Uh-huh. Oh my god. The night parade for Gasparilla. So we get about 10 miles out. And it is bumper to bumper red lights. And we're like, OK, so we have a decision. We can either go forward. And you know what? Throw caution to the wind. I love to see boobs. I love to see beads. Or we can turn around. That's how I go for episode 93. I like to see boobs. And I like to see beads. Writing it down now. We're going to turn it on. And we can go back. Because we had made reservations at two different places. One on this side of the bay. One on that side of the bay. So no, of course not. We trudge through. We get over to Eboard. The restaurant we're going to is on seventh, which is where the parade comes down. The restaurant actually faces the parade route. Fine. That's like right that you're waiting on the main drag. And Eboard. Eboard City, for those of our listeners who aren't local-- Close to us. --tamp and natives-- is kind of the equivalent to the French Quarter in New Orleans. It's the strip in Tampa that a lot of history is there. And a lot of old, old buildings that have been redone into bars, and trendy restaurants, and boutiques, and all that sort of stuff. So we get down there, and we have to park on fifth. So we're thinking, OK, this is not too terribly bad. Keep in mind that I'm going out for the evening. I'm walking fairly well in normal shoes, hence the cobblestone and curbs and alleys. And I thought Tank was going to have a heart attack when the first drunken person knocked into me. I really thought that he was actually going to body-- well, he did actually body check about four or five people, where he just-- he actually had one down, and then he gave me the look of, I'll be good. And he was fairly decent for the rest of that point, except for the fact that we walked about four and a half blocks down the wrong side of the parade route. We were on the south side of the parade route, and we didn't realize that we couldn't cross. And then we had to turn around, double back the four blocks to the part that you could get to the other side of the parade route, and then double back the four blocks, again, to get to the restaurant. So by the time we actually got to the restaurant, I had seen more ass and nipples-- Did it typical weekend in Orlando? Did it-- well, exactly. Except for the fact that these people were having the greatest time. And this is the first time I've ever kissed a girl. Somebody catch it on video. Oh, god, it was fabulous. It was so much fun. I was felt up at least once. It was fabulous. We had a great time. So by the time we make it to the restaurant-- which, by the way, when you come to the very front door of the restaurant, there are showgirls in the proverbial beaded bras with the huge giant feathered headdresses. And I walk in and am faced with a two-story Eiffel Tower, complete with light show that goes on every hour on the hour, like the one in Paris. Holy crap. Oh, no, it gets better. You go in. The place is completely dark. The only lights are really like red lights. Oh, my goodness. Red light district. So you're completely at home? I was completely at home instantly. I was completely at home. Every single wall has large, flat-screen TVs. And they are playing the Moulin Rouge. Not the-- no, no, not the movie Moulin Rouge, the actual show from the Moulin Rouge, which a year ago, almost to the day, we were at. And it's the same show with the same cast. And we're like, oh, my god. This is amazing. This is the exact same show. Same people, the same everything. So the black girl with the oversized-- The black girl with the big giant nipples. That was how we knew it was the same cast. You can spot a nipple at 20 paces. 20 paces. I never met a nipple. I didn't remember. We sit there. The food was great. The waiters were cute. There must have been two sides to the restaurant, because we sit on the gay side, because every single table around us was boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys. And of course, the opening act of the show is this douchebag from the audience who decides that he's going to take it upon himself to open Mike Knight, read a poem he wrote to his girl, his woman. Oh, no. Complete with fog machines. What? Now I have to tell you-- What? Oh, he gets better. I have to tell you that while I embrace giant shows of love, we'll get to what Tank got me for Valentine's Day in a minute. We're talking this poem was things like, you know, a man knows to keep his woman happy. A woman knows to keep her man excited. This went on for about six minutes. And I have my hands in my head thinking, this is when I text Bob Aloo yesterday, if you were here, you would die. So I have my hands over my face, trying hard not to laugh, because we are facing the stage. And I kind of tilt my head, and I realize that the absolutely adorable little twink that is sitting next to me is looking right at me giggling, and I said, you have to stop. And he just kind of looked at me like, are you talking to me? And then we both got the church house giggles, and we couldn't stop. So then we instantly became best friends, because the whole boy, we were just kept looking each other, putting her hands down, going, oh my God, I want to kill myself. So he ended up not saying the name of the woman who was in the poem, because she was a waitress there. - What? - And they're not dating. It was fabulous. It was fantastic. We were all like, no. - Oh my goodness. - So after that, it was fine. They go through the whole act. There's one scene in particular, the