Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 72 - The Smell is Lysol, and Zuniga, PLEASE!

Broadcast on:
25 Aug 2008
Audio Format:

We dip into the 90s a bit in this episode, talking about some of our favorite episodic television interspersed around our usual ramblings. We talk about: Dinner with the Huffingtons, Babaloo's fallen and can't get up in the other room, Moving Day is coming soon....and a member of the LatteBoy family is not having it. Riley vs the Vet in Monroe, The Sprout rears his ugly head and shows that he has big brass balls (cover in the herp.), and your voicemail! Oh, and we play a promo for another show you will NOT ever hear on any of your other shows. Check out these podcasts when you aren't listening to PiMC: The Direct Approach With British John The Beat San Francisco with Arick West They Don't Know Mental Warts Podcast leave us a review on iTunes! Create new Theme music for us! Check out our blog!, email:, phone: 206-202-5165, facebook: ok, so I Love Pod Is My Copilot, myspace:
you're listening to hot is my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy tappy Carlisle Huffington and Rodan hi this is you the latte boy and welcome to episode 72 of hot is my co-pilot I'm joined tonight by tappy Carlisle Huffington hello and he always wet and you know Hori Hori Rodan oh I'm so juicy how are my boys this evening my boys are fine my boys have no complaints I just talked do you I just I just left your presence 40 minutes ago I wow yes yes we had a lovely the Baba Lou and I had a lovely dinner at Casa Huffington tonight where there was ribs and fish and fruit and green beans and oh my various desserts and was just it was it was wonderful it was decadent because you know I knew I knew Taylor was coming over so there was chocolate cake and apple crisp yes because diabetes hurrah you just walked everywhere from Copeland's I went to dinner with a bunch of friends yeah that's nice yeah kind of impromptu so it was actually really kind of cool wait you have friends yeah you went out and did something social I know right I mildly impressed it's bizarre and I did something social yesterday afternoon - what did you just lunch but you know with the professor Dr. Scott that was actually it and then today was like him and his boyfriend and a bunch of other folks that I know around yeah oh well that's good I'm glad you're getting out and about yes although they didn't give me much material for the podcast so oh so there was no orgies no threesomes no you know Manhattan transfers nothing to nothing to report oh god the whole concept of Manhattan transfer oh oh oh oh speaking of Manhattan transfer I was gonna say how do we get out of this one how we need to congratulate British John on his very first solo podcast that was good that was good Taffy getting us out of a Manhattan transfer with the reference of to British John well no if if if the shoe fits so to speak I think it's if the poop fits well okay congratulations British John we're all quivering and fear yeah I haven't I have downloaded the episode I have not listened to it yet I am trying to catch up on don't quit your day jobs I of course have it listen to it either since of course I won't listen to it but I did listen to the promo do you want to know why the promo is fabulous the promo is great fantastic yeah the promo is great no actually I did tell Taylor that I I probably would at least listen to the first episode because I do enjoy the British John and it's only 20 minutes so I probably will check it out and if that's not you know a astounding review of the show I don't know what is hey come on now oh dear so nothing else exciting happen this weekend I will tell you that my children were practicing Cheer stunts tonight with Taylor and practicing I mean he was the flyer what yes my 106 and 112 pound children both had Taylor off the ground and comfortably so they said it was funny is when when they did it it was there was no grunting no weirdness they I mean they had him off the ground in two seconds and Baba Lou says oh my god they did it serious it was like the look of shock come over oh my god they can like the whole light is a feather stiff as a board light is a feather stiff as a board exactly their eyes rolled the back of their heads and by the way I have art of that yes I will you're gonna be sending me that picture and I will post it with the children's faces blurred out of course say with them you know smurfett faces over them so yeah you could totally do like smurfett and sasset what is sasset the little red-headed smurf girl the red-headed smurf there was a little red-headed actually you know what I don't give a shit that's that's oh great okay yeah I'll find the picture online nice so nothing else nothing else I've been in grand excitement first day of school that's it and so are they getting back to the general grind of school they were so excited of course for our listeners who don't live in our area you know hurricane Faye was supposed to be a hurricane thank goodness it wasn't but they did delay the first day of school by one day and I have you know odd children who were sad about that well they were like oh my god I can't believe they're delaying school this is ridiculous which is good I guess in some ways but we got very little what we got no hurricane weather but we had like three days of it would be sunny for 10 minutes rain for 15 minutes sunny for 20 minutes rain for an hour sunny it was it went on and on for three days so you can plan nothing outside and then you would go outside and it would be 85 degrees and then it would be 73 and then it would be 100% humidity and then 90% humidity and then 12 it was just all over yeah it was very weird very weird weather but uh yeah it was it was it was it was not fun but they're but they're back into the general routine and and happy to be there oh yeah very excited very happy to get football underway first football first home football game is next friday so thus thus begets the every friday night ritual nice cool um rodan and babalu about rodan you should come you should come down for a slice of down home all-american fun you know high school football game and at the school where they lynch the queers exactly well around here friday night high school football is pretty much the biggest thing in town i mean oh yeah there is nothing bigger what else is there to do besides the corn hole in contest well a corn hole in contest at the bank course the first thing i could think of i don't know of course it was well the big weekend is up coming up in well next weekend and that will be when babalu officially moves into the house he's all but here already but he's pretty much there but uh we moved a lot of his stuff over this weekend actually and did a lot of cleaning and i have to admit there was a small part of me that was lately freaked out by all of the boxes and yeah just you know little corners that i have to find for his things and taking stuff out of my house and trying to find you know places for his stuff and it was at one point i kept going you just have so many boxes i did it with my voice nine octaves higher than it usually is and he would say well well