Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 76 - I Love A Little Basil In My Butthole, or Take Your Hand...

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2008
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We talk about a couple of helping out assholes (first story literally, second story figuratively) tonight in an episode taped back when we taped 75. Taffy goes all Oprah on Rodan, and we help out a fellow podcaster with a secret, shameful, you know, of course we're going to talk about it here....and, your voicemails!!! We are living in a Material World and We are a material Pod Is My Copilot. Blog:, phone: 206-202-5165, email:, facebook: Ok, So I Love Pod Is My Copilot, myspace: Please leave us a five star review on the iTunes - and check out vPiMC: Episode 33 - Chicken Bog! released earlier this week!
(upbeat music) - Tell the pool boy to get crackin' on those mojitos. It's time for another episode of Pod Is My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Here we go. (upbeat music) - You're listening to Pod Is My Co-Pilot with your hosts, Taylor the Latte boy. - Hey bitches. - Rodan. - Hello, how are you? - I'm fine baby, just for you. And of course, me, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, here for your pleasure. - Yay, yay. - Huzzah. - Huzzah. - Huzzah. - What's going on, kittens? - Minscented for your pleasure. - Minscented sphincterine. (laughing) - Have either of you ever used sphincterine? I mean, seriously. - I can honestly say with all certainty that no, I have not. - I mean, okay, one of our listeners needs to fill me in and maybe the two of you know the answer to this. But when I think sphincterine, - Or sphincterine, whatever it's called, is it something that you shoot in your butt, squirt your butt, or is it like a wipe that you wipe your butt with, or what is it? Is it like, you know. - You gargle with it. - A tube? I mean, it's serious. I'm, it's a serious question. Is it really, is it like a tooth that you stick up there? Kind of like a flush things out, or how's that working? - I have no idea. If any of our listeners have ever tried sphincterine, let us know. - First off, if anybody else have ever tried sphincterine, we're sorry. (laughing) - For those of you, for those of you not in the nose, sphincterine is apparently some sort of minty fresh butthole cleaner, or something. I don't know. - I don't think Rodan has said he hasn't used it, and he's laughing profusely, so there's a good chance he knows the answer to this. - Have you used sphincterine? - No, no, no, I've never used it, but I have it in my mind right now. It's a picture of the orbit woman. (laughing) - Don't he ask? Clean it up! Fabulous! (laughing) Maybe it's a little tablet, like gum, and you just shove it up there, and it dissolves! You don't know! - Oh my God! - That's fabulous. Tell me that's a little awesome. - Yeah, you don't wanna get that mixed up with your toilet bowl cleaner. - Or your gum. (laughing) Or your gum. - Oh, is it like a little suppository? - I think I wanna say it's liquid. We are devoting entirely too much time to something that we all have no idea what it is. - If it's but mixed, we know what it is. - Yes, but we don't know how exactly to use it. - I think it's, is where you go for it. - I'm currently going there, hold on. - All right. - Mintyass. - All right, well while we're waiting for-- - Wait, Spingtreen, I have it right here. Spingtreen asks, ask stringent. Pucker says it tingles. We support the First Amendment right to that minty fresh feeling. They, okay, here we go, naturally formulated for a minty fresh flavor. Oh! - It tingles! - It does, and they have a month special. Use Spingtreen as often as needed, which may be more often than you think. All righty. - Why did Spingtreen cost Howard Stern $495,000? - I don't know, but it says it will cost you a lot less. - 'Cause he talked about it back when he was on regular radio and he was fined by the FCC for talking-- - Okay, here we go. Frequently asked, A-S-S-E-D questions. How does Spingtreen work? - That's so clever. - Natural ingredients, including aloe vera to sooth, menthol to stimulate and herbal extracts, to cleanse and reflash, all contribute to the effectiveness of Spingtreen. Great. - Aregano? (laughing) - I love a little basil in my butthole. (laughing) Ooh, that's the title for episode 76. I'm right back now. (laughing) - It says, what happens if Spingtreen gets on my private parts? No problem there. In fact, many users of Spingtreen apply it to the entire area with interesting results. Try it and you'll understand too. There's even a testimonial. Well, it just, it looks like there is a wipe and there is some sort of a bottle that maybe looks like a gel, but it's yet to say how it works or am I like how you apply it? - Well, my favorite is that there's a review on the - Yes, yes. And it also says, Spingtreen has a pleasant minty flavor and tastes great unlike soaps and chemically enhanced wipes. So it must be a wipe. - Well, there's a liquid or a wipe. - Does the testimonial say it fits easily into your Jeep's glove compartment? (laughing) - I bet it does. - G-hoppington. - G-hoppington. - G-hoppington. (laughing) - No, my favorite one is Spingtreen puts the ass back in passion. (laughing) - It apparently also puts the ass back in classy. (laughing) - Oh, wait, hey guys, there's testimonials