Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 67 - The Caliber of Silicone Love, or He Had Girl Scout Cookie

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2008
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A busy episode with lots of stories from your hosts, kittens. Rodan has work problems, incest at the Magic Kingdom, Taffy meets a, star?, The 80's party and all things 80's fashion, The Dark Knight and Project Runway, Racism (of sorts) in Celebration, A biplane ride with the Huffingtons. Car-mic and Scar-mic retribution for two of the group, and....a big announcement in the life of one of the, really, it's kinda a big deal. Lemme hear your body talk...body talk....lemme hear your body talk....We are pod is my copilot. blog:, phone: 206-202-5165, email:, myspace:, facebook: ok, so I love pod is my copilot Look for the latest video podcast announcing the winner of our contest to show up in the next few days!!! And be sure to download the latest video podcast, Episode 30, recently released and talked about on our latest show! As always you can listen to this and all archived episodes of PiMC at
[music] You're listening to Pot as My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. [music] Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and welcome to episode 67 of Pot as My Co-Pilot. I am joined tonight, as always, by Taffy Carlisle Huffington. Hello, lover. And Rodan. Hello. How are we? Jesus, okay. How are we this weekend, kittens? I'm fabulous. Weekend. It's Monday. It's Monday. We're doing this. How was our weekends? We actually had a lot of stories come out of our weekend. Yeah. I have a lot of stories. Taffy, I know you have a lot of stories. Oh, yeah. Rodan, do you have a lot of stories? All I got was this lousy rock. [laughter] Do you know the tank? When is that character for Halloween once? [laughter] Oh, it's awesome. And then he would pull the rock out of his bag after he left the house. It's awesome. [laughter] Why are you so sad, baby? Oh, I've been ranting Rodan all freaking week. Do I need to come up with a theme song for you now? [laughter] It may be required. I don't know yet. Well, what's going on? Why are you so unhappy? What can we do to spread the joy of love? Well, you know, as much as I loved the whole weekend, last weekend with Avenue Q and everything, the whole going to Dallas thing just reminded me that I'm in nowhere. [laughter] Absolutely. We've known that. Nowhere. And it hasn't bothered me for the whole last year I've been here. I've kind of enjoyed being here, being in the house alone. It's been nice to not have to worry about other people and all the bullshit that goes with that. Well, going to Dallas just kind of reminded me, oh my God, I used to be able to do this kind of shit every week or, you know, whenever I wanted to, you know, Sprout and I used to go see shows and concerts at least once a month. But maybe this way since it's not so readily available, you'll appreciate it more. Yeah. That's a very good point. That is a very, very good point and it makes me want to like save money to travel and do things like that which I would have never done in South Florida. So that is good. However, then on Monday, I got a big slap in the face. So. Why? What a fat finger. Say to the face. Shut it up. Open hands. Seven mouth. Why? What happened? Well, my boss comes into me and says, well, she's like all sheepish and she walks in my office and she sits down and she's like, we need to talk. I said, oh my God, you got her pregnant? Yeah. Oh my God. Shut up. And she's like, I'm being promoted, I'm moving to another department. So she tells me she's moving to another department, she's getting lateral move but more money kind of thing. And she's only been in the department for a year, same as me, and that she then proceeds to tell me that they considered moving me into the position and decided not to. Assume the position. So the only reason she told you that was to make you feel like shit? I have no idea. Yeah. You know, they gave me this really good promotion which they were, you know, considering giving to you, but they decided not to. So congratulate me. No, a promotion to take her position, but she's making it right. So, you know, she moves up one, I move up one, everyone's happy. Well, they, they were going to move you up but they decided not to. Do you like my diamond pen? Exactly. Sorry. My wallet is so small from all these hundreds. They gave it to me as a thank you for such a great job I'm doing. Oh, I hear my helicopter, I'm off to lunch. So yeah. They let me off. And I was fired up all weekend because as soon as they announced her departure, everyone's looking at me like I'm taking over her job. Next in line? Yeah. I mean, and it pisses me off. I mean, I've only been with the company a year and this would really put me into, you know, the fast track. More than that, I mean, because I've, you know, I came in at the top of my pay grade, you know, and so money wise, career wise, this is a good place for me right now. But the other side of this is that these types of opportunities don't come across every day. Well, it's just that the way she said, yeah, we considered it. And then we decided not is the way she put it, her and I've gotten along so well this whole year. But that could be because they're planning something else for you. Well, and so I'm fired up all week and people are all like afraid of me because it just, they're assuming I'm going to be their new boss, you know, and I've got. Boss man being. What? I said boss man being because you're one of them and then you become the boss. So. I'm pretty much already one of your kind of boss. Yeah. But who's the boss? Angela. Mona. Mona. Samantha. The little, the little gay brother, Rodan, there's a brand new life, brand new life around the band. Yeah. So anyway, so then the story is that I talked to my VP and she's like, no, we haven't made any decisions yet and you know, thinking about doing the, you know, because I go in there like a tack dog kind of thing. Okay. I don't know why you'd move someone into this else, into this apartment over me because, you know, I know all, I know six of the seven disciplines within the department. I mean, you can't find someone else who knows what I know, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I just like went in there with like a tack dog and she called me down. She's like, no, we haven't made any decisions yet and you're definitely in consideration and kind of smoothed me down, you know, all the lip service you need and the first little fight club. Yeah. I was going to say, I think