Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Project Runway Review Season 4 - Episode 11

Broadcast on:
18 Feb 2008
Audio Format:

Episode 47 will be up later tonight!

Just because Taffy's not in the country doesn't mean that we aren't doing a show....and by we I mean Taylor and a special guest co-host....

Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy and welcome to Project Runways Weekly Review, season four, episode 11. Normally, I'm joined by Taffy Carlisle Huffington, but she is currently in the air hurtling towards Europe as you speak. So I've asked for a drum Riley Calhoun to be my guest co-host this week. Hello, drum. Hey, y'all. So we just both got done watching Project Runway, the final episode before the big fashion walk at Bryant Park. And fashion walk, fashion week, fashion, whatever. And this week, the designers had to choose a work of art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which looks like an amazing place. Have you ever been there? I have. I love that museum. It's fantastic. Yeah, that's that's one of those that's watching them walk around in there. I was like, I would totally love to go there one day. I'm not a big museum person, I get bored really easily, but that place just mesmerizing. Well, it's enormous. And I mean, just the three rooms that they showed, and they said there was like, you know, countless other rooms. I can't imagine it not being, you know, amazing. Yeah, in fact, I don't even think we saw, I don't think I saw the whole place when I was there. So I can only imagine. Well, my first thought was in a pretty much, it seems like this went along with the theme of the show was when they said one of the things you could pick from was the Greek and Roman room. Rami that Rami will be draping. I even wrote it down in my notes. Rami will be draping. I did too. I totally said that Rami was going to pick something Greek with twists and draping. He's so so predictable and Aphrodite is his soulmate. Come on. Queen, please. Wow, you really took notes. I just wrote Rami will dream. You know, I just wanted to punch him, you know, yeah. And I liked, I liked his dress, even though it's draping, but I liked it in that it looks like something that would have been in Xanadu. Like that went, you know, that whole like lilac purple with the big drape and the big slit down the side. I could just totally picture a living in John and roller skates flying around in that. Actually, this color was the only thing I really, I did like the color a lot. It was a good color, but you're right. Totally 1978. Not exactly. All she needed, all she needed was a headband. Let's talk about Christian. Yeah, he's my new favorite quote tonight, which is you don't get bitchy. I liked when he told him, good lady, don't worry. It'll be fine. Yeah, that was funny. I did laugh about that one too. One thing about Christian, though, and I am tired of every time any other designer when they do the final where they do the judging gets any sort of compliment. They pan to Christian with the purse lips and the looking down like I'm the only one who should be getting compliments. Totally. He's been disappointed the last three weeks in a row and I've loved every minute of it. Yeah, I was a little disappointed that he won, but you pretty much knew from the way they were talking about it, how it was, you know, you should totally think things through and all that. He's so obnoxious and so arrogant, but the truth of the matter is he really is the most talented one. Yeah, there's no question. I could see him possibly winning the whole thing. Yeah, I think so too. Jillian, who did a dress from Masters of the Argonauts, inspired by Masters of the Argonauts? I totally hated it. I thought it was I thought that would have been something from like 1978 ish. I just thought it was ugly and I can. Well, the dress was horrible. I was shocked that they liked it. No, that's OK. I just was surprised that they liked it as much as they did. I just I didn't get it. I liked the jacket. Yeah, the details on the back of the jacket were cool, but that was about it for me. But again, it's very reminiscent of the jacket. The Taffy talks about all the time that, you know, the jacket that she did with Victoria, with the big collar and the long I mean, the only thing missing was the long draping at the bottom of it. Yeah, just like that jacket from the denim jacket last week was the jacket from the week before with black and the pink plaid, except she just dipped it in bleach and see some so some red tags on it. This week, she just made a black. OK. Yeah, but I'm I'm I'm surprised she made it as far as she did. I can't believe she's one of the ones going to Bryant Park. Well, she did some really nice things early on. She's just been kind of disappointing in the middle. Yeah, she's kind of whiny and I don't like her. Chris, I love Chris. He's so crazy. Yeah, Chris is pretty awesome. I did think that when she was showing when he was doing the big shoulder