Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 78 - "Louisiana Style!!!," or It's Like Walking Into A Hollister....
It's a long(ish) one, but we keep it under an hour, Michael. Halloween Decorations, Dating with young Christians, Bel Ami and a co-host burns in hell - we have it all here at Pod Is My Copilot!!!
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(upbeat music) Put down that Wii, it's time for another episode of Pot is My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Take it away, kids. (upbeat music) - It's very yummy. - All right, whatever. - Maybe it's time that I've known with them today. - Uh-oh. - The town. - The town. - I do not have the town. I am calm, I am cool. I've just had a bowel movement. I'm completely relaxed. Actually, you know what? That's as good of an opening as any other one can. - Exactly. - Hi, everybody. This is Taylor the Latte Boy. You're listening to episode 78 of Pot is My Co-Pilot. I am joined tonight by Miss Taffy Carlisle Huffington. - Ola Lovers. - And Rodan. - I had a date. - Do we need to go right into the music? - No. - Jesus. - All right. Well, other than the fact that you had a date, how was everybody doing what's going on? - Well, then I'll jump in a month. - Thank you for that. As always, you can visit our blog, part is by co-pilot.com. Okay, can I just talk about what I found today at the Publix? - Of course. - The Ghetto Publix, by the way, before, you know, it's horrible. I hate my Publix, actually. Publix is a shopping, it's a supermarket, down here in the south, that you know how they sell the frappuccinos in, you know, in the glasses, like, you know, they sell the prepackaged frappuccinos. - Yeah. - Okay, what are two of my favorite flavors in the entire world, Taffy? - Chocolate and raspberry. - Okay, not just chocolate, but? - Dark chocolate and raspberry. - Yes, dark chocolate mocha raspberry frappuccinos. - Yes, they have them at the Starbucks brand, you mean in the jar? - Yes. - Yes. - Yes, I've already had two. (laughing) - And I saw them for sale, and I was going to get them for you at the Publix, and the man who was stocking them said, "They're not really good, they have even aftertaste." So I didn't buy them, and since you had complained about the raspberry dark chocolate jello having an odd taste, I figured, maybe not, but you like them? - I do kind of like them. Yeah, it does have an odd, when you first drink it, it has a slightly odd taste, but then I guess you kind of get used to it. I'm not planning on having these stocked in the house all the time, but I thought it was kind of, you know what? I kind of enjoy it. - And that's really all that matters. - Yeah. - Really all that matters. - There you go. I have nothing planned for tonight. I really don't, so whatever we're gonna talk about. - I had looked up originally because this is our 78th episode. I had looked up things from 1978. 1978 was a very busy year. - That was 30 years ago. - It was 30 years ago. And things that happened in 1978 makes me feel old. The first being Hotel California was nominated for a Grammy that year. - Hotel California. - That was 1978, really? - Thank you. That is when Steve Martin performed King Tut on "Saturday Night Live." - Oh god. - Wait a minute, going back to Hotel California, I would have thought that would have been earlier. - Yeah, me too. - That was like a song from the '60s. - Nope, Hotel California was 1978. That was the year it was nominated for the best song award. - Wow. - I know. - King Tut. - But here's one that's gonna get ya. The bands that formed in 1978, Duran Duran. - Oh god. - Now this is going, now I'll get like three of our listeners who will go huzzah, but Echo and the Bunnyman and the Dead Kennedys, both in 1978. - That mean the Dead Kennedys was 1978. - I know. Doesn't it just seem ridiculous? I don't know, it just does. - Because one day I took a walk down to zipper head. - Exactly. But yeah, so I was looking that up and I was like, oh my god, I feel so old, but that's right. And that was the year "Saturday Night Fever" came out. There was like, there was like a ton of stuff that happened. That was the first time the Blues Brothers were ever on "Saturday Night Live" and everything was 1978. I was eight years old. - I was six years old. - I was three. Two, it was going to be this year. - You were two? - Right now. I would have been two. I'm 32 now. - I could have babysat you. - You could not have babysat at eight years old. - No, but when I was 12, he was only-- - You weren't Appalachian Whistle Kids. You wouldn't have been able to-- (laughing) - You and your Appalachian Whistle Kids, you're up. - I've used the phrase "Appalachian Whistle Kids" about 19 times in the last three days. I don't know why. It makes me giggle every time I say it, but-- - That's really all the matters. - You have to little dirty, dust bowl looking kids walking around that all look related in various ways. I use the phrase "Appalachian Whistle Kids." (laughing) - That's most of your client tellin' it. (laughing) - I was gonna say, I think you see a lot of them on a weekly basis, but I wasn't gonna go there, but thank you, Rodan. Thank you for doing that for me. - Oh, you're lookin' for the Smith family. They're in the fancy trailer down at the end of the park. - They don't have the plastic flowers. They got real ones. (laughing) - Oh. - Speaking of decor, did you see the blog? - I did. I was very, very impressed. It looked very nice. - The new, the fally, rustling leave thing. - No, but thank you for reminding us that we have no falling and rustling leaves. I appreciate that. (laughing) - You bastard. - Yeah. - I put up some Halloween decor in the-- - Oh, yeah, yeah, in the front, yeah. I saw that. I liked how only mine or bloodshed is bubbly gonna recover. - Yeah, no, he's fine, he's fine. So I was a little worried, standing on the front step on a ladder. (laughing) And of course, you know, the front step and the sidewalk are far enough away that I have to get on the last possible safe step of the ladder with a hammer and an ale. - Oh. - Okay, well, this could have totally been a video podcast. Where is that video? - I thought about doing that, except for the fact that my t-shirt was a little too short, so the fifth grader kept rolling out, and I'm like, yeah, with his propensity to getting belly shots that would have, and that would have ended in bloodshed. - That would be awesome, yeah. - Keep rolling out. - A couple of times, a couple of times, people driving past sort of like, you know, screamed and horror and then swerved the car, as I'm standing with my belly hanging at the bottom of my shirt. - It is Halloween after all. - Just standing on the top rung of a ladder, to me, it was me enough horror to keep me satisfied through Halloween. - Yeah, no, it was pretty bad, but you know what? And then tonight, we had a really bad rainstorm that came through, and then I realized that I forgot to plug in said electric, you know, appliances outside, so I'm standing out there after the rain stopped, like drying off the extension things, yelling into Babaloo. Make sure you have the phone in your head. (laughing) - Always good. - Yeah, so I was a little handy. And then last week, I forgot to mention this, the toilet busted, Babaloo busted the handle, you know, the jiggly thing on the toilet. And I fixed it by myself. - I'm so proud. - Does that mean you fixed it in the sense that you re-attached the chain? - No, no, no, no, it actually, the thing actually broke, the little stick thing that