Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 51 - Taffy In A Velcro Bikini, or The One Year Anniversary Show - Part 2
New theme music! We respond to all our wonderful voicemails! Rodan cries after he ejaculates! (Just seeing if you were paying attention, Rodan).blog: www.podismycopilot.com, e-mail: podismycopilot@gmail.com, myspace: www.myspace.com/podismycopilot, facebook group: ok, so I love pod is my copilot. listener line: 206-202-5165.
you're listening to pot is my co-pilot with taylor the latte boy taffy carlall huffington and rodan hi this is taylor the latte boy and welcome to episode 51 of pot is my co-pilot as always i'm joined by taffy carlall huffington hello lovers and rodan hello tricks wow well i guess we'll get to that in a minute tricks of the kids not his tricks no mano his tricks are kids oh i was gonna say that but i'm glad you went there thank you said to me okay um well for those of you who are listening to this episode realize that we have new theme music which taffy and rodan have not heard yet i know what the fuck well i wanted to put to be a surprise and actually it it was a surprise to me up until about 15 minutes ago oh because today on tv they actually there's a song that i have it always makes me smile every time i hear it because it reminds me of my grandfather which i know was very weird but it'll make sense when you hear it and i never knew the actual title of the song and then today on television show they actually set it so i ran and bit torn it in it was available so i got it and edited it and it is our new theme music at least temporarily why don't we get drunk and screw i was gonna say so we have some italian restaurant theme music it's the olive garden i can imagine first of all rodan said themed to an italian restaurant Taylor hates the olive garden so yes i know it's chef foyerty i love chef foyerty i love chef that's disgusting i love chef foyerty ravioli i can't help it i'm sorry i know it really does gag when you when he visualizes chef foyerty it's funny it makes a gag too but i i really like it i can't help it nothing's better than orangi tomato sauce oh stop it stop it i'm nauseous it's like my freshman year in college all over again i never liked spaghettios though i always have neither yeah never did the spaghettios thing but i love the chef foyerty ravioli and the mini ravioli do you want this to be a vomit past because i will puke i think half of our podcasts are vomit inducing anyway yeah right hmm but enough about your vagina how's everybody doing i'm lovely my snack etteria my dirty snack etteria your clef pallet your most deaf i could use some trouser gravy right now look at the good we do i never met a carrot i didn't like except for this one we are talking about the brent dixon parody video which i posted on the blog probably about six months ago but taffy did not remember and i showed it to her the other day to make made a laugh i'll repost it it's so wrong it's very very funny and it's it just makes me laugh it's something that i watched the fake one and then i watched the real run and the real one was was ridiculous i i just can't believe it was a real thing that someone actually put out there i can't believe she's a real person rodan's very quiet like he has no idea what i have no idea what he's watching his big giant 48 inch or however big tv he's got i know way to take away his good news from him thanks well he posted pictures of it if they look at the blog they've already seen it so suck me but that doesn't mean that he might not want to talk about it wow you guys are all i have no idea what you guys are talking about with the thing the dirty snack etteria anyways so brenda dixon is an actress from young in the rest list from back in about she was on the show starting in about 1643 she has shown in my life so i know yeah she is so less from soap dish anyway she had made some video in the 80s where it was pretty much teaching you how to be you know fabulous and fashionable and all this sort of stuff and it's just ridiculous looking well some comedian comedian um dubbed over her words and because she's apparently she's bat shit crazy in real life and just made it's just the funniest thing the things that she talks about in this video it's ridiculous it's so talking about tattooing eyebrows on pets and oh how she's gonna shave her cat because you know the cat has nipples too and she wants them to appreciate them and it won't make me cry or bleed i'll do it oh yeah it's wrong so it's it's very funny it's been on the interwebs forever but it's it's pretty funny it kind of reminds me of a couple people we actually know though so that was a little disturbing like the widow the widow huffington and the widow Carlisle with old Carlisle sorry damn it i can totally see her in the gold dress at the beginning of that because now the ordinary fineries belong to only me and another thing you're all fired so taffy and i went to a party last night oh how was that the party was a lot of fun straight people are weird straight people are weird yes they are we went to apparently taffy and tank go to this annual party thrown by um what are we going to call her what should her name be morticia okay morticia we call her morticia that's not her real name she was one of my sorority sisters back in the day and um we went to about we've been to we've been to their party for about 10 years we didn't go last year but they have a um state patrick state party and they live about 40 minutes away and she's a big giant goofball and she's been divorced for about two years and when she got divorced she decided to go a little crazy she always had like really short brown kind of flippy hair and now it's it her hair looked exactly like what's his name michael mckian from spinal tap it's like this blonde shoulder link shaggy i feel and all she wanted to do all night was talk about belly dancing and taking salsa and oh yeah but her friends week i lovingly dubbed it the real housewives of pasco county lots of orange tans lots of green tank tops with the pink bra strap showing and the capri pants with the with the little you know you know sandals with the with the beads and all that sort of stuff lots of guys in the time you bahama shirts except one one gentleman happened to wear white linen pants and no underwear oh really yeah so literally tank well tank was there tank was the welcoming committee and that's another story entirely but um taylor and i would sit there and i would talk to him and he'd go yeah i'm not listening to you because i want to get pregnant by him well did he at least mow the lawn if he was wearing white lemon white linen pants underwear i don't believe so no it was it that's that's kind of how i knew