Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 62 - Ricky Sniffed My Balls For Me, or "So I Go To Get Some Cockrings...."

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16 Jun 2008
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Inappropriate-a-go-go! Show notes on
[music] You're listening to Pot as My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Tappy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. [music] You're listening to episode 62 of Pot is My Co-Pilot with your hosts, Taylor the Latte Boy. Hey everybody. Tappy Carlisle Huffington. Hello lovelies. And Rodan. How are you guys doing tonight? Well, some of us are fabulous. [laughter] Some of us are-- Some of us want to put our head through a computer screen. Now, I recall last night the conversation being, "I totally love the Mac. I love it. I love it. I love it as the greatest computer ever." Well, now that was before I had nightmares of eight hours trying to transfer music over from my PC. Well, it's a Mac. And that was also before we tried to tape a podcast tonight. And for some reason now, I can't make conference calls on Skype. Well, it's a Mac, not a miracle machine. So I think that's-- you just have to have realistic expectations of there's going to be problems, just like any other-- Well, I don't understand why these problems weren't there two days ago. See, and you know what, I'm a lot like that. I have to say, I expected when I got the Mac, I was going to, you know, take it out of the box, hook it up. And everything was going to work beautifully. I wasn't going to have any of the issues I had with my PC. Everything was going to be quicker and faster and brighter and bigger. Yeah, it is on some instances. And then it has the same exact problems my PC had on other instances. And I think I get more frustrated with it on the Mac because I didn't expect it to have it. Whereas on the PC, I was just like, "Oh my God, I hate this computer." So then just everything it did, I just expected it to be shitty. Well, and honestly, up until now, I haven't had an issue. Everything has been pretty much where I pulled it out of the box. And I mean, I'm still learning to play with it. But it's, you know, it's been great. But now, all of a sudden, it's imploding on itself or something. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't think necessarily anything wrong. I mean, just keep in mind you're trying to transfer a ton of files. Huge file, yeah. I haven't even gotten that far yet. I haven't even gotten to where I'm transferring large files yet. Well, my ex never was able to transfer his library music from one PC to the next PC. I mean, he was just never able to do it. It always required him to reload the music manually. Yeah, that's exactly when we went from PC to Mac, same thing. All of our purchase music stayed the same. All of our individual music that was on CD that we had put on the computer had to be loaded individually. Again, it sucked. But I think that's kind of happening a lot. So don't worry. We're here to make you happier tonight. And I thought they had something with .Mac where you uploaded it to the .Mac site and then I've downloaded it for something. Well, but .Mac is $99 for a year. Oh, I assumed you already got it. Now, you were wrong. Apparently, yes, ma'am. All right, I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's talk about something happy. Let's talk about giddies. We were all together. It was lovely. It was lovely. And once again, the three of us are in the same room, actually sleeping in the same room. And we never record a podcast. It's just the three of us all together. No, I know it's bizarre, isn't it? Yeah. Well, because we were having too much fun. We were too busy having that's right. We were too busy, gang it up. Taking pictures and then you guys watching the pictures, five seconds after we took the picture. We are such narcissists. Take my picture, take my picture. Now, let me look at it. I didn't like that one. Say, you have met us, haven't you? Well, yes. Yeah, the picture of me half dressed going out to Magiano's in my underwear, laying in bed with Taffy. You know, one leg up, the other. Oh, God, it was a horrible picture, but it is kind of funny because it's very much it pretty much sums up Taffy and I as far as the we did something great. Now, let's look at it for a second later. Exactly. You know, it's funny because Babaloo was over here last night and I was showing him all of my pictures from, you know, Taylor through the years and literally more than a dozen pictures were of Taylor and I looking at pictures we had just taken. It was a picture, you know, it was a picture of us looking at pictures we had just taken. Yeah, it's wrong on so many levels. Yes, he did. He looked, he looked at Taylor through the years and I think he got a little misty at one point. He kept going, aww, aww, aww, aww. Babaloo is definitely a sweetheart. Yeah, he is. Nice guy. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. We went out last night for Taffy's birthday and went to the Magiano's and it was a lot of fun. But we're talking about Gay days. Let's go back to Gay days for a minute. Yeah, it was a great weekend. I was very apprehensive going into it, wondering, okay, is this going to be where everybody's going to get along or is it going to get into, you know, where everybody gets clicky or anything like that? Everybody was great. Oh, you know, that's a lot, that's a lot of look at me personalities to be in one group. And the heat. And the heat, exactly. And with alcohol. It could have been a bloodbath. Well, you know, one of the things I noticed, and this is nothing, it seems, but of all the podcasters, I think we probably seemed the most like our podcast personalities in real life. And I think a lot of people said that too. That we were more like who we are on the podcast. And I think it's scared people. Which is scary. I think they were a little afraid. Especially at Magiano's. Oh, that's not an act you three do. Mate, you mean you really, really talk like that? About everything, unfortunately. I'm