Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 23 - I Think I Lost Ball Paintin' Privileges A While Ago....

Broadcast on:
20 Aug 2007
Audio Format:

It's all things 80's this episode as Taylor and Taffy are joined by Tank Huffington.  We start off with the SYTYCD finale, and work our way into the new fall schedule....Another chapeter from "Taylor's Big Gay Childhood" is read to the masses....80's toys...Jean Claude Van Damme (no, seriously)...The best of the worst movies ever....80's icons we had a "thang" for....Grad Night....thirtysomething, Moonlighting, and Will and Grace....Movies we haven't got around to watching yet...Stinky Celebrities...Tank eats an armpit sandwich....Taffy spits in the face of positive thinking...We talk about a listener's podcast, and Taylor gets the address wrong (It's, Big News from PiMC, MySpace and Madonna Madonna Madonna!  Ladies with an attitude...fellas that were in the mood....

PLEASE leave us a review at iTunes!  We would like to have at least 25 by the time we record the next show next weekend. 

Music: Brain Bukit: Run Rabbit/The Chase





Hi this is Ricky, her Stephanie Ryan and you're listening From the Falmunkies podcast and you're listening to pot is my co-pilot. That's right You're listening to pot is my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy taffy Carlisle Huffington and Rodin Hi, this is Taylor the latte boy and welcome to episode 23 of pot is my co-pilot We are joined tonight by mr. Tank Huffington good afternoon, and the hooker with the heart of gold Miss Taffy Carlisle Huffington only for you boys Money up front She doesn't take payment in cash though she never Sticks payment in cock Welcome to pot is my co-pilot with taffy Carlisle Huffington alone. Yeah. Oh, well. Oh I've seen those videos before Not not of you, but I hear the ticking of the clock Alone, oh, okay. Oh my god Oh That's not my that's not my favorite heart song though My favorite heart song he's a good one. It reminds me of a boy. I used to date in high school The name was Ryan Lam. I loved him, and that was like our song. Oh Dropping the names are we he looked like tang and played saxophone. So go figure anything else you want to share about him in front of your husband? So we have a lot to talk about tonight. Oh, absolutely first of all first and foremost even though you and I've discussed this privately So you think you can dance? I was I was happy with I like Sabra. I Really liked the other girl. I know a lot of people kind of were tipped off by her for some reason I don't know why but like I got all the message boards. They're like, you know suck it lazy I don't know I guess because I think a lot of people assumed she was going to win yeah Well, we talked about that she kind of maybe assumed she was gonna win and so that kind of led to that I was I was just glad Danny didn't win even though I thought I don't understand why He was a very good dancer. I thought his lines were beautiful. I just thought he was arrogant I agreed with the judges when they said you act like you're entitled to this I and I think he did But I think in the beginning he did but then in the last dance when it showed him and Lacey and then goofing off together Then he was kind of likable but there was after the judging I mean after the everyone could call it. It didn't really matter. I was glad everyone. I really thought Neil was cute I was kind of I didn't get I didn't get the Neil thing until the night before the finale and I was like you princess dance He was kind of two princess dance was awesome, and I but I thought it was more the whole you know Yeah, the Justin Timberlake He's the cute ones all the 14 year old screen for him and that was maybe he was an amazing He was a very good dancer, but of the dancers. There were better dancers there. I thought Sabre and Danny were better dancers Sabre was great. I'm glad she wanted I sitting at home watching that every time there was a vote off I get I was I was a mess by the time we had the audible gas when Lacey was voted off And then when Neil was voted off the little talking 10 version of tears and proceeded to cry for the next five minutes We didn't like it. She was she was completely destroyed. Why? They when I thought the Neil should be yeah They want to be able to win so bad and when he was then it was kind of like us whatever as long as I'm Danny They all were the same way cuz their teens and pre-teams That's why that's that old boy band. I know but but did you go to the audience? It's gay men and pre-teen girls. I mean that's the audience right there So you can kind of see and plus Neil is one of those boys. Yeah, there's certain boys that look like they have eyeliner on even when they don't Yeah, they kind of had that sleepy bedroomy. I'm safe, but I'm not really safe type look that was him. So I get it Well, I did go to our MySpace page and some of our new MySpace friends are Neil and Sabre and Lacey Because I wanted to end Pasha. We have Pasha as one of those boys and Hock and Hock. Pasha. It was all about Pasha No, I loved him and Cameron. They were my two feet. Cam was a beautiful man. Yeah So thank you for giving me something to watch all summer long Yes, because now you know what starts soon nip-tuck. I Didn't watch it at all last season. Oh, so I need to figure out a way to catch up on it. You didn't watch Joan Rivers, but come on our face Now that was the season before It's amazing. It is a great show. I love that show. I tried watching that show flipping out on It's on Bravo. It's about the real estate agent. OCD OCD. Yeah, and it's just a reality show Yeah, it's a reality show and he's a flipper in Los Angeles and talking about Buying these shows buying these houses that were like nine hundred thousand dollars for six hundred square feet up in the hills and it's just another one of those shows where it's somebody who is a Narcissist who feels as though that everything should go his way all the time and he throws tantrums and it's just a show