Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 47 - The Ultimate Podcasting Faghag, or Rodan Smells Like Denial

Broadcast on:
19 Feb 2008
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Another great episode, and that is in no small part to our great guest co-host, Nessa of "We're Mean Because You're Stupid."  Much thank you to Ryan, a listener who I met this weekend at EPCOT for taking this wonderful picture we are using for cover art!  The less said about the episode the better - it makes you want to listen!!!  You put the boom boom into our are-waitaminute-WE are Pod Is My Copilot

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Music: Brain Bukit: Run Rabbit/The Chase

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Hello, Taylor, Taffy and rodent. This is Queen Elizabeth. Philip and I are travelling to our Edinburgh home, the Palace of Holy Rood House. We've stopped to get some luncheon. Philip is enjoying a nice Arby's Big Montana. Unfortunately, I do not have a camera to snap a photo of him eating the Big Montana, but had I had one, I would. Until next time, dot-ah! Philip, I turned the phone up. Philip, it's so hot and a nasty scam. Stop it! You're listening to Pot is My Copilot, with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodin. Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and welcome to episode 47 of Pot is My Copilot. I am joined tonight by Rodin. Hello, boys and ladies. And filling in for the Parisian-bound Taffy Carlisle Huffington, we have Miss Nessa from Where Mean Because You're Stupid. Hello, everybody. Now, we just signed on together about a minute and a half ago, and apparently Miss Nessa, a little nervous tonight. I am way fan girly right now. Well, you have no reason to be nervous. Unless you do a really good job and Taffy hears us when she gets back, then you should be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Yes, she could hunt you down. I mean, she has the means, she has the motive, she has the upper-end eye. I know, she already sounded a little bit wary of somebody taking her spot, so I thought after your job, Taffy, I'm just a substitute. You don't own a bunny rabbit, do you? No, no. Do you have a small daughter that's afraid of roller coasters? Then you should be fine. So, Nessa, how are you tonight? I'm good. I'm tired because work was just a pain in my ass, but I'm good. I'm sorry to hear that. And where do you work? I work at Geico. Are you a lizard wrangler? I was about to say. Do they make you talk in an annoying Australian accent? No, luckily, I don't have to talk to anybody. I do all my work by email. That sounds like heaven. That's how come I listen to tons of podcasts. I have nobody to talk to. It just gives the voices in your head somebody else to talk to. Exactly. Nice. So, for those of, I mean, we talk about you a lot on our show, but for those of our listeners who aren't necessarily familiar with you or your podcast, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your podcast? Well, I don't know. My podcast, I do with two of the most fabulous people on earth, Walt and Fairy Princess Holly. We've considered ourselves the super fans or the podcast groupies of pretty much probably every gay podcast that's available in iTunes. You are the ultimate podcast bag tag. Nice. Exactly. That's the title for episode 47. So, yeah, one day we were talking. We're like, we should do a podcast and we should just make fun of everybody because that's what we did via email. And we would be like, no, none of us. Wait, hold on a second. Does that mean that you make fun of us? Be careful to each other? Yes. Nice. So, we're the stupid ones. So, yeah. Sorry, go ahead. No, it's okay. So, none of us are technically strong. Like, we're all kind of like retarded. So, and we always joked around about how we were going to call you Taylor and be like, can we borrow your podcast for Dummy's book? Well, then my husband overheard me talking about it with somebody else and bought me the book. It's an awesome book. It's a totally awesome book, though. It totally walks you through the whole process. Wait, is this the one we had to walk around Barnes and Noble for like six hours to find? Yeah. Part of the reason we did that is because I know you hate Barnes and Noble. That's why I made you walk around for six hours. Go ahead, NASA. Well, I didn't think it was such a great book. It just confused the hell out of me. So, through a million emails to Michael from Qcast, a few to you, a few to Nicole, I kind of figured out some stuff and then we just started talking. And that's pretty much all it is. We just talked for about three hours about how we don't like anybody and everybody's bitches and make fun of retarded people and people with Parkinson's disease. Great. Now that explains why you're so much of a fan. Yeah. And they also take pictures of chocolate cakes that they make. Oh, that cake goes off. Oh, anyway. That cake did look awesome. Don't get me started. All right. Well, that's great. And where can people find your podcast? You can find our podcast through iTunes and you can also find us at, I always forget the name of it. We're mean because you're stupid dot blog spot dot com. Okay. All right. So that was enough about the podcast and I'll talk a little bit about you. About me. We're not doing any of the work tonight. You can do all the talk. Great. I'm not the talker. I'm the tech girl. I don't know. I live in California. I've been married