going to go sit over here with the, I, I, and then they just get a walk away. No, everyone was fantastic. Yeah. Oh my God. I loved all of them. They were so funny. I have giggled about things that have been said. I can't even talk about it. The catchphrases that have come out of this weekend were ridiculous. Rodin, I can't drink this water. Don't tell the story. Tell the story first before you. Yeah. That was, it was brilliant. We were at tea at the Grand Floridian, and our little waitress was an ass. We didn't care for her. We took Umbridge with her. She just was very, very like. Oh, God. I can't believe I have to, you know, get you a scone, and uh, my peeping hers. She was so whimey and just, just this. Ugh, I don't know. Oh, she was miserable. And she was not about Taffy from the get-go. From the get-go. But you know, honestly, if you-- Servers usually aren't. If you want to work at someplace like the Grand Floridian, where, you know, you have to be a sycophant, essentially. You have to be an ass kisser. That's your whole purpose in life. Then you cannot act like you're, "Oh, I just can't believe I have to stand here and do this." She didn't get any of our orders right. We all had to ask for things because she had forgotten to bring them. Now, we're, you know, we have a large group. And our table, there was five, six people at our table. Out of the five or six people, none of us were right. No. So at that point, you have to say, "It in me, it's just her being an idiot." So she, Rodin, says, you know, "Can I please have some more water?" And like, you know, fast forward five or six minutes, where she finally comes back, and like half ass kind of dumps it into his glass. There were sippy cups. They were in like little miniature Mickey Mouse sippy cups. I had a real glass, but Rodin, and I think Ricky from Falmont Falmonts, yeah. I believe he had a sippy cup too. Yeah. Because they had ran out of the adult glasses. Immediately after you got your water, they ran out of adult. In a hotel. Let me tell you something. If she had brought me a sippy glass, she'd be there in that damn sippy glass. That would not have been an option. But she did bring two grown men sippy glasses, and it wasn't even really overly apologetic. She was just like, "Oh yeah, we're out of the regular ones here." Yeah. So Rodin goes to take a drink, and he goes, "Yeah, I can't drink this." And I said, "Why?" To which he answered, Rodin. It tastes like it was poured with hate. To which I spit blackberries all over the table. Yeah, it was fantastic. She's like, "What?" "What's it?" I said, "It's been poured with spite and hatefulness." "I can't drink the same work." Well, I got the fortune of sitting at a table with Michael from Cucass, and Big Fatty, and John Ong, and Darren, a listener who drove down from Gainesville. So he says, you know, as he sits down, and we all introduce and everything, I believe Michael says something along the lines of, "So what shows do you listen to?" And he very nervously looks over at me, and he goes, "Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that." And then that's the end of it. So then eventually after about 10 minutes, John Ong says, "Okay, no, really, who do you listen to?" And he sort of looks at me and has this sort of like, smile, and eventually I said, "If you don't listen to pot as my co-pilot, there's okay," he goes, "I listened to everybody at the table, but yours!" And we were like, "Are you kidding me?" "Nice, nice." Well, when he went by-- And then later on, when we-- At the table, Michael called Archer's show just to say hello and call for, you know, if that's to join his listener line. And Michael says, "So Darren, do you listen?" He goes, "Oh, yeah, I listen to Archer's show." I'm like, "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm." Yeah, we know-- Darren's never gonna hear this, because he has to listen to our show, so very Kentucky. Well, Darren came by our table, and we all introduced ourselves, and Taffy's like, "Well, what shows do you listen to?" And he just looked at her, and then walked away. It was just like, "Okay, we're just kind of staring at it." Apparently, yeah, so that's fine. That's fine. He may be listening now, though. Not after 10 minutes of potting my co-pilot. That's because they-- I don't think so, but that's fine. And I tell you who else I enjoyed. I actually enjoyed British John a lot this weekend. Yes. He had some of the best one liners. He just caught-- He's all these people who mutter under the things underneath his breath, and after he's talking. It's almost like a soundtrack in your brain, and then you actually-- It sinks in what he just says, and then you have the five-second delay of the gafal laugh, and everyone just turns and looks at you like, "What the hell she laughing at?" Yeah, that was us waiting in line at the Wilderness Lodge for the boat to come and take us to Magic Kingdom the Saturday morning, which British John's standing there, and just muttering things about lesbians underneath his breath. I could not contain myself. Oh, my gosh. He's a mess. I love him. You know, he could use a little bit of the riddle in, though. No, no, no, no. I enjoy that, though. I do. I really do enjoy that. Yeah. That actually was captured on video when he was muttering with the lesbians. Was it really? But that's not my favorite part of the video. The best part of that segment of the video is the look of disgust on Kevin's face. I watched that video 10 times every-- He's on there for about a second and a half. I laugh out loud every time I watch it. I will tell you, the over the weekend, I must have heard Kevin be, say, 100 times. Oh, my God. Why are you so nasty? Why are you guys so dirty? I think he genuinely-- I don't know if it's an act-wise, but he genuinely sounds surprised whenever one of us would say he'd think dirty and I'm thinking, "Do you not ever listen to our show?" We constantly talk about bad things. And Big Fatty was the same way he would go, "You're so bad." He is hysterical. Oh, my God. Big Fatty is hysterical. Big Fatty couldn't have