Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 41 - I Can Taste Your Beer, or I Think You DO Have Jasmine's Tits...

Broadcast on:
07 Jan 2008
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Back from our small holiday, we bounce around like a ping pong flying our of a Vietnamese hooker.  Talk surrounds how the holidays went, Disney world with the Huffington children, Rodan's cock shots, drag shows, Taylor shares another little nugget of a story from his 20s...Oh, and plans for the future of the show.  We'll Tumble 4 Ya...We're Pod Is My Copilot. 

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(upbeat music) You're listening to "Pod Is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodin. (upbeat music) Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and welcome to episode 41 of "Pod Is My Co-Pilot." We're back, bitches. Woo-hoo, yay! (laughs) Those other voices you hear behind me are Taffy Carlisle Huffington. - Hello, lovers. - And Rodin. - Hello, boys. - And girls. (laughs) - I was gonna say-- - And children of all ages. - Oh boy, the circus is in town. (laughs) - And Taffy is a top, so. (laughs) Well, happy new year to both you guys. - Happy new year to you. - Thank you. - It feels like we haven't done a show in like two months. - I know, I know. Well, because we taped our holiday episode the same time we taped episode 40. So, we're looking at probably about three, at least three weeks without taping, maybe more. - I'm sure it feels that way to our listeners as well. - We've gotten lots of emails from people asking, you know, when are you gonna come back, and we're looking for a dark weekly dose of the "Pod Is My Co-Pilot," and that's really nice, so. - That is nice. - So, never one to not wanna please. Did I say that right? Never one? - Yes. - I said never one to please, but. - You're a giver. - I am a giver, and by giver that means bottom. But, here we are, we're back. So, we're glad to have everybody. How was everybody's holidays? - They were lovely. I'm very sad that tomorrow school starts again. - Wow. - I know. - That makes me very sad. - I visited my nephews, my family, and everything else, but I had to say the highlight of the trip was seeing you guys and seeing as Miss Esme Russell. - Oh, okay, we're gonna get into Miss Esme Russell. We're going to get into Miss Esme Russell. What? Shit! Daddy Taylor's feeling a little under the weather tonight, so. - And by under the weather, he means drunk. - No, there is no tequila in this body right now. - This time. - Miss Esme Russell. We're going to talk about Esme in a little while. So, well, that's very nice of you to say that we were the highlight of your weekend. Yeah, Rodan came down to visit, I guess, the weekend following Christmas and stayed with me for a couple of days. And we had a good time. - I only got to see him one day, but, you know, a little Rodan goes a long way. (laughing) - That's what he said. - Which works out well because he's hung like a fifth grader, so. - Oh, nice. - And thank you for that, yes. - How do you know? - If you'd like a picture, you can email me. (laughing) - Find my manhunt account and you will see now. - Oh. - Oh. - All right. - Yeah, he won't open up the private pics for me, but I'm just assuming that there's Rodan Jr. hanging out. - It's pokey. - Do you have naked pictures of yourself on your like business going on? You do, don't you? - I do on my family. - He has four ounces of Danglin Fury, right up there on the internet for everyone to see. - Excuse me. - I seem to recall you, you referring to yourself as being hung like a third grader on this podcast. So those who live in glass houses. - Well, you should not. - But that's what that's focusing on. - Should not dangle their business. (laughing) - Mm, yeah. - That Jackson is a big hanging man. Thank you, I know. (laughing) Well, not all of us can be a drum. - No, no, that's true. I have nothing else to say. - Thank you. - And where are we supposed to go from there, really? - Well, let's go back to talking about the holidays. How do I go from holidays to cock shots? That's what I wanna know. - It's just a talent, really. - Yeah. - It's a gift. - The holidays were fun. As everybody knows from episode 40, I went up to South Jersey to see my family. Some interesting things happened. I stayed with my sister this time versus staying with my mom, which was interesting. I watched a grown woman not smile for a week, but, you know, it wasn't that that time. - It was sad. - She was, I think she was just so caught up in everything being perfect, that she just not enjoyed the fact that she had a three-year-old that was really understanding the whole concept of Santa Claus for the first time and all that sort of stuff. So, a lot of times I just sort of kept to myself and stayed away. I saw cars for the first time. And also had the-- - Really? I thought she owned them for a couple of years. Maybe not. - Oh, nice. - Love you. - So anyway, I heard my mother make possibly one of the scariest statements that I've ever heard her make before. - Oh, gosh. - And this should give a little insight. I purposely did not tell you Taffy about this because I was saving it for the show. - Oh, God. - And it's, this should pretty much sum, I adore my mother. Let me start off by saying that first of all, she has been the most supportive person in my life and I can always make her laugh and she's just a wonderful person. But at one point she said to me, "I know who I'm going to vote for in the presidential election." I sort of went-- - No good, we'll come at that. - Right away, I think, okay. So I went, "Oh, okay, who are you gonna vote for?" She goes, "I think I'm gonna vote for the Fred Thompson "because he was on law and order." - Oh, nice. - No. - And I looked at her and said, "Are you on crack? "What are you talking about?" - Are you high? - And I said, "Mom, if you wanna vote for Fred Thompson, that ultimately that is your right to vote for him "and everything?" I said, "But the reason that you wanna vote for him "because he was on law and order, "not the best reason in the world." Well, he was really good on law and order. He was an actor on law and order. Well, if Jerry Orbach was still alive, I would have voted for him. Said, "Okay, first of all, Jerry Orbach's not still alive. "Secondly, he's not running for president." - Oh, lordy. - Oh my God. - So then she just giggles. So I don't know if she was being serious or not, but I wanted to kill her. - But you know what though? I think that there are people who base their vote on a president for a lot more ridiculous ideas. So maybe we had an actor as a president. Just keep that in mind. - That's true. I know, I