Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 65 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Taylor, or A Cruller In Her Cussy
Happy 4th of July...a few days late! Taylor gets gross, Taffy gets angry, and Rodan gets...well, none. And we finish up the voicemails! Get your entry in to be a member of the "studio audience" for Episode 69 - leave us a five star review and let us know at podismycopilot@gmail.com! They're comin' to America! TODAY! We are Pod Is My Copilot.
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you're listening to hot is my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy taffy carlale huffington and rodan hi this is here the latte boy and thank you for downloading episode 65 of pot is my co-pilot happy birthday america america hurrah hurrah as always i am joined by lady libity herself taffy carlale huffington it's held the chief isn't it that's held to the chief but okay and our own veritable sand the eagle oh yeah oh yeah i saw that i was like oh that's too funny so did we all have a good 4th of july we did yes there were sky rockets and flight yeah everyone's delight considering we were at the widow carlile i don't want to know yeah we had fun we had a good time thank you to the widow carlile who doesn't listen to the show we'll never hear this for inviting bobaloo and i over to her her penthouse in the sky so she invited the gay and his uh it's uh his uh the gay and his gay thank you the gay and his sodomite yeah that's where i was going yeah she invited us both over to uh watch the fireworks and have a little fried chicken and shrimp uh what do you call those things cocktail thank you and and it was really good really a good time it's amazing sitting up that high that i mean it's i mean the fireworks are a you have to look up a little bit to see them but you don't have to look up very far because i mean they are like just about a high level it's amazing oh wow other pictures you guys are amazing the only thing bad is that it's because it's so close to all the big buildings is the reverb of the of the bang it reverbs about three times and it it's so loud it's it's definitely out loud but uh yeah because you know it shakes the glass shakes the glass shakes glass my mother must have said oh my god it's shaking the glass about five hundred times no and i've decided that i'm going to introduce yet another quasi member of the carlall huffington clan to our listeners and i think that we need to come up with a good nickname for her but i'm going to propose Wally the walrus and that would be my mother-in-law oh yes because you have to understand list dear listeners and if any of you are married or have quasi-in-laws and you'll understand that my mother-in-law in the winter carlile hate each other about as much as two people can and still have to be civil to one another in a family type circumstance except for the fact that every time that that Wally is around my mother will go i hate her underneath her breath about ten thousand times except she has found an ally in Taylor oh we are literally we are there is like eight people sitting on top of a 12-foot wide patio to which the wood of carlile looks at Taylor and says ten thousand dollars if you push her off right twelve twelve stories twelve stories ten thousand dollars so to which Taylor kind of giggles and ha ha ha ha and him and Babaloo ha ha ha ha about five minutes later as soon as Wally says something else she leans over she goes it just went up to twenty the entire night I think at the final tally it was like a hundred and fifty and she goes you think I'm kidding I'm not kidding I'm telling you right now one just one big push mine yeah so this is the entire evening is at one point I'm sitting in the living room and everybody's sitting around and I have a direct eyesight into the bedroom the widow Carlisle is standing there with five one thousand dollar bills in the door frame going she's a horrible person but let me tell you something the highlight of the entire 4th of July for one member of my family in particular was something that Taylor said in the car in the way home which she has repeated about 50 times actually there were two there's two car incidences we'll discuss this is the first one because as as our listeners and Rojan knows I'm in the market for a new car and I'm driving myself crazy trying to find one and Babaloo asks Taylor so you don't go car shopping with her do I get to say what I said please do I'd rather give myself a pat smear than go car shopping lollipop and then today on her my space that was the motto I didn't take her car shopping and I finally said you have to take that off because I hope none of your friends get it and if they do then they can't be your friends anymore and be able to get it off her that she said it to me at Sam's she said it to me on a bike ride she said it to be about 15 different times today I'd rather have a pat smear than full laundry I shut up and the second the second car ride home is that today we're walking through Sam's and we're looking at things and the little stuffing to walk up to me and she goes I don't think I want that kind of juice and I said oh okay then we'll get something else I said why don't I thought you like this now it just makes me pissed oh I said excuse me um where did you hear that word from Babaloo last night in the car I said mmm-hmm Babaloo now goes on my list that's fine I'll deal with this later so Babaloo I'm coming after you poor Babaloo you know if I ever run for president that's gonna be my chicken and having a pie to crawler in every pussy well fireworks here in Monroe were a soggy mess it was raining yeah but I hung out with the professor professor Scott and his boyfriend and a couple other folks around here know do they shoot them off in like a park or something or is it where it's over the skyline I mean I don't know anything about Monroe it's over the river the wash at all and through the woods yeah so it was but they barely you could barely see them over the tree lines and stuff and it was it was a little sad really but that makes it very anti-climatic yeah literally and figuratively but I mean you know well after growing up in Florida we're like you know you can go drive by Orlando any day of the week and there's Walt Disney World and Universal Studios shooting up fireworks like every night that are better than most 4th of July celebrations yeah I was thinking that last night