Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Project Runway Review Season 4 - Episode 10

Broadcast on:
09 Feb 2008
Audio Format:

Taffy and Taylor start the podcast with a bang!  We talk about the whole WWE Diva episode.  Call us and let us know what YOU think of the PR this week at 206-202-5165!
one. Two. Three. Four. Charming. Yeah. I'm. I'm. You know what? I'm just keeping this part in. You're an ass. Hi. This is Taylor. Under the introductions. Hi. This is Taffy Carla, Huffington and Taylor's in that table. He's insane. Project Runway has drove him insane. Hello people. Oh, giggle about that all night. Well, good. Welcome to our third Project Runway update for for the season four. And it is the WWE Divas episode. What did you think of the theme? It was okay. I was a little like, Oh, God, really? Like they have to do something like this? Because just, you know, you're always trying to do stuff like, you know, that seems to be like the tacky season. This is a tacky season. Yeah, I agree with that. Where they have to take all of like, you know, the old fads that, you know, aren't really popular anymore. And they have to do all these, you know, prom dresses and all these other different things that are just very, very tacky. So in that regards, I was a little disappointed. But it was better than doing just a plain old, we're going to make bathing suits, which they, have they ever done bathing suits? They may have maybe in one of the first season, the first season they may have, I don't know, I didn't watch the first season. I did think that all of the women had a rockin bodies. I think that some of the women had penises, but I was like, the one, the one, the pink. As exactly as I was going to say, when they did the close-up of like her, like thigh and belly area, I was just like, Oh my God. Talk about crushing a walnut between those things. Jesus Christ. Yeah. Gillian's girl, the one in the blue. Yeah. If I was built like her, I would be buck-ass naked every day of my life. Christian's girl, the black girl, I would be naked all the time. She had like the Angela Bassett. What's love got to do with that arms going on? So I Christian, Christian was actually, I liked his outfit a lot, but I thought the winner was correct. Chris, I liked his outfit. I was going to say, I forgot that bass to one. Chris's model, when I dream at night, I look like her. She was the whole thing. Yeah, she's fabulous. They all were, I mean, pretty in a hory, tranny sort of way. Yeah. But I did, I liked Gillian's, I liked the blue. This was very much, I could see myself getting into a challenge like this just because it was very super, super hero. Very super hero. Yeah. In fact, I think Tim even said super hero a couple of times. Yeah. And the idea that there is a store called Spandex World in the world. Have you never been to the fashion district in New York? Oh my God. Now me in Spandex would not be attractive at all, but just the idea that you could go and wander around and buy like rhinestone covered Spandex and a plethora of neon colors. It's just, it's just amazing to me. I just, when he said that, I sort of laughed when Tim got said, we're going to be going to Spandex World tomorrow. I was like, there's a store called Spandex World. I think there's actually a couple and that they're more than one floor. Thank you. It's even better. That would be awesome. Glitter Spandex. Thank you. Okay. Can I just ask you one question though? When in your life, when you are in a work situation and you are in a room full of peers, is it ever appropriate to ask them to all arm wrestle you? Have you seen her? You mean the, I really err on the side of less is more yet your entire body is covered in tattoos? Okay. Yeah. When she said, you know, I can't believe I haven't asked any of you to arm wrestle me. I thought you are a are you kidding me? These are people you work with. I don't understand that behavior, but okay. Okay. Sure. And then she lost, which was even better. And she lost to a little tiny boy. So that made me laugh. I know you care for her, but I just think she's kind of an ass. No, I was, I was, I just sort of thought that was weird, but they have to, they're there like what, you know, 16 hours during the day. They have to do something to make the time pass every once in a while. It's pretty much the equivalent of Santino a couple seasons go again. Where's Andre? Where's Andre? It's, you know, the same. I want to see you from the inside. I want to fuck you like an animal. I did hear me closer to God. Tim did call out the widow Carlisle by almost almost by name. What do you mean? It's Ava Garner and Green Acres. Oh my God. Is that not the perfect description of the widow Carlisle is Ava Garner from Green Acres? I have never thought of that before, but you're absolutely right. I know it's fabulous. So yeah, I thought it was a good episode. I thought I accept. Okay, Nina Garcia, if I swear to God, if someone had wore what she had on down the runway, she would have made fun of that necklace up left. Did you see that thing she