this is a good thing right now go oh yeah oh yeah this is great with the big weird grin on my face and i'm so happy about all of the boxes yes there's so much stuff i can't wait i'm going to go scream into my pillow now but uh now we i'm actually surprised at all of the you know it's amazing the places that you can find to you know shove shit yeah uh which goes back to the whole manhattan transfer topic of earlier we've come full circle there are definitely some things that he pulled out of boxes that i kind of went oh that's that's that's that's that's nice and you know but that he's also got some other great things that i'm like oh my god i i can't believe you had this including all of his original star wars action figures from when he was a kid yeah that was really funny to see that on the blog i was like oh he's such a nerd i love it you know what tank said when he saw that the Darth Vader doesn't have its cap yes i got the comment that that's well because you know that's what you see when you see this picture well the Darth Vader doesn't have a cape i said oh my god you're so pretty i'm talking about you just give me the very look it's good for him and i i don't know what the hell he's doing in the bathroom right now but there's all sorts of clanging going on who oh well Babalu maybe he's organizing all his toiletries he needs yeah that or maybe he just needs some alone time i don't think that's it you all talk amongst yourselves for a second i'll do it right back oh it's not it's i heard something like fall i'll make sure he didn't fall off the toilet well we okay we'll talk about that in a second i'll hold on a second so i keep masturbating so vigorously he's knocking them exactly well i tell you why you don't need to masturbate trust me all right i'll be right back i know so um right before we started taping i was watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics oh i t-voted i'm gonna watch well let me tell you something that Jimmy Page is on it really because you know they're going to London so they had this big like one extravaganza it was really really cool with David Beckham and some woman that's a singer from Britain who apparently was i think she sings that i don't know it's like bleeding love or bleeding hard on Marnie Miss Leona Lewis yes her and then Jimmy Page so i'm like oh because you know i appreciate the Zeppelin so it was the the London part was great the actual after the London part they did this bizarre like sculpture thing with people hanging off of it by their waist and it was really really cool i was mesmerized so are you talking about the closing yeah it's really cool really missed it that's okay i recorded it okay well i it's it's not it's not athletics because now i am the sports connoisseur having watched what the hell is he doing in there let it be is he dropping gold bars out of his ass or something like that god if that's the case um he can eat at our house every night i mean really um yeah yeah now now that uh he's not you know now that i am the sports connoisseur having watched one hour of the Olympics the night before the college ceremonies oh yeah i've watched quite a bit of it this year not nearly as much as tappy but you know because i have to watch the little cute little gymnasts and i like the diving and it's about it really did you watch synchronized diving no i missed the extra gase oh my god that is so cool i mean i watched the girls i didn't watch the guys synchronized the guys the guys were better cool they were fantastic i know but i know in a way i know this sounds ridiculous i'm i'm happy that they're coming to an end because literally it has been every single day that they have been on for four to six hours lollipop is obsessed oh wow she can tell you the names and she can tell you you know what happened and what race they went on who they were running guess she she's obsessed so i'm kind of glad that it's it was very good timing on our part that it was like the last two weeks of summer because every night she was up till one two o'clock in the morning watching them so i'm glad it's kind of coming to an end but i will miss it we our house gets crazy for olympics so when are the winter olympics van coover sorry not matriole van coover because she sucks like a hoover she sucks like a hoover she's from van coover okay after that classy little ditty um i have a question for both of you okay we are all animal owners yes yes correct um or animal parents whatever you want to call them um how do we feel about our pets being in the bedroom during a time of a lot more i have no problem with her being in the bedroom i do not have any tolerance for any of them because we have three cats and a dog none of them can be on the bed because occasionally especially one of our cats has a tendency to kind of hang out by the foot of the bed and i i don't care for that i don't want because tank and i have a tendency to be you know all over the place and we changed positions and we're at the foot of the bed and the head of the bed and there's nothing that's going to freak me out anymore then to you know be flipped over on my stomach and come face to face with a cat that's just not what i need to happen or better yet to have some other words being pussy to pussy exactly to me to you know something moves and all of a sudden you know the cat like you know jumps over you and you have you know fur hitting places it's not but i know no animals in in the bed they can be in the room but not the bed okay no and rodan um i my ex and i we the dogs just kind of lay there on the bed while we're doing it not be involved whichever they're just kind of like watch us like we're zoo animals or whatever but wily wily since he's more of a puppy and has been around that often both i think with goony and then with the butler well we're kind of you know in the middle things you come up you know nose first and like touching that the behind not like you know just sound like the ass cheek and it'd be like wanted to participate oh wait a minute yeah there's nothing more freaky than you know blowing somebody and all of a sudden realizing you're not the only one staring at this now looking up and there's a dog space right here so you have to like not do the whole you know go over but you have to kind of gently take the face and push it you know away there have been times when uh well plus i'm convinced that you know my dog is actually i probably gave birth to her at some point i mean she's one of my children so the idea that sometimes with the big brown eyes she looks at me like mommy why are you doing that today yeah i can't no no stop hurting my mom stop hurting my mom exactly yeah i don't want to have any part of that okay okay because we've been having um issues we have somebody who i don't know necessarily cares for the bobaloo moving into the house and that would be Otis wow where we're having somebody who's acting out a lot um like we've did a lot of cleaning yesterday and preparing for bobaloo to come in and as soon as bobaloo would finish a room he would turn around or Otis would be staring at him squat down and pee oh like on the floor and we're literally a little threatened