Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 92 - Of Course I Have A Urethra, or I Won A Beaver, Too!!!

Broadcast on:
11 Feb 2009
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"It's like Daddy always ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure...." blog:, phone: 206-202-5165, email:, myspace:, facebook: Ok, So I Love Pod Is My Copilot.
Have we ever recorded while we recorded before? I mean, have we ever seen each other while we record? No. How about you? [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] Babaloo, Tank, and Lucky are on a Starbucks run. It's time for another episode of "Pod Is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodin. Take it away, kids. Hi, this is Taylor the Latte boy, and welcome to episode 92 of "Pod Is My Co-Pilot." I am joined tonight by Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Hello, gorgeous. And Rodin. Crickets, crickets, crickets, crickets. Crickets, crickets, crickets. This is actually our second-- Babaloo is staring at me through the window. Like a stalker, a serial killer. Yeah, well, that's how we met. We actually recorded an episode last night. So this is actually 92 version 2.0, no, not 0.5, 2.0. And we may actually release that later on. But it was-- we were kind of off our game a little bit, we thought. So we decided we would give you guys the quality episode that you deserved, and-- It was heavy-handed. Yes, it was heavy-handed. And we're doing something for the first time tonight that I have to say makes me kind of a little bashful or embarrassed, or I don't know why. Yes, well, let's get-- so we'll get to that in a second. But anyway, so we decided-- we talked about and decided we wanted to do a new episode, but Rodan was not available tonight. So we're going to be just a duo tonight. I do. It's going to be boy on girl action instead of boy on boy on girl. Or a typical Tuesday night, except it's Monday. There you go, OK. And now getting back to the new thing that we're doing. We're doing the podcast, naked, excellent. No, we are. We are actually looking at each other right now through the Skype video camp. Because we don't see each other enough on a daily basis. Now we're actually looking at each other through our video screen. This is furthering what all of our listeners know that we already have an intense codependency of one another. Now we actually are looking at each other through the computer screen. Wow, hello. My cell phone is right here that you were just texting me while we were recording our own voices. This is taking codependency to an entirely different level. The only way it can be worse is if I was on the phone to you and we were talking while recording. Right. And the funny part is your headset is directly over your one eye. I'm eyebore. So, yeah, you look like, you know, resistance is futile. What you pretty much say to me every day when I say, I don't know where I want to go. And you grab me by my shirt collar. Just pick a goddamn place. God damn it. So I actually haven't really talked to you very much today. Though I did spend a large amount of time with your husband. That made it a perfect day then. Yes, it was very much. He was Schneider to my Anne Romano today. This is it. This is it. Come on and have a ball. But I'm wrong. Anybody born after the year 1981 will have no idea what that reference is. What? Of course, Anne Romano, you're throwing out names. I don't even know if I would have remembered Annie. I don't know if I would have remembered the Romano. OK, Anne Romano. And what was Valley Brentnale's name? Was, see if you remember this. No, don't tell me. Oh, shit. You're hateful. I want to say Brenda and that's not right. I think I'm just-- You're close. You're close. I don't know. Barbara. Barbara. And then Mackenzie Phillips was what? Julie. Julie. OK. That's right. But what was Barbara's married name? Cooper. Oh, Barbie Cooper. That's right. But they called her Barbie. Barbie Cooper. I don't remember that. I just remember that actually as far as childhood crushes go, Valerie Brentnale. I always thought Valerie Brentnale was very cute. I still think Valerie Brentnale's very cute. I was going to say she's still very pretty. I remember the scene where they got married on the show and that the one who played Anne Romano when she was-- she's like, you know, I will not have my wedding ruined. And I'll turn to looking at her. And she's like, her wedding. I mean, her wedding. I'm thinking that is going to be the widow Carlyle one day. So-- [LAUGHTER] Do you want to share the memory of the wedding video? On our wedding video is about as cheesy 1990 big blonde ambition hair and the widow Carlyle is standing there in her, you know, mauve and ivory lace corporate pantsuit. And she's standing there. And everyone is getting up and they're doing the whole, you know, congratulations. And