of him It's like can more at least send this new show where it's nothing but her throwing tantrums I think any show like that. Well, they did the show where they did What was the one with the guy that had the hair salon? Blowout and then they did working out with the lesbian trainer. I didn't like her. I liked Michael or Jonathan Yeah, they're all and it's all the same It's these like type a personalities that are just big bullies. It's screaming yellow people in the happy show. Yes, yes Never mean Two people say it became silent. Yeah, and people's faces. You're not mean. Oh Behind your behind their backs. No, no, actually just that's just opposite My only the only time that mean this comes into my Vocabulary is if I am in a customer service environment and I am not getting customer service Then I want then I do not if you go into a shoe store and ask someone where the mules are and they look at you Like your idiot, then you do not know your product and that pisses me out then there will be rage But other than that the most part I try to be nice Unless it's to jump it then and well She doesn't know half the time when you're being nice It's more like a high-low bets over things you want to figure it out this time or Save the cheerleader save the world other than nip tuck is there anything that you're looking forward to heroes heroes 24 heroes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, because there's like two or three new heroes. I think no, there's more than that Yeah, they're adding like five or six new characters So it should get real into and they just announced that uhura is gonna be from Star Trek and Michelle Nichols What she's gonna be on she's gonna be playing the grandmother of a new Geez have I told my uhura? Doll story. Oh I have heard it, but I don't think I've heard it on a podcast. Okay. I think Lola. Just but her desk chair I think she just walked away from When I was a little kid tell it a tiny shackset While eating soup, I hate British accents and a little hate people eat too While when I was a little kid we talked about the Brigitteen Castle before which is the amusement park type thing that was out Brigitteen, New Jersey that was the we used to go to when I would when I would summer at the Jersey Shore Oh doll and I was probably about five or six and they had one of those areas those Amusements for the little kids where you pick up the duck. Yeah, and then there's a color on the bottom of it And so I picked up I guess it was green and green was the top shelf things and they had you know the six inch like the mego Action figure dolls. Oh, yeah that everybody had in the 70s and then threw away and now they're worth four thousand dollars a piece Yeah, especially if you had the box, right? Oh, right because back then everyone kept their things in boxes They didn't take them out and bury them in the dirt. I mean, that's yeah Well, they had a bunch of Star Wars ones and they had a war the Star Trek Star Trek. Oh And I'm a Star Wars guy. That was you gotta keep that straight. You're gonna be lynched Well, they had Spock and they had Kirk and I think it might have been around the time that the movie came out the first Star Trek movie so I might have been seven or eight. Yeah, and They had uhuro dolls and I wanted the uhuro doll. Were you with your parents? I was with my parents and my mom. I remember my dad saying no you want a smock doll. See he's really cool And he's got the blue shirt. I'm like no, I went through her doll. I went through her doll I think that was probably the moment that my mother knew that We didn't ask for a Barbie doll. I mean, well it pretty much was a Barbie doll I mean, but it was like a little six inch Barbie doll and it had the little you know red mini skirt and the afro with the at with the synthetic hair and Did she have the little thing sticking out of her ear? She came with the little purse that they used to carry I remember that they used to carry your stun gun or whatever they phaser and all that sort of thing But so that I think was the moment that my mother knew that I was a complete homosexual Now, did you play with boy dolls? Like I'm sure G.I. Joe or anything like I do was all about the he-man and the masters Dabs because it was a little tiny line for us Did you ever take the pants off and wonder why there was no business? No, there was no pants. Well, it was all like molded plastic Yeah, and I had battlecat. Did you have the one that was that you could take his arms and stretch? Oh stretch arm Stretch arm strong. No, I never had that Except the bad thing is is the film it was actually read so if you like if you got cut it was like he was actually bleeding Thank you No No, I'm a shooter. Thank you 22 punches clean through one of those stretch arms drama But no, we found out by accident. We were just like oh my god. Why would it be red? That's disgusting I had a boy doll. I had the G.I. Joe or not the G.I. Joe the $6 million mandol that you can look at. I had the big foot that the chest came up and you can see the wires and everything Yeah, I the six million dollar man. You could look through his eye and you could see the coolest thing That was the thing the rubber the rubber that you would roll up roll off of his arm That was like supposed to be the fake skin and it would roll up and you could take the little piece out of his arm Yeah, okay. I kind of remember that I was always more about the eye looking through the eye And and speaking of bionic They're saying bionic woman is really good And there's another show is it a TV show? Yeah, yeah There's another one coming out that is actually very much something tank is interested in and I don't know what the name It is, but it's time travel where he goes journey man journey. Yeah, that one was really good I like time travel, but real time travel where you're going way back in time Not a few weeks or a year now. Are you part of the quantum leap frenzy? I liked quantum leap a lot of times It just got where you a