Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 74: Like My Candle?. or You Just Went In The Pool?!?
An apology for Taylor's track this week. He accidentally recorded his track on the built in mic vs. his headset. So, no, he's not sitting in a tunnel somewhere, yelling into an empty can and some string. Also, he was wrong about the Biggest Loser - it didn't start this week!
Many stories abound including the second Disney podcasting summit, Rodan is very wink wink nudge nudge about some work stuff going on, The Littlest Huffington tries out for Shear Genius, and much much more. And your voicemails!!!
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you're listening to pot is my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy taffy carlale huffington and rodan you're listening to episode 74 of pot is my co-pilot with your hosts taffy the latte boy okay okay we kept my fuck up last week then we're keeping this fuck up in this week oh taffy the latte boy and taylor carlale huffington probably more true to that than you know we can actually i was gonna say on an alternate reality that is the way things are exactly yeah right and me mothra i'm sure that some god's little reference i'm not supposed to understand but that's okay that's fine it's fine you don't have to understand it i just have to look pretty that's all exactly i just have to sound nice right and soulless well well that is you thank you yes we did actually did you get my email that i sent you um from what i saw that one of our listeners is looking for a way to fire somebody and she said i need help from rodan well you know when one doesn't need help they go to the master the dark lord as it was yes yes and if one needs help with a greeting child they send you know emails to me and if one needs help for you know ball gags and stuff they send an email to you wow that is the way it should be really of course how you are an inspirational the most sensational inspirational motivational mappetational perspirational eww oh i love you this is what we call the taffy show so children how are you this today in your diseased mind we call the taffy show in mind is he's mind the world is the taffy show get real oh my god i'm doing okay i we have had a very productive and busy and fun weekend here at casa babalu latte and is everything starting to settle you everyone is settling into their new digs yes everything is very much um yeah that's pretty much every recent we hung pictures today and we which was which was a treat to do and and babalu cleaned the bathroom and we went is that like a everyday kind of thing for him does he have to clean the bathroom no he doesn't clean it every day but he definitely he looks a little bit more clean than i do so not that i don't like a clean bathroom because that sounds like some weird fetish thing but i he seems to be more about that you know what i'm going to clean the bathroom and i'm like you know what you go ahead and do that you just send him to my house he wants to clean a bathroom i got several bathrooms he can clean we had to go to uh we had to go pick up the pugs at drums tonight because they stayed with with him while we uh went and did some stuff and orlando which i'm sure i'll talk about later and he was telling him oh i cleaned the bathroom today and drum was like you can come over anytime exactly you know my problem is is that in fact it's funny that you say that because um saturday was my clean toilets days and now the toilets are sparkly white and fresh and um my big thing in in the bathrooms is powder that's the thing that pisses me off the most we have we our master bathroom is a fairly good sized bathroom and i put powder on after i get out the bathroom out of the shower or the pool and i that's i constantly have a a layer of powder on everything it drives me crazy somebody right now in the world just dropped their pants as you said that why does applying lesion i powder myself as i get out of the shut up i didn't go like this i powder myself in my you know moist places oh no but thank you for that anyone for a yeast roll that's not strong no no no yeah god hey speaking of powder uh my friend scott sent me a link to anti monkey butt powder which sounds a lot like what you were talking about putting the powder in the moist place i put like lavender scented baby powder not anti monkey butt i'm not worried about a heat rash for god's sakes i just like things to be soft and smooth whenever tank is rubbing me think about it all right i don't need to hear about tank rubbing your soft smoothness moist places with his tongue what is what is what is uh so rodan what is monkey butt i would assume it's like diaper rash yeah i think that was kind of the whole thought process like getting it from like you know working out too much or yeah heat rash yeah like heat rash chub rub in your butt i know chub rub is something completely different wow but it's still it's still a rash of you know sorts but this is the one that's on your booty and the only reason i know that is because believe it or not monkey butt rub is something they recommend putting on babies for diaper rash well and t um he said he sent some of it to his best lesbian friend in georgia charming i thought that was utterly insulting but i don't know i think it's kind of funny actually i want to listen or just send me monkey butt rub that's like the highest honor speaking of highest honors and i know that this might be too soon in the podcast did anyone see that we're on page two we made a back to page two we are page two we are one under um how much do we love excellent yes we have 119 reviews i was very excited i was very excited to get a twitter response from sarah davis of how much do we love tonight about my brand new we you got a brand new we oh you haven't seen the blog yes i uh went with bob allude to target to pick us with cleaning supplies don't you hate it how you walk in to just get you know hands open then walk out spending three hundred and fifty dollars that's every time i go into any store