Yes, yes, I know it's a few days late, kittens, but Taylor's been busy, and worked hard to get you this gem of an episode (if I didn't get it out today, it would have had to wait til next Monday...) Many topics are discussed this week including, Walt Disney World, dinner and a debate with dear old Dad, the Clearwater Jazz Festival, an attempt by Taylor and Taffy to capture the jabberwokky on tape; The bathroom habits of a host are exposed; Taffy discovers the wonders of a certain website Taylor has discussed in the past, Rodan's finally dating, but Taylor interrupts him, so we go back to his stories; the San Diego fires; The Littlest Huffington is proud; Letters and MySpace, and tentative plans for a meet and greet far into the future.
Music: Brain Bukit - Run Rabbit/The Chase
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you're listening to hot as my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy taffy carlile hovington and rodent hi this is taylor the latte boy and welcome to episode 32 of pot is my co-pilot as always i'm joined by taffy carlile hovington hello you and rodent wow we got like no foreplay on that one it was record and go because i am tired as a motherfucker right now i want to record something and i want to go to bed actually i want to shower because i am stank me too and i i i'm always smelling pretty and today i tonight i'm just in gross i did get in the pool though which tells you how hot it is here oh my god it's freezing before what it is freezing here no listen rhodian today the feels like temperature in panellis county was 102 the actual temperature 93 it is disgusting you're kidding me uh no trust me i wish we were it's like 50 here mmm well we hate you but that's fine and there goes the view button on rhodian so taffy how are you doing i'm doing well i'm i'm it's dead middle of spirit week it's homecoming and as you know we're big time school people so i've been spirit weeking all week and my spirit is now asleep so i'm if i see another piece of glitter i'll probably kill myself at least for today so that's all how is disney world disney hotter than a motherfucker i can only imagine i was really busy yesterday for a monday we okay well monday's always the busiest day though at disney world oh well then that would explain why there were four trillion people at animal kingdom because most people arrive on vacations they fly in on sunday and they don't go anywhere sunday night and then monday the first park they hit is usually you know the first thing they do is go to a park right he's always the busiest day well um my dad and his wife and my five year old sister flew into town um saturday night while actually i was out with taffy and drum and lola and a whole bunch of people and they called let me know they were in town so i got up at the butt crack of dawn sunday morning drove to orlando met them at their hotel had breakfast with the characters and then we went to the magic kingdom spent the day um had a lot of fun and then yesterday were at uh animal kingdom uh which is very hot because it's orlando it's a lot of walking to it's a lot of walking up a lot of hills and also there is four million tropical trees because they want it to be like a jungle so pretty much i walked around in a rainforest surrounded by you know pasty english people with you know tube tops and and and short shorts and fanny packs and yeah i and black socks and sandals right and and they all kind of smelled like armpit and it was just uh got it not not that i'm saying all british people smelly carpet i just think you just submitted them all of our british listeners all three of them but all the people all the all actually all the people that were disney world yesterday by the end of the day smelled like armpit one of my favorite things to do when i am at disney world is to watch the general decline of social graces among parents and children over the course of the day because in the beginning of the day everybody's super happy and everybody's having a really good time and then usually around lunchtime when you're sitting eating lunch you know when you're looking around and everybody's just kind of like hmm and then by four o'clock there always the you always see at least once where some parent turns around and grabs the six to seven year old by the arm gets up in their face and is talking to them through their teeth and the little kid is looking everywhere but at the parent and usually you can hear long signs of if you don't knock it off right now then so and at one point yesterday i almost became that parent with my final sister really yeah um she was wonderful on sunday she was she was great and having a good time and she was excited to see the castle and you know and then by about four o'clock she was getting a little cranky and we were all getting cranky because it as i said before it was hot and then a storm came through so her first day at disney she's five i figured we figured okay she's done about five hours she needs to go back and have a nap and all that sort of stuff which she never actually got until she actually went to bed at about eight o'clock but that's that's a that's a story that's going to be right up after this one no wait is she is she a i have to have all things jasmine or is she just a i'm happy to be here i'll run around she no she well no she was not about the running around we had a stroller for her and any chance that she got to be in the stroller and got pushed to be around she could on many of the rides when you're standing in line there was a lot of the i don't want to stand somebody carry me you know and then it was the nominations for best supporting actress at a disney role are because then it was the rolling around the ground and the you know it was you were just kidding you know it no no it was it was a yesterday at animal kingdom it got bad yeah that would have lost and i'll just and i'll just leave it at that um but you know we had a really good time on and then on sunday at magic kingdom and then animal kingdom was a little more challenging plus it was hot and she really wanted to go see it's tough to be a bug which is the bug's life like 3d movie that they have in what they call the tree of life which is sort of the big big centerpiece of of the park which is an amazing piece of sculpture it is an amazing piece of sculpture and the movie is amazing except that they seated us right under where the giant cricket comes which is an actual it's not part of the movie it's actually like an animatronic thing comes popping out and pretty much loomed over her you know cue the hysterics which i was actually seeing they're going this is kind of scary with this thing standing over us and then it got really foggy and she just kind of freaked out she didn't like that so that was kind of how we started the day um eventually we did the thing that kind of turned it for us to where things got better was we went and saw the finding nimo the musical which is you know they have it it's over in dino land and she just absolutely loved that and we ended up we started out sitting in the back row because we were one of the last people to get in and then one of the disney people said i need three people and my dad said you know with three right here and we had