show was great. I will tell you, the show was fabulous. There's one scene in particular where they have a fire eater that comes out. And he does the whole thing where he has the, I don't know what the hell, what are they called? A bolas, where they put them in your hands, and you spin them around, like, you know, okay. And they're on fire, and the whole thing, he's shirtless, and he's cut like, you know, whatever. And they're doing this to Roxanne from the Irish. The two girls are with them, and they're dancing around them with fans, and he's twirling the fire everywhere, and this song is blaring as loud as it possibly can all the way through, tank at the end, tears. You have to let this man, I'm telling you, he's just like, I can't take it, this is awesome. Little tears coming out of his eyes, it was fabulous. And the drag cream was great, and there was, it was a great show, the show was free, by the way, for those of you who live in the area. If you go and eat, the show is included, and the prices are great, but the place is great. I highly recommend any one in our area going, 'cause it was a lot of fun. Lots and lots of fun, food was good. So that was our thing, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. - So what did he get you? - Well, I believe that he is aware that I have not been able to ride a bike very well, so he ordered-- - Enough of that, you're a sex life. - Well, I can trust me, no foot injury in the world can keep me from riding that bike, thigh-high cast and all. Anyways, he ordered me a retrofitted bicycle built for two from Washington State. - Oh my God. - And it's included with the fact that the back seat doesn't have to pedal, but the front seat can, and it can be changed where when I can ride a long distance that I can actually pedal, but he ordered me a tandem bike that's made, and it's red, and it was fabulous. - That's awesome. - It is awesome. - That is incredibly sweet. - Yes, I was very, very excited. - I got a cherry cola lip smacker. - Well. - I love those though. - I kind of think you got an ass smacker. - No, that was this morning, thank you. - It might've tasted like cherry cola, you never know. - No, he actually, he got me one of these, I think the first time we went to Epcot, and I just recently ran out, so while we were in wandering around Epcot yesterday, he was like, "This is the place where I go to the lip smacker. "Do you know that one another one?" I'm like, "Yeah!" We were all excited, so. - Well, I think that's sweet. - And I got a cool T-shirt, and he got, well, let me back up a little bit. Babaloo and I went to Disney World, as I talked about in the last episode. We went with some trepidation. I had spoken with Taffy the day before, and there had been discussion that there was a possibility that every single member of American Idol that's ever been on the show was gonna be appearing at one or all of the parks. - Oh my goodness. - And, well, because they just opened, they had the grand opening of the American Idol thing on Thursday night. - Right. - And, you know, so I left her house Friday night thinking, "Oh my God, the last thing I'm gonna do is deal with, "you know, I don't have to wait an extra half an hour "to get on to Space Mountain "because of the 14 claymates ahead of me, "so I'm thinking this is gonna be a nightmare." - So I call Disney. Disney, you know, they talk to me like I'm on drugs. No, we're not having any extra concerts. I call Kevin. Kevin doesn't know anything about it. I'm just like, okay, fine. You know what? Babaloo gets home. We get talking about things. We say, you know what, we're gonna go worst case scenario if you can't get in. There's always IKEA. We would both love to spend a bounce in San IKEA, you know, but that's why. - True love. - We get up early. We decide, we decide we are gonna do the whole day thing. And I couldn't get dinner reservations for Canada, but I did get us eight o'clock dinner reservations for Morocco. Which, again, if it doesn't come on a hamburger bun, I usually don't like it, so I was a little nervous about that. But I thought, eh, it's something different. And he was all excited about it, so I said, well, we're gonna go for it. We decide we're gonna do the whole day thing. We get up early. We get, you know, where we, you know, he's made breakfast and we're getting all of our stuff ready. We get in the car, we're making really great time. It's about quarter after eight. We figure we'll get there a little bit after nine when the park opens. We just get over the Howard Franklin Bridge. I realize I left my camera at home. - Oh, no. - Now, you know, usually we go in, you know, t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Well, because it was Valentine's Day, we both got a little dressed up 'cause we knew we were gonna be taking pictures. - So you put on your best sandals? - I put on my pink polo shirt. He had on his white polo shirt. Go fuck yourself. So I decided, you know what, let's just go home and get it. So then that added an extra 40 minutes onto the ride. - Oh, you went back and got it? - We went back and got it. - Oh, wow. - Yeah, then we go over, you know, go, go. So we have to go back over the Howard Franklin Bridge and then back over again, we go all the way to Disney World. We're making really, really great time. Bob Belous driving. So we get there in about four minutes and we get through the gates to the Magic Kingdom. The big thing that when Taffy and her family go through it, they all go woo woo. We get through that. We get about a mile