you know, we're so happy for you. And you make a lovely couple and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the widow Carlyle gets up and goes, don't have any babies and walks off. And she goes, and if I say anymore, I'll cry and walks off. And we're like, thank you. Yeah, that's it. The only thing funnier on my wedding video is when my uncle says to my maid of honor, who is his daughter, we've been waiting for you for 10 minutes. You need to get your butt down to the car. And that's his video. She's getting ready to say, you know, taffy, tank. I love you. Congratulations. And it's her father yelling at her to get down to the car. Remember, he's hurrah. [LAUGHTER] Oh, God, I don't know. But you know, weddings are fun. Weddings are supposed to be cool. Anyway, getting back to the reference that I was talking about, and this is why it can't be just the two of us doing a show, because we go off on a tangent. OK, the fact that I am watching you right now seems to be out of the realm of your eyesight. I can do more than one thing at once. I'm reading-- Don't stop giving your husband a handy and listen to what I'm saying. He whipped it out. What am I supposed to do? That's why I'm shaking my hand. No, no, no. Anyway, if he's going to whip it out and have him get into-- Get to camera into frame. Yeah. He came over and helped me out with all sorts of things that I needed to run my house today, including multiple plumbing issues that I was having. Honk. Honk, yeah, yeah. My urethra-- [LAUGHTER] My urethra is all-- Do I have a urethra? Yes, I have a urethra. And that's the title of episode 92. Yes, I have a urethra. I have a urethra. Do boys have urethra? I guess they do have a urethra. Are you sure? Yes. No, yes, boys have urethras. Oh, I guess so. It kind of runs down like in the little tube penis-y-- OK. I'm sitting at the inauguration with a big silver hat on. [LAUGHTER] With the big bow. There you go. Oh, gosh. Yeah. No, I needed to-- what did he do today? He fixed my washing machine. My washing machine broke over the weekend. Didn't he do something with a faucet? Yeah, my faucet has been leaking pretty badly for a while, but it was getting to where I was starting to lose water pressure. And he came over. And I had a plumber come out and fix something else. And he happened to look at the faucet and said, oh, you're going to need to have this replaced. And this is going to cost you $300. And it's going to do all sorts of damage. You need to do blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Tank came over, fixed it in literally about 45 seconds. Wow. He unscrewed something, scraped off a little bit of schmutz on it, screwed it back on. It was fine. He is, if nothing else, thorough. Yes. I don't want to hear about your kind of link us. He just handed me a note. The producer just handed me a breaking news story. It says, Babaloo, fix the bower. He put a new spark plug in, and he did something good fuel. Yes. They worked together while I was sent out to get lunch. They were the living and squiggie to your Leverne. And I'm surely with Boo Boo Kitty. And again, enough of a bedroom of China. [LAUGHTER] Shut up. That's the new-- that's the new name here. So you can have an L on your sweater for latte. All right. And you could-- you're married to the Big Regu. I'm married to the Big Regu, so to speak. Yeah, well, again, enough about it. Anyway, all right. So they worked on the lawn mower. And we went over to the Lowe's today and got some stuff that Tank recommended that we get. And it worked, and it's fine, and the lawn is mowed. And I don't have leaky pipes anymore, and I'm doing laundry. And I'm being very, very productive, and it's making me very happy. Well, good. And see, it really is. That's why I tell you, don't do anything unless you call him first. Yeah. Well, that's pretty much going to be, you know. He's going to regret ever coming over to this house, because now on Mondays, he's mine. [LAUGHTER] It's Monday morning. Where is he? [LAUGHTER] Wakey wakey. Yeah, until he appears at your door step at, you know, O dark 30 going, I'm here with Starbucks, bitches. What do you need? What needs to be snaked? Wow. There will always be an answer. There will always be something in this house that needs to be snaked. Thank you very much. So nothing else exciting going on. No. No. Are you preparing for the Day of Love this weekend? We started to prepare for the Day of Love, and then we got sidetracked by your husband. Wow. Then you had another kind of Day of Love. It's fine. Exactly, yes. No, we are going to be-- so this is shocking breaking news. There is a 95% chance. Bobaloo and I will be at Disney World on Valentine's Day. What a surprise. Did you make reservations anywhere? No. No, we started to, and then Tank came by, and we-- shut up. [LAUGHTER] I forget you can see