time cop a Jean Claude type of I I hated it the things that they did with time cop You know, it was just the fact that time cop was the best Jean Claude bandit movie because you know No, no, no, the best Jean Claude bandit movie was blood sport That was good. I was gonna say the best Jean Claude Quantify that, you know, that's kind of like saying this is the best pile of shit. I've ever tasted This shit tastes much better than that shit. It's like, you know, but you know, corn It's fantastic and now we have a Getting back to TV and possible shit in the same conversation No, but it could be a big piece of shit and I hate her But they've been showing the commercials for that Kelsey grammar Patricia Heaton the back to you I it's called back to you about the two new thinkers that hate one another I'll see grammar Kelsey grammar and Patricia Heaton Show the commercial sport on so you think you can dance Right, I know who I know who she is. I just can't imagine. I don't like her either Is he basically the same care? Yeah, I don't look at it. He's pretty much. He's forager, but Because when this is all done you and I are gonna get a apartment But yeah, that would be a show that I've probably watched I don't think so We'll see We just coming back. You never watched we so I watch the first couple of episodes of I don't know so time anymore But I watch the first couple of episodes. She's so good and I wasn't I would never know the Kevin Neal Elizabeth Perkins. She was she was awesome at it. She was the one that I always laughed at That's a great. That's a great show and the L word. Hopefully it's coming back. I don't want it comes back though I like that. I know I'm You never watched either you always watched queer spoke. Oh queer spoke. I was a basic, you know They were fucking queer spoke. What I never saw it, but Lola used to say I'm telling you right now There's no way that house parks can be pretending to have sex with these people because from every angle it looks exactly like They're having oh, yeah. No, it was it was everything but showing patration pretty much No, they never showed penetration We're spoke The video that you put on the podcast which we watched and laughed hysterically about Yeah, I've watched that about 17 Yeah, the one guy very cute the bottom guy. Just whoo who that's on top is my Actually been in denial not quite really you can actually hear like the ass Slapping against it. Yeah, that thank you. That was Oh, I need a moment Sophomore year at Eckerd College and Mike Stevens took me to Pizza Hut Well, I'm sure Mike Stevens appreciates that I had to pay him back So what is like if you had what is the best in your opinion worst movie you've ever seen like we have our own I know, you mean a movie that's so bad that I enjoy watching it or a complete piece of shit No, but everyone even the people in it are like apologetic that they were in this movie But you always thought it was great, and you know That was a great movie even Bruce Willis said, you know, I wish she would apologize for having made that movie And we thought it was hysterical cuz it was supposed to be campy. It was supposed to be Rosie O'Donnell hated the fact she did that movie. I thought it was a stare I was terrible, but just you know, I'm trying right. I'm best movie ever made Xanadu Yeah, but you know what that was probably the pinnacle of Olivia Newton John's Film roll it you know except for the whole grease thing It's Xanadu after Greece Xanadu was after Greece and then physical came after Xanadu. Oh physical because I know I know my living in John. Well, you know don't Fuck with me Mr. Tank had a very big physical video Massimatory no, no, I just know it just any time it came on I absolutely had to stop and watch her Olivia Newton John in that song On the video was it just because the feather hair and the headband or I don't know what it was. It was a whole 80s thing, you know There's a website that Michael from Q cast connections. I keep on to say Connecticut sent me to that is pretty much all things Olivia Newton John that is all sorts of videos and remixes and So yes, Tank used to be totally involved in the Olivia and John as well as the some of some other 80 icons like Sheena Easton. Oh, yeah. Yeah, she he was all about that sugar walls My city what? Oh, my nickname of college sugar walls. Yes, it was Michael wide lick and that was his real name wide lick wide lick l I see H But pronounced wide lick gave me the nickname sugar walls We want to know why no He gave me the nickname because that was always the joke and in fact in my I think in one of my earbooks It's even written every time I see an Oreo cookie I'll think of you because they used to make the most disgusting Vlogger jokes and they would go right over my head because I really wasn't ice princess But they would like you know how you take apart an Oreo and then you lick the creamy center Right, thanks to just me at lunch all the time, and I never could get understand why they were doing it to me And they would just do anything. They would take you apart and lick you No, they would take the Oreo apart and they would just like, you know roll the cream up and stick on their tongue Fucking not on me that it had anything to do with oral sex called naive. I know well, that's not ice and this is in college No, this is like I know this is a sophomore in high school So then Michael my I knew Michael all through when I was in college So he always called me sugar walls because I don't know I that song came out and the whole Oreo, sugary, ciner, and yeah, well, whatever Strut pout put it out Except the little stuffing tend that will be her you know What's where what's the? Well the heels that she came out in To where to school tomorrow. Yeah, no tomorrow is the first day of school. Yes, the baby will be a official junior higher Junior higher junior higher. It's a middle school where middle school is very wrong the baby Everyone says you know I tell people I'll tell you I had a baby if you