attached to the jiggly thing that when you hit it, all the water goes fush. - The flusher. - I totally went to Lowe's and I found the piece that I needed and came back here and installed it all by myself. - Wow. - Now to some people, that's no big deal to me. That's a huge victory on the war to masculinity. (laughing) - Well, did Babaloo's stuff make it down first? - Yes, Babaloo's stuff made it down first. - Well, that's good. - But then it was one of those situations where, you know, oh shit, I hear from the other room. What's wrong? - Literally. - So I said, what's wrong? Still no answer. So I come running around the corner and he's like, don't be mad. And I'm like, are you okay? All I hear is, oh shit, and like a clink noise. I know that was, his neck breaking as he fell and hit the tub because we don't over, you know, dramatize things here in Casa, the latte boy, Babaloo, house thing. - House of lust and love and all things. - I was gonna say, you were getting ready to say something. - I was, I didn't, I held my tongue. - What were you gonna say? - Sometimes there are inside jokes that just do not need to be shared and which means we will share it with you after we're finished dating. (laughing) - Well, speaking of Halloween decorations, I'm not posting pictures, but we started the daunting task today. - Oh Lord. - Of what? - And 20, I think it was 22 boxes. - Of Halloween decorations? - Of what? - Yep. - Halloween decorations. - Well, it's just because you have to understand that some of our, some of my jack-o-lanterns and things are, you know, two foot around. So they take up a whole box on their own. You know, and if you have 30 of them and you have various different places in the house, then that's a lot of boxes. And so, yes, that was what Tank did all day. It was run up and down that, and we have the weirdest one of those ladders, you know, the kind of fold down. - Mm-hmm. Like the one that Chevy Chase gets hit with in Christmas vacation? - Exactly, and so he was running up and down one of those all day long moving boxes for me and getting stuff down, and then I would go through one, and then I would send it back out to the garage where you'd have to put it back up, which I know that he just enjoys so, so much. - No, for Halloween, do you guys like decorate the moat around Castle Huffington? - No, we leave, the dragons don't care for the decorations. No, we, in fact, actually, I only decorate the dining room in the music room. I don't decorate any other rooms. Not for Halloween. Halloween only gets, and usually I only decorate the piano, too, but that's about it. I decorate, we have a baby grand piano. It gets decorated, and then the dining room, and that's about all. - The baby grand piano made its appearance in one of our podcasts. - Oh, yeah. - I believe it did. - When we announced the winner of the John Goodman contest. - Yes, the entire top of it is done in, you know, foliage and jack-o-lanterns, and then the day after Halloween, all the jack-o-lanterns become pumpkins, because jack-o-lanterns don't work for Thanksgiving, only pumpkins do, so basically I just spin them all around. But that's fine, because they're not jack-o-lanterns. - And now we know the secrets of Martha Huffington. - I was going to ask you, boys, have any of you ever seen a TV show on the Fine Living Network called Either, I don't know what it's called now, it's just to skip my brain. - Is it whatever? - No, it's like Y Martha or-- - Whatever Martha? - Yes, it's one that her daughter does. - Who's a huge twat, yeah. - No, no, the show is hysterical. I don't care if she's a twat or not, the show is hysterical. I'm sitting there and I just caught one part of it, and her and her friend are watching an excerpt from the Martha Stewart show where she's making cupcakes. She looks at a friend and she goes, I can guarantee you I never had a cupcake when I was a little bit like that. And the friend's like, are you serious? And she's like, I guarantee it, never happened. And the whole time, everyone's still watching, she'll say something like, well that was actually a pretty good segment. Go figure, one out of 25. It is the snarkiest show, I love it, it's fabulous. Especially, considering anyone who has brothers, they don't necessarily yarn to spend time with, it's a great show. - Yeah, except that she wouldn't have the opportunities that she did if her mother wasn't Martha Stewart. - You're absolutely correct. And she actually does allude to that a couple times, which I'm sure she does strictly as a mommy, I still want residuals, so I get that. - No, she's the one that I complained about, 'cause they have the same show they do a show similar to that on Sirius. I told you about this like two years ago, where she made a comment, where she was talking about trying to find somebody to date, you know, a man, wink, anyway. - Yeah, I just don't think so. - Yeah, where she pretty much said, you know that she was dating, started to date some guy, and then the guy announced that he had been, this is all allegedly, and I don't remember all, I remember the specific part, which is where he said he had been molested as a child, and she broke up with them, because she goes, you know, anybody that's molested, clearly they're damaged goods. (gasps) - Oh. - Yeah. - Well, but clearly she also has some serious mommy issues, so, yeah. - Yeah, thank. I would be surprised if she has mommy issues, daddy issues, and pet issues. - Well, we had mommy and pet issues this evening. Actually, this, all day, well, no. This resulted in-- - Okay, that was a clunky transition just for the record. (laughs) - Sorry, we're talking about mommy and pet issues. Well, the widow Carlisle. - Is this mommy and pet issues, like, quick go get that jar of peanut butter, mommy and pet issues? (laughs) - No, the widow Carlisle has an orchid room off of one of the rooms in her house, and right now, the orchid room entire floor is in pieces. - Oh, dear. - I'm still stuck on orchid room. - Yeah, it's a room, well, if I tell you about room, it's off of it, it'll seem even more ridiculous, but that's another story. - Okay. - Entirely, I assure you. But yes, they build an orchid room because her husband likes orchids, and you have orchids have to be partially shaded, and so it actually has a little one of those little ponds, and there's seats out there, and it's basically just a room for orchids, fine. Except a cat from the barn gave birth to kittens. She goes out yesterday morning and sees what she thinks is a rabbit, and she's afraid that it's stuck. Except it was the gray kitten who, at this point, is two weeks old, so you know how little tiny it is, and it has gotten stuck between the slats of the floor. Now, how I have no idea, because these slats were very, very close, and it had been hanging upside down, so she, of course, knows that it's dead, and she's gonna have a dead cat, and she doesn't know what to do, and she's hysterical. So she opens the door as soon as she does, you know, it's scared, so it wiggles its way out, and they can't find the cat, so she has her workers come over and rip the entire floor up to find this cat. - Oh my gosh. - Now this cat is literally three inches long, so they finally get a hold of the cat, she rushes it down to the emergency room. The cat has a broken nose, a concussion. It's two weeks old, people, it is three inches long. Now my mother is the least cat person in the world, so she calls me absolutely hysterical. - The cat, the baby, I don't know what to do. I don't even know its name. - Have