thing, I'm like, that looks like the dress that they did before and they pretty much called him on it. I did think the color, I understand that it's supposed to be like ancient, you know, where it's all he even used oyster, which is, you know, the color of my couches. But that whole, you know, the gray and the oyster and everything. I thought it was a little bland, but I thought it was a pretty dress. Yeah, the colors were actually almost identical, though, to what the painting was. So I thought it was a really good interpretation, modern interpretation of the painting. Yeah, I wish they would have shown the painting up on the runway with the model in the dress, not necessarily when they were walking on the runway, but when they were standing there with the designers. So did they do that? No, they just as they went down, they sort of flashed to a picture of it next to them. Yeah, I wonder how much studying of the paintings the judges did or any. I'm sure they were given probably snapshots of the paintings just to show them. This is what was supposed to be their inspiration. And I would think that they would give them that sort of research to do that. I didn't talk too much about that, though, so I don't know. But anyway, one other thing about the fashion show. Heidi Klum with the big old hair extensions. I didn't like her hair. She normally was really cute, but it was kind of weird. Yeah, it was very Barbara Mandrel and the Mandrel sisters. 1982 variety, especially totally. And it wasn't the it wasn't the smart Mandrel. No, what was the what's the dumb Mandrels early in early? Yeah, that's right. I can't where the hell did I pull that out of the same place you keep all your other useless trivia. Well, that's true. That's true. Sweet Pea. I would totally want it. Sweet Pea to win the being the only one who went to I love Sweet Pea. She was so nice to everybody the whole time. She didn't have a mean thing to say about anybody. Even when Rami was being a total dick to her, she was totally cool. I just loved her. Honestly, out of the five of them, that was my favorite dress. I wasn't crazy about the dress. I was kind of disappointed in it, actually. I thought that it was what exactly they're saying is that it was very wearable. And it was something that you could totally see, you know, you could totally see that being sold and store at the mall. Yeah, someplace. I mean, the store might have been rave girl, but it's something you could have seen it sold in a store in the mall. Yeah, right. Wet seal or something crazy like that. Wet seal. Do they still have wet seals? I don't know. They did the last time I went to the mall. Of course, that was probably in 1999. Let's see. What other notes did I have here? I was very sad that she was the only one that got, you know, out. Yeah. And I was really disappointed that they did the fourth thing again, just like they did last year. And the fact that Rami was one of the four, that just pissed me off. Yeah. When they said, when they said Chris was in and I went, oh, and then she went. And he said, you're also in. I went, oh, I was mad. Oh, oh, oh, oh. All right, let's see. What other notes do I have? Call your strong is gross. He looks better, though, because remember, he used to have really, really bad scarring on his face. And it's not so much anymore. I wonder what he could do. Is he the same guy? I think so. Yeah. Yeah, because he used to do those commercials. We would say if you want a really good eye line and they would have that black model that opened her eyes really, really wide. He used to freak me out. Yeah. So he did something because he looked not so scarred. But yeah, he's creepy. Yeah, OK, my TV just turned on to the other room. Because I must have just hit pause for the for the DVR. And it almost just turned on. And it's very loud. So it's distracting me. I did have one other note. They totally had the lamp that I just bought at Ikea in the lounge when Chris was sleeping. I was so psyched. I'm like, that's my lap. How exciting for you. It is. Take a picture of it. I'll put it on the blog. OK. And that blog would be pot is my I think that pretty much wraps it up. We're at about 10 minutes, a little less than. And I like to try and keep these at about 10 minutes. So as I said before, you can go to the blog, which is pot is my You can be our friend at is my co-pilot. I feel like I'm having to like fight with a TV in the other room trying to talk over it. You can be our friend at MySpace, which I already said, join our Facebook group, which is OK. So I love pot is my co-pilot. Call our listener line at 206-202-5165 or email us at pot is my And let us know what you thought about this episode and who got voted off and who's staying in. Drum, thank you very much for being on the show this week. Thank you for having me. We'll have to have you on a regular episode soon. I'd love it. OK. Thanks for everybody for listening. This is Taylor and drum. And we'll see you on the runway. God. Bye, all. (laughs)