away from the gate and all of a sudden traffic's at a complete stop. - Oh God. - Oh my goodness. - And I look at Bob Belous and I'm like, oh hell no. - Yeah. - You couldn't even see the parking gates. - That would have scared the life out of me. I don't think I would have won. - That scared the shit out of me and I was just like, this can't be good. And I said, I didn't hear anything about it. You know, and I'm doing the whole, Kevin said they weren't going to be there. And you know, I talked to Disney and Disney said, and I'm like, you know, they made me sound like I was on drugs and there's no way, there's no way. I'm not going to listen to Kelly Pickler while I'm with the Magic Kingdom. It's not going to happen. - We get up to the gate. They're not even, they're not even charging people. They're just wading everybody through. - Nice. - Oh, I've been there once when they did that. Like on a New Year's Eve or something. - So I'm thinking this is bad. - Now, wait, will you, Magic Kingdom or will you at Epcot? - Okay, well we decided we were going to do Magic Kingdom in the morning and then we're going to do Epcot at night. - Gotcha. - We get into Magic Kingdom. We had to wait three fairies to get onto the ferry. - Oh my God. - Yeah, that's not true. We had to wait two fairies. I'm sorry, we had to wait two fairies. We get, we were two fairies waiting for a ferry. - Two fairies waiting for the ferry, yes. - And we get into the Magic Kingdom. We first get there, we're like, this isn't too bad. - Mm-hmm. - Famous last words. An hour later, I don't do crowds well. - No, no, no, he does not. - No, he does not. - Yeah, we were there at Magic Kingdom once and I freaked out in the middle of a crowd. It was miserable. It was absolutely miserable. The fish and chip place that you took me to the last time that we went, the Columbia Harbor Steakhouse. I've never, it was crazy. It was absolutely crazy. And it was all nothing but little kids, which obviously does Magic Kingdom. But I mean, it was like little little kids. We do Space Mountain twice, we do Haunted Mansion once. And then I say, all right, I'm done. I'm done with Magic Kingdom. I'm ready to go to Epcot. - So were the lines bad or was it just-- - The line, well the line for Space Mountain. Okay, well let's put it this way. The fast pass for Space Mountain was almost as long as the regular line for Space Mountain. - Jesus. - Yeah, it was once you go down the hill and then up the hill once it starts to zigzag, it was you got up to the zigzag and that's where the line was. - God. - Yeah, it was crazy. And the Haunted Mansion set a half an hour, but I mean, we just flew through that line. They keep that line moving so fast that it didn't feel like that. So we went over to Epcot and not a soul there. - Really? - Wow. - It was one of these that while Bobaloo and I had a really wonderful day, I kind of wish that we had just spent the whole day at Epcot. - Yeah. - 'Cause everything that we tried to do, we got right on and right in. I will say that the funniest thing that I heard all day was said at Epcot and it was said by a British family. - Well of course. - There was a family that was a mom and a dad and two little boys, probably the older of the two boys was probably about eight and he had a younger brother who was about six and the eight year old and the mom are walking kind of next to one another and mom is trying to get his attention with something where she's saying, now when we get back to the hotel, I need you to do blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he's doing the jokingly where he's pretending to do like the slap fight with her. - Right. - So then she's kind of doing the same thing back and they're doing the whole eh, like this, to which he says in this very precocious English voice, "We're lady fighting now." (laughing) - We're sophisticated ladies, you know. - Oh dear. - To which she says, "Yes, we are girl fighting. "We're not actually sophisticated ladies. "I'm a sophisticated lady." No, no, we're both sophisticated ladies. To which at this point, the six year old kind of comes up and shoves the eight year old because I guess he thought, "Okay, we're gonna do the play fight thing," which slowly started to turn into a big fight to which the mom could quickly see, "Okay, I need to get this in control." And she's like, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. "Everybody can no calm down." And the eight year old tries to hit the six year old and the six year old goes, "Missed me, missed me. "Now you have to kiss me." (laughing) Oh my gosh, buddy. You know, to which then I was taken out of it by Bob Blue going, "Hello, I'm talking." And I'm like, "I'm not listening to you. "I'm watching this going on over here." (laughing) So, Morocco, I apparently am racist because I never went into the Morocco thing before. It is so cool back in that little outcome. - Oh yeah. - There is all sorts of really, really neat things. And the food was, have you ever eaten in the Moroccan restaurant? - I have not. - Tank of the Girls Up. - Yeah, I know, a tank recommended it. And if you could please let Tank know that the mint green tea that he recommended, oh my God, it was so good. The food was actually okay. The appetizers were really neat. I had something, we got like the, I guess it was like, you know, the sampler platter, where it's ground chicken and almonds in a puff pastry with powdered sugar and cinnamon on top of it? - I would not have cared for that, I don't think. - I thought the same thing