know. And between that and my step-grandfather, who's about my dad's age, because my dad's wife is my age, but that's a story for a whole other podcast. - Wow. - And a couple of therapy sessions. - Yeah, very nice man. Possibly with the biggest racist chip on a shoulder I've ever seen in my entire life. - That's who he belongs in Louisiana. - So any way he could talk about African-American people, he would. - How many times did you say, "Thank you, Curtis, Scott King." - No, you know, those plates are really interesting colors. And you know, another thing about the colors, I think goes into this big, long, you know, with the muions, they're all doing this and everything and they're killing each other in the streets and I'm gonna have to sell my house in the neighborhood because of the goddamn muions. Muions, muions, muions, which I was like, "Oh my, I had to get up and walk away." - I was gonna say, I can't believe that you said for that. I really-- - Wait, wait, wait. Can you say that racist term? 'Cause I don't even know, I've never heard that. - Muion, it's an Italian word for eggplant, which I didn't know that until I was told by my-- - Okay, so I'm an idiot, who is he trying to offend by calling someone an egg? - African-American people, that was of their dark skin. - That's lovely. - Oh, yeah, oh my God. - That's lovely, yeah. - Yeah, and I know that's not really a laughing matter in that sense, but I've never heard it before and that's just bizarre, so. - So that gives you all a little taste into my week with my family. No smiling, Fred Thompson, eggplants. (laughs) - Wow. So you were happy to be home. - I, I, you know what? Actually, this was probably one of the first times that as much as I don't like the state of Florida, I was glad to actually get back to the house and just sort of take a couple of days off. But even then, I didn't really necessarily take any time off because I got home Thursday night about 10 o'clock and Rodan was in my house at, you know, what time did you get here about 11.30 the next morning? - It was a lovely housewarming that was. - It was nice to have him here. It was nice when he left 'cause then I could relax for a day, but. - 'Cause it wasn't just me, it was also my car sick pup. - Yeah, Mr. Riley was here, too. - Aw. - But Riley was wonderful, Riley was a delight. - That's not what you said earlier. You said that he tried to sodomize all your dogs. - Well, yeah, but that's a delight for them. - Like father, like son. - Right, okay, first of all, I do not sodomize my dogs. - No, I met Rodan. - Oh, oh, no, okay. - Oh. - He had to recalibrate where the insult was headed towards. - Thank you. As long as it was headed towards him, it was, he's fine with the insult. - I was deflecting it like a Wonder Woman racelet. I don't know. - We saw Sweeney Todd, which was very good. - I loved Sweeney Todd. Yeah, by the time you hit the Howard Franklin Bridge, the Sweeney Todd soundtrack was already on my iPod. - Really? - Yeah, I've not gotten it yet, but I want to, and I was just gonna buy the CD, but. - No, it's very good, and it's pretty much they take it directly from the movie. I mean, there's a lot of dialogue in it, and that sort of thing, so. I was able to keep along with what was happening in the soundtrack by the way they were talking about things. - I completely loved the movie. I thought it was incredible. - Yeah, and it wasn't, you were talking about how it was very, gonna be very gory. I mean, there's definitely a lot of blood and a lot of splattering and stuff, but it was. - Spirting. - Spirting, but it was so ridiculously red that it looked very cartoony to me, so. - Oh yeah. - Like the first time I knew he was gonna, you know, slit the guy's throat. I kind of was doing the whole looking away thing, and it was sort of like, no, that's not too bad. And then it became very almost comical the way it was just. - Well, yeah, then it's almost, you know, it's set to music. - Yeah, except for the last one. That was the main judge guy where he was covered in blood, but that was a little like, oh, okay. - Yeah, I think it was, you know, the blood and gore, the blood part about was about the same as like Planet Terror from Grindhouse. - Yeah, it was just the last movie that we saw together. It was just so over the top that, you know, it didn't even really necessarily affect you. And I also saw while I was home, my mom and I went and saw Juno, which I absolutely loved. And Ellen Page should get the Golden Globe because, and she should be nominated for an Oscar because you totally believed that this girl was pregnant and was just this quirky girl that sort of stood, you know, in the shadows for the most part and kind of kept to herself. And, you know, she was just sort of this outcast that was going through this, you know, issue in her life. And I just really, really enjoyed it. So if y'all haven't seen Juno yet, you have to go see it. - My eldest daughter saw it. She thought it was incredible too. She said that she's amazing, the girl that's in it. - Yeah, I also have the soundtrack from that too, but I haven't listened to it yet. - You're just Mr. He's Mr. Soundtrack boy. - Boy, he's got iTunes gift cards he needs to spend. - That's right, and they are burning a hole in my pocket. - So watch the favorite gift you got this year, Rodin, besides the gift of us. - I would say my iPod Nano. - Oh, good. - I am thoroughly in love with my Nano. - Now, is the Nano the little one, is that the little tiny one or is that the one that has the screen that you can watch movies on? - It's the tiny one with the screen. So I like it. It's the little Fatty Nano. So yeah, it's a little fatty. - A little fatty. - Yeah, but it's been very nice at the gym to be able to take it with me and actually see what I'm listening to and pick albums and change it if I don't like it versus kind of being stuck to whatever's on the shuffle. So it's been nice. - That's cool. - I like it a lot. So, and I got to see all my nephews and see, unlike Taylor who, and you, who don't like really Florida, I was so happy to hit the Florida state line and see blue skies and the roads were smooth and there were signs that told you where you were going. It was glorious. - Well, you know what though? I will tell you that we had lovely cool weather up until Christmas Eve when it went to 81. And then the entire week of Christmas, it was in the 80s until Thursday, which was like January 3rd and it got down to 39. First time in 10 years it had been down in the 30s in January and we got down to 39 and it stayed for exactly one day. But you know what though, and that was the day that a bunch of us went to Disney World and it was