[music] You're listening to Hot is My Copilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Hupington, and Rodin. [music] Hi, you're joining- fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, start over, sorry. [laughter] And we have no control over the editing, so we're never going to be quite sure what- Exactly, so we will- he'll put all this in. Alright, go ahead. Do you want me to- Can I count again? Oh, I know we don't have to count once. Okay, well then I will go ahead and start it. Alrighty. You're listening to Hot is My Copilot with Taffy Carlisle Hupington. And Rodin. And tonight we're decaffeinated kittens, no Taylor the Latte Boy. Finally, the power has changed. The power is in our hands. What does this mean for us, anything? I don't know, I'm sure what it really means is that Taylor will be making fun of us. And ultimately, he- Oh, go ahead. He'll just be making fun of us for how inept we are, and just boring. And ultimately, it really is in his hands because he has to edit all this. Yes. So we might come off- if we- listeners, if we sound like complete buffoons- As always, blame Taylor. That should just be the answer to all things. Yes, yes it should. Why did this happen? I don't know blame Taylor. It's just easier that way. So how are you? I'm good. I have been unpacking all weekend. So- So all your stuff is there, and it all did everything you were hoping arrive, arrive safely? Yes. And a lot of stuff I had no idea I even owned. So- Oh, so is it just a bunch of crap? Yeah, I mean, things I had forgotten that I bought are things I just wasn't expecting. Because I like a year and a half ago, I bought an elliptical machine. Oh, God. I mean, it was like $300 from Walmart or Walmart.com or something like that. And I mean, put it together and it's just that in the storage room because it was a pain in the ass to use. Right. I'd rather just go to the gym and use the one at the gym. So, yeah. But now that you've lost a little bit of weight and you have more space to yourself, maybe you'll find more time or whatever to use it. Yeah, I mean, it's totally possible. I mean, it works and there's no issues with it or anything. It's just, you know, pain in the ass kind of, it's not as smooth as the ones in the gym. Or you can have a big ass garage sale and use all your money to buy your new puppies. Oh, yeah, puppies. So. But yeah, no, the whole moving process though is just bizarre and Taylor can edit all this out. But it's, you know, they pack, they go to the house and they swarm to the house, there's like four guys. And they packed up the house in Florida in like an hour. Oh, God. And, you know, they left, you know, they packed it, moved it and they got here on Tuesday and they're supposed to be here at 9 a.m. They got here at 5 p.m. No. Yeah. And they. Was anything broken? Well, first off, they couldn't even get down the road. Oh, God. Because the, all the power lines, the telephone lines are only like 14 feet off the ground. Oh, my God. Their truck is like 13 feet, six inches. So they, at first they thought they were going to go and get a shuttle, so a little U-Haul truck, but they went to the U-Haul place and all the trucks are the same height. The space shuttle? Right. So yes, it was just a pain in the ass. So they backed the tractor trailer up. They backed it up all the way from like quarter mile down the road all the way here because that was the closest place they could actually turn around. They backed it all the way up here, blocked the road for like 10 residents for an hour and a half while they unloaded. So they're already really happy with you at this point? Oh, yeah. I mean, oh, it was miserable. And then they had to like cart everything 300 feet because they couldn't actually go down my driveway. So now are you starting to kind of nest and put things where they go and kind of, you know, make it your house? I'm starting to get there. You know, the first, the first thing I did was like catalog the DVDs. Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? No. And so I, you know, I have like 600 of the 1100 DVDs. Because the very special Rainbow Bright Christmas episode needed to be cataloged. Yes, it needed to be tracked. Oh, my God, is there a Rainbow Bright Christmas episode? Anyways, you know, it was just one of those things I just needed to do. It made me feel better to get it done. So I did that. What did you put them though? If that's the first thing you unpacked, didn't you have shelves and everything already happened? Yeah, the shelves, the shelves kind of got unpacked first, but then, then the DVDs and then I started hitting the boxes. And, uh, and today I was kind of putting away what I could put away and cleaned the, uh, like sofas and stuff because they were pretty nasty. Oh, the second thing I did was- Oh, that's good. I'm glad you got everything. And there wasn't any big drama about your ex kind of, you know, look, it's a box. And when you open it up, you know, it's, um, table scraps or something. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So, you know, and this whole thing has kind of made me, you know, now I'm kind of, the stuff here. I kind of really had this hankering to, uh, to look at- Get your house organized? Well, I, I've been kind of lonely. Aw, even with all the hot pieces of ass you've been getting in Monroe? I haven't gotten any hot pieces of ass in Monroe, not in two months. Okay, skanky pieces of ass, whatever. Well, before I go into my puppy store, why don't you tell me about your weekend so far? When my weekend so far has been fine. I had a little incident Friday, which I'll get to in a moment. And, um, last night we went to a high school band competition, proving that as cool as we think we are, we are still big giant works. Especially, especially considering, yes, a high school band competition, especially considering we don't have children who are in a band. That's like the saddest, the saddest Saturday night. Actually, you know, I have to say, I say that we had a great time. It was like old home week. I knew so many of the directors from when I marched drum corps and they all marched with me. And it was a lot of fun. I saw a ton of people I knew and the bands were really good. And actually Saturday night here, it was like 82 and breezy and we were in the stands. So, it was actually pleasant. It was shocking. That's nice. Yeah, it was a nice night. But, no, Friday night. Actually, I take that back. Thursday night is what I want to talk about. Thursday night, our school had a huge, like, you know, I posted something about it where there was like a JV game, a junior high game, a volleyball game, a pep assembly. Like, it went on for five hours, fine. So, obviously, you know, we've talked before that I've lost a significant amount of weight. Right. Well, I haven't bought a lot of new clothes and I need to desperately. But, I had on a pair of, an old pair of Capri Pant, Jean Capri Pant because, you know, you know, I'm the bomb. So, I have the t-shirt on with the buttons of your kids and you have, you know, the mom jeans on, the whole thing. So, I'm loaded down. I have, like, one of my daughter's backpacks and the other one's cheerling bag and my purse and, you know, the stuff I take to all the games with the cowbells and all this other crap in it. And I knew I had about a five-minute window to run all the way back to the football field, grab the car and come around to the front of the gym to pick everyone up before the 620 people who were in our gym for a volleyball game. Oh, my gosh. That's how many tickets they sold, 620. Yeah. It was ridiculous. It was packed. Standing room only for a volleyball game. So, I mean, our school is crazy, but that's pretty crazy. Anyway, so, I'm running out and the lights on the football field are already on and our school is kind of shaped like a giant H. So, I'm all the way on the other side of the H and I have to run through the, around the entire building practically to get back to where the football field is, which is where I'm parked. And as I'm rounding the corner, my pants fall down. Oh, Lordy. And I'm going commando. Oh, nice. So, thank God it's quasi-dark and I had rounded the corner. Except as I'm coming around the corner, I hear our percussion section who is having night practice and I swear to God what they are playing on the percussion is the do, do, do, do, do, do, do. I shit you not. So, I'm like, oh, God. So, I dump everything down on the ground, you know, all the bags and everything fall down. And, of course, because they, not only did they come down, they came like down and I stepped out of one with one foot. So, my shoe had caught on the waistband. So, I'm like grabbing my pants, pulling them up, looking for the shoe, and I hear a voice that goes, "Taffy? Taffy? I think it's a man I turned around." And it is the principal of the junior high. Thank God all he saw was me, like, bending back over to pick the stuff up after I got my pants up. And he's like, "Did you drop something?" I'm like, "No, I'm fine. Everything's good." I dropped my pants. Yeah, there's like 650 people about to walk out behind me, and, you know, I, you know, got my big giant bear ass, you know, at our Christian school. So, that's lovely, lovely, lovely. So, yeah, that was my lovely Thursday evening. I'm thinking, one of these little boys is going to come out here and go through puberty in about five minutes, and then have to throw up in the bushes. So, I don't know which is first. Yeah. So, after that, the weekend kind of paled in comparison to my Thursday night. But now it's been, it's been a fine, a fine weekend. Today was my mother-in-law's birthday. Oh. Yes, and we have a running joke because she was here one day with Taylor, and she kept going on this tangent about. I wanted some fish, and fish sounds really good, and I think I'm going to have fish, and fish, fish, fish, fish. So, she decided she wanted to go to a local restaurant down here called the Hurricane. Have you ever been there? Yes. Okay, so, of course, all of us at the table ordered fish, and for ten minutes we proceeded to talk like that. How's your fish? My fish is really good. Fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish. So, of course, she never got it, but all of us were giggling secretly. So, that's really all that mattered because I've been on occasion that I've wanted to punch my mother-in-law on the face, but that's fine. That's awesome. As I'm sure everyone has. Yeah, no, my mother-in-law or my ex-mother-in-law, my fairy-mother-in-law. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Same thing. I'm not an abusive person, but they could make me. Well, you know, I'm an only child, and my husband's an only child, and I've always said that, the only person who has a worse mother-in-law than me is him. Well, yeah, but you've known each other's family since you guys were, like, what, twelve? Well, I was thirteen, and he was sixteen. But see, the only problem with that is, is that it's really good in one respect because you have known each other for so long. But then the other respect is, since they've known you since you were thirteen, they want to mother you. Mm-hmm. And I don't want that since I'm pushing forty, you know what I mean? Right, no, I understand. That's not something I need to have in my life, nor is it something my husband needs to have. And he's, you know, told her that several times. But, you know, I'm sure God willing, I will have son-in-laws, and I'll probably drive them crazy too. So, I don't know. Yeah. You know, an interesting little tidbit, just because one of the people I've met in Monroe, is the new band director, choral director. Yes. Well, that is a big difference. No, no, no, I mean, he, well, not choral. He does a marching band, and he does orchestra. Oh, fabulous. So, you know, every time I talked to him, he was always talking about doing these drills, and I've seen the little computer program where they, like, show the marching flow and all that kind of stuff. Yes, let me just, I assure you, when I was teaching marching and maneuvering back in the late '80s, we had the spreadsheets that you had to, that you would constantly roll up, and then you'd have to put, like, you know, the paper rocks and everything on the field to hold down the rolled up little script. Now they have the computer program where the Xs move. Yes. It's fricking amazing. Every time I watch our band director, I just go, "What? Where was this in the '80s?" Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah. Well, I will tell you that buyer beware with a band director, and the only reason I say that is because band directors are another breed of person. They're a completely different breed of a normal person. I'm not even talking people who are in band. If people who are in band, if they're truly good musicians, band is a religion, you know what I mean? Right, yes. I'm noticing this, and it's kind of weird. Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, there is no play with that, and if they are a band director, you know, I got my degree in music theory. Okay. And for about five seconds, I thought about becoming a band director. And then I thought, "What the hell am I thinking?" Because even though it is, I think it is truly a thankless job, and these people who do it love it, it is 24 hours a day. They do not think of anything else. If you are talking to them, they're thinking of an eight count. They're thinking of how an eight count could be better. They're thinking of how a formation could be better, how a drill could be better. They absolutely, plus you have to think that every Friday nights are going to be at a game. Every Saturday night, they're going to be at a competition. Most Sundays, they're going to be at parades. They have practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Most of the time, they have double practices. They do it right after school and then at night. I mean, literally, they're consumed. Well, he's the, for ULM, for University of Louisiana, Monroe. Oh, that's awesome. So, yeah, so no, but it's exactly what you're talking about because we had this, like, Emmy party a couple of weeks ago, whenever the Emmys were on, and, like, the whole time, he's, like, sitting on the laptop doing the marching formations. I'm like, "Dude." No, no, no. Honestly, I know this sounds sick, but there's no question that band directors actually, I think their brain actually functions, I'm being serious. They actually function on a different level because they see things as, you know, when you hear a song like the Olympic theme or whatever, they don't hear the song. What they see is, "How can I get my band members to form the five rings?" And then, "How can they move to where they look like a javelin?" I swear to God because when I started doing it, I was doing the exact same thing. You hear things in eight counts, you hear, it absolutely will consume you. Literally, if you ever, you know, if my husband knows he ever wants to get me in the mood, play the soundtrack from Drumline because marching band music is, like, cracked to me. I cannot explain it. There's something truly iconic about snare drums and percussion, and when you hear them, and it's, "Oh, my, I don't know what it is," it gives me goosebumps. I'm talking about it. I have to take a moment for myself. I think I'm getting more moist. Yeah, right. Well, you get juicy over there. Oh, goodness. I didn't realize that we would get onto this whole band geek band geek. Chad. Well, you know that that is where my husband and I met was at band camp. Oh, Lord of the Lord of the Lord. So when American Pie came out, of course, this one time at band camp was only uttered to us about five million times. I am sure. And you guys were still in your thirties. Exactly. So now we did we met at band camp. It's tragic and sad. I realize. And you know, all 99% of band members are completely the most dirtiest minds. Ever. Well, yeah. Were you in band in high school or college? No, I was in band. Well, I was in band. I guess. Yeah, high school freshman year. Did you march? No, I couldn't march. I was just that uncoordinated. I couldn't plan March at the same time. Do you know who I would love to see try to march in a band? Who? Taylor. Oh, with the big giant Suza phone, the big tuba with a huge bell. Can you even imagine with a little with a little beret on his head? Oh, God. That is going to be my like my birthday wish when I turned 40 or something is to have him show up at my house in a full on band regalia with the plume. Oh, Jesus. That's the best thing I've ever seen in my life. That'd be like porn for you. What are you talking