and a little invaded and lately the new thing is before when we would you know get down to business they would be escorted out of the room and the door would be closed and they would go and sleep someplace or you know like each other's ass whatever whatever it is that they do when we're not around because they saw daddy do it exactly um now we've got the whole we're going to wine and we're going to cry and we're going to scratch at the door the whole time which is unusual i mean bobaloo's been around for six months and it's driving me crazy so we had a discussion today on whether or not to allow them to stay in the room or if that would be more of a district because at this point now i can't concentrate because sex requires lots of concentration what's four plus four sorry he likes it when i talk dirty to him in korean in a particular dialect and i have to conjugate verbs so i'm sorry that you don't get to experience something like that being told to you know grab your ankles and north korean but it really is a treat i'm sure so we just i don't know so i was i was coming to you and coming to the masses folks where do you like your animals to be when you're getting it in the butt um that is going to open a door of answers you now any answer that involves the words applying peanut butter we will not listen to or play on the podcast you know you may be getting to a point where you may need to kennel them well i mean i well and there there has been times when tank is getting you know obviously we have two children in the house so we do close our door um unless you know we're in the kitchen or something yeah while there are 10 feet away in the pool no no we're not 10 feet away but get real you are a lady yeah i am a lady and there's been times when tank is said you know okay you know hop out and and the puppy will get up and leave because you know they're you know yeah there's times when maybe we're on the floor some apparatus that is in our room or whatever i don't know and so we want the dog just completely out of the room so i you might want to just maybe put you know i know that you have a gait up that you put them in the kitchen sometimes well that and that's almost worse that's what they were today and then it was crying and then the occasional barking and you could hear them almost like the only thing missing was the tin mug that they could rattle against the bars of the gauge you know what you know what maybe they're just trying to emulate the two of you going oh yeah oh yeah and then they have to bark and make all the sounds to compete yeah well yeah in a contest well i would imagine that you're gonna have to get this some tough love yeah that's what i'm doing with bobaloo well he's already more accepting about the pugs than he was in the pugs are of him so yeah well not both of the rocko loves them and Otis loves them to death too but i think it's just this whole wait a minute there's all these new smells of things coming into the house and like lice all i don't know yes yes this smell of cleanliness why does the bathroom smell like chemical wait i don't understand what's the smell of clean nice sorry rhodan rhodan you get a gold star for that i wrote it down for a title fucker okay well speaking of pets because uh i have a bit of a pet story too because i took rally to the vet on um friday like i left work early to take rally to the vet and and we were like i you know he comes in and like the first thing we're supposed to do is get weighed and he's been there enough that he knows that he has to do that so he gets out you know he walks into the little room he stands on the scale and everyone's praising him because he stood on the scale and so then he walks off you know he just walks off and then the vet's like well i need to get the weight and so i'm like i you know motion him back over to the scale and he goes and he sits down and then the vet apparently decided to essentially box him in like he like spread his legs out real far and then spread his arms out really far to try to keep him still enough so they get the right weight because we're not quite sure if he's 68 pounds or 70 pounds because that's well that two pounds is so important oh yeah so rallyed a lot of this one big wolf and it was like it scared me a little bit but like his his uh hair never stood up or anything you just one big wolf and he's like muzzle i was like no i was like what and they fit him with this little muzzle thing that like kept his jaw shut the whole rest of the visit no i would i you're the pet owner i would have said no i was i was livid i can't believe that you denied say no it's your animal say absolutely not in the moment because i was a little afraid of that too because that bark but he closed him in and like trapped riley it you know in a corner he was cornered he was staying back the fuck off so the whole time he's got this muzzle on he's sticking his little tongue out just you know just trying to like get some air trying to breathe or something it was so bad i felt so bad for me they gave him shots and you know all the other vet stuff but i was like what the hell and i really like this vet normally he's been really good and they really like riley and you know they know by name and whenever we come in for boarding or whatever they've they've been really good with him and stuff so i'm kind of willing to forgive it but it's just one of those like you muzzled my dog yeah can you do that for me saturday night he's a cute dog he he's short and really built it's like oh he's two the vet or the your dog the vet well i mean i know that when um i had her she still he her she took a now her she's just a little black pug and he took a nip at one of the the vet techs to the point of where he made her lip bleed oh wow well that's different yeah i mean he lunched up and that was one of those where i mean i can see i can see the liability issues on the vet just because i mean here we had this little dog that had never taken a swipe at anybody like that and she went to grab ahold of him and he didn't like it because he did he wasn't a cuddly dog he doesn't he's not a cuddly dog and he took he took a swipe at her and then he's also the dog that led out the shriek that sounded like a woman screaming and sprayed his anal glands all over another vet tech one time yeah and that was when they were getting ready to give him a shot and he just saw the needle and screamed and sprayed all over that tech so to which the vet said he just got hit with the last line of defense on a dog you know which and any of our listeners who have animals who have anal glands that is the most disgusting smell when they express those that is the most disgusting smell you've ever had in your entire life it smells like bloody pennies that's what it reminds me oh bloody pennies yeah it's like full of like iron or whatever yeah it's very irony and that's that's just gross at one point i did i was reading a pug book and i said to drum i said i think we can do this and he was like no i think we can take him to the vet you mean about trying to express him yourself yeah because you just sort of press the area with to keep a keep a you know it was just