that he was not wearing underwear i'm not wearing underwear so it was it was it was a there was a couple of really cute guys there there was a couple of how shall we say not cute guys there apparently a girl got fingered not two feet away from me and i wasn't aware of it but tank and i sat and watched oh she was a little she was a little love you long time with the white she was nine no she was probably 25 but she had like the the proverbial white teeny tiny jean miniskirt and she was leaning up against the guy sitting on the stool and he was like you know had his hands on her hips and then he was rubbing her back and all of a sudden whoop underneath the skirt he went and tank and i just kind of went okay and now we're going to settle in and have a little show oh my god oh yes was this a key party no this is not a key party but i will tell you this is one of those very unusual parties there was but when we got there there was only about 25 people there when we left there was about 60 people there and then we heard the host on the phone outside of our house going you just turn right then you turn right then you turn right and you'll be right here my driveway and it was like 130 and i'm thinking people are just now showing up this is this is yeah we probably left too early but that's okay i we were we were all ready to go i think and tank was drunk was he tank has tank only drinks about two or three times a year but st patrick's day um is he's notorious for being the welcoming committee with what he lovingly calls it a shot called leprechaun piss and i hate that word but it is basically um one ounce of goldschlager and one ounce of madori and for every for every one he gives the person coming in he takes one so they don't have to drink alone yeah oh so and then he walks around and just he'll just like walk into a room with his hands in his pocket and stand there and then look at me and go a baby how you do and i'm like oh god but he just enjoys himself so much it's very hard to give him any grief so he had he had a very good time last night he did he had fun giggling for no reason you're just sitting giggling and just still standing and being silly and apparently i wasn't even down the driveway and he yells out to me he's already naked so i so anyway we had a really good time we had a really good time at the party yeah it was it was lots of fun so and then what did you do do anything exciting i mowed my lawn that was thrilling because you were wearing white linen pants yes no yes so is the sun was coming up over st petersburg your junk was shining in the breeze oh yeah shining in the breeze well you never know it was glistening it was the morning due drop due drops were forming off the end of it yeah well rody and i will tell you that taylor and i met for lunch on thursday oh um around 10 30 and he ended up leaving the house around nine no that was friday i mean friday yeah yeah because i called you at what like eight o'clock trying to figure out whether to buy on my tv or not yeah that's right he was with me yeah and taylor saw like i'm i'm out to lunch with it's like it's eight o'clock you just said her name oh shit are you too new i know right jesus all right okay anyways go ahead he'll just bleep that one out too well it's gonna sound weird because i don't have enough editing to do on this podcast you'll be fine you'll be swell you'll be great well if you need to have my ass on a plate starting here starting now oh my god what that's just a little wrong on several levels so rody and what did you do today um i what did i do today i cleaned off i had spider webs in my this is thrilling i had spider webs on my window screens so i swept them and i washed them and stuff and taylor drinks lots of water sorry and i did some yard work in addition to the screens and then i watched robocop three fit it on purpose yes thank you was it a dare well i want i'd watch the other two like the last two weekends and i didn't realize how bad this one really was like i thought like people really taught third one is supposedly notoriously bad oh yeah no it's it's oh my god as opposed to the cinematic birthday that is the first and second come on guys well the first two were like sci-fi social social commentary but this was just bad with no redeeming value whatsoever so and i watched uh the last part of the second season of book rogers so no and i'm very happy i get you in the mood with my tales of gildro art and erin grey yeah that was it so and that second season of that show was miserable miserable why was it miserable because like none of the stuff makes sense it's like the scripts were just like purchased on ebay brothers sci-fi so so it's like lost it doesn't make sense and you can purchase all the ideas on e uh on any kind of a lost you know theory website i had showed us it started off so strong too i've not watched lost since the first season but i have like the first two seasons on dvd which i haven't watched yet yeah you haven't missed a lot oh i've never i've never watched an episode of it when does heroes come back next step fall oh august ish but supposedly it's going to be a longer season because they're going to add like four or five more episodes on oh because the writers strike yeah that's stupid writers we do just five no writers okay or didn't he been drinking tonight no i i haven't strangely enough i'm still in my like shopping euphoria state uh i can understand that you you certainly you certainly um stimulated the economy and Monroe and i bought riley a bigger house you bought oh you did yes because his head was hit in the top of the other one so i bought him a bigger house no he's not usually called the g-spot oh that's disgusting that's fabulous thank you okay taffy how many times have you had sex in the last 24 hours because you seem very sexual right now um about five forty five yesterday and then about three o'clock this morning answer you're pretty much ready to go again and and right now yes right now takes even me out i have one leg on the couch in the den and one leg on the little you know paper thing that pulls out yes we should have a video podcast totally a a porn cast on a podcast we should totally do a porn cast that would be awesome this bro you should do this from a mother of dvd commentary for a premiere i'd be like oh do i know that show that was what was it in this t three thousand or something like that mystery science theater three thousand yeah where they would watch the movies and they do their own commentary we should totally do that for porn that would be the funniest thing i've ever heard in my life what wait what did i just say rodan i know i'm agreeing with you yeah she was a great she she was just piggy but i'm not stealing a