you've got a case then. Yeah. Exactly. Sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean that was it. So I mean, that just kind of set me off and then this whole weekend, I wanted a chill weekend and just relax and I got myself all worked up. So it was not good. Then yeah, you don't want to, you don't want to hear any of our stories. I was going to say, because we've got a really good way of changing. You really don't want to hear it. And that's the end of potter's mic, because you don't hear the rest of our stories. Well, you know, I look at it this way and I tell my loved ones this often that, you know, there's an answer to every question and sometimes the answer is no and sometimes that's okay. Maybe this just isn't the job you're supposed to have and maybe if you took this job then you would miss an opportunity that would infinitely be better. Well, and that's the other thing, this whole time I'm like conflicted because last year I was having all these issues with home life balance and, you know, just trying to work through that whole, those issues and so this would put me in the, I mean, it's like three times the work for like 10 to 20% more money. Oh hell no then. Yeah. But if I'm not three times the work, I'm getting three times the pay, that is the way it is. Well, yeah, but three times the pay would be like VP salary. So, and you know what though, Taffy, there's a part of Rodin that thrives off of that. No, and I understand, I absolutely know that. I know that he gets off on that and I understand that and, I mean, I do understand that too more than you realize, but then when, you know, when you do take a step back and you think, you know, are you, are you stressed over work and are you tired over work now? Then if you had three times the work, then you'd have three times the stress too, you know? But I would also then have a lot more challenges and I like the challenges and blah, blah, blah. So yeah, but, you know, we'll see. I mean, the settlement contention, I officially applied for the position and I think I made a good case. So we'll see. Come on, good. Keep us posted. Yeah. And the butler canceled on me. So. That sucks. Yeah. And then you guys canceled on me. So it was just... Well, that didn't suck because we had a great time. Yeah, we kind of did. So enough of my depressing cast, you guys talk about your fun and stuff. Well, should we, Taffy, should we just tell the story? Well, there is. To cheer him up. I was just going to say, we might have a story that might cheer you up a little bit. Okay. So we were at the Disney World on Sunday. Taffy and the Huffington clan were up in Orlando for the weekend and Babaloo and I decided to join them to walk around Magic Kingdom on Sunday just, you know, wander around and spend time together. Babaloo got his annual pass. So every other word out of his mouth when I say, you know, I say, what do you want to do that? And he is Disney. So we're walking around having a good time. We decided we're going to start for dinner and we ate at a place called, what was it called, the Plaza? The Plaza. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's this little tiny, like, soup and sandwich place off the side of Main Street USA right next to the ice cream shop, which I had never eaten in before. Apparently none of us had ever eaten there before. It was really good. Food was amazing. And the service was fantastic. The service was impeccable. We usually tell the bitchy waitress stories. We had the best waitress ever who got the people in the kitchen to make me a peanut butter and jelly milkshake, which you can only supposedly get at 50s prime time cafe. Babaloo and I were actually going to after dinner go over to MGM so that I could get a peanut butter and jelly milkshake because, again, diabetes, and I said this to the waitress and she was like, um, if I can get them to make it, will you stay here for dessert? And I was like, challenge extended and she was like, I'll be right back, came back with a little sample. She goes, does this taste like it? I was like, absolutely. She goes, I'll come back with two. Yeah. She was fantastic. We were taking pictures as Taffy is off to do, you know, you get anybody to sit down for more than three seconds. She's got the camera whipped out. Okay, you guys get together. You guys get together. You guys get together. Okay. Um, cut to eventually where she says, I want a picture of me and Taylor together. Babaloo is taking the picture. Babaloo is taking the picture. He's sitting across the table. Taffy and I are sitting next to one another and we do the, you know, the Gunderson smile where we're both, you know, forehead to forehead and we've got the big, you know, cheesy grin and you can just about make out the little ding star off of the teeth. Cut to Taffy saying, okay, now we have to make silly faces. So we said, I said, okay, we're both forehead to forehead. Babaloo says on the count of three, one, two, three and we both go to lick each other's face. Because we were already face to face, we shoved our tongues in each other. Thank you. But that's not even the best part because the best part is at the one and a half split second that dawned on us, what had happened, where I got ready to lick him here, ready to lick me and bam, we both screamed, making the last, the entire restaurant turn and look at us. Tanks head hits the floor and hysterical laughing. Babaloo is screaming. Everyone is looking at us, we are dying laughing. The littlest Huffington is like, oh my God, and in that split second, Babaloo got the picture. Nice. Yes. It is fabulous. It is disturbing. It will not be a cover for this episode because I want for it to be a surprise. However, it will be posted on the blog within a day or two of this episode being released. And it is so bad. It is so bad. Unfortunately, it was right at the moment of licking, not the post moment of the screaming, so we both got the, eh, look at our faces. It is horrible. It is horrible. And plus, you know how much I love profile shots and of course, it is dead on profile. But we have probably 100 pictures where one of us is, you know, okay, everybody take a picture and then Taylor will, you know, lick my eyebrow or something. And this just happened to be one of those where each of us had the exact, you know, we say we share a brain, we should have known eventually something like this would happen. But it was just that one, and what was amazing is that he got the picture. It was one, it was literally a second and he got the picture. So I was, I was very impressed with the Babaloo, his picture taking abilities. Yeah. So, yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah. It was, it was, it was very funny. We had a really, we had a really good time. I'm glad we weren't going to come out. I had stuffed my toe really bad to the point of where it was purple and gross and on Saturday and thought I wasn't going to be able to walk on Sunday and decided, you know what, let's just go, we'll meet them over there and got there about one o'clock and stayed till we ended up staying probably a good hour after you guys left. Wow. You went and did Haunted Mansion and walked around a little bit and managed to get out just as the fireworks were starting. So we beat all of the, all of the, all of the, the rush to the monorail. Well, I would say you did pretty well. We ended up getting home around 11, 1130. So, yeah. Oh my God. That's what we got home. The lollipop rode home with us. Oh, she did. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Was there discussion numbers? No, there was no, there was, there was, Ken and I had briefly discussed only because they were going to be following, you know, there would be, We should, we should back up by saying that lollipop's new boyfriend, a new boyfriend. He's been around for a couple of months, but he joined everybody as well. On Sunday. He drove over by himself and joined everybody on Sunday. Right. And there was, there was talk that there was a chance we were going to let her ride back with him from Orlando, which is about 90 minutes. And we knew it was going to be at night and ended up raining half the way. And when we were on the tram, tank just gave me the face of no. And I was like, that, of course. And I had told him at one point, it is entirely your decision because I know that I am not grown up enough to make those decisions. I will, I will just say no. And he was just like, no. He, he, he, he told her, he just said, sweetheart, it's, it has nothing to do with you. It has to do with the fact that we are not ready for that yet. And she was like, that's fine, you know. And I felt what I felt bad was that he had a drive home by himself, but it didn't matter. He, he hasn't drove her. Tomorrow, though, is the big thing. Tomorrow is the one that's tomorrow is when I'm going to call you and go, I have to go to Starbucks because the baby who has never drove across the bridge by herself to Tampa has to drive to USF, which is over the bridge, over the river through the woods, to grandmother's house, she goes. It's over the bridge through downtown Tampa, through the interchange at I-4 and I-75 and all the way up to Fowler. And that is, that's a heck of a drive, especially with early morning traffic and with everybody driving fast, and it makes me want to throw up. Yeah, that is a bit of a scary drive for our first timer. I, I, and she's never even drove across the bridge by herself, but they, today they did a dry run with, she's going with another friend, and they did a dry run with the parent in the car to, they're going to get another college immersion cheer camp. And so, and they went today and the other girls mom took them, so they would have, you know, they would know how to get there where they're going, make sure one of them had drove it, at least with an adult in the car, but, and then tomorrow after their cheer camp, they're coming over to Hard Rock Casino because I'm having dinner with Brett Michaels. Oh, what? Are you going to that? Well, let me just assure you, this is not my choice to do, but the widow Carlyle was commissioned to make a piece of jewelry for him and she has to take it to him and we're having dinner with him, which is fine, except, unfortunately, he's also doing a concert and we're meeting him right after the concert and right before his official meet and greet, which means that should be okay, except you know the caliber of silicone love that is going to be present at this. Yeah, because, sign my nipple, yeah, I, I should totally take pictures. I was going to say you are taking pictures. I will bring you the flip cam. Yes. That's, that's a great idea because that's a video podcast, just waiting for a special guest star. Exactly. I wonder if I can get him to say pot as my That would be awesome. I should walk up and go, Oh my God, we totally made your piece of jewelry. He's all the sign. I love your fat. So yeah, so I will be over with the Brett Michaels tomorrow night. So God help me. Oh, yes. Are you going to compete for his love? You know, I don't think so. No, because I'm quite sure underneath that headband, it's bald, but that's why I know. I try to say there's something wrong with the balls. No, nothing's or anything wrong with being bald because I am positive that my husband is going to be bald within the next 10 years. There's something with being bald and wearing a bandana with hair extensions, like your share of singing gypsy shamps and tramps and thieves, but you know what, every rose has its door. Um, unskiney, bop, bop. So yeah, that's going to be my evening. Speaking of 80s. Oh, please. Oh, yes. Please. You've seen the video yet. Oh, I watched the whole video and it was fantastic. I looked ridiculous, but I can at least go. I can at least hang my head high knowing that I wasn't the most ridiculous person at the party. I love the silver dress. She was fabulous. I went to an 80s party, both of my immediate bosses at work are turning 40 this week, and we love our supervisors. They're just amazing and we, um, we just, we just, we just, we just love them very much. So we decided we want to throw them big 40th birthday party at one of my coworkers house and we did it as an 80s theme. So we all dressed in the 80s, clothes, uh, me and my pastels with my collar popped and my jelly bracelets and my cuffed khakis and my pink socks courtesy of one Miss Taffy Carlisle laughing. And the spiky hair and I, the only thing that makes me sad is that I could not find my gold dog tag from the mid 80s that had my name punched out with the diamond chip and the cut out of a Playboy bunny. Is that really 80s or is that just Guido? Well, it was Guido 80s, but it was, I got it when I was in middle school. I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked, I went through boxes and, you know, little jewel things and I did find my class rings, but that was 91. So that wouldn't have worked. But it was very much like we were all walking around in our acid wash with our bad ponytails and our horrible, you know, plastic jewelry, drinking out of plastic cups and, you know, doing the safety dance and it was just, it was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. Because you