one warning bark it was all it was just one warning bark that he needed to space and that was it you know so i mean if he's letting out a warning bark and then people are still coming towards him i i can understand you're being upset as a as a owner as his owner but i can also understand the vet's liability of okay we have to get this thing taken care of but you know this dog has let us know he's not happy which means the next thing he's going to do to let us know he's not happy is take a nip at somebody yeah they could have put like a general leader or something on him that was not as you know the sounds of it it was a hard muzzle that held his jaw in place where they could have put something on that was a little softer and maybe that that was that served the purpose but wasn't quite as confining well and then so like after they took him down from the table like he went over to the scale again and just sat there waiting for something to take the muzzle off yeah you can't tell the rest of the story because that's that's we'll serve no purpose but to anger me so because that's pitiful that that is that's pitiful the podcast went well till Taffy went to Monroe and burned out of his office again who's the son of a bitch that hurt that puppy and then we were leaving the restaurant here in Monroe and there was like there was a car next to mind and there was a little dog just sitting in the driver's seat just hanging out well he was hungry apparently he managed to get the jaguar out of the garage and drive over to the restaurant was he was it hot no i mean it was night and it's relatively nice out tonight so i mean it was like no big deal that i'm like why in this fancy like you know it's a you know like an s-type jaguar do you're gonna let your like dog just hang out in the driver's seat for like two hours while you're in the restaurant it's just weird that's horrible what temperatures are right now they're uh it's in the 80s i was gonna say it's 81 here of course we've had the you know every five seconds wind rain wind rain so yeah that's not too bad sooner will be cold i hope if i cold i mean at least if there was a high of 72 you know that that's that's all i'm asking for i'm not asking for the world just just drop the temperature by you know 15 20 degrees we get to go it feels like the heat's broken here already but i know it's just because of all this storm stuff and i i'll be back to like you know hundreds by next week again well what's what's happening here is we have full moon two nights before the quasi hurricane came through and so the water levels were so high anyways that taylor taylor and i had lunch last week and he's like yeah he goes there's been problems of people waking up and there's snakes and alligators that have gotten into their house oh yeah because of the water is so high that there's where there has been flooding there's no place for to go because the water the ground is you know so saturated because we've had so much rain this summer it's just there's just water water and then water underneath our trampoline there was six inches of water just standing there there was one of our nurses was getting out of her car and going up to see a family that she's working with in one of the trailer parks and heard this noise behind her turn around there was a six foot alligator running after her are you kidding me no and she and this is one of our older nurses and she went running up the steps of the sliding glass door and thought this is it i'm dead because they this this only because it was patient always well because at this i mean it was coming at her she needed to do something and she was too far from her car to go back oh my god so she by the grace of god the sliding glass door was actually open so she managed to get in because this thing could went up the steps after you know it was one of those trailers where it was like you know three steps and then there was a sign of the store so she managed to get in and get the door closed and they had to wait like two hours for animal control which pisses me off because again you've got a trailer park where there's elderly people walking around or it's during the summer so you got kids riding their bikes or people walking their dogs and this thing was just I was sitting there that is unbelievable so we all got this email like watch out for alligator it was like um huh oh my god that's moving you know and we also have i mean she luckily she was she she just happened to turn around and see this thing come and run and after but you know you never know that's very very creepy well speaking of something a little on a little bit of a happier level you would mention something like you know the something about the world the earlier to which my answer was i almost said the world is not enough because of the whole james bond thing they had a james bond film festival at the beach theater this weekend really yeah i'm telling word and i'm sorry so seven movies for seven dollars and then in tampa theater saturday had greece on the big screen as a sing along when they have greece too then i'll be excited for the what is it the ylani uh luau or whatever it is no for girl for all seasons which i know all the words do of course you do yes and i want to see oh oh l r i d e r i've never seen greece to then we are no longer friends that's the old breaker uh no i've never seen it greece to is the best worst movie ever no what is the best first movie ever i've never seen how to talk see again that's a talk is a best work with me what is it with you and i having all these references to like old Bruce willa stuff you and i was thinking the seagram's wine cooler song earlier tonight i know see groms gold and wine cooler dread and it's dry gold and wine cooler mama mama and of course you know tank and bobbly we're looking at us like what the how are they doing because if it happened in 1987 tappy and i know about it no actually that was probably earlier because i said he does that was earlier uh moonlighting this moonlighting moonlighting moonlighting makes me sad because wow david adison we actually wanted to name lollipop adison we were afraid people would call her adi which was not going to happen but i i just uh moonlighting thanks for cry uh uh shut up uh okay why why the anger why the rage because makes me sad i know all right let's do some voicemail shall we i don't know i'm still thinking of 1987 okay well then then rodan and i are going to move on to voicemails and you can sit and sit sit yourself quietly magic blue moon detective agency blue moon detective agency oh i have passed out thank you real quick roll before we go to voicemail real just uh it'd be a little rant okay i get a call or i get an i am from sprouts on friday just saying that he managed to flood his car like he's ran through puddle okay you know and then he had um water up to his you know up to his seat in the car because he's okay so okay well i don't know why he decided to reach out to me until i found out that his twink was on a bus from jacksonville to dallas okay so you know that was kind of the end of it on on friday and then saturday he calls me and asks or tells me that the twink