Pod Is My Copilot

vPiMC: Episode 33 - Chicken Bog

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2008
Audio Format:

Look for Episode 76 later this week! Taylor and the voice of Babaloo create what I hope will be the first of many cooking episodes for those of you who are culinarily challenged, as Taylor is. We recorded this a while back (as we talk about Hurricane Fay). Guest starring Otis and Rocco Here's the recipe: 1 (3-pound) chicken, quartered 1 pound smoked link sausage 1 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter 2 teaspoons Seasoned Salt (recommended: Lawry's) 2 teaspoons House Seasoning, recipe follows 1 teaspoon ground red pepper 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 3 bay leaves 8 cups water 3 cups raw white rice Slice the sausage into 1/2-inch pieces. In a stockpot, combine the chicken, sausage, onion, butter, seasonings and bay leaves. Add the water, bring to a boil, cover, and cook at a low boil for 40 minutes. Remove the chicken from the pot and let cool slightly. Pick the meat from the bones, discarding the bones and skin. Add the rice to the pot and bring to a boil, stirring well. Boil for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat, cover the pot, and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the rice is done. Remove the bay leaves, and return the chicken to the pot. House Seasoning: 1 cup salt 1/4 cup black pepper 1/4 cup garlic powder Mix ingredients together and store in an airtight container for up to 6 months.
(upbeat music) - Hello everyone, this is cooking with Taylor. I don't know yet, look at Taylor. Look at me, the cooking. Look at my camera. Hello, hello, hello. (gentle music) - Hello. - Hello. (gentle music) - Hey everybody, it's Taylor with a lot to do, boy from pot is my co-pilot. And I am here with Babaloo, say hello Babaloo. - Hello everyone. - And we are getting ready to get ballooned by Faye. And by ballooned by Faye, I knew we were going to get ballooned by tropical storm Faye, which should be coming in tomorrow morning. So, we're probably gonna be, you know, hunkering down for a day or two, and being is, you know, going to be rainy, dreary weather, I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to make chicken bog, which is one of my favorite foods that I make. Chicken bog is a Paula Deen recipe, and it costs about, I'd say about $8 to make, and you eat off of it for about 15 days. So, of course, that's not really the case, but it's very, very cheap, and you can eat off for a bunch of days. And it's pretty much, it's just a chicken and rice recipe that the taste gets kicked up a notch. So, here are all the ingredients. We have rice, house seasoning, which is salt, pepper, and garlic powder, larry seasoned salt, red pepper, bay leaves, a stick of butter, because, you know, it's not a Paula Deen recipe unless it's got butter in it. An onion, eight cups of water, I've already got two cups in the big pot. Okay, we didn't need to show everybody the pot, but thanks. And we also had some smoked sausage and a whole chicken, about three to four pounds. So, the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna combine all of our ingredients, except for the rice in the pot, and we are going to put it onto the oven for about 45 minutes, and let everything all kind of all the flavor sort of married. And let's start cooking up our sausage. And by cooking up our sausage, I mean, let's start cutting up our sausage. This will be when the special effect happen where it goes, "Brutie!" And all the sausage will be cut. So, "Brutie!" Next thing we're gonna do is we're going to get that camera out of my face. (laughs) We're gonna take all of our sausage. My apologies to our vegetarian viewers, listeners, podcast, enjoyer, people. - Holly. - Holly. - I don't think Holly's a vegetarian. - Eric, the southern boys of vegetarian. - He's definitely a vegetarian. - Okay, so we're also going to take our chicken. Now, what you're supposed to do, at some point, you're supposed to remove the skin of the chicken. You're supposed to remove the skin of the chicken, but in the beginning, at least you wanna keep the skin on because the skin has fat, and as Paula Dean says, where there's fat, there's flavor. So, we're gonna take our chicken pieces, our whole chicken pieces, vote and all, and we're gonna put them in the pot. This is still, it's really cold. One thing that you