when I'm like, "You know what, when in Rome or Morocco." - When in Morocco? - Morocco. - Yeah. It was really neat. It was a really neat taste because it was definitely the sweet and the savory. It was very cool. There was a belly dancer who I think it moved a little. She was amazing. She was absolutely amazing. She was gorgeous. But at that point, the camera was dead. So all I had was the flip cam. So I took some, I took some flip video over. - There was some life. - There was some life, like the old girl. - God. - Yeah, but it was a really nice night. And we got out just in time to watch the fireworks, which I don't like the new Epcot Firework show. It's dumb, but, you know. And at that point, Babaloo was vacillating back and forth on whether or not to go back to Match Kingdom 'cause they were open 'til midnight. And I pretty much said, I will kill you. It will be the Valentine's Day Massacre because my feet were killing me at that, but we'd been walking for like 13 hours. And I said, no, I'm done, I'm done. I love you very much. I had a wonderful day. I'm done. - It wasn't like when we were at Gay Days. - No, no, it wasn't Magic Out. Have we told that story? - I don't know. - I don't think we talked much about Gay Days, to be honest. We just did the video. - We let the video speak for itself. - Yeah. - We were staying in a Disney hotel for Gay Days and I make the mistake as we're pulling in from the Friday night dinner with all of the podcasters. I make the mistake as we pull in of telling Taffy and Ronan that, oh, by the way, I looked on the website and because we're staying in hotel, we could actually go to the park until two o'clock in the morning. (laughing) To which she's saying, actually no, we were just getting dressed for bed. - We were ready to go to bed. - Yes, we were, yeah, we were just getting ready for bed. - To which Taffy's doing the whole. - Why would you tell me that? Let's get dressed. Let's go back over to the park. And I'm like, no, I don't feel like going over to the park. Let's just go to bed. We have a long day ahead of us. But we can go to the park till two o'clock. We go to the park till two o'clock. To where eventually I had had enough and pretty much said, all right, that's it, we'll go. Get out. - I'm gonna hear it again. - Okay, if you're not gonna get, 'cause at this point now I said let's go and Taffy's like, no, I'm already in bed laying down. I said, then you shut your mouth. - He goes, I'm gonna hear it again. He's like, you know, either get up and get dressed or we're not gonna go. I was like, are you, I said, I can't believe you would mention this now. I can't believe that you don't bring it up again or it's not gonna happen. So this year I've already prepped him. - Yeah, meanwhile I'm a walk in zombie at this point because I had just driven 12 hours the day before to get to the Orlando and then kind of like went straight into festivities. So it was, yeah, I was a zombie. I was like, there is no way I'm going back to that park. - That's it. It was, it was fun. You'll go this year. (laughing) - It'll be fun. - So we're preparing you now. You have no choice. - That's fine. I'll travel in a day earlier. - There you go. So Rodan, what is up with you? What's up? - Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on. What did you get for Babaloo? We wanna hear about, we even posted about the stitch pins. Let's hear 'em. - Okay, well, yeah, we went a little crazy on the stitch pins. He got four. - How many does he have at this point? - I don't know. - I mean seriously. - 120, 130, I don't know. - That's fine. - I don't know. One, two, three, three. - I would say he probably has about 30 to, I would say about 30. I'm looking at the middle. Well, okay, but one of them is not a stitch pin. One of them is a pin that is the Love L-O-V-E where the L and the O were on top of the V and the E, but the O is shaped like Mickey Mouse ears. And I got on that because it was Valentine's Day. - Aww. - They sell pins that are kind of like the Olympic pins that they sell at the Olympics, where you can trade them back and forth. The best, that's the best way to describe that. I think Bjorn put that on our comments today. Babaloo's favorite character is Stitch. So he clicks the stitch pins. Now, he decided he was going to do this and I said, I made fun of him at first. Forgetting that I'm one of these in order to have collectors, that now when I see them, I have to get them for him, whether he wants them or not. - He's a enabler. - I'm a completely enabler. And I'm one of these that I'm standing there with them going, you know, just take them. It's a limited edition. It won't be around very long and it'll be worth something one day. And he said, but I don't like it. It doesn't matter. You have to have it. Because if you don't have it, then you have to have the whole set. And I have to get you the whole set because if not, then you're not complete. I'm pretty close. - Wow. - Yeah, wow. I know. It's a little peek into my psyche with these stupid little stitch pins. - Yeah. - But it makes him happy to get them. And he's always excited when he gets them. So that's really, that's really all the matters. - That's really all the matters. - Yeah. - And I bought locks for, so that way they lock onto the back of the lanyards because the day is coming when he wears them to the park. - Okay. - I don't think that's gonna happen. - Well, I think, yeah. - Because he says that he's really, really, you know, he's afraid that he's gonna drop one or break one. - That's