been a nicer guy. He was just wonderful and the best part was when we first met up with everybody, and he screamed and ran away. Yeah, he was great. That was-- He was great. Some people would take Umbers with that. I looked at it as a badge of honor. Exactly. Big Fatty ran away from me. And I have a Ricky from Foul Monkey Story. He took me upstairs at the Grand Floridian and helped me pick out effervescent bubble soap and he'd stood there because as you know, you all know I can't smell things very well. So I would hold these big giant balls up to his nose. I know it sounds lovely. And he was sniffing me go, "No, I would pick up another one." He'd go, "Yes, I like that one very much." Then I'd pick up another one and he'd go, "Okay." And I filled up my little bag and he helped me and then we made lip gloss together. Fatty! Yeah, right? He was fabulous. Yeah, he was-- Ricky's going to be in town next weekend. Oh, really? I talked to him an email a little while ago. He's going to be in St. Pete. So he and I are going to hang out in the afternoon. He was a hell of a nice guy. I said by him at the tee and I really thought he was nice. Actually, a video that I left out of the video kind of came back to bite me in the ass today. Why? Why? Um, Bobaloo and I went this morning to the McDonald's for breakfast and this morning is Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to everybody out there. And they were having free breakfast value meals for dads and we walk up to the counter and the girl behind the counter looks to the tubus and looks at me and says, "Is he your dad?" Oh, no! Are you kidding me? I just sort of went-- and then she just sort of took the order and assumed then, I guess, I don't know if she did it at a fear or if she just said put two and two together or what, but we got her meal for free. She said, "Well, you're both dads, right?" We both got to look each other and went, "Yeah." He's my daddy. He's my puppy. So yeah, Bobaloo sat down at the table and said, "Well, I'm step dads to the pugs." So that counts and I went, "All right, that counts." So there you go. Yeah. It's my two dads, my two gay dads. Yeah. Yes, because at the Grand Floridian when Ricky was helping her to sniff balls, the girl behind the counter says, "You're such a nice lady, you remind me of my mom." She sure did. Oh, yes, that was. I forgot to tell Tank that too. Yeah, that little video is hilarious. What video? Of the little video that I took. Oh, I haven't seen that one. Yes, you did. I don't believe so. Well, it didn't make it onto the big gay days video. Which by the way, thank you very much to all of our listeners who took time to leave comments. We have something like 15 comments about that video and how much everybody enjoyed it. And I enjoyed putting it together and learning how to use an iMovie. And it was a labor of love. So to speak. It was a very ambitious thing to do, you know. But now we have the extra storage so we can do lots more videos. Though not 27 minutes long. I will tell you that that weekend was, you had the element of everybody met each other. Everybody got along. We had great food. It was hot as shit, but it was controllable. And the lines weren't too bad, except for the Haunted Mansion, which was a nightmare. But other than that, the lines weren't too bad. It just seemed like everything was, you know, we had to go to tea. We had time to come back and get changed. And everything flowed very nicely. Yeah. I was very relaxed. Yeah, it was a nice. And the three of us ended up having a great dinner on Saturday night. And it was just, everything was very, very relaxed. Which I enjoy. Yeah. I was a little nervous I was going to be like, you have to run here. You have to do this. You have to do this. Yes. And it would just be like one thing on an itinerary to check a box kind of thing. And it wasn't. It was just very well-paced. It was very smooth. And many thanks to Kevin and Michael, who then also let. And Jason. Yeah. And Ryan. I think all of them did a great job. Well, I was going to say more that Kevin and Michael, you know, let us sleep with them on Saturday night. So. They did. And there's a video of that. Well, at the round. What the hell? Don't toy with me like that. I know. We stayed at the Q-Cast studios, really. I got to tell you, I got to tell you, Michael, Kevin is Kevin. If you sit, in fact, I think we even discussed this. He was sitting at the end of the table at Magiano's. And you just look down there. And here he sits with the glasses and the hand up to his chin. And he is so distinguished. And you look at him and you're just like, I could sit and look at Kevin forever. But Michael, when he is up close to you, and he's given you the little honry face and a little rotten face. There's a part of you that wants, it's like with you, Taylor. I want to grab him and kiss him and then just smack the living hell out of him. Because you know he needs both of it. You know he needs to be smacked and you just want to give him a hug. Because this is rotten, rotten, running mug. Yeah, many, you know, I'm thinking, what is it they've been together? At least you committed 10 years. It's almost almost almost 20 years. And I'm just... Mary Magdalen was our flower girl, so. Wow. That's a title for the episode. That and Ricky helped me to sniff balls. Exactly. Yeah. I tend to get who we haven't spoke of. It's very Princess Holly. Oh my god. I know. She is just a little bit of snarky. She's quite snarky. I enjoyed her. Yeah, she's amazing. She and I were sitting at one point. And I'm not going to say what, because you know there need to be some secrets from the weekend. But we were sitting in hushed conference at one point. And trying to scheme together to get out of doing something. And it ended up that we, you know... Still had to do it. Yeah, we still had to do it, but it was wonderful. And it wasn't sexual in any way, shape or form. Yeah. Well, not in a way or shape, but in form. Well, of course. Oh, Lord. Now, a great weekend. Yep, and then Ryan. The only way it could have been better is if there were more