on here. - Yes, I'm looking at them apparently. - And it's like, the big wiper says, I don't know about this, a minty fresh ass for how long? Seems like the first fart it would be all gone. (laughing) - Oh, cool. - I wonder if it actually does something about my slimy stinky ass or just overpowers it with its own stench. - My favorite is it's like standing on Mount Everest with my pants down. (laughing) - This is, I might, this might become like my homepage. I'm not sure why this is exactly. (laughing) - The stuff is really, really funny actually that's on here and it looks like it's like a product that gets ordered quite a bit. In fact, let's see how much it is to order the Spingtreen. We're going to do this now. And there's a picture. - 24.95. There's a picture. - I mean. (laughing) - Anything less would be indecent. All righty. Bottles. - Dingleberry free. - Dingle well. (laughing) - Okay. It is $25 for two bottles. You buy two bottles and get one free. So that's three bottles actually. And that is four. - Nice. - Eight ounce bottles. And then if you want just one bottle, it's $12. Not too bad. - Stocking stuffers for the girls. - Exactly. A fresh ass for the bargain price of $12. Someone needs to send a Spingtreen. (laughing) Someone needs to send a Spingtreen. That could be the next video podcast right there. (laughing) Wow. You know what? Rodan is due to make one. I think that's an excellent choice. - Oh my God. - Spingtreen podcast. Brought to you by How's My Co-Pilot and Charmin? (laughing) - Good Lord. - And Charmin. Oh Lordy. That's speaking of sphincters and crazy exploit friends. - Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Do we need to play what's your name again? - Yes. (laughing) - What was your name again? An intimate look into the love lives and buchwas of your favorite podcasters. Taylor the Latte boy. Taffy Carlisle, Huffington. (laughing) (whistling) (whistling) (laughing) - Apparently we have the psycho edition of What's Your Name Again. Go ahead, Rodan. (laughing) - Well, the sprout called me on Friday. Like when I was in a meeting, so I just, I ditched the call. I didn't listen to the voicemail. I texted him back later that afternoon and asked him if anything was wrong. He called me back and he said, random question, what if I leave you the dogs in my bill? - Oh, is he planning on killing himself? - I don't know. So I'm like, (laughing) I'm like, of course I'll take this. (laughing) - That speaks volumes. That's all you-- - Yeah, yeah. - That's all you, that's yourself. Ew, whatever, okay. - Whatever, whatever, whatever. Yeah, so I'm like, let me, yeah, I'll take them. And then I start getting concerned. I'm like, so is everything okay? 'Cause you know, normally when he asks a random question, air quotes, it's, you know, something's up. And he told me, this is like eight o'clock at night. And so he told me he'd taken a handful of pills and had been, had drank a bottle of rum. - That makes my last comment not so funny. - Well, yeah, I mean, it was a very stressful-- - I already know the story. So, don't worry, listeners, it turns out okay, we're not quite that insensitive, so don't worry. - Oh, wow. - Yeah, not quite, not quite. Almost there though, with the sprout. So, he proceeds to tell me about him in the twink, they broke up and asked me if I could take the dogs because he doesn't know where he's gonna be living, he doesn't know what to do, and he's all panicked. So I'm like, of course I'll take the dogs. He's like, well, can you come get them now? - Don't you live in another state? - Yeah, no, I live, you know, 10 hours away. So, he's like, and I'm like, no, you guys just broke up now, he's like, well, he's kicking me out. I said, okay, well, where are you gonna go? And he had no clue, and he was all upset. So, my first thought goes to, I'm gonna get down there to pick up the dogs, which I did not do this weekend, and he is going to somehow, some way hitch a ride back, and I'm gonna be stuck with him again. And he's all telling me how I should have fought harder for him to move up here to Louisiana with me, and that I gave up too quickly and too easily. - I think instead of the psycho music, it needs to be crazy trained by all the other ones. (laughing) - Because I heard this story earlier today, and I said, by the way, we're talking with us because I can't wait for the other co-host to hear about this. - Yeah, I got news for you. And you know what, and I'm sure, send your emails to me, that's fine, I can take it. But this might be one of those situations where you need to get the dogs and then block the number, because there, I mean, unless you truly still have deep-rooted emotions for this person, I think it might be time for you to move on, and a clean break might be all you're gonna do. I don't know, 'cause it sounds like he has a tendency to suck you back in, and unless you're getting off on that, man, I would just say, we no longer have anything to do with one another, thank you for my dog, have a nice day, I don't know. It just seems like he's trying to sucker you back in and pulling you back in, and the dogs are just a way that he can still maintain some hold there because there's an emotional attachment to the dogs. I think once you have the dogs, I don't know, that just seems like he's dangling the dogs in front of you so he can just see you, and that's