want to go like well, how does she know like 11? Yeah, let's talk about sex dreams and more 80s iconic who was your one of the weirdest things was I Never knew who she was try to have it. No, I was gonna take her camera She was in one video Okay, what's the deal with? Huey Lewis, she was on the boat And not if that wasn't if this is it that was No stuck with you this is this is basically just following along the video tangents You know the the video hot chicks tangent, you know, there was like that that girl from mountain now We ever know with some lano. I wasn't a listen To Milano not really because she was Supposed to me She was young she was too much younger than me. Yeah, no, so you know I was had a thing for the older women in the in a shocking Why? Because is this a mom I had sex with? Did you like the tawny cotaine? No, now a day. She's crazy and that's right, but I in the in the one video But see I was never a hair band fan. I was never a fan of the hair bands And so it's like usually whenever one of their videos came on When she was writhing around on that I think it was a Camaro or whatever Jaguar Black Jaguar in a white check. Why do I remember that? It's useless information so it started here some way here. I go again on my own was my class song How sad it was not it was my class Well, that's okay. I have no clue what money was and our senior night Okay, your grad night white snake and Jana Jackson right before control came out of the two bands of late. Oh, okay, then yeah That's so wrong For those of you who don't know what we're talking about Disney World They have grad night for the all the high schools in the in the state I guess yeah, but they do they do all night And they usually have up and coming bands and when you talk to people who grow up in the 80s and 90s when they say the bands It's bands like Janet Jackson or now we had ours at Timber Wolf Which is a concert venue by King's Island in Ohio, and it was they had grand night off in the state of Ohio again, okay Yeah, that's just gonna be entirely too much trouble I'm going to get into and I already know it So I'm just going to avoid it Because you know there there were certain situations in my life that I could see see it coming knowing that if I went to that I would be in so much trouble you'd be in jail. No, no, it would be Possibly but it probably would have been following me for the rest of my life Girl I was gonna talk about boy wise, but I guess we're talking about girl wise other than Kirk Cameron Okay, well, I had my first and Taffy will back me up on this my first ever wet dream My first nocturnal mission can all in from 30 something Michael from 30 something That was a man back in the late 80s when I was in high school and early like freshman sophomore college Oh my god, that is what you did on Tuesday night 8 o'clock with 30 something and you did nothing else Taffy lived for 30 I I still thought that that's exactly how life should be that is how life should be that's totally how life should be You are in your 30s, you know You had a mortgage and you had two car payments and you had 2.5 children and you said that's the thing I never understood the show because it was like I'm sorry. It's real life You know, it's like how do they make a TV show that people are interested in watching life We have a mortgage and two cars and 2.5 children and love a couple. That's our own stuff We don't want to call this act. No, that's that's our own stuff. We have to worry about I don't want to watch other people The Knots land and that lived on the coast Dynasty certainly They had their own they had their own like counties I love that and Ken Olin was on founding press. He was a priest that Melissa ended up having sex with now I love the Ken Olin and I never liked hope I like the red and the best ever It was a while Gary died Gary died and Nancy finds out she doesn't have cancer Yeah, because they just figure out the Nancy doesn't have cancer and then that's when Michael Michael is the phone call that Gary was killed On the scoot go expressway, which my mother rides on every single time, but what scoot go expressway the what the scoot go expressway Say again scoot go expressway I Just couldn't believe those rewards. Sorry S-C-H-U-Y, K-I-L-L It sounds like all like snogging, you know, what are you doing tonight? We're just staying home and you know It's googol. It's googol. All night long Yeah, I can't all it's a new gay position. Oh, okay sex position. Why's it got to be a gay position? Why? Well, because girls has bubbles, too Here very often the the quirky sexual position names for heterosexuals He just does them. I don't need it. I just know what I like Taffy get over here Well, who did you have a thing for a Taffy boys girls? Oh Oh, all right. I take my most obscure girl reference. Did you ever watch head of the class? Yeah? Okay, there was a girl. I don't know her name, but she had red hair Christine Hodge Again the fact that I know that I do know this I always thought that she was absolutely fabulous I don't know why she was on law and order a couple years ago. She was awful though. No, she looked really good But she was evil on this episode. I loved her and I liked I had the thing for the redheads because I was a little older I like to leash away. Oh, she was in that piece of shit movie. I watched lastly show it outside of anger Should I leave the two of you alone with a copy of civil? Well TV show not the Sally field Because that takes things on a completely different level of Sally Field in civil turns the two of you And that was very much a you know David Addison We've talked about that moon lighting was probably the greatest you ever made No, I was never in her because she always had that filter. He I never got her and once and I hate saying this because it sounds extremely sexist But went after she left to have the babies. Yeah, when she left when she left out of the way she hit the wall Yeah, she was not nearly They were missing. Yeah, Debra