front row wow so she really loved that and actually michael from qcast is going to be performing in the funny name of the musical so the whole time that the guy that was performing is the shark was singing i was picturing michael so we were going to have to go and see him we absolutely will have to go and see oh yeah no definitely when he's he um he posted something on his blog about it and i think he starts the week before thanksgiving is when he's in rehearsals right now because while i was in magic kingdom i called him to see if he was going to be performing at animal kingdom because then i was definitely you know we're definitely going to have to go um but we had we had a lot of fun uh sunday night was a little challenging um in that i was with my dad and uh my little sister and then uh my dad's wife had to go to a reception for she's they're down for a convention so i i took her i was the only one at a car obviously because they're you know staying in a hotel so i dropped her off and by the time i dropped her off the plan was when i got back for us to take you know to take my little sister to to uh to dinner but she was you know she was crashed it was about eight it was about eight o'clock so what does my father do my father says well let's just order you know a couple of stakes through room service and all that sort of stuff and i'm like hey when's the last one's the next time i'm going to get that stake you know brought up to my room so i'm like sure no problem then he turns on the republican debate no no no no no no which which by the way was taken place at gaylord convention center in our lando yeah right yeah we we were home for the news and they were talking all about it and yeah my dad is a tried and true red state you know Ronald Reagan was a god then yeah he is he is the gop and it was all i could do to take the stake knife and jam it into my throat i keep your friends close your enemies closer well always better to know where they stand so that went on for probably i was pretty good through most of it you know just quite a sit kind of sitting there and luckily i had my nintendo ds so everyone just came in and went over to the couch it was playing nintendo just to kind of because i had to tune it out and then they started talking about stuff and i started making the snorts and the oh god and all that under my breath i'm sure that was really well yeah well he says well let's turn on something else so then he proceeds to turn on larry king oh the guest on larry king donald trump oh god oh yes work so then it is donald trump talking about you know because it's not you know six months old you know rosio donald's a big fat pig and she came to my wedding and she stole the wedding cake and she was walking around with wedding cake all over face because she's disgusting and you know she should keep her mouth shut and you know which my father thinks is hysterical that he's i was i eventually that's when the ipod came on because i'm like i can't listen to this anymore so it was it was bad but that was really like the i guess the you know only part and then my father and i had a little discussion about the republican debate the night before and it got a little heated so now we eventually sort of we sort of agreed to disagree yeah like ron burgundy says to you know corning stone about the whales vagina now i i have all sorts of jokes about your father and family values but anyway oh okay well do tell so insert joke here is that pretty much what we're doing yeah i yeah you get mad at me if i were to you know well okay and i can't be mad because apparently i mean you are mean you're doing how i'm getting mean yeah one of our listeners posted i believe it was erin um comment comment on our latest episode that apparently i'm getting mean well that's okay i talk too much and uh what i say you know too much you know i don't you know oh and you say you know too okay i was all confused for a second um yeah and i erin i appreciate the the constructive criticism i would very politically correct well i'm trying to be politically correct um and i would appreciate an example of how i'm being mean so if you could let me know be i i honestly i mean it really concerns me because i want to be where i'm you know i want this to be fun for our listeners and i don't want to be i've listened to podcast where people are assholes for lack of a better term and i stop listening to them and i don't want our listeners in a way i don't think he said you were being an asshole no i know he didn't but i mean when i i associate mean with assholes that's why i i know well and and to be honest taylor's mostly mean to us off the air and abusive we're you know we're just so beat down we don't really realize we're just okay go back to listen to episodes five six eight and i think you'll see who's the one who gets beat down most of the time but that's the way you like it yes well occasionally occasionally sometimes usually okay yeah okay inside jokes are fun um how are you guys doing so rodan this saturday this past saturday taylor and lola and drum and mountain woman and myself and john goodman all went to the clear water jazz festival and by going to the clear water jazz festival i mean we sat on a balcony of a condo and quasi listened to it and watched fireworks hey i'm pretty impressed that you got taylor what i said i'm pretty impressed that you got taylor to a festival no no that's why i said we didn't go to the festival we sat on right in the balcony so he could observe a condo with air conditioning and you know yeah and you know a crushed ice machine hell yeah hells to the yeah that's how we roll i will tell you though it was one of the first nights since you know february that it was quasi comfortable around here it was actually around 78 but it but we were on the twelfth floor so there was a really nice breeze and you could actually sit outside for about a half an hour without wanting to kill yourself nice and it was fireworks and it was lovely and we taylor kind of toyed with us emotionally he tugged on our heartscreens just a little bit because on the way out there he told us that we were going to record a podcast with john goodman oh why didn't you let us all set up and we laid the groundwork and then i'd put it out and then he peced out well that is kind of like this okay this this was the plan this this was the plan that we were going to do what we were going to do is we were going to talk about trying out this whole podcasting thing and and this may be why erin thinks i mean because i'm not explaining this and this is my dv said um and what we were going to do is we were going to have you know we're we're all going to come up with our fake names and you know you know conveniently they were all going to be names we've already used on the show and then we were going to say to john goodman what's the name you want to use and then she would say a name that she would probably use and then i was going to do a little recording in the beginning saying when you hear the name you know the person that's calling himself this that's really john goodman and then i just decided i wasn't sure about the legalities of that although male did make a very good point she goes what we have said before i don't know why you want to