wrong. - Well, no, he was using the dogs to make sure that he had an escape plan. - Well, that's what I mean, yeah. - Yeah, I mean, the Twink had essentially told him that he had to move out, and gave him, well, 'cause the Twink is learning how to be an over-the-road trucker, which no issues with that, but the guy's a big flaming, you know. He's not gonna get off, well, he may get off at some truck stops, but he's not gonna be able to go to some truck stops, and really be able to pass off his straight, and be able to pass off, 'cause it's a pretty dangerous, you know, - I'm on a convoy! (laughing) - Jesus! So, you know, he really could get himself into some trouble, really fast, but that's another story. So he's given him eight weeks. Sprouts got to find a new place in eight weeks and move on. - But that's not your problem. - And so, this was all about making sure that he had a place to go. - That's not your problem. - For about 15 minutes Friday night, I was, he's gonna move here, we're gonna be back together, And it's going to be wonderful and peace on earth and all that shit. And then he said something about how, what the hell did he say? Just how, you know, he really loves the people. How Ann Haysh is his hero? Yeah. Ann Haysh is my hero. You're dating Celestia. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, go back to the comment that you just made. Are you considering going back with him? For like 15 minutes. Are you kidding me? I know, right? And I was angry and pissed off. I'm so enjoying this. I've been waiting for this all night. I've been waiting for him to tell her about this. This is awesome. I don't even want to hear that. That just makes me mad at you. Well, and here's the thing, is that Sprout has a habit of being able to have these crises at my most weak moments. You allow him to do this. You allow him to have these crises. But he doesn't call me a crisis. Yeah. Does he call you when things are going good? Does he call you when things are happy? Does he call you when he wants to tell you something that's nice that's happened into his life? Or does he only call you in times that he needs something and he expects you to rush in and help him? Well, no, that's true. But normally during those times, I'm not also in the middle of working 14 days straight, working on the Secret Squirrel Project and all that stuff. So I think if it would have been any other time, I would have been like, yeah, nice moving off my life kind of thing. He's been IMing me and texting me for the last since Friday night and I haven't responded back to him. Well, that's at least something. Yeah, just because he was all proud because he got his own bank account. I'm like, we were together eight, seven and a half years and we never got a check account. How old is this person? How is this person? But they managed to get a joint. The Twink is like 22. No, I could give a shit less about the Twink. How old is this person that you were talking about potentially being in a relationship with? Oh, I'm not. There's no way I'm going to be in a relationship with him again. But he's there is a way because you just said that two days ago that you were considering doing this again. So there is a way like 15 minutes for like 15 minutes. It was like it was a fleeting kind of like all and then it went away. But he is he's 27, which takes your hand and run into it with your face. Are you kidding me? I'm ready to down. I am serious. Now come on. I know. And so the fact that he's 27 and he still can't get his life together is just so fucking sad. The fact that he's 27 and bragging about the fact that he just opened his first checking account, you should run, run, thanking somebody every single day that you are no longer with this person. Besides, the fact that he made you crazy and you know he made you crazy and he was bad for you. Oh, I didn't tell you why they broke up. They broke up because sprout had gone back into back into random sex and random sex with strangers and drugs who did sprout sprout and he had been doing it since sprout and I broke up. So last from last August until they moved to Jacksonville and while they've been in Jacksonville, so what you are saying to me, let's go over this point by point. What you're saying to me is that the person who you are no longer in a relationship with because he was in fact crazy and made you not a person that you enjoyed being who lives currently at least a thousand miles away from you is trying to get in touch with you because his now live in boyfriend is kicking him on the streets because he's having sex with anything that walks and you know for an added cherry on top doing drugs of God knows what source and now he's going to call you and say I miss you when I come back and oh by the way here's the dogs and you're just boys and you're entertaining this idea for longer than a half of a second I cannot even understand why we have not drove over there to beat the shit out of you how is this even possible video podcast I am serious episode 35 rodan learns a lesson talk about a very special episode after school yeah right talk about after school there's your blossom episode but see my fear on this is you say that you don't you're saying that you're not considering this now but in a moment of weakness because you'd had a rough week and you know there's secrets and there's sadness and you're working 