freezing ass cold up there, but it was a lot of fun. And then Taylor and I and my daughters went yesterday and it was, it was pleasant. It was a little cool, but not cold and it wasn't as much wind. And it was, I thought that the weather was yesterday, it was great. It rained just a little tiny bit, but other than that, the weather was fabulous. So, but we're going to be back into the 70s and 75s this week, which is very sad. I was hoping it'd stay cold. - Yeah, it lays most of the country listening and this is going, fuck you right now. - Yeah, well, I'm buried waist deep and sludge. People can suck it. Yeah, I know. - Well, here it's been like 30 degrees, 80 degrees, 30 degrees, 80 degrees. - So all of you have pneumonia. - Lovely. Oh yeah, no, they call it the crud. The people that, I know, I was like, what the hell are you talking about? When they first said that, but it's called the crud. And it's just like this weird nasally thing that happens here. Because of all the temperature changes, where you just like get clogged up and it's gross and everyone's just. - Mm, kiss me. - Ironically, the crud is also the name that they use for John Goodman at the Pleasure Palace. - Yeah, you know, that's a clap. Not the crud. - Crud and flaky. - Oh my God. And by the way, oh no, no, no, no. Rodianne on New Year's Eve. - Okay, we are bouncing all over the place. Let's, Rodianne wanted to talk his story about Esme Russell. Let's talk about that. And then we'll talk about New Year's Eve. - Okay. - It's okay. - It's a teaser. - It's a teaser. And we also have to talk about Disney yesterday, 'cause I have a couple of things written down for things that happened yesterday, I think we could talk about. - Okay. - Well, and actually, Taylor, you're probably the better person to tell a story about the history of Esme Russell and the drag queens that we saw at the, what's that bar that we went to called? - Tracks. - Poor as our f. - Well, no, the bar that we went to this last weekend. - Oh, okay. We went to a bar, well, we went to a couple of bars on Saturday night where I got drunk, but we'll talk about that later. - Yeah, you know, this is a perfect time, 'cause you got drunk off of three drinks. - Oh yeah, they were three strong drinks. They were three very strong drinks. - Taylor had to go back to the bar tenor and ask him very nicely to water them down. - Oh my, are you kidding me? - No, no, these drinks, it was like, there was like three shots of vodka in this one drink. - I was like, go-- - And problem with that is-- - The problem with that is that it was three shots of vodka and one little tiny bit of cranberry juice, and I went back and said, I need a little more cranberry juice, and-- - But he was all pussying out, he was all like, I don't, but I'm like, just go in there and ask him for more cranberry juice. So, I was shy, he was cute. I don't know, I don't know. - He was cute. - I don't know, so, and he was very accommodating. - Yeah, so-- - If we would have stayed at that bar, maybe he would have been a little bit more accommodating. - Wow, I can taste your beer. - God. - Ew. - Have I told that story? - I think you've told me that story, I don't think you've ever told our listeners that story. - Okay, I'll tell that story another time. Just listeners remember the I can taste your beer story. - That was the first thing you said we went into that bar too, and I know I had no reference point for that, so. - Oh, okay, well, I'll tell that in a little bit. There was a drag show with this bar called Detour, which used to be a bar called Grand Central, which used to be a bar called something else that I can't remember, and it's always been a gay bar, and it's right on Central Avenue in St. Pete. - But it's been a gay bar, but it's normally been one of the trashiest gay bars I've ever seen. - Okay. - Okay, well, there's apparently, there's like three bars within the bar, but they're all pretty much in the same room, so you can't really necessarily distinguish which is which, and they have this drag show, they have a bunch of different performers, one of which is Esme Russell. Now, Esme Russell has been around Tampa probably since about. - Wait, is this their real name or their stage name? - This is their stage name. - Okay. - And Esme Russell has probably been around since about 1993, 1994, and the one thing that I remember Esme Russell doing a lot was she would do Miss Lead by Celine Dion, which is where she would pretty much come out, and she has big, huge, crazy red hair, and she always had the big hook nose, which apparently she's had a nose job 'cause her nose looked different, and blue eyeshadow, and she would come out in this little, tiny, short skirt, and have long gloves that went up to, you know, past the elbow, and then she would have pasties, but the pasties always looked like just aluminum foil over her nipples. - Oh, God. - And she would do that, where she would sort of like cup her breasts and sort of move her hips back and forth and try and be all pouty, but she just would look like a big, freaky, dry queen whore. - Well, and let's explain this for a little bit because she's got real breasts. - Yes. - But they've been, but they're not like silicone implants. They're silicone injections. - Oh, God. - They've gotten that big. - So they are big, and they are floppy, and they are all out for the world to save. - Yeah, and Vaney. - Yeah. - Oh, God. - Yeah, with, I mean, huge nipples, like not even silver dollar, like sand dollar nipples. (both laughing) - Lord. - So they say, well, we're standing out in the back of the courtyard, and we see Esme Russell run past us in heels, but the problem is that the courtyard is all gravel. (both laughing) So, Esme Russell is trying to run through the courtyard, you know, but she's doing this, where every time she takes a step down, her heel goes into the gravel. So it's sort of this weird duck walk drag queen run through heels, you know, which typical Rodin and I, we're having a conversation. She runs past as we both completely stop, watch her go in, turn back to each other, and just continue the conversation, like it never happened. - Nice. - So, she came out and was horrible, and there was a drag king, which, you know-- - Oh, who's singing like Nickelback songs? - Yeah, Nickel, he came out dressed up like the guy from Nickelback the first time, and then came out as Kid Rock. So you can imagine how long I waited and watched that. - Yeah. - And then, apparently, Nickelback has some song like, "Nobody died," or "Somebody died," or whatever. And in the middle of the performance, held up a sign that said Matthew Shepard. - What? - And I had a bunch of other billboards, so apparently this was gonna be some political statement by the female to male transgender person. So I was like, "I'm gonna go get another drink." - Yeah. - And then there was one who actually sang, but looked like she had chicken breasts implanted in her cheekbones. - Oh my God. - And you know what the, we were saying the entire time we were watching that? Why is Taffy not here? - Thank you. - Because every time one of them would come out, we would do the proverbial tailor in Taffy. Oh God. - Yeah, yeah. I honestly don't know if I could contain myself. - You would, you would go and you would watch it. - And I would just sit and look at you going, "Thank you. "This is the best if you could have ever given me." Now, do you guys go out, do you do the whole, you know, "Oh, I totally fuck him," or, "Oh yeah, "that's the one for me." Or do you just kind of-- - Normally we would, but in this bar, that conversation never happened. - No, strangely enough, it never did. 