you named it? That would be why you don't know its name, genius. So tonight, she calls because it has to have medicine, because, you know, it has a broken nose, and it's in pain, and it's, you know, again, three inches long. So she has this little teeny tiny eyedropper, and literally the dosage is 0.01. That is the amount of dosage, it's nothing, it's a drop, and every time she has to put it in its mouth, she's gagging, so one of us has to hold the cat and try to give it medicine, and she's like gagging and throwing up in the bathroom. I'm like, you're gonna take this cat, now the cat looks completely normal. His mom, there's no way you're gonna be able to do this. She's like, but it's the baby, the baby. I'm thinking, my dog is 91 pounds, there's no way this cat can come into my house. - Yeah, that's not even a couple of bites. - No, that wouldn't be a couple of bites for me, I'm telling you this cat is tiny. So here's my mother looking like, you know, do you ever see the old pictures speaking of 1978, you know, that's incredible, where the big giant black gorilla is holding the little tiny kitten? That is my mother holding this cat when we're leaving. I swear to God, she went out and bought it, this reminds me of Will and Grace, she went out and bought it a pink stuffed animal, so it's its transition object. So when she's holding it and the cat falls asleep on it, she can put it down and it doesn't get sad. Yeah, this is not going to end well, I'm gonna tell you, and I guess-- - Considering your mother usually, you know, eats kittens. - Exactly, so no, and I asked her, I said, did they tell you that there's a chance that she's so little, they couldn't weigh her on a regular scale, she had to be weighed on a vegetable wear because she was only like seven ounces. - And Jesus. - Yeah, I mean, she's tiny. And I said, did they tell you there's a chance that she might, and I got to might, and she was like, don't talk about it. I'm thinking, Jesus, this woman, I mean, you know, she has a heart of stone, this is the end of time. So yeah, so that's what we did tonight was we, you know, had to give the kitten medicine, which is basically, I'm like, okay, mom, you know, you hold the cat like this and you hold it behind the jaw and you rub her jaw and then the children's her mouth and you squirt it in her mouth, I can't do it, I can't even look at it, I can't even watch you, oh my God, I'm gonna gag. Yes, thank God she didn't have to have a suppository. - I was gonna say, it's not like she had to put a rectal thermometer in her butt or anything, it was just she had to give her some medicine, the medicine's gonna help her. - Exactly, but you know, I'm talking to a two year old. - No, that's essentially, well, you know what that's like. So I mean, yes. - Well, so nothing else. I got to see Taylor on Friday night, actually. - Yeah, so we had a lovely time. - What'd you guys do? - We went out for, well, we had already had dinner, but we met Miss Huffington and her lovely husband, Tank, and we met them at the macaroni grill. (laughing) - I thought that was off limit from now on. - It's been slim, pickens around here since all the restaurants have been closed, and there's like three to choose from, and the devil, or I can't call them the devil raised anymore, they're just the raise. We're having one of their playoff games, so every place we knew it was gonna be packed on Friday night 'cause they were playing home, and Taylor only lives, you know, two, three miles away from the stadium that they play in. So everything around us was really, really busy, so we went to the macaroni grill, which actually, it's okay, it's just, it's just cliche and their servers are nine times out of 10, crazy. - Well, the server we had was good, except that she, you know, how they write their name upside down on the piece of, you know, butcher blood paper. - Paper. - Yeah. - Well, her name was Morgan, so Babaloo and I got there first, and you know, I said to her, you know, just trying to make conversation, you know. So how long did it take you to learn how to spell your name upside down, and she went, "Mm, about a month." But, you know, I got really good at it. The hardest one that I had a problem with, though, was my ends. (laughing) - 'Cause you know, this is hard. (laughing) - To which I said to her, after thinking about it for a second, I said, "An upside down N is just an N." - Yeah. - And she went, "Ah, yeah!" So, do you want lemon in your drink? (laughing) - Yes, nice. - And that would explain why I don't like to eat a macaroni grill. (laughing) - Oh, please, we eat there, like twice a week. - Oh, I love their meatballs, I can't help it. And then we went, and then we left there, of course, and we went to the Starbucks. - Yes. - And there, pretty on parade came walking in. It must have been, the way we sort of deduced it was, there was a, like, a, what do they call that, young life? Is that the Christian, like, teen? - Yeah. - No, this is the Young Adult Christian Life Center, which is where it's really one from 18 and 22, 23. - Okay, I think that is called young life, though. - Yeah. - But there was the girl who was like, I'm gonna dress like Avril Lavigne, 'cause I'm gonna have on the white polo shirt and the tie with the funny hat, and the Kanye West glasses that are all white with the slots through them. And I'm about six foot one, and I weigh 280 pounds. - It was John Goodman dressed as Avril Lavigne. - Avril Lavigne. - So she's Christian because-- - No, but that was just it. There was a sea of them, and they were all with all of these, like, really little skinny, scrawny guys. - Except for the one guy who wanted to sing, who wanted to be, you know, the lead singer-- - Everybody like me. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, he's the one who starts the Bible readings every week. You know, he's the one that's sort of, you know, the leader of the pack. - So it'd be like, "Hey y'all, "we're gonna talk about Jesus." - Yeah. Yeah. - It's judgment house all over again. - Aw, you, okay, you brought it up. - No, no, no, no. I'll offend half of our listeners, I know I will. - This group, really? (laughing) - Settling kittens, it's going to be a bumpy ride. - Wait a minute, before you tell the story, should we let Rodan tell his story about his date? - I think going from sod and me into judgment houses and natural transitions, of course. (laughing) - Hey. - Okay, Rodan, here's the music. (dramatic music) - What was your name again? An intimate look into the love lives and bootwaws of your favorite podcasters. Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. - All right, so you said earlier in the episode that you had a date? - I did. Lucky came over at a Friday night, actually. He came over Friday night and left Sunday about, or today about three o'clock. - Hore? - What? - I mean, great. - Did you call me a whore, you bastard? - You bastard? - Yes. - So. - He said with love. You don't get, I don't get to call you a whore very often anymore, so. - That is true. - Please. - So. - Every time we talk about you, it's only calling. I'll give it a real. - Well, okay, let me rephrase that. I don't get to call you a whore to your face very often anymore, so. - There you go. - Thank you. - Please. - I appreciate that. So, Lucky and I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant where after I said Mexican food, my son of a color card was gonna explode. So, it's nice to start the date out on diarrhea. - So, clearly you bottomed. - That way you had a cool start. - You bottomed Louisiana style. (laughing) - There's the title for episode 78. - So, we had Mexican food and then we watched "Blazing Saddles" and then on. - "Blazing Saddles" on my claw. - You had a "Blazing Saddle" for the Mexican food. (laughing) - Nice. A little chafing never heard anyone. - Hey, that was later. So, we watched "Blazing Saddles" and then we went to bed and had a little nucky, but no like, you know, no penetrative nucky just for the record. (laughing) - No penetrative nucky. (laughing) - Okay. - So, we went to the zoo. Good one row has a zoo for the record. And it's a sad, sad zoo. I mean, all the animals there are sad and they're flabby and they look like, if they could either kill themselves or escape, they would just kill themselves because it just looks terrible. - That's awful. - Visible. - Oh, it was so sad and there was this hippopotamus that followed us around like you go into like the hippopotamus area. And he just kind of looked at us and just kept opening his mouth like we're gonna throw and stuff and people like throw like random shit out of it too and he would just like put in his mouth and eat it. - What? - It was bizarre. I mean, we're like four feet away from a hippopotamus. You could climb over the little thing and hang out with the hippopotamus if you wanted to. - There's like no one there to stop you. - I would not recommend that. How does my co-pilot does not recommend that you do that? - That hippopotamus is killing more people than sharks every year. - I know, that's why they can fuck you up. Of course, a raccoon can fuck you up too, but that's neither here nor there. - That's a video while we're at the zoo which I will send to you Taylor for later so you can quite get the whole effect of it. - Fuck the zoo, did you take video Friday night? - What was Friday night? - Bottoming the zoo. - He's not bottoming the zoo. - That's right. - The end of the tea. - Friday night? - Bro, did I hear it? (laughing) - No, there was no penetrative nookie, none. - At all? - There was nookie. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of-- - There was no penetrative nookie. Oh, for them, what's the point? - Really, I mean really. - Not all of us are big, slutty bottoms, Taylor. - I'm not a slutty bottom. I'm a bossy bottom, there's a complete difference. - Yeah. - Ain't that the truth? - So what did you do Saturday night? - We went to go see Eagle Eye, and we took one of my-- - Oh, I'm sorry. - He's good, actually. - You know what? I was gonna say, Lollipop went to see it tonight, and it was a sold out show, and every person that we've talked to said it was great. - No, don't get me wrong, I'm starting to understand why people dislike Shia LaBeouf. - Yeah, Taylor hates him. - Shia La Skidmark. - Yeah, 'cause he plays the same asshole character in everything he's in, which pretty much means it's just who he is. - But-- - He's not playing. - Exactly, but the movie itself was awesome. I mean, some of the best action scenes I've seen since like, or car chase scenes since like the born identity. So it was cool. - Wow. - Yeah, no, I was really impressed with it, and it was pretty cool. And we went to Chili's, which is always classy in Monroe. - What else do you have in Monroe, I mean really? - We have lots of restaurants. You'd be surprised if the number of restaurants we have. - Well then why did you go to Chili's? - Because it was close and we were tired. We took one of the girls from work, my work to the Chili's as well. So we had a-- - Oh, finger bang. - I was gonna say that, but I thought, no, that's not cool. (laughing) - Leave it to Taffy, don't you? - Always classy. - Always Taffy. (laughing) - So we were gonna go to the bar last night, but we decided not to because we got home and lucky pretty much fell asleep on the couch almost immediately. It was so cute, 'cause he's 25, he was all like, I could do anything, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. - Y'all had a big day harassing hippos and watching douchebags on film. - God, that was our land at weekend. (laughing) - And then we went to the waffle house this morning. (laughing) - Of course, I'm thinking douchebag, totally forgetting about the harassing hippos. (laughing) - I was thinking both, but okay. (laughing) - You're just kinder than I am. - So we went to the waffle house this morning and guess what? The cook? - What? - Had like all his teeth and he was-- - Wow. - He was cute and could have been in a Bellamy video. - And what? - I know. - Wait, in what kind of video? - Nothing. - Wrong, what is it? - It's like gay porn with a bunch of like, check us a lock-in, which I realized doesn't exist as a country any longer. - Which, by the way, okay. It's what I was talking with you about when we were looking at Lollipop's boyfriend, Senior Portrait. (laughing) - Oh my God. - He goes, you do realize that he looks like he should be in some Twinkie gay porn and I'm like, thank you. - He looks like Eastern European twink porn. - That's exactly what he is. - He's in a barn and he has on a t-shirt and jeans and he's sort of leaning and he's got the cute smile and he's a very nice kid and he's very cute and it's just one of these where I was looking and I said, this is like a Bellamy cover, he did. - To which, you know, Taffy says, what? And I just said, never mind. - When you said Bellamy, I was thinking of like, you know, bell biv to bow. - Yeah, a big difference. - Clear. - I may have a Bellamy VHS tape around here. - Oh, really? - So please, I'll bring it over one day. - I'm profoundly viewing. - I think I have Lucas II. - You have Lucas II. - Lucas's story too. The one where Lucas reached and bottoms for the first time. Oh, that's all I know. - Oh, that's a good one. (laughing) - That is a good one. - I think I had that, I think I had that one when you and I were living together. - Oh, that may be why I remember it so fondly. (laughing) - Gay porn is fun. - Yeah, so we only like had Nookie twice. But I guess it's not bad for two days, right? - We had Nookie twice this weekend. - Oh, you guys are gonna be in a couple already and you're still having Nookie twice. - Oh, oh, and we did get lube. - Well, how old were you? Did you get it Friday after you looked at it? - Okay, no, shut up. No, actually, we went to the, after we left you at Starbucks, we went to the place by Tyrone Wall, the little place that's right there by the sports authority and stuff. Yeah, kind of gross even by adult bookstore standards. - Really? - We walked in and I, you know, the guys like, you know, it was some gross, twinkie, meth face guy that was all like, "Can I help you?" - Charming. - And I said lube and he just said, "We got right here, but I'm closing in five minutes." Charming, okay. We looked at it for a second and I was just like, "I don't think I want to buy anything that's in this place." So we left and actually went to the Walgreens. Walgreens sells wet now. - Yeah. - I had no idea. - So wet, wet's gonna do you? - Wet, wet, wet did me Saturday morning, but yeah. Wet's, wet is the way we're going for right now. And it was only 10 bucks for the platinum. - Right. - I distinctly remember sitting in Starbucks and looking at the face that Babaloo was giving Taylor, and I asked him in Starbucks, all you're thinking about right now is eating his ass and he goes, "You got it." And I thought, "Oh, it's gonna be a long night for Taylor." 