about? That would be porn for me. I really do believe that actually. If I could have him in tank standing side by. Yeah, I again, I'd have to take moment for myself. Oh, kiddokey. Oh, so yes, that's that's our that's our band dork story for the day. All right. Oh, so puppies. Are you going to have babies in your house? I may have babies in my house. Oh, that, please. I can't take it. Well, I saw the pictures and I have to tell you, even though I got the idea of two puppies is I just don't know if I can handle that, especially someone who's gone all day who's working. But those faces I don't that's like Sophie's choice. You know, how do you choose which face? Well, and that's rough. Yeah. And, you know, it's weird because I wasn't drawing any of the other in any of the other pets in the whole place when there was a good six or seven other puppies. One's younger, one slightly older, you know, some of them, you know, these two were just great because I kneeled down next to them and they just kind of looked at me and then like, the puppy eyes, but they didn't even have to, they didn't need to be bothered or whatever. I'm like, Hey, you come here. No, are they, are they together? They are the last two puppies of two different letters. Well, did you tell them that you're thinking of getting them? Because they might be gone. Well, I did. And, but the thing is that they were both. They've been there about three weeks. So, how old are they? They're eight weeks. Oh, they are little tiny. So they are very much, but they're very much at the end of their lifespan. Oh, God, please. Okay. You can't tell. You can't talk anymore about that. So, well, and so I'm there and I'm thinking, you know what? I don't think I could choose. And I'm like thinking, and the real big problem for me is that back home, I have a child shepherd mix or back in Florida. Not really home anymore. I have a child shepherd mix and a bacenji terrier mix. And now is your ex keeping them for you or are they areas? He's just keeping them. He's just keeping them. He's, he's got soul custody. Oh, well, then you need, you know, I being someone who has a dog who I absolutely, well, I just wrote a book about her. So that's how much I love that puppy. I can certainly understand the need for a little wet nose and a little kiss. I get it. Yeah. And, you know, but these two are the same types of breeds and they're like in the same kennel together and they kind of behave exactly like my zander and spike back home. Exactly like them. Now, well, you know, they say if you're going to get one dog to get two because they keep each other company. I mean, they're packing animals. So that's, well, I think your decisions aren't even made then. Well, yeah. So if they're both there, I like that. Well, yeah. Yeah, no, like, it's like. So do we have names picked out for the set animals or wait to learn their personality. I think I would wait. They already have names, but I don't think the names fit them at all. What were they? Jack and checkers. Okay. Checkers is horrible. I know, right? Jack is cute. Are they both boys? Yes. Jack and Max or something. Now, Jack was his sisters in the litter work named Chrissy and Janet. Oh, God. So Mr. Roper, that could be the other one. Yeah. And then, wait, wait, wait. One of them is not a beagle, is it? No. Because he could have the regal beagle. Or it was Larry the neighbor? Larry. Yeah. Was it? That's what I thought. The creepy guy upstairs. Yeah, with the big fro hair. Yes, and the always the chest hair in the gold chains. Exactly. If Taylor had lived in the 70s, that's what he would have looked like. Wait, that would be, that would be us. Taylor could be Janet. I could be Chrissy. Janet had a big, big hairy chest. Well, no, but you probably had double Ds, then he has to be Suzanne Summers. Taylor is Suzanne Summers. There we go. That's the name of our podcast. The Thighmaster. Oh, God. Oh, no, that image I cannot have, Taylor Thighmaster. So that Suzanne Summers was in in the 80s, or like 80s. She's the sheriff. She's the sheriff. God help me. Why do I know that? I don't know. Who was on that with her? It was like, he ended up playing Jerry Falwell in like his life story. What was his name? Some himbo kind of guy. Yeah, he was kind of very boss hoggish. I don't, I don't know. But yeah, she's the sheriff. That's what she was in. And then she went on to do the one with Patrick Duffy. Step by step. Oh my goodness. It's Suzanne Summers. She visited HSN Covergirl. Yeah, but I've heard that up close, she's a little scary. Well, she's over 50 at this point. I'm 50. I can kick. Stretch. Sorry. Oh, God, she's got to be way over 50. I would say she's pushing 60. Really? Well, Jesus, I mean, Three's Company was in the 70s and she had to be in her 20s. That's true. That is very true. She's got to be pushing 60. But you know, honestly, though, not a bad body. I don't care if it's been enhanced or not. She still has to take care of herself. Let me tell you something. Have you seen Kristi Brinkley lately? Uh, yes. She looks exactly the same. She looks like she's had some work done. I mean, a little too much. She's on that cusp. If she has one more thing done, she'll look like she was on the swan. Oh, God. The swan. But right now she's looking good, but not really. But even her body looks exactly the way it did when she was, you know, 18 and she did vacation. It's amazing. Yeah. Hello. Are you there? Did I lose you? No, I'm sitting there. I'm going to switch back to Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo. Sorry, I must have