we we stayed we were there very late last night Babaloo and I and we watched the wishes fireworks which I had never seen before which is an amazing that's good it's very good yeah amazing to the point of one point I may have actually teared up a little bit watching yeah it's so like over I mean it's just enormous and it's just it's great but I was thinking all the people that live close by here like 4th of July must be sort of like it's another night we just look to the east instead of looking to the west or fireworks that's the big you know excitement yeah I remember when you and I if it's happy when you and I have stayed in Orlando we stayed in some of the condos that we've stayed at where we're high up and you can watch the skyline of where all the parks are and you can just watch watch fireworks shoot off for you know like an hour yeah because some go out depending on the yeah depending on the park they're almost like every half an hour you can sit and just boom boom boom boom yep I think it would get old after a while especially if you you know imagine these people who have like kids they have to put to bed every night and everything and they live in close proximity to the parks that might get old quick yeah yeah you know it's time for bed it's firework time I don't think they do it quite as often as they used to though do they oh yeah still every night okay yeah because I remember like when Epcot first opened so Magic Kingdom was doing them and then Epcot was doing them and back this is back long ago but like boardwalk and baseball would do them and oh my god you're like in the late 80s yeah yeah and well and pleasure island doesn't matter night at midnight oh wow yeah so I mean I know that MGM doesn't do it well they do the fantastic show but then I know Anna Kingdom doesn't do them obviously yeah but don't need to piss off the Jaguars yeah right unfortunately though the Fourth of July celebration for our particular family ended very very very very early this morning because Mr. Huffington Mr. Huffington is not well oh yes and and he like myself he actually he's he's a little worse about than I am I never get sick I mean I can say that pretty pretty honestly the last time I was actually like had a cold was with the first time that the four of us went to Savannah that's the last time I had a cold and that's when and Drum Riley Calhoun and I were both stick together in fact I believe we were called the tuberculosis twins because we just kept coughing coughing coughing that was the trip that that was the trip that I moaned the tugboat yes that should totally be our art and that was the last time I was six that was gotta be what five years ago four years ago the first time we went yeah about that yeah and I just I don't ever ever get sick occasionally I lose my voice it's very rare and it's usually from yelling at cheerleaders but for the most part no tank it's sick about once a year if that and when he does though it kicks him in the nuts I mean it just he's pitiful he literally today he slept for probably 10 hours I have I have seen him maybe 15 20 minutes a whole day he just is pitiful but then you know I know what's gonna happen is he will go to bed and he'll I mean he's in bed right now he will sleep until probably 10 o'clock tomorrow morning wake up and be fine he'll just be exhausted from sleeping too much but I hate it when he's sick because he's a horrible patient because I'm a mommy and I want to do the whole what can I get you can I get you any water you need to drink would you like some chicken soup which is like something to eat are you too hot are you too cold would you like a blanket and he's like get away from me but of course he doesn't say that he just lovingly smiles and goes no dear I'm fine you can close a door on your way out get out but um so he's he's not well which makes me sad because it means he's not well and no hot loving but you know I was gonna say what makes you sad because it means you're not getting any that's true well speaking of not feeling well should is it time for me to tell my story of the week oh I think you should definitely story okay this is a story that we are going to call are you there God it's me Taylor I feel an after-school special coming up yeah on next to maybe but not all right I early last weekend started to okay I guess I should backtrack before I start anything I have been known to occasionally get what can only be referred to as small cysts on my legs usually they're on my thighs and they're just these little pockets of gross that I get usually on my thighs and part of it is from you know it's part of it is genetic I my dad's out of the family the men and them get them occasionally and part of it is from being you know slightly overweight and by slightly overweight it's oh my god it's coming at me and part of it is probably from heaven what we refer to is the diabetes which I don't know if I've ever talked about but I am actually a diabetic and usually what happens is one of two things happens either they go away or if they don't go away I go to the doctor that she prescribes me antibiotics after three or four days they go away well this one kind of formed in a different place yeah this one kind of formed where my penis meets my testicles meets my lower oh my goodness so it's the axis of evil like and unfortunately being slightly overweight there is business issues so it didn't you know it is a you know it is the the cave of terror I guess and it just progressively got worse and worse and you know I kept thinking well maybe you know of course I'm doing the whole reading online and thinking myself maybe it'll go away and I definitely this isn't something where I want it to you know rupture because it's you know it's just it's just a breeding ground for business yuck yeah yeah and so it gradually started to get to where it was painful to walk so what do I do I go to the mall with Taffy to the point of where she's in the middle of a conversation and I just pick up my phone I guess I need to schedule an appointment doctor so and so because this is what's going on so they got me in the next day you know I had to show my business to my doctor which is never fun did you say wow it looks like a turtle you have to warn me well love when I said that guest co-host thing for episode 69 yeah that's actually audition sorry so she prescribed in about it and she said you know it may you know you use the warm