why we've got the locks. I got the lock primarily because I have one pin and that I want to wear on my lanyard for work. It's the Italian flag shaped like a Mickey Mouse. - Right. - Because, you know, I show everybody that I'm gay and a day go. So, and I'm Italian so I can say day go. Sorry, Michael. - Nice. - But so he's gonna, he's gonna use some of them for him as well. - Oh, thanks. - And I also got, and what else did I get him? Oh, I got, I got him those. And I got him the, at the cool zone in Epcot where you can try all the different sodas. They have the cups that you can build a cup that has feet and a head and they have the stitch one and I've always said I was gonna get him the stitch one one day and he always was like, "Oh, don't do that. It's a waste of money." And I got him that and we filled it up with some sort of blue raspberry thing that put me into a diabetic shock because it's, you know, it's water, you know, it's a hint of water just, you know, with a pound of sugar in it. - Right. - So, so we had that. So I said, well, you know, that's your cup for dinner every night. You can drink it in the packet. - Oh. - He's like, I don't know, and he got me just a basic Mickey Mouse t-shirt with a basic symbol but it's black and it's, so the, the image is kind of faded and it's, it's a neat t-shirt. - That's cool. That's how I get a nice day. - We did. We had a really nice day. We had a, we've had a really nice weekend. It's, I'm, I'm, you're pleased. - I'm pleased. I'm pleased with how it went. - That was very nice. - Oh, good. So, Dan, what did you do? Let's hear it. - Well, you know, in the episode 92 that we ditched, what are the things that, because I listened to the new 92 yet, but the episode 92 that we ditched, I mentioned that lucky now we're having some issues and Monday night when we were supposed to be taping, I kind of bowed out anyways, but I called lucky just to say hi or because things were starting to normalize and we broke up. It was one of those where we started to get back into the same conversation again and it was like the 20th time and I said, listen, it's over. It's done. It's it. It's, it's like, but, but, but I'm like, it's over. And of course now I'm the one all week long who's barely been able to handle that, but yeah. - Aw. - It sucks, but, you know, it's just overall he, you know, and like you mentioned last week, it's like, he's 25, he doesn't know what he wants to do the rest of his life. And here was an option. And, you know, when we thought through or when he thought through it, it wasn't the right option. - Aw, well, I'm sorry to hear about that. - Yeah. - Yeah. Me too. - Yeah. - But the good news. - Now can I ask who was it a mutual breakup or did someone break up with somebody else or? - Well, I was like, die, die hard, not going to break up with him and he wouldn't break up with me. So it was one of those where after we kind of gone around the block a couple of times, I was just like, that, that's why I mean, I really did technically it's, I ended it, but it was really kind of what he wanted. - Gotcha. - So. - Wow. - And, but you know what, sometimes that's the best thing to do, even though that's the hardest thing to do, that's the best thing to do as far as to be the- - Grun. - Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for saying what I wasn't wanting to. - Going to. - Yeah. Wanting to, not going, shut up. It's tough, but I mean, you know, it ultimately, if you guys, it's better to have done this now. And I know this is very cliche and it's very, you know, it's very easier said than done, but better than do it now than six months from now when he's already moved in and he's left his job and it's, it's a lot more difficult. - Yeah. Now, and I agree and we, you know, we're still talking a little bit, but it's really kind of painful for me. So I kind of put an end to that right before the podcast. So because it, he, he really, he really wanted to be friends and I was like, I don't think I can do this at all. Not right now, not for a little while. So he like wants me in his life and we want to, you know, but he just doesn't want all the other stuff that goes with it. I'm just battling now. You can cut this out because I feel like an idiot. - No. - That's right. - That makes sense. - That's understandable. And, you know, if you don't sound smart, then of course I'm going to leave that in because it makes me sound smarter. - Ultimately, it makes him sound smarter, really. - Yeah. - And that's all that's important. - Well, yeah. I mean, and I have nothing but love for, for lucky. So I mean, there's nothing, it's not like a bad breakup in that sense or that either one of us do anything wrong is just, I guess it was more of a timing thing than anything else. - Well, that's the thing about timing is that maybe, you know, maybe things will be different in the future. - Yeah. So the, on the flip side though, is that as soon as I like almost instantaneously, once I changed my status on Facebook and MySpace and, you know, all the other litany of other places where you kind of mark that, you know, all of a sudden, it was like, I was fresh meat again, so it was one of those like, hi, hi, hi, I'm like, what the hell's going on here? - So in other words, I need to dust off the what's your name again, music? - Yes. - You may need to, even though I did not get a chance to use it this weekend, mostly because I just couldn't bring myself to it. I had like two offers, one for Friday night and one for Saturday night, and I just