moved the computer. Beverly D'Angelo. I forgive you this time. Did you ever know, are you a big vacation fan like a Christmas? Do you have to watch Christmas vacation? Um, you know, I've grown to appreciate them much more as I grew up. Yeah. Whereas now, oh my God, the Tivo's starting in the other room. Um, what are you Tivo-ing? Nothing. I had to reset it because it's from Florida and blah, blah, blah. And so I just finally got it hooked up and you have to go through this whole new process. This whole process and it's taken like an hour and a half. And I just heard the little horns going off that the Tivo start music. Which is, you know, talk about making someone wet. Music to your ears. Oh, yeah. I've missed Tivo these last 90 days. I don't know if you've been, I have said on several occasions that, um, yeah. Doesn't that give you ADD though? Now don't you fast forward through like half of everything? Oh, yeah. No, I can't watch the fact that I've had to watch TV at regular speed for the last three months has been absolute torture. It's why I watch MSNBC all the time because I've, yeah. No, I completely agree. When we go on vacation and we're in a resort and there's no Tivo. I know this sounds completely like the most spoiled thing you could say, but I actually find myself not even wanting to watch any television because even at night or whenever, because I'm like, oh my God, I can't pass forth through this or I can't see what's coming up next. It's driving me freaking crazy. Yeah. I'm telling you, Tivo is going to be responsible for adult ADD. There's no questions. Well, adult ADD or whatever it's called is ADHD or whatever the hell it's called these days is, you know, so over prescribed at this point. Anyways, I mean, the whole adult, not Paxil, but Ritalin thing is, oh. Please, I know. I have a problem with, we can't get on that tangent because I just, yeah. The reason children need to be put on Paxil, which I think is an oxymoron, but whatever. The reason children are put on Paxil is because they don't have PE. They don't have recess. All of us were crazy when we were little, but you know what? They kicked our ass out of school and let us run around for 45 minutes until we were exhausted. I mean, honestly, now these kids are, you know, no child left behind. You have to sit in the desk for six hours and, you know, play to the state mandated test and they never have time to actually, you know, eat dirt, go outside, swing set, you know, jungle gym. There's no time for that. So that's why when they finally get home, they're manic for something to do and their parents are going crazy. Well, you know, and there's this whole thought process that, you know, we need to keep up with Japan in terms of education and that they're, you know, for other, you know, first world countries essentially are kind of beating us when it comes to education. I think they're whipping our ass, actually. Right. But part of the problem is now is we're trying to catch up. We're trying to play their game in our mindset and it doesn't work. No, I agree. Because our whole key to success is being able to quote unquote "thick outside the box" and be kind of original. Which is completely not what we are at some point. Exactly. Because now we're just trying to, like you said, teach the tests and there's no development of creativity. Well, I'm really happy that our school doesn't take the FCAT, which is the Florida Standardized Test. Right. We don't have to take that because they gear their teachings are abeka curriculum, which ones they go toward the SATs and ACTs. Okay. But it's amazing to me that they are teaching that public schools in Florida, and I'm sure it's this way nationwide. If they have a standardized test that is only for that state, those teachers teach the answers on those tests. Yeah. That is their teaching log. That is where they get their assignments from, which is gross. There is no time of, instead of let's read about dissecting a book, or dissecting a worm, it's actually dissected. I mean, didn't you do dissections when you were in school? Oh, yeah. Thoroughly disgusting. Oh, really? I thought it was awesome. Well, I was kind of cool with it. We had a very, very forward thinking class, well, certainly for Ohio, but for just in general. And we actually, this is going to offend a ton of our listeners, but it's true. I can't help it. Our whole class dissected a horse. Really? Yes. I have to tell you, though, I learned more from, and we did it over the course of four days. And it was, you know, you had to use the back entrance to the room and all this other stuff because they had to block off everything. Because obviously all the desks had to be moved. And it was a whole class project, but let me tell you something. The most single interesting thing I've probably did entirely, not only in high school, but in college as well. Wow. But we started off doing, you know, the earthworms and moved to the frogs. And then we did like groups of four, and we had a pig, like the baby pigs. Yeah. And then as a whole class for our final report, we did a horse. And it was absolutely amazing. They had someone come in from, I mean, I know we're going to get letters, but they had someone come in from a local meeting. It was a local meat market that actually did the first cut because it was such a big animal. They didn't want any of us doing that. But then we had to identify all the organs, and we had to see how their bone structure was. It was actually very amazing. Now you can do online. You can do virtual frog dissection