compressors all that sort of stuff that it may I hate you so much it may eventually you know work its way out so you know I'm doing what she says I'm taking my antibiotics a day before yesterday Bobaloo is over because it was 4th of July and this is before we go over to the widow Carlisle's and I go in to go use the bathroom do what guys do sort of pull it out to pee and blood oh yeah so this thing it was gross but the worst part is it was an angle that I couldn't necessarily see it just sort of like looking down it over to the side so I had to ask Bobaloo to come in to the bathroom but I had to I was standing on the toilet at the yes if you have regale this story look in the face like open the door he's sitting on the toilet and he's got his hands between his legs and I'm like what are you doing? priceless so and then I have to do the whole you know alcohol wipe to clean out the area which was like you know I pretty much said when you hear the shrieking coming from the bathroom I'm fine just you know don't open the door and so it's been progressively you know over the course of the weekend I've been spotting a little bit tear tired today I became a woman I had my first period yeah I've been on the antibiotics and it seems to be all healed up and it seems to be healing up actually there is still occasionally some grossness to it I apologize to everybody listening to this it really is the most other than Disney it is the most interesting thing that's happened to me all weekend oh or all week rather no see I get those little things kind of like which you get not nearly I've seen the ones on his thighs never and I get them every once in a while where they had the JP drain from my what the hell is JP drain where they suck all the poison out of you after my appendectomy do you remember seeing that what the fuck is he talking about I know what I know is appendectomy but I don't remember a JP Jane drain underneath my appendectomy scar I've got another scar from where they stuck a tube with a little bulbous thing on it oh yeah in that part I get a every once in a while similar to what Taylor's talking about it's lovely it sounds it yeah yeah well but I also when I went to the doctor I kind of it's been a while since I've been in there and I got yelled at about you know taking better care myself and all that sort of thing so I'm back on the diabetes medication and doing what I'm supposed to do and trying to make healthier choices at Epcot instead of having french fries I had apple slices so you didn't have a for a chocolate croissant oh god yeah I totally had well my rationale was I'm not gonna have french fries because I know I'm gonna have a chocolate croissant in a little while so but then that was a choice you made that's good yes yes that's how I'm justifying it and that's one of these where you know Babaloo keeps saying do you want to go get this you're gonna go get that I'm like I you're not supposed to be doing these like I'm not a good boyfriend I'm not a good boy I'm like yes you are a good boyfriend but you have to you know it's shifting into trying to remember you know well yeah it's like do you want Taylor alive or do you want Taylor you know in the fetal position foaming at the mouth from a diabetic coma yeah cuz that's why he would be in the fetal position so they say is Erdle gonna be okay Erdle the turtle be okay you've got no permanent damage everything is fine how long how long before you can bum buggles again no yeah I don't know and that was not and well not it that wasn't an issue for you know Bob Babaloo got some I didn't this weekend let's put it on but which was fine which was which was fine I just am not necessarily feeling that right now I'm not feeling that and that's not a concern for me right now that's just because I want it to be where everything is copacetic before I even attempt to go down that path as it were but yeah it was it was it was it's been kind of gross but it's it's it got to the point of where it would hurt to sat down sit down stand up walk you know oh my gosh stay seated or lay down and I look okay this is starting to become a problem well I have a story that is directly related to both of the topics we were just discussing which were you know gay boy sitting up and standing down yes well okay gay boys and making healthy food choices oh okay so as some of our listeners know and as you two know we do send our children to a faith-based school which means occasionally I have you know psychotic parents who send me ridiculous emails of stories and things but this one in particular made me raise my eyebrows up a little bit because I have not had McDonald's food I am not a fan of fast food at all I never have been it's not my thing I don't enjoy the any part of the experience of eating fast food of any kind with the exception occasionally of Taco Bell and even that I haven't had for two years so anyways McDonald's in particular absolutely not because I hate their marketing I absolutely abhor the whole you're only cool if you're only cool a cool parent if you take your kids to McDonald's I just think it's disgusting however might have to change between a little bit because the American Family Association which is the whole Dr. Dobson you know very right ring conservative Christian they have all decided now that they are going to ban McDonald's because apparently the golden arches are now promoting homosexual agenda how so I'm glad they got with the program okay I have exactly I have this quote and it says they are promoting a lifestyle that will utterly destroy the traditional family because they all die of heart disease age 40 maybe because apparently it is a company that actively demonstrates its commitment to the gay and lesbian community because they were one of the supporters of the local pride thing that went on last weekend you're a fucking kid me oh I am absolutely not this is huge this was sent to about 45 different private schools in Florida State with I would say probably some of these schools are upwards of six seven thousand kids so we're talking 45 different 45 different schools sent to this oh no it was huge yeah now come on let's I can't even talk about it I mean I suppose for some for some that would be a reason to boycott them for me it's a reason to say supersize me I absolutely just you know I take issue I'm absolutely I just know I can't even talk about it it just pisses me off but I'm a libertarian civil liberties