thunder i'm agreeing with wind what do you do that with me what did you do that with me for was that last night in the car i don't know you said something a lot right i said something and then you went i've got this great idea and you totally said the exact same thing i think he just kind of dreams these things i'm not sure but in this particular case i really was agreeing with you yeah i'm actually surprised that the two of you got ever listened to each other in the first place because i think you guys just talk at each other and then laugh no i have to tell you last night everyone was trying to figure out because the three of us obviously walked in and there was tons of people there and and they were like you know so are you her brother or his brother and so i was like oh yeah yeah he's my brother yeah yeah he's my brother so about two three minutes later i'm staying there and i have all these green beads around my neck and Taylor starts like looping them underneath one underneath each boob and like tuck in a man and the woman's looking at him like that is her brother he's totally like feeling her up and then tank walks over he's like no you need to tuck the bead under the bra like this and don't tuck it just put it this way so like one of them has their hands on one boob one of them has their hands on their they're trying to mess with these beads and this woman is just looking at the three of us like what the fuck it was fabulous so then every of course and then every time he and i would start you know booty dancing or whatever she would just kind of look over at us like so that's how it is in their family hmm that was a good time side good time yes in other words you guys are the laughing stock of the orange housewives of pascal county and you know what i'm going to lose so much fucking sleep over that they were there was very much the it was it was every cliche you know the the woman who wants to be drunk but isn't drunk but walks in the room you know basically the i'm so drunk somebody fuck me you know where she's sitting on all the guys laughs from one to the other from one to the other and then a mortitious two daughters were there and it it kind of shocked tank because one of them was bringing in drinks and putting them into the garage and she's like 20 but she looks like she's about 16 and tanks helping her bring stuff in and she turns around she goes yeah i was gonna leave these at the other house and i was like fuck it i'll just bring it and tank just kind of looks me like she just said that in front of her mom like i know my brain doesn't compute that way i have no idea but so it was odd in this weekend lollipop got to drive all by herself oh and i let her and i bald like a baby when she pulled out the driveway she what to say she was a mess oh god it was not even funny at thursday she actually got her license and i let her drive to school and i cried for about 10 minutes and i called taylor and i'm like where are you and he's like quite what's wrong and i'm like she's driving to school and he's like that's fine i'll be there in 10 minutes i'm like maybe it's not a bug yeah it was horrible no but she's um so she's the official driver it's very sad she's old it's not well she's old not you're old she's old well by extension um fuck you no i'm not but actually i could i could kill it to be the age i am is fine i have no problem with that i don't like the fact that she's not saying the age she is she said the age i am i will be 38 in june it doesn't bother me a bit people know how i am you know i was thinking about this today i was thinking you know it's kind of cool because you're going to be you're you're uh you know daughters are going to be leaving the nest and you're gonna still be young enough to you know be having fun with that do you want me to punch you in the face why would you say something like that that's okay i'm sitting at lunch and taylor goes you know little less talkington is going to be 13 in a year and i said no she's not because in my mind she's still you know like eight and he looks at me and she goes isn't her birthday you know next week and she's 12 and i'm like and never done on me she'd be 13 those kind of things you know i still think of them as little tiny babies so that doesn't ever so yeah you can't tell me they're going to leave the house soon i like to live in denial well it could be like my brothers who kind of just kept returning back to the nest after they left well yeah it's not going to be like you know okay bye we're turning her room into a home gym you know we're not going to immediately of course i say that you know it might be week two and i might be really thrilled they're gone you never know yeah that's not gonna be a home gym that's gonna be a home dungeon awesome i always wanted to have a room in my house that had was like one of those velcro walls that when you wear the suit you could jump and then have like a velcro bikini because you can hang upside down and like you know have sex that would be awesome that was so cool you and a velcro bikini up against the wall that's right it would be better if you went back to talking about the chef we are dating tank just said that has to be a fashion that's already been done i'm sure it has they're that we live without an ex-tube because you know that's true god shut up all right well we have about a trillion voicemails we have to go through not that we're complaining because that's awesome no no it is an embarrassment of riches the amount of voicemails that we got from people and we want to thank every single one of you who sent one in we actually have close to 35 voicemail messages our cups run it over yes her cups in particular trust me i had my hands on them last night sticking beads under the don't forget everyone's seen them now well not in all their glory but most of their cleavage glory anyways but we still haven't seen your ass because we're only at 84 i don't know what are we still at 84 we're still at 84 our listeners do not want to see his ass maybe we need to come up with some other enticement yeah right true that maybe we need to come up with another enticement since clearly rodan's ass was not what it was it needed to do something else and pause for say not really pause but i actually just said true that you did say true that we were trying to ignore it actually i do you know what i think we are at 85 i'm checking right now we are at 85 david and denver excellent i said one one part tailor one part taffy one part rodan shake together vigorously and you have some serious fun a snarky audio cocktail i love him i love him he says he has a secret crush on rodan which is lovely since it seems like everyone who called in has a secret crush on taylor