messing did too. She's she did not she never looked the way she did in the first eight six eight Did I tell you I finally watched the last episode of that starter wife? Oh It was like all my TV over for two months. It was this mini series on USA that had Debra not saying it was Horrible absolutely horrible. That's a shame Cuz I always liked this Debra messing just as a comedian You know, it's like I always thought that you know No, I was you know, I always thought that the physical comedy You know she could really play it up. She was very loosey all the way. Yeah, exactly. I always like that So what's your favorite Will and Grace episode? My favorite will and Grace episodes when they get dog There's Liza and Misha and look down. There's Bianca. Whoo. We're Jack's dancing with the Labrador. That's a good one Do you have a favorite while in Grace episode? Honestly, my favorite my that's a great episode with the with the with the what I was one when when Karen and Jack sing For crying that should have been the final scene. Yes, my favorite episode actually was the one where they had the big fight Really? It wasn't my favorite episode But it's the one that I sit and what that when they had the big fight because she wanted to start dating Leo and He might have the baby. Oh, and she can be unhappy for him right and all that that Upset me which it's so ridiculous talk about some sitcom But I remember really being bothered by that for like a whole week between episodes the gym watch mad about you I know you're not a fan. Yeah, no the one with the one where they have The fight he has that when he walks around the park with woman with the long dark and she kisses the other guy And that was that's a very good. Yeah, it was the fight with a big fight that they had that was because that's when you truly get to see These people can't act. It's not just comedic timing. Yeah, but they you really felt what they were feeling I enjoyed mad about you mad about you is a good one of the funniest books I've ever read it's couplehood by Paul Reiser and I've been a lot of people don't really get but when you read it It is like listening to him talk I had the I had the hardest time with that show because Paul Reiser had the last thing I had seen Paul Reiser in was aliens where he was the corporate lackey dickhead and You know, I remembered seeing him in that show thinking in the in the movie aliens Thinking wait a minute. Isn't this guy a stand-up comedian? Mm-hmm. Why is he being this kind of character? Oh, okay, and then that's all I ever related to for Paul Reiser was Corporate lackey dickhead. Yeah, and now here he is in this is sitcom and I would it took a it took a while for me To get into it, but for hella hunt I was able to yeah, they're friend. Who was there? Who were their friends? Wasn't that a little married couple in that it wasn't that a married couple, but there was her friend and Well, I was cousin, but then there was friends husband who I hate Richard kind is. No, is it Richard kind? Yeah, and he was on Spin City - yeah, he's just that gross mealy mouth He looks like a child molester. That's I'm not saying he is a child molester. I'm just saying he looks like a child I could think about was her role in the greatest worst movie ever which was Girls just want to have fun with Sarah Jessica Parker. Did you ever see that? No You have to find it. It's Sarah Jessica Parker. Oh, no, I know and Kelly Preston isn't Kelly Preston I think they are and it's kind of like hairspray when they want to be on the show and they want to go downtown and do the dancing I was horrible and I go to Catholic school and Helen had this the wild girl and because she's very unwild to me But she was she was great in it Speaking of having never watched anything before I believe that you watched a movie yesterday that I watched it. Um, yes Very early and it was the terms of endearment Taylor's an ass and tell me I Know how to do them because I said they're going oh my god. Are you freaking kidding me? Baby, don't you realize you can never get that time of your life back? It's a great movie Fantastic, I'm not a chick flick type movie and the whole purpose of this yes I realize it was to show the dynamics of mother-daughter relationships. Oh, shit It was to make you cry that was a whole reason That is the kind of movie that when you are a first-minute high school or in college You've been dumped and you need a reason to cry don't have one you go watch those kind of I walked I cried the last 10 minutes that movie every time the scene where they look at each other and then yeah, and Shirley McLean shakes her head and Says it's okay to go and yeah that oh my god It just kills me and you know the fact that you know deal with death on a daily basis So I can see what that would affect you profoundly. Yeah And then little son, I mean the whole thing was very tear-jerker-esque and but now it was again quality acting quality writing for its time Very good. I just the sequel big piece of shit Except Scott Wilf is in it and he plays an underwear model It's got lit from party of five. Oh God. I never show I never watched not one of them No, I never watched that either, but Scott Wilf was always kind of cute Of course, the one who plays the little girl eventually the little girl in terms of a deer mitt when she played she plays There's a teenager Juliet Lewis She's psychotic she that's that's a stinky pussy. I'm sorry That's my joke Yeah, that's a smelly patchouli That's Matthew McConaughey, you know Now he just smells like armpit Matthew McConaughey smells like armpit. He looks like he smells like armpit He smells like armpit. Yeah, oh geez Call him ajiago boy I can't eat anything with ajiago cheese because he's wearing the smells like ass You can be anywhere with them. Where do I put arrow in there? I was like oh ajiago bagel. He's like oh gah She smells like ass of course three people lying to me. I'm holding one You know when When when I was in Saudi Arabia Well, you know