for almost five years. Wow. Yeah. Nice. Surprisingly, because sometimes I want to punch my husband in the throat. Oh, good. But I'm really, really honest. Please tell me he's sitting right there while you're doing this. Look like he's going to punch me in the throat. And we have a great now. I have to file a report. No, no, there will be no punching in throats. Just to figure a speech. No, great. At least it's a lie. Until you hit stop for the recording. Actually, and my husband seems Derek and we actually met in an AOL chat room like seven years ago. Hey, don't knock it because that's how I met my, oh, my ex. And that's how Taylor met his, oh, ex. And we were both with our exes about seven years. You got at least two more really good years. Yeah. Well, I've always said that seven years is probably the optimal time for a marriage or relationship to work. Oh, God, he's sitting right there. I know. Poor poor Derek. This is the way we roll in mind, Taylor. Why don't you just stop taping now and help him pack? No, because it'll be expensive to send him home. So. You have to save up to be able to get some more. Wow. It would cost a pretty penny. No, he's all right. He does all right by me. So. Um, do you have any pets? Yes, I have a dog and two cats. Excellent. What kind of dog? She is a men pin chihuahua mix. Oh, wow. Yes. What do they call that? Chihuahua pin? We call her mini penny wah-wah. She's a native American. She has a native American as a pet in her home. She's a little German, a little Mexican. She is my heart. So she's a Nazi who likes to take a Ciesta in the afternoon. I'm kidding to all that. Yeah, I'll probably edit that out. I was trying to think of something German and that was the only thing that came to head. She likes to eat her Mexican food at Oktoberfest. How about that? There you go. Much better. There you go. She's not a Nazi. She hates everyone. The Nazis hated everyone. That was the worst. Okay, maybe my dog is a Nazi. And this is the last podcast that Michael and Stuttgart will ever listen to. No way. Michael and Stuttgart is my gay German boyfriend. I adore Michael and Stuttgart. I love him, love him. And we also have Jaco, Jaco, J-A-C-O. I don't know how to say his first name and he's in Germany as well. And we love him too. Well, I don't know who he is, so... Well, he may listen to your show and you just don't know it. Well, I don't know it. He needs to make it known. Okay, so until then you give him the raspberry. Exactly. So, Rodan, about ten minutes ago, I had on my iPod because I just finished up a podcast and didn't want to start a new one before we started recording because I have like 4 million that I need to listen to. And I heard a song from our past. What did you hear? "Stars on 54" if you could read my mind. Oh my gosh. Totally forgot about that song. And if you think I wasn't scaring the pugs by dancing around my living room... Well, I think I didn't want to help you on that because I was getting my hair cut today at the master cuts, at the Monroe Mall. Yes, the master cuts. Okay, that at the saddest moment of this episode is just that. Yeah, and I had some hick cut my hair and it's not so pretty. But anyways, so... They played Total Eclipse of the Heart... Oh, I love that song! The dance version or the original version? The original version. And there was this straight guy, as I'm doing air quotes, who was getting his tips frosted while his wife/mother of three was standing there livid while he was chatting up the gay guy doing his hair. It was a little bizarre and I'm mouthy. Well, it's very rare for him to have the two homosexuals in Monroe in one place at one time, so he had to get that to quality time in if he was going to figure out if he was going to embrace the alternative lifestyle. Yeah, while some high schooler was staring at me mouthing all the words to Total Eclipse of the Heart, doing the miniature version of the dance moves that I used to do with tracks to Total Eclipse of the Heart. I just don't know what happened. A guy or a girl was mouthing the words to you. No, I was mouthing the words. You were mouthing the words while some guy was dancing in front of you? No, I was mouthing the words and doing the little dance thing. Oh, I thought you said some guy was staring at you while he was mouthing the words, but you were mouthing the words. Oh, so you were creeping out the other straight guys in the Monroe. Yes, that I was doing. I'm super nuts at whatever the hell it was. I'll be there. Wow. Yeah, that just makes me not want to come to Monroe when you invite me to come. Well, I did. I just got home a little while ago from Epcot. I love the Epcot. I spent the day at Epcot with Kevin and Michael from Qcast. Lucky. And, yeah, we had a lot of fun. We also were with Jason, who is one of our listeners, and Ryan, who is one of our listeners, who's a different listener that I've never met before. I met Jason, but I've never met Ryan. Wait, so did they, like, find love over the podcast? No, they're really good friends. They both have partners. Cool. And they're both very nice and very funny. And they're both kind of cute. And Kevin and Michael were kind of cute. Well, they are kind of cute. They're not, they're not work kind of cute. So it was a big old sausage party walking around on Saturday. Nice. It was fun. It was taffy-free. No, we had a lot of fun. I had a really good time with them. They're really great. I haven't been to Epcot in probably about