can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind. And if you don't dance and your friends don't dance, well, they're no friend of mine. I have to say though, the best costume, whatever you want to call it, of the night has to go to my supervisor, Kathy, who is in the video podcast that I released earlier today with her iridescent prom queen slash mother of the bride brides made nightmare pink green and silver. I don't know what the hell you would call it. It was fantastic. It was a touch of heaven. It absolutely, absolutely. And apparently $4.99, which paid for it at a thrift store. It kind of looks like if you've ever seen Never Been Kissed, the prom dress drew Barry Moore wears in the flashback and she wears her hair pulled over on the side ponytail and it's from the 80s. It's very, very much straight out of that. Yeah. It was amazing. It was just acid wash and acid positive colors and bad t-shirts and now how did you really dress in the 80s? I dressed probably a little bit similar to that though not quite as not quite as trendy which is kind of pathetic that I just used or trendy describe what I look like in that in that video. So you you weren't a parachute pants where? I went through a brief parachute pants phase in the mid 80s. I was more when I think of 80s and honest in all honesty, I think of the late 80s when I was in high school, which I'm sure probably most people do. And I was much more when I wasn't at school because I went to a Catholic high school. I was much more of the mock turtleneck and cardigan with you know the jeans and the sneakers and usually the mock turtleneck and the cardigan were the same color and the mock turtleneck the cardigan was way too big and I just was ridiculous. I think that we should totally find pictures of us like from like pick a year you know 87 or something and post those pictures. Well I actually have that was one of the things that we did was everybody was supposed to bring pictures of themselves in the 80s and we had a big bulletin board and one thing that everybody kept commenting on was how skinny I was. Well you were like anorexic. I know as I pretty much said I beat anorexia. Jesus. Because I was like emaciated skin I mean I was super super skinny I just had this really fast metabolism because lord knows I ate and I suddenly I left for college and suddenly everything came to a screeching halt but I look I look at pictures of myself and I almost look I feel like I look sickly yeah yeah no those pictures you do look sickly it's oh my gosh you look much healthy and wrote in what would did you have an 80s look did you fit into any mold in the 80s we'll see we have a flash dance girl a jello mold I lived nice you bitch I I lived in the country so the style in the 80s for us was not unlike the style that it currently exists in Monroe today so like parachute pants and all that kind of stuff I mean all that stuff was far too trendy for you know where I grew up so his guitar came from the house of Oshkosh yeah right I was about to say the the the trendiest thing that made it to us was like you know tight roll in your pants and then the zee cavalry cheese which I love the camera each is the camera each is my I owe you sweatshirt seen I was I was definitely a two part girl for the 80s I was very much the eyes on a polo shirt with the white walking shorts with the Nike's that you had to have the same colored swoosh as the polo shirt with you know the puff sleeve gene jacket that was that was yeah I was very much that but then I also went through the whole you know leg warmers and converse and the the proverbial 80s dress of you know the strapless tight to the waist and then the big bubble skirt oh yeah with leg warmers with the leg warmers of course no and they had band oh yeah all the girls in my high school had the whole like country who fonts like where the bangs were to the roof like and I think like I've seen pictures from my that area where I grew up recently and they really are still wearing their hair like that oh no that's so wrong oh yeah South Jersey where I'm from I bet is still trapped in 1989 it's all Bon Jovi Fiero and Zoopa pants oh Jesus yeah do you ever lead jeans lee jeans are like the coolest thing in like 84 85 I love my lee jeans and you'd have to put your belt through the Lee thing so the least still stood out when you had the belt on yeah so in other words you were label whore even then absolutely kidding me I'm just taking me back speaking of 80s I was at the movies today I went and saw Batman which I'm sure we're going to talk about in a little bit in in a few minutes they had a commercial for JCPenney's which was a complete rip off of the breakfast club yeah it is a complete rip off where I mean it wasn't even like I'm like I turned up a blue and said where is the originality in this they just exactly took scenes from the breakfast club and just have all of these gross little 14 year olds don't it oh yeah I actually kind of made me mad they're raping my youth Jesus now well that's because no one has an original idea anymore that's the problem when they have an original idea then you know if they blow it so out of proportion and you get so sick of seeing it it's no longer original because then it's bastardized everywhere not that we're better yeah we're better well speaking of original ideas can we talk about the dark night absolutely no I know Rodan has not seen it yet oh well then we can't talk about it no I can say general things about it without giving away any details with the exception of one thing okay and that's okay if Rodan is that okay sure okay just that I loved it okay it was by far the best movie that I've seen all year I agree and it was one of those movies that was literally for a superhero movie on the edge of your seat the entire time like scenes that you could actually feel your heart beating faster because you knew something big was gonna happen or something little was gonna happen you weren't sure what and it was just very very intense I will say that it has been a very very long time I do not see scary movies ever that I have actually gasped and not not jumped but startling kind of it jarred me and there was two scenes in that that I actually went and and that is very surprising okay and so that made me enjoy it a little more okay I have one question though which is semi quasi spoiler but not really a spoiler good and that's a question more of a general question and that question would be how the fuck does Eric Roberts still get jobs in Hollywood um because he is Julia Roberts brother he has a cult following at this point why they could have cast a hundred people in