podcasters. Yes. Including... Nessa, Nessa. Miss Nessa. Nessa, Nessa, Nessa. Let me just take a moment, Nessa, because all weekend long, that's all I heard was Nessa this. Nessa that. Why isn't Nessa here? Nessa, Nessa, Nessa... Do you know what? Nessa and I are going to go on vacation. We're going to take tons of pictures and have tons of stories and send them to you. That's right. Decided. Are you a little better? Okay. Nope, it's fine. I let it go. In with butterflies. Out with bumblebees. In with butterflies. Out with bees. Oh, Lord. Giggle all you want. And I... Can I just say that I enjoyed the road day on this weekend as well? And I enjoyed the taffy. You're not the first man who said that on the last weekend. Yeah, I did not get lucky once until this afternoon. I have not got lucky. It wasn't for lack of trying. Until this afternoon, nice. Yeah, I have a date. Are you still on the road? No. I have a date in the next room. So... Is it the butler? Yeah, it is. So... Yes, the butler is staying with me tonight and then I think he's going back tomorrow at some point while I'm working. Is he giving you the white glove treatment? Why, yes, Taffy. If the glove wasn't white before it is now. Off white. Off white. God. And crusty. Oh, God. But there were quite a few boys that went to mind getting a little white glove treatment from over the weekend. But that's a whole other story, I guess. There was a lot of cute boys. There was. That was a lot of cute boys in our group of people. Like get real boys? Between Kevin and one of their friends, I felt short. Because like Kevin is 6'4" and the masseuse is like 6'5". Yeah. Yeah. I felt Jeremy. I felt like I was in Easter Island. I'm standing next to all of you people. I'm like... And you know, I'm 5'6". That's not like I'm an average sized woman and I'm standing next to all of you and I'm literally looking like into your nipples on every single one of you men. It's like Jesus. Good thing none of us got... That's because you were motorboating all of us. [laughter] I'm an old sailor. What are you going to do? You curse like an old sailor. Yes you do. Fuck yes. Puffuck you. Shit yeah. Shit yeah. All right. So normally when we play the what's your name again? The music. It's because Rodan or I have a story. But apparently this week Taffy has a story. Well. I do have a story. So here's the music. [tense music] What was your name again? An intimate look into the love lives and buchwas of your favorite podcasters. Tailor the latte boy. Taffy Carlisle Huffington. And Rodan. Okay so this is just a window into the Huffington house. On Tuesday the littlest Huffington had a friend that come over to spend the night and hang out and blah blah blah because it's summer and that's the regular occurrence. So after dinner all the girls were in the pool. Which by the way you can see from our kitchen. So it's not like they were unattended and you know our 16 year old was out there with them. And Tank and I were cleaning up the kitchen. And you know he walks behind me and he's got you know the talon's hand and he slaps me on the ass which of course leads to bending me over the counter as I'm watching the girls. Oh my god! Which leads to- You are a dirty, dirty housewife. Which leads to 15 different articles of clothing strung between the kitchen and our bedroom where we're cranking the blind so we can still see the pool. Wow we're getting done. I told him I said we are a parent of the year. And thank god we have a security system because if anyone had opened the door to come back in the house it would have at least beeped. So yeah this was this is my idea of watching the children. Well it's getting it done right now I have to file a report. Exactly. Getting it done in the kitchen bent over the counter down the hallway and into the bedroom. Oh I'll keeping a watchful eye. Multi-tasking at its finest. Yeah wow that is a multi-tasking. Oh detail my god. Well I have an interesting little sex story that doesn't actually have anything to do with sex. Oh god. You have an interesting sex story that doesn't have to do with sex? Well not sex between two people. Did your dog get some? No so I'm on my way back from Taylor's on what was it Tuesday morning and I decided that based on a conversation I'd had with Taylor that I was going to stop at the adult video store on my way back up. What? So I stopped it's in Wildwood too which is you know the time I grew up in Florida at the end of the term because if you're going to do something like that you might as well get some of that hometown feeling. Exactly. Yeah so I go in it's like nine o'clock in the morning right so I go in and there the store is actually quite full like there's a little guy who's in like a hemp shirt saying something about 420 time or whatever. We're in a sex shop at 930 in the morning. Yeah the story gets classier and classier. Well hey it was when I was going back to town. So I um you know so little guy dusting dildos which is an odd sight. The whole guy dusting dildos. Yeah he's a little guy dusting dildos and there's a guy like an old guy with a handlebar mustache like all greased up and twirly and everything. Yeah and a little later. So it's like a twin peeks episode essentially. Yeah and a little latin guy who was like looking at all the big breasted women and fish nets like like who probably tower over him so like he would like come up to their navels. Yeah oh god. So I go to get some cock rings right. And the title for episode 62 ladies and gentlemen. So I go to get some cock rings. So just because Taylor and I had talked about that and you know I was thinking oh that'd be a good idea why you're bringing me into this. Why are you bringing me into this conversation? Yeah that's going to happen this week by the way. That's going to be our little lunch field trip but go ahead. I'll bring the flip camera. That'll be awesome. And you know the butler is versatile and it's been a very very long time since I've. Partaken of the hardware. Yes. But a long time since I bought on me over a year and a half. So I'm thinking I need something to help with that if you know things really get that far. So I have like little dildos and stuff. So I go to get one right thinking okay I'll just do this. And I take it up to the counter and I'm all nervous already and freaked out because the only other times I've ever been in an adult video store were with Taylor. And of course generally Taylor was like renting a video or something. He's the only person ever knowing. Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking. So when you walked in they were like Taylor nice to see you again. Long time to see. You know in these are back in the days we used to call them prudence and I'm thinking you know what? Taylor had a membership to an adult video store but anyways. Of course he did. In college. Anyway so I'm going up there right and I'm looking for some like lube or something because the stuff I have is like the you know cheap stuff. And something I'll get some nice lube you know because I treat myself I guess. Even though Big Fatty handed out lube and condoms at dinner. Yes between courses. He handed out condoms he didn't hand out lube. Oh god Big Fatty. Think of Rodan next time. Exactly. So I give him a purchase of the little 420 hemp guy and he takes the like little dildo on the package and puts batteries in it and starts it up and hands it to me. Running? Yes I'm like I'm just I put my hands up like I don't know. He's like you don't want to see how it feels. And that was it. That was it. I walked out. I freaked out. I walked out and I just left. So you didn't get a cockering? No I didn't get anything because I was like oh my I was already embarrassed enough. And just freaked out and left. So yeah. I didn't think it was like wine were they like you know just sniff the pork. The first listener that that sends pot is my co-pilot a cockering for Rodan. We'll get your name and picture posted on the website because clearly there is a need. There's nothing that brings pride to a person that knowing that their photo is going to be on a blog knowing that they were the one who gave a podcaster a cockering. Exactly. And what size would that cockering need to be Rodan? I have no idea. I don't think I'm in like shoe size. Small, medium or oh my god it's coming at me. Now that's my waist size. That's my thighs. I'm all sweaty here. Because if Mr. B during breakfast or brunch Mr. B told me he's like you know you don't have to tell everything. Well I guess we showed him. He just thinks that you should be a man of mystery. So anyway. So no cockering for the butler huh? No apparently not. Maybe he could tie his ass got around it really tight. Do a wins or not. Do a little wins or not that'll act as a little you know business going on. Yeah. Take out a cockering for a long time. He actually he had to. He had a regular cockering and then he had a cockering that had like this little I don't know like nubbin design. It was bizarre like a clit stimulator. It didn't work. Yeah. 18 years. Thank you very much. Still smiling. Keep the magic alive. It won't work with me. That's right. Yeah have a magical day now. They have a magic. I am making memories. I'm making magical memories. Why go to Disney World where you can just go to your nightstand drawer. Right. Tank is the year of a million dreams right there. You must be this big to ride that ride. Can I just talk real quickly about the speaking of that because that was on a t-shirt at least all the gay days? The family t-shirt that we saw or that I saw it took a picture of. Yeah. We are getting ready to leave to go to the high tea and there is a family of about 10 to 15 people. Everybody is wearing red shirts because it's gay day and this family is in green shirts. And they all have a look of disgust on their faces. They're looking around and people are doing YMCA and other people holding hands and being affectionate and all that kind of thing. The problem was that on the back of their shirts it said and all you smith is an example. Smith Family Reunion 2008 June 5th to the 9th 2008. And then the quote at the bottom of it is you want a hot dog to go with that? Oh god. I did not see the shirts. Yeah no. Do you have a picture of them? Going back to the room to get changed for tea. Oh no. Someone did not plan well. Or maybe someone did and knew. And knew and it was just a joke on you know the five-year-old running around with a t-shirt on. Not good. Yeah because all of them had like the lime green shirts on except for and one did not have the saying on the back. So the best shirt I saw a week in was the taste my rainbow. Those are the best ones I saw. Taste my rainbow. Yeah they won. Except for the pot as my co-pilot shirts of course. Well of course. Yes I've already done the artwork for 62 and it very much shows the pot as my co-pilot shirts that we've done. I have a story that I've already told Taylor and a couple of our friends that happened to me yesterday morning. So as you know today is Father's Day and of course tank being a father. Tank has collected playboy issues only from the month of July for every year since the year he was born. And he so he basically has you know 41 issues. And when we lived in Germany he got the German version and the whole thing. So it is June obviously playboy comes out you know early. So I go to the Barnes and the Noble yesterday to buy the July playboy to put with all his Father's Day stuff. And I walk in I walk up to the counter. I said hi yes I need is that the July playboy she says yes it is. I said I'll take one please. And she kind of gives me a look and I said oh it's for Father's Day. Five people behind me I hear wow Mrs. Huffington really is the coolest mom and wife at school. And I turn around and it is my daughter's chaplain. Which I just turned my head and kind of shook my shoulders and I went well you know. Grab the bag walked out. Yeah and it was one of those things where honestly I really didn't care but it was just the idea that you know how often do you ever really buy a playboy as a girl or at least how often do I ever buy a playboy and that the chaplain of my daughter's school was you know in line. It