four or five years. So there is all sorts of new stuff there for me to enjoy. And some things to make me almost violently ill on, including the new mission space. Oh, yes. I've not done that yet either. Yeah. The next time you come, there's a good chance that I may wait for you at the exit for that. It was actually, I went in just assuming I was going to puke. So I, and I didn't, which I was very thankful for. I really, I just kind of, they have signs all over the place. And they have where, you know, they have the instruction video, which is Gary Sinisse. Okay. Okay. Which is good. With the worst to pay I have ever seen in my entire life. To the point of when he first got, you know, that he sort of is standing in the background and then like comes up and like, and now in here is your, you know, lieutenant, you know, bad to, or whatever it is that, you know, and he comes into light and the four of us all just sort of stopped and looked at one another like, are you kidding? It is horrible. Ryan says it looks like he has a headband on like one of those little rubber band headbands that, you know, the teenagers wear to sort of keep their hair out of their eyes. And you just can't see it because he has this weird like, phwa bang thing that sort of like flips forward. It goes up and then forward like a sad rhinoceros. I think he actually wore that to pay in a movie. Because I think I remember what you were talking about. It's bad. It's really bad. And so you get into the little compartment thing and I was the navigator because each person in the little thing of four you get, you get a job and mine was, I was the navigator. And then the first thing you do when you sit down is you notice exactly where they have the barf bags already stationed for you. So I said, yeah, I'm going to grab one of these before the ride even starts. And then the control panel comes towards you. So you are completely enclosed in this little tiny space. Yeah. Not fun. Not fun. Can you do well with little tiny spaces too? Yes. I do wonderfully and really enticed closed spaces where they tell you you have to keep your head against the back of the seat at all times. Don't close your eyes. Don't look to the left or the right. Oh, God. Yeah. So the ride eventually starts. And apparently the entire thing, it's just a centrifuge ride where, so if you feel like, you know, when you're taking off into space, you know, you can feel your face pressing, you know, the gravity pulling you back and then it sort of slows down. I didn't realize that the whole thing was spinning the entire time. I just thought there was going to be one part where it was going to spin. And then at one point when it slows down, you feel like zero gravity for like a couple of seconds where you almost feel like you're floating, which was kind of cool. And then it goes back to that whole like star tours, body wars where you're in a shoe box and it shakes you up. And that's the part that started to make me nauseous. I can't do star tours at all. No way. No. I have tried doing Star Wars multiple times and every time I do it, I say that's the last time I'm doing it. And after the last time I said I'm not doing it anymore. Because you feel like you're in a shoe box and they're just shaking you violently. And I... And there's no air. No. But this one, they have air blowing on your face the entire time, which almost makes you more sick. So I got off of it and pork, I yelled at Kevin. And I was like, "Aww." Because I was doing the whole thing where I'm like, "If I talk, it's going to make me sick." So I was like, you know, sort of stacking up and Michael didn't get on it. So it was Kevin and Jason and Ryan and they were all going, "Are you okay? Are you okay?" And I just sort of had my hand up. Like I was walking in front of them like, "Okay, just don't talk." And Kevin was like, "Are you okay?" And I'm like, "Yeah, I'm fine." And then she's like, "Are you sure you're okay?" And I'm like, "Yeah, I'm okay." And he says, "Well, you don't look okay." And I said, "Just stop talking!" [laughter] And then I think Kevin was a little pissed for about five minutes. [laughter] And he was like, "You yelled at me." And I'm like, "I'm sorry. I was sick." And you were just, you were asking me to do me questions and I didn't want to talk. So, but he was fine. Aww. So. Yeah, now Mission Space I think is responsible for more deaths than any other Disney rides like ever created. [laughter] Yeah, a couple of people have died on it. Actually, probably more people than we know, but, you know, that we know about. But it's some people have definitely died, so. Yes, they've all died of natural causes as they do air quotes again. Well, somebody told me that they won't officially, they have some sort of rule or something, that they won't be officially declared dead until they're taken off of Disney property. That sounds like something they would do. Yeah, it sounds very, it sounds very evil empire, sort of thing, but that way they can't be used. That way they can't be, you kind of would. That way they can't be sued for, you know, wrongful death or whatever. I don't know. I forget who told me that, and I may be wrong. And if we have Disney employees that know if I'm right or not, please email me and let me know. Michael. Yeah, Michael. Epcot is one of those places that you really need a few days to walk around and do everything. We only kind of touched on a few, you know, we did the Mexico float ride, which