get real well but i'm not used to spending that much money but it was one of these situations where i literally we did you know a lap around the perimeter after we got all the stuff that we needed and we were walking past electronics and i said you know what this was the this was the target where we actually saw weeks before we should totally see if oh my god i needed somebody who works here to win some woman came running over the court she's like what's wrong with you i'm like i need that way i need that way i was jumping up and bob allude you know bob allude loves to shop but he's doing that well wait a minute are you sure that we can and by the time he got out can you afford this i'd already paid for it taylor does it on his way oh i am not unique on the impulse buying i am very much the person who picks up something walks around a store then for an hour then puts it down after i convince myself that i don't need it what oh my god he won't you'll want to kill him i mean literally i can't wait until this movie comes on dvd i can't wait till this movie comes on dvd the day the movie comes down dvd we go to best buy he gets the movie he puts it in his cart we walk around for ten minutes i know i really don't need this oh tappy tappy tappy tappy oh no no i know trust me there's a way to manage taylor in a store and yeah i'll have to show you no no i don't want to harness i don't want to harness the taylor i like the crazy of the store nothing places me anymore than when he is you know doing the jitterbug dance or something that's that's my greatest day so no no i don't want to harness and i don't want to rain in the the crazy well we okay i just got uh the main weave obviously and i also got uh weave weave we sport we sport that's when that has tinks on it oh right that has that has the ashtrick and road control that we bobaloo and i can play and i just got a numb chuck i we haven't even taken it out of the box yet because we've been running around and straightening and cleaning and i was hoping that maybe bobaloo might be setting it up while i am working in here on the show but i think i just heard him get in the shower i believe that that's going to happen bobaloo playing with your we while you're trying to record a podcast would be inappropriate uh i mean like i don't know exactly i was yelled at for tank playing with my we while we were doing a podcast so i don't play apology playing with yours so so what's up what else is going on last monday which would have been um labor day we all had to cook out the window with alcohol oils and on the way home um the little stuffing can announce to the car i think i want to cut my hair not i think that i should get my hair cut but i think i want to cut my own hair and i said uh well everybody has to do that once in their life if you really feel you need to cut your hair cut your hair but you need to understand a couple things a if you cut it you have to live with it no one's going to fix it and b if you cut it too short you're not getting hair extensions so you're going to have to deal with it the adignment to that was if you really want to cut your hair you have to wait five days that way it's not an impulse decision it's not where there's things that i'm bored i have nothing to do so i want to cut my hair so today she says okay you know it's i i ask you monday and now it's sunday and i would really like to cut my hair so i said okay go ahead so i took a bunch of pictures of her yesterday because i knew she was i knew it was coming again so she lobbed it off six inches of it she oh my god she pulled it back in a ponytail and cut the ponytail off and i videotaped the whole entire process because i thought no one is going to believe i let this kid do this and um it was really funny is when she was done of course you know lollipop sitting there watching her and she was kind of egging her on a little bit and i finally said you know shut up and she was like i hate you and the little something just like why because as soon as she made the cut her hair is just curly enough that it went to a perfect bob i mean it was perfectly everything it just of course it was completely jagged on the ends but it really does it looks great and it made me so pissed because i really wanted her to just cut her hair and it looked ridiculous so she could get out of her system and then realize it was stupid but of course she cut it and it looked great and i was like oh my god you mean you know what's next yeah next is going to be well i want to dye my hair right and and she's already been told that she can't dye her hair because she has the most beautiful color hair in the world it's the color of a copper pinning it's absolutely gorgeous and she knows that her father has told her she's not allowed to cut her hair tank pretty much said there is just no way you're cut you're coloring it so i think that her rebellion was i'm going to cut it and now she's all sassy and the first thing she said was call taylor call taylor i said he's not home yet wasn't about to tell her that you were buying wheeze i'm not buying her a wee so she has her own wee i do have something for miss uh littlest huffington however i have a i have a bag of things that i'm going to be bringing over to the house some of which were little odds and ends that i may have picked up for them yesterday at the downtown disney oh lord oh oh they trust me they were literally literally they were each two dollars and fifty cents and the only reason that i got them for her them was because we needed to get you know a stitch bank because oh my god it's not complete it's not a stitch bank and you had to buy four things on ten dollars in order to get the actual stitch bank so i said i'll get something for lollipop and something for the littlest huffington so i got to make something stupid that's way um and i also decided that i am going to give her something that she has been coveting for a very long time i have the world's ugliest polo shirt according to miss littlest huffington and i decided you