'Cause I think we were the youngest people in that bar besides-- - And I don't want to toot my own horn. And, you know, I, by no means, have any sort of self-esteem, but I was thinking a couple of times, I think we're the cutest people in this bar. - Yeah. - Well. - We may not have been the thinnest, but we were definitely the prettiest. - Yeah. - That's really all that matters. - Exactly. Wow, that speaks volumes, okay. - Oh, so I have to tell the, okay, so a couple of years ago, I was in a bar called the Golden Arrow, which was possibly, you wanna talk about trashy, gross. It was just a horrible die that was off of the Gandy Bridge, and it pretty much, the clientele there, was like the blue parrot in the police academy movies. All the biker guys, it was like this biker leather bar, it was horrible. So of course, you know-- - Why do you go to places like this? - I was going to meet a friend of mine for a drink, and he liked to hang out there, and I thought-- - Well, and they used to do a lot of like AOL parties there, like back when you met people on AOL, they used to lost screen name parties there. 'Cause that's what I really forgot about that. - I think I was there twice with you because of that. - Yeah, that does sound right. So I go there, and I'm talking with my friend, and it's the first room that you'd walk in was pretty much the entire room was the bar. There wasn't a whole lot of area just to stand around, but we were sort of standing off to the corner, and these two guys were standing, talking to each other, like across next to us at the bar. - Okay. - And one of them whispers something in the other one's ears. Now, I'm talking with my friend, but I'm kind of watching what's going on because it's sort of happening over my friend's shoulder, and one of them whispers something into the other one's ears. The guy who is the whispered to drops to his knees, unzips the guy's pants, pulls at his dick, and puts it in his mouth. This is happening at the bar. So of course, now, I'm not listening to a word my friend's telling me because I'm watching the show, but I'm also noticing that he's not moving his head back and forth. - Right. Now, this is also back when Taylor was very much prudence. He hadn't quite blossomed into the manor that he is today. - Yeah. By the end of this story, trust me. I'm still not blossomed, I'm still prudence. Eventually, after about 30 seconds, the guy gets up, and he says to the guy who he was just got done blowing, "I can taste your beer." - Oh my God. (laughing) - And what did you do? - I said, "I'm leaving." I will talk to you later. And he's like, "What, I'm like, that guy just peed at that other guy's mouth." To which my friend just sort of shrugged his shoulders, it was like, "Oh, really?" And I'm like, "Um, I have to go." (laughing) - And that my friends is the golden arrow. - Yeah. That's, yeah. I can taste your beer. That's the title for episode 41. (laughing) - Well, now see, after we went to detours though, and we saw the drag show, we were, Taylor wanted, like, needed to go to the other bar in St. Pete, or one of the other bars in St. Pete, which is George's. - George's. - It walks over, Georgie's. - Georgie's. - I've been to Georgie's. - Yeah, she has been to Georgie's. - Twice. - We managed to get ourselves over there, where we walk in, hit the dance floor, and proceed to dance for at least an hour straight. Just like non-stop dance. - Him with a bum ankle, me drunk out of my ass. So you can imagine the beauty that was on the dance floor. (laughing) - Oh, God. - But it was. - There was flailing, there was jiggling, there was jumping up and down, it was heaven. (laughing) - It was. It was awesome. - And at one point, Stephanie Chapay was dancing with two of us. (laughing) - That's right, Stephanie Chapay was there. - Who is actually one of kind of my favorite drag queens from back when I was first coming out. And all of a sudden, we turn around and she's all, "Hey, how's it going?" And I was like, "Oh, Stephanie Chapay." So, and she was dancing with us. - Yeah, well, she looks a little bit like Brandy's mother. (laughing) - It's so hard, people are on this. - Okay, yeah, so that was a wonderful evening, and that was worth the drive all the way from Monroe to St. Pete, that was worth the whole, whole drive. - Oh, good, I know. - While they're getting sick on me, throwing a puppy chow everywhere. It was more than worth it just to see as Nate Russell and you and Tappy. - Oh, you appreciate that. - I'm okay. - It's so new years. - So new years. (laughing) - That was like an attack. - Yeah, that's right. Well, I will say that for our listeners who have a visual on what they feel John Goodman may or may not look like, we have to alter it a little bit because John Goodman's hair in probably the last five years has been exactly like John Goodman's hair, the actual John Goodman, except it was various shades of purple or brown or purple and brown with blonde highlights or whatever. Now she has taken to letting it grow to the point where she had it pulled back in a banana clip, which is made it look like she had a Tony pony, or someone else's hair attached to her head. And it was, so several people at the party were like, "Is that your real hair or is that clip on hair?" And she goes, "No, watch." And she takes it down to reveal what I could only describe as feathered shoulder length hair. - Oh my God, is she a lesbian? - Okay, well, not that I'm aware of. - No, wow. - That's not to say that she wouldn't show Tappy her panty crickets, but. - Oh. - panty crickets really, really. - I got that from Qcast. They said that a couple of weeks ago on Qcast and I screamed, I laughed so hard. I was on the right up back up to