was fabulous and I walked out. The chaplain now knows the answer to that once a year. There you go. So I walked out and Lollipop was in the car and I said I'm just I opened the door and she goes what what happened what's wrong and I said guess who's in Barnes and Noble. She goes who I said you know Mr. Chaplain she's like okay I said guess what I was buying and she's like she's like she's like you are kidding me. I said no I said at least it's the beginning of summer. I said I'm sure something more interesting will happen though he'll just forget that. I was like oh lovely he's charming. I know good times. So did you have a good birthday? I had a wonderful birthday. My Wii Fit is awesome awesome. I love it. The Wii Fit is fantastic and I love my cookbook Rodan thank you very much. Rodan got me the Top Chef cookbook which is in cheese cloth which I think is really neat and the book is the book is great and no I had a very nice birthday. It was Taylor's idea so he's the one who's extra thoughtful. Yes I am. Last night in Modesto. Last night we went to dinner with Drum and Lola and Babaloo and a couple other of our friends. John Goodman was there and let me just say that the 150 pounds I have lost John Goodman has found some of. I love her. She's found some of it and has let her hair grow into a Billy Ray Cyrus circa 1987. It's not that bad. Taylor you're the very person who said it was a mullet. I said it was mullet-esque. But it's like mullet-esque but the back goes down to her bra strap. So it's like lesbian haircut number three. Yeah yeah yeah very much lesbian haircut number three and she was. And she was mute again. She did not disappoint. She said beside me and literally this was the conversation. How do you like everything? How did you lasagna? Except for the two the two complete sentences that she said to me. Now tank is on one side of me. Lola's on the other side of John Goodman and Taylor and Babaloo are across. She's like you know you really really do look really good. I said oh thank you very much. You know I haven't had sex since last fourth of July. And I'm looking from side to side and I said well God bless you because I'm surprised you can even form a complete sentence after you know if it's been that long. And she was like I'm just taking time to you know concentrate on myself. What did the first sentence have to do with the second and third? That's all I want to know. And then she put it into the mute for the rest of the night. I just was like oh I don't understand but okay. And Rodin we told Babaloo the John Goodman story last night. The quintessential John Goodman story and we showed him art. Yeah we videotaped it too. We videotaped his response which will be used for a future video podcast. So it was fun to relive it again because quite frankly there was a one or two little little things that I had forgotten that Taylor had remembered that just really it just capped that story even more in my mind. But yes and literally he when he saw the pictures he goes I don't know if I should just he goes I don't even know how what a visceral reaction I would have to these pictures because he's just in the look of sheer terror. Yeah you know apparently you have to sleep with Taylor to be able to get the John Goodman story. But wait haven't you slept with Taylor? No I mean I've heard most of the John Goodman story. I don't know if I've heard the whole thing. But and we're going to talk Kevin and Michael next. Yeah I think we're telling Kevin and Michael. You boys know what you have to do. You got to pay the piper so to speak. Oh dear so yes it was a very good weekend we had lots of fun and I got to have I got to have a private I cheated on my gay. I had lunch on Thursday with drum and we went to a Greek restaurant and it was lovely and we just we sat and gossiped about each other and about everything and talked about gay days and then I had lunch on Friday with Taylor and then we had dinner last night everybody. It was it was great it was a great birthday extravagan. You know I hadn't considered it you cheating on me until you just made reference to it that way. I cheated on my gay with another gay it's true. Of course I cheated on you with Rodan several times over the weekend. Yes it was fabulous that's another that's another story. I believe your hands were upon my boobs. I think at least once if not like twice. And you licked her face it. Now these are three different pictures that I have. But I will tell you I didn't get near as much hand on the boob action as Fairy Princess Holly. Oh yeah. Yeah she was she was groped left and right. She's new boob. She's new boob that's true I totally understand. She's mixed new boobs. She's little miss new boobs. Little miss new boobs. You've been passed around for smokes for years. It's fresh meat got thrown into the lions den. Little miss new boobs. Thank you. Little miss new boobs that's Holly's new nickname. With her little princess hat on. It is like every time we got off a ride. And a smile. And a smile of course and you know she has this bizarre like um I think I think Walt was making her take pictures of all the things she ate. Yeah. But like in 15 of the pictures someone had to hold her hair back so she could lick something. Yeah I was thinking about that I'm thinking wow. People pulled her hair back when she eats. The picture of her with the chocolate cake is the cover art for their latest episodes. Yeah. Which I downloaded about a year and a half ago. Yeah that's awesome. That's awesome. Do you know who we didn't talk about who sent us pictures? So we're sitting at dinner and we're and then where someone leans over and I said you know who was that gentleman down there on the white shirt. And they're like oh that's Tim from Terminally Single. I said oh and they're like yeah he has the biggest dick of all the podcasters. I said are you serious? Oh yeah oh yeah. I said oh okay. Oh you don't want me to talk about this? No you could talk about it. So the next. I believe I'm the one who told you that supposedly he's got like a baby's arm. So so we're walking around