couldn't do it. - The body's barely cold for Christ's sake. - I know, but the cock is not. - Exactly. - Apparently. - Exactly, because it's just one of those where I need to do it to get lucky out of my system. - That's the stupidest thing I ever heard in my whole life. - Okay, thank you. Yeah, that's, I don't know that that's necessarily the case, but... - Yeah, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my whole life. - I have urges that I have not felt since I was in my early 20s. - Okay, well, I... - But you're not in your early 20s, my darling. - Right, and that scares me. - What? - I haven't acted on them. - Okay, but I mean, what I'm saying is, I don't know what the hell I'm saying. I mean, I think the first time that, and really you and I are really the only two, well, that's not true, you and Tappy can attest to this a little bit. The first time that you're with somebody post a breakup, that's not going to get lucky out of your system. - I know. - In fact, there's probably a chance... - It's going to make it worse. - Well, no, it's not going to make it worse, but there's a chance. The first time that I messed around with anybody post-drum, there was definitely comparisons and there was definitely the, okay, this is different, and we'll wait a second, I used to do this, and this was the way the response that I would get and all that sort of thing. So, you're definitely going to be thinking about lucky, I mean, I remember after you broke up with Sprout, you and I talked about that. - Yeah, I was Sprout was different because, you know, essentially, I came out of the-- - Sprout was different because it was crazy. - Well, yeah, I mean, but Sprout and I were together, you know, seven and a half years. - The difference was post-sprout as you didn't open your eyes to find a lit cigarette two inches from your face going, "What's my name?" - He didn't reach under the bed to get a nice pick, and then she opened a police station and a white one-piece dress. - What do you want to do? - Arrest me for being crazy. - Oh, goodness. - I always heard that Sprout had a nice beaver. - Sprout has been amazingly supportive through this whole thing with lucky. - Oh, God. - Danger will rob his danger. - Danger, danger, danger, danger, danger. - I've seen Sprout's new boyfriend. He's dating a 22-year-old who apparently Sprout's now a top. - Oh, really? - Which was pretty much my reaction when he told me this. I was like, "What?" - He's topping a fetus for Christ's sake, I mean. - Right. - I'm writing that down for the other person. - I mean, really. - Well, and he's a-- oh my gosh, he's just-- he looks like he could be a Rodan brother. He looks like me. - He's a black Rodan? - No. He looks like he could be one of my brother. - Not that kind of portrait. - Not brother, but brother. - He's just enjoying that hurt, too. - So, yeah. - Makes sense because, you know, Sprout is a sister. - A sister sister! - He actually wanted to stop by and visit my mom a couple weeks ago. I was like, "Are you high?" I was like, "That is the stupidest thing ever." - And then take her own roller coaster and then pay her money. That's insane. - Crazy ex-boyfriends are fun. - I know. Actually, I had an opportunity today for sex that I turned down because I had a little bit of a-- once this person comes over to my house, I'll never be able to get rid of him. He'll be, like, moved in in three seconds. And, you know, he'll be boiling bunnies and Riley will be torched or something. - Was it Sprout? - No, no, no. It was something like Twinkie guy. - So, wait. Yeah, it's Sprout dating someone who's in their early 20s. Is this going to become a race where now you have to date a 19-year-old or something? - No. No, because I-- - And I know, you mean-- - And I know that means he's cruising preschools. - Don't make Rodan into a pedophile. - Mine's younger and prettier. [laughter] - Great. - What's his curfew? - That's charming. - That's charming. - His curfew's after his juice box is done. - Why is there a car seat in your car? Never mind. - People, we have to get to voicemail. - Yes, yes we do. - We can make fun of Rodan's new love conquest all night long. - Yeah, right. One last thing that was going to change my status on Facebook. I got a lot of response and a lot of sympathy and kind of well wishes from everybody. So, I appreciate that. It was a nice little viewpoint into knowing that I was going to survive this whole week. So, I appreciate it. Thank you. - Well, that's very nice. Can you really count listeners asking for your dick pic now that you're saying you don't have a sympathy? [laughter] - I do. - [laughter] - I count it. - That is gay-speak, so... - I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. - Are you cut? [laughter] - Are you mostly a topper bottom? - Oh my god, he's power-versatile. - Let me bottom the pain away for you. - [laughter] - bottom the pain away. - Bottom the pain away. - Bottom the pain away. - That's the other title for episode 93. - Bottom the pain away. - [laughter] - All right, all right, voicemail. - voicemail. - Okay. These are the voicemails that we actually did on the throwaway episode 92, but we're going to redo them again. The first is from Brother Casey, and Brother Casey actually wanted to take a chance and do the tongue twister episode. - Oh my god, that was like a decade ago. - And do the tongue twister activity. Jesus Christ, I'm having a hard time saying the tongue twister thing. - And that's just the tongue twister activity, not even the tongue