isn't quite as racist as I remember it being, because they've changed it now. So this is the three Caballeros instead of the whole thing where it's all nothing but, you know, and then they have the people that chase after the movies of the people chasing him. If you go, oh, just buy this blanket. It's only 50 pesos and it chases you through the different screens. You know, we're trying to bargain with you. It doesn't do that quite as much anymore. But that's how it really is. Well, that may be, but it just seems like it's, you know, there's thousands of years of culture and they're only trying to talk to you how they want you to, you know, barter for a blanket. I just always thought that this is kind of racist. We did the Maelstrom Storm, the Norway vlog flume. And as most people do, just ran through the final movies that you don't have to actually watch the movie at the end of the ride. And the poor, like little Norwegian girl was trying to say, you know, if you would like to bypass the movie. And everybody, well, I just, apparently she was Mexican. I don't know because I just had a horrible accent. It was just where, you know, everybody's doing it. I'm like, this poor girl flies all the way over from Norway to work at Epcot. And nobody wants to embrace her culture. Everybody just wants to go get a churro with the Mexico. I did embrace speaking of embracing Mexican, you know, cuisine. I did have myself a margarita today walking around Epcot, which I've never done before. Again, Kevin and Michael, bad influence. They make me drink at Disney parks. They held a gun to your head, right? They held a gun to my head and said, you have to have this or we will kill you in front of all these small children. I said, fine, make mine strawberry. They went to clear you dead until they dragged you off the lot anyway. And in comedy, they call that a call, come back, come back, call back, whatever. Oh, see, I fucked that up. Never mind. What else did we do? We did the land where you go through the garden. And when they mentioned hydroponic, I giggled because I instantly thought of pot. That's what I thought. When you said it, I'm like, like pot. And apparently I wasn't the only one in our group who thought about when they spent hydroponic, but I'll just leave that one alone. We did the new spaceship Earth. Oh, how was that? That was... Because the old one sucked. No, I love the old one. This is one of those stupid little details, but you know the part when you're going through Rome, and there's on the screen, they had the screen of the horse and the carriage that sort of was going down the street, and then it would just sort of turn around the corner. Yeah. That disappeared. They don't have that anymore. Oh, really? Yeah. And now it is Judy Dench. That is the voice instead of Walter Cronkite. Does she give you missions? Does she tell you you're not ready to be born? No. But now it's much more interactive where at the end you answer a bunch, they have a computer screen, like a touchscreen that you answer a bunch of questions. And then it tells you what your perfect vacation would be like for the future. So, and apparently in the beginning they take your picture, and what you do is after you enter the questions, they take your head and put your head on the different bodies. But sometimes according to Kevin, it doesn't work. So, there was two people in the thing, and they got Kevin's body, but they didn't get all of Kevin's teeth. And Kevin had the big gay face on. So, he had, where he looked like, you know, a cast member from he hall with like three teeth missing in his face. And mine didn't work. So, I said it was Kevin and his little Filipino house boy going on vacation to the countryside or going out of space from the country. Because I was just this little, you know, Latin guy with the little emo haircut. And I just, so we had a giggle about that. Mr. B was taking his Filipino house boy out into outer space for a futuristic fun film vacation. It sounds a little bit like he, if he had three teeth in his head, then it probably sounds like he probably belongs to Monroe. And needs to get his haircut at the haircut area. In the mall. Supercuts? Is that what you want? Mastercuts. Masterbates is more like it. So, that was my big day. And then we went for Chinese food, and then I took Michael home, and I raced home, and now I'm here taping with you guys. And then after I tape with you guys, I'm going to bed because I'm actually working again on a Monday. Wow. That's so rough working five days a week. I just can't believe you have to do that. I, you know, blow me because I am not used to it, but it's extra money. And I like to think that this money is going to go to my credit cards, but I think it's going to buy me a Mac. Yeah, exactly. Who am I kidding? Where's the Apple store? Alright, so that's enough about me. We're Dan. What's going on with you? Not too much. Went to, well, I have this trip tomorrow where we're going, my boss and I are going to Central Illinois to visit our new call centers that we purchased in the last acquisition. Cool. Yeah, so we're taking the corporate jet, so I'm kind of excited about that. But you're taking the corporate jet? Yes. Because the oil finderies belong to me now, only me. And another thing, you're all fired. Yeah, I did that. So what's that from? What's that from? I don't know. Oh, come on. I don't watch the movies like Kathy does. It's okay. I'll give you a hint. It's a movie that