Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Project Runway Review Season 4 - Episode 9

Broadcast on:
24 Jan 2008
Audio Format:

Ok, so we kinda dropped the ball (hee hee...ball drop....), but Taffy and Taylor are back to talk about the latest episode of Project Runway.  It's a short one, kids, and we want to dedicate this to our listener Peter, who gave us the kick in the ass we needed to start these up again.  blog:, e-mail:, MySpace:, Call our listener line: 206-202-5165.

Be sure to comment on the blog and let us know if you agree or disagree with what we said here....

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because Peter asked for it it is the second project runway update from pot is my co-pilot This is Taylor the latte boy, and this is taffy carla Huffington and what Peter wants Peter gets Absolutely, especially because Peter left us a message that will be on the next podcast that made me laugh my ass off So a little teaser for everybody that's gonna listen to this Project one I just went off the air about seven minutes ago Taffy and I both raced to our computers to talk about it in the meantime We talked about biggest loser, which we'll probably talk about on the next episode of pot is my co-pilot But I have one thing to say actually I have two things to say to start off with one I've never seen so much whining on a reality show in my entire life. This was there was this was the wine and cheese episode no question Yeah, I have a list of notes. So go ahead. Okay. Okay. I didn't take notes because I was actually cleaning my Bathroom medicine cabinet out while I was watching so I was purposely not watching them make the dresses So soon as you know Heidi Klum came out and did the rules I ran back out and watched all the dresses come down the runway The other statement that I have the wrong person went home tonight. I agree And I've been rooting for her to go home But yeah, I didn't think I didn't think she was in fact I thought Chris's was way worse than Jillian's. I thought it should have been Chris that went home tonight, but I thought Jillian should have gone home I know you like Jillian that she looked like a snowman. Oh, she looks ridiculous. Yeah, there's no question Yeah with the big weird collar and the hair that was exactly like the hair trying to do the hair that she did last Week with the with the trench coat and I was very disappointed and we're getting ahead of ourselves because the very first thing that Happened on the episode. I cannot believe you did not comment about Now you said you were de cleaning out your medicine cabinet. You were listening to it So you didn't really watch any of it Are you talking about when Heidi Klum came out in the shirt with the big giant nostrils across her stomach? No, I totally missed that. Oh my god. This was the worst shirt. I've ever seen in my life It's like she had like I mean she looked beautiful. The woman is gorgeous. There's no question She has on a t-shirt that had like faded eyes and the mouth was like down by her Like left hip and right across her stomach was these huge giant nostrils It was ridiculous Because I actually thought was she looked pretty during the runway I thought the dress that she had on was really pretty and I liked her hair But I totally or you know what I was actually kind of sitting there at that point I hadn't started or I was taking a break in the beginning But I guess I was focusing on something else I wasn't if the nostrils had been raised up so they would have been on her boobs It would have almost been funny, but they were like down and off-centered and it was and they were very big It was it was odd, but okay, so Sorry get to the show. We just we learned a few things about some of the designers Okay, we learned that right said Fred is from Jerusalem. Why I knew that oh, I didn't know that yeah And it's we pre sweet pea actually made quite a pretty bride. They should one of her wedding pictures and she looked really good Which I was kind of surprised. Yeah, and once again, we had crying Ricky the entire episode and I Just I want to smack him in the face punch him in the ovaries I mean the fact that he won made me kind of sad in a way. Yeah, just cuz I don't want him to get anything I thought Christian should have won I thought that putting the sleeves on the legs was brilliant. I thought it looked awesome I thought it was it was probably in my top two or three is favorite outfits my favorite outfit was sweet peas though I thought the one thing that I came out with it was it was so well made and it was very smart the way it was done And it didn't really look like denim No, it didn't look like denim. It didn't look like them at all. I thought Rami's was Something you'd buy from rave girl Like something you would go to like the ghetto mall and buy from rave girl it was ridiculous Yeah, I thought that Chris's dress and I thought that Ricky's dress all you needed would be two more of those And it would be something and Vogue would have worn 1994 That goes for your mind Okay, but the best thing because they're giving him something they can feel The best thing of the whole episode though, it's hippie dippy When he said that I went oh really