no one loves me though but that's fine i guess i'll just have to live with it well and and listening to the voicemails it's always and rodan just like i'll be always saying hey taylor hey taffy and rodan all right speaking of voicemails let's get to the voicemail shall we yes we shall all right um i tried to clump some of these to get not clump because that sounds horrible i try to compile some of these together so that made a little bit more sense and the first group that we're going to do are messages from our friends and family and loved ones some of which you've actually already heard on the show yay this is tan coffington calling to congratulate pot of my co-pilot on their one-year anniversary i'm sorry i can't talk for longer but taffy and i need to go for a g-bride congratulations hey y'all it's jim riley coffington and called to wish you a happy 50th episode one of these days you bitches will have to have me on the show again moochus hello taylor taffy and rodan this is lola face and i was just calling to say congratulations on your 50th episode and on for one-year anniversary you should call this episode the salio malle episode because she also is 50 and i just want to say that i am really still trying to get over the fact that you asked mecca to cover for taffy while she was out traveling the world because you know she doesn't care about you like i do she doesn't know you like i do and she certainly doesn't have the of catalogs of photographs and video of you is that i do and i would really hate it if some of those photographs and videos got into the hands of other podcasters i'm just saying congratulations once again talk to y'all later bye hello ladies this is lollipop i was just calling to wish you all a very happy anniversary and congratulations have fun hi this is a little helping team i have been mentioned on many of pause my co-pilot's podcast and just want to know um everything you hear may not be true about me except the fact that you know taylor maybe my real father okay thanks bye well first i would say the first one was you know a big hanging man but that's neither here nor there the last two the second one's a big hanging second one's a big one's like a freaking pendulum oh to have a black eye from that one again i do believe that um the drum and the lola are waxing nostalgia to be a guest host again yeah i did seem that way i kind of gather that yes there seems to be maybe there's a touch animosity brewing i don't know we still we still love you but but again our cup runneth over we have so many guest hosts lined up we're sure we can shoehorn you in of course you need a shoehorn to shoehorn drum in but that's another story again entirely wow again that takes me back because easy easy easy easy easy slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow just don't stick it in dry hide okay which leads us to the littlest Huffington oh my gosh she sounds so cute there she's a precious she's adorable she's evil and just so you know i did not tell her to say what she said but it did make me laugh very hard when listen to it excellent not everything you say um next we have some of our favorite people in the entire world and when these messages were being taped taffy and i were actually present for them oh i kind of thought that i was listening to them like yeah you can totally hear us in the back we're giggling double time yeah we were giggling and i may have been drinking oh no i can't really say for sure but it's the boys from qcast and now taffy and the rotary i'm calling into a shoe i'll congratulate you 100 no one here is the one you have won your absolutely message on your podcast although i'm sitting in the table with you i still wanted to call here i get to hand it to my dad taffy gets a tug out of my badge please dear how do you want to leave from cream news i get to look and where the hell is the rotary i don't believe the existence tata i think i got her taffy because i died there this is a message for tailor the cappuccino boy and um tuffy and uh rodeo i just wanted to tell you guys that i really like your show and i understand that you're having your uh anniversary of a year or whatever so i don't know i'll just call and say thank you for entertaining us here and the south and we'll um when we just we'll really like your show and thank you why the hell do i have to lead my first name and where i'm calling from the full sponsor of your tailor telling you what to do to illustrate your power bottom all right my name is michael i'm calling from the qcast connection i am i've got my sultry brand of a kara voice on and i'm here to say i'd be fucking one year anniversary are you happy now i'm very happy i've got a little i love them yeah they're they're way too funny and wait the rodent come on now i exist i exist i believe that was british john no no that was that was uh kevin kevin is queen Liz british john was the country folk that's right they called me tailor the cappuccino boy because taffy get your tongue out of my badge yes i love that yes he does that every episode he talks about queen liz and queen liz is getting kind of link us from prince philip this is awesome it's absolutely awesome next you know we talked about qcast so of course we have to talk about all of the fellas and gals on all the various podcasts they called in and wished us well so here they are happy one year anniversary and also 50th show anniversary pause my co-pilot this is tim over termly single and i hope you guys are around for at least another 50 if not a lot more you made me laugh over this last year when i definitely needed it you always look forward to every monday morning or so when you upload your new episodes i can listen to them all the way to work or at work and you just always have cracked me up you'll get along so well and i'll be around for a long time to come so keep up the good work and i look forward to the next year bye hello taylor taffy and rodan this is ricky this is her and this is the foul monkeys podcast and we were calling to wish you a happy anniversary one year anniversary congratulations guys um i remember how it felt when we had our first one her wasn't here though i was with someone else like what are we talking about again oh yeah the one-year anniversary of pot is my co-pilot or cot is my that is my cot piece yeah whatever but happy anniversary and can't wait to hear more shows from you guys herb do you listen no but i will you promise yeah okay bye bon monkeys dot com two zero six nine eight four fowl happy fifties congratulations pot is just a pilot baylor tappy and rodan this is rick from that she's of seventh weight and stinky land wishing you another 50 and another 50 after that and another 50 after that i love to