Epcot and I said the next day I mean I'm sorry we're walking around Magic Kingdom the next day and we just left the carousel of progress. And I said so that's the one over there. He's like yeah so I walk out to him I'm like hello. He goes hello. I said I heard a rumor. He goes okay what? I said I heard that you were large and he's like why? Yes I am. He's like um everybody's seen the pictures. I said well clearly not everybody because I haven't seen the pictures. He's like oh god yes he goes I'll send them to you guys tonight. So that night in the hotel pod is my We open them up. We're all huddled around the left. Exactly. I can see the little ten inch screen. We were the equivalent of 7th grade boys with the Sears magazine in 1971. Oh yeah. The three of us were focused. The little blue light from the laptop was glowing on our faces. And we were like okay well there's the first picture. We clicked on it. We were all go oh oh so Mazeltop. Yeah right. Well it was during tea where Tim comes up to you and goes yeah you have them in your account. Yeah. And I just looked at Taffy and I'm like you did. It's like I couldn't believe you asked him. Are you kidding me? I know I should know better. What are you thinking? So and I learned what a Twitter is. I had no idea what Twittering was. Which sounds to me by the time. Yeah I didn't know either so. Thank you. You and I will Twitter together sometime then because I didn't have a clue. Apparently for those listeners who are not technologically savvy Twittering is when you take your cell phone and you tell the world on your Twitter account what you're doing at that moment like I'm currently you know peeing or I don't know I just I usually do not understand the whole Twitter. Why is it that your brain automatically goes to peeing when you're doing it? It didn't actually win someplace completely different and I changed it to peeing. I figured you can't Twitter with one hand but I was thinking of you Taylor. And then there's silence. Yeah right. So we saw the Hulk the other night. How was it? It had a great weekend. You didn't you didn't see it? No um I was gonna see it with the butler today but he got over here a little bit later. And we expected. It did 54 million in three days. It was pretty good. I mean I'll probably save a lot of the details about talking about it for the next dialogue that comes out but it was it was definitely enjoyable. I liked the first one. Me too. I liked this one better. That's good. This was the the first one felt more like because it was angry and it was very you know you know crouching tiger hidden Hulk sort of you know had that all that like deep you know yeah subtext with the whole father thing and all that kind of thing. Whereas this felt more in line with the rest of the Marvel superhero movies. It felt more like a Spider-Man or an X-Men that sort of thing. Okay. Yeah the only complaint that I have about it would be the only real complaint as far as watching the movie now is uh what's his name William Hurt. Oh really? As yeah he's I thought he was really with the fact that they had Sam Elliot in the first one. Who he's not normally my type at Sam Elliot there is something sexy about Sam Elliot. It's a mustache. I can see that. It's the flavor flavor. I guess. This one it just seemed a little more like I don't know. Plus I know that he's supposedly kind of weird in real life so I couldn't get that out of my head. It goes back to the whole Kirsten Duns thing from Spider-Man. The other thing that I could think of is thinking what I was watching it. It's so obvious that it's C that he's CGI that I was thinking when they do Blu-ray and HD or what they do Blu-ray because they're not doing HD anymore where they do Blu-ray discs it's going to be like almost like cartoony. Yeah. But isn't it kind of like that now? Well and that's the problem. Well some of the trailers it's very cartoony to me. Yeah well and that's the thing is I mean there's scenes where it is at night and the scenes when it's at night look awesome. He totally blends in but there's a big fight scene in the middle of the movie that takes place during the day like in a big open field. So there isn't even like shadow or things that he's hiding behind or anything. It's just him out there throwing tanks around and it just looked very... It just looked like it was all computer-animated. Yeah. I watched a pretty interesting movie today. National Treasure 2? I've not seen that. Yeah well I had never seen the first one that I have Nicholas Cage. I have a couple movies of his like I loved raising Arizona but you know Nicholas Cage... Let's watch a man play the same role. Yeah I guess he's very much the Robert De Niro of "I can only play the same role" and so I usually don't watch too many of his movies. Although I did love him and Conair I thought he was great. But the movie was actually pretty good. It was very well done and it was I mean it was those kind of movies are like the hawk and the fact that it's complete suspension of belief. You know that you're just there to be entertained and none of it's going to be anything that you really think could ever happen and it was but it was better than I thought. One of the things that Tank wanted to do today was all of us to lay on the couch in our PJs and watch National Treasure. Oh that's very sweet. And then he said the girls are swimming to the two in the park. That'll be after the podcast thank you. Okay so you didn't say anything about the fact that other than that you enjoy the we fit that I was able to get you a we fit. You did you that that was my segue into the fact that you not only got it by my birth day but you presented it to me on my birthday and I don't think I don't think that if there someone has been awake and any of us expected to do that trust me. No no I don't think there's been a moment in our house if one of us is awake that it is not being used. In fact last night it wasn't being used and our cat was laying on it. So see even the cat was growing up. No it is it is got to be one of the absolute greatest inventions in it's right