Jersey, I heard that. And so I've been waiting to use panty crickets for something and you started talking about John Goodman, I just couldn't help myself. - Speaking of Qcast, we ran into them at Disney World yesterday. - Okay, stay on focus. We're gonna talk about Disney a little bit. Talk about New Year's. - Okay, so. - Jesus. - Chef. - New Year's was actually, New Year's was very nice. It was a quiet night in, we had about 12 people over and we did have a five gallon crystal Vat-O lemon drop martinis, which were strong as shit and drum proceeded to drink several of them and he thought they were fantastic and we had a champagne fountain, which Tank thought was fantastic because towards the end of the evening, it was one of those, how you doin'? (laughs) - Yeah, Tank was probably the drunkest I've ever seen him. - Yeah, he was probably the drunkest I've ever seen him, but he was very happy and everyone looked fabulous and Lola had her pimp hat and we do have-- - And my favorite quote of the night actually came from you. Do you know what that quote would be? - I don't think I do. - The quote would be, "If ever there was anyone "who needed to be eaten out, it's my mother." - Oh my God. - That's probably true, quite frankly. - However, the highlight of the night at 12.02, I get a text from the littlest Huffington wishing me happy birthday. - Yeah, listen to this crap. - At 12.15, she calls her parents to wish them happy new year. (laughs) - I'm like, are you kidding me? Yeah, that is true. - Wait, wait, where was the little huffing tin at this point? - Oh, she was with her ground. - She was tending bar. - Exactly. She was pulling a train down on mail. Dale Mary, it's fine. - Oh God, she is 11. (laughs) - She is 11. I'm in an actual train. (laughs) - She was the conductor. Come on, now. - Exactly. - Oh God, that's what I'm going to call her from now on the conductor. (laughs) - Yes, Lollipop has requested a new nickname. - Yeah, that's not going to happen. - That's really what I told her. I think you're kind of stuck with that one for a while. Sorry. But no, New Year's Eve was fine. It was lovely to be with everyone. I hadn't seen some of the people that hang out with us for a year, actually. - Yeah, it's been about a year since I've seen some of those people as well. - Yeah, and it was one of those where they hadn't seen me since I had lost weight or got my haircut and everything. And it was very much the, oh my God, which was nice. I mean, that's always lovely when you have that reaction. And no, that was, I mean, everyone seemed to be doing well and everyone looked fabulous. We do have tons of pictures. I would love to be able to post on the blog, especially. We have to come up with a nickname for Karen, an actual nickname for Karen. - Karen, the one that we call Karen? - Yes, because, no. - I like Karen. - So all Karen does work. We could have stories about her though, but she has a husband who in his life, he actually uttered to tank once. I haven't smiled for 20 years. And I think that might be accurate. Yeah, I think that might be accurate. He did not speak the entire evening. - Not a word, he did not say a word. And we didn't realize that until the ride up to Disney World yesterday. - And we were like, where Taffy said to me, "Did Karen's husband ever speak to you?" And I said, "He never talked to me." - And I started thinking about it. I don't think he spoke at all. So yeah, which is kind of unusual if you really think about it. I mean, to like be at a party with people you've known for at least 10 years and just like sit there and not say any, it was just bizarre. I'm currently looking at a picture of you and I. - From? - From New Year's Eve. - Oh, okay. You kind of look like you might be drunk even though I don't really think you were. - No, I was sick. That was the problem. - Well, maybe that might be it. Yeah, 'cause you're kind of-- - I was not feeling well. I was under the weather. I had the stuffy nose and pretty much all the things that I have right now, which is why it was such a good idea for me to go to Disney World yesterday. - But it got your mind off of feeling bad. - That's true. - And I've just been time with us. And see the castle with all the little twinkle lights, which is fabulous. - Yes, that is beautiful. And see Kevin and Michael from you cast. - Yes, we went into them. - That's very cool. - Which is so weird because we were walking from Tomorrowland to Main Street and all of a sudden I'm like, that's Kevin. Oh my God, that's Kevin. And just as I started to say, that's Kevin. Taffy and Kevin made eye contact and went running to each other like they've been friends from. - And love is a big, splendid thing played in my head. - Yes, I can, I can just see you guys like running to each other in slow motion. - Exactly, when as you know, the music swells and he had on the cutest little hat too. So did Michael, Michael had on a, like a goofy hat that had pirate earrings. And I got to meet John, who by the way, for our listeners who haven't checked out Qcast. Oh my God, they have a video of their Christmas video was fabulous, but they also have outtakes from it, which are just so wrong. Oh my God, you will just, you just roar because you just know the wrongness that is going on in a video. - Yeah, it's a lot of fun. - Yeah. - I got to shove a girl yesterday. - The way the turquoise? - Yes. Well, we were standing in line, we had this weighted line. What did they say the weight was? 60 minutes for Haunted Mansion? - Haunted Mansion was 60 minutes, yeah. - Yeah, and it was winding in and out and up and down, like on the outside, I'd never seen it like that before. - Yeah, it was crazy yesterday. Well, as we're going one way, you know, the line's moving forward, you know, in front of us. So people walking past us and all of a sudden, we see this girl who is probably about, I would say, what, about 18 or 19? - I would say 18, yeah. - Yeah, to go to take a swing at her 10-year-old brother. - No, Ellie, yeah, that's all right. - Because apparently, and Taffy overheard this and a couple of other people have heard, she called him a fucking faggot. - Yes. - And he shoved her and then she went to punch him and also the families are breaking them up. Yeah, and their parents were there and the parents were trying to break them up, like literally standing between them, holding them back either way. - Yeah, that's lovely. - No. - I decided that I didn't like that. So when it got to where we're all kind of crowded together, waiting to get onto our little carriage thing, Taffy got ahead and we're got to where, you know, you're in a crowd of 20 to a line of one. - Right. - And Taffy and the girls got ahead. So I had to get between them and she was standing between me and the girls. Yeah, I sort of shoved into her with my shoulder really hard. - Take this. - Or. - I'm surprised Disney courtesy enforcement didn't come around and arrest you guys. - There was no way, there was no way they could have, we were so packed in this line, they, I mean, unless it was someone undercover, they never would have figured it out. - I mean, I didn't face plan or anything, I just, you know, whereas normally I would have said, "Oh, excuse me if I bumped into her." I bumped into her very hard and didn't say anything, just kept walking. - And we did take pictures of at least one person who, I personally do not understand, if you are four foot tall and weigh 485 pounds, how is a tube top ever the appropriate garment choice? I mean, really. - Oh, oh my goodness. - Am I exaggerating, please tell me. - No. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - She was clearly four bills, she was a hobbit. - She was four bills a hobbit. - And she had a hobbit. - A tube top and stretch shorts. - Thank you. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. So you could see every pop bar in their cellulite. - Oh yeah, and with the bad hair and she was looking to buy a watch in one of the stores, it wasn't good. - And it wasn't even that, but like, she was like the proverbial, I have on a tube top that's really has spaghetti straps, but I've pulled the spaghetti straps down to their hanging underneath my arm. - Oh. - Yeah. - Along with the nine layers of, you know, skin. - Job. - It was just, it was just every layer of badness, and we, honestly, you can just feel superior walking around places like that because you just look at them and go, "Really?" - Yeah, because you have trouble feeling superior around people. (laughs) One of my favorite things happened at Pirates of the Caribbean. - What was that? - We were just getting on the boat, and as we came around the corner of the very end, when they ask you how many people are in your party, there was a guy there that was probably about, how old would you say it was, like, 22? - 22, he was adorable. - He was very cute, very-- - Personal. - Very much, very much my type in the kind of big, stocky, baby face, you know, and he was doing the whole thing where there was a party in front of us with a couple of cute little kids, and he was like, you know, "How many in ye party?" And, you know, "Are you a tough pirate, "late, latty, and are?" And doing all that funny stuff, and, you know, so-- - He was a kid. - He's doing that and getting the kids on the boat, and then he comes with us, and how many are in ye party? And Taffy goes, "Four, we love you, by the way." He goes, "Oh God, thank you so much." - I don't know what he was saying, thank you. Yeah, he was great. - He was. - Broke character for those two seconds, it was awesome. - Yeah, it was. - And Taffy, once again, worked her magic, got us in the castle for lunch. - Really? - It was a six-month wait. They were taking reservations for April. - She got us in in 10 minutes. - Wow. - It's wrong, I know, it's wrong. - I know, she'll use my power for good. - Yes, but we got to meet Jasmine, and Belle, and Mary Poppins, and it was wonderful. - Or drama, I'm impressed, like, yeah. - Sorry, I'm all, I'm sitting here all impressed, like, oh, you really met them, I'm like, wait a minute, they're animated. - No, they're not, they're real people. - They're real people in costumes. - And Jasmine was stacked. - Oh, ooh. - Jasmine had the rockin' body. - Yeah, Jasmine was chill. - I'd like to have Jasmine's tits. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. - I think you do have Jasmine's tits. - Yeah, he's going to delete you in a minute, you realize that. - So next week, it'll be a two-some. - Yeah, right. - Taffy and I, I'm proud of my come on. - Now, I just want to make a comment about, 'cause my brother and his wife are big, Disney, Afa Siendos. - Afa Siendos. - Thank you, I can't talk today. And, or ever, and they made this comment about how wonderful that the Nemo show has become over the last few months, 'cause they go, like, a couple times a month. So, I was just thinking, oh, they've probably seen Michael. - Well, did you know that there's a behind-the-scenes on the, on, there's a behind-the-scenes of the Nemo show that has been airing, I think on the Travel Network, where they're, and I think that he's actually on it. - Really? - Yeah, well, we had told people who live in Ohio, you know, that we knew someone who was doing Bruce, and she goes, well, have you seen the behind-the-scenes thing on, you know, the Travel Channel? And I said, no, so I saw that it was on, and I recorded it, and I watched it. And they really don't, you know, they don't go in like on a tight shot of, of Bruce, but I would, for the build, you know, he's a tall guy, clearly, but then I think, well, maybe they're looking for that specific build for anyone who's playing Bruce, but it definitely could-- - I think they may be, but-- - Yeah, but it definitely could be him, which is, which is really cool, you know, for our listeners, if you ever catch it, you should, maybe check it out. - And also, Michael posted his performance as a video episode on Q-Cast Connections, so if you wanna see what we've been raving about for the last two months, all you have to do is subscribe to Q-Cast Connections and check out, I think it's their, I think it's video blog number seven, I believe. - I still haven't watched or seen the one you were telling me about. - The one where they go shopping? Oh my God, Kevin says something about you under his breath, and it is the funniest-- - Is it a video blog? - It's a video blog, it's not normally, but they've been posting more videos on their blog, and he just makes a comment about something, and he talks about you in it, and I was sitting in my room at my sister's house on the third floor where there's no bathroom, the closest bathroom I could get to is on the first floor. - Got that at home. - And I always said he in the middle of the night, and she also has these steps that are at like, you know, a 90 degree angle, and each step is about three inches wide, so I was convinced that, you know, I was convinced that, you know, the kids were gonna think that, you know, Santa left them a uncle with a broken neck at the bottom of the stairs for Christmas. (laughing) But I digress, I was listening to it, and I was laughing, and I was afraid I was gonna get yelled at by my sister for waking up the kids, 'cause I laughed so hard when I heard them say this thing. - Well, I will have to definitely go check it out. It's their shopping episode? - Yeah. - All