and all that other stuff. But I always loved that part. I thought that was really cool. Virtual frog dissection? Oh, yeah. There's a whole thing online. You can virtually dissect a couple of different animals that they do. And some schools do that because, you know, parents run an uproar over dissection and everything. You can do it virtually online. Oh, Lord. I know. That's insane. I mean, I don't like that. I mean, like the frogs, they came to us like frozen and you like undo them or whatever. So there's no like killing the frog with the chloroform. We didn't have to do that. Right. No, we never had to do that. Although I will say that, um, now, I mean, of course, none of us were mature, but you know, when you get the frog and it would start getting really soft. You'd like to make a dance. You'd like to do the WB. Hello, my baby. Hello, my darling. Yeah. Yeah, I think we have more. It's wonder we weren't all kicked out of school. Yeah, it was more like we got to the fetal pig that was like, you know, doing stuff. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, I know. I just, I'm getting sick just thinking of that old formaldehyde. Oh. Well, didn't you have to wear the masks and the gloves and the whole lab coat thing? It was very Dr. Frankenstein-esque in some points. And our teacher was about 127. We didn't wear masks. Oh, we wore masks in gloves, really? Yeah. No masks. And I'm pretty sure no gloves. No, are you serious? I'm serious. That's very scary. Yeah. I'm just thinking back. I think we had to wear goggles and that was it. Yeah. We had to wear goggles, masks and gloves. Then you had to have a smock on because inevitably some boy would be stupid and like flip a frog and deliver on you or something. Or you try to have one kid that was really cool and he would like try to slip an organ into his pocket so in the lunchroom he could gross everybody out. Yeah. Yeah. No. Oh, God. No. Oh, my gosh. You're not even aprons. Yeah. You might want to write a letter to your high school. Oh, please, please. We, we, my high school, I don't know if you remember back when this was a big deal. Probably not because you were probably in college or on that time. Yeah. What year did you graduate? Ninety-four. But back in the early nineties they had in south Florida or in central Florida, they had this whole thing called America First. And it was this whole philosophy that teachers in school could only teach that things that were USA centric. And if it wasn't USA centric mindset, then it was not taught. Well, then how could you learn about world history or Latin or French or Spanish? World history was very much centered around the US's place in it. Oh, my God. Yeah. No, it was misery. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Was that during the Clinton regime or the Bush regime? Bush. Well, that, there's your answer. Well, you remember that silly, the woman who was in Sarasota who ran for governor? She was behind it. Back in the nineties, I have no idea. No, no, no, no. Just this last round where Chris got elected. Yeah. Maybe some state senate or something. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about. Everyone was all, and Taylor did some thing. He like. Not run a storm. No. Um, not more them. Sandy more them. She was our secretary of state for a while. And I have no idea. Anyways, get it right. But she was the one. I mean, she lived in Lake County back then and she was responsible for it. And then she moved to Sarasota. And she was on the school board. That is about as close minded as I've ever heard in my whole life. Well, because it gets worse because not only were things USA centric, but they were also Christian fundamentalist centric, which, you know, could be okay if it wasn't that. Not in a public school. Hello, separation of church and state. Well, yeah. So, but because that's when I started to come out and I thought that was well received. Yeah. No, I got called to the counselor's office and was told that I needed to shut up or that I would not be able to graduate. Are you kidding me? And you didn't file a class action suit suit? Well, I mean, at the time, I, you know, I was just kind of stunned. And, you know, it was second. Yeah. You know, we was already December, January. So, I mean, it was already like enough of the year gone by that the thought of. Another year at that school. You wanted to kill yourself? Oh, yeah. No. So it was one of those. I mean, I didn't really change anything, but. What high school was this? Umatilla. What was it? Umatilla. U-M-A-T-I-L-A. So, it's where. So, any listeners who have students going there, let's hope they've changed their, uh, their idealistic thinking. Oh, yeah. No. I mean, I was the only out gay person in the entire county schools. Are you kidding me? No. Well, you were the only one that was out, but you know that there was tons more. Yeah. No, because you're a pioneer. Yeah. Very shortly after I did, after I came out, um, and I kind of joined, I joined this Delta youth group thing in Orlando, which was amazing. Mostly for the sex. But. Well. Oh, nothing like getting a bunch of high school guys together for sex and conversation. It's promised keepers for the teenage set. I mean, conversation and, you know, activism. And by activism, of course, you mean double-fisting. Okay. No double-fisting. Anyway, so. Oh, my God. Yeah. So now I got called into the counselor's office. They made a big deal of it. And I find out the teacher who, like, ratted me out. Mm-hmm. And it was someone that I trusted. And it was very much, uh, it was very hard. That is awful. Did your parents ever find out about this? No. Oh, God. No. So, I mean, I never, you know, I never really talked about it. I don't even think I talked about it. It's like my boyfriend at the time who, 'cause once I was starting to come out, wasn't very happy with me because it wasn't very hard to figure out. 