we talk about all the time on this podcast. Do you do? No. Close, though, in the sense that we talk about all the time. I don't know. I'm under pressure. What kind of fanfag hag are you? You know what? You can suck it. Nice. Good response. Tappy? That is from Soap-a-dish. Oh, okay. See, I have never seen Soap-dish. What? How dare you invite her to be a part of the podcast. And she is not. Nessa, thank you so much for being on the show. We're going to have to let you go now. Okay, Rodeon, you can suck it now, all right? Yeah, as Tappy listens to this, she loves you a little bit more every time you tell one of us to suck it. I love you, Tappy. Yeah, I did that same joke to Goony at Sam's Club yesterday because I dragged him to Sam's Club to get hamburgers because he's a vegetarian. And I said, you dragged a vegetarian to Sam's Club to get hamburgers? Yes. Sounds like a cool first date to me. Well, I think it's like six or seventh date, but whatever. What else? Hey, did you have sex with him this weekend? You said there was a good chance you're going to sex with him this weekend? I got a dandy blowjob on the deal. A dandy blowjob. What? Constitute a blowjob dandy. It was good. Way to keep the comedy going there, Rodeon. Thanks. Good job. Good job. Yeah. Bravo. You know, Goony Spice, I have to say it's impressive because when you don't have a lot to work with. He worked it just fine. It's very project runway. You've only got $50 at the fabric store to make an evening gown. That's sort of what you did with his blowjob. Oh, and apparently he's not listening to the podcast anymore. Why? Because he was offended. When Taffy said that when I was talking about it like our first date or my first, well, I went over to Shreveport and said what we did. She was like, that's it. And apparently dismissed him. She just stuck it up. That's what I told him to. I said, listen, we had a great big Montana joke and you missed the whole damn thing. No, I really, hopefully he will eventually start listening again. So he will hear this eventually. And Goony, we don't take anything Taffy says seriously. You shouldn't either. Yeah. See, that's what I said. That's what I told him to. But whatever. Whatever. Whatever. You don't know me. You don't know me. Whatever. What's that from, Nessa? What's that from? I don't know. It's from every single episode of Maury ever filmed. Exactly. I watched Montel. Sorry. Montel's going off the air. I know and I'm so bummed. He's still on the air. Yeah. Do you really like Montel? Well, I only watched the episodes that Sylvia Brown are on. Which is like once a week. So that's the only one I watch. I'm picturing somebody with a letter J. Do you know someone with a letter J? I know someone with a letter K. Yeah, K. That's what I said. KK. He's saying that he's doing well. It's a woman. That's what I meant. She's doing well. She's doing well. Oh, this cigar is so good. Oh. Oh. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. I love her though. Tell me, did she have a dog? A cat. Yes, dog cat. Something with four legs and her. That's Karma bitch. Exactly. Exactly. Yes, I have watched a little bit more Oprah lately than I usually do. Oh, you see you remember the Oprah army? Well, now because apparently because I've joined the cult because I'm reading this book. Yeah. Which, by the way, I'm only eight pages in. I made pages in and already completely confused. That's okay. I know. I was going to go buy it the other day and I spaced it out. I'm like, I was going to do something today. Wasn't that important? You should. All right. Okay. Nestle, you totally need to buy it and we'll talk about it. Okay. You know what? Okay. You know what? If you buy it, you and I will talk about it and maybe we'll record a little mini podcast and add them on the end of the podcast as we're reading it. Okay. Wait. Is this going to be like the project runway? No, we'll actually do this. Actually, you know what? I recorded a project runway update and I'm going to release it right before I release this one. And it's not with Taffy. I have a special guest post star with me. Oh, is it the guy from Atlanta? Do I win? No. Do I win? Oh, Peter. Yeah. That's an awesome idea. You know what? Peter, we need to talk. Email me. See, I got your back, Peter. I got your back. Maybe Peter can work with Taffy and I on the finale in a couple of weeks. He's the one that wanted us to start these up again. Exactly. Okay. Peter, email me. Actually. No. Getting back to Drum Riley Calhoun and I actually recorded a little ten minute podcast. Really? I love Drum. Yeah. Drum. You love Drum? I love Drum. That's really good. You love Drum. Why? No, I'm just kidding. No, I called Drum at the last minute. It was like, you know what? If I don't record one, then we're going to fall right out of loop again. And there's only two episodes left. So I called him about 20 minutes before the episode came on and said, "Are you going to watch it?" And he said, "Yep." And I said, "Alright." Then you know what? We're taping something at 11 o'clock. Take notes. And he took really good notes and he had a lot to say. So, be sure to listen to... I'm going to release both of these at the same time. So, be sure to go through the iTunes and look for the Project Runway. Season 4, episode 11, episode that I do with Drum. Yay! Yay! I love you, Drum! I adore him. I think he is just sweet as pie. I'm like holding my tongue. I love Drum, too, but that was just... So, how was everybody's Valentine's Day? Yeah! Yeah, right. I'm just like, I'm holding my tongue. Like, I am sassy things I could say right now. No, Drum is a wonderful guy. And we adore Drum and his thick chestnut bush here. I was like, "Oh, my gosh." Yes, we do love Drum. Drum is actually probably going to be on another episode relatively soon, probably. Sweet. Yeah. So, how was everybody's Valentine's Day? It was non-existent. You're married. Exactly! No! Derek works nights, and I work days. So, by the time I get home, he's gone. It was uneventful. Because I don't really care about Valentine's Day, to be honest. I mean, I like the little kid aspect of it. Like, giving out the cute little kid cards, but... I think it's just like a commercial type deal, and yes, I'm one of those. Oh, it's just a hallmark holiday. Blah, blah, blah, blah. I really don't understand the point of it, because... Like, I told Holly, if it's a day that you can spend money on your spouse, you can spend money any day on me. It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day. Oh, that's true. That's true, and honest in a cynical sort of way. That's the way I roll, Taylor. That's the way I roll. There you go. There you go. So, Rodan, how was your Valentine's Day? Did Sprout have a leaky toilet, and you need to drive down to Miami and fix it for him? Oh, how was it? Sorry. Sprout did ask me for advice on how to break up with his twink. You've got to be fucking kidding me. No. I kid you not. Cut the cord. Did you kid it to him? Yes. Not only did I give him advice... Cut the cord! I just... Cut the motherfucking cord. I will go in... We're going to have four co-hosts from now on, and this is a permanent part of the group. Not only did I give him advice, but then I also told him he should probably try to work it out with him. I know, right? Rodan! I'm going to punch you in the throat. No. No. No. You are X's for a reason. No helping X's for a reason. Well, Goonty was nice because Goonty brought over for our date on Friday. He brought over a card and a little Reese's peanut butter heart, which I hate at the beginning part of the show. That's nice. But it was very cute. It was very, very nice compared to me doing Jack nothing for Valentine's Day. Wait, he's Jack! That's what I was thinking. It was an easy joke. You left yourself wide open. Yeah. Well, that went through the first time. Yeah, well, that was going to be my next joke, but you beat me to the punch. But yeah, other than that, I stayed home and I watched Be My Valentine's Charlie Brown. That's so sad. Yeah. It's stories like that that make me wish I had a gas oven. But the strange thing is I really enjoyed myself because I think I ordered pizza and I watched Charlie Brown. It was good to me. It was fine. It was fine. Damn it. It was fine. Rodeon smells like denial. Yes, there is, we're mean because you're stupid. They have a great segment called "What Do They Smell Like?" And occasionally they pick podcasters. So, you better bet Denial is one of yours right now. You think? Wait, what was one of Taylor's then? Oh, we haven't done Taylor yet. Oh boy. I have to keep that under wraps. I'm not allowed to tell anybody what they really smell like until we do them. Okay. Oh god, do you have a list someplace? Yes. Oh no. Wow. Wow. We do it out of respect and love. That's okay. I wouldn't have it any other way. Hit me with your best shot when you finally get around to getting to me. All right. We're not doing it alphabetically anymore. I know. I know. You went from Archer to, like, you jumped all over the place. Oh, yep. The next one's a T, but it's not you though. Okay. T. Wait, does that mean it's Tappy? No, no, we haven't done it either. We're having a hard time coming up with nice things for Tappy. And she is currently digging her nails into her steering wheel. And unfortunately, I'm probably in the car with her. I love Nessa. Oh boy. Wow. Okay. What else we want to talk about? Anything? You know, Riley is getting his manhood chopped off while. Oh, wow. Okay. That's the thanks for the preparation of that. Jesus. Yeah. He's getting this snip snip while I'm in Illinois. So he should be loving me when I come back. I bet. Oh, yeah. He'll be real happy with you. You abandoned Andy chopped my nuts off. How dare you? How long are you in Illinois for? Three days. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Now, how close are you going to be to Chicago? Very far. Oh. This is like the farmlands of Illinois, which apparently I didn't realize there was much in Illinois besides Chicago, but suburbs of apparently my company bought some little companies in central Illinois where there's like nobody living. Oh, okay. Because I was going to say when you go away on these business trips, you should totally let people know ahead of time and that way they can, you know, buy a drink and show you their doorknob. Yes. And make some more five-star reviews. Yes. Last I checked, we were at 79 reviews. Jesus. So hopefully we'll be getting 80. We were at 78 for a long time, and then all of a sudden, I think two days ago, we got 79. Nice. I was getting a little worried about that. I was. It seemed like all of a sudden we peed it out for a little while there, and hopefully we'll be getting some more. Hopefully as word of the big Montana spreads, so to speak, we'll be getting more of these. You know how close I was to going and buying one today just so I could take a picture, but I'm like, I don't want that big