do a podcast with her she's just going to sit there not speak we're like you're absolutely right and that is pretty much what she did all night she barely talked at all unless she was in the bathroom with me oh which you haven't told me about that but you guys with the bathroom together no no no no no no no taffy has to have somebody in the bathroom i i have to have someone to talk to you when i go to the bathroom i know it sounds ridiculous it's true it absolutely is true though and all of my friends know it's that i will choose one of them and they have to come talk to me uh taylor has been involved in this before i don't think i can talk to you taylor will sit on the side of the tub we go to our lando or the condo because the toilet is like in its own separate little room and he will sit there begrudgingly and indulge me conversation but normally i only did it once and that was to protect you from john goodman because you went in to go use the bathroom and then all of a sudden john goodman i think thought that nobody was looking and she kind of went in and then closed the door to the bedroom so he came in to save me so i came in about ten minutes later and taffy had a look on her face like please go out and get a gun at me and i was sitting someplace where i didn't necessarily have to see taffy well no and obviously i am a lady for christ sakes i mean when i have to wipe and stuff i ask them to at least turn around but i i it's boring sitting there and i'm a lady i ask them to turn around when i wipe normally when i'm at special i don't want to do normally i mean literally time management when you're on the toilet seriously you can do so much stuff you can sit on the toilet and fold a little laundry you can fold a load of towels you can sit there and clip your tunnels you can sit there and clean your ears with um a cute tip you can use dental floss there's a million things you can do by sitting on the toilet i hate to be in a little tiny room how about sit quietly alone yeah well no i i i love to sit quietly but if i have a group of people i'm only going to be with for two days and i'm going to be you know sequestered for ten minutes why not bring someone in there to chit chat with me and normally it's when we get all the good that's when you truly get the info from john goodman is when you get her alone and in a little tiny room is when she wants to spill her guts so and then i can run to you and then i can run to you and whisper oh my god do you want to do it now when i go to the bathroom i don't have to go that long i mean it doesn't take like ten minutes well no it doesn't take ten minutes but once you're in there and you're into a conversation then you're then you're captive then you're a captive on his and besides we've actually had some very good stories come out of my bathroom experiences that sounds like the beginning of a you know scat porn yeah speaking of porn do you have a wide stance oh shut up yes rody and taylor threatened to reach up and grab my ovaries and dangle me off the balcony saturday night by them oh making her the world's largest oven mitt which again makes taylor mean thank you see all right taking out of context it does but in context it was actually kind of funny and made me giggle but no speaking of porn hold on taylor has talked endlessly about one particular website called ex-tube oh god i'm always afraid to go on any of those websites for a myriad of reasons the first being that i'm afraid someone will check the history on the computer and like my children looking for something that they have looked up and see you know young girls fisting first time or whatever and so i'm gone well i'm always afraid to like do anything like that on the computer and the second reason is is because i have a life and if i pull up or i know i'll get nothing done for the next four hours so that being said today one of my friends sent me a link and said do we know this person and when i clicked on it it sent me to ex-tube okay now is this a friend that i know um i'm gonna say that so yes okay it's a friend that you know but it's no one that we were with on saturday so i thinking i'm watching this and i'm like well it could be someone we kind of sort of maybe yeah yeah it could be her okay fine so then of course i'm hooked and now i have to research all the different varieties of things oh and one in particular struck me as it was something i never in a million years would have ever considered clicking on except for the picture and that was anime oh the hentai the hentai stuff i don't know what it's called but it's cartoon porn yes the hentai japanese cartoon porn yeah am i under living under a rock does everyone know about this except me yes i i found out about it because there was like a link on like adam for adam or manhunt or something and i clicked on it and i was like oh and then you read the stuff about it thank you they have like fully produced stuff like this i mean this is a big thing for straight women in japan well like the first one i clicked on was like this sea monster or something that's like yeah and i'm like what the hell is this and i was like oh oh oh my god and then i'm like okay now i'm completely mesmerized so i'm clicking on like you know 14 of them going what and there was like you know a montage and a mix up and then there was you know the highlights and the best of and i'm like what the the of course is when tank walked in the house tonight i said yeah you and i have a meeting and he's like oh am i in trouble i'm like no outside now so he walked outside and i'm like um anime porn he's like what he goes what did taylor send you like i swear it wasn't for man he's like nice real nice yes because that's shocking but he was just like i don't send you porn no no often but you certainly have showed me things on your computer that word yes something i discussed with dang anyways so i was just like no i said you know i was on the side and i clicked this and he's like uh yeah and i'm like have you ever seen this and he's like oh god yes and i'm like do i again i live under a freaking vlog so yes anime porn that was that was my discovery of the day and then i you know then i watched documentary on selman gluggenheim so i'm well-rounded in the arts apparently well yeah i mean that's a big industry in japan for straight women i that's amazing oh i can i totally understand that i just i think they they say that's something to do with like watching a man take advantage of another man i mean the like because a lot of those are very close to rape i mean a lot of those are very like you know senior senior man taking advantage of younger boy and it's all about like the one i watched were boy and boy i in fact i didn't even see any listings for boy and boy oh they have those and they you didn't look in the gay section uh yeah not not that i um not that you would ever do that no i know no i have i've looked at it just the curiosity got the better of me and was not i was kind of like oh you know it was just sort of weird that it's cartoon characters and it's a little strange yeah they've all got these like weirdly oversized genitals yeah and just you know where their boobs are like the size of their head and it's bizarre it's it was very bizarre it was very interesting