Anyway, when I was in Saudi Arabia the prince of Saudi or the king whatever. Yeah, he was the king He would buy our lunch right and every day we would get this lunch It's gonna tie together. I promise. No, I just I'm just surprised at the The king rock He would buy our lunch which was a bag lunch because he was buying he was buying Yeah, I was buying 10,000 of them, but they were a bag lunch and they usually had a sandwich of some type some Funky potato chips and a drink the potato chips like fish flavored potato. Oh Can stop it just one You can't you've got to stop one But the worst thing about it is there every now and then there would be one sandwich that they would give you and Everybody called it the armpit sandwich Because as it was always wrapped in cellophane and as soon as you opened it You smelled it and it smelled like armpit. Maybe it had aji out which and you knew yeah It's an armpit sandwich anybody like those and you would look at not everybody It wasn't like a sea of armpit sandwiches. It was some people get that and yeah People to get like a cheese sandwich. Yeah, it was it was a random kind of thing But the armpit sandwich and that's exactly what the sandwich smelled like And you knew that it was actually a joke somebody was pulling on exactly, you know It's like let's see if we can get the Americans to eat this here The curves I think the curves is great. It's a half an hour. You're in you're out. You're done Phenomenal system those of you don't know what curves is I belong to lifestyles for a year I lost about 20 pounds over the year Lifestyles, but you weren't you weren't doing the diet thing either. No, I wasn't and that's absolutely fact But lifestyles was long and it was a gym It was a gym mentality. Exactly. Go there and everybody is looking They're hands out. Yeah, so they're spinning class curves is very much a circuit training system All resistance training and you go in you do your half an hour you leave as long as you go three times a week They don't care. They don't want you there longer than 30 knots So except the way the way this works is they play really high-paced You know fast music and it's really it's women only and then there's like this Voice in the tape and you have to change equipment discrimination You have a change equipment and so it says you know change stations now and then you know to get off that one Machine and go to the next one. Okay, fine. So I've been going for the last three months So you kind of be used to a particular sound. Okay, I walk in yesterday morning I'm sitting there taking off my sandals putting on my little socks I'm gonna do my business in and the music is the whole you know Bum bum bum bum bum bum ba da da da da da da da da da da you are a fabulous worker. I Look up and I'm like, what the hell was that? She goes. Oh, it's this new tape. We're trying out. It's really really great Everyone seems to love it. I said I won't be in here if that's what it's gonna say She goes yeah, that's what they're gonna do for me online when you have to change stations and actually saying it she it says You are a wealthy spirit. I This has got to fucking go. I said because I got to tell you I am not Stuart Smolley. So you turn into a trucker I am not good enough. I am not smart enough and talk about it people do not like me You cannot put this out there and the other woman who's kind of working out. I looked at her I said do you like this and she goes I think it's ridiculous. I said okay. Here's what's happening I'm bringing in a sign up shit on my day And we're all excited because this has got to go. She's like, oh, it's just a carpet decision And you know, we're all really excited about it and it's proven by it's from some some sports Psychologist yeah, that dragged out from the 80s. Thank you. It's some sports psychologist that um, you know said that it's you know subconscious I said it's subconscious motivation. Why aren't they saying biscuits and gravy in the devil? It's gonna be Chandler. You are a powerful woman No, you know, you are wealthy you are motivated you are beautiful you are I'm going oh my god The last thing I need is anyone telling me that I'm fabulous But I was just I even told her I said I cannot come back here I'm being totally serious with you if this is gonna be what you guys are playing you have to take it off I don't care I said just have an hour in the morning I'll come at seven o'clock in the morning But I cannot listen to that and she was like are you really being serious and I was like I'm bringing a petition on Monday This is an every person walked in I went wait for it wait for it and then they didn't all make this face I'm like, uh-huh talk to her palette. I was like the Walmart greeter, you know the angry wall They were gonna escort you out any minute you're gonna go in there Monday, and you're gonna swipe it a little curves card and it's go go But she she almost and her name I want to say her first name is Kiki Oh, and Kiki who will never listen to this kind of looks like John Travolta in the You know, I'm not exaggerating. She kind of looks like that person and now and she kind of looks like and the turnt black and John Goodman Okay, put together very scary. That's fine. Jesus nice this woman in the world. She's about 35 But you know you can oh god, and she looks like in the turnt black Yeah, but that's not the best the best one is is I have just complained and complain complaint I know that's shocking for all of those things But I have complained and playing about every one person that's walked in about this ridiculous affirmation and the last thing She says to me and she goes, but you know what? It's made you laugh the whole time you've been here and laughter burns calories Is that when you punched her in the face? I will be fat so help me God So so basically if Taffy does not meet her goal this way it's it's because of the daily affirmations work out Now they had to do amazing slowly Doing the daily affirmations and it was something