know what i'm going to give it to her on the condition that she makes something fabulous with it i think that's an excellent idea you have to understand rodan that when he would come to the house if she saw him and she would be like oh my god he has a shirt on are you kidding me we were going to a restaurant once and she goes i'm not going to sit with him because he's like i hate it i can't take it it got to the point where i would keep the shirt in my car i've been sitting to her house i'd be driving 80 miles an hour down to 75 changing shirts and i could change this ugly polo shirt so when i got to her house you would roll her eyes yes but when we were cleaning out the closet i thought you know i'm never going to wear this shirt again even though i still love it but it's just not it's kind of stretched out and just doesn't look right on me anymore so i decided you know what she's all the time what if you miss project runway so she's going to do something with it yeah she i'm i'm sure she will be thrilled or either that or she'll take pinking shears to it and you'll get it back as you know a quilt or something he'll be woven into something well whatever whatever she says do this fine with me so i'm speaking of disney i was a great day did you have a good time we had a wonderful time we there was a a mini podcast of palooza reunion which many of the listeners listen to all the other podcast that went so you'll be hearing multiple stories throughout the uh throughout your week listening to the various shows but we had we had a great time um i got to get hangy out with the guys from q cast and walt from where me because you're stupid and eric the southern boy both of which i never met walt or eric before and you know of course you know ryan and jason from the way we see it we've got to hang out with found monkeys ricky for a little while and it was it was just a lot of fun it was it was a big old sausage party we just it was a bunch of guys when you get 12 guys on it's a small world and you're the only ones on the boat i can only imagine the inappropriate comments about all of the different you know old children singing i had not laughed so hard over the course of the weekend in a very very long time ryan was very gracious enough to have a barbecue and there was a bunch of us just swimming around the pool and having a good time and being silly was there nakedness so it was just a really good time everybody just had a wonderful wonderful evening and at one point i'm i'm swimming next to kevin and you know i'm looking at kevin and we're both leaning up against the side of the pool and a cup falls into the pool so he's also talking to somebody else and i sort of mutter under my breath a cup went in the pool and i swim past him really fast well he thought i said i just went in the pool oh no no no and it's all like you just took a shit in the pool and i'm like no no that's what i meant that's not what i meant and we almost laughed about that for like 15 minutes and that was one of these where i would just look at him and i would just say you went in the pool and then laughed even if i was even laughing oh my god but it was a lot of fun eric eric is eric the southern boy is great absolutely great and his partner is very nice too i don't know that he never really says his partner's name on the show so i'm not going to say a comic boy we'll call him comic boy because he works on comic books and i loved Walt and Ken what was Walt and Ken and Babaloo and i walked around Epcot yesterday to Babaloo have a good time Babaloo had a great time Babaloo was very nervous meeting everybody because he hears me talking about all of these people and he listens to some of their shows and he was very nervous and and everybody couldn't have been nicer to him and couldn't have been more welcoming and Michael and Kevin were great everybody was great it was just it was so much fun i have never been at Disney World where we literally did not have to wait for anything i'm telling you it's the weekend it's the weekend after all the northern school start that's the best weekend to go it was literally we got there about 10 30 about 10 35 by the time we actually walked into the park we were supposed to meet everybody at 11 o'clock in front of the castle Babaloo and i had the time to walk to Space Mountain literally walk onto a ride walk onto a coaster ride the coaster and get back to the front of the castle and had 10 minutes to spare so i take it there was no Jonas Brothers at Magic Kingdom uh i don't know if they were there on Saturday we went to Epcot oh that's right and i i did ask somebody in Epcot because we were thinking about going uh Ken and uh Ken and Walt had dinner reservations at france about 7 15 so we sort of went our separate ways at that time and we talked about going over to Magic Kingdom but i said if it's going to be Jonas Brothers mayhem over there i want no part of that and i asked somebody while Babaloo was using the restroom and they said we really don't know if he's there or not we don't we're not told about if there's people like that over on any other parks well the girls went to the Jonas Brothers concert Thursday night and that was all the talk was that they were going to be over in some you know some beach on the other coast on Friday and then they were going to be at Walt Disney World on Saturday so i kind of prepped Taylor and said you might want to be aware there might be 10,000 screaming girls run around though yeah which case that there'd be one less podcast or because i would have blown my brain down right there and make sure USA it would be the saddest place on earth yes for well a few of our listeners i don't know um yeah it was it was it was it was a good time was definitely had by all and i want to thank all of the podcasters and we just we just and all of their partners all everybody's partners were great and i i just i had a wonderful time so are we going back on Saturday going back this Saturday yeah to this world uh sure okay uh i do know however did you happen