right. - All righty. - All righty. Well, we are at 64 reviews on the iTunes. - Wow. - Yes. - Very cool. - Yes. - It'll be on page two soon. - Yeah, hopefully, we've been getting some shit from some of the other podcasters about it. - Really? - Yeah, like who? - Like Kevin and Michael. (laughing) - That's good for 'em. - Butch out boys. - And foul monkeys. No, we're not, no, that's not, that's not why I was going with that, thank you. - I did. - She just said to butcher. - No. What I was going to say is that we would not be where we are without the help of QCast and foul monkeys. - Absolutely. - Giving us, you know, putting our little blip on the radar, so we appreciate them very, very much. - Yes. - And Ramble Redhead too for all the-- - And Ramble Redhead. Well, Ramble Redhead's not bitching about us though, I'm just talking simply about these two guys. - True. - So, if you do not already listen to their shows, please, you know, give 'em a try, which is it's and So, and if you like what you hear, give them reviews as well. We, you know, we want to see them get reviews, but we just want to always have more reviews than they do, so if you haven't left a review for us yet, when you're leaving for them, leave your reviews for both. - Because the season of giving continues here at Potts Michael Potts. - Uh-uh, it's January, the season giving is over. - It's officially going on. - We still want to stay on top, but we want them to get lots of reviews too, because they're both great podcasts, so we want to definitely make sure that they get the-- - They get theirs. - Collades they deserve, yeah, and they will get theirs, don't you worry. (laughing) - There's plenty of room at the top. - As long as it's the top of me. (laughing) - Trust me, there's plenty of room on top. (laughing) - You better shut it down. - Not everyone can be classified by the Navy as a friendly port, okay? (laughing) - Wow. - But when you're digging that small, I can understand why it would seem big. - Yeah, well, like throwing a wrench down a hallway. (laughing) - Like, singing in a cathedral. (gasping) - Oh, wow. - Oh, my goodness. Hey, I started looking at ticket prices today for our gay days extravaganza. - And? - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What kind of gay day extravaganza? What are you two planning that I am unaware of? - No, we've been talking about-- - Are you kidding me? - Are you talking about the gay camp? - No. - No. - The parade-- - Gay days. - The parade down here-- - Disney World. - I've only talked to you about it like-- - Yes, yes, I'm sorry. We all think you talk about 14 different gay things. I don't know, good Lord. (laughing) - I know I've got rainbow shoot out of my ass. I don't talk about gay stuff all the time. (laughing) - But you have to talk about going to camp, and you've talked about the gay parade here, and you've talked about some skiing gay camp that Rodin wants you to go to. And so, C, I'm not totally crazy. - Skiing gay camp. - I don't care-- - No, that's the hiking gay camp that you want me to go to. - He doesn't take your kids away if you keep looking crack. - Rodin is what I'm talking about. - I think so, but I think you got it mixed up, 'cause it's the only way around. Taylor's been trying to get me to go to the Colorado-- - No, that's right. - Gage, I can't-- - Washington. - Whatever. - Some stayed out there. Yes, I didn't understand. - Oh, some stayed out there. - Some western state there. - Exactly. - Maybe our listeners who live in those-- - I know, I was thinking about that. We have a couple of listeners live out there. - Oh my God, we have listeners that live in Montana, which I still don't believe really actually exists, but I want to go there. - Cassie lives in Montana. Say hello to Cassie, everybody. - Hi, Cassie. - Hi, Cassie. - She's screaming right now. - Cassie, you need to totally invite us out to your house. We will totally come and stay for free, we promise. - She has invited. We will totally come and stay for free. - We will do that for you because we are givers, right? - But Taffy expects bed turned down service every day. - Buy a young Latino boy. - We will come up there and they don't have Latinos in Montana. - We will come. - Okay, buy a moose. How's that? - John Goodman's gonna turn down the bed for us. - Oh God, help me know. - Would you like me to fluff your pillows? - No, there is nothing, she will never be my fluffer, but thank you for asking. I will never be that desperate. - So anyway, getting back to reviews on iTunes. Please, if you haven't left us a review yet, please do so. We would love to have as many reviews as possible to get to page two, let alone page one, which leads me to ask the two of you this question. - Yes. - Should our listeners ever get us to page one of the comedy podcasts, what are we going to do for them? - I would say a picture of a body part. - Yeah, I think we need to show Taylor's tits for that. - I think that's an awesome idea. - So if you'd like to see Taffy's clit. - No. - I believe that the Rodan has offered to blow people for a four star, so I think-- - Five star. - Five star, and do not leave a four star review because-- - Yeah, I will use bitches to lift a four star review, motherfucker, thank you for leaving the review, but leave a five star review next time. - Because I was with Taylor, we got the four star review, and he was bitter for at least like three hours talking about it. - Yeah, because he was-- - Visible for me. - He was actually pleasant in what he said, so I didn't understand the four star either, but maybe he's just bitter, you never know. - Right, it's like sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, goes to five, goes to five. (laughing) - And now he'll leave us a one star review. (laughing) 'Cause he'll suck. - Exactly. - But yeah, so leave us a five star review. - So-- - 'Cause we'd like them a lot. - Maybe if we get on page one, maybe we should, what, post a little picture of ourselves? Like, our faces? Is that a little much? - No, that's-- - Taylor's face is over everywhere. - Taylor's face is a video of myself on the-- - Facebook. - The Facebook. - Yeah. - Which if you're not, if you're not addicted to that, if you're not signed up for that yet, you know, we already have 60 members with our okay so, I love pot as my co-pilot group. So if you haven't listened to it yet, or if you haven't looked at it yet, I don't know what the hell I'm saying. - I'm now a official member. - Yes you are. - You are now, yeah, both of you are. - Yes. - Why am I talking so loud? - Because you're all twirling. - 'Cause you're agitated. (laughing) Now, I must say though, that we've got a mighty attractive