show i always look forward to new episode and i love to go all three of y'all i love you so cute and bright i'm not talking about happy hahaha all right let me go bye hello kittens this is luke from sunny california um i was just realizing as i was driving to work this morning um that i have not called your listener line yet so as a service to you i will impart my wonderful being into your show um i actually had an experience with the big montana recently um my mom wanted to go to arby's this weekend and i happened to be with her and i definitely went by our local arby's and i definitely look for the big montana on the menu and unfortunately i don't know if it's nationwide now but i have not seen a big montana well in real life or in sandwich form um but yeah i just figured i give you guys a call and say hi i have uh i'm on my way to work and then band practice which taffy might be excited to hear about um but yeah it's about it my uh interesting little anecdote from before seems to be escaping me so i'll go ahead and cut this short and not ramble on hope you guys are having a great day and i will hopefully talk to you soon bye okay this is nicole Kayla told me to call this number so i did and um second bye hi taylor taffy and rodan this is nessa and i wanted to wish you guys a happy one-year anniversary for your podcast and let you know what my favorite episode was um i think my favorite episode was episode 47 the one where i was the co-host and taffy was away that was definitely my favorite it was hilarious thank you so damn taffy and taylor this is holly and congratulations on your one-year anniversary and i think that my favorite episode was that one episode where you had that fill-in girl what was her name nessa um i think that one was really funny um congratulations hi guys this is walt and i wanted to wish you 50 happy episodes and one great year of podcasting can imagine um the pot of sphere without you guys um and especially um my favorite episode it was a toss-up it was it was either episode 47 which was amazingly funny or that one that um nessa co-hosted because that one was great too um but those are my favorites i think that was the same episode walt oh then it's definitely my favorite that was awesome congratulations guys we love you oh i i i still love the story where the guy blue Arab is asked hey taylor taffy and rodan it is some cornball and now we just thought we'd give you a call because we just got picked from new york city where we had a bear jesus fighting if we did and we were with eric the southern boy and a bunch of other podcasters was a great time and then mr productoho wants to say hello hi gang i hope you're all doing well and we'll be sending you photos of the bear jesus fighting in new york so i will give you back to kim and have a great week guys oh and happy one-year podcasting anniversary bye i found it interesting that only half of the foul monkeys have listened to us but that's okay we forgive them this time well an actuality herb doesn't listen to his pocket i know i know i know that so that's okay and that makes me love herb a lot that's because you don't listen to us i do listen to us but only by fear of taylor's retributions wrath wow are you serious that's the only reason you listened to our show well no i i didn't listen now and try to take notes the time he said yes no i do try now to listen then take notes and figure out what i'm do you find that when you listen to us back that you giggle in the exact in the same places or you you listen and hear things that you were missing because we were talking over each other or we were thinking about something else because sometimes when i listen to it i think i laugh at completely times i didn't even know what's coming up yeah i yeah that's how i am too i'm laughing i'm thinking i should know what's coming next that's exactly i do i i this is totally new to me it's fabulous maybe it's because we're maybe we really are drunk when we do this we don't know that yeah right we're high in life oh and i i'm confused about the whole fall monkeys thing because does that mean Ricky can just like fire a partner and bring on someone new both in life and on the show all right are you planning on putting in an application i i think he had a previous podcasting partner is what he knows oh i thought trust me if i could fire a co-host and just bring in new ones watch it easy yeah easy slow slow or slower slower wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay go we also we also speaking about the podcasters we also heard from Luke yeah well i'm going to go through the list of all the different podcasts that that were gracious enough to send us congratulatory messages and that would be terminally single foul monkeys confessions of a southern boy in yankee land instant gratification with my husband luke miller latte boy we're mean because you're stupid it's not us it's you and there are some who call me Tim please please please go and check out their podcast they all do great jobs with their shows and they would appreciate your listenership yeah i've decided that fair princess holly has a very sexy voice she does kind of have a sexy voice i am really enjoying we're mean because you're stupid yes a lot i'm really starting to really and not just because you know messes in love with you messes got the big pants for me but i actually wait a second i okay i was talking to my mother tonight where are you and at one point my mother was talking about somebody liking somebody else and use the phrase well he's got the hot nut for oh oh i actually my i actually did a spit take that would have done it have you ever heard that before a hot nut no she's got the hot nut for her i've never heard that phrase use i don't know a lot of phrases you say though come dumpster but i'm the hot nut i've never heard well funny you should mention come dumpster yeah because we have a message from heather hi guys this is heather and i live in Phoenix Arizona and i just had the call because i've been listening to guys since almost your first episode and i'm one of the few people that actually went from you guys over to cue cast and started listening to them from your guys's recommendation anyway i just wanted to call and by the way i wanted to throw down the lavender gauntlet for the 80s things for taylor and by the way i know where you came up with come dumpster as a phrase that was from the savage love podcast from these two lesbians that wanted to talk during each other anyway so yeah that's where you got come dumpster from taylor anyway um love you guys and happy 50th episode bye heather i never said that i had come up with the phrase come dumpster but i had heard it in the past and it made me giggle so it seemed appropriate when talking about taffy and oh wow and i love the whole comments about the lavender gauntlet oh yes we are going to have to do we are going to do some sort of 80s off or something like that maybe with some listeners have like a contest or something that's actually a great idea okay well that's a that's a future contest in the making we'll figure that out later on um and uh i i do not listen to dance savages podcast so i didn't hear the come dumpster phrase from there but you know what more power to the lesbians calling each other come dumpster okay we got we heard some jimmy and mr difficult oh you're okay yes we did and uh jimmy brings to our attention something something that we are lacking here pot is my co-pilot and what is that class all right if you decide class well besides that hi taylor tappy and rodan this is jimmy from date in ohio just calling to wish you guys a happy anniversary can't wait to the next show keep up the great work love you guys bye hey guys this is steve or aka mr difficult hey i just want to let you know you guys are great i know my husband called last week and he also uh i haven't been able to catch up on your podcast because i'm working my ass off so i just wanted to call and you know congratulate you guys on your first year podcasting and to let you know this is the first time ever i have called any podcast so uh hopefully that makes you guys feel great so anyways um and uh that's how they think so you guys have a great night great day whichever it is when you listen to it so bye hey guys this is jimmy from date in ohio you know i've been thinking about this whole election thing and if hillary and barack and have super delegates how come you guys can't have super listeners do i get to be a super listener or maybe like a super fan wonder what color my tight should be oh i don't know if i want to see all this and tights anyway i would like to be your first super listener anyway just want to hear your thoughts talk to you later bye um yeah jimmy sure you can be our first super fan of course there are obligations and requirements that i'd be more than happy to talk with you about personally about that and as far as the color tights nude will do oh nice super fan yeah and all of our super fans have to submit photos of full frontal yes full frontal uh and mr difficult thanks for letting us be the first to pop your podcast phone in cherries well and and thank you very much for extending an invitation for us to come to the sauerkraut festival because you never know we might come come and knock on your door you never know you'll regret the day you were born when when taffy darkens your doorstep join us next week when taylor and i will have our latest instalment yeah i'm the one on your side right now today you better piss me off this is a spiteful man well we also have some regulars that call in and and leave us messages on our blog and i thought it was apropos to put them all together and again here they are and no pod is my co-pilot it's nessa i just wanted to call because of your anniversary because if i didn't call right this very second i would have forgot and then you would have done your anniversary show and everybody would have sent you all this love and i would have felt like it's a reduced novel so anyways i wanted to call and tell you i love you and i love the show and i'm so glad that um taylor requested to be my friend on my face or else i probably would have never been but for real guys keep it up and i'm looking forward to another year that's right another year i am holding you to entertaining me for the next year and if you don't i will cut a bit anyways love you bye hey everybody it's peter from atlanta georgia congratulations on an entire year of podcasting and i just wanted to personally thank each and every one of you for making an episode every fun day because it's so wonderful and i've had so much fun listening to them and i had a really great time going on the project runway podcast and i look forward to listening to all your episodes in the future and trying to make you laugh as much as i possibly can so congratulations once again and i look forward to having a lot more fun with y'all thanks so much bye hey guys it's ryan from orlando just calling to wish you a happy anniversary i'm not calling to yell at rhodan this time although i'm sure he hasn't been as nice as uni as he should be but lower that now um so congratulations on the one year and keep up with good work thanks bye hey as it's one to call and say happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary dear taylor tappy and rhodan happy anniversary to you hey from everyone here at tom takes on the world back home i send you wishes for another smashingly successful you're fun from your national friend tom that's right forward nessa this is where we're going to play the slow groove music underneath my voice i'm loved you and i'm sure you're a fabulous person back off i'm his gal pal save me nessa save me i'm actually locked in a room she won't let me out he's locked in my dirty snack interior right now oh god i did leave nessa a voicemail did you on yes i did and it basically said that i could tell her exactly what taylor smelled like he smelled like handi and by candy i met teddy oh yeah mesa i can assure you there's plenty of taylor to go around yet plenty you know hey hey hey you know i subjected myself to our project runway cast so just so that i could subject it rejected yourself yes on the plane just so that i could hear peter for the record peter peter pumpkin eater you mean peter the new third permanent message with that voice i want to wear pumpkin underwear well you know and i was thinking about something and actually when i was taking notes first that when we left messages i was actually thinking about this um peter wants us to do season five project runway updates every week peter has a sexy voice peter has recording equipment peter can totally be our guest host exactly peter you can record a little something send it to me i will add it on the the end of the episodes um coming up when season five project when i oh say you want peter to do it solo well but yeah i mean peter has a webcam i'd love to watch peter do it solo but that's i was talking about recording the project one one way project runway because of all the shots at tequila you've had tonight because of all the what the shots at tequila you've had tonight i wish this is an alcohol-free house right now i'm sorry oh and i've also decided that uh ron is not allowed to punch me in the throat but he can't deep throat me and i've seen his doinger online so it all works out what did you just say i said i believe i've seen the linger i like the one who can