up there next to liposuction and velcro because I love it it is awesome. It is well Rodan and I on the day after gay days went to how many different stores we go to for. Yeah that was the fourth one. It was the fourth one and everyone's you know looking at me like you got to be fucking kidding me when I said you knew you only we fit and we went into Best Buy and I talked to the manager at the front and he said no we got 40 and yesterday they were gone in like 10 minutes blah blah blah so I said okay so you know they don't have a Best Buy up in the Munro so we were walking around for a little while and apparently while we were there they got another box in of like 20 of them and they said something to the guy the front manager saying pretty much we're going to be bringing we fits up front be ready and he said there's a guy in a gray shirt that's looking for one you know look for him before he's put him out which was super nice very it was super super nice yeah and I thanked him repeatedly and I still need to call and tell the manager that you know he did that but it was you know and Rodan was standing with me so he was like I'll take one yeah so we got the first two off the truck woohoo you know you're special there's a Best Buy opening this week in Munro in the Munro and I got invited to the preview party Wow which is like Wednesday night because you know back when I worked in South Florida I went there all the time to buy all those points and I have tons and tons of points you know like get cashed out and stuff but they sent me a little preview thing there's like a hundred people go into this preview party on Wednesday night or whatnot so it's kind of cool that's the equivalent of Taylor getting asked to go to a Spice Girls premiere or Best Buy Spice Girls I miss the Spice Girls oh well maybe I'll listen to the Spice Girls later oh wait I can't because of this stupid Mac oh god oh you're a mess well should we think about wrapping it up I think so we're at 46 minutes so by the time we actually finish it'll probably be another 10 minutes exactly because I'm sure Taffy you'll have at least one more story well we do have to think and Taffy had this way a minute ago so we do have to think Ryan and Jason for the Magiano's and then the pool party on Sunday so yeah that yeah and and Kevin and Michael for and and Big Fatty for not only hosting uh Rodin and I Saturday night but also helping Big Fatty with setting up the tea and yes just being just great host Kevin did an amazing brunch all of you out there should totally you know stay at their house sometime and Kevin will make y'all sorts of food Sunday morning yes and uh that yogurt was awesome is that what your kids are calling it oh yes yes it was hard to get out of my hair was Kevin's yogurt did Kevin's yogurt you know taste good in your mouth oh yeah always does did it coat your mouth well mm-hmm I was I was I wasn't expecting the peaches I can see where the chunks would throw you off I can see that yeah but they but they were full of vitamin C and that's really all that matters yes vitamin C and protein um we are at 104 reviews fantastic yeah yeah it's it's great 104 is is good you're you're voice an outcome more but you know why though honestly I don't blame our listeners for not leaving anymore because we promised them a picture of drums balls and we have not delivered good point drum step up well I think all that needs to be done is Taylor needs to go take a picture drums balls I again I lost my ball picture taken privileges a while back I haven't I don't know that you've had them oh please oh Taffy Taffy has ball taking picture please I can't even talk for any ball taking privileges yes ball picture I believe we were supposed to show your balls at some point I believe that's true as well I don't think so you know I think that Taylor has put up everybody else's balls on the so to speak chopping block but his own yes thank you Lorena I don't believe he's put his own up maybe again children's counselor shows testicles on international podcast no I know and I agree no one wants to see your testicles yeah I don't want to see my testicles I hate the word testicles we just call them balls testicles please I hate testicles nuts nuts all nuts just lord hey speaking of nuts I need to get mine cracked let's get let's move on now I just spent all over my microphone so thank you for that I need to get my nuts cracked classy my name is Rodan yes you know yeah it goes all right all all right so are we are we done I think so I believe so all right well as always you can go to our blog which is pod is my listen to listen to our listener or call our voice to call our listener line we will do a voicemail show soon I promise 206 202 5165 we got a bunch of new we got a bunch of new voicemails this week and top of the other previous three weeks thank you everyone presenting me lovely birthday wishes yes yes and thank you all again for your kind words about the latest episode we appreciate it very much you can join our Facebook group which is okay so I love pod is my co-pilot and you can also be our friend at myspace which is is my co-pilot and I'm missing something you can email us and our email is pod is my can I interject because you knew I was going to have one more thing to talk about of course um southern boy left me a message because I reached my goal of of losing 150 pounds on my birthday and what he said oh he actually left a comment on the podcast it has made me giggle in my brain it says you are made of when WIN I've never heard that expression in my entire life you are made of when and for some reason I think I am embracing that as my I just think that is the greatest thing in the world you're made of win so that's all so listeners you are made of win you are the win beat okay Taylor cut us off please please all right guys thank you very much this has been episode 62 this is Taylor and Taffy and Rodan have a good week everybody bye bye go get laid I was talking to I was talking to Rodan I'm gonna go get laid now have fun okay great bye bye now for us too all right stop it you