group of listeners. - We do, we have a new one that signed up tonight, Chris. - Yes. - Oh my God. - Yes. - You can't see his face, but he's doing this thing in his picture where he's doing like a yoga pose or something. - You can't see his face, but you can see his ass. - No, no, no, no, no. You can see his chest and his torso, and he's all ripped and cut, and you can see all the little abma. - Yeah. - He's got like a 24 pack. - Oh my God. Did you jerk off one of our Facebook members? - Not yet. (laughing) - Oh, cool. - That'll be happening in 15 minutes. - Very, very high. - And where is young Chris from? - He's from Los Angeles. - Los Angeles? - Yeah. - You're Los. - What, Los Angeles? - Los Angeles, okay. - Los Angeles. - Say Los Angeles three times fast. - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Los Angeles. - Very good. - I am really nothing more than a trained monkey for you, aren't I? - Say, I'm not a Pleasant Mother Pheasant Plucker, and I'm not a Pleasant Mother Pheasant Plucker son, but I'll pluck the Pleasant Mother Pheasant 'til the Pleasant Mother Pheasant Plucker comes. - No. (laughing) - That's talent. - It is talent. - That's psychotic. - Just think, if my tongue can do that. - What can your clit do? - Well, recite the ABCs backwards. Z-Y-X-W. - Okay, Taylor sells clit shells by the C-shirt. (laughing) - Why do I smell burnt popcorn? (laughing) - What did Q-Cats call it? Critters? - Panny crickets. - Panny crickets. That is just so wrong. - That's not what they call a clit. - Well, what is a Panny crickets? - Panny crickets are when you got like the scurvy and shit down in your business. - Oh my God. - I can assure you, mine smells like lavender is completely scary. - No, I don't wanna hear about what your pussy smells like. Oh my God. - My pussy. - Oh my God. - My eye. - Mine smells like lavender. Jesus Christ. (laughing) Mine smells like root beer. (laughing) - Because I can taste your beer. I can taste your root beer. - The G-rated beer. - Of water sports. - Yeah, that's the fat boy version of water sports, you know? - I can taste your whole, whole cake. - So, Rodian, we have a bit of a scandal in the Huffington house. - Oh, what kind of scandal is that? - The eldest Huffington's boyfriend of a year. - Yes. - He listened to the Christmas podcast. - Oh, okay, that one's not so bad. - Well, and that's what I told him. I said, well, if you picked one that you were going to listen to, even though he has been beaten because of it, 'cause I told him that they were never allowed to listen to it, which he knew, but that's fine. But he listened to it and he thought it was fabulous, and he was like, who is Rodian? Where does he live? And so I said, well, he's from Rowan, Louisiana. He's like, I, at first he thought you were drum. And he was like, I can't even figure out, is that someone I know? He's like, his voice sounds so familiar. So I kept listening to his part two or three times, I'm thinking, okay, yeah, you're gay. (laughing) - Yeah, right, I'm like, oh, poor lollipop, poor lollipop. - I know. - What's his name going to be? - Catcher block. - Catcher block. - Catcher block. - And then I went to the forum when they first started going out. - How about, how about Licker? - Oh, it's Shab. (laughing) You are a sad, sad little man. Licker, you're a mess. - Licker. - And she's such a good girl. If you were saying that about the little stuffing, tonight I might agree, but not this one. - I'm both of you and she are not good girls. - I have pictures of Taylor and the little stuffington at Disney World yesterday, and I swear to you, they really could be related. They act the exact same, first off. Except, wait, you need to tell the 82, 83, 87 story. - I can't remember it. - We were trying to guess how much a check was, and the little stuffington had in her hand, and we were like, she's like, okay, you know, you've got the dollar amount right now, you have to guess the change. And Taylor and I are sitting together, and Tank is just looking at us, and we both at the exact same time go, 82, 83, 87. But those are the three numbers that both of us at the exact same time pulled out. - Nice. - And we just looked at each other, we're like, oh my God, we spend way too much time together. - Yeah. - It was fabulous. All right, do you guys realize that we are at like 51 minutes? - Yes, I know. - Yeah, I was thinking about that, and Taylor is probably thinking, I have to edit this bitch. - Yeah. - He lives for that. - No, trust me, I don't, I do not. - I was listening to the Mopod show the other day, and they were talking about getting an intern to edit their show, and I was thinking, that's such a great idea. - We need an intern. (groans) - Can we have Monica Lewinsky come and edit our podcast? That's an excellent idea. - So that she can blow you? - Oh, well. - So she can store our cigars up our hoochie. - I'm kidding, I'm bored. (laughing) I am a lady. (laughing) - After giving what you've talked about for the last hour, you are a lady. - I am a lady. - You're a lady, I have panty crickets for you. (laughing) - Oh, God. All right, well, you can go to our blog, which is, or you can email us at, and tell us what we should do if you all get us to the first page on a comedy podcast. - That's a good idea. - Give us some ideas, yeah. And then what we'll do is we'll take the five best that we like, and we'll put them as a poll on the blog, and you all can vote. - And we're not gonna have a threesome. And by we're not gonna have a threesome, that means we might, but probably not. (laughing) And if we do-- - But not tape for the show. - But not for the show, exactly. And by we, I mean, tank drum and tailor. (laughing) - Okay. (laughing) - All right. - You can also, what did I talk about? I talked, you can go to our MySpace page, which is, and also be our friend on Facebook. We all have Facebook accounts now, and you can also join our group, which is okay, so I love potismicopilot. Finally, I just want to send a special a long distance dedication, as it were. - Are you now to Lila? - Yes, to Lila, I hate her. - I had some conversations with one of our listeners tonight. It's not necessary, or not tonight, but this week. It's not necessary to know who it is or what we were talking about, but just wanna let everybody let him know that I am thinking about him right now, and that I hope everything is going okay with him. - Aw, that's nice. - So, yeah. - Very sweet. - So, as always, thank you all very much for listening to episode 41 of Potismicopilot. This is Taylor. - And Taffy. - And Rodan. - Have a good week, everybody. Bye-bye. - Bye. - Bye now. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC]