[Music] Happy holidays from Potismy Copilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Tappy Carlisle Huppington, and Rodan. [Music] Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and welcome to episode 39 of Potismy Copilot, the surprise episode. We were planning on not doing this tonight, but we thought, you know what, what the hell, let's do one more before we actually tape our holiday episode, and here we all are, and by we, I mean, of course, Tappy Carlisle Huppington. Hello children, and Rodan, how y'all doing today? Hopefully the, hopefully this surprise episode is a good surprise, as opposed to, you know, finding out you're pregnant when you're in your 40s or something. [Laughter] Do you have babies? That was on ER this week. What, finding out they were pregnant in their 40s? Well, they apparently had found out they were pregnant in their 40s, and then the kid had Down syndrome, and the husband had, had been led to believe that the wife had given the child up for adoption, but then he was like in his, you know, early 20s, and they were in a car accident, and she had gone to visit him all the time, and she was taking him to a new home or something, and that's when the husband found out that, you know, his son was still part of his, it was, it was very, you know, sad, because of course, you know, this, you know, actor who's actually has Down syndrome is, you know, talking, his father was played by Pierre Fonda, and you know, this was the first time that all of them were in the same room, and the mom was dying, and she had a DNR, so they had to, you know, remove the tubes, and oh god, it was, you know, it's the, it's the feel good holiday special. Yes, happy holidays from, how does my co-pilot? Yeah, I know it was a good, E.R. has been really good, E.R. has been really, really good this season, so I know a lot of people don't really watch it anymore, but I know, I never watch it. Yeah, me either. I enjoy it. That's because you're too busy watching, I love New York, so. Yeah, to Shay, Taffy. To Shay. So, speaking of television, what did we all think about America's Next Top Model? Yeah. Yeah, well, I like Celicia, so I mean, I liked her this whole time. I did kind of like Chantal, Chantal, a little bit better, just a little bit, but I didn't like Jenna at all. I think the consensus of opinion is that everyone kind of liked Chantal better, and that they thought that, I guess from the very beginning, Celicia was the one that they said better not win because she had so many ties to Tyra, and now it's coming out that she'd actually worked with her before, and she'd went to her camp and all the other stuff, which I think Tyra actually mentioned in like the first episode that she had went to the house. She mentioned about her in camp, she didn't mention all the other stuff. Didn't I just tell you about all that? Was that, didn't we talk about that at dinner the other night? I think we, I think we, I think you touched on it briefly, that she had worked on her, on her like her talk show or something. Yeah, she was a model on her talk show. But isn't, didn't last season they just have a white girl? No, last year was the first Hispanic. Last year was Jesse. Jasmine, who? I'm 45 pounds, and now I'm a model. Apparently she stopped eating, between cycles, because she was like bony then, and just, oh yeah, you're going to have so much fun. She looked like hell. She did, she looked like, and can I just say Tyra Banks officially batshit crazy? Yeah, I was thinking that. What was with the whole walking with the big umbrellas and the fans, and just walking all real slow, and she, I think she really, you know. I think she believes that she's like Queen Amidala or something, I don't know what it does. I think she's been listening to her fags just a little bit too much. Don't we all though, don't we all? Kathy Griffin has a great joke about Oprah Winfrey, where she says that Oprah Winfrey apparently thinks that she's Jesus, and I think Tyra Banks may think she's Jesus as well. Well, yeah. Well, and you know what, have you guys noticed this cycle, because I watched them all like back to back, that Tyra has gotten a little giddy about the eliminations? Well, I don't like us that this year she would tell everyone, okay, we're all going to Beijing, except for one of you. You know, before it was right, yeah, she was just nasty on this one, I don't know. And then the one girl who said, you know, I really don't want to be here, and she was like, you know what, ugly to me, a quitter. I mean, yeah, she was a little much, which of course is why we all came in. She said things like that in the past. That's what I'm saying, is that she's crazy. Well, yeah, she has to amp it up, and it, you know, it gets all the queens talking, and it's, I don't know. She's become a character. She's a character herself. Yeah, she has. She definitely has become a character herself. Well, and the thing is that her popularity is really starting to take off with her talk show, and I mean, she's reaching a level now that, you know, she really could not so much the next Oprah, but she's heading down that path. And with Oprah retiring in the next few years, I