this role you know I I don't get him either but I had never gotten him I think he's just I just think he's gross so I don't understand I was not aware that he was in the movie I didn't know anything about it and I was like one of these where they first show him sitting in the courtroom I was like you got to be fucking kidding me I was very happy to see there's there's an interesting little cameo at the beginning um which I thought was nice that they did a little tie in with which I thought was yeah I thought that was kind of something that was it was I was surprised by it yeah so did they set up the next villain at all no no no and you know it it's almost one of these that they do it in a way that I almost don't want them to make a third movie which I know no sounds weird but I if you if you want any of our listeners who really want a really good I know we're kind of talking in code but Rodan hasn't seen it and it's only been out a couple of days but if you have seen it and you want to listen to a really good podcast I just listened to's review of the movie it's a special podcast that's different from what they normally do and they do a really good job and I agreed with almost a hundred percent of everything they said you know I've heard a lot of people complaining though that they thought the movie was way too long and and I I did come out thinking I thought that they could have ended it a couple times but I didn't I don't know if I thought it was too long because I I think there were times that I thought this is it yeah this this this is gotta be the end of it and then you're like but this isn't how they can end it and then it goes on for another little bit longer yeah I will say and I know that everyone has said it and I'll get on the bandwagon he fledgers and fuck incredible yeah no question he steals that show yeah yeah I mean thank you for talking whole Oscar buzz and all that sort of stuff and I was like I went in thinking okay he's the Joker he is scary and a testament to how good he is sometimes when you know an actor has died after a movie the whole time you're watching you're thinking that's a dead guy on the screen that thought never went through my head once I was amazed at his voice because you know in Brokeback Mountain his voice was so deep and so different than his speaking voice and in this one it's come completely it's very you know how Johnny Depp can change his voice for any role I think that his voice is so completely different in this movie too I just I thought he was just incredible the best and worst part of his entire performance mm-hmm the lip licking but you know what and I at one point I I did I said that too I said okay that's getting on my nerves and tank says I think it's supposed to it's supposed to be disturbing it's supposed to make you kind of not you're not supposed to like it but it was almost distracting to me whenever he would be talking and doing it I don't know I thought I thought it was fantastic although at one point when he does go up and he's talking to Maggie Jillian Hall I kept thinking he's kissed her brother he's kissed her brother like I thought the same thing he's kissed her brother yeah I don't know I'm gonna sit here and think all right talk about something else exactly but no great movie fantastic I would go see it again I'd go pay full price to see it again too which is that not something I do often and I would I would do that again I saw Batman I also saw Hellboy on Thursday oh how was that it's not either well compared to Batman Batman blows it out of the water I think I liked the first Hellboy more okay I was kind of like it's okay it was one of those the bobble who really wanted to see it so I said okay well then you know we can go if he pucks you afterwards that's a given so well did I say that out loud speaking of getting fucked can we talk about the wrong person going home on project runway oh god I thought he totally should have went home yeah no I know yeah between the two outfits hers was worse hers was worse there's no question he the second he started talking the way he was I said oh god I hope he goes home he was just annoying to me no her outfit was a joke no question well and I'm sure she'll probably go home soon you know over the next couple of days or next couple weeks but he he just needed to go home because he was a little bit over himself and the waves trying to explain his outfit it was horrible well and the one thing and we were watching it in Babaloo you know once they said I forget what his name was yeah long duck dong or whatever the hell it was and you know Babaloo was like what and I said the reason they're doing that if you watch the end of the show it says that all of the judges get a vote and the producers get a vote and clearly she is going to be the they think she's going to be hmm she's the crazy bitchy one he's bland bland and bland so they're going to say keep her and get rid of him yeah though I did agree with Michael Kors that it did look like a serial killer outfit no it was horrible it was a horrible outfit and I thought some of them that maybe didn't win were actually kind of good I thought the mop the mop had tanked her it was pretty cool yeah that was very good the one who won was great I thought though yeah no I agree that was that was definitely my favorite of all of them and I said to Babaloo that was going to be the one that wins. We actually have Peter from he did a small review for us he's doing one on his show he's doing a five minute show on his show but he's doing like a one minute teaser that he said if we wanted to use it we could totally put it in so if you wanted a project runway update Peter's doing the work for us here you go hello everybody this is Peter from Atlanta Georgia also known as epilonius from the They Don't Know podcast coming up shortly is a quick little teaser for one of the project runway scrappies I just put together and if you want to come over to my podcast on They Don't Know and you can find it by going to E-P-I-L-O-N-I-O-U-S you will go ahead and be able to hear the rest of it look forward to hearing you there bye. Lane Walsh who is you know runner up for most hand person the competition although he's winning right now just because Michael Kors does not seem as orange as he usually does and Lane Walsh is actually beating him Stella is Otis she is the first of what I'm calling the three sweet pea clones and as with all groups of three women there's the smart one the sweet one and then there's the ho. Wesley I want you to get some pants a decent pair of pants I hope I if you win the competition I hope you spend