always wanna do when handling raw chicken is you want to wash your hand after handling the chicken to avoid salmonella and E. coli and all the other things that can often be found in John Goodman's cuz. (sizzling) Another thing that we're going to put in this, as I said before, is butter. You can't just put in the whole stick by itself, but what I like to do is I just like to chop it up into pieces, 'cause it melts a little bit more evenly, and all of the butter is not focused in one area. Next, we're going to get our little measuring spoons. I enjoy these measuring spoons, because I think they're very cute, and they've got the little scoop thing. And this is the correct one for seasoning salt. We're going to do two teaspoons of seasoning salt. So, do you wanna take this off? This is a half teaspoon thing, so we're gonna do one. Two. Three. Four. Let me also take red pepper. It's a spicy dish, as I said before, so if you don't enjoy spicy dishes, this probably will not be for you, though you can modify it so that it's not quite, it doesn't have quite the kick to it. And this is one teaspoon of red-ground pepper, so one. (upbeat music) Two. We're going to use, actually, you know what? I screwed that up. (laughs) Okay, no, that's right, that is right, okay. One teaspoon black pepper, which we're gonna just sorta improvise. Okay. (upbeat music) We've also got Paula Deen house seasoning. Her house seasoning is very, very easy to make. Anybody can make it, and I just happen to have the fancy Paula Deen container, 'cause I've been to Savannah. It is one cup salt to a quarter cup black pepper and a quarter cup garlic powder. So, this recipe calls for two teaspoons of the house seasoning. So, we are going to, again, do four. One. (upbeat music) Two. Three. Four. A little extra house seasoning that would kill anybody. All right, we're also gonna take some bay leaves. We got, we need three bay leaves. One. (upbeat music) That's a little one, so we'll put in four. Two, three, four. Okay. And then we're going to chop up our onion. (upbeat music) Do you know the proper way to cut an onion, Babaloo? - No, I don't, actually. - Do you wanna know the way that I learned from watching Food Network? - What? - Hopefully, I don't fuck this up. (laughs) Okay, first I have to do is I have to get this extra. - Oh, you mean that, like, kind of-- - Yeah. - Every kind of thing. - Yeah. - Yeah, I think I've tried that before. - It doesn't work for you? - No, you know me. I burn a boiled egg. - I don't know what that means, but okay. - I can burn a boiled egg. It's not supposed to mean anything. - What you do, is you get rid of all the little paper part. Take the palm of your hand. And then what you do is you slowly make ridges. (grunts) This way. - I know, I can smell it, too. I'm very careful not to cut yourself as I am off to do. Then you take the onion and you make chops this way. Chops. So, culinarily, articulate. Ooh. And then, the chops. There it goes. Chop. Chop. Chop. Whoa, almost lost a thumb. Chop. Yeah, that would've been awesome. That would've been really great, thanks. Thanks for your support. Okay. And that gives us a, this should be about a cup, I would say. It's about a cup. Let me just chop up this little, that's the core. We don't want that. Chop up just a little bit more. - More the better. - Okay, you like lots of onion? - Yeah. - Ooh, I'll remember that one. I'm trying to kiss you later. All right. Gonna take our caps. Let's go over here. Take our onion. Onion. Being very careful as to not chop our fingers. You know what the worst part is about this storm? There's a good possibility I'm gonna have to work tomorrow in it. I'm an all day meeting and I think they said I'm gonna have to go to it. Which is going to suck. Okay. So now, as I said before, we already have two cups of rice, two cups of rice. We have two cups of water. Okay, so all of our ingredients with the exception of our water, which we have right here. There's already two cups of water because this container only holds six cups. You actually need eight cups of water. So you then pour this in, adding the water. Even it smells good. I know it smells good already. It hasn't even started cooking yet. That's what you're gonna do. We're gonna turn up the heat, take our pot. Now, how much did you say to degrees? It's just put it on a high. So, and you bring that bitch to a boil. And what we're