mean, it's, there's really kind of that opening where she could continue the show and kind of like be a cultural icon for many, many years. Oh, God, I hope not. And she's kind of squandering that right now. I can think of a hundred other people I'd rather become culture icons. Who? Miss Piggy. Well, she is a cultural icon. I almost downloaded the John Denver Muppet album, Christmas album last night. Oh, my God. Well, I will tell you what I downloaded because of you, and let me just tell you, you are a buck stain from hell. That stupid Sarah McLachlan Kermit the Frog. Oh, my God. I wanted to kill you. The rainbow connection or whatever she sings. I don't know. First of all, please don't call me a fuck stain, but I said it with love. But what is a fuck stain? You called me a fuck stain with love. Episode 39 title right there. I never said that you had to do that. Yes, you did. You told me that I had to listen to the Sarah McLachlan song because every time you hear it, it makes you cry, which, of course, is an invitation to me to go look at it. Okay, first of all, I don't cry every time I listen to it. The rainbow connection in general makes me tear up a little bit because, again, bag it, but I don't necessarily, you know, have to listen to, you know, the Sarah McLachlan version of it. Well, it's a beautiful song and her voice is amazing. And it is very, like, haunting, I guess, is a good word. Luke from Instant Gratification actually sent me Jason Moraz doing the rainbow connection, a live version of it. He sent it to me the other night when we were talking on the on the Skype. And it's pretty good. And by talking, he means posters on an ex-tube. What did you just say? I said it by talking. He means he posted it on ex-tube. Okay. Shut up. Yeah, it's okay. Yeah. I don't look at it. Don't tell me to shut up. You shut up. Rainbow connection, you know, gays talking to one another. Hello, work with me. It was an easy joke. God, it was a bad joke, but it was easy. Actually, that's our title. It was a bad joke, but it was easy. Lord, it'd be a long day. It has been a long day. It has been a long day. What's been long about it? Oh, my goodness. Why would you ask that? That is the biggest loaded question I've ever heard. What was long about it? Because I was waiting for the without missing a beat tank. No, he's more with the wide variety, but go ahead. That's right. God. Oh, I didn't wake up this morning until like one in the afternoon. Oh, my God. Why? Well, I take the back. I woke up at like seven, went over to Professor Dr. Scott's house, walked his puggle, and then came back and went back to sleep until one o'clock. The Rodan had a bit too much to drink last night at the queer bar in town. Are you drinking tonight again? No, I'm not. What did you drink last night? What is your drink of choice? Well, I normally drink Bacardi and Diet Coke. Last night, I had like five Diet Coke and Jack Daniel. Oh, Jesus, which has a completely different effect on it. Yeah, that's it. That's the effect of that. Yeah. And that effect would be? Well, it made my tummy hurt and maybe go to the bathroom in bad ways. Oh, and you can just leave it at that. Thanks. And it just it was like a hang over that last and until like three in the afternoon. And normally, like the Bacardi and Diet, you know, I may be a little drunk, but it like it passes and like an hour and it's gone and I'm fine and, you know, I'm fine the next day. But this was this was harsh. That's because you went from rum to whiskey. Yeah, that's a big jump. I mean, you go from rum to like, you know, a nice vodka and then you make the jump to, you know, strike nine. You don't do it. How drunk were you last episode? I had had I was on my second drink. You seemed very loopy listening, going back and while I was editing, going back and listening, I'm thinking he's yes, but two drinks. Two drinks are did you have eight shots, you know, eight ounces of vodka and a drink or did you have, you know, a can of Coke with a splash of rum. Two drinks is very subjective. Taylor drink, Taylor drink, two drinks on Friday night and he was very happy. Yeah, raspberry mojitos. Yum. I would say two drinks, three shots in the two drinks total amateur about exactly. So I'm a cheap date. We have to understand that in the Orlando gang, it is very common to do upwards of, on some cases, eight, nine, ten shots within one drinking game and it's in people don't even slur their words. Yeah, I would not be able to hang with you guys. That's the classiest thing you ever said about the Orlando group. I didn't say I did that. I said other people have done that. Not to say that I have it done. No, I was going to say, I do have photographs that show you pretty much in a compromised position. Oh, well, not that kind of compromised you. Yes, because please refrain from, you know, saying that since you're right beside me and most of those compromising positions and usually with a beat right face and eventually taken off from a top. Exactly. So when the let the girls breathe, let them breathe. Yeah, there's all sorts of a horrible shirtless pictures of me all like, you know, there is actually a picture that exists of me giving