is in men row they've stopped for lunch and wanted to know if i wanted to go to lunch with his new boyfriend that is a cluster fuck of stupidity oh my lord please tell me you said no i said please tell me you said yes i know right i i said no on the grounds that i didn't want to be put in jail this weekend but it would have made for a good story i know no no no no no no no no no no no you meet him for lunch and then you go someplace and you order the most expensive thing on the menu and then you excuse yourself to the bathroom and that's when you leave nice you didn't think this through yeah that's that's a good point and you managed to grab a hold of his credit card or flush down the toilet or something like that yeah that's that's that's when you do something like that well get this he's going to dallas to learn how to be a long haul truck driver this 21-year-old gay gay gay guy i've got a big shipment i'm sure someone needs to load the truck he pulls in a thank you load oh yeah something tells me he's pulled in a load or two before um i'm sure he's dropped off a litter too of gold bricks like bob loo's doing right now exactly okay so sorry that was my little rant so now okay all right no problem well our first is uh message is from speaking of people dropping loads um this is someone rodan is familiar with and it's goony spice oh no hello taylor taping in rodan this is it's goony from aspirate city or also known as bojor city louisiana and i'm just calling just to say hello and just i noticed that i haven't ever called in and i've been listening to y'all for about what almost eight months so i thought that was kind of rude so i just wanted to actually give you a call and just say hello and just you know just say hello um also and this is for taylor uh you need to come over here as soon as you can because we need to hang out sometime because you i think you would talk about it with rodan a little bit but it never seems to happen so you'll need to plan that and get that going because i'd love to hang out with both of y'all oh and um congrats on your george michael concert because i'm a little jealous even though i did see the spice girls and you didn't um a little jealous that you saw george michael who is it better than them should i say all right well i'll talk to you later bye uh more poor goony still holding on to that spice girls concert i don't know what's been like four years or something uh i totally would i'd be played in my brain every single night pretending that i was jerry hallowell in a union jack minisuit and go-go boots platform go-go boots we can make that happen for halloween that's not a problem and i'd like to be like in love or something right now i think he's with found a man with with jerry hallow you bitch because to become one oh i missed the spice girls i loved the spice girls i love the movie i love the movie too i love the movie i thought the movie was great the movie was ridiculous it's always the same thing i never know what to wear the black dress the little gucci dress oh the little gucci dress exactly i need a fan yes the best the best line is i need a fan alley pop had a spice girls birthday for her seventh birthday and we hired impersonators to come who looked like the spice girls it's wrong because when she would she was seven that was you know nine years ago when they were pretty darn big yeah the things you do for love did they sing or did they lip sync they lip synced they were pretty good though they looked they looked a lot like them actually and it was all of them it wasn't just the after jerry hallow left that's not cool that last album actually is a really good album the last spice girls album the one beat though after she left yeah but never didn't never really did anything over here in the states okay we're not talking about spice girls anymore because it just makes me sad and by just makes me sad i mean bobbler will come in after we finish recording this and i would be lip syncing to all the spice girls stuff on items so it'll make so just another typical sunday night exactly you know what i normally do while i'm waiting for your files to upload to me the next voicemail is from a member of pot is my co-pilot hey guys it's day i will watch a boy um i am sitting behind somebody in traffic uh that has a bumper sticker with really small words on it and um i'm actually sitting where it says if you can read the sticker you are way too close so back the fuck up you stupid dog ball licking shit eating ass sucking cum guzzling goat fucking piece of shit if you still don't get it you are too close motherfucker if you are still reading this then you have to be the most stupid piece of shit on the fucking planet oh yeah i almost forgot have a nice day fucking yourself classy aim it they also have a another bumper sticker on the back of their car that says fema evacuation plan run motherfucker run really really i hate people you only go to the classiest places well i tried they the only the classiest places have the chicken McNuggets well that is true yeah i would that that's one of those bumper stickers that even though when i was reading it i would probably be disgusted and and just roll my eyes up if i was walking through a parking lot and i saw that on someone's car i'd probably rip it off i really i really probably would there's just you know you figure my grandmother drives you know i mean my daughter drives i don't know i just think those kind of bumper stickers are i just think they're such a such class but i guess you know to each their own i mean that's well i mean really most bumper stickers are i mean i don't listen to how it's turned anymore but he pretty much says anybody who puts a bumper sticker in the car is looking for an excuse to piss somebody off yeah because either things are going to be too offensive or it's going to be you know i mean to this day when i see you know bush oh four i still i makes me see then now you're starting to see all the mccain stickers and i'm sure people who see you know barack obama that makes you know there's some people that it makes their skin crawl right like my father so i like i like how they're uh nicknamed they nicknamed obama by bambi bambi yeah i saw that today no that was really funny um yeah no my my dad loves sending me the um actually i've and i got this idea from Tefic Arlal Huffington my dad loves sending me all the republican agenda you know rhetoric and all of the you know inappropriate cartoons about obama and all that sort of stuff and he sends them to everybody and i'm just on the mailing list and i've asked him repeatedly please stop sending him me please stop sending him to me and he just i'm just on this list and he tells me you know well you need to pay attention because blah blah blah blah blah says all the usual stuff so i've decided that you know what i'm on the mailing list for hillary clinton's campaign and i'm still on the mailing list for john carrie's campaign and i get things from the human rights council and all that sort of stuff so anytime he forwards something to me i forward something right back to him yep yeah so then he and it infuriates him where i get these big long emails