had on? I didn't even, I don't even look at her when she talks. I just sort of, she had this big giant rock looking necklace with like a one shoulder shirt and all I could think of was Wilma Flintstone. She looked ridiculous. It was ridiculous. So yeah. I just, I just, whatever I see her now, I just hear that Matt TV parody where they say and head bitch, Nina Garcia. Nina Garcia. No, and then they had Heather Ed on who creep me. You want to talk about a couple of skid marks? Oh my God, they're both so gross. Have you ever seen their, they've been on a million different TV shows, but have you ever seen their loft in Manhattan? When you, it very is very much. No, I wasn't invited to that party. It's very much Bobby trendy where everything looks like it's put together with feathers and hot glue, but yet they're, they're designs. I mean, God, one of their gene jackets, I think on their website is like, you know, $2,700. Why are you going to the Heather Ed website? Anyways, one of their gene jackets is like $2,700. Why are you going to the Heather Ed website? I was looking for Odeon's birthday gift and now the secret's out. Please a surprise. Because hello, I do things with, you know, homecoming floats and cheerleaders who are, you know, chilling is just another form of drag anyways. So that's why I was looking at it. That answer makes no sense. But moving on, um, one word comes to mind though about the ending of the show and that would be by not. My God, yes, I was very pleased. And how ironic that this is the one time that he doesn't cry. And how I, you know, how ironic that it wasn't his job, basically, that he made lingerie. I mean, you know, I've seen some of the things he made where it has all the rushing and it has the seemed bust line. This should have been a perfect thing for him, you know, very superhero and very corseted. And with a big giant collar, big giant cape, he didn't do it. He made a bathing suit. It was ridiculous. And an ugly bathing suit at that. Yeah. I did do, I did do the gay gas because I really thought sweet pea was going home. But I think they figure that they've got a better shot of her doing something interesting by the end of the season than him because everything that he's done has just been so bleh. At the beginning of the episode, you heard Christian going, um, he put a ruffle on a slip dress and he won, really? Really? Yeah. I thought Christian's outfit was very cool. I loved the leather and lace and the chaps. But again, he's doing the jacket with the high collar and the puffy sleeves, which he's done with every single other thing. And I'm getting tired of it and getting tired of the whole. Everybody else here doesn't really do anything nearly as good as I do. And it's just, I don't understand where all these people are still here. Because I'm fierce and you're fierce and Tim, aren't we fierce and Tim's fierce and shut up? Yeah. I do like him still though. I think the stuff he creates is quite fantastic. But I agree with the jacket. The jacket was just, it's overdone. It's, they've done it now what? Six times on the, on the season? At least. Yeah. At least he's done it six times. So who knows? It's crazy. Yeah. It's crazy. So I think that's it. We're already at about eight minutes. This going home next week. What do you think? You know what? Make your prediction. I think there is a good chance and I have no inside information. I think it's going to be wrong. I think that's exactly what I was going to say. Because once again, even with this drag queen training outfit, it's the draping fabric. The draping fabric. And I was thinking to myself, if he brings out something in olive green and they don't send him home, I'm not going to watch the show anymore. And if he's, I'm going to drape it and do it. Yeah. I think, you know what? As he was supposed to be, the big star and he was the one that was, you know, had the most professional in the glamorous designs in the beginning. And I think you're seeing that he is a one trick pony. He has not done anything that necessarily, you know, I can think back even over past episodes. And I think, you know, Cain's Marilyn Monroe dress or, you know, Laura's bath rug collar jackets. There's certain outfits that you think, wow, that's amazing. I cannot think of one damn thing he's done besides green draping. Nothing. You know, I know one of his things stands out in my mind. All I think of when I hear him is even even the prom girl had draping. It was green. So yeah, he needs to go. He had to go. He had to go. All right. Well, as always, you can go to our blog, which is pod is my You can visit us at my space, which is my space dot com slash pod is my co-pilot. Email us at pod is my co-pilot at gmail dot com. What am I forgetting? Facebook group. Okay, so I love pod is my co-pilot and call our listener line at 206 202 5165 and let us know what you thought. Thank you. What you thought about this week's episode of Project Runway. This is Taylor and Taffy. Have a good week, everybody. See you on the runway. God, you're a mess. I know. All right.