never use that word again it's funny doinger doinger doinger that is the most that is something i would hear out of porkies that is the stupid word i've ever heard you prefer cock thank you thank you cock just kind of sticks in the back of your throat the little fire literally you know big end the twins jesus his dirty snack eteria his dirty snack eteria yes okay okay we also have a voicemail from divey hello um part of my co-pilot people this is um my first time calling my name is divey um i am a friend of nicole and venice's from it's not us it's you i wanted to call and leave very happy vlog adversary and podcast birthday wishes um i have been enjoying your show for a month or two i listened to all the previous episodes um after hearing taylor on the uh it's not us it's you show and i had to listen to the uh the father of their jesus as it was in his uh in his home date as it were and i just wanted to call and tell you i've loved the show and i hope you have another great year of messages um of podcasts yeah i'm it's late i'm tired and uh i'm not thinking clearly i had one little question um i sent you guys an email and i didn't hear you reference it in the last episode and i wanted to make sure i'm not doing that whiny thing like oh you didn't mention me oh i'm so sad i just want to make sure that you got the email because if not then i sent some reference to your um asshole inflating story to somebody i don't know and i'm sure they wouldn't appreciate that so yeah if you could just you know mention whether or not you got it that that would be great because otherwise i'm kind of embarrassed about who am i sent that to um anyways you guys are great you're lots of fun and i enjoy listening to your podcast a lot uh talk about you guys later yeah divey i never got that email aw so what's the some of the good chance you sent some stranger an email about somebody blowing air into my ass which is fine because i apparently sent somebody a mystery cock shot so you know it all evens out in the wash the mystery cock shot um speaking of cock shots um brother kasey once one of yours rodan uh yeah i i heard that i'm just kind of like hmm he's got a nice voice though so he sounds kind of cute maybe yeah hello taylor rodan and miss sappy this is kasey from bois we call the wish you a happy anniversary and taylor you are one sexy motherfucker sorry rodan i don't know what you look like never seen you but feel free to send me make a picture i believe taylor has my email address thanks love y'all good bye hey guys it's good from california welcome you until it's actually and i just wanted to call and tell you you guys a wonderful happy anniversary uh you guys bring a lot of joy to everybody's life um and you are so insane you actually make me feel perfectly normal which coming from some of you in los angeles that's part of confidence keep it going love you guys hello taylor and tassy and rodan this is kristina from one actually washington who you probably heard on the two past i've never called you before and i may be too late you may have recorded it already but i wanted to call and wish you a happy one-year podcasting anniversary from beautiful Las Vegas where i am currently standing in front of the vlogio um i wanted to say congratulations and although i've never called you guys before i'm a big fan and i've been listening for oh quite some time now uh i love you guys keep it up and i will listen to you later hi yeah so we have messages from uh that was kacie and kris who was actually our first uh the first person who left us congratulatory voicemail she popped she popped out our cherry actually kris is a boy but okay okay he popped our chair kristina kristina's who i was thinking of that's why kris kristina whatever and we also had singing we had a song sung to us yes we had messages from jess joe and mary and a lovely little song yeah hello pot is my co-pilot this is guest from pa i just wanted to tell you that i absolutely adore your podcast i've been addicted to it ever since you said i can taste your beer this is my absolute favorite line ever anyway kudos on your 100 year no sorry your pet your year anniversary and i hope you have many more and i love you Taylor bye so happy anniversary happy anniversary happy anniversary happy anniversary happy anniversary guys this is joe in our out of colorado me and rob bloodiest we'll talk to you later bye happy taylor and rodan it's mary and i was just calling to say how much i've enjoyed the past year listening to you guys you make work so much better and honestly i still even care that people think i'm nuts when i'm laughing at work anymore because frankly they're nuts too but for other unmentable reasons but anyway congratulations on the year and i can't wait for the next one thanks lots of people a lot of people have taylor love i didn't notice that that there was yeah i kind of like that whole and i love you taylor click yeah again i give and i give and i give to these people and i got that's fine and mary we appreciate the fact that we are helping people all over the country have their co-workers think that they are completely crazy by giggling to themselves and their cubicles with their headsets yes or on the bus and train yes that makes us very happy you are not alone you are not alone mary yeah a lot of times we sit and giggle to ourselves just randomly not even listening to anything but that's because we actually are kind of crazy yeah that's what was on the plane for me and going to washington and on the way back listening to us and then listening to we're mean because you're stupid i would just sit there laughing and the guys next to me you know because i was in the hump seat in the middle did you stare at me i'm laughing i'm just like okay that's because you had your hands down your pants that's why they were staring at me well this is when i was listening and clown shoes on well choose hey i just because i have big feet leave me alone you know what they say about boys with big feet oh i wear big shoes and it doesn't apply to right here because again i've seen this doinger stops i got word doing you're doing you're doing you're doing you're doing you're doing you're doing you're doing you are grace grace jones okay i don't know what to say last guy who was saying pussy a thousand times oh from boomerang yes stop pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy steal vagina after bath bath no bath be i a t h do not make fun of me i don't want to watch the movie now i haven't seen the movie in years i don't know i totally want to watch it um we don't forget about kathy that's what i was just getting me to do last but not least we have the fuckathon i have i have listened to all of your voicemails numerous