from him and i would never donate money because of course it's all the you know hillary clinton looking for money and all that sort of stuff and i'm like now you understand stop sending me these things yeah but he still sends them so i'm having a flame war with my father nice okay you should be winning since your flame burns bigger speaking of flames burning bigger can i tell you real quick what i did today okay again something that thanks thanks for the chance to respond to what he just said okay go ahead with your story no no go ahead why don't know who these people are anyway so bitchy thy name is taylor and taffy i'm telling you wow i i i had lunch with soap stars today and you hear the disgust in my voice because i have no idea who these people were and i felt really kind of stupid sitting there and going dog great i don't know who you are they were sitting at our table and i was like in fact who was the one you he knew who they were taylor knew they were i shouldn't have his pictures one of them plays luke and laura's son i think yeah one of them plays lucky spencer in general hospital and the other one is jr adam jr on all my children right and because i am a faggot so i know what's the one who plays the one who's on general hospital actually set right next to my mom and he was he was so politically correct for the first 15 minutes that it was so annoying because of course again like the bret michael story all of the women are you know you know you could have sex with me tonight and there'd be no strings attached that was an actual comment that came out of some of our table and they're all you know 45 exactly and they have on you know they're best flowered shirt and i don't know it's not my thing but and i'm like you know they're talking to us and they're like what's your favorite scene who's your favorite character and i'm looking at them and i'm like i don't watch so peppers i have no idea what you're talking about you know and the one guy the one guy was um lumiare and and be the beast on broadway so you know i could talk to him about that but i didn't know anything about him so but the one guy's wife is expecting a baby the one from uh not general hospital the other one all my children my children his wife is expecting a baby in November so he was talking about that well now speaking of soap operas i posted something earlier in the week when talking about the whole marlena possessed by the devil back in 1994 yes yes um because you and i were talking about it at lunch one day yes cut to two hours later of me watching stuff from one life to live back when i watched it in college oh really oh yeah when vicky had the multiple personalities and pushed dory in down the stairs and then locked her in a room in the basement of landfaire oh my god riveted i was sitting riveted and you didn't have to worry about all the other shitty story lines because they just focused on the one storyline it was fabulous mary dan did you ever watch so offers i used to watch another world i think i still have the vhs tape that has the last another world ever on it the closest i ever came to watching soap operas with stuff like 90210 which in its own right was a soap opera i mean it was what it was but you know melrose place and 90210 that was but they weren't daily they were weekly oh they're they're going to reunite the cast and melrose place on the emmys i saw that that looks cool yes how exciting please tell me andrew shoe and corny thordand smith that is going to be some tore up bitches on that stage and amie lekone gonna be there too that's a plastic surgery i don't know they're trying to get as many of them as law just you know the botox will be flowing from the faucets in that place and mostly on the guy used to be on general hospital what's his name jack wagner yeah jack wagner's gross he said he said more than his career share pig botulism forced i wonder if jamie looner is going to be on oh i love her i love jamie she was lexie lexie sterling oh my god i love her i think i might i very possibly might have had a quasi girl and girl dream about her a couple times yeah she was hot okay yeah i'm sorry and our and our lesbian listeners just add a hand removed from the desk where they're sitting at work right now who who else on that show the the girl um daphne um daphne zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga zaniga please and josey the set is now on that ridiculous ridiculous abc family show oh she is that american teenager show yeah or i think kind of who else was on that show had a lot of great shows on the swingers show now or swing town that's right and um and of course dr kimberly shaw with the scar i think and matt fielding oh poor dead man oh dugum dug up suvah they're both on what do you call it they're both on the desperate housewives yeah the desperate housewives i really do sound like a little old lady watching her stories um yeah actually you do they're on they're on the wisteria show poor andrew shoe uh oh i know isn't he supposed to be doing something this year right well it's about time it's only been fifteen years um collecting royalty checks i think that's what he does on a regular basis i think he's supposed to be on some like lifetime movie or maybe he's about right oh well if he's on a lifetime movie then he's definitely got it made of course i've been here he's a gardener whatever all right enough about this mid 90s drivel that we loved so much oh uh we got a call from we have uh our next three are from other podcasters yay our first one is from eric west from the beat san francisco hello pod is my co-pilot say later kathy and roda it's eric west from san francisco once again i have to remember not to listen to your show while i'm on the movie trade number 69 i almost puked on the new new day number 70 oh my god the southern accent well i i floored floored laughing my ass off on the train thank guys keep it up talk to you later bye well sugar i do believe that you could just make any old peach cobbler just a little bit sweeter with those kind words of yours thank you so much darling and i want you all to make sure you go to the attunes and you download the beat san francisco with mr eric west it's the bomb sugar because apparently 1998 called in it you know wanted me to talk like blanche devarro and say the hippity hop lingo blanche devro and every every character from designing women i actually quoted um designing women today at target you go to designing women at my house i did i quoted designing mr house because bobaloo asked me he said why don't we do this and i said because susan that would be stupid and he just looked at me like i was crazy and i just kept walking or bobaloo he has no idea what he's getting himself into tonight he was eating a mango and from across the room we hear this one go oh look it has a mango and to the two people that love designing women as much as taffy and i do that will get that reference you're welcome our next message is from uh epilonius from the they don't know podcast hey guys this is epilonius from the they don't know podcast also known as peter from atlanta georgia i was just calling to say that um i feel like i'm the only