Yeah, I did like it when Victoria said I want my work to speak for itself. Yeah, but it's saying you suck Do you really want it to speak for yourself now really and do you know The little us Huffington went through my head at one point Watching the show. Do you know what part of the show that would be when they said I thought if he says if I see one more slip dress No, oh what when Chris was talking to the dress that he was making the whole The dress as my friend was going through my head. Yeah, which we've talked about on the boy I think we talked about on the podcast and did you notice that Michael course was a little bronzer? He's a little heavy on the bronze tonight. He was like, I mean, I know that you say he's orange anyways But tonight he was like spotchy orange. Yeah, well Margaret show says that he just looks like a big bitchy tangerine So that's I whenever I see him. That's what I kind of think I can kind of get that too. Yeah, yeah So no, it was um, it was a good episode. I think last episode. I think it's gonna be very hard to top last week's episode with the the avant garde clothes I think it's gonna be really hard to top that when that was one of my favorite episodes from any season But the gene the gene was a good idea. They hadn't I don't think they have done genes yet. Have they? No, this was the first time they've done something like that This seems like something that they should have done earlier on I'd like to see them kind of do bigger and bigger and bigger outfits as it gets closer to the end You know, and it seems like this almost took a step back from where you had, you know These crazy prom dresses and then the avant garde stuff, then you're going to working with denim No, I agree and hello Well, they kept talking about the zippers all over. I think it was Rami's dress. Yeah, did Jeffrey last season not have zippers all over his final collection dress Yeah, but he apparently you know cheated so it doesn't matter. They kept saying it was such a nude allegedly You know, it was a new original idea except your winner from last year had zippers all over his freaking outfit So how was that a new original idea? I don't know. I don't know. I was upset by that So you'll have to go back and watch to see the big giant nose shirt because it was very scary, okay Who's going who's gonna be in the final three? I still say final three is Christian sweet pea It's gonna be Christian sweet pea and Rami and I hope it's not cuz I just don't care for Rami at all But I would like to see it be Jillian It's gonna be I think it's gonna be Christian sweet pea and Rami I've been I've been saying it and I think she proved me right again that sweet pea is gonna be the under the radar I think she's definitely gonna be under the rain radar I think that Christians might win though because I tell you why even though his whiny Bitchy little girl antics are just waiting on my nerves and I like him his clothes are fantastic But I'm starting to see where it seems like everything he does looks it's they're starting to be where it doesn't necessarily look exactly the same But he does the thing with the big collars and the you know the poofy sleeves But you know three of them had really big collars tonight They had you know, Jillian had that big weird Whatever scarf looking thing on her jacket and then she added ruffles the one that went home victorious She added ruffles to her jean jacket. Yeah, you know, so I think I think maybe that's just maybe we're just behind the times Maybe it was shoulder pads in the 80s and then you know the new millennium. It'll be big necks Thank God because you know, I wear so many things up around my neck, so that will work for me so well Well, you need to have not a lot of ranger neck because we need to do a photo shoot of your bosom for episode 44 Now I say a photo shoot of my bosom do we mean of my cleavage or of the actual bosom of your cleavage will be fine We don't I don't all children. You don't have a panoramic the lens. Oh, I don't have a wide enough view for your aeriolas, so Fashion in my body, would you like to know what I have on right now? Oh? God, I'm afraid to ask. What do you have on? I have on a pair of Hollister sweat Capri pants in size large. Oh Well, check you out not extra large from the Hollister large well good for you There's skin tight and very ugly and it doesn't matter because you know what they're on my body Well, I think that wraps everything up so thank you very much for listening to the second episode of project When we even though we're in episode 10 of the actual show. That's okay Peter Peter. Thank you for your feedback because see we are givers Yes, don't expect this every week, but we're gonna try Not really all right as always you can check out our blog pot is my co-pilot calm go to our My space my space calm slash pot is my co-pilot Pot is my co-pilot at is our email. Our listener line is 206 202 5165 and Be our friend on Facebook and join our group. Okay, so I love pot is my co-pilot very good all in one breath And I did that all in memory too. I'm very impressed then yay me go you All right. Well, this is Taylor and Taffy. See you all next week. See you on the runway I Thank you! Bye!