i will say i mean i certainly say here and watched it for 20 minutes because i was just like this is unbelievable but it was it was a lot i would have never even thought that you were talking about straight people gay you know and i'm hated straight porn well honestly some of it wasn't even two people most of the ones that i kept that i was watching was this bizarre like it would be like a monster that would like you know stick one tentacle in her butt and stick another one in her mouth and i was just like what the hell is it's like it's like pokémon but oh you know with double anal apparently yes it's sailor moon with the double anal oh okay nice it's hello kitty it's hello kitty hello hello kitty nice wrong it's so wrong so then wait hold on no now i have to backtrack a little bit what actually got me started on this was there is a something or other i guess a like a youtube type thing except it's called god space yeah really and the the thing that they had on and the only reason i ever found this was because this was profiled on perez Hilton which i realized that taylor doesn't go to but it's the christian version of baby got back the video is on perez Hilton and i can only tell you people i encourage you to please go watch it at prez Hilton because can you can you link it to our blog well i can't you can but you don't go on prez Hilton but i do not have the ability to link the blog or to put the video on the blog because my computer hates me other than that you can do it but let me just tell you something you're going to sit with your eyes wide open and your mouth open going what the hell is this it they do line for line the opening the whole thing of baby got back as a video except the christian version it what is it what does it mean baby got baby got god no baby got book oh it's all about the bible but i'm just telling you you have to go to perez Hilton and watch it i know that you are against the perez Hilton you have to go and watch it because it is you're just gonna sit there and go on i don't even know how to do this i could probably find it without having to go to perez Hilton probably i'm actually starting to get over the d listed i am too he's gotten very like ego kind of you know the commentary has gone a bit much sick and i don't want to talk about her on this but i am so sick of all the Britney spear shit yeah and that is all that is on i'm sure that's all that's on perez Hilton as well but it's you'd be surprised it really isn't all that's on perez Hilton i only check perez Hilton about once every three days now if i see that pasty backwoods bayou frappuccino sucking with the sunglasses and the bad weave and the big fat twat coming out of the car oh thank you that over it you don't i i'm over it i'm tired of it i i and that's all i want to talk about i don't talk about it anymore well i'm surprised that you haven't mentioned the first concert by the spice girls oh i'm so excited i heard i heard their first single today i was well the first the first opening night was what last night oh was it i think so i think they they did a i think they opened in canada or something i don't i don't know where they opened but i think i'm like back home so out of the loop right now with being in disney world for two days i have no idea what's going on you did you roll for today's you weren't on mars it doesn't matter is in world's kind of like mars well then i realize everything else everything else goes away when you know you're at the world's happiest place with a scream in five-year-old it's it's heaven it's fun i i don't know what else to say you've never been disney world with me well that's going to change because this week i am buying an annual pass so really we expect yes yes we i am going to be going and actually you you had talked about getting me the annual pass for for my uh through using your triple a yes um i need to buy i need to get a triple a account because my uh warranty on my car just finished so and i was covered under them so i need to get in i need to get a membership anyway this is fascinating for people i'm sure to listen to well i'm sure so i'll be i'll so thank you for the offer but i will be getting my own sucked maybe the whole thing so okay all right so um yeah yeah brodan what's new with you well i did start dating this weekend and official dates not like you know tricking like official dating meaning you're only going to date this person they're only going to date you no no no i mean i started like i asked a guy out on a date and then i asked another guy out on a date and then i went out with both of them he's playing the field so yeah excellent no no no i can't feel or because i go wait wait wait why is he a whore if he's going out with more than one person i'm just kidding shut up god you're so mean taylor why don't you eat me what did you say perhaps you need to listen a little more yeah right instead of just trying to get your own sound bite instead of interrupting are you kidding you're going to say something about interrupting really well you did kind of that one shut up i'm on your side no i was talking about taylor no yeah thank you anyway okay i can't be a whore if i think it any nookie out of two dates or three dates with two different guys over the course of four days so you're a puritan apparently apparently i got kisses do you want do you want to have sex with either of them i think i could have sex with both of them maybe not the same time together i was going to say you have to pose those pictures well the first date was with uh god i don't even have a nickname for him yet but the first date with the little blonde one who's a little bit older than i am but he's a little blonde and like right like anybody thin like he needs to eat a biscuit thin i mean you can pick your teeth with him uh yeah i mean he could fit i could fit like three of his legs in one of my pant legs so i mean it's just like his i mean oh that's nice yeah right his legs are i mean but it's not that i have fat legs which i do but it's his legs are so small i could put my fingers like my you know index finger and thumb around his leg or like around like the top part of his uh thigh what not yeah so i mean you can wrap my i mean not all the way like but i can reach like around his thigh between my thumb and my index finger and it goes like halfway i mean so like it's itty bitty so i'm just a little bit like freaked out by that but we went to karaoke at the gay bar here in munrow yes i mean oh that sounds like yeah no no that wasn't so much it took like four beers to make it even remotely interesting did you get that you're saying no please you lie no there's no way you're getting me on that damn stage so he was up there singing fancy by Reuben McIntyre no i wasn't but there was like three versions of fancy that night i swear oh no the gays love the fancy and the amazing grace and ain't no mountain high enough and it's raining men no it's raining men anything by chakakan no pretty much but this is weird because you know when you go i remember it all looking back it was the summer i turned 18 i lived in a one room torn down shack in the outskirts of new Orleans i i don't know what that means he's thinking you fancy he's retarded we didn't have money for food or rent to