'Cause he would just look at him like a sailor on leave. I thought, "Oh, dear." I was a little afraid of Taylor's virtue for a little bit. I was in fear that he was gonna be compromised. - Could I tell you the one thing that Lucky Keydon, in all of our conversation in the last episode 77? The only thing you really keyed on was, "Where do I get a harness?" (laughing) - And Lucky moves up and wrong and Taffy's like, "Oh, I was just like, really?" I was like, "I barely remember to actually even mentioning "that he would look good in a harness." - Lucky, call me, we'll talk. (laughing) - So, listeners, if you know where to get a good harness for a cubby twink, let me know. (laughing) - It's funny you should mention that because I haven't sent it to you guys yet, but there's a voicemail that we're gonna be playing in episode 79 that answers that question. - Oh, well. - Is it from Kevin B? (laughing) Kevin B, you know where to get a harnesses from? Call me. - We will talk about that in episode 79. Something for the masses to look forward to. - Excellent. (laughing) - Speaking of voicemails, should we start thinking about playing our voicemails? - Yeah, where are we gonna tell that judgment house thing? - Oh, yeah, I should. - I really don't have to. - Yeah, no, I'll make it short. - I'll make it short if I can. - Well, make it short, but don't leave out the- - I will. - The meat, don't leave out the twig and bear. - Because you know what, we made four go voicemail this week just because of the story, because when she was telling me the story. - Yeah. - Flames on the side of my face. - I watched that last week. - Burning, heaving. Yeah, it was, I'm just gonna let you just go. (upbeat music) - You're listening to another installment of Tabby Carlisle Huffington, concerned citizen. - So for those of you who do not know what judgment house is, judgment house is a lot of really large churches. Do what a, there is such a thing, a Christian virgin, virgin. - They do a Christian virgin. - They do a Christian virgin. - The other episode title. (laughing) - They do a Christian virgin of a haunted house. And it is supposed to be judgment day. And you know what can happen in the Bible, if you take the Bible literally, when there is judgment day, what happens? So I take a group of 12 year olds to judgment day who have wanted to go last year and didn't get to. Judgment house, that's right. Thank you. - I was supposed to say, they have a judgment day theme park in Atlanta. - No, it's judgment house. So we get there, this isn't a church, a very large church that's not far from where we live. It seats about 3,000 people in their congregation. So we get there and it's very organized, which I appreciate and it's free except for donation. So fine. You walk into the very, you're in groups of 50. So that tells you how big this thing is. And it was sold out for all three days it was doing it. So you go in and you're in this room and it's essentially you're in a morgue and it has all the doors that open up that have the sliders things and there's three bodies and body bags. And then the man who's working in the morgue comes and talks to you, okay. So this is all supposed to be like a haunted house, fine. And he says, you know, we're going to experience the last 59 minutes of four individuals that have all resulted in them becoming here. Okay, so we go into the first room and it is a living room and it's very much the typical, you know, the bomb is getting ready to take the boys to church on Sunday morning and she really wants her husband to go, but you know, he's busy on his laptop. And you know, he just has to get this done 'cause he has a deadline. And you know, she gives him a hug and says, you know, are you sure you don't want to come? Will you meet us for lunch? And he's like, you know, just go ahead and tell the boys. I said, I love them, you know, and I'll hug them tonight. Okay, so, you know, it doesn't take a genius. And of course I'm, you know, standing amongst 50 other adults and there's, you know, a handful of kids there. Oh, that's not true. There's probably 20 of them were kids. Okay, fine. All the adults are looking at each other going, all right, we know it's going to happen next. Sure enough, the next scene you come to is, he's had a heart attack and they have to, you know, tell the wife and the kids while they're still at church. So they rush to the emergency room, which is the next scene. And it's literally him laying on the ventilator with all the beep, beep, beep crap going on the background until, you know, the chaplain comes in and says, I'm really sorry that this had to happen. Are you sure he's right with the Lord? And you know, the kids are doing the mommy. When is daddy coming home? Well, honey, he's not, but someday hopefully we'll get to see him in heaven if he had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And I'm going to myself. I cannot make it through another 59 minutes of this. I will kill myself. This will happen. It'll be a real morgue scene. I'm telling you right now. So sure enough, the little, you know, the nurse comes over and says, you know, Mrs. So-and-so, I'm afraid it doesn't look good. We have to pull the plug. So, you know, the chaplain takes the children out of the room and the wife, you know, clings to her husband and they turn off the plug and all the lights dim, which apparently happens, you know, 'cause that's lovely and charming. And you hear the beep, beep, beep, and right as that one starts, the lights come up on the next scene, which is essentially four teenage kids sitting in like a Starbucks, or three teenage kids sitting in a Starbucks. - This is for kids. - And they're all talking in there. Oh yes, oh, hold on, it gets better. So they're all sitting in the Starbucks and the one girl is like, you know, I really liked youth group tonight. It was really, really interesting. And the boys like, well, you know, all the decisions you make in life could be made so much easier as long as, you know, you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And she's like, I know, but, you know, I really wanna- - The Lord wants me to put it in your ass. - Exactly, exactly. And she goes, but, you know, I wanna do lots of cool things like go to college. I swear to God, this is the exact script. And he goes, well, you know, you can make those decisions, you know, while also living free in Christ. He has this whole big speech. So fine. So right there in the middle of Starbucks, she decides that, you know, she wants to commit her life to the Lord. Great, wonderful. Except for the fact that the boy who she harassed earlier that day in school shows up at Starbucks with a gun. So he shoots her, he shoots the boy and the security guard, 'cause apparently every Starbucks has a security guard. - Well, of course. - Shoots the shooter and the lights go dark. So the lights come up on the next scene and it's the police rushing in and all of their friends are like, you know, behind a counter and they're hiding and they're afraid. I will say that the way they did this scene was great because they had the big giant blood stains all around the carpet, the whole thing. I mean, it looked, it was very good and, you know, the brain protruding from the skull and the whole thing, but it wasn't-- - Oh my God. - Was a story like, for the sake of gore, it looked like a crime scene. So this whole thing, you know, they come in and they announce the names of who they all were. And of course, all the kids are, you know, the kids in the scene are crying, fine. So they're all dead, great. So there's your four bodies, the husband, the three kids. So the next scene you go to is Judgment Day and you walk in and it's