'Cause he wasn't out. Yeah. Yeah. And then he would deny it and people would, people bashed him a lot. That's lovely. Whereas, you know, no one touched me, no one talked to me about it. No, I mean, people just kind of were fine. Yeah. So, to the next year, lesbian came out. They just had a documentary come out, I think it was called Flock of Dodos or something like that. And it was all about the teachings of creationism versus, um, intelligent design versus evolution. And it's a documentary. What they do is they don't, they don't say, you know, it's not left-ring, white-ring, liberal conservative. It's nothing like that. Right. So, before they take these people who have, like, doctoral candidates, PhDs, whatever, in evolutionary theory, in, um, intelligent design, and the whole, I mean, the whole creationism, the aged earth concept, the whole entire thing, and they break it down to tell what each one believes, and which, which region of the nation is teaching, what? Right. Amazing. You, you absolutely should find it, watch it, because I'm telling you, it is amazing. When you sit there and you think, because what's really bad is when they start explaining one, you're like, that totally makes sense. And they start explaining the other one, you're like, that totally makes sense. And they start explaining the third one, you're like, that totally makes sense. But I, you know, it's, it's just, and what's really funny is the ones who say, well, you know, you know, obviously, if they're talking about creationism, you know, they have to be, you know, of Christian-based faith. Right. And they start talking, they're like, well, you know, isn't it possible that, you know, if intelligent design exists, then obviously, you know, a higher intelligence come up with even the professors who are like, totally atheist, and they're like, you know, we don't believe any of this has anything to do with God, but yeah, we believe in intelligent design, and they're like, well, okay, well, then who, who, what intelligent being created, you know, a heart valve? Does he know? That has to have, that has to have these teeny tiny little ventricles to work, you know, in a very certain way, a very specific way, you know, what intelligent design, who created that then? And they're like, oh, well, you know, it's from this and that. But it's hysterical to watch them try to defend themselves, because you know, this is their life's work. Yeah. Oh. I know it's, but it is fascinating, even though it sounds like you're like, oh God, really, but no, I'm telling you, it was very fascinating. Of course, I'm a documentary whore anyways. Well, and just, you know, do you, I know, are you a fan of the documentary or no? Me. You know, sometimes it depends. I don't like ones that really preach a very specific outcome. Mm-hmm. You know, like more. Yes. I'm trying to say. Do you like, do you like informative ones? Like, shelter dogs, or Chernobyl heart, any of those things like that, or does something you would never watch? I'm not thinking I'd watch this. I mean, it's more, I don't even know the name. Or do you like the ones that are about, you know, the documentaries about beauty pageants for little girls? Oh, yeah. No. I like unbiased ones, what I was trying to say. Okay. Before I just couldn't think of it. Yeah. But how can you have an unbiased documentary? The purpose of the documentary is to present the documentarians views on why that's their chosen subject. Almost every documentary in the world is biased some way. Well, everything's biased in some way, but you, I mean, I'm not talking like Michael Moore-type bias. I just don't like this. Yeah, that's, that's pretty biased. Even though, and I got to tell you, I've watched every single one of his documentaries, and I like them, but there's always comes a part where he gets to the point where I think you had me up until there, and then you lost me, because there's a tone in his voice, he gets when he starts to get real preachy, and he loses me right then. And usually his movies are, you know, they're pretty solid, but then he gets, he goes one step too far, and then I'm lost. Yeah. What? Yeah. To each their own, I guess. Do you realize that we were at 35 minutes without Taylor? I know. It's crazy. It's somewhat liberating. It's a little weird. I feel, I feel a little lost without him. Not. I'm thinking for a second thinking, is he being serious? Well, he's going to listen to this anyway. No, you know, he's going to happen is he's going to edit this, and he's going to go, "Oh my God, when you guys sent me the file, it totally didn't work. It's all destroyed." Okay. We're recording next Thursday. All right. Are you guys supposed to be doing the video podcast this week, right? We are. We're supposed to be doing a video podcast. In fact, I was just talking to Tank about a webcam, because God help us if we all get webcams. Can you even imagine? That means we'll all have to be dressed when we do our podcast. Yeah. We'll have to figure out some way, like, doing it, like, Neopolitan, so that there's, like, a Taffy, a Taylor, and a Rodan. Oh, God. A three-screen split. That would be awesome, actually. You know, I told Taylor, because neither one of us are quite