to get your pass holder catalog or whatever like my mickey mickey monitor the mickey monitor the thing that comes in the mail no not yet did you okay so that you don't know who is coming during the food and wine festival concerts well maybe i do shina easton i did see that and and october 24th expose oh no the world is going to be a little gay or october 24th because i am breaking out the 80s outfit i ordered that party a couple weeks ago and they will be taking me to the point of no return the one girl from expose they always freaked me out there was like the one girl she was you know how though there was some of them that were pretty in the one how i always had the really weird eyes and the big lips whenever in that one video in season's change video she was very weird i don't know i didn't know when it was kind of the lead singer not not the drag queen no well the one that kind yeah she kind of looked like a drag queen absolutely but this is the one that had the role of husky voice i think so i don't know she always she on every video she looked weird and i just remember in every video they had like the the rubber palmer black dresses on with a big giant wide elastic you know belt things mm-hmm yeah and the big hoop earrings and teased out hair and they did the typical 80s just sort of click their ankles together back and forth so yeah i i may be taking the day off to go it's like it's sitting away for this concert oh my i love expose and i'm sure they'll all you know one of those probably at least had you know one broken hip between now and the time that they were popular but i don't care i'm i can't wait because you want to give them all your love oh so they can let you down ethie yes yes because i never got over them getting over me exactly you just wish the phone would ring god how many songs i think of them i jesus oh my god i can't believe you know i wish the phone would ring no well i just remember i only can i have sounded more gauges saying that's you i can't believe you didn't know that because i want girls i want you to let me be the one lord oh let me be the one okay i'm sorry never mind stop it all right rodan you posted some cryptic post about yeah you've been doing something and there was secret squirrel and so help me god if this is about you acquiring some you know 400 seat acquisition and you know cedar rapids in iowa i'll kill you go ahead on that well i mean i can yeah right this i actually can't talk i still can't talk about it i'm under nda for the next like four months about it but i've been locked up in a room since last sunday or since last monday that from the time we finished taping i got a call that i need that um they needed my help with something and then pretty much all day tuesday who works wednesday thursday work tuesday tuesday through today i've been working on a presentation oh god good lord all day every day my whole regular job and everything has been put on hold it's been 15 hours a day all week are you being bought by starbucks yeah that's it oh my god now of course you've been saying so then that means you've been putting it on all this extra overtime and you're not getting anything for it precisely and more than likely most corporate things like this all this work will mean absolute absolutely nothing and we're all kind dispersed from it it'll probably happen without even a thank you oh you'll get fired yeah they're coming to the 11th hour and then they'll say we need to we need to have you know that report on all the work you've been doing thanks by the way don't let the door hitch on the way after yeah corporate america hurrah i know oh and all the rain we had flooding rains for the two days after goose off and it was horrible my bathtub like the orgy shower was up to the doors on the inside because it's sunken it it filled all the way up just with rainwater oh my god rainwater came up through the the tub that yeah that's because of the way the transition around here works yeah not not strong oh my god and you definitely can have a major like mildew problem though that's not good at all my whole yard right was underwater so it was like two three inches underwater and it was just like a river going down to the bayou weren't you saying last episode that you're like 20 feet away from the bayou and that you should be fine hmm yeah i wasn't thinking about the whole fact that i'm at the end of the street so talking around everyone else's trenches run toward me oh my god don't get me wrong about 20 minutes after it stopped raining all the water was gone but still the whole time it was raining it was like two three inches deep everywhere and the house is just about that much off the ground like it's uh the foundations about that much further off the ground okay you saying you know you know that no one can actually see you putting your fingers about two inches apart right oh my god i hate you because i was doing that you are aware no one can see you he believes that the you know that people can really see him through his computer this is an audio experience no i have the video camera right here i tape every week oh i'm sure you do and we don't need that thank you see yeah so i've had no social life and what else is new it's oh bitch so but mergers and acquisitions get you off anyway so there you go wow you are Catherine from uh working girl that's a gornie weavers i love you thank you so much you're welcome do you have a secretary do you have a secretary that looks like you know Melanie Griffith circa 1983 please say yes no but i was of an assistant who kind of looks like Melanie Griffith circa now oh that's not strong bad college and lips and a horrible Antonio well no Antonio tattoo no it just says rojean with a little skull and crossbones oh my god well you know where do they know where the next one's coming like i think it's headed more for texas i mean i i'm not happy for the people in texas but i'm you know that makes me kind of glad it's not coming towards us or rojean but i'm still you know yeah everyone in texas be