gonna do is once it starts to boil, then we're going to lower the heat, put a lid on it, let it simmer for 40 minutes. And then we'll be back. Oh. One thing that a working mom has to deal with when she's making dinner for the family is little scragglers and scavengers that sit by your feet. So, what I often do is when they're getting on my nerves so that I don't put them in the pot with a chicken pot, I have little treats ready for them. Problem solved, have a boil. So, what we're gonna do is we are going to take the stove and we're gonna turn it down so that it's to a low boil. I like to set it at about six. And then we're gonna put a lid on it. But I like to tell Tappy to do all the time. We're gonna put a lid on it. So, now what we're gonna do is we're gonna set the timer on the microwave for about 40 minutes. When we get the beep, then we know that the chicken will be done. And then we can start with the next step, which is removing all of the chicken from the bones. Again, apologies to our vegetarian viewers. Hi, it's been 45 minutes. And the chicken, the house smells incredible. So, we are going to take the chicken off on the stove. Just the chicken, we're gonna let everything else continue to cook. And we're gonna let it cool for a little bit once it cools so that we can actually touch it. We should take about 10 to 15 minutes. Then we're gonna take all of the chicken off of the bones, which I should be able to fall off pretty easily now. And then we're going to put the rice in. Let the rice cook for a little bit. Then throw the chicken back in, mix it all up. Let all the flavors marry. We're going to be catching a bug. All right, let me see. Over here, you can see that some of the water has diminished, I'm gonna take it. So what we need to do is we need to get the boiling again. And then once we get the water boiling, we're gonna pour the rice in. It's getting a good boil going on right now. There's definitely some bubbling going on. There's definitely some bubbling going on right now. (laughing) More fine camera work from Bobaloo, ladies and gentlemen. Yay, me. So we're gonna pour in the rice. And what we're gonna do is Bobaloo's going to multitask. Because he's going to stir the rice for the next 10 minutes while it's boiling. With... It's wooden spoon. Great. (laughing) Get to work. - That's right. - Yeah, take to work. 'Cause we don't want a full way of it. (upbeat music) Mmm, chicken fat. Okay, I have taken all of the meat off of the chicken. I'm also, I enjoy having this, leaving the skin in his flavor that he just sort of picked out the skin. Switch to his, take the top off. We've started, we stirred the rice for about 10 minutes. And now what we're doing is we're letting the rice simmer for another 10 minutes. And we're gonna take all of this chicken. And then what, the heck? My hands are clean. I'm gonna throw all this chicken meat into... Hot. Yum yum yum. I'm gonna take our wooden spoon. I'm gonna stir all this in. Oh my God, that smells so fucking good. We're gonna put... Put the lid back on. And we're gonna run it right now. We've got about another eight and a half minutes. We'll probably leave another minute on 'cause we handled it off. Leave it sit for another minute. Let all that water be absorbed by that rice. And then by the time we're done, we're gonna have chicken bog. We'll show you the finished product when we're done. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Chicken bog. Chicken bog. Yeah. Yay, so now I'm gonna give it a roll. And a spoon. I'm going to plate some of this up, as I say, on all the cooking chairs. So it's filled with all sorts of spicy, yummy goodness of chicken and rice. Smoke sausage and onion, all sorts of seasonings. And it's really good with a drink. You know, like, it's good with beer. Or some cherry coke. I enjoy cherry coke with it. I don't have any cherry coke, but I do have a ginger ale. I just put it in a ginger ale. And it's really, really good with biscuits. Which, Paula Dean originally made this on a show. She made it with something called Uncle Bubba's Beer Biscuits. We're gonna save that for another time. So thank y'all for coming to my kitchen, sugars. This has been "Tale of the Latte Boy." Saying, let's eat. Bye. Do a five, like a, whatever, 10 second talk. Whatever you wanna do. Hello, everybody. It's "Tale of the Latte Boy." And we are gonna cook chicken bog tonight. Mm.