it on pants pants that are long enough so that's it for the first project runway scrappy teaser I hope you come over to and listen to the whole thing thanks so much for your time bye well thank you Peter thank you for all your insight now but that doesn't guarantee that we will always agree with you in fact we usually won't but that's not the point thank you again though we love that I do know whether you agree with them or not we hadn't heard it yet or did you already hear it that's why I said thank you sometimes we will agree with you and sometimes we won't shut up or not fuck you your I said good day sir I showed Babaloo today that the Charlie Murphy true Hollywood stories with Rick James Jesus so he was walking fuck your couch James bitch did you show him that what is Wayne Brady gonna have to cut a bit no I haven't shown him that one that's the best one ever no the no the Charlie Murphy the Rick James that one makes me laugh even more cold blooded I actually I actually said are you gonna make Wayne Brady cut a bitch at work the other day and nice people just looked at me and thinking oh maybe I should not have gone there you know you know the African-American entertainer my grandmother loves him my grandmother loves him okay I do have a story of I do have a a little tiny story to tell of you know racism how is the widow Carlisle well well the New York film Academy was having their summer camp at the same hotel that we were saying and last weekend and I I know that you've heard Taylor and I comment about the Sebastian's a Disney World go ahead and do your impression dear diary I hate my parents I can't believe they may come on this trip I just want to hang out with Sebastian I want to stay home polish my nails listen to fall out boy and flatten my hair okay so they're there they run amok they run free and Disney World you can spot them a mile away so this is the New York film crew and they're all there and this is the they were leaving so the ones that had either later flights or the parents hadn't got there they're kind of laying on the couches and they you know in the lobby and they're kind of looking at each other and they have their pom pilots out they're putting each other's you know cell phone numbers and it's all this very big dramatic dramatic dramatic fine so this is like literally at 5 30 in the morning alright and I just got done working out and the security guard is standing by the door because all the concierge are you know changing out their drawers and changing out everything and he's just kind of hanging out there and it's pretty dark outside and they're standing there talking and they're laying around and the one goes you know this has been a life changing experience this summer and the other one says I know you know I just don't know how I'm going to tell my dad so at the course now now I'm not paying any attention to the concierge and I have my ear completely you know my neck is going so I can listen in and I'm thinking oh where why do I not have the eye talk why do I not have the eye talk and he's like he goes sensitivity their name is taffy exactly so you know life changing moment and you're standing there with a microphone up there no exactly and he's like you know well I don't know why it'd be such a big deal you're out and he goes no it's because this is the first time I've ever been in a biracial relationship oh and they wait the kid looks at the other kid totally dead serious it goes what do you mean well I've never dated a black man before and he goes I'm not black and to which the security guard who you know is named Rusty and he's 75 he kind of you know turns because the kid said it kind of loud he goes I'm not black I'm Samoan the security guard actually did like a spit take I mean he actually went like with a kind of laughter how you said they're going I cannot look over there I cannot look over there I have to just look away and look down at my paperwork yeah it was it was fabulous but he got all in there ended their one week relationship and that ended the one reconciliation ship exactly it in a bittersweet so dear diary I can't believe it I just had a complete meltdown I thought I love the bittersweet taste of chocolate love I was with Keiko but then he informed me that our love was a lie I didn't taste the bittersweetness of chocolate love apparently I had the poo poo platter I'm sure he did he had Girl Scout cookie ladies and gentlemen the other oh Dan slides back into first oh my god that's so do you want to tell your big story Taffy which is what I did on Saturday with your family I did on Saturday yes the reason we were in or the Orlando area is because Saturday we celebrated tanks birthday was Wednesday and he wanted to take his children on a world war one biplane which were then called barnstormers which basically is a like vintage 1920s plane there's only six left in the entire world and you sit open air and they fly you and it's the same engine that limburg used to fly you know over the land over the whatever the big giant not the exact same engine no it's not actually a type of engine and it is to say it is loud it's not a shame and you do have to wear the skin tight condom caps that snap underneath the neck and the big giant goggles and you have to wear them while you're on the plane and the whole thing it was and let's just let's just put this out there the plan was for him to ride with the girls and we got there and I'm sitting there and the girls are like you know just get on it it'll be fun and tanks like you know sweetie you really don't have to it's okay okay so now I have to get on the plane now you have to understand for the first 30 minutes I asked the most and I was driving this poor woman crazy how many of these planes have crashed well there's only six left so you know I'm just going but I don't think the Kaiser is going to be trying to shoot us out of the game but then she wanted to show me pictures of you know my husband bought his first plane when he was 17 and he rebuilt it and look this is him making the wings and it shows him with you know glue and scotch tape not really but that's how my brain saw it and I'm thinking I'm not getting this guy damn planes people crazy so I talked to the man he was the nicest man you've ever met in your life if any of you ever a fantasy of flight I highly recommend going to take the barn store before because it was I did get on it and I did I did videotape and it was absolutely amazing and exciting and I scared the shit out of me a couple times because he does a figure what I could they call lazy eight figure eight and it's over water which