ready to, you know, have our faces shown to the world, that we should do it as the unknown podcaster with the bags of our heads, and his can have, like, you know, his spatial features, and mine can have, you know, the big giant hoop earrings. I think it's fabulous. I think it's an excellent idea. You could have, like, a bag with, like, your "me" face on it. Exactly. Exactly. That's fantastic. It could be our "come" face. Oh, oh, oh, oh, your "oh" face. Oh, your "oh" face. You could, you know, I've seen her soul. Yeah, that's going to happen. I'm telling you right now. There's going to be some sort of a costume. I think we should totally have, we should dress up as superheroes. Taylor could be Wonder Woman. It's fabulous. Of course, what other suits going to fit his double D's? Okay. You're going to get me in trouble. He can hit me. He can't reach you. Okay, so I was listening to episode 28 today, and I've listened to, like, the last four episodes in the last two days while I've been unpacking and catching up on stuff. And one, we're funny. You just, like, listening to the sound of your own voice. That's all it is. Yeah, no. So, one, we're funny, and I just... True. I didn't quite realize that we were funny. Oh! I mean, it's been this, like, stark realization to me that, like, we're kind of funny. That speaks volumes. Oh my God, I'm totally funny. No, really. Yeah, oh my God. So the other thing is that we're raunchy. Oh, we are... No, the word is filth. Oh, my goodness. Yes. We have a tendency to get, well, I think not the last episode, but the one before that was probably the worst one with the whole blowing in the ass story. Yeah. Wait. Go ahead. No, that one was pushing them below, probably. But, you know, I think in every single episode, we've even talked about double anal fisting or bucocky or some sort of ball gag. Yeah. That's like... Yeah. It's just nuts. So... It's drums nuts, big round nuts, with this chestnut bush. Yes. I actually think the drum is going to be a guest host soon. Maybe he'll be a guest host on the video podcast. Yeah, I'm thinking I would like to be on... I mean, I know Taylor doesn't want to try to edit all five voices or four voices or whatever. Yeah. He's a little scared of that. But I would love to be on with drum and/or tank, because I think it'd be a lot of fun. You have to come up and see us and then we'll have a round robin. Okay. You can pass me around for smokes. Mm-hmm. From my lips to God's ears. All right. Well, listen, I think we probably should wrap this up. We're at 38 minutes and I think our listeners are probably starting to say, "Oh, God, will they ever shut up?" I know. Right. With no caffeine, you can't go as long. That's... Well, I can go as long as you can. Well, at this point, it's been three months. I may be having to go to chicks. Oh! Will you ever be that desperate, really? There used to be a bumper sticker that said, "I'll never be so gay I wouldn't let a girl blow me." Oh. Actually... Well, listen, if you get the dogs, you must post it on the blog because I have to know about it. That's just too awesome. And I need to post on the blog the super secret squirrels that do stuff on the side of my building. So, at work... I posted a picture of a super secret squirrel that licks glass. I saw that. It made me giggle. It made me giggle too. I thought it was very funny. I don't know why I just did. Okay. So, come be our friend at MySpace.com/Pod is my co-pilot. Very good. I'm so proud. I know. Do you know the rest? I do. Do you want me to do the rest? Hold on. I'm trying to think because if I don't do at least one, I'm going to get yelled at you know that because he's mean to me. He's nice to you, but he's really, really nice to me. No, he's... Let me see. Okay. Or they can also be our MySpace friend. I already did that one. Ah, shit. Well, you can email us at pod is my co-pilot@gmail.com. Yeah, you got it right. Yay. Or visit our blog at pod is my co-pilot.com. You can also go on to iTunes and please leave us a five star review because we're moving on up. We're like on the top of the third page. Yeah. Or top of the fourth page. Almost to the third. I posted my review finally. I thought I had. I thought I had and I went and I opened my iTunes on my desktop and I realized I'd never had. I did. I see. All right. Well, that's wonderful. Well, then all of our listeners should go out and give us comments. I think they should also go on to the blog and see the pictures of your new puppies. Yes. Tell me whether I should get both, one, or neither. I think that if you're going to get one, you might as well get both. Yeah. I was thinking that too. So, I just thought I would throw that in there. Of course, I'm going to say that and I'm going to get an email in a week that says from Taylor, "What the hell were you thinking?" I'm sorry. Of course, he has two dogs, so he doesn't understand, he understands the need for puppy love. Right. Or we'll get like an email, hate mail from people who love only one dog and one dog at a time. That's me. Like the dog when augumists. That's me because I know that my dog has to be an only child. There's no way possible she can have another dog. She is way too spoiled. Right. But at least I know that. So, that's good. All right. Well, listen. We probably enjoyed our little time together. I'm so glad we had this time together. I know. It's like a girl's night out. It is. Except we're in. Okay. All right, everybody. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye. Bye. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]