person who does not think that like blaine is a horrible designer who doesn't deserve to be on the project runway show then again um i don't know maybe it's because i identify with his youth and the fact that it's kind of clever but not all that wise and i don't know a lot of the stuff he turned on the one where i felt was sort of interesting and really the one i wanted to go really really badly with daniel thank god he was gone although who knows by the time you guys like you know play this you do the show might already be over and like blaine will have been kicked off in episode number eight or whatever so um i just yeah i don't know if you guys are listening to the um project runway scrappies i'm doing over it they don't know but i've talked about it there and otherwise hooray daniel is gone um also if i found a bit tired and weird it's because i just had a very long day at work and i'm very tired and it was really weird and do you guys help me get through it so thank you so much for that and i hope you have a wonderful week bye well oh sorry taylor why don't you go first well peter from atlanta suck me right who said who says it's going to take you know forever to come finally get this message we played your message the same week that we got it fucker well shit sounds a little upset how now however after that scathing remark i will say this might have been the best episode of project runway ever i totally have to agree with that i totally i'd agree that it was fantastic did you watch it rhodan oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah some of the drag queens were hot as men and some of the drag queens were scary as women oh yeah as women yeah um i will say that when it got down to the final two usually you know in the final two you're like oh please don't vote for that one please don't vote for that one or make sure you make you know vote this one off that could have gone either way and i would have been thrilled yeah i agree though it was a great episode i very much very very much liked the pink outfit that won i thought the red outfit was fantastic too yeah yeah no i i i agree that again that's another one that could have gone either way and i would have been happy they were and i'm glad the howdy gay is finally off i i don't think i've ever seen a gay who could pout and look more well he has to keep his lips purster all the grease would go into his mouth oh oh yeah he should gross he was just take a shower that's that's all i have to say and the other one blame looks like he's half-cooked i can't look at him he freaks me out who blame or whatever the hell his name is the one that the other one that was ready to go home with a tan that has to go to a tanning bed all the time yeah he's just disgusting he's just the gay column he's very sprout to me he he's just yes he is that's for those of you wanting a reference to what sprout was like you know that was pretty much him only without the creativity yeah he was dead inside or the tan so in other words bland bland and solemn bland and plain yeah yeah instead of a ring he was looking for you know a cock ring speaking of which did you ever get one that worked better speaking of which we're not talking about that on the show i thought we were i thought that was i was going to clear it for uh cleared for discussion cleared for takeoff no no okay ladies and gentlemen i bought a cock ring i broke it because his cock was so massive i don't want to talk about it just popped off i don't want to talk about it oh right then on to the dairy queen anyway we have another message from dq rick from the mental warts podcast hey guys this is a dq rick the dairy fairy calling once again from Delaware um just got done listening to episode 71 and so i was exaggerating a little bit about the length of my body hair but yes i am a hairy beast um as far as where in Delaware i live uh for taylor uh taylor i live right smack dab in the middle of the in the middle of the state uh in kent county um the uh location that i uh work at is uh the only full brazier uh gary queen that i know of in kent county um uh if you get on the highway and head towards harrington uh like you're going down to uh midway slots simulcast in harrington you'll more than likely pass right by uh where i work um if you're going through a slot taylor why don't you come to Delaware um i'm always available for a good time sorry i know that sounds a little on the previous side uh didn't mean to come off psycho psycho soccer also an update about my podcast uh mental awards radio um i've gotten some new recording equipment so my sound quality is much better than it was before uh with that and making some changes to the studio to where uh there's not as much noise uh going out into the microphone while i'm recording i've uh changed the name of it to the new and improved mental awards radio and um or reset my episode count back to one and that was the one that i recorded last saturday august 16th which was my thirtieth birthday uh it was the big birthday show so um if you uh do a search on iTunes you'll be able to find uh uh if you do a search for mental awards on iTunes uh you'll see the new and improved mental awards radio and uh that's the podcast uh hopefully this evening i'll be able to record uh the second episode and get it up online and uh there's also the website uh mental awards dot com uh sorry to take up so much time plugging my podcast but i really love your podcast i think your listeners might enjoy mine and uh i haven't gotten any feedback uh it's pretty much like i'm taught well i'm sorry i got one feedback one piece of feedback and uh it's pretty much almost like i'm talking to myself without the uh feedback so just wondering how long it took you guys to start getting voicemails and emails um anyway love the show it's fabulous talk you later bye for those of you keeping track at home dq rick social security number is four five nine six two five five five five he currently lives at 1326 mockingbird lane the money that he keeps for extra you know spending cash is in the right drawer pocket of his dresser jesus rick give us more information about yourself the money's on the dresser chocolate chocolate blizzard no we we appreciate we appreciate dq rick and um i my dad actually lives in new work um which is a little bit i think further north than where you are and uh but the next time that i am visiting dear old dad the you know mr red state i will be sure to uh try and see if i can stop by the dq and get a get a blizzard but i'm going to be checking it for hair oh oh because that makes it taste better something to flush your teeth with afterwards exactly exactly and as oh as um i don't know if i said this before but please check out the beat san francisco the they don't know podcast and the mental warts podcast all three of which are available on itunes our last message tonight is from andy in orlando andy andy andy andy andy's randy for taffy hey it's andy in our land i love the show however redan you got a six divine levels when i listen to you guys at work on my speakers you're blasting loud and everybody else is quiet um maybe level amounts of my i don't know it's a technical