14 hours a day I'm a yada yada yada and okay so you have a moment of weakness when he's on the phone and you're hearing dogs and you're thinking of you know romance what happens when he shows up on your door because he's pulled a trick from here to Louisiana to get to Louisiana and he's standing at your door holding the leashes of the dogs in the rain while you know all by myself is playing the background then what is your box overs over is over his head exactly Peter Gabriel blaring out of it what what went seriously then where is your backbone going to be in that situation because if you're having in the 15 minutes of thought process on the phone come on no I know because that's what he came back from Mark and saw what Rodan yeah it's about questions about where do you want to go to lunch this is the Stockholm syndrome because by this point when we try to figure out if we're going to shells or macaroni girl I'm a little ball in the corner of the car oh my gosh well since our choices are dwindled down to you know Perkins and I hop and that's about it we have nothing left yeah because everyone else is closing to driving them out of business well keep us informed of what's going on with this yeah I'll let you know I think you need to let me have his number right now because I can assure you after one phone call for me this shit won't happen no more he will not be calling the Rodan I guarantee I know well I'll tell you what what I should have done what I should have done immediately is I should just call the cops have them do a wellness check and then that be it Baker act is that's right that's that's what I should have done what it could have I should have I know he don't he taken like 20 tile and all and he probably was sitting in the drive through at a McDonald's and hadn't taken shit and was trying to make you feel bad no I he's done it before so so he's a ritual yeah no he even need to be he needs to be Baker acted much like we got voicemail sure well speaking speaking of people with serious issues I received a very inspiring email three emails in fact from from a listener and fellow podcaster and I want to read them all to you right now is that okay yes please most all of you okay dear pod is my co-pilot I am writing to tell you guys thanks thanks for helping me get through and laugh during a difficult time a family member is ill and your podcast has helped me get through it all unfortunately my sister Melanie from don't quit your day job is having dire health problems and I am here to nurse her back to health you see she has a serious life-threatening infection a yeast infection oh dear baked kids are not your friend yes yes I know it comes as a shock to all of you that such a vital and healthy person can be rendered all but deceased by such a diagnosis with serenity and guidance preferably by a licensed mental health professional I hope you will all move through what must be a shocking revelation to you all it all began about four years ago when she noticed a slight and she feeling you know down there oh she blew it off thinking it was just the crabs again but after 12 bottles of rid and a consultation from a doctor who was granted his medical license from a prestigious online college and she was given this fatal diagnosis and our family began our journey of pain denial and finally acceptance however Taylor Taffy and Rodin I Melanie sister Stacy the don't quit your day job news girl has never given up hope for a cure and I have never given up on your podcast when the wet smelly discharge began oh my god to your conversations and it lifted my soul during the long nights of her treatments I would put on your podcast and it would feel like I was really there with you guys I am in spirit when the odor from her pants was given the to loafer on the Easter meter by doctors it was the sound of your sweet and funny podcast that kept us all going when her maxi pads were forming wedges of cheese and mushrooms on them oh your oh so human condition struggles they get me through to the late at the other end of the tunnel thank you thank you cot pot thank you cot is my thank you thank you pot is my co-pilot thank you thank you thank you for bearing your souls to us through urinate talent that comes through so well in your jokes your laughter and your talent when this horrible and fatal disease takes her through the gates of heaven this summer's eve but I'm ching I will be singing your praises with the angels your biggest fan Stacy the don't quit your day job news girl p.s I don't know if you want to read this on air whoops because Melanie may be listening and I have a deep deep aversion to pain p.s although I would probably be able to hide out at patrick's apartment if he'd clean it that is apparently he needs to clean it a vaginal discharge vaginal odor in total vaginal discharge oh god um we have three of these I think I'm saving the next one for 77 please tell me the next one is about a pap smear I just can't can we just never say the word vaginal discharge ever again right now we could say anything we wanted to about Kevin and Michael because they have turned off right exactly exactly that is just the about the best letter I think I've ever gotten in fact I brought a tear to my eye well actually down there your brown eye well Melanie our heart goes out to you and so does you know a little bag of yeast and please