me. Damn it. [LAUGHTER] Roll in your eyes and throw in your hands up at the air. We decided that we're going to eat at Epcot, but we're not sure exactly which place we're going to eat at. We're thinking we're going to eat at the Steak House. Canada? Yeah. La Celer. Because the pretzel rolls are to die for their ridiculous. And they have great salmon rolls. They have big, long breadsticks that are actually hard pretzels rolled in that hard salt, and then the inside is that soft, soft, soft pretzel-y soft. And that's the basket of bread they serve on your table. Yeah, we're going to-- I'd say amen. Yeah. There was talk of going other places, but that you just sold me on the Canadian Steak House. Yeah, it's very good. The food there is actually excellent. And we decided when your anniversary is coming up, as it was talked about on the last episode. I think it's coming up in a month. He apparently thinks it's coming up in two months. And we were in close tonight. He said that's because you just want to only have to give him one gift for his birthday in the anniversary. No, you're the one who said it was only because I wanted to have him give him one gift. I don't think that I didn't mutter bitch under my breath while I was editing the last episode. What? I'm just putting it out. While we were in lows, we think we came up with what we're going to get each other for our anniversary. Drywall? What are you going to lose? No, we were wandering on the garden section, and they have a really great patio swing. Oh, my god. Can I just tell you that is all I frickin' heard tonight? The Babaloo Latte household. They have southern exposure front yard. What the hell that means? But apparently you have a southern exposure front yard with no trees, which means you can plant this and plant this and plant this, and that the whole yard can have, you know, Florida-based plants, ground covering that doesn't ever have to be mowed, but would be beautiful, and there would be foliage and floral fauna, I don't know. So apparently he has mapped out your entire front yard, too. Excellent, because we were talking about that. We have no clue what we're doing. Oh, good, we'll see. On Mondays, he can come over at Oh Dark 30 with Starbucks, and I can send him to put him to work. Right, well, there you go. I can sit in here and play seated here as the morning, while being serenaded by Negro spirituals, being sung in the front yard by tank huffing. Swing low. Low, sweet chariot. Okay, well, apparently the Wii is being turned on in the other room. Oh, dear. Yeah. Wow, that's okay. The Wii is being turned on the other room. There was still accomplishments today. There was plenty of accomplishments. We may have played a little Star Wars Lego tonight. Lego Star Wars. Sure. That ended in-- Did it end in argument? Between Bobaloo and the controller, yes. Did it go through the television? And while we were playing that, I decided because Otis kept us up the majority of last night that paybacks are a bitch, so anytime Otis starts to fall asleep, I violently wake him up. Wake up! Wakey, wakey, ex-bakey! And he freaks out. Just get really close to his face, and it lifts his ear up and scream, fire! Those little body shakes. So you're going to get a porch swing? I was listening. Yeah. Yeah, no, I think that we're going to do that. We found a nice porch swing that it would be about 100 bucks a person. And the plan is, do you remember a year ago when I was going to do all sorts of things to my backyard? Yes. And then I met Bobaloo, and we did all sorts of things to the backyard for about two weeks, and then it fell to shit. I think he still does a lot of things to your backyard, but-- Well, OK, the actual foliage in my back-- OK, that still sounds dirty. The actual backyard of my home. OK, yeah. Well, the plan is for us to do all sorts of things back there, and Bobaloo wants to have barbecues, and he wants to be able to enjoy it in the middle of August when I'll be sitting in the house playing video games. The only way you can enjoy a backyard in August is in a pool while that is a period. Of which I cannot have a pool because my backyard is not-- We should totally get one of those big plastic blue kitty with the formed slide and put it in your backyard and have it actually cook out and just sit in it and make like taken Bobaloo bring us, you know, lemonade and hot dogs while we bathed ourselves up. [LAUGHTER] Like Bugs Bunny in that cartoon. We just take the plastic cups and then just dump them over us and go, ah. That sounds good to me. Video podcast. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? No. No, I can't imagine. But yeah, so we'll probably be doing that. What are you guys doing for Valentine's Day? Have you made up any plans yet? I believe we have. I believe we are going to a cabaret show. There's one in e-bore, and then there's one in St. Petersburg we're going to. It's a cabaret restaurant slash-- I don't know. Swingers bar. Hopefully-- well, I'm hoping they have the big swing. That's every cabaret we've ever been to has had the big swing from the ceiling. That's not what I meant. Yes, I know. That's not what you meant, potty brain. And then we're going to listen to some live jazz. That's nice. And I think there's a chance we're coming home to sleep in a tent, although I check the weather, and it's a little warm. It's supposed to be like 85 on Saturday or something. What? It's supposed to be gross. It's between 82 and 85, depending on what site you look at. Eh, I know. Florida in February. And then the week after will be 50. 60, yeah. Good lord. What are you writing down? You forget I can see you, too. I'm crossing out the notes of the things that we've talked about back off. Either that or you're masturbating. It's one of the two, because all I can see is your arm moving back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Oh, yeah. Tank just looked over here at the screen and was like, what the hell is he doing? This is weird. I don't know if I like this or not. But I have to tell you that the other day, I think it was last week, we were having sex up against this desk and it dawned on me that the computer was actually on, and the whole entire time I kept staring at the little green dot, thinking I was going to bump something and I was going to turn it on and freak me out. I was just like, at one point, I even said, if you see the green light go on, and he's laughing at me because I'm ridiculous. No, he's just looking at me like I'm crazy, but I was scared of death. It was going to come on. Someone magically was going to be able to see what we were doing. Yeah. Yeah, I'm totally checking your photo booth when I come over to your house later this week. There is no photo booth, but that's an excellent idea. I don't know why you didn't think of that. So you guys are going to Disney World again. We love the Disney World. I have days when we walk around the park. I'm like, OK, well. Again. Yeah, I mean, I enjoy the idea, I enjoy going. I always have a good time while I'm there, but there's part of it. And again, if the worst thing in my life is that I get tired of going to Disney World, then, you know, please, you know, send your prayers to. But there are times that I think that we might go a little bit too much. Well, you know, the last time we went on last week when just the four of us went on last week, we did things that we usually don't don't do, like the Jungle River Cruise and things like that. So that kind of keeps it interesting. We didn't ride the exact rides we always do, which was nice because I always forget about some rides, and I never even give them a second thought. Well, and that was when we went. What day do we go? Two weeks ago. No, when you and I and Babalu and Tank and the girls went. Saturday. That was Saturday. I totally forgot about the toy. We went to Hollywood Studios. I totally forgot about the Toy Story ride. I love that ride. That's one of the best rides there. And, you know, we got there before you did. And we just went right to Rock and Roller Coaster. And had I thought about it, I would have gone. And we could have done Toy Story early, but we all did it as a familial unit. And I got to a lot ride with the Littles Huffington, and I kicked her ass. Yeah, but apparently Lollipop is the accuracy guru. She had like 59% accuracy. Yeah, I can't say that. I had like 20% accuracy. But in the beginning, the whole time that, you know, you go from the one section to the next section, I kept looking over at the scores, and the Littles Huffington was kicking my butt through the whole thing. And then at the last-- You got like a 5,000 or something? Yeah, they have that thing where you just try to get as many points as you can. Well, OK, I've been jerking off since I was 14, so that whole back and forth motion really, really fast. Yeah, she didn't have any chance of keeping up with me. And thank God for that, can I just say? Oh, my lord. But it's OK. Do you know what? Babaloo was my partner. Would you like to know the price of Babaloo and I won? The beaver? That's right. I won the beaver too. Of course you do. And that's the other title for episode 92. Of course I have a urethra. And I want to be for two. Lord. You're a mess. And you know, you're an actual mess, though. I know. I know. If you had to pick your favorite park, then you could only go to, you couldn't go to the other three. Which one would you pick? OK. My knee jerk-- No. Go ahead. You know, I pick one. Because I know what you're going to do. You're going to say my knee jerk reaction is Magic Kingdom, but in actuality it's up. I hate you. Thank you. You're all weak. Try the veal. Yeah. That would probably be it. Epcot