raw what you do what you do is your business what I do is my business just as long as you don't hurt me and I don't hurt you that's fine I just can't understand this kind of rhetoric well I'm sorry I'm sure there's people out there who feel the same way and if you're listening to our podcast and clearly you stumbled upon us by accident I was gonna say that what the hell are you doing listening to me because you'll be excommunicated pretty quickly we're talking we're talking about turtles and junk puss and this is tame for us no it's junk puss not jesus that's what jp means junk p wow that's that's yeah those things never work and eventually they tried that with disney oh I know I know with other things the gays tried it with the cracker barrel years ago exactly and I'm sure that there's about five million other things like that that you know none of us have heard about but it's weird but true and sad and wrong well but you know what then it'll make it easier for me to get my chicken McNuggets because there'll be less people to the drive through so it's a win-win really exactly people are ridiculous I know pretty and what's going on with you um I have a mini rant about the butler but I'm pretty well then I don't want to go into it oh when you started it so yeah I was gonna say you and I'm not editing that out wait apparently the butler isn't giving you white glove treatment oh that is for damn sure the little bastard he well that apparently the butler isn't doing it I I apparently date the crazies that's that's oh no and I still I have very high affection of the butler I don't know how much longer he's gonna be around but I have a vision for the well hopefully if he listens to this obviously not much longer but it's gay yeah if you listen this will be a rant till about Wednesday when I post this he actually doesn't listen to the show and there was this a bit of a source of a fight last weekend because I'm like listen if you want to show freaking interest show like listen to the show like look at the blog do something you know and he's like yeah but it takes long to download the show blah blah blah blah and I'm like it takes 35 seconds like man up he lives in the country so he's got a slower internet connection he still has dial up exactly I don't care if it takes fucking 14 days to download the show every other guy faster on the bicycle yeah every other guy every other guy that either taylor I have dated since we started this show has sampled multiple episodes every guy that what you're calling it oh yeah so I gave him a hard time about that then he oh what happened go ahead just just say it we're here for you well you guys we're listening yeah from Louisiana we have Monroe yeah you're on Delilah you know how we all three know what Delilah is but god the sprout had a few issues right that required that required psychiatric attention well and I know this is horribly wrong but I kind of you know I tell people the whole sprout stories and stuff and you know and I'm I kind of approached it poorly with the butler but I pretty much said you're not on any head meds right which was wrong of me very very wrong those of you on anti-depressation anti-depressation it's because center response is too rodan at pot is my co-pilot.com yeah so you know and I realized it was an incense and way for me to say it and he said no no no blah blah you know he denied it and so this weekend like as he's driving up he's like yeah no I lied to you like what you lied to me about he's like yeah no I've been diagnosed as blah blah blah blah and I'm like what I'm like yeah and so I've been trying I know it's with like you know manic depression or is he on oxycontin I mean I mean there's level no no I mean it's not nothing to the level that sprout was on I mean nothing like that at all so but still are the words with psychotic features listed anywhere in his diagnosis I don't know I didn't actually look at his diagnosis but he was like well and I don't take the meds the doctors wanted me to take and blah blah blah blah and so I'm thinking okay well that's fine but he's like I've got a touch of the crazy on my face today I don't know if I want to come over and I'm like what wait wait wait wait hold on hold on a touch of the crazy on my face means last night's trick spooge that's dried or does it mean actually I'm having a bad day yeah right there's nothing really better there meaning that he was a little depressed and blah blah blah so essentially all we can it came over and we just he just laid around like oh it was just not happy times so that exhausting it is oh my god it is because all I wanted to do was have a nice fun pleasant weekend and next weekend we're supposed to go see Avenue Q in Dallas and now I'm thinking I don't want to fucking take him charming so wait a minute you only want to be with a boy if he can be happy and go lucky all the time not when he's you know needs your help and with mental issues thank you for that now as always you can check out our blog you can set us emails as far as my go back to gmail.com I am exceptionally supportive and to be honest I still like the butler and I'm still willing to you know and I still want to work think you try to work this out or whatever yeah yeah yeah I know I'm trying but I'm trying right so I'm trying but I'm just feeling like he's not trying to so you can't feel he's not trying to because he's depressed or you feel he's not trying to because he's not necessarily interested in really committing to the relationship well and that's what I was trying to figure out so I was asking him questions and he was like well this isn't all about you and I'm like you gotta be fucking kidding me I'm so mad it's always about me so I was just I'm fired up so and then he called me I like on his way home because he like lives in Texas so you call me like on his way home and he's like acting like everything is completely normal everything I'm just like okay well maybe crazy had passed maybe you know crazy training gone I guess maybe it's not you know and it's not fair to call him crazy but so is it possible that the reason he was calling you and acting like everything was okay was just a sort of gauge how you were doing and to just sort of see if you know maybe that was his crazy barometer yeah well I think it was just his crazy barometer we not call him crazy yeah it's really not fair to call him crazy I mean he's going through a rough time you know I