very ethereal and they're St. Peter and he's standing with the book and he calls the husband up and the husband is like, you know, well, I gave to charity and I lived a good life. And he's like, yes, I'm sorry, but, you know, you just didn't have Jesus in your heart. And as he says that, like 10 teenage type, maybe age boys, all dressed in black with the costumes that they have like at Walgreens that have the black mesh thing over their face. - Oh. - They come running in all the lights go off except for red strobe lights and they grab this guy, literally throw him on the ground and drag him out of the room. Okay, so the strobe lights go off, lights come on and now it's all white and ethereal and they announce, you know, they call the other three names and the girl and the boy are fine and they get to go to heaven and the harps play and angels come and then the boy who shot them, he gets to go to hell and he has the same, you know, demons come out and jerk him and drag him out of the room. What freaked us out was is that when you got there to sign up to go on the tour, you had to give them your name. You had to fill out like, you know, card and everything. So the next thing they do is because they're calling the names, you know, Peter Hamilton, da, da, da, da, da, and Taffy, Carlisle, Huffington and I went, oh, you got to be kidding me. And then they started calling, you know, the little Huffington's name and she just looks at me and like, there is no way I'm gonna walk up there. So I was just like, you know, just stand by me. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. So we leave there and you go to hell. And hell is basically the teeny, tiniest room that is, they have pumped the smell of sulfur into and it's a fog machine and it's sensory overload. It's just like walking into a Hollister, you know, it's loud music and flashing lights and odd smelling things. - Oh, like walking into a Hollister. - It's true. - Hell is a Hollister, hey, hell is for children. (laughing) - Exactly. So, and you know, they're screaming and they're screaming out your name because they've all gotten the names of the people who are on this tour too. And it was, you know, have you seen my mom and oh, it was, it was supposed to be creepy, it was creepy, fine. But the creepiest part came was when you went to heaven because you walk into essentially the sanctuary which is supposed to seat 3000 people. So it's enormous. And the whole entire thing is covered in huge white, gauzy looking, not really tense but very much, you know, canopies. And you walk down to the end, which I assume is supposed to be the Pearly Gates and they have the church's choir singing up on the pulpit and it's beautiful. I mean, it's all lit with candles. It is absolutely gorgeous. Except they have all the children from their four and five year old preschool classes at the church who greet you one by one. And they take your hand. And I mean, literally these kids are like, you know, a foot and a half tall and they take your hand and she's like this little tiny girl and they all have the little, you know, the dewy little sparkles in their hair and on their eyes. She goes, welcome to heaven. We're so glad you're here. Oh. Ah, ah, no. And they put this like white shaw around your shoulders and they lead everybody in and we stand there. And then the one who is supposed to be Jesus who actually looks remarkably like all the pictures of Jesus that you've seen, comes down and then, you know, the girl who was shot in the Starbucks and the boy, they come in and they see their grandparents and the dog that died when she was eight and everything is glorious and wonderful and everyone's so happy because she's in heaven. And then Jesus comes down off of the pulpit and walks to every single person of the 50 people who are waiting to see this. And one by one puts his hands upon your shoulders and says, I'm really, really glad that you're in heaven. Thank you so much for believing in me and go to the next person. I, I. That and after that, and at the whole time, I'm my eyes literally and I know that I'm a four year old and I know that I choose to send my children to a faith, faith, faith church and all that's going through my eyes, Taylor going, you send them to a call. So we leave this room, which is the final room and then we go into where the refreshments are. And it's very much the thank you for coming. Please fill out the comment cards. Tell us what you think. You know, here's a Bible. Here's some pretzels. Here's a lemonade. Here's a Bible. Here's some pretzels. Here's a lemonade. That's it. I've got like nine titles for just a story alone. I'm just telling you. So, and so we come out our tour started at 650. We got out around 830 and there was probably another 150 people waiting to go in. And they, they go for three nights and they say on average, they, about 15,000 people over the three nights come see it and they do it every single Halloween. It is absolutely amazing. The volume of people that go to this thing. I, I, I, you're at a loss. Trust me, I was at a loss. Well, but here's the thing is that these are the same people that would be up in arms about various violence on television. These are the same people who went to see "Passion of the Christ" which to me was pornography. So, you know, I mean, I just said they're going, I, there were very many times when I looked at the little group of girls that was with me and I was just like, I actually feel dirty for bringing them here. I mean, it was, it's a beautiful church. Obviously, you know, they understand Bible lessons and everything, but the way it was presented, it was so just completely, I don't know. I just said they're going, really, really, really? I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I'm telling you, I really think that should be a video podcast for next year. (laughing) - If you could figure out a way to pull that off, that would be wonderful. - Jesus, could you look into this camera and say pot is my co-pilot.com? - Say, I have a personal relationship with pot is my co-pilot. - This is a Halloween thing. Can you say boo? And my name is cocky. Just say boo cocky. It would be perfect. (laughing) - Okay, you're definitely going to hell for that one. - Oh, please, you're a bear Jesus. Can I introduce Jesus to bear Jesus? - I am not bear Jesus. Oh my God. (laughing) - Not bear Jesus. - Our earth sign, Lord and Savior. (laughing) - On that note. - On that note. I am going to say, let's not do voice mail this week. - Okay, we didn't have that many though. - No, well, we have like 11, actually. I just gave you guys half of them. - Oh, really? - Oh, well then, let's wait. We can do it. - Well, let's do it. Let's just let's just, we'll try and keep it. - We'll go quick. - 'Cause these were all quick comments though. - Yeah, most of them were quick comments. - That shouldn't be a problem for you, Rodin. You should be able to go pretty quick. - Tell me about it. - Man of your age. - Well, I can go again and again. - Well, that is true. Same thing. - Okay, our first message is from Walt's. - And hit lucky in the head, but that's fine. Go ahead. (laughing) - Lord. - Hello, Taylor, Taffy and Rodin. This is Walt, and I'm calling from, I think I'm on Rosemont Street right now. I don't know why I needed to tell you that, but you did ask for where I'm calling from on the voice mail. So I'm telling you. But hey, I'm calling to say hey to Taylor and Babaloo, I had a great time meeting you guys and hanging out with you when I was in the Orlando's. I