note that anything you're cooking down there probably needs to be stored in a ziploc bag because honey it ain't good and screw aides walk we need to have a melonie walk a charity walk from Melanie now that she's been inflicted with the you know the yeast she's got the yeast Sean of doobie cooking in my book oh my god so strictly out the sun does that make like a loaf of bread what I don't understand I used is something a yeast is an important ingredient in making bread so when women get yeast infections that's often a joke that is associated with that you twit do you know I the east and section is right in how how are you aware I'm aware of what you will be are yes really what is the east and section right and tell us I know I mean I'm aware they're itchy and painful and apparently create vaginal discharge vaginal discharge vaginal discharge vaginal discharge a vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the vagina and the area around the there take me is caused by an oh wait it is caused by an overgrowth of fungus or yeast yeast normally live in the vagina in small numbers but when the bacteria in the vagina becomes aggravated and out of balance it can grow too much yeast and cause an affection so apparently Melanie's vagina has been aggravated by a vagina she has an angry vagina there's a fungus among us and her name is Melanie okay I have to read this out loud and I know that we have lost all of cute cats but this is going to do it if we have it the dish charge hold on a depending on what you say you might lose Taylor and Rodan yeah right thick ready a thick white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese oh my god I have a bad smell but can cause pain during sex and discomfort during urinating oh my god voicemail voicemail we have voicemail right now I don't even like my own vagina right now that's just that's scary alright yes voicemail voicemail voicemail please we have a message from Ryan from what the hells you on the way we see it get filled to fag manhunt hot hot Jewish bottoms dot com I love him and Ryan apparently takes umbridge with me well we all do from time to time well what did you do to him well we will let him tell us now won't we hey bitches Ryan's third Jones here I'm just going to leave a message for Taylor to say um I just stop crying over the fact that um yeah I don't remember getting an invitation to lunch on Saturday hmm interesting love you guys bye okay so Ryan at least you got to be in Orlando at the same time as them they didn't even ask me to go they didn't even tell me they were going so at at you you're better often I am they love you more and I'm I talked to them I've known I've known Taylor since I was like like high school yeah God Ryan I've known Rodan 40 years since we were negative sperm wait a minute does that mean that we're positive I don't know it's before we were it's before we were created as sperm before we before I was a squirt in my daddy's eye when you were a zygote oh yeah okay so well I do apologize Ryan it was it was not meant on purpose and I did not mean to hurt your feelings much so okay moving on moving on we have a message from one of our favorite listeners and that is not that we don't love all of our listeners but we have a special place in our heart for Cassie in Montana oh Cassie I love Cassie hi pause my co-pilot this is Cassie in Montana just calling to say hi I haven't called it a while I am just listen to the most recent episode I don't even know what what the number it is but um Rodan in his mystery saying going on at work is totally intriguing me it's actually kind of hot mm-hmm yeah um you need to like give us some more hints or something any hints throw us a bone damn it anyway thanks for doing your show all the time I really love listening to it makes me laugh every time I listen to it and that's been kind of painful with my ribs healing up for my surgery and stress is the laughing it's hard and it's so painful but I cannot stop it's horrible it's I'm torturing myself but I love it anyway love you guys take care bye oh yeah fuck bye so yeah we've been in correspondence with Cassie we didn't know she wanted us saying anything about it but she's been having some health problems and we've all been trying to send her some words of support and we're glad to finally hear from her and if nothing else we're glad to hear those final three seconds of that call where she screamed fuck at us that's always fun yes I love fucking Cassie actually some I was just going to say it you piece of shit you took it out of my mouth wait a minute are you giving him grief for stealing jokes really I just got and I am it says that I'm allowed to call you mr. bossy britches if I want that must be from Luke Miller ah Luke said I want to talk to you right now but I can't because Taylor were probably yell at you he goes call him mr. bossy britches right now if you'd like you should work it casually into conversation hi I'm gonna tell him now it says I'll think of it as coded think he said he'll think of it as a coded I love you I was gonna say tell him mr. bossy's britches are down around his ankles no my response is he wants you to be in his bossy britches oh wow oh my god hey so I do have something for Cassie though I do have a one little piece of information for Cassie since she asked for something okay so apparently there have been like foilers