times while i was editing pre-editing the podcast and these four emails are particular while i smiled and laughed at all of them these four particular made me giggle more than anybody else and she has a great giggle and you guys are from miss kathy hi taylor rodan and kathy this is kathy in montana calling to with you guys a happy one year anniversary um i hope you guys do another year and that it this is funny is this past year you are my favorite podcast period i enjoy listening to you show and i laugh every episode i laugh hysterically love you guys bye this is kathy again p.s please please please i'm begging please please please please please please kill the john gidman story on your one year fiftieth episode please i cannot wait till the hundredth episode that's another year i have got to hear this john gidman story please please please please thank you bye okay last time i promised this is kathy again oh and now i forgot why i was calling again oh my god oh oh oh i didn't say fuck i don't think in any of those two previous messages did i i think i did it fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck me fuck everybody fuck fuck fuck fuck i hope rodan gets fucked everyone fuck fuck fuck tank and tapping fuck fuck fuck fuck okay oh and taylor too fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck sorry bye homely phone is ringing and i have to call back this is kathy right now when are we going to indulge miss kathy with the quintessential john gidman story yeah um okay i have decided that the john gidman story is going to be told as a video podcast okay and the reason i've told that is said that is because we need to have people there i've already suggested kevin and michael and kevin and michael kind of sort of agreed to it okay of where we need to actually have people's facial responses when we tell the story oh so kind of like two to one cup where it's just mostly the people's responses not factual video oh yeah or my response at goatee please it's one of those that you just need to see the looks on people's faces when we tell the story because you need to see the look of horan discuss it's a doozy it's a doozy i've even thought about ways that we could possibly act out as selected scenes from the episode for a video podcast i can guarantee you that no one is going to tackle the role of john gidman but you know what you know what though i do believe that i have art of that evening and if there we can if you can do some selective and creative editing we could post several of those pictures well you know i would be very concerned about doing that but we might be able to blur out faces and whatnot and and and fajines you know the real john gidman isn't doing much these days so you may actually be able to get the real john gidman to be able to do it oh that he's all geared up for speed racer can you imagine if we got that that's what you should do you now are the are the photoshop king you should photoshop john gidman's face on top of her body and those pictures that would be fabulous we will see we will see cassie the john gidman's the ultimate john gidman story is coming it just just give us a little bit of time on that and thank you very much for calling it anytime you want to call and do something where you open the show by saying fuck about something we'll totally put it in front of the podcast i don't have a problem with that yeah she says fuck in the cutest way possible i know she sounds like smurfett saying it's it's just it's very funny and you know the funny you know the funny part is after that last message she never called back oh really i have to call you back it's cassie click and that was it all right well that takes us to 43 minutes before i edit in the 22 minutes of uh voice mails that we have so we're gonna have emails but we'll get to emails another time look at the emails and questions because we didn't have questions for us too so we'll get to that next week yeah we will definitely work on that soon once again thank you all yes it really has been an embarrassment of riches and and we are very appreciative of everybody who listens to us um i had noticed or i wrote a note to myself um our very first episode the first week's downloads we had 35 people try out the podcast oh that was the first week and i was thrilled that there were 35 people out there i still am thrilled that there were 35 people out there that would give us a shot exactly we just had our 21 000th download recently oh my god i cannot believe that so in the course of the year we've had over 20 000 downloads and as of about an hour ago one of our shows reached its 500th download that's amazing he is kim zimmer no no kim zimmer is pretty close actually it was episode 36 which is going down to funky town we surprisingly wrote and you weren't on what does that tell you okay oh what what jess thank you all very much from the bottom our hearts and i also want to say a special happy birthday to jason from b-talk who i've been talking to on the bear 411 and today is his birthday oh and i told him i would say something on our podcast not that he listens but i feel like you know wait so you've been talking to another bear caster on the uh bear 411 he just wants to bottom this guy and that's the reason he said happy birthday get real yeah he wants some play yes because i can't walk past a cock without enveloping it with my ass well now and there's a title for this episode and yeah now now you've just confirmed everyone's thoughts about you taylor yes it's like the little shop of horrors only it's my ass feed me see more me feed me can we cause we start calling you Audrey now please we're going to come up with new names for each other i think i like this game be nice i've been holding a list in my back pocket of names i'd like to call you sure you can call me Audrey calm dumpster is not an appropriate signature it's miss calm dumpster 1989 that's miss calm dumpster dio that's right all right we have to get off here all right everybody please check out our blog which is pod is my co-pilot dot com email us at pod is my co-pilot at gmail dot com be our friends at myspace dot com slash pod is my co-pilot join our facebook group at okay so i love pod is my co-pilot and call our listener line at 206 202 5165 and please go to iTunes and leave us more reviews yes thank you very much drum riley calhoun has offered to show his balls for our 100th podcast trust us it's worth it it's worth every mouth water and more so his chocolate his chocolate salty balls so thank you all very much for listening thank you all very much for the last year we have a lot planned for the next year of pod is my co-pilot this is taylor and taffy and redan have a good week everybody bye-bye so you