I'm not real keen on driving on a bridge over water let alone being in an open air plane with my children over water but it was incredible it was so that was you know was definitely a something that I will I will never probably end up doing again I I wrote in a helicopter for him and now I wrote in a biplane for him so that's I don't know what else I could write in and like it's except you know a blimp or you know a hot air balloon no he just looked at me with the big eyes no it's not gonna happen but um it was a game was incredible and I will post pictures of of it on the blog the only thing is it's most of my children you know my children are most the pictures but I will find one and post it because it was incredible speaking of writing things for okay first of all that's an awesome story but speaking of writing things you have another story about something that you wrote last week come on yes absolutely I told you and you told me this story you were gonna have to tell it I'm waiting with baited breath here I should got permission from tank well then ask him now I'm going to tell the story about the um parking garage oh okay oh he just said all righty then okay so um it changes thing once your pictures are out there doesn't it well you know no this is this is just one of those that it's just a it's a it's a karma it's a karma story so you know that I was tormenting lollipop by telling her that tank and I had had sex in her car just so that mental image would be in her mind when if she ever decided that she wanted to try to have any kind of sex in her car so yeah god punished me he got back at me so tank and I were at the baywalk and tank likes to park on you know the upper level so he can look at the pier and watch the pretty colors change and um Taylor had informed me that my new car has a retractable it's called the infinity retractable sunroof and that we needed to have sex with the sunroof open because that would be cool and wonderful and not anything so we were sorry so I don't I don't have an a iPod adapter in my car because it has a six disc changer changer so I took my favorite list off of iTunes and I burnt the six discs and I just put them all in there okay you're following me so far so the music is playing and it's lovely and it's this one song called the mating game which is I realize is appropriate but it's from some champagne commercial and I think it's a funny song and you know we're having a lovely lovely evening until the song ends and I know that most of the songs on this list are very kind of smooth jazz relaxing so I'm not too worried about it except because I just hit record it recorded everything on the list so it's the end of the song and it's all very (sings) hello lollipop it's Taylor's voice memo from when she went to Austria last summer booming over the Bose system and all in the backs of our ears to the entire car yeah you got to have sweet love in the trailer wait a kill the moment I'm like looking up I swear to god it sounded like god himself was speaking I'm looking at through the you know the sunroof thinking he's peering over yeah it was and suddenly takes cannon who's no longer at full salute yeah it's one of those things though what the hell is that yeah so yeah I was one of those you know so for the next five minutes you kind of giggled you know and laugh and then immediately pushed the next button on it and just said like oh my god I can't yeah but so yes that's little did I know that I was going to be you know French kissing Taylor a week later but that key doesn't count as a French kiss I don't know what no because the tongue's just sort of grave to graze one another exactly and then suddenly went back out there was no one two three excuse excuse me speaking of sex stories I believe you may have one I have one yeah and I believe that Baba Lou has the scars to prove it what what I come on yeah all right okay um we may have been overly amorous yeah messing around yesterday and yeah I jokingly kind of at the happiest place on earth yes they were getting done at the Pirates of the Caribbean but Pirates of the Caribbean um and I may have um left a probably foot long scratch down the middle of Baba Lou's back oh thank you for so abusive I I well it's one of these where I noticed the the face kind of changed and I thought he was just trying to get into it so I kept doing it and then eventually I realized it was the eyes were watering like oh no stop and then I'm like oh god it can't be that but and then I was like oh my god oh my god yeah did you drink did you drop it and then we walked around in the 95 degree heat in Disney World all day so all of a sudden the blood was the sweat was hitting the yeah he all of a sudden every once in a while he would do this like you know whoever you do a shot hey you just have that you know a shake that you do that uncontrollable like shimmy yes he was kind of doing those someone's getting fucked with no lube pretty soon oh god Jesus wow wow and you'll wonder why goonies do jobs on day gee it was the butler goony wanted to come over sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry it's hard to keep your men straight Jesus telling the revolving door of love yeah instead of instead of rock of love it's the you know unlocked door of love it's the author of love well speaking of Bobaloo um yes I have some news I have an announcement to make oh um yeah the bobaloo and I have decided that uh common knock on our door we've been waiting actually that sounds like we're that sounds ready that's only we're taking applications for a three way it does it does sound like that uh pot is my co-pilot at anyway um now uh bobaloo and I have decided that we are gonna shack up live and sin you share the rent some other analogy which means that uh bobaloo is going to be living with me starting september first oh no of course I think I remember calling this back on like date number two do you guys be like living together I believe you said something along the lines of he'll be in by june I think it's in july yeah and it's not july it's september first I know but you're asking I had sort of a mental note whatever you want to call them back in my head okay october first it'll officially be six months that we've been like really dating and all that sort of stuff and I thought october first september first at this point he's here almost all the time anyway you know we just really like each other's company and we got back from the movies today we were walking up the front step and uh he I'd given him a key to the house a couple weeks ago and um you know we were walking up and he was kind of