thing but anyways love the show been listening to a few of them uh i think it's a bit nerdy to go to episode one and catch up i mean i haven't been around that long but i enjoy it from my second job to know my original first job uh at the conservative christian boat building company in orlando and being the only out gay man there i find the chocolatres thanks for a good show and hopefully you can fix those technical issues well in my opinion technologists oh babbling get you later love y'all bye so he's boating for jesus trucking trucking for jesus he's boating for jesus okay yeah i'm keeping that in well andy i have to say that probably part of the problem with rodan's tracks is partially my fault um just because i try and get it to where the talking part is loud enough to where you can hear him because sometimes rodan comes in a little soft but then when he laughs he does have this big booming laugh and i'm getting better with sometimes when he laughs really really hard me trying to lower the volume on just that but that involves more editing for me and sometimes i've already listened to the show four times before i'm done finally editing and i just don't care why the end so yeah and we've tried all sorts of different like settings to make that work better but i think part of it is that also my voice is lower so it doesn't reach up as high it doesn't make it as what is loud so is but we do appreciate your feedback yeah so we are and we are going to try yes we are definitely going to try and there's nothing nerdy about going back to episode one we've had lots of listeners who've gone back to episode one and we appreciate all them we have we make a couple little inside remarks that you might be able to explain or it might make more sense if you go back to epsilon and listen and we always tell people that are relatively new to the show and this is good for any of the rest of you are new to the show go back and listen to episodes seven twenty one what's the goatee one i don't like it's in the 40s i think yeah it's in the low 40s somewhere but it's the one where Tim Carmel and Ron Prada Soho come on so look at the show notes for that one of my favorites one of my favorite episodes ever which i have no idea which one it is is the one where you tell the where i laugh hysterical is that the i can not the i can taste no that's the one where he blew in your ass oh that that to me is one of the funniest stories you've ever told ever oh and that's that's god that's that is one of the 15 i think my side actually hurt from hearing that story it's the one where the the art is a tossed salad book that's all i'm going to say all right all right uh so and congratulations on working at your conservative christian boat company i i voting for jesus voting voting for jesus all right congratulations on being out in a conservative environment yeah yeah a lot of places they i'm sure they're praying for you yes bless the same for the sodomite yeah and aren't we all i used to pray for sodomites all the time i was gonna say you guys that was praying for sodomites to come visit me but that was before i met the bobaloo i will say a bobaloo said tonight speaking of praying was he was eating a chocolate chip cookie he goes now if they offered you these in church as opposed to those little wafers a lot more people would go all right guys let's let's knock this one out um and actually before we do i would like to say that we are finally caught up on voicemails hooray yes we have no voicemails so if you want to call and get on next week's show be sure to leave us a call at 206 202 5165 you can visit our blog at email us at of course i know we're all caught up on voicemails and i'm behind on responding to our emails but i you know if you send us an email i will respond to you shortly just please just give me a just give me a little time uh go to our myspace group which is and uh join our facebook group which is okay so i love potismicopilot and don't forget don't forget that we are all still running a contest to write our new theme music and we've gotten some great entries yes oh yes we got another entry tonight we did get another entry tonight which i reviewed and and and i like it um we have one that we will definitely be using even if it's not our regular music we have one that we're definitely going to use for at least a little while yeah but we but we want to we want you guys to keep submitting and we appreciate all the work that you're doing for us and it helps to make you know our show a little bit better and that's a way that you guys can help us out so and leave us reviews on iTunes please leave us reviews on iTunes as well yeah i thought we were up to 118 oh are we hooray hoorah all right all right guys thanks a lot for listening this has been episode 73 of potismicopilot this is taylor and tappy and redan have a good week everybody bye bye bye comments or expressions of self including racism fascism sexism sexism comments about mexicans the overweight or jews are the opinions of british john the views expressed here in are the views of the host not the host or cohost of the q-cast connection vote goat one and only british john he's a mess i love him you know he could use a little bit of the riddle in is he as funny a person as he is on the podcast uh if not more there's still a lot british john i don't think we all know yet 99 out of 100 of them would choose british john he's following his dream he's moving to new york to be a post-op transsexual british john was cracking my shit up let me just say i can see british john in a pair of chaps and i'm saying this is one of his closest and dearest friends he's the gayest straight man we know he was the only person in this group that didn't like cock oh that's right because you're straight quote unquote straight hello mrs is this is true what we've been here oh my god did you read the news sounds like british i just gotta be back british i used to do a solo video of people saying about british john good evening and welcome to the new desk and i'd be gathered for british john the guy's a few fast cooks as his back started his own my mommy said she had sex with british john in his penises where i never british john doing his own show i don't like british john he's the only baby sitter in london who threatens you with a man hadn't transfer if you don't go to british children it does not serve you to pay attention to add a gossip boy cabey did you hear what i heard wins in the used is a mist coming in like something is brewing and bad wait a minute isn't this mary poppins no you little shit this is british john's promo thing well it sounds just like mary poppins to me look why don't you go and play with your stick and hoop and shut the fuck up join me british john for the british perspective on just about everything tune in for your dose of english humor with music segments interviews special guests and so much more oh don't tune in see what i care just sit there on the couch with your little entomens cake and stare at the wall and don't forget to feed the cats downloading soon to an iTunes window near you the direct approach with british john the direct approach podcast dot