twister. - Yeah. All right, this is it. - Hello, Bob. It's my co-pilot. This is Brother Casey from Boise. I'm going to attempt the tongue twister. I haven't practiced, but here we go. - I'm not the present mother pheasant plucker, and I'm not the present mother pheasant plucker's son, but I'll pluck the present mother pheasant plucker to the present mother pheasant plucker comes. Who made it didn't say fucker once. Awesome, I'll talk to you all later. - Bye. - Very impressive. - Yes, yes. - Yes, I bet all the boys in Idaho were looking up Brother Casey. - A line is forming as we speak. It's a hard tongue twister. It's a great tongue twister, but it's a hard one. - It's a hard knock life. - For me. - Oh, really? - For us. - It's a hard knock life. - All right. Well, thank you very much, Brother Casey. Our next message is from Christina in Washington. - Whoo! Whoo! - Hello co-piloters. I almost totally messed that up. It's Christina from Wenatchee, Washington, and I was just calling in to say hello, because I hadn't called in a while, and to let you know that I just finished listening to episode 80, and I love that you can see Bobaloo in the cover art. He's totally handsome, which Mr. Taylor, you're very lucky, and I hope he's really not offended by this, but he kind of reminds me of Jason Hoggs from the ghost hunter series on sci-fi, who I think is really, really hot, actually, because I have a thing for bald guys. Even though my husband has a full head of hair, it makes no sense, but it's totally hot, and just the angle of a face, he's got that really cool look on his face, and yeah, so that's kind of what he reminds me of, and I hope that Bobaloo isn't offended by that, because I mean it purely as a major compliment, and I just noticed underneath on your website that Kathy posted about banned books, and I am proud to say that my 11-year-old nephew is the owner of the entire line of shell Silverstein poetry books, not just a light in the attic, but he also has where the sidewalk ends, and the one about the tree, the giving tree. I bought him the entire set for his birthday last year, and he has read them all, and the joyous sex is actually sitting on my coffee table, odd. Anyways, so you know what? Fuck all those people who ban books. They suck ass. I swear. How can you ban Gone with the Wind? It's ridiculous. Anyways, I love you guys, and I think you're doing a great show, and yeah, that's it. I just wanted to say hello. Now I have to go call Q-Cast, because I haven't called them in a long time either. I love you guys. Bye. Well, okay. First of all, I have tons of respect for anybody who, as her coffee table book, has the joy of sex. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. That's that's a woman with a lot of cajunas. Or a husband that's got a lot of cajunas. Well, yeah. I we looked up pictures of the guy from the ghost hunter, and Bobaloo, while he appreciates the fact that you find him attractive, took umbrage without you thought he looked like aww. But he appreciates the fact that you find him attractive, nonetheless. So, and I didn't necessarily see it the Jason from the ghost hunters. I didn't necessarily see the resemblance, but I also live with him and see him naked on a regular basis. Probably not Jason from the ghost hunters. Oh, okay. I still think he looks like John Stewart, a little filled out. I do. Looks like John Stewart. Bobaloo, if you catch pictures of him that if you see them, it's yes. We actually stood in line with a guy yesterday at Space Mountain, and his wife that looked like a Chubby Rodan. Well, by a Chubby Rodan, I mean, he looked like Rodan. That's what's say. That's what's say. So, he looks like a thin Rodan. What? No, he was, he was very cute. He had his wife were standing in front of us, and then, because the line wasn't moving, and then the line, his wife went to go to the bathroom, and the line started moving. He was like, I can't believe she, now I got to stay in here and wait for her. And she was gone a while, and the line had moved up just far enough before we went in the door. And we had both thought he was cute. So, we decided that we were going to, when she got back in line, we were going to like say, like, you know, come on, you know, and let them go up with us. So, and we had like a 50-minute wait. So, we ended up standing there talking, and they were here visiting from Pittsburgh. And so, we talked about the Super Bowl, and there's going to all sorts of questions about Disney. So, I got to completely nerd out on them. I think by the end, they were a little scared of me. But he kept talking to me. He was the one doing all the talking. So, but he was very cute. And I thought at one point, he looks like Rodan. Well, it's nice. Yeah, I was a lot of people think you're cute. Yes. I think it lots of compliments this week. It's been very nice. Well, excellent. I'm so glad to hear that. Yes. He's back on the train, apparently. Well, I've been to the gym like five times last week, so. That's what you were trolling for us. Get real. What? How is the steam room at the Mac? It's wonderful. Not that I've ever been in it. Would you like to spot me? But you're going in the sauna, exactly. Now, do they have, is the showers one big room or is it a bunch of little stalls? It's one big room. So, I've never used the showers there. And is that. Although, I have many fantasies about using the showers there. And they don't involve soap. No soap. A lot of lube, but no soap. And our final voicemail. Our final message is from Stacy in