had a blast. I hope you guys did too. And stuff and junk and it's all, bye. - Well, Walt, Babaloo and I had a wonderful time meeting you and Nana as we call your partner. Nana or Boniva. (laughing) Boniva. There are nothing but lovely things about you both. - Yeah, yeah. And you guys will definitely, we would love for you guys to come down regularly and hang out. And, you know, we don't have all the fun stuff like the Disney and all that sort of stuff, but we have pretty on parade at Bush Gardens. (laughing) So. - I think that Taylor and I are enough. Thank you. - Yeah. - You entertain me every week. - Well, but that's because, you know, look, it's a shiny object. Look, it's a shiny object. (laughing) Our next message is from another one of my fellow queen titans from Dialage for Home Alone. And that would be Wes from Live It Up. - Dude, dude, dude. - I was. - Dude, dude, dude. - Hello, co-pilot people. This is Wes from Live It Up. And I'm just calling to thank Taylor for putting up his video of the chicken bog, because I've heard you guys talk about it frequently and I always wondered what it looked like and what it was. So I will probably be making that this weekend now that I've seen the recipe and how it should look. So also, I love your kitchen where time stands still, Taylor. I'm sure everyone has called you out on that and I thought that you already replaced the clock. Anyways, I just thought that was funny. And that's all. Just wanted to say hi and thanks. Bye. - Hey, while we're talking about the Dialage Boys real second, can I ask them a favor? - Okay. - Lollipop needs a superhero, a female superhero that she can go for on one of the Spirit Days for Homecoming. The only thing is she cannot wear anything that has like a bra. It can be a leotard as long as it covers her arms, but it can't show her midriff. So please send us your ideas and not Wonder Woman because everybody goes as Wonder Woman. But superheroes who are females. - Are you kidding me? - No, trust me. - You see me six days a week and you're asking other people to come up with a super heroine? - Well, I expect greatness from you, but I like to challenge our listeners. (breathes deeply) - Don't try my messages. - That was actually a wonderful management type response from Taffy. - Thank you very much. - That was amazingly good. - Thank you. I am, you know, master's degree. Hello, marketing. Hello, marketing 101. Go ahead, go ahead. - I thought your master's degree was in like music. - Theory. - That's not marketing. - Well, but you can take marketing along with it. You can take more than one subject. It's shocking. You can take more than one subject in the ass. - Ooh, double anal. At minute 48, I'm so impressed. - Let's get to Wes's voicemail, please. - We already played Wes's voicemail. - Follow along with Dan. Jesus. - We had it talked about the chicken bog yet. - Okay, well, the chicken bog, thank you very much. Bobaloo was very much wanting me to make chicken bog today. And I'm like, no, it's sunny and warm and it's not really appropriate for it. Cut to five o'clock this afternoon. It becomes cold and rainy by cold. I mean, it gets into the low 70s here. But it gets all like rainy and gross. And I was like, oh, this is a perfect chicken bog of weather. But instead, I made something from Ellie Krieger that I did not like. - What do you make? - I did flounder and it was like fish sticks, but you used whole wheat bread and you made your own breadcrumbs. Which, granted, was kind of fun to make your own breadcrumbs. And you bake them instead of, I just didn't care for it. Yeah, and I'm aware, yes, it was a dead battery in the goddamn clock. Everybody's bringing that up. (laughing) - How long was it dead? - Like two years. That's besides the point. - Nice. - We had a voicemail from someone who didn't leave their name. - Yes. - Okay. - Okay, let's play that right now. - All right, good. - Hello, potters, my co-pilot people. Come on, enter in and use infections. Really? Are you trying to make me puke? What's up with that? Come on, really? Torture. Love the show. Cashew Montana, feel better. Bye. Was that Peter? - I couldn't figure out who it was either. - I've got their phone number. We should call them sometimes. We should do a life on call. - If I could figure out a way to tape that? - That'd be awesome. - That'd be funny. - That'd be awesome. Hmm, we need to figure out how to do that. We can randomly call our listeners. Oh, that would be awesome. - Okay, there is ways that we could probably do that. - Yeah. - Challenge extended. - Okay, we will look into doing that sometime soon. - Perfect. - That'll be something. I may need to talk to some of the other Mac users about that. Oh, and by the way, speaking of fellow Mac users. - Yes, love. - I, as I talked about in the last episode, I thought I blocked my father's email. - Uh-huh. - And shit keeps getting through. And by shit, I mean, like, shitty Republican rhetoric. - The next time he sends you one, it hit junk mail at the top, and it'll forward it all to junk mail. - Is that how you do it? - Yeah. - Oh, okay. Thanks. - You're welcome. - Hey, I will follow the way. - You sent me six days a week. You sent me six days a week, and you're asking our listeners for help? Are you kidding me? - Nice to have you. - Thank you, thank you. - Hey, real quick though, Palin wasn't that bad in the debate. - Oh, God. - When your expectations are nothing, they can only be higher than what you expected. - Now, I wasn't thinking about, like, my personal judgment of her. I was just thinking of what America would think, like what my mom would think. My mom would conceivably turn around for that. And she said she didn't hate the gays. So-- - No, she said she would tolerate the gays. - I know. - And use the word tolerate about six times. - Yeah. - And then she ended the statement by saying, so I, like Senator Biden, agree that we do not think that homosexuals should have equal rights. That is exactly how she ended it. Even though she has friends that are gay, but-- - That's what the Obama-Biden platform is right now. It's no marriage. - Right. - Yes, it's charming. We all move to France, what do you say? We have a message from DiB. - I love DiB. - Okay, well, here's DiB. Here's a minute and 52 seconds of love. - Hello, plot is my co-pile. Yes, plot is my co-pile people. Sorry, Taylor, I do it too. I always say cod is my co-pile it, and it's terrible. This is DiB. I wanted to say I liked your last couple shows a lot. I really liked your cooking, little cooking class there with Baba Lu. I couldn't tell if it was you or him who was doing the Julia Child's Voice at the beginning, but that was awesome. I have to say, Taylor, we do your little sort of Southern Bell voice, I guess it is. It actually reminds me a lot of a character that Alton Brown does on the Good Eats cooking show, which I don't know if you watch, but I figure you watch Food Network, so you should be watching Good Eats. And if you're not shame on you, he does this character called Colonel Bob Boatwright, and he wears this really tacky white suit, and he always sounds like he's really drawn, but he's had one too many mint juleps or something, and it's hysterical, but every time you do that funny voice, it sounds just like him, so you should see if you could Google up a bit of that, 'cause it's pretty good. What else is there? Now that's it, I'm not very, well, yeah. You gotta lay off the yeast thing 'cause you, and I didn't realize because my screener, my iPod is not that clear. I couldn't tell what