safe be careful and hopefully it you know hopefully it just dies down i don't think that's really going to happen because maybe they just need to have your little having been standing on the coastline going now settle down no no they just need me standing uh standing on the coastline with my finger in the air going no no i know thank you move along inhaling the air with your cuz yes could you not make it through one episode one episode's all i ask so are we excited about biggest loser starting on tuesday uh it starts on tuesday that's apparently i didn't know it either i saw something online it was like i i i'm so excited no wait now project runway biggest loser and anton i think i might have just dingled a little okay yeah i'm i'm getting to be over project runway i just i was so sad i was so sad this week i i think project runway is is is picking up speed again i i had there's a couple weeks where i was just like but the last two ones they've done have been really good i thought i just they were definitely better yeah that's for sure does anyone have a comment on the anton i haven't seen it yet oh my either i just keep it it's nice i haven't been home the last few days i know it was on wednesday and when he is home he's busy getting his butt bucked i i'd say amen you actually left me speechless with that one i'm i don't know what to say speaking of tearing something apart well nice segue thank you thank you so i have a question and this might be a very loaded question and you know taylor might cut me off at the knees and it won't be the first time but are we ever going to venture into the world of politics on this podcast and i i ask that strictly as a question because literally i receive probably fourteen different various types of magazines and one person in particular has been on the cover of virtually every one of them and you know it's everywhere and i didn't know if we were ever going to go there or not so i figured i would ask if you okay i will say this it's getting increasingly harder for us not to venture to the world of politics yeah however however send your letters to me say people because i think this could be a situation where i am probably not because i don't agree with things as happy says but it'll be easier for me rather than try and start with it you just put the headphones down go get a drink of water and come back five minutes later that's not nice oh i didn't mean that i didn't say i don't agree with you i'm just saying rather than me go okay we need what you say i just i know um if you've have something if you feel strongly about something okay please fit that you have you have the floor however if people disagree with you you can send your emails to bought us by gopearlajima.com and i'll be more than happy to forward than the mr happy girl i'll have it okay i'm going to say one thing i'm not going to i'm not going to say anything else but i think i'm one of those rare people who while i do send my children to a faith-based school i consider myself to be definitely to the left we'll leave that at that however here's my here's my complaint i i'm not going to give any opinion about what i think about palance daughter being pregnant okay here's my problem with this i think and i might be wrong here but i think that if barack obama was standing at anything and one of his daughters albeit if they were older were pregnant and unmarried and under 18 and whoever had gotten one of them pregnant had a my space that said the things that this kid that impregnated palance daughter had written on it it would be the biggest atrocity ridiculous illegitimate bastard child just another pregnant black girl i know that that's what it would be and that's disgusting to me that they are pretty much quite washing this i know that that's probably the wrong usage of words but i don't care i just think that if the tables were turned that the gop would have a frickin feel day and it kind of nauseates me that's that's all i had to say yeah i agree and i actually lost my temperate work this week because of the whole palent thing so because people are buying into it fast and furious in these parts i'm sure on the fence about obama because it's a woman they're like yep he did the right thing my votes for him it well that that's that's the kind of uh the whole attitude people around here are having and it's i just you know taylor and i were talking about this at lunch um i don't know thursday or friday and someone had told me i was i was telling taylor you know well i that was the smartest thing that mccain could do because now you know everyone who is going to vote for hillary is going to vote for you know mccain because now he has a woman on the ticket and i looked at this woman like so because they both have vaginas is why someone's gonna i could not believe that that was her response and apparently this is a sentiment that's being echoed across the nation and i find that oh yeah i find that disgusting and i find that ridiculous and i just can't imagine that people who genuinely supported hillary clinton for whatever reason would then genuinely support sarah palent considering that their views on oh i don't know things like you know gun control and abortion and the war are so completely polar opposite and vastly different that just because she's a woman they will vote for her i find that ridiculous i find that offensive i just cannot understand that kind of desperate desperate logic and it it makes me sad it makes me sad to think that there are still people who really truly believe that and think that but that's there that's that's the political moment with taffy carlall having done so i don't know and you you please feel free to send your letters i know i know there's i'm going to be probably have split down the middle of people who agree or disagree i just think if the tables were turned that there's people who would be saying ugly ugly things and i mean not that they're not saying ugly things about you know whatever her name is bristle which don't even get me started