get that kooky he's a little kooky so I think I think that was the case and I think I may have I may have taken my baggage about the whole mental illness thing a little too seriously with him so I mean I approached her wrong in the beginning so this may be a little bit of my fault but I was not making it all about me damn it well that's good I mean that that is good we'll see we'll see we'll see if you stall on the show next week those crazy butlers yeah isn't there a famous crazy butler velvet ear Benson Benson wasn't I don't know what Benson was a butler Benson was a butler on soap and then he became governor governor of something he wasn't the governor I think he was like governor by like the last season I think he was lieutenant governor by the by the last season okay I don't know hey was he lieutenant I don't know I don't think he I don't know somebody look it up right we're not allowed to open things could you yell at us yes you do yell at us through you okay so should we get into our voicemail um oh just I have one I speaking of rants I have one last little rant and that's about movie etiquette oh yes people at the movies um there is a reason that movie theaters are closing up all over the country and it's not because it costs nine dollars to get in it's because people don't want to deal with with assholes stupid white girls and that is kind of the way that I am right now I went and saw Wally on Monday night with Babaloo which was a very cute movie and I've enjoyed it very very much um however within the course of the movie it was one of the big theaters and there was maybe 20 people in the entire theater maybe that many um the girl sitting behind me one row back 10 seat it's over this is what she did for the first 20 minutes in the movie oh no oh god he's so cute no oh god look at him oh that's so sweet and you didn't turn around oh and this is a girl that is maybe about 20 years old yeah she'd have had a die so what I did because I am a pastor across a asshole as the movie was ending and she got up I turned to Babaloo and very loudly went oh god that was such a good movie oh god that seat was so comfortable oh I enjoyed my cherry coat so much and they're receiving to follow her out the entire theater walking behind her and down the hallway doing that so the point of why eventually went into the bathroom and she kept walking and did one last oh really really good with her friends turned around and looked at her she just kept she just kept looking forward that's because she knew she was being asked yeah and I was being an asshole afterwards but at that point I really didn't care and you know they left totally thinking why is that guy such an asshole dance bags yeah afterwards it was to the point it made me so angry me Babaloo so angry there's a Starbucks around the corner from where we go I wanted to go to the Starbucks and see if she was there and would have sat and went oh god this Frappuccino is so good oh I love this song nice yeah she wasn't there actually because we did dry fast oh hey I went to actually I saw um wanted how did you think I saw too what did you think I I can't believe it was only like 95 minutes long because it felt like like three hours but it I liked it actually but I liked it except for the fact that it very much straight from the comic book oh really the first like 15 minutes or so is almost panel for panel the comic book and then as soon as he meets Angelina Jolie it shoots off at a completely different direction oh so but as far as an action movie goes it was a pretty good movie as far as the you know it was mindless for the most part as far as following the comic book thing it didn't really follow it off well did have you ever seen Nightwatch I'm gonna say no because it is it's the Russian action movie it's in subtitles or whatever it was very well I've heard about it there was Nightwatch and then there was Daywatch the sequel right right and it's directed by the same guy and it was very much that same style which was really cool seemed that Americanized so that was cool yeah yeah right now Taffy's trying to curve a bullet into her brain no I'm just replaying the last you know episode of Friends I watched this morning so it's fine and you were gonna say something before I went into want it I don't know I have no idea oh you know when Taylor was saying we had a lot of local listeners I was going to comment to any of them who might possibly have caught the Thursday night show of Peter Murphy at the Tampa theater it was incredible now who's Peter Murphy for those of our listeners who don't know well thanks because I don't know which would be about 99.9 percent of our listeners but Peter Murphy is what is lovingly known as the godfather of goth and he was the lead singer of Bauhaus actually he still is wrote most of their songs and he has an amazing solo library actually one of the deep which is the name of one of his CDs is probably one of my top five CDs of all time it is incredible and he has this very very deep almost beyond baritone voice and it's it's incredible and he is about 60 years old and he has zero percent body fat man I'm telling you I was literally about four inches from him at one point and he is the little little tiny but he's he sounded incredible it was very intimate show he's there Bauhaus is getting ready to go on tour again and so he's doing a couple um starter starter performances and the house of blues show it was sold out and it was that was five thousand in Orlando for last night and Thursday night there was only 350 people at the show so it was incredibly incredibly intimate for people who like that kind of music it was an amazing amazing concert so I was I'll a twitch her and I just I came home and I was completely like I was up until 4 30 in the morning and then last night I was working on the movie of you know because of course we were allowed to take a video and then we ended up taking a ton of video and so I was working on the movie until three o'clock yesterday morning or this morning some of the video or pictures because some of those pictures that you taught that you showed me are amazing they it's amazing how close we were well today I took the most amazing pictures I have ever seen I sent some of them to you because both of our daughters have been going to diving class and let me tell you something as a control freak mother who has to know everything about every coach and everything I have