Taylor a raspberry on a spelling. I think I've seen that picture. Yeah, I think I have seen that. You have? I'm surprised. Yeah, I think so. Those are still pictures I'm surprised Taylor let's float around the world. Well, it probably was on my screen saver and it was sometime when he was over. Yeah, because there's not a lot of the Orlando pictures I've been allowed to see. That's only for you. That's for your protection. Yeah. Yeah. My eyes. My eyes. Once I was trying to help him set up the iPod to show the photos for some Christmas party or something you guys are going to, I could help him set it up, but I wasn't allowed to actually see what was there. That is for your own best benefit, really. Okay, the first pictures of the first pictures of get out of the room. We know for years when we went to Orlando, the rule was we weren't allowed to have cameras and I don't know. I try to remember who was the first person that brought the camera. I was. I think it might have been Taylor and then it just kind of became a free for all, but some of the early on pictures, oh, see now everyone has a guard up. Pretty much people know until it's late in the evening or early in the morning. They know to just, you know, it's all the classic pose, classic pose, classic pose, but the first like two times he came with this camera. Those are the best pictures because they're just ugliness personified. Slappy, sloppy, sloppy. Oh, yeah. Ugly drops. Snooters, snooters, snooters. I didn't necessarily need to know that. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. I don't really see any guns. Oh, oh, it's, it's guns a go-go. It's those pictures. Guns to go-go. That's our new shirt we're having made up, ladies and gentlemen. It's a go-go. Yes. It's, it's, and lots of, you know, oh God, there's just some horrible, horrible pictures, which is why I cherish them. Exactly. This is why they're my very favorite ones. When I'm feeling a little bit myself, I just go to October 2004. Yeah. You know, I'm, and I'm kind of sad that I missed out on that whole Orlando phase that you guys had because it's a, it just sounds pretty cool. All the memories you guys built from that. Oh, God. Well, we do have, we still have the one quintessential John Goodman story that came out of an Orlando, which is going to have to be a very special podcast because it's going to have to be done with all the people who were involved have to be present to do the podcast because I can only tell you, John Goodman, except John Goodman, because I can only tell you that it, it, it defies. Any story I have ever told or Taylor has ever told, it defies all of them. Yeah. That may be the 100th episode. It's a very special episode. Yeah, it's, it's a keeper. It's something. Yeah, it's something. We will tell it one day, but just not just quite yet. So did you have a good week, Taylor? Um, parts of it were good. I was very productive. It was my last week at work before I was on vacation. So now I'm on vacation for the next like two and a half weeks. Woo hoo. Yeah, between the holidays and taking some time off. So I was leaving me. Yes. Yes. I'm leaving you. That's, I'm not going to visit my family. I'm not spending time with my niece and my nephew. I'm leaving you. Well, it's good that you finally come. That's okay. Thank you for finally realizing it. Volumes. That speaks volumes. You know what? Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Then why do we spend every fucking day with each other? Exactly. What is it all saying? You always heard the ones you love. Then why aren't you bidding the sheet out of each other? Bidding the sheet out of each other? Beating the shit out of each other. Maybe I'm the one drinking and I don't know. Yeah, right. I'm unaware that I'm drinking. You're having a little bit trouble with the language tonight. I don't have to go to work tomorrow. That's right. I think. Talk amongst yourselves. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll be right back. Wait, did he really get up? Wait, now's our chance. Okay. What do you want to know about Taylor? That's right. Right now, ladies and gentlemen, write down your questions and send them to Rodin and Taffy. Cara, if pot is my co-pilot at gmail.com, all the dirt you've ever wanted to know about Taylor is here for the asking. Well, of course, he like manages the email. So we would never get the. And he has full editing power. So none of this is going to make it on there anyways. Okay. I have a question. Yes. Yes. Can you use Margarita Mix and Tequila and just not have to use a blender? Of course. Put it on the rocks. So it's on the rocks? I'm sure. Okay. Continue talking about whatever you're talking about. You can just take two shots and throw them in your mouth and shake your head up and slam it. Yeah. Not that I haven't done that, but should I do a shot of Tequila on the podcast? I think you should. I think if you hold on a second, I'll do one with you. All right. Hold on a second. I'll be right back. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Rodin, sing a little song for the for the children. Oh, yeah. Oh, Lordy. It's like moving right along. Yeah, Taylor, you're editing that out. Okay. I'm back. I have a shot glass. I have my Tequila. I even have a little tiny, teeny thing of salt. I'm good to go. Okay. How did you get all that stuff so fast? I mean, she was gone literally 20 seconds. Believe it or not, I have, I will tell you how, because we have an entertainment center that actually has a mini bar in it, like from a hotel. Yes. And so let me get this. Go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, anyways, it has, it has a mini bar in it and we have the little tiny bottles of Tequila. So we keep it fully stocked where it looks like an actual mini bar. So I just, I opened the door, walked out, opened the door to the entertainment center, slid out the one watching the kitchen, got a thing of salt, walk back in here and sit down. This is not difficult. Okay. It kind of sounds like you've got a mini bar on every floor of the Huffington estate. Okay. I have Jose Cuervo. That's what I have. I have Jose Cuervo gold. Go ahead. Okay. Is that what a speccia means? Um, a speccia. Okay. I've never done a shot of Tequila before. Oh, are you kidding me? No, no. What do you have? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. No, hold on. This is where it comes in. I have an actual, I have an actual shot glass. Okay. No, this is where it gets very important. There are two ways that you can slam Tequila. One is the classic with salt and a lemon or just salt. One, and the second one, which I personally think is a little better, is a slice of orange with cinnamon. Oh, for Christ's sakes. I'm not Martha fucking steward. I have a bottle of Tequila and a shot glass. Okay. I have a miniature bottle of Tequila. Which is all real man needs. I have a, I have a miniature bottle of Tequila, which is exactly two ounces and I have a salt shaker. So I'm going to just slam it and lick it. There'll be no such a nice. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I would recommend, I recommend salt. Absolutely. All right. Hold on. God bless America. Talk about yourselves. No, we were, we were in Germany on vacation and we ordered Tequila shots in this. It was called the 100 beer bar and they had 100 different kinds of beers and we were there with another couple and they decided that they wanted to try all 100 beers. So like on night three when they were down to the last 33, I mean, literally they, they did it. They had the 100 beers in four days. It was very impressive. And I don't drink beer. So I was like, you know, I wanted Tequila shot and she brought it to me with cinnamon and oranges. And I was like, what the hell is this? And she's like, you know, Americans drink like shit. You don't drink it with salt and lemon. And I'm like, okay. And she showed us how to put the oranges in the cinnamon with the Tequila. It's amazing. I believe the Lola has partaken in that quite a few times. Okay, we ready? Hold on. I am going to move my microphone just a little bit. No, no, no. Okay. Now I have to put the salt on my hand. Well, you have to lick your hand first and then lick your hands. I would, I would like, if you make a fist right where you're yeah, do it there and then lick it and pour some sugar on me. No, yes, lick it. Put some salt on it. And I would get a nice lick amount. I wouldn't just do one or two grains. Hold on. I've got some. I've got hold on. I'm doing this with you. All right. Well, tell me when you're getting ready to do the shot. I'm ready. All right. On your mark. Yes. You just said you were ready. Wait. Can you hear me? I just moved my microphone. Okay. Yeah. I'm still here. All right. All right. On your mark. Get set. Go. Oh, I can just, for you guys. Oh, that eek. Oh, hello, ladies and gentlemen. Now. Wait, did you drink one shot or two? One. Okay. Do you have another one ready? Did you do? Well, I have a little bottle. I want to do Margarita. This isn't as much fun. Do another one. The second one gets fun. I promise. Oh, but the holiday special after this should be wonderful. Oh, Lord. I have, I have the rest of my bottle because I have just like a little two ounce bottle that's in. I've probably got enough for it. I'll probably get enough for a couple shots, but I'm not going to do more than one more. Well, I'm going to do the next one right now because it's sitting here. It's talking to me. Okay. Hold on. Okay. Okay. That and you have a problem. I'm putting more. Okay. Ready? Wait. No, I haven't poured my bottle. I haven't poured my shot yet. Okay. It's so salty in my mouth. But yet it goes down. So it's down your throat. Swallow it. Okay. Swallow it. Lick it and swallow it. All right. Hold on. All right. Ready? Oh, wait. All right. On your mark. Yep. Oh God. I'm like nauseous. All right. Get set. Go. Oh, that was that one was a little harder. Yeah. All righty. Okay. I'm done. Take, take, take just open the door and pick his head and he's like, what the hell are you doing? He just saw me dash out five minutes ago to grab a bottle. I'm in the garage. I'll let tequila and then run into a room by yourself. That happened on ER this week too. Abby started drinking again. All right. Oh lord. Okay. But now I was like warm through your chest. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's the good. That's the goodness of it. That'll put some hair on your chest. I've already got hair on my chest. Thank you very much. And on your back. He does not go fuck yourself. Secondly, it's just small patches of hair. It's not like I'm a woolly mammoth or anything. I remember when you used to have to get those patches when you, you know, got those waxed. Yes, that's true. I did have my shoulders waxed before. Thank you, Rodan. There's nothing wrong with that. You did a little landscaping. That's fine. I'm going to go make myself a drink. I'm going to go make myself a drink because I'm going to wait in between podcasts and make yourself a drink. Fine. Why are you so demanding? Have you met me? Are you new? This is going to be where I end up getting drunk and then tell you both what I really think about the two of you. Like a typical latte boy family Christmas. Exactly. It would be like normal holiday season for the holiday episode. Well, I'll sit around the hearth and shame when another. You guys are making my hangover hurt. We're making your hangover do what? My hangover hurt. Oh, well, loosen up the belt. Wow, that one was cheap and easy and good. Just like me, cheap, easy and good. Good. Very good. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So before the Stakela kicks in, I have a couple of things that I just want to like do as far as, you know, housekeeping sort of things. So can we do these two housekeeping on the podcast? First and foremost, we have stalled out at 53 reviews on the iTunes. Bad listeners, bad listeners, bad listeners. Is Taffy going to have to give you a spanking? Hey, that's, that's what'll push us to 75. Taffy giving us spanking. My oral service has got us to 50. Taffy's dominatrix will get us to 75. Okay. Whatever sound Taylor's making is kind of freaking me out. I there was. That's a preview of sex with Taylor. Hardly. Thank you. The preview with text for sex with Taylor is 12 minutes not the fancy. We covered that already. Yeah. So, so please, please, please live us reviews on iTunes. We would, we would love to, we would love to hear from you guys. Um, also we are up to 41 members of okay. So I love pot is my co-pilot. Yay. Wow. So there's only nine slots left to join the group before I take down the video of me welcoming you all to the group and so I love, over 1100 downloads. Yes. Yes. Let yesterday we had our 11,000, 11,000. Yeah, that's amazing. Oh, Lori. I guess the tequila is kicking in for both of us. I am completely lucid. Thank you. Um, yeah. There is no slurring in my words. Oh, there's no slurring in my words either. Yeah, but you're just naked and you know, playing connected dogs. But that's fine. Yeah, I'm naked and the dogs have stopped moving. Also, I know that a couple of episodes ago, I talked about, you know, reading emails and all that sort of stuff. And I will get back to doing that, but we just haven't done that yet. It's just been crazy. So, but we hopefully in the new year, we're going to have like an all listener, you know, podcast. It's a listener appreciation podcast. That's a nice way to say it. Yeah. So if you have letters and stuff like that that you would like for us to read on the air, if you have questions for us, anything like that, why don't just send them to pot is my co-pilot at gmail.com. Yeah, we could do a whole nother question show because then our first question show kind of get destroyed. We had technical issues. Yeah, because when I was editing it, that's when my last computer died. So actually, it's been long enough that where we could probably ask each other the questions and we would have different answers now. You're probably right. That's true. So maybe we'll do that. So ask us some questions, send us some questions to Wow, this tequila is really strong. My question is to pot is my co-pilot at gmail.com and we'll see if we can answer them. Right now, he's always full of vim and vigor right now, ladies and gentlemen, right now, his eyes are all glazed over and is his his wannabe faux hawk is now fallen. And he's just sitting there looking at himself in the little screen that is his webcam thinking, I can't believe I just drank two shots on air. Yeah, now I'm getting ready to make myself a margarita between this episode and the holiday episode. Happy holidays, bitches. You mean the guy that was in Cannonball run? Yeah, I don't know what his name is. I've seen Cannonball run. I love the Cannonball run. I love me too. I've never seen them. Cannonball run two was on the other night and I actually watched it. I have not bought those on DVDs yet, DVD yet. That's because you're saving your money for, you know, blossom the entire third series, even that's why. And the worst part is those are two movies that I would actually consider buying. Those are things you need to see if Tank has. I would not probably pay more than a F five dollars each for them, but I would actually own the Cannonball run movies. Those movies remind me of being a little kid and I just, you know, enjoy them. Much like my latest post on the blog, which neither one of you has probably seen yet, but I was walking the dogs with the iPod on tonight. Okay. And I heard