Indiana. And this is kind of time sensitive. And we might have gotten Stacy fired from our job. Oh, dear. That's just like us. There you go. Hello, part of my co-pilot. This is Stacy from the not so great state of Indiana. And I just wanted to say that being a purist, I've been listening to your episodes from episode one. And I am now at about episode number 65. And in four more podcasts in my playlist, I will be reaching episode 69. The John Goodman story. Now, I'm waiting with bated breath to actually have it come up in my in my playlist. The only problem is that I listen to this at work. And all your hype and build up to it is causing me great concern. So, if it comes up while I'm working, am I going to have some sort of visceral reaction to it? And you become violently ill or just pass out from discuss? Or am I going to laugh my freaking ass off? Well, I'll let you know as soon as I hear it. If you want to catch up with me and my mom and my girlfriend, Elle and Taffy, here's some of your lesbian listeners. You can reach us at yeah, but what do I know? dot wordpress.com and see some of our little stories that we tell about our lives. But I have to let you, I have to let pod is my co-pilot know that I listen to you every day at work. And I just crack my ass off. Have a fabulous day. We'll talk with you soon. We had disclaimers. Yes, we did. We had a lot of disclaimers. That's right. So, please call us and let us know what happened or send us a voice mail and let us know if you still have a job or not. It wasn't actually, I guess, that bad. It wasn't your hand. It depends on how loud you actually listen to your show, I guess. And if you have a waste paper basket nearby, you know, if it's not one of those where you're in the process of throwing up and you jump up and the headphones that you have plugged in, you get pulled out and therefore that this blaring through. She's shitting my hand. I'm trying to block really that story out of my head. Speaking of shitting in one's hand. Really? Thank you. I think the general consensus that we've gotten is for our 100th episode. Because again, you know, seven weeks away, but we're going to start. Oh my goodness. These things require planning people. Yes, and we are not going to, we have Taffy and I came up with something that we're going to do that we think you all are going to like. And Rodan, we're going to talk with you about it after we eat. It's brilliant. Yes, thanks. And I said it to Taffy and she was like, absolutely, absolutely, I'm in. I think people are wanting kind of like a greatest hits and or a clip show. Really? This isn't going to be it. I said, but that's not what we were talking about. No, no, we may do both things that you and I talked about or the one thing that we talked about and then this thing. But what I would like to know is pretty much- Well, I listen to our favorite episodes or favorite things. What favorite episodes or what favorite stories are, that sort of thing. I know there are some that are pretty much considered to be, you know, classics and that's very heavily in quotes when I say that, as far as bot is my co-pilot go. But if there's maybe some stories that aren't necessarily ones that everybody refers to that were one of your favorite stories, let us know about it. And if I can find it in all of the back episodes, I would love to, you know, put it in, put it in like a greatest hits or maybe we can do like a soundbite segment or something. Yeah, a soundbite segment or maybe we can take a poll on. Actually, that's funny. Well, I like to take a poll too. Yeah, I kind of took a poll this morning, but that's near the here and there. Oh my god. Hi, bye, bye, bye, bye, ladies night. Send me, send me guys, send me a pod as my co-pilot, send us some ideas for what you would like to hear on the 100th episode as far as far stories. We're going to do a clip show and we're also going to do, it's going to be part of a regular episode. It's not going to be one of these where it's like a Golden Girls episode where they didn't feel like taping a whole script so they would all sit in or sit around the table and say, wow, do you remember that time that this happened? And then they would show a clip from a previous episode? No, we're not doing that. That was so that they could save money. We don't make money on the show. So that's fine. Good point. Yeah. And the old clock on the wall and by the old clock on the wall, I mean, Taffy is telling us that it's time for us to wrap up. Okay. He'll get his Rodin this week. I'm not worried. So as always, you can go to our blog, which is podasmycopilot.com. You can email us at podasmycopilot@gmail.com. Give us a call at 206-202-5165 and see we're playing voicemails. But don't get used to it. Okay. The Lord. Give us the Lord. Take it away. And by Lord, we mean Taffy. Well, you know, she does think she's a god and you can visit myspacegroup, which is myspace.com/podasmycopilot or a Facebook group, which is okay. So I love podasmycopilot. I never would have used the word think. I'm trying to keep you from getting hit by lightning. So that's why I appreciate that. All right. Well, everybody have a wonderful week. We'll be back next week with episode 94 and see you all next week. This is Taylor and Taffy and Rodin. Have a good week, everybody. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. You've been listening to Pod Is My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington and Rodin. Doesn't your life seem just a little bit brighter? See you next time. [Music]