never been allowed to go to a diving class because lollipop pretty much said you can meet them the coach you can meet the people I'm with and then you can never come because it's too nerve-wracking to do this by myself let alone having you watch so she ended up perfecting this one dive at least in her mind she perfected it with that's a really that's all it matters and she gave us permission to come watch her this morning so we got to go and watch and we took a ton of pictures and I have some really interesting ones I haven't even sent the best ones to you because they're only got one of them oh I sent a bunch of them too but I will I was I am going to post one of them um and it is it's pretty cool but they go off they haven't got off the real high meters the high of these went off is seven meters which is still you know that's 21 feet in the air that's that's a hefty diving board that's awesome yeah can I just say something that has nothing to do with what you talked about and I am listening to what you're saying but I'm watching two mosquitoes fuck on my desk oh okay well that means but that means that they're going to make baby mosquitoes so kill them exactly and beside them dead can you think of a happier way to die i think that's a die well exactly that's how I want to go okay they're done did you at least let them finish well they were smoking the little cigarette so voicemails let's do voicemails okay oh hey wait real quick one other thing is i look oh my god why i don't right i love taffy's camera so much that i bought one myself they were on sale they were on sale so i bought one and i made a little video tour of my house not that i know how to do anything else with the uh the camera so with editing or anything so i doubt i'll ever get posted but send me the file i'll make it into a video for you if you want okay all right i'll post i'll post it as a video as a video podcast bobaloo and i tried to do a video podcast at Epcot yesterday not working yeah we'll go back and do another one because i tried to watch it today and bobaloo not the best cameraman in the world pretty much if you want to watch three minutes of my chin and my male breasts then i'll be more than happy to post it well he was looking at your boobs while he was taping you he was like he was he was checking out the rack because it was it was it was nice rack okay voicemail i hate you okay um all right our first voicemail is from miss Melanie from don't quit your day job hello pumpkins this is no one in lino the one from the don't quit your day job podcast i am finishing up the latest episode which is of course hilarious which is what we expect from u3 and i'm following your adventures on the gate is podcast of polusa and if you are seeing a green glow off to the northwest that's probably coming from dallas and that would be me you all look like you're having an immensely fun time which is wonderful i expect to do lots more pictures and i am looking forward to the material that i'm sure these days are providing for future podcasts anyway hope you all are having fun i'll listen to and talk to you later bye bye well melody next time you're going to have to come to gay days with us and then we can grow up each other you know unapologetically it'll be fabulous you can be my date and Melanie i'm going to be heading towards that green glow uh next weekend to go see avenue q so um maybe if you're gonna be there yeah how far how far is plano from dallas i have no idea but she was saying that the green glow is coming from dallas area so i'm assuming plano is pretty close well maybe you all could meet that could be meet and greet meet and greet there you go but that's different from a meet and greet is another podcaster yes very true and a great fan kill me god damn you pafaku pafaku all right okay the next one is from another podcaster um baby arm holding a tomato aka Tim from thermally single hey taylor taffy and ergan his temp and terminally single giving you a call saying it was awesome meeting all of you this weekend y'all are all very wonderful in person how was a little shy this weekend so you have to get up hope to excuse that but um i hope you keep up the good work on your show i'm hope to see you all again very soon and i hope taffy enjoyed her email so i didn't know if you got it yet or not so just let me know and i will keep listening and y'all have a great one fight tim i received my email approved well um david to mention it's like next time you come to relando maybe i can show it to you in person i said you can't do that because taffy will want to be there he's like yeah i kind of figured as long as i can hold the camera all i ask i thought you're going to say as long as you can hold it well apparently he's got the tripod so you know that i'm bummed who writes the camera on it and then we got a trio of birthday messages from uh well you'll hear who hey you guys it's super bm michael we're just calling to wish the pastor a happy happy birthday happy happy birthday baby there you go i'm sure she's now wet needs a napkin first heat after that one because that was michael wait let me do it while i'm flexing my biceps for you taffy happy happy birthday baby and my bicep scenes cock we hope you have a fabulous birthday taffy we love you what are you um eating now oh no i'm kidding i'm kidding you're not team you don't look 21 you don't look any older than 43 all right we love you happy birthday bye-bye hi taylor taffy and we're Dan this is ron provisoco uh this message is actually for our favorite debutante diva Miss Kathy Carlisle Huffington Tim and i would love to wish taffy a very happy birthday and may she get everything she wants in the coming year and more love all you guys bye hello pod is michael pilot kids it's mary the silver girl i'm calling to say taffy happy happy happy birthday and let me just say you look fucking fantastic i am so impressed and i only hope that when i decide to really start losing the weight even though i play at it i hope i can do as well as you you are a true inspiration i love you i know so many others do it's amazing fabulous job love you love you love you love you all actually podcast or the video from gated was fantastic wish i was there maybe next year anyway love you guys bye yes calling me the debutante diva i'm trying to find some way to make that a moniker that i can like pass out business cards it says that so thank you ron thank you super b thank