in my house. So Ryan asked me at Epcot today, says, is anybody giving you a picture? And he says, no, he goes, I hate them. He goes, I'm very tempted just to go to Arby and just take one bite of it. And supposedly even after we had like this big Chinese buffet meal, he was going to go to Arby's and take a picture and send it to me. He has not done that as of yet, and I'm going to hold out like one day for him, but. I actually technically did that last night. I just did. You ate a big Montana? Yes. I got a big Montana. I, yes, I got a big Montana because I wanted one because we were talking about it. What was her name? I love them. Oh. Sorry. Yeah. So I took a picture of it and after I put my Arby's sauce on it. So it's kind of like a virgin big Montana. Oh. Oh. Oh. Your gross. Any good words you saw on it? No. I didn't like words you saw. In intermittent spurts, we just sort of like the little thing. And just like just casually squeeze it so there were just little drippings all over it. Yeah. Okay. We're done talking about this because we're grossing people out. Oh. God. You're just wrong on many levels. Len update. Two out of three ain't bad. Still haven't had Starbucks and other than last week still haven't any soda. We'll just leave it at that. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, does that mean that you've had lots of porn? That's what I was trying to get away with saying that. Thank you. God. Taylor is weak. Oh, thank you. Did you give up anything for Lent, Nessa? I gave up Jesus for Lent. Oh. And you can send your letters to word out me in your Actually, I stole that from Holly. So I got to give her credit where credit's due. Okay, boy. Oh, so, so Gooney told me what his favorite porn star is. Who's this favorite porn star? Between while he's blowing me. Um, No, the whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole Oh god, really? I mean, oh, I've never heard of him. Okay, I'm glad you know who he is. So, yeah, apparently that's his favorite porn star. Yeah, apparently that's his favorite porn star. Christiel. Christiel is kind of attractive. My all time favorite porn stars are both Falcon people actually, as far as professional porn stars go. And they are, it's a top at a bot. Actually, one guy's versatile and the other guy's a bottom. Um, it's a guy named Blake Harper is one who started out really squatty and then became like really muscular. He's really cute. And then one named Tristan Paris, which I know is a very good name and he's he's the bottom one and he is like the best ass in the entire world. So, I can't believe I just admitted that on a podcast in my favorite porn stars are nice. And they're both like the night around like 1997 1999 so they haven't neither one of them does porn anymore. But they're both pretty cute. And I've got video somewhere. And again, we'll just leave it at that. He knows exactly where those videos are. Yeah, right? If I don't if I don't get actually, you know what, if I don't get any big Montana artwork, one of them will probably be the artwork because I actually know I have a picture of one of them on my hard drive right now. Oh, nice. That may help get our viewership up. You know, that may help. It's not it's not a naked pick. And I could edit it so that it's not a naked pick, but right. Yeah. Okay. Great. All right. Somebody changed the subject really quick. Well, I personally don't have a favorite porn star, but I do like all the Corbin Fisher videos. So, Corbin Fisher. Do you ever watch Corbin Fisher, Nessa? I can honestly say I've never watched a porn video. So I have never I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh, I'm sending you stuff. The only thing the closest thing I ever got to watching a porn is what was on Falmonke's website. The guy in the wheelchair? Yes. Oh, okay. That's not I didn't even watch it. Yeah, we're not going to talk about that. So I think they have since taken that down, actually, by the way. No, Ricky, let me know it was still there because I was going to make my husband watch it. But I have seen the porn that my husband has on his computer. So well, then you have seen porn. Well, not like I don't own a video or anything. I've never gone out of my way to watch one. Oh, yeah. I don't own a video either. No, I don't know. You own DVDs. No, I don't think he had any porn when he left. At least that's what you think. You had one or two VHS tapes, but I've got the only DVD. And I have some VHS tapes, but I don't even have a VCR anymore. So so if anybody has a VHS record or VHS VCR and wants some porn, let me know. Maybe we'll make some sort of trade. Email me at Wow, we've been talking about porn for a long time and I work with children. Thank you for that reminder. Let's change the subject. So how about them, children? The children are doing fine. We're actually starting to prepare for our annual bereavement camp that we do every April. Wow, talk about a 180 from a children's bereavement camp. That is my co-pilot. This gets to be the crazy part for work as far as planning and doing all the shopping and getting all the activities planned and everything. But it's one of my favorite weekends of the year. It's a lot of hard work. You run on adrenaline for two days straight, but it's a great experience. So we'll probably have an episode in the mid-April range that will be a little late because I won't be up to taping. Usually I am adrenaline adrenaline adrenaline up until it's south of me, so I have