seems to have more things to do than Magic Kingdom does. As an adult. As an adult. As a kid. Magic Kingdom. And there is something about seeing the castle and-- Yeah. There's nostalgia involved in there. Yeah. And there's things in Magic Kingdom. I mean, I love Liberty Square. I love the-- I am one of those few people that loves the Hall of Presidents. I do too. I think the Hall of Presidents is great. Apparently Obama's statue goes in like 4th of July weekend. I thought-- I think it's-- Isn't that what they-- I thought it was close until June. Is it July? I thought they said that-- yeah, it was like this summer that they were reopening it. But that's neither here nor there. You know, Haunted Mansion. Even though you know the Haunted Mansion by like the back of your hand, it's still one of your favorite things. And I love Space Mountains. Space Mountain is probably my favorite. Except for our listeners who ever went to go to the Haunted Mansion, you don't want to go with Taylor and I. Because we become the horrible, obnoxious people who've done the many times who stand in the middle of the room going, "Is the room actually stretching?" Yeah, I will. It's true. You just can't help yourself. Yeah, I really can't, I'm sorry. But no. So it's-- yeah, but Epcot is-- Epcot is probably my favorite. Epcot is Teng's favorite. And The Flower and Garden Show is coming back March 18th. March 18th is Flower and Garden? March 18th is when it starts, so-- Excellent. I have to go, we all went last year and Babaloo was too new. Well, he was too new. You had to decide if you liked Babaloo or not at that point, so he wasn't allowed to go. Too new, too new. Well, don't they always have cheesy bands? Yeah, I looked-- that list isn't up yet. But at the same time, Mardi Gras is going to be at Universal Studios. Bare-nicked ladies are going to be there. There's bare-nicked ladies on your computer right now. No, there's bare-nicked ladies on your computer. Because again, you left photo booth up when you guys were fucking the other night. I have never been to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, never and not one time. We will totally have to go sometime. I know. It is a lot of fun. I would love-- apparently, is it The Hulk or Superman or something, like the-- whatever the big roller coaster is? Yeah, Marvel Studios. Yeah, The Hulk is one of the big roller coasters they have there. Everybody I talk to says that and the Spider-Man ride are incredible. The Spider-Man ride is probably my all-time favorite ride. Really? I'm going to say yeah. I just thought it was one of those-- maybe I'm wrong. I thought it was one of those 3D where you watch Spider-Man jump from building to building. It's kind of like one of those except it's not like Star Tours or one of those body wars or whatever where you're in the little shoe box that they shake. Yeah. I mean, you're actually driving around in a car while that's all happening. Oh, that's cool. And the first time that you're like sort of come around the corner and Spider-Man jumps at it to you, it's very like-- Is it 3D? Oh my God, this is the coolest thing ever. Yeah, it's 3D. Oh, that's cool. It's 3D and it's, you know, when somebody shoots fire then it's-- Don't tell me more so that way I can see it. Okay. All right. It's very, very cool. I think I'm the only person alive, but I have like animal kingdom. I like parts of animal kingdom. I do like animal kingdom. I've only been there twice. It is-- don't make that face of me. I'm getting the-- what? You like animal kingdom? I feel like animal kingdom. I will say I love the dinosaur ride, which tank doesn't like to ride. I love the ride. I like the dinosaur ride either. I love the ride that we took a video on of it jerking the shit out of us back in-- I don't know what other than things called where it's like-- That sounds dirty. Well, well. I should get-- would you be okay if I posted that video or parts of that video? Why would I not be okay? I don't even remember that video. Well, I-- I know that it's 60 pounds-- 50 pounds ago, so I'm sure it's-- Well, yeah. And I would need to get-- I mean, it was-- okay. On one of these little tiny, like, teacup things, it was you and me, you with 50 pounds on you, me at, you know, 700 pounds or whatever it is that I am. Rodan and-- Okay. No, it was Kevin-- That's right. Kevin B and Jason from the way we see it. That's right. It was the first time that we met Jason. That's right. And it was all of us on one of these coaster things and it's pretty much all of us going whoo for a minute and a half. If I get Kevin and Jason's permission, I would consider posting that. Not to put them on the spot, but I will post it. Only if I say-- if only if they say it's okay. And if either one of them says no, well listeners, I guess you'll have to take your complaints to them. No, I would