you michael and i will say it did make me a little wet just imagining him flexing his arms is true and mary mary has a potty mouth i love that i love that about her so yes thank you thank you everyone when you're doing her show yet oh stop oh my god i know it's awful and i and she mails me and i email her back and then we always say okay you know we're gonna talk to each other on this day again and we never talk to each other so it's we're bad we know it all right i'm holding your feet to the fire on that one ooh tickles don't get kinky now now yeah i know well okay we have we have a message from my girlfriend my other girlfriend miss my my west coast girlfriend thank you my east coast girlfriend she's my west coast girlfriend well east coast girls all right hip it's it's i really dig the styles they wear it's a it's a two-part biggie thing hey you all right it's miss nasa hi pot is my co-pilot it's nasa just want to call and say a couple quick things first taffy i hope you had a fabulous birthday and i hope taylor passed on my email back i asked him to we're also have to kick him in the butt and the video of the gay days was fucking fantastic taffy the target card was a fabulous wonderful idea um i think it should be a tradition and everybody should chip in next year um taylor the morning after video for reals i'm gonna have to download like 800 times or watch 800 times because i am weird like that but it was totally awesome that you gave me a shout out and it made me feel loved and i was really sad because i really wish i was there and wrote hand who knew you were so ebb and hot for reals like i saw your picture i'm like oh wrote in so that's it i just have a crush on all you guys like all three of you i just want to hug you and kiss you and cuddle with you and yeah but anyways um a fabulous video i'm glad you guys had a fabulous time and i am there 2009 for reals because if i don't get to go next year i will kill someone someone being my husband and there's more to that just kidding i'm not going to kill them don't call the cops i love you guys bye well she wished me a happy birthday which was nice i know that is very sweet and she said i was hot for reals by the way nessa i never got an email from taylor just so you know mm-hmm boyfriend slipping down the rungs mmm oh is that what we're calling it the wrong if by slipping down the rungs you mean slipping in the tongue well i hope she does go in 2009 because i think that or next year that i think that would be awesome that would be so awesome and melanie can come and yes it won't be such a sausage party there was a lot of sausage and i didn't get to eat me what's up with that oh my lord um you almost got to plant some though considering some of the pictures that we have from our hotel room oh yeah good point i should post that picture i meant to post that picture in the video those are the those are the i have three of them they're the best pictures ever yeah of it where it looks like rodan and i are it's he's entering he's entering you from behind yeah that makes it sound creepy and it does like it's a creepy dance picture yeah there's a couple of those that are like oh okay i didn't mean to look that creepy that should be the cover art for this episode because they are scary okay we also have uh another product just has all the podcasters man uh we also have tom the ramble redhead hey guys this is tom just wanted to give you a quick call to say that i got to watch the video that you guys posted from gay days and i thought it was fantastic and i just wanted to say that i looked at vlog and saw that um you know taffy had met her weight goal and then surpassed it so i didn't i also wanted to wish her a happy birthday and i really hope that you guys are recovered from the festivities from gay days so i thought it was really great and uh you sound like you guys had a lot of fun and it was great finally seeing mister rodan on the videotape so it was great so i hope to see more stuff from yes so but i just want to give you a quick call to say hey i love you guys and now i get to clean up some dog poop anyway talk to you later tom yes i just did his show i love him he loves me aww i know and thank you again about it the nice thing she said about my weight loss that was very sweet and um i'm glad i'm glad everyone decided kind of embraced our gay days video because a couple times when i watched it i thought we look like assholes but it makes me laugh every time i watch it too so and nasa even mentioned like the target card and stuff that always makes me giggle and i always i always wonder when they were getting married and if they've actually got married and if they still listen to our show and why we weren't invited to the wedding and the fact that i'm not bitter about that but that's fine well and i really hope that tom got all the dog poop cleaned up really yes yes yes yes yeah and i hope we do make that a tradition yes i give a gift card every year i think that's a great idea yeah and for the record that was taffy's idea it's our idea no other podcast or let us do it that's right i've copyrighted the idea of getting a card gift card oh god all right and then we also have uh ricki miss ricki miss ricki ricki from from the fel monkey uh ricki lake ricki lake he's from lakeland so ricki lake i think that's value i'm not leaving my name or when i live because i hate your show hey guys that's ricki from uh fel monkeys and i was just calling to say that i had a great time hanging out with you guys at gay days um i can't wait to do it again next year of course we all live close so you know we could always hang out more often um but i must say that taffy was crazy she's so fun i love her she's so great i've never smelled as bald as big as the ones that i smelled for her but anyway um oh yeah this is ricki calm from lakeland florida i guess i should leave that but um taylor just to let you know that it's not this weekend that i'll be in st petersburg it's a weekend in july so but i will make sure to get ahold of you and let you know what that time is and what day is and all that great stuff so we can hang out and maver maybe maver i'm still country um maybe taffy can hang out with us too go to dinner or whatever so um it was a great show uh like the last show it was great yeah it was great did i mention that it was great anyway um rhodan you're cute and you're tall i was like wow that's rhodan taylor you already know that