Girl for All Seasons from Greece too. And sang the whole way around the block. I said in the post, you, I might as well have just held up a sign that said somebody please beat me up. Because I'll be your girl for All Seasons. Okay, I have, I will tell you the picture of Santa Claus with the two screaming children. You're girl for All Seasons. I don't understand why Greece too never won an Oscar based on that performance. Yeah, we're gonna turn off his mic in a minute. I'll be your son when we're walking in the sand. Oh God. And this is why Taylor's not allowed to drink, making love and getting to and bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, something that rhymes with 10. I'll be your girl for All Seasons all the year through. All right, shut up. You're a girl with a lot of God. All Seasons is I love to be everything to you, just you. Okay, this has got to be worse up somewhere because this is getting disturbing. It made me want to shed it to you. I don't know about you, but I'm a little, I'm a little disciplined. Well, my ears are bleeding, but you know, in the fall, you'll see. All right, I'm done. Do you want to know something? September can be heavenly. I have never seen Greece too. I did the gay gas so hard I choked. You are not missing much. It's a hard way to say, but I don't know if you ever saw the documentary, My Date With Drew, where this absolute precious film guy named Brian, I have no idea what his last name is. He wants to get a date with Drew Barrymore in 30 days, and he ends up getting the date but much further after the 30 days, and they, all they do is talk about like the, something about the Wylani, Lonnie, blew out or something. Yeah, with the end of it. It's this whole big thing that they have this conversation and he's, he tells her, he goes, you know, I have separated people into two groups my entire life, those who love Greece to and those who don't. She's like, oh my god, I love Greece too. He's like, I know. And I'm thinking to myself, are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Greece too? The one with Michelle Pfeiffer and the blonde. I'm like, Maxwell Caulfield. Oh my god. And Adrian's Ahmed. Okay, I do not want to hear anything about, about my DVD collection. If you can name those names. Thank you. That's just the only ones I can name. Those are the only ones that I can name. Maxwell Caulfield was a babe back in the day. Wasn't he, he wasn't something else too that was. He was in Empire Records. He played the rock star that came. Oh yes. That one that had sex with Renee Zellweger. Yeah, but he was all, and he was on the Colby's, I think. I think his name was what? Rex Manning's. I've actually never seen Empire Records. Oh, that is a great movie. Yeah, that is pretty good. I have actually have it at the house. Yeah, I think I have a, I think I have it here too. It's, that's a great movie. All right. Well, we're in a half an hour and we have to tape our other episode and I need to make a margarita. So how do you make a tinkle? Okay, as always, you can email us at potasmycopilot@gmail.com or you can be our friend at my.com/potasmycopilot or you can go to our blog, which is anyone, anyone. Potasmycopilot.com. Rodan, you rock. Okay, well, we are getting ready to tape the holiday episode, so we're going to take a short break. And by short break, meaning you'll all have to wait a week. That's pretty much it. So everybody have a good last week before the holidays. You can finish up your shopping and doing all that fun stuff. This is Taylor. And Taffy. And Rodan. I almost said and Rodan. All right. I'm really not drunk, but I'm just all of a sudden kind of feeling kind of good. Let's get you talking to us. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, have a good work with your buddy. Bye now. Merry Christmas, baby. You shouldn't treat me nice. Merry, Merry Christmas, baby. You shouldn't treat me nice. You bought me a dime a day for Christmas. Now I'm living in paradise. I'm feeling mighty fine. I've got good music on my radio. I haven't had a drink this morning, but I'm holding up like a Christmas tree. Santa, come down the journey. Pass my screen. You love all those little presents, baby, that you sent to me. Merry, Merry Christmas, baby. You shouldn't treat me nice. I want to kiss you this morning, baby. Why are you standing beneath the mist of my home? [Music] [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas, baby. You shouldn't treat me nice. Merry, Merry Christmas, baby. You shouldn't treat me nice. You bought me a dime a day for Christmas. Now I'm living in paradise. I'm feeling mighty fine. I've got good music on my radio. I'm feeling mighty fine. I've got covered on my radio. I haven't had a drink this morning, but I'm holding up like a Christmas tree. Santa, come down the chimney. Pass my screen. You bought all those little presents, baby, that you sent to me. Remember this Christmas morning for the rest of my life. Kisses beneath the mistletoe and loving you real tight. Merry, Merry Christmas, baby. You shouldn't treat me nice. I bought me a Cadillac for Christmas, baby. So I can ride you, baby. I can ride you. Merry Christmas, baby. [BLANK_AUDIO]