be-- I don't even remember what it was. Kevin's making a face right now. He's making the Kevin face up. I can't make it, but he does it perfectly. He should be covered-- No, because apparently you and I in pictures only make one face. I believe that is true. No, we have two faces. We either do the-- my shoulder is slightly in front of you and we're-- our heads are tilted and we smile or we do the-- or we open our mouths really wide and look at each other like we're crazy. That's the only two pictures we have. I think I probably have 500 pictures of that at least. So excuse me, excuse me, sir, when I was at your house yesterday, I think I saw several folders of pictures of you or me or variations of that I have never seen before. So I believe I'm going to have to come to your house and sit and do what you do when you are here and go through pictures on the iPhoto. I'm going to have to do that at your house because I don't know how you have all these pictures I've never seen. The problem is you would do that voluntarily. Yeah, no, you're captive. I'll say, he'll go, let's go-- let's go in the computer, let's go in your office and we have to look something up on the computer and I'll go, okay, he goes, and I'm not looking at any pictures. Okay, so we look up at a reading house and I say, well, but this really, I have a really good picture. He's like, ugh, and you can see the color going, fuck, I'm here for another two hours. Fine, let me get a snack. I know everything here. I'm sorry that-- Let me undo my pants, I'm going to be wild. Which one is funny is the fact that you're privileged to 99% of the events that take place anyway, so you already really know what they are. You're usually there when you're taking the pictures, but-- Exactly. I don't know. What am I going to do? I know, I know, and now with Facebook and we can pretty much just post pictures on each other's Facebook page. No. And tag one another. You and I have both tagged one another. We have. Oh, that's right. Oh, yeah. By the way, I heard a little gossip. Oh, well, do tell. Is it true that while my child was supposed to be doing her work cited page today that she was on Facebook and talking to you, she was in school? She-- Yes. I believe that is true. Yes. She goes, I believe that I may have wrote on Taylor's Wall and I believe that he may have caught me. And I said, why aren't you at school? That's charming. So apparently you can go on Facebook now from her school, which I wasn't aware of. That'll change. Oh, yeah. That'll change when I send my-- Once you make it anonymous call-- I can say, you mean when I send my email about an hour ago? Yeah, that'll change. Oh, dear. Well, we have something coming up in a couple of weeks. OK. But we have something coming up in eight weeks, actually. In eight weeks? In eight weeks. Approximately eight weeks. Would that be your anniversary? No. No. No, actually, yes, but no. OK, what is it? OK, what episode is this? I believe it would be our 100th episode. Is that correct? No, no. Wrong. This is our 90 second episode. In eight weeks, it'll be our 100th episode. I'm excited. What fabulous things do you have planned since I know that you've been working on things that you will not let me be privileged to see, which I don't believe in. No. The only thing that I've been working on is the artwork. That is the only thing that I've been working on. I swear to God, if the artwork is my vagina, I will kill you. There are some mountains most-- even the bravest of men dare not fear the truth. There's Everest, Kilimanjaro, Taffy. No, you know, honestly, I am not sure. And while I definitely want to ask Rodan what he would like to do, what would you like to see us do for our 100th episode? I'm totally putting you on the spot right now. I'm thinking. Hold on. No, I know. I think I think that our 100th episode should be the first music video of Potizmica finally. There. That is my first suggestion. We have talked about doing a music video for a year. I think that's better. But then it would have to be-- how could we do that with Rodan not here? It's called editing. He has a flip phone. Okay. I don't know anything about blue screens and CGI and shit, where I can think of an incorporate into something. He has a quick camera, which means he can videotape. Okay. First of all, it's called a flip camera. Flick camera is something you do with your-- Well, okay. Never mind. Anyways. But he has one of those. As long as we've discussed the theme or the song or whatever, and then we can incorporate it into it. It'll be fine. Do we want to take suggestions as to what song we may do for our 100th episode? Love will keep us together by captain too. Okay. That's a duet. True. Okay. Well, what's a good-- We can't do hold on by Wilson Phillips, because Falmonke's did that. What are the trios are there? The Bee Gees. Well, the Baba Lou would never watch that one, because he hates Bee Gees. Yes. Which-- Oh, there's me. There's a guy in a talk show. No. No, I don't. No. We could be-- We could be Expose A. Let me be the one. Because you're taking me to the point of no return. We could be banana ramma. That would be good. That would be very good. Because I am your penis. I'm your vagina. You are vagina. That's fabulous. All right, so listeners, what would you like us all to do for our 100th episode? We could do a music video. We could do a clip show. What's the song that Lincoln parks video where they ran around the streets naked? All right. What do you mean blink 182? What do you do? That's it. What's my age again? That would be kind of appropriate. That would be fabulous. Let's see. What do you all want us to do? Do you guys just totally let us know what you want for us to do for Potters My Copilot? I think that's brilliant. It's 100th episode. I think it's genius. And why do I think that? Because I thought of it. [LAUGHTER] What were your ideas? What were your ideas? A series of knock-knock jokes? I don't know. I thought about doing like a clip show. I thought about doing like a almost like post date, like putting it out to the listeners as far as what, you know, the top five Potters My Copilot moments. What are the top five? I have my top five and you have your top five. Well, we have our top five. You know, the three of us could each do our favorite Potters My Copilot moment. And then like the listeners could do their favorite Potters. You know, we could have people, we could do like a poll. And I know it's ridiculous that it's 92 when we're talking about this. But as I say, I start planning Christmas on December 26th. No, trust me. I am if nothing else but a master planner. Right. As well as a master bater. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. Two weeks ago when I called Michael about, so can we start talking about Gay Days? He was like, it's January. We were talking about Gay Days, I think the week after Christmas. I know, because we had a sickness. [LAUGHTER] We always have to plan. Christmas is over. We have nothing to look forward to. Gay Days, Gay Days is six months. Let's start planning it now. It'll be the best Gay Days ever. [LAUGHTER] [GASP] Oh my God. What? We totally forgot to talk about Rebel Redhead. [LAUGHTER] Tom from Rebel Redhead was awesome. He came and he hung out with us and he laughed at all of our inappropriateness. I think we scared him. I do think we scared him just a little bit. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that. I'm pretty sure that. Rebel Redhead, we saw him Saturday after we went to Disney. We met up with him. He was in town for a business conference. And yeah, I think we traumatized him. I think he was traumatized actually. I think that's why he was latched on to Babaloo as much as he was. He would talk to Babaloo. He would start to talk to us. And then of course, the way we are, we would go off on a tangent and be ridiculous. And he would just kind of look at us and then ask Babaloo a question. What was funny is that the first time, because again, for people who have never, obviously, and that's the multitudes of you, who have never really been around Taylor and I in person, we pretty much are exactly the way we are on the show, except almost worse because we, you know, there's people who can say, oh, you know, we can finish each other's sentences. No, we don't do that. We just say the same fucking sentence. And that's what's bad. And the first time we did it, I think we did it four or five times, sorry, night. The first time we did it, he kind of whirls around and looks and he's like, oh my God, they really do do that. And we were like, oh, you have no idea. So then we're sitting at the, we're sitting at the restaurant. We went to a really good restaurant and Tom's sitting across from me and Babaloo sitting next to him. You know, Taylor's sitting next to me and we're sitting there and we're bantering back and forth, you know, in our own little world. And the waitress comes up and she goes, well, it's clear to see who's married at this table. And we're both like, no, and I said, you know, we're brother and sister. And she's like, ah, we're like, no. And Tom's just saying they're shaking his head like, what, what, how much longer do I have to please these people before they take me home? I'm at their mercy. I know I have taxi money, no, but he was, he was very nice and, and you should definitely check out if you haven't done so already. And then that's when we saw the ridiculousness of T-Rex. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah. Please tell the story. Yeah. We, they have a new restaurant at downtown Disney called T-Rex, which is kind of like, for those of you who have a rainforest cafe in your area, it's like that only it's dinosaurs instead of jungle animals. It does look really cool. It's very, it's very cool. We went inside. Actually, I don't know if he was going to post it or not, but Tom took a bunch of video in there and it looked like he was doing it for like maybe a video podcast or something. It was, it was, it was really cool. Yeah. I have video over there too. It's very cool. Yeah. Because they do like little shows where all of a sudden it's like all the dinosaur monsters like move and roar and everything gets loud and crazy and everything. But in the front entrance, when you first walk into the restaurant, they have a skeleton of a brontosaurus, a brontosaurus or some huge dinosaur that's on the top of a mountain. Or it's probably a T-Rex considering the name of the restaurant. No, it's, no, it's not a T-Rex because it's four legged and it has a big long neck. So it's brontosaurus. And it's big long neck and a big long tail. Well, T-Rex is a big long male, it's a male tail. But anyway. Get it right. Well, the dinosaur has, you know, yes, the dinosaur has an enormous set of bones. But there's one bone in particular between the two bottom legs, the two back legs that is distracting once you realize it because it looks like a dino dick, it's, it's dino dick. And it's, it's, and of course, Baba Lou brings us to our attention. And because I'm five years old, I'm like, oh my God, I must have took 13 pictures of the dino dick. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-ba. Yeah, so, yeah, so, um, and I believe that is that still going to be the podcast artwork? It can be. If you'd like something different, it can be something different. If you'd like a Valentine theme, I think I would like something different. I think I would like an Romano and Schneider. That's how I get through life with you one day at a time. Exactly. Exactly. All right. Well, we said we were going to keep between 35 and 40 minutes. And by the time I edit out some of the stuff, it'll, it'll be about that. So it's going to be slightly shorter, but if I can play around with the previous episode that we taped last night, you all might get a bonus episode this week. A boner episode? Or not. Or not. Maybe, maybe not. You never know. Swim. Whatever this psychotic mind of Taylor comes up with, that's what you'll get and you'll like it. Yeah. All righty. So, um, so be sure to let us know like what your plans are for Valentine's Day and what you would like us all to do for our hundredth episode. And what else did we talk about tonight? We talked about Disney World and the video we should do. And we talked about, um, Dick. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty much it. And you're ready to re-breakline. All right. All right. There you go. Well, as always guys, you can go to our blog, which is You can email us at Call us and leave a voicemail at our list online at 206-202-5165. And we actually did voicemails on last night's episode too. I know we were so good. And you can also join our MySpace friend list, which is Or join our Facebook group, which is okay. So I love potismycopilot. Um, thank you all for listening to episode 92. We'll be back next week with episode 93 and possibly episode. What are you doing in the video screen? I'm looking at you. Well, you're all like bent over. I know. I'm trying to see if I can see underneath the screen, but I can't. I was. Like if you can see like, you know, under my shirt or something, you can't see it. Yes. If you look under my window. No, I was trying to see if you could, if it like projected the screen like a 3D where I could still see the image it's underneath it, but I can't. Just go ahead. Don't get laughing at me because you're looking at your face because you're like, the face you're giving me is she really is smart. And what the hell is she talking about? She actually is educated. I don't. I do understand it. All right. I'm sorry. I'll just sit patiently. This is Taylor and Taffy. Bye. You love me. I was, I was waiting for that pause for Enro Dan. No, I'm, I'm well, do it again. Yeah, that's fine. He gets nothing. I don't care. Goodbye. He gets pregnant. Pause. Good night. Farewell. Good night. Adieu. Adieu. Particle. Shall I? Bitch's. Particle is such sweet sorrow. But enough about your thighs. Goodbye. Goodbye. This is it, this is it, this is life. Go on again. Let's go and have a ball. This is it. This is it. Straight ahead. And rest assured. You can't be sure at all. So while you're here, enjoy of you. Keep on doing what you do. Hold on tight. We'll muddle through one day to die. One day to die. So walk on the feet. One day to die. One day to die. So walk on the feet. One day to die. So up on the feet, somewhere that music played, don't you worry about it, just take it like it's on one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day inside one day