but that's completely different they should be saying stupid things about her name harvey's bristle cream every time they say her name i just think that woman got pregnant because she was drunk on harvey's bristle cream that's the first thing it goes in my mind and that's why they named her that i don't know but that's that's it i'm done i'm done with my rant thank you for allowing me this political platform and my portable you know soapbox all right we got voicemail ie i'm changing the subject we have voicemail coward yeah well hey you know what we have voicemail um our first messages we actually have two messages in a row um and this could kind of be a what's your name again from a listener that being Heather and Phoenix hi everybody this is Heather in Phoenix and i just wanted to call and say for some strange reason i had a sexy dream about rodan yes it was it was weird we were making out and something to the effect of well i thought we were gonna go see a movie on our date and rodan says something like well i just thought we too so i guess we don't really need to go see a movie so yeah how do i explain that to my therapist i had a sexy dream about a gay man that i've never met in another state and i'm married and have a toddler yeah not that i don't love you taffy and uh tailor but yeah evidently rodan is all mine talk to you later guys love you hi this is Heather in Arizona again and i just realized i didn't want Taylor to get upset because i didn't have a sexy dream about him but you know he does have a boyfriend so that's probably why i did he oh yeah and by the way rodan have you ever you know like then with the woman i'm just saying you know anyway love you guys bye hello Heather how are you doing today Jesus Christ now she's running scared down the street okay oh yeah i didn't quite turn out the way i wanted to anyways so yes i have had sex with a woman i was kind of asleep she kind of got on top of me and moved around and stuff and that woman was john goodman sorry go ahead don't ever ever say that again now it was a girl i used to work within uh high school um and she she was friends with me throughout college and stuff and she came up one weekend and got me drunk and got on top of me now we tried to have sex once before but it was kind of a three-something we're at a guy and and her and i really just spent all my time on the guy and she just kind of sat there and watched now tell me something and taylor if you want to answer if you want to answer this too i mean it's to both of you whenever either one of you had sex with girls was it at least like quasi enjoyable or was there just genuinely nothing that kind of you were just like yeah something's major league missing something was clicked yeah something was always missing something was missing and it wasn't until i had that cock in my mouth that i realized oh that's what it was now i understand yeah now i i could enjoy myself with a girl but it wasn't necessarily something i was looking forward to with the gusto that many of my you know brother brother yeah they were all about the beaver and i was how shall we say not all about the beaver y'all about the beaver there was something wrong wally there was something wrong with the be um war there was something wrong with the beam it was that i didn't like it but you know i could appreciate the beauty of a female form oh jesus just not their vaginas because they're icky they are icky icky ew shut up mine smells like lavender is pretty oh yes mine smells like lavender good lord and it's pretty um our next cryptic message was from a listener who didn't leave their name and well you'll just hear it i'm pretty sure that's mr b why why would you say that because one time i kept hearing him utter the word penis over and over again and it sounds the same why would he utter penis over and over again to you anyways moving on i wish you had a penis penis penis penis penis penis as in stop sucking so hard because it kind of hurts my penis no oh my god kevin call me all right jesus all right well our next message is a rebuttal of sorts from a fellow podcaster who we may have possibly and inadvertently defamed not on purpose but we may have said something that was not well true it's Melanie from don't quit your day hello pumpkins this is Melanie from don't quit your day job double anal at what point in my twisted little life did i ever say i did i did single anal much less double anal that was my sister she was joking around about both patrick and jerry using my ears not anything below the waist and yes that was a joke i have no idea that my voice just cut out or what however pumpkins bloody lowly pumpkins no i don't do that farthest i went with my pony act and i sent you a picture of that just so that we're clear okay got you later bye okay now if you listen to that correctly it kind of sounds like sure her and her sister had two penises in their ears something along those lines about you know she never she never did double anal but she did she's never even done single anal but she kind of you know did something double in her ears i think that was a joke about her two co-hosts uh jerry and pat i don't think that was an actual literal story i'm currently trying to catch up on don't quit your day jobs i started listening a couple of weeks ago and i'm listening all the way from number one so i think they're up to 37 i'm at about 21 22 now so apparently the you know getting it in both ears story is something i have to look forward to in the coming weeks wow so and i will say that i've enjoyed all of the early episodes i love the edition of pat who is a regular caller here to the pot is my co-pilot yes we enjoy the pat it's pat all right uh we also have diabey hello pot is my co-pilot people this is diabey calling um i have resumed my traditional listening to your podcast while walking to school with the children or walking home to school with children and i had my first incident of the school year where i found myself in the middle of the street almost choking from laughter