you're cute so anyway all right you guys uh have a great week and i will talk to you later i found my keys back home ricki i will always have balls for you to smell oh god it's not mine and tanks or tailors or rhodans take your pick i want to hang out with ricki more often yes ricki was awesome i had such a good time of gay days i i know this is gonna sound pathetic but every once in a while i just go through the gay days photos just of you know to relive the magic yeah oh i've watched the video a couple of times where i'll see the thing and just sort of like oh my god i can't believe i can't believe we did all that in the course of like oh i know that was like that was a month ago yeah in that's insane oh my god it was it felt like it feels like forever ago that we will but that means if it was it was a month ago that means we'll you have to wait 11 more times that we get to do it again exactly all right and that's all of our voicemail that's all of our voicemails right that's all yeah that's all of our voicemails right now we actually have a bunch in the last week we've got about six or seven but i'm going to save them for next week and that way we're on that way we're on point on point as it were hey did you see that we had four new iTunes reviews uh last i saw we were at a hundred and twelve yep we had a hundred eight last week yes we had a hundred and twelve and we have gotten about i would say seven or eight entries into the contest nice so it's still pretty there's still if you want to leave a review or want to send us a view there's still a really good chance it's not like your you know it's one or one chance in a hundred and twelve it's like one chance in eight or nine right now we would love to have you guys on and we actually have one person who is going to be a guest host um another podcaster another podcaster who has a great laugh that's all i'm gonna say she's all right someone who has a someone who has a better laugh than me what um speaking of other podcasters apparently last week when we referred to miss holly as being a big old mess she's taken umbridge with that oh really we met that she's kind of a little upset because apparently we said everybody else is great everybody is fabulous and then when she left her voicemails we said you know oh god she's she's a big old mess um okay you hear the way that we talk to one another on the show holly if we're referring to you as a mess that means we love you yes oh yeah we are all the epitome of the little boy on the playground in kindergarten who pulls the girl's pigtails and that means we like you yes so no wait a minute for all the people we just said oh my god i love her then that just means white well we love them too but that means if we are pulling holly's proverbial pigtails it means we want to pass her around for smokes well and also holly all kidding aside i did listen to the episode recently with the fire and everything like that and i'm really glad that you're okay and i'm also glad to hear that the dog that you found or that you helped take care of found a good home so apparently i'm not that caught up try to sleep try to try to get some sleep it'll be okay yeah everything yeah we we did we are thinking of you so yeah okay um all right now you were just mentioning something to me when we were doing a little editing thing about we we dropped down to page four again on the iTunes thing yeah i don't understand how this is working one day we're on page two and then like three days later we're on page four and we got four new reviews that doesn't make any sense to me i don't understand someone explained to me someone writes some fucking job code covered oh jesus i'll be lowering the volume on that one sorry i don't understand oh i don't i don't get it does anybody know does anybody know the system for for iTunes you know for reviews and your placement on the comedy pages and all that sort of stuff if you do please give us a call because we don't understand yeah i don't get it i don't know we're fairly educated people and well i don't know well and i did notice that things like oh the walleye video podcast is now in the first page right i mean so i think a bunch of corporate casts all of a sudden just pop back up into the uh into the thing because like best week ever is now on first page again and all that stuff where i don't even uh we are at the top page four okay yeah we were closer to the middle of page four yesterday i love the i don't know if any of you i'm i'm reading i'm currently reading some of our um our thanks and princess butch it says crass mean bitchy with loads of unnecessary sexual references and verbal slap downs makes me want to pee myself with laughter these guys are obviously friends because only friends can be as truly wicked to each other as they are i'm a total addict ah princess butch yeah thank you to all of you who left us yes we really are so good we love you we love you we love you like the horse we pay more than five bucks for that's what's that we love you we're not in love with you so just so so we know do we're not so you know we're clear on that right yes but love love all the same yes well at least at least love until you know they come in your mouth and then wow well then they need to go home as always you can visit our blog which is pod is my co-pilot.com you can go to our email which is pod is my co-pilot at gmail.com and go to our myspace which is myspace.com/pod is my co-pilot or you can join our facebook group which is okay so i love pod is my co-pilot or you can uh what's the last thing leave us a call us call us thank you that's okay what's the number 206 202 51 65 operators are standing by which means you're looking at the blog page right now with a picture of it with a big giant dildo stuff in your mouth or a churro one of the two oh it's a churro by the way the green with the hot pink what the hell is that oh and you should have seen that up close in the store with the blonde hair and the tattoos and yeah it was it was german clown scat porn that's really bad german why didn't you say that you didn't you weren't bad at all while you're at the disney world and yet you ate a churro because that's the epitome of deep fried sugar and health so everybody thanks for listening to episode 65 baby steps people baby steps i know all right guys thanks a lot for listening this is taylor and taffy and radan have a good week everybody bye bye bye bye now [Music]