the cover art was. It wasn't until I went to your website that I realized it was a little spread, and ew, it's all grossed out. And yeah, that's it. Oh, I wanna say, I wanna give a shout out to Cassie from Montana because she's cool, and I'm glad that she's doing well and calling into your show. Hi, Cassie, love you, and love you guys, too, from the cloud is my po-pilot people, and I will call you again soon. Bye. - I think we should do a regular segment of cooking with Taylor. Everyone seems to love you at a cooking segment. - I know, you know what? We actually talked about taping, doing a little bit of a regular thing, where we pretty much take recipes from food network and make them ourselves. (laughing) I should do my mom's cheesecake. - Oh, that would be cool. - Well, you know what? You're gonna be bringing it to Thanksgiving, so that would be a perfect opportunity for you to do it. - That may be, my mom's cheesecake recipe is pretty damn awesome, so I will do that for one as it gets closer to Thanksgiving holidays. - Oh, for just the holidays in general. I am not a big fan of the Alton Brown. I'd never have been, and I hear he's not very nice, so that makes me like I'm even less. - Tank loves 'em. - Tank loves 'em. - Well, tank likes the science, and, you know. - Yeah, Alton Brown. - The getting in there, and fumbling around, not fumbling around, but fidgeting around and getting things to work just right, much like you're of a giant-- - I was gonna say, I'm gonna show you. Take likes to get in there and make sure things are working just right. - I decided to beat you to the punch. - And we are going to, oh, I didn't play the last of our trilogy. I didn't read the last letter. We'll save that for next week. For those of you, you know, clutching-- - Oh, an update on Melanie's problem. - What's going on, yes. What's going on with Melanie's-- - The vagina chronicles. (both laughing) - So, all right. We have a real quick message from Cassie to Divy. - Hi, part of my co-pilot. This is Cassie in Montana. I was just calling to say hi to Divy. Hi, Divy. Bye. - So, I don't know what's going on with people leaving each other messages on our show? - We are not a messaging board, people. - Exactly, what do we become? - Don't kill the messenger. What, don't kill the delivery man, I don't know. - We don't wanna kill either Divy or Cassie. They're two of our biggest fans. - As long as there's not a call that says, you know-- - Wait, we have fans. - I need you, I'm taking the dog. Yeah, wait, people listen to our show. - What did you just say? 'Cause long as there's not a call that says what? - Well, you know, then you have someone calling in to break up with her boyfriend, like on our show, 'cause her boyfriend listens. - That would be awesome. - That would totally be awesome. If anybody wants to break up with their boyfriend and they listen to our show, call and leave a message at 206-202-5165. - Or call and give us your number, and we will call them personally and say, guess what, loser? She doesn't wanna date you anymore, suck on that. I would love to do that, that would be awesome. - We would totally break down with your-- - That could totally be a public service-- - Wow, where does the rage come from? - That could totally be a public service that we provide, people who do not have enough balls to break up with their significant other, they can call us, and we could do it for them. That is awesome. - Yeah, excellent, all right. - Get another service we provide. Work your first. - Well, we also have another message. We have one final message this week, and it is from somebody who hasn't called and left a message for us a while, and that would be Tom Takes On The World. - Hey, Pat, it's Michael. It's Tom, your natural friend, that's right. Tom, from Tom Takes On The World, I really do want to say, thank you so much for your support. During the past couple of months, it's been kind of rough, but with your help and your comments and your crazy podcast, you really have helped me out, so I really do appreciate it. You guys are awesome. Taffy, by the way. Just with curious, if you found out that Phantom Regiment won this summer, and no, they didn't tie with another quarter of day one, that's right, so celebrate that. Anyway, you take care, love your podcast, and listen to my podcast, TomTakesOnWorld.com. Yeah, Rebel Redhead taught me how to do that. All right, take care, bye. - Yes, Phantom Regiment had a 98.125 in Bloomington, Indiana world class. Yes, I know, it was fantastic and wonderful, and they be the blue devils, and that's really all that matters, but I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I appreciate the love. Their show, Spartacus this year, was fantastic. I've seen all the highlights, it was beautiful. So thank you. Thank you for sharing in, you know, the Phantom, the Phantom love. - That's her porn. - Yeah, that is my porn, absolutely, absolutely. - Screw Lucas, give me Phantom Regiment. - Screw Lucas. - Lucas, from the Bellamy porn that we were talking about earlier, that your daughter's boyfriend stars in. - Oh, I was thinking of Luke Miller, I'm thinking, huh, wait, what? I don't know. - Luke looks very much like he'd be in Bellamy porn too. - Yeah, I can try to see that. - I can do that, he's kind of twinkie. No, because then he's the, you know, the nerdy computer fixer who's coming in, and you know, he has to fix her facts, and by her, I mean, Taylor. Actually, Taylor wishes. - Luke can fix my facts any time. - Hey, you've got a boyfriend now. - He can stick his hard drive in my motherboard any day of the way. (laughing) - Because I think you need a rebooty booty. (laughing) - All right, well, we need to finish up 'cause we're gonna be at right about an hour. So which is a little bit longer than I was expecting it to be, but that's okay, that's what she said, honk. Thank you guys very much for listening to episode 78. You can go to our blog, which is potasmikopilot.com. Call our listener line, especially if you want to break up with your boyfriend on air, 206-202-5165. Leave us a voicemail, or leave us an email at potasmikopilot@gmail.com. Visit our MySpace, which is MySpace.com/potasmikopilot, or join our Facebook group. Okay, so I love potasmikopilot. You can also follow me on Twitter at TaylorLotteboy, and please be sure to leave us a five-star review on iTunes. - You did that all without blinking too, didn't you? - I did do that all without blinking. (laughing) - Very impressive. - Yeah, we have 123 reviews. - What? - We have 120 reviews, yeah. - We're so popular. - 'Cause we actually lost review. We went from 120 to 119. - Oh, wow. - Well, to those of you who just left us new reviews, thank you guys very much, that's awesome. - Yeah, they were very, very nice, and then Lucky should be leaving one soon too. - Excellent. - Aw, I feel like I'm paying back for that. - I think I did. (laughing) - And that... (laughing) - Paming up front. (laughing) - If you ever got in the back-- - By up front, we mean in the back. (laughing) - Have you ever got coming your eye? (laughing) - It burns. - Jesus! Where's that view podcast? (laughing) - All right, guys, well, thanks very much. We'll see you next week. This is Taylor. - And Taffy. - And/or Dan. - Have a good week, everybody. Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. (upbeat music) - You've been listening to "Pod is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. I have to go change my underwear now. See you next time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]