trying really hard not to look like a complete moron laughing at apparently nothing the cafe is concerned citizen story with the kid you know leaf and then the the leaf sandwich bit i was i literally had i was um i was shaking holding in the laughter because i didn't want to seem like a weirdo um and it's especially i mean just the story just kept getting worse like first you know he's just picking off the little leaves and then he picks off the big ones and starts rolling them up and smoking them and he's making sandwiches out of them and it was just like it could not get any worse and then it got worse it was so fantastic and uh yeah i love those little moments i love the moments where i kind of can't hold back the laughter except that it makes me look like a weirdo but i'm willing to put up with looking like a weirdo because you're funny uh that's all just wanted to give you a little appreciation uh talk to you later bye oh i love diabey i know okay she was walking her little babies to school probably with leaves falling uh bitch yeah because diabey's up in Canada thank you that means it's cool there i'm sure the high today was something like you know 60 and it was a crisp breeze in the air with leaves falling and apple pie's baking fuck you i did watch the canada movie today for or this week for the first time at Epcot what do you think with martin short? never seen that before no it's got martin short who um Apparently never met a vial of Botoxity didn't like. Thank you. And it was pretty. It was one of those 360 degrees So you were looking around the entire time, but everybody seemed to be standing in one place and I was eating at Jewish whirls in the middle of them. Of course you were, with a two-two-one. No, hoping for the big explosions that I can be my Wonder Woman out there. Wonder Woman! Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Yeah, no, it was it was pretty and you have a wonderful country. I hope to wonder about it one day. Do they all listen to Anne Murray? And Avril Lavigne. Avril Lavigne. And listen to the, you know, comic stylings of Dana Carvey and Mike Myers. Yeah, because when one thinks of Anne Murray, the mind instantly goes to Avril Lavigne next. Because spread your tiny wings and fly away. Because hey, hey, you, I don't like your girlfriend. Because she's apparently a snowbird. Exactly! Thank you. Alright, we also have a very nice message from Joe and Dallas. Hey, Taylor, Taffy and Rodan. This is Joe from Dallas. And I first wanted to just call you and thank you all for helping me get through and last during a really, really difficult week, couple of weeks ago. Your podcast helped me get through death in the family and a really, really sick mom that just kind of managed to muddle through and get better. So thanks for that. Taylor, congratulations on the Bobaloo moving in and I wish you all nothing but the best. And hopefully it lasts a long, long time. I moved in with my partner 12 years ago and I was the Bobaloo in our relationship moving in. And it took my partner at least a year, a year and a half before he could stop using the phrase "my house" and it slowly became our house. So hopefully it won't take quite so long for you to get there with Bobaloo. Taffy, God loves you. You are fabulous. And I just really wanted to find out from you what you thought about the AB2 year old woman that's going to possibly break a hip on dancing with the stars. Just a couple of weeks away and I can't wait for it. And thank you so much for the picture of Tank because that was just a happy maker. And Rodin, glad you are feeling, not feeling the effects of the last hurricane and hopefully the next succession of them won't come through either through you or through Taylor Taffy. And thanks for saying "mmm" after you said my name last time. So I wish you all well and I will keep listening and talk to you soon. Bye. Okay, I don't know which is creepy or that or the high other. Wow! Are you wearing your baby vase killer mask? Why are you making the noise? Apparently Rodin is the carver. The Boston carver? Is that that's Boston market? Yeah, but the sandwich case, that was the Boston carver. Oh my God. There's the cover art. You're a mess. No, we actually have cover art from the Gay Days. It's a picture of Eric that he's given me permission to use. The sky's opened up at one point where we were all sobbing wet. There's some of us had ponchos including Eric the southern boy and this picture of him every time I looked at it I looked at it like 16 times since I got home and it makes me laugh because it's the funniest, happiest, gayest picture of ever seen in your entire life. Well, good. So that would be the cover art. So if you haven't checked out your cover art, make sure to change your dial on your iTunes right now and check it out. Or look on your screen or go to potasmikopilot.com. And Joe, we're sorry you had a difficult week. And the idea that Chloris Leachman, my breaker hip, might make me actually have to watch that show, which I've never watched before, but it might happen. Finally, we have two messages from a new listener who, you know... A new listener with an old name. Yes. However, these calls are interesting in that something is not right with the call, especially the second call. See if you can figure out what it is. I'm calling because you guys said you wanted to have new callers that I've never called before. And I'm a new caller from North Carolina who's never called before. Before I say my first name, I got to say that I know that there's another popular listener who calls quite often who has the same first name as me. And I totally will bow down to her because she was like the first over. She'd be original Melanie, but my name is Melanie too, my bad. I'd like to podcast. I don't have any questions though, really. I don't know anything about dogs, anal glands or anything. I have three dogs and they've never sprayed up their anal glands, so I don't really have any questions about that or anything else really. Why is Rodan single? Because