say the least we were hard pressed oh yeah and mama spent every last penny she had to buy me a dance and dress that is totally what you should go for for halloween with the roach on your shoe the whole thing that would be fabulous with a lag that says to that no self be true exactly because i might have been born just plain white trash but fancy was my name yeah pretty much every gay man in that bar thought that that song applied only to them i always thought it was funny that the only ones who ever sang fancy in the gay bars in Tampa were always the fat drag queens so did your date get up and sing he did he sang um the jane blun song i can't remember it now your eyes don't know the really depressing one that i had in my blog for a little bit of time gold finger that's not a james blunt song but if that i if i was drunk enough i'd probably be singing that up there oh lord anyway so now was he embarrassing or was he like actually kind of good or no no he was horrible he was horrible but the table he was horrible but it was cute so but you know there could be horrible singers that are entertaining no there was there was just one guy was he doing it was he doing it to be like he was trying to be be funny for you or was it where he got up there and thought that he was really good and no it was like his friends dragged him up there kind of as a cathartic kind of thing so it was it was you know it was funny it wasn't like he was Taylor have you ever sang karaoke no no i can honestly say i've never done it i have never heard but you have a great voice and you know everywhere to everything you know what maybe maybe i might have done like love shack once like back in high school like somebody had a karaoke machine or something and i mean like in applebee's at ten o'clock on a Wednesday night you've never done care no i can honestly say i ever would have been able to have a beautiful voice yes they do appear yeah they do here because again we might have been born just plain white trash but fancy was so basically we now have a challenge to what to get me to do karaoke yeah no you and i could do like summer love and oh ebony and ivory islands in the stream you heard my summer love and story we could totally yes i've heard of when i you and i could totally do drag in fifth grade you and i could totally do islands in the stream rodan have you ever heard my summer love and uh no i was friends with a girl named jennifer hands in fifth grade and we did a talent show for our class at the end of the year and she was a huge living in john fan and i was a huge living in john fan for completely different reasons you know we actually the same reason we both wanted to be a living in john and we grew up so she decided that she wanted to do summer love in and she wanted us to lip sync to the um greece album but she decided when we were practicing like i was going to be danny and she was going to be sandy and then halfway through she said you know what might be really good if you were sandy and i was danny so i pretty much did my one and only drag performance ever in fifth grade as a living in john singing summer love and please don't tell me there's video of this somewhere no i'm sure on youtube somewhere however there may be video and of um something that i did in seventh grade which actually sort of segues into something just really quickly that i want to talk about i came i came across my two best friends from elementary school on my space no that's cool that's very cool yeah and we made we were all in um the gifted program together in elementary school and middle school and for our middle school project we made a video that was like where we did the script and we had costumes and everything and we were like it was like a dungeons and dragons video so it was all very world of warcraft and i know that um rick who actually i gave the link to um when i emailed them on my space so hi rick if you're listening to this hopefully he still has the video and if he has the video he's an editor now um he's done editing for lifetimes and stuff actually you know those commercials that they would show on hbo where they go always on sunday and they would show all the clips from all the different shows that are on sunday nights yeah he was the one who edited that cool that's cool which is very cool um and so hopefully he still has the video someplace like at his mom's the house down in south jersey or something and if he does rick if you're listening to this please format it and send it to me because i would post that because i was 20 something years ago actually rick format it and send it to rodan and i yeah yeah no i would totally put it up i would i would totally put it up it was something where we were like wizards or something and or he was a wizard and we got you know sent back to the future so we were yeah because i was a genius or a wizard and i it's it's it's horrible it's absolutely horrible but like all of our our gifted program was part of it so i don't remember it was called mirror image because you went through a mirror i remember that the girl opened her locker and then she went through a mirror and then she ended up in an alternate dimension yeah it totally should it would be on youtube i would totally post it as as a video podcast in youtube okay but we've talked about this too long let's talk about something else now so after karaoke the little blonde one had way too many drinks and so i had him walk me to my car to which i totally took advantage of him and kissed him for like 10 minutes in the middle of the parking lot like a cheesy high schooler wow that's brave yeah especially in munrow but he was a good kisser so i didn't want to stop but uh well i suppose it was worth a lynching yeah right baseball bat to the back of the head it was worth it right let's rustle us up some squares but uh on friday night i went to shreveport which is about an hour and a hour and a half away for a date i don't know what the hell i was thinking it's like you guys go in orlando to hook desperation yeah i was thinking you were thinking there's five gay guys in munrow and you needed to expand a little bit oh so i went to shreveport and how far were rhodian drive for a handy yeah i got no idea the answer to that i know he'll drive at least two hours because when he was in high school or any and we i was in college and he came as a prospective student he used to sneak into my dorm and not i wasn't the one giving the hand i was gonna say um that's a that's a story for another time i just interrupted you again i apologize for it's a good boy that was prevalent to the story it was prevalent to the story so anyways went to shreveport i didn't get a handy so but anyways cute little um harry one he's kind of cubby but he's cute little harry one he's cute little harry one he's 26 um he actually works for another call center and it was uh it was an interesting date he's very he's got a very good sense of humor i have not told him about the podcast because i don't want him listening because you just called him a cute little harry one well he's he's cubby he's very cubby he's like mik cubby because he's scottish mik cubby mik cubby but oh god are we doing grays anatomy no no no no references when you said cubby the first thing i thought of was the musketeer when i tell you his real name off when i tell you his real name off the podcast you understand the mik cubby part more than just a reference to grays anatomy but wait so we just went to like macaroni girl which was horrible horrible we had this cute little waiter wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute knowing the stories that we've told on this podcast you went to macaroni right but he and shockingly it was a negative experience uh it wasn't bad from a service perspective because ollie prince ollie yes it is he was our waiter and he gave us like endless glasses of that free wine that you're supposed to charge for but the food this story is getting classier and classier with every syllable i'm wine from the macaroni girl you big spender you i know right i thought it was horrible but um mik cubby was all about it he had like five glasses so i was thinking i was thinking for sure i was getting some but or he was gonna fall asleep in the back seat okay you just pretty much gave all of the ingredients necessary for a day i bought him dinner he got drunk he owes me well what what i think we both kind of had a little bit of give-and-take after that because after dinner which the food was horrible horrible horrible never going back because the last like three times i've been to macaroni girl the food's been horrible so i don't remember why i ever liked it in the first place but after the macaroni girl is across the street from best buying super target i've not been to a best buy since like june so i i couldn't just start salivating yes i mean i could not i could not get it out of my head that the best buy was across the street all i'm thinking is like i need to go get a tivo i need to go get dvd's i need to go get and so i'm like eventually i'm like macubby so you're telling me you got cock blocked by danger mass volume two no you got cock block bike full house complete fourth season which by the way danger mass must be somewhat kind of cool because the sprout ticket in the divorce didn't even send me my damn danger mouse dvd's little bastard anyways yeah because that's about the mental level he can handle his danger mass season two so that's why he took them hi taylor you're so mean all right so we went uh as far as the sprout goes yes i am gladly so we went to uh asshole we went to best buy go ahead so we went to best buy and walked around there bought the transformers dvd so now i've bought the transformers dvd twice i bought the target special edition and the best spot special edition which makes me uber geeky but you're kidding me i spent 25 dollars on each of them i hate to admit this but i bought two copies too did you get the target one in the walmart one yes i know i got the target one and then i got one from walgreens okay yes i did i know it's sad why i will tell you that we bought it on um i think last thursday and we've watched it about five times wow so that makes tank extra geeky too that's awesome but and then we went to go see across the universe which it's like it's like nine o'clock in that report nothing to do and he wants he's like do you want to go to a bar to go see a movie i'm like i don't want to do either there's something else we can do here's like i want you to blow me i'm like i want some i want you to get my dick wet now now we can do it all i want you to get my dick wet is that what you just said yes that's the new title now we can do this with the five glasses of wine or we can do this with the roofie and your sprite in the movies which he wants so yes so we went to go see across the universe which is that's the shaun pin the one he directed correct uh did he directed it i don't remember that i mean it's the beels movie no uh the woman who did the lion king directed july tamer so it was it was very you know trippy no it wasn't not nearly as trippy as i think people were expecting it to be because it was like us and a bunch of granola merit you know token hippies with us um you know in the movie theater and they were all very very disappointed because it was not nearly as trippy as i think they were all expecting it to be parts of it were they were making it out like it was supposed to be like very bad lerman inspired trip you know yes it was a pretty linear story it just didn't have a really strong narrative and it was it was good but it was the like the beginning was very weak because you know the more the early beetle songs are more poppy so they had a hard time identifying that when the songs had more of a meaning it was easier in the second half of the movie so it very much felt like two different movies with the second one being much much better so you don't recommend it um you know i would and but it's not when you have to see in the theaters it's definitely a netflix or you know whatever yeah so so yeah so that so that date ended with me driving home at two o'clock in the morning with barely getting a peck and i did get a little bit more on the peck but that was it no nuki no nothing i bought dinner the movie you got a peck not a peck yeah and then i had uh a little blonde one over for to watch sorted lives which is apparently uh i've always heard that's really good is that good it is essentially the patron movie of southern gay men it i've heard really funny things it is very funny it is very very funny and then we watched sorted lives and then soap dish because he'd never seen soap dish oh my god so it was the big gay newbie night of the all-time best movies ever yeah so he was a long island hello so i'm quoting soap dish and he's quoting sorted lives and it was it was it was like good night and no nuki and no sleepover well it was bett they'll come maybe next time as you will i better come on mikko b's face i better come soon because it's been oh god it's been like the beginning of july and it's almost the end of you haven't been jammer jerked off since july oh no i've masturbated like twice a day since then but but i need someone else to make me come every once in a while even even sprout gave it to me more often than this listeners we have a challenge for you what about the band director no the band director and our friends he's part of my you know friends here could you not be a buck buddy with your friend um the band director listens to the pod i know right i know like my friends listen to the podcast now which is going to make it very uncomfortable for me to talk poorly about them oh well do you ever say anything bad about the band director though no of course yet he did invite me to go see uh on the podcast all right he did invite me to go see a performance of my other friend you know they're kind of what i mentioned on the blog earlier this week and then left me at halftime or intermission it's called halftime halftime i was gonna say i don't think that's what that's called but yeah i know he left me at intermission because he was too tired to stay for the last half which is really kind of funny because i'm just kind of sitting there like you know surrounded by like college students going who can i fucking hear i was gonna say you weren't looking around going who can i fuck oh yeah this okay the whole date rate thing now it's getting a little scary you're talking about i can't help it but one thing that i would like to say um and this is kind of getting serious for just a second is that we know that there are lots of um fires going on in the san diego area and nessa who is one of our most um loyal listeners actually lives lives out that way and we just want to uh she had posted on her blog that you know she was getting a little nervous and that it was getting pretty bad there and that she may have to evacuate so nessa we don't know if you're going to get a chance to listen to this but um you know we're just we're thinking about you so you know you're you're you're and you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers how far is she from san diego i'm not exactly sure off the top of my head because that's who's getting at the worst yeah yeah no i know i know i know that it's pretty bad it's horrible the suburbs north of san diego are the ones that are just where the houses are going it's you know we live in a hurricane and obviously rhodan lives in louisiana so hurricanes are you know obviously prevalent there too but you know the thing with hurricanes is you do get a couple days notice yeah you know to make some you know fire that's that's about as scary as it gets yeah that in tornadoes yeah that's i mean that's yeah well yeah but that that is about as scary as it gets and i i've seen though i watched the on the day show you know they all were there and you know these people are standing talking to the reporters and they're standing you know in their backyard you can see that they're standing by their pool and a hundred feet in the behind them is a row of fire and i'm thinking are you fucking kidding me i mean can you imagine a hundred feet behind you is this mile-long path of fire and you're standing in your house and they're and they're trying to save everything and i'm just like this is unbelievable and i know the san anas are turned and they were you know really being hopeful about that but you know it's that close to your house it's it's just it's actually unreal it is like watching something from a movie they were saying that this is the largest movement of american citizens since the civil war that so many people have had to evacuate that this is not happening this number since the civil war yeah it's like five hundred thousand people it's like nine hundred sixty thousand yeah it's like not it's almost a million people at this point oh my god that's unbelievable so well any of our listeners who are in the san diego area are affected by these fires you know if you have family there or something like that you know you all are in our thoughts and prayers and and we'll be thinking about you absolutely okay so i have a gay story okay um tonight at dinner my the littlest tuffington says did you get a call today for my teacher i said i think you would have heard about it which is never good i think you would have heard about it by now if you had would you like to share with me why she was well i got in trouble for something i didn't do and i'm thinking uh-huh okay like these last words and i said well okay well first off let's hear the backstory that's it's always best to have all the information and she said well the boy who sits in front of me was calling the boy who sits beside me gay he was telling him that he are you gay well god you're so gay and she's like and the more so somebody learned a new word what wait wait pretty much and she said the more he said it the matter it made me well i you know it's spirit week at their school and they all have different days they have to come dressed up now i personally thought that this was incredibly original and incredibly genius yesterday was nerd day they always have come dressed up as nerds and he came dressed up as a box of nerds as in the candy oh that's awesome idea thank you exactly it's it's brilliant but because it was something artistic and different that makes him gay okay fine whatever it probably does actually but hey we appreciate his little gay ass yeah right and and he ended up winning so of course that pisses everyone off too because you know he wasn't a lemon but whatever so anyways she says well you know why are you saying he's gay like that's a bad thing well of course the kid didn't have any idea how to respond to that because you know they're six graders and they're all stupid anyways right and he's like well you know so what does that mean you're gay because you're sticking up for him so on her she proceeds to take out her folder and with her black sharpie right gay pride oh my goodness i love her and she proceeds to turn it around and set it up like it's the you know how like a trapper keeper binder will open to where it kind of like it takes your work yes that's what you know and so it says gay pride like blaring to the rest of the class to which her teacher calls rep and says um were you calling him gay and telling him he should be proud and she goes absolutely not i was just doing this in response to so and such who called him gay and i didn't think it was very nice and apparently the teacher thought that that was the incorrect answer and so she told her the little stuffington that she was going to call me and discuss it with me well now a there's no way she did she never called because obviously she thought better of it i i'm i can almost guarantee the argument the fight and the face that my daughter made was i'm sure worth it and she ended up saying at one point i was gridding my teeth at her and i said well i'm i said what class did this happen she goes home room apparently it started the day off right so so that was her my little my little stand-up for equal rights gay pride written across her nobody so that is i told her i told her i said militant i said taylor will be proud drum will be proud i am very proud of her i said drum will be proud yes yes we are we are very much proud of the little stuffington and she's not sure i would be sure to tell her that when i see her next and you know the little box of nerds now is totally got a either a crush on your daughter on the little stuff oh yeah or a crush on the one that called the crush on the one that called them again exactly but now it's going to be a little first tag yeah nice so well that's true let's get real so we have some new friends this week yay on my space we have and actually both of them have seen wrote in second uh i don't know probably not because he hasn't came in the presence of anyone else in july so i'm going to assume no yeah um we have jason and scott and we also have the work in bitches which is some dj thing i don't know they have some like mommy dearest remix where it's just screaming no more wire hangers and they they've tried to be our friends like three or four times so eventually i just said you know what the hell so i added them as a friend nice and we also have um we only have one or two letters actually we only have one letter and that would be from dean and dean says that he just finished episode 14 this morning coming into work and excellent i like i like you guys i heard someone interview you a few weeks ago i think it was redhead your funny witty and thank god not perfect um i thank apparently he hasn't met me but that's why that's i forgive him well taylor and i are not perfect you're you know thank you practically perfect in every way well thanks for the smiles and laughs you have given me so far the people in the cars next to me often think i'm crazy thanks darrell and then he wanted to know if there's any photos of us on the site to which the answer the simple answer is no and we'll just leave it at that yeah we also have an email from jason and it says uh so i've been a listener for a while but i have not ever emailed or i have never emailed or commented considering i'm always listening in the car at the gym i'm not in your computer and frankly i have a short attention span so by the time you're one i've lost all the stuff i would have said that's pretty much us yeah i've been yeah welcome to our world um i've been meaning to comment since the show taffy and rhodantic together because i was a band geek myself so i could definitely relate to taffy stories i remember thinking to myself i wonder who she marched with now i've heard that it was phantom which is cool taylor you can skip this part because i know you have no idea what i'm talking about true then it says taffy i was a tuba player throughout college and while i didn't march drum corps i did follow it pretty closely and have friends that marched cadets and cavaliers and taught for magic of orlando i did uh they taught magic of orlando hmm send me another email and um would that be the garfield cadets because i loved them but go ahead i enjoyed the show so keep up the good work i also listened to q cast archer little fatty and the rob lindley podcasting network so i feel like we're really run in the same circles so to speak if you guys are ever coming to orlando let me know and we could do lunch or something my partner and i are also disney pass holders so if you ever come over for that dot dot dot nice so we may have to have a me i was actually thinking about that what would you say rodan and of course taffy would be invited with to this as well as what if we decide that we will go to gay days next next next jul june i'm totally there and invite listeners to meet meet with i think that'd be very cool yeah okay we we have that okay if you are a listener and you're interested in possibly doing something like that send me an email at pot is my co-pilot gmail dot com and and let us know and if we have enough people that are interested in doing it which at this point would be one i'd be thrilled with one person i'm sure michael from q cast would do it yeah well he may be working that day so he may not be able to but i mean you know and i'm sure ricky and her profound monkeys would go and you know so we could actually do a whole podcasting podcasting bonanza it was like super so weekend but it's with florida gay podcasters it's a clusterfuck of gay podcasters clusterfuck definitely oh it's okay oh jesus now he's all you've got him all riled up hey now i'll get on the phantom menace part marching brand thing um that would be the phantom regiment of math not the phantom menace whatever professor director band director wanted me to tell you that he also danced to or marched to the phantom menace as well he marched phantom regiment i don't know whatever it was that you guys do that i don't really understand okay yeah i need all their names i told him that it kind of glazed over when he was telling me the story so i just would pass along you better back off you gotta understand taylor realizes marching band music to me is porn there's no question i've seen her face change it's scary because sometimes i'm the only one in the car and i'm thinking i'm going to be pregnant by the time we actually go to pick up girls exactly i'm telling you the loudy and the with the snare drums and a mute oh god i can't even take it just the idea of it get a good set of quads and the snare drums and you got the bass up loud you want to kill yourself i'm telling you it's the greatest music ever mixing you know there's a puddle in the driver's oh my body hurts just thinking about it all right let's wrap it up okay there is a contest listeners and viewers of the blog if you are the first person that sends us a picture of a carved not written on a carved pumpkin that says pot is my co-pilot you win a twenty dollar gift card to starbucks so you can have a five thousand calorie pumpkin latte on us actually twenty dollars you can have three or four speaking of which um our third place winner for the contest that we had never sent me any of her information for her starbucks gift card really well then she has until halloween okay okay to get me the information and then we will do a new drawing of the people that i still have all of the names listed and we will pull another name from the proverbial hat oh by the way taylor i think i know what tank is going as for halloween and you might want to be at my house he's going as high as my co-pilot he's going as he's going as kingly and i just from three hundred nice thank you oh i just got a little chubby now all right now now we need to wrap it up yeah and by wrap it up i mean i need to get in a fist fight with me oh that is why i love you it really is because oh you know why wait wait rodan he did give me one of the funniest lines and i know it's not original but oh my god when he said it it made me laugh so hard and drum had never heard it and that just made me laugh even harder we were talking about like women who wear pants too tight who aren't necessarily thin and he goes yeah and i have the muffin top and drum and i are like what he goes you know the muffin top where the fat rolls over the waistband the mental image of this alone is the funniest thing i've ever heard in my whole life because now every time i see when i go muffin top which was basically my entire day yesterday yeah which which they are the muffin tops are plentiful in penniless county let me just say uh the muffin tops are plentiful at disney world yeah yeah absolutely all right well on that note on that note you can go to our blog which is pod is my or you can email us at pod is my co-pilot at or be our friend we're getting close to 100 at uh backslash pod is my co-pilot i think that the 100th friend should get up something i agree if the 100th is the 100th 100th friend has a picture you should post it on the blog that that is our 100th friend or they can come to Louisiana and blow me no that's our new contest ladies and gentlemen you can blow rhodian blow rhodian and receive a twenty dollar gift card to prostitution what so we've gone from date rape to now asking our listeners to become prostitutes it's the evolution of rhodian oh yeah speaking of our listeners we are going to have a guest next on our next episode and that is the winner of our first ever contest a hummer for mammer isn't it a hummer for mammer um and uh we're looking forward to it so be sure to listen and uh we have we he has all the software that he needed to download and he has the hardware that he needs so to speak so to speak and uh we are going to have him on so hopefully it will be a lot of fun wonderful and if not you'll never hear it give it's boring i'm just kidding you'll get edited down you know wait wait wait to put the pressure on poor you know our poor listener so it's good but uh so listen to it um everybody have a great week and we will talk to you soon bye-bye bye bye-bye