like misinformation being circulated about the secret squirrel project to the media so that like the fact that it's being run by a squirrel oh yeah but so so that the attention is on to other companies doing other things versus the companies that are actually doing these things so it's I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm very confused yeah it's it's all very good very hush hush it's kind of cool it's a cool song from 1993 with Keanu Reeves in the video awesome oh that's rush rush we are idiots okay well well okay so do you have anything else that you want to talk about with the secret squirrel mission no no I can't yet okay well speaking of Luke from California we have a message from Luke and here it is hello pot is my co-pilot team this is Luke from California I just wanted to call say I really actually enjoyed the political you guys actually I just realized how long it's been so I fucking called in a while I really enjoyed you guys talking about real politics a little bit today when I was the show and I really agreed with a lot that Kathy was talking about but I I also wanted to say I know kind of getting too political is kind of can ruin a comedy podcast real quick but I've been working on a campaign here in California it's the no on eight campaign proposition eight is the right wing attempt to reverse the Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage and I'm sorry saying sex marriage gay marriage is too unclusive and then what if prop eight passes it will write into the constitution the fact that marriage between a man and woman which would be the first time in American history that discrimination has officially been put in writing in a constitution so I really just wanted I know I'm kind of getting on soapbox on your show but you know I'm kind of hoping you'll permit me to stay on my soapbox I just really wanted to encourage any voters in California that listen to your podcast to go out on November 4th and vote no on proposition eight and if you're I because there's so much apathy in the gay community I want to I local the local gay bars that we can help campaign okay well Luke you you may have noticed because you probably left us a longer message unless you get so rattled so empowered that you just turned off your phone that the message was cut short but we all definitely want people to especially our California listeners to go and research no one ate hopefully Luke can maybe send me an email that has some information on websites that sort of thing or I'll probably try and look up and online myself and into the show notes and the gays the gays may have been less apathetic about no one eight if you would have gone in there without a shirt on to the gay bar and then said vote no on it you know if you would have actually gotten their attention I would have become a citizen of the state of California if I knew I could go someplace and sign a petition where Luke Miller is sitting shirtless just saying they could erect a statue or they could put a statue of him erect either one I was gonna say I've got a statue that's kind of erect thinking about that I'm gonna get trouble I don't know if you can hear me through the door but I might get trouble later on all right guys let's wrap this one up shall we please all right everybody thank you very much for listening to episode 76 as always you can go to our blog which is pot as my you can email us at taffy g at pot as my co-pilot at call our listener line Rodan what is it oh yeah don't ask me that one I don't know that at all I said it a half an hour ago I don't remember call our listener line at 206 202 5165 operators are standing by which means you're looking at the blog go to our Myspace group which is our go to our Myspace page which is as my co-pilot and join our Facebook group which is okay so I love pot as my co-pilot please leave us a five-story view on iTunes and follow us on the on our blog page yeah and I'm forgetting something what else am I forgetting no I don't think so Facebook Myspace follow us the listener line email us reviews Twitter Twitter between Twitter and Facebook I'm doing the updates I'm doing the you know once a day at least I'm trying to write a little something on on either the Facebook page or the Twitter just letting people know what I'm doing because I know many of you cannot sleep at night unless you know what I had to launch and by the way we still have not received any sphinctering I just thought I'd throw that out there well considering we only talked about it about a half an hour ago that might have a reason why we've given them a week we gave them an hour they can give us a week come on no we know we know we know I'd be this showed now we did oh never mind yeah edit me I'm ridiculous oh no I'm not editing that out are you crazy Melanie get better darling we're sorry for your loss yes you know she really doesn't have a yeast infection right of course of course I'm sure it smells like lavender in a soft so that's lovely all right it smells like chocolate chip cookies and rainbows it's the rainbow connection the lover a dreamer and she good night everybody every day and good night everyone good night you've been listening to Hod is my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy Taffy Carlisle Huffington and Rodan aren't you glad you did see you next time the day you're here. (dramatic music)