I've seen what he looks like. And if I was a gay guy, I'd be all over that, but I'm not a gay guy. So, I don't know, he shouldn't be single. I guess it's a little town of Monroe. I feel all nervous, so I'm getting off the phone. It's Melanie again, the one from North Carolina. And I was going to tell you guys before I got all nervous and got off the phone, which I don't know why and she's fucking voicemail. But anyways, that I'm a podcaster too and I have my own podcast. And actually, we have you guys linked from our site and there's a fucking train. So, if you guys can hear the train, yay. Anyways, we just brought a gay guy into our show. So, if you ever want to check it out, you can hear a hot gay voice from North Carolina, Tim the gay guy. Anyways, I'm going to go now, bye. Okay, class. What is the problem with Ms. Melanie's phone calls? Pick me, pick me. Uh, Rodan. Uh, she's plugging, but didn't mention her podcast? Very good. Dang me! Oh. Melanie, if you want a full of you... I had a different answer entirely, sorry, go ahead. Oh, you did? What was your answer? She's pulling a train. Because in the second message, she goes, "Wait, there's a train going by." And the first thing I thought is, she's pulling a train because I'm a four-year-old. Yes, Ms. Melanie. She said, "Duty." She said, "Exactly." Lord. Ms. Melanie, if you would like a plug for your show, you have to tell us what it is that we're plugging. Shut up, chappy. And we'll plug away. And we will plug away. So, yeah, give us a call back and let us know what your show is, and we'll definitely put a link in on our blog. God, Melanie. And actually, we have something, there's a new feature that Blogspot is offering in which you can be a follower of the podcast, where if you have a Blogspot account, you can go and add it to the list of shows that you listened to, and your icon that you always use for, you know, when you leave comments and stuff, we'll show up on our blog. Fabulous. Yeah, it comes up as a little tiny, tiny, tiny, little picture, but it's very, very cute. So, be sure to go to potasmycopilot.com and become a follower of, well, potasmycopilot.com. One of the minions. Yes. By the way, I'd like to thank our few listeners who have in fact sent us Niki pics. You have not sent those on. I was going to send them to you later on tonight. I just got one when I got back from Disney last night and hadn't had a chance to send it to you. And it's a good one. It may be one of the people who actually we commented on last week as Niki sent us a Niki picture. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did Luke Miller send you a picture? No, I would totally not be talking about it because I didn't keep it that shit for myself. Like my candle. I don't think so. That's a cry. You'll get your fucking candle. I just haven't said it yet. Nice. Wow. How long have you been holding on to that Princess Vitterina? I thought you were after that. Maybe a month or so. Oh my God. Wait, is that the extra candle like the Harvest Apple since it gave me? It's currently burning my kitchen. Yeah, nice try. It's sitting in my living room. It's safely put away, not being used. Hey, you, we got to talk about something here. I don't like your girlfriend. No way, no how. I think you need a new one. You and I have to have a serious, serious conversation. Okay. A boot. A boot. Hi, Divie. I believe you need to focus. Oh, okay. We'll see. Crocs. Really. Really. Oh my God, they're so comfortable. You drank the Kool-Aid. Oh my God. They feel they make they give me a little bounce. That's not the only thing I think that gives you a little bounce. Well, that was this morning, but we're not going to talk about that. A little bump and a little bounce. So you really got Crocs. I can't believe it. Yes. I got Crocs and a Wii all within 24 hours. I am on the pop culture bandwagon for 2006. Oh my God. I am so happy. I'm going to say what's next. Jelly bracelets. Hey, is that also? I put that in the list of things that I'm getting to your children. Jeez. I was like, no, I don't need these and threw it in the bag. So basically your house cleaning and bringing it to my house. Pretty much. Well, you know, Taylor and teenage girls. Well, those things are synonymous. I realize. Well, and that's the funny thing is when I was at Epcot and I said, is it true that the Jonas Brothers are on property? The poor woman behind the counter looked at me and went, I don't know why. And I said, oh, I don't want to be anywhere near Magic Kingdom over there. She's like, oh, you want to avoid it. I'm like, do I have the shirt saying hello? My name is Chester Child molester on. Maybe you're giving her the creepy leer. I like Joe the best. How do you know any of their names? Because of my children. Yes. I hang out with the littlest Huffington. And Lollipop was crazy Thursday night. I mean, she's 16 and she still is convinced. She calls me during the concert because tank took them and she calls me. And all I hear is, I want you to listen to your future son-in-law. Yeah, she's I don't understand it. I mean, I'm, you know, I guess better than them than Kid Rock, but who knows? Oh, all right. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Your was a grunt of disgust, but Rodan's was a grunt of, yeah, I'd fuck that. Uh, no. Okay. No, that was a, that was a grunt. I know Rodan long enough to know that was a grunt of that disgusting. Okay. That's a grunt of even I wouldn't tap that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that pretty much that's it. And Rodan will tap anything. Clearly. Except dance. He doesn't tap dance. No, my ankle. Yeah. Oh God. Don't tell him talking to me. All right. All right. Okay. You're good or a blog. By the time I go, by the time I go, by the time I go, by the gmo.com. Um, go to our listener line. We're not talking about the ankle. Oh my God. Don't talk about the ankle. Don't talk about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. I'm not talking about the ankle. 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