walking ahead of me and he just he put the key he had he took out his keys and opened the door and I was like this kind of feels right you know so I thought you know what the hell let's let's just ask him now see what he says well congratulations he was he was very excited and I was I'm very excited too and he apparently has a seven-point plan of things he wants to do to the house so whatever you want to do just ask for him to submit it in PowerPoint exactly I expected actually he can submit it in the power bottom of you. I have the bobaloo picture taken yesterday that when he finally decides to you know expose himself so to speak oh oh yeah it's fantastic he has a peter pan hat on and he's taking flight oh god it's fabulous I have some really good pictures of taylor and I have one picture of taylor and bobaloo and I have to tell you it warms the cockles on my heart because they didn't know that I was taking the picture and they're walking down through in fact they were walking right past we just gotten off of Pirates of the Caribbean and and even though taylor kind of looks like he's picking his shorts out of his butt which he's not but he kind of looks like he is bobaloo has his he's they're walking like tank and I walk we don't we hold hands every once in a while but normally I put my arm through tank's arm you know like if you're in escort position but that's just the way I like to walk and bob bobaloo is doing that to taylor and they're talking and it's very cute and they didn't know I was taking the picture and it's very cute picture except taylor except taylor does look like he's picking his butt and of course you know taylor has on the mario baby blue t-shirt and um bobaloo has on sundercats i love bobaloo for the 80s party don't you know yeah would we bought them at the hot topic thundercats are go i already told him the t-shirts was mine after he wore it the first time and so but we'll be living together we'll be able to share clothes oh my god you'd be like roommates yeah we'd like totally great except we'll finger bang every once in a while all right well um this has been pretty much the final week for the john goodman contest oh yeah how many entries do we have we have about i want to say around 15 okay now 15 we um apparently we were almost bribed or there was the offer of bribe from a listener who offered to bake us all banana bread yes don't think i didn't think about it yes we will always accept bribes um i will be seeing tappy in the next day or two and we are going to tape a video podcast in which we will announce the winner at that time um now is it refreshed i had someone ask me is this only open to people this is the open to people who have left five star reviews from the very beginning or only since we may be announced you have left a five star review from the beginning okay good um then you have then so pretty much there are 116 we're up to 116 reviews there is the possibility of having 116 entries but i don't know how many of those people still listen and just let their reviews behind or if people that would even be interested in it so i decided you know what we're just going to have people that say yes i want to be in the contest we have a lot of podcasters that want to be in the contest but we also have some listeners as well so i don't know if it's going to be another podcaster it's going to be a listener what okay but uh it is going to definitely be somebody and we're going to have one possibly two guest co-hosts as well excellent it's going to be a free for all an orgy of laughter yes yes and uh i've already got the theme music and the podcast art all taken care of i i can't wait yeah so that's going to so what i'm going to do is uh if you are the winner i will be sending you an email letting you know that you're the winner and telling you what we need to do talking about scheduling a time all that sort of thing so keep an eye out on your email box um and uh i said that weird keep an eye out on your email box don't you know don't you know um oh shit yeah oh shit yeah you're going to be on the show you're going to be on the episode 69 maybe we know speaking speaking of orgies of laughter and fellow podcasters i believe this saturday we will all be partaking in an orgy of laughter seeing um the kevin b and die mommy die yes oh i'm very excited i'm very very excited babaloo and uh tank and taffy and myself are headed to the Orlando again again yeah you guys like the living window now yes pretty much it feels like it but this is i have been looking forward to this since kevin told me that he got the role yeah and i still have not seen any pictures i actually they have two episodes of qcast since they started doing the show i'm afraid they're going to say something about the show in the podcast so i haven't even listened to their podcast yet i'm just holding on to them hold on for one more day oh god no no more wasn't phillips references please please yeah no i my brain can't handle it all right kitties um well we're going to be i was trying to do a short show when we're almost at an hour again but uh if we get done in the next few minutes then we'll be able to uh scoot out of here before they shut off the lights around us yeah that's ever happened before yeah well we're always going you know shopping at last call kind of thing lights are on quarter to three no one is exactly you and me so said i'm up to all right okay anyway uh as always you can go to our blog which is pod is my you can email us at pod is my co-pilot at if you want to say hello send us a cock pick or put in an application for a three-way with bobaloo and i females need not apply i'm just kidding about that part i'm going to have to i'm going to get a phone call about that i know tomorrow afternoon um you can call us at 206-2025-165 leave us a voicemail tell us how fabulous we are we love that yeah we didn't get to voicemails tonight but we had a lot of stuff that we wanted to cover we'll get back to voicemails next week for 68 cool all right now taffy impressed me with the phone number rodan uh backslash pod is my co-pilot and okay so pod is my okay so i love pod is my co-pilot is our face there you go very nice all right okay guys well thanks a lot for listening uh we will be back next week and look uh keep an eye out for the video podcast announcing who the winner is you'll be seeing either my ugly mug or taffy's beautiful mug in your ipod in the next hmm probably three or four days yay everybody have a good week this is taylor and taffy and rodan have a good week everybody bye bye bitches bye bitches always charming always classy always classy