to go over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and I get halfway over the bridge back in St. Petersburg and all of a sudden I just like crash where I'm just like all I want to do is sleep for like five days. Which is not a good feeling when you're going over a bridge, but you do what you've got to do. So I'm looking forward to that, but that's what's going on with the children, so thank you for that conversation change. We are getting ready to have our one-year anniversary show come up in a couple of weeks. We have gotten a couple of voicemails from some of our listeners congratulating on us on our one year, and we would love to get more. So we're not going to do the voicemails tonight just because it's going to take me a few days with me working these extra hours. I don't want to try and limit the editing as much as possible so that I can get this out to you guys. But if you have a voicemail and you want us to play it on our one-year anniversary show, we would love to have it. And tell us during those voicemails, what's been your favorite moment of Pot as my co-pilot? Or if you have a favorite episode, besides the episode seven, because that's every single episode. But you have another one. The third forty-six was pretty good too. Yeah, I kind of almost brought it to the bar with a big Montana, I think. But if you have other episodes that you really like, please let us know. And we'll definitely, we want to do an extra special episode for you guys. And we'll probably be a little bit longer than our usual episodes are. And we plan on having a lot of extra little goodies, and we have an extra special surprise, probably during that episode, but I'm not going to say what it is, because then I would ruin the surprise. Yeah, I was trying to figure out some way to be able to fly down for that, for us to take that episode. He's going off in the corporate jet. Yes. Yeah, right. I'll hijack the corporate jet and come on down. Okay. And now after I release this, you will have any S at your doorstep. One to do the full-body cavity search. Oh, nice. Oh, I just totally had deja vu. I'm going to be talking about getting a full-body cavity search. That is so weird. That is so weird. I don't know where else to go from that. Somebody talk about something. Oh, so, yes. Like you haven't had a full-body cavity search before. Nessa. Oh, oh, I was talking to you, Rodan. Well, you don't offend the guests. Well, I haven't had a full-body cavity search in years. So, Peter, come on over to Monroe. Wow. Break your boyfriend. So, not only do you get to be on the final project, one way episode, apparently you get to fist Rodan. Oh, yeah. It's every listener's dream from truth. I think the only fisting that most people want to do to me is punching me in the throat. That's pretty much the way it is with me. All that's on my list. Done and done. So, please get down here as soon as you can, Rodan. So, now, Ms. Nessa, are you still planning on coming up for gay days? Unfortunately, I cannot. Aw, you bitch. Oh, fuck off. You don't pay my rent. Geico knows. I completely understand as busy as it's been the last few days in February. Walking around Disney. Last few days ago. I've been doing that looking around going, how am I going to do this in the middle of June when it's 900 degrees and there are 4 million queens rocking around? Yeah. I don't know what I'm going to do, but we are planning on doing something in June. So, if you are planning some people travel far and wide, so to speak, to come to gay days at Disney, which I believe is the first weekend in June, send us an email and let us know that you're going to be there and we're going to try and do something whether we have a, you know, a meet and greet in the park or we do something where we meet everybody for a drink, you know, after all the festivities have died down or we're going to try and do something because we would really, we feel like this would be the best opportunity that we would have to meet with, meet with all you guys and that's pretty much it. So, just email us and you can email us at, well, you know what, let's see if Nessa knows some of this stuff. Okay. I'm trying to. Where do you email us at? That's one. Okay. What is our MySpace page? What is our blog? Okay,, but you could go to and I'll take you there. Okay. Wow. What is our Facebook group? Okay. So I. Oh, shit. Okay. So I like potismicopilot. Oh, so close. Okay. So I just like my co-pilot. No, I just like my co-pilot. I love us or hate us. No, that's just you. Okay. And what's our phone number? No, you, I barely know our phone number, so if you know our phone number, I will be super impressed. Um, wait. Wait. I, ooh. Don't type it in. Just remember. No, no, no. I'm not. I'm not. I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think. And I'm cheating by looking and seeing it. I have it on my phone. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. I'm going to say it's a little bit more than I am. [MUSIC] ♪ You could read my mind now ♪ ♪ What a tale of thoughts on the day ♪ ♪ Just like an old-time movie ♪ ♪ About a lot of social work ♪ ♪ And it gets so dark ♪ ♪ Or a fortress strong ♪ ♪ A change upon my dream ♪ ♪ You know that ghost is me ♪ ♪ I don't know where we went from ♪ ♪ But the feeling's gone ♪ ♪ And I'm just getting back ♪ [MUSIC] ♪ If you could read my mind, yeah ♪ ♪ If you could read my mind now ♪ ♪ What a tale of thoughts will tell ♪ ♪ Just like a baby back in my home ♪