that was truly funny. I could see that but it's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be Motivate you are wealthy of spirit. Well Saying your fabulous every 30 seconds is going to get tired that what you're listening for something different you are motivated You are spiritually healthy you oh, I just I can't I can't do it. I can't I won't I Absolutely, if you see I know I was so fired up about this Saturday. I got home I was like, oh my god. I don't think they did the gym and they're looking at me like We're just about out of time Like you won't talk to me tomorrow But the listeners won't hear us for probably another week Always download old podcast. I'll listen to them. That's true. That is true They can always go back and get the ones that they missed Episode 7 is for the newcomers episode 20 episode 7 and episode 20 are our two favorite apparently We've gotten the most responses out of episode 7 and episode 20 We have some very big news here at pot is my co-pilot. Are you expecting? Yes I'm pregnant with your baby We have very we have very big news at pot is my co-pilot and pot is my co-pilot is now a featured podcast on iTunes That's right. We are on the fifth page of five pages, but you know what? We are on the top 100 and that is huge huge. I was it's like drum round these balls Huge and makes me smile I want to thank Ricky from fellow monkeys first of all for taping the the opening intro to our show today Which you don't know about but that'll be on the And he was the one who mentioned it to me when I was talking to you on the instant messenger That's amazing. He just mentioned something about it and I went what and he went Oh, yeah, you're on the page 5 and I'm just like I can't get iTunes up fast enough on my computer And I'm going oh my god, holy fuck all the shit always just squeal like a little girl I think I may have squealed like you get up and dance do a little happy dance I didn't dance, but I squealed like I just got done watching Neil do the disco No, that was earlier It was spent I was a little spent So and that is in no small part due to our listeners So we want to say thank you very much to all the listeners who have left us new reviews To have sent other listeners to us. Yes. Yes very much So we last week when we put out the podcast asking for new reviews we had 13 as of today we have 21 nice so we had asked for 23 But I am more than happy with 21 now That doesn't mean that you shouldn't stop leaving us reviews on iTunes cuz now that we're at 21 I don't think it would be too hard for us to get 25 before next week. I was gonna say 30 now Let's do 25 So if we could get four of you out there to leave us reviews that would just be And by we I mean Taylor yes Last week I'll do anything that you want if you leave a review on iTunes Put him in your mouth and suck on And once we I don't we don't have iTunes up right now So I don't have all the names listed of all of the people about just reviews But we'll probably do that next week and by the way by the bye for anyone who reads them I am sending secret messages to dolphins. Yes, that is the funniest of the reviews that secret messages Daniel from call box seven Says that it's a very funny show, but while it's supposed to be a podcast If you actually take taffy's laugh and speed it up several hundred times It's clear that she's sending secret messages to dolphins Government spy dolphins Bob sniffing dolphins buddy sniffing dog bomb sniffing I also wanted to send a special shout-out to one of our listeners Nicole You don't warn you can honk Okay Nicole and I have been talking on the email back and forth and she's been Would you like some sexy music playing in the background? Would you like to be alone? No, that's a sexy time Sexy time I was going to talk about Nicole's website if people go to it Nicole has a website called purple ducky's calm purple ducky purple ducky's Do you see K I yes? Okay, and she is at what? Purple sticky ducky purple sticky punch she does something with her kego muscles that we need to know Purple sticky punch from bio doll. Okay illegal illegal. All right, go ahead Now you've got me thinking about things that are purple and gorgeous And it's going to be where okay Nicole's website is a knitting website, which is We're sorry Nicole we really are With this hour our minds just stay in there. It is so sorry. It is late 630 at night, so it is not 630. It's my god. It's quarter of ten. I'm Nicole so yeah Nicole's knitted purple ducky's calm She so she does all sorts of work She does really cool things with knitting and she's very funny and she's in the Washington, DC area I believe hopefully I just got that right if not she'll email me and tell me I was wrong That's awesome. Yeah, I'll you lose or tell you and she and by knitting you mean like knit one drop pro whatever Yeah, but she makes all sorts of neat stuff. So she says she does everything. I don't like scarves and sweaters. Yeah Yeah, yeah She needs ball gags She's could you knit a ball gag? We also have a we've ever tried a hacky sack of the ball gag Knitted bondage Bondage knitting the best calendar in the world You even imagine sorry knit one Pearl necklace Like whole pilot the calendar and like we can have tank is January mr. January and We could paint little faces on them He would totally let us do that he would let you do it. I think I think I've lost my ball paint privileges You can be like one of those guys has the big hat on You see your face that'll be hysterical. Yes challenge Little little will stick on eyeballs like right here. Oh, I guess we can't see where you're pointing But you you have facial hair, so we kind of look like that was a little muffins, you know hair so purple duckies calm and Everybody everybody go over there and check out what Nicole's doing. Awesome. We also have some new my space friends We have Lisa from Sarasota Oh, yeah, so we have somebody that's semi-local Excellent, and we also have the boys at instant gratification. They got a my space page up So I talked to Luke yesterday for a while. Oh my god. I totally forgot that bet that story. Oh, my name is Luca Okay, first of all his name is Luke not Luca. Secondly, you use that joke before I'm sorry kill me So What are you doing just following out? So what's your story? I was talking to Luke on the instant messenger the other night Did you do anything but instant message? No, you didn't find people you've been cemented in the last five days Luke he's you I am me every day I'm just I'm just right out there I am I'm talking to Luke the other night On the computer and all of a sudden from the bathroom I hear this bang thought thought bang bang bang sort of thing So I look down and see that there's only one pug by my feet So I figure okay Otis is in the bathroom and knocked down the shower curtain Like it was tugging on the shower curtain something fell down and then he got all caught up in it So I go in so I'm talking to Luke and I'm like something's banging around in my bathroom. I have to go I go into my bathroom and there is something Under my tub something something where I can hear something on the pipes and it sounds big And I can hear like a cat that's gotten underneath your house like a possum or raccoon or something So but all of the banging and everything I'm thinking they knock the pipe loose or all that sort of stuff I turn on the water and Then I go then I go out First I stomp my foot in the tub And I hear it moving and it sounds like it's holding on to the pipe and dragging itself So you can hear the hair under the bottom of the tub and it sounds like mirrors about this It sounds big So you just have a fiberglass insert tub then yeah, yeah, oh jeez and you've got a crawlspace underwear. Yeah, don't you? Yeah So I go outside and turn and turn on the tub and a flashlight you can look underneath there Yes, I go with the flashlight and I'm looking this was at night And of course my back porch light. I didn't have a light from the light bulb had burned out earlier at night So now I'm back there in the dark looking under the crawlspace Looking I wasn't looking so much for an animal as much as I was looking for water leaking in case it had knocked a pipe loose And then the water is just good Then I tried flushing the toilet turning on the sink and then did you ever see anything? No, I never saw anything and I haven't heard anything since because my fear would be that it would get up in there and get stuck and then die And that smell you would never have to move You would never get the smell on your ass Oh god. Well, I hadn't thought of that, but thank you Yeah, now he's gonna go home and I go Oh, please with the two dogs and me try to clean it all sorts of smells in the house and smell you'd be like, oh my god What is that? That's the new Yankee Candle smell That's gone to the middle of the road under the tub by Yankee Candle The new cologne by Prince Machiavelli It's G to take Okay, and we also have um, which is some sort of pottywood, and that is some sort of podcast network game Pottywood Madonna, that's a song. Oh, Hollywood. Okay. That's the way we're not able to listen I don't listen to those CDs like maybe once or twice They can take your card for that No, because you listen to things like like a prayer and no, that's true. Like a prayer is my favorite Madonna. What's your favorite Madonna album? My favorite Madonna album. I have no idea The immaculate collection. Yeah, you know, but my favorite Madonna song Probably the rescue me or express yourself. Mm-hmm. I love this. Fever Fever? I really liked her version. I really liked the one Just to find my love too. I mean, I know it's shocking I have that I got the gift. I have the video something in one of my boxes We've got the book. Yeah, we have the book too I can put the book I'm like actually I could have put the book on my coffee table before but Yeah, it's just been sitting in my office. I maybe I'll put that out. Yeah, the picture of her Naomi Campbell and um Big Daddy Kane. Uh, no the one with her Naomi Campbell and was it a big daddy cane? Oh, apparently you know what we're talking about. Yeah, she did pictures with her and vanilla ice were separate But the ones with her Naomi Campbell was with Big Daddy Kane. I remember there's two pictures in particular in that book The one where she's hanging She's had hanging suspended over water by some like Boat joist and every single muscle in her entire body is perfectly defined and the one where she's hailing a cab or she's the hitchhiking And she's completely so yeah, I remember the ones that are disturbing Like I remember the one I remember the one where you know she's not getting too booby No, the one where the one where it's like in the schoolyard where she's in the catholic girls outfit And the guys are tied up and the guys are pulling the outfit off her and it looks like it's like a rape I remember that one, but the most disturbing one is the one where she's squatting trying to light a cigarette With the water bottle in front of a pooch. Yeah, that one is I just that's like she looks like an old lady and that one I I never should the blackout to either and also those pictures the whole you know ghetto ghetto thing. I know she was Expressing herself much like your favorite song. She was expressing herself Okay, and uh That's it. Oh my favorite Madonna song I can prayer No express yourself is One of them vogue is probably the other one. I'll just say my favorite album is probably Dick Tracy actually Dick Tracy's a good album. My favorite album is like a prayer because going bananas Her voice sounds completely different than doesn't hanky panky sooner or later. Um, what is the one about? Um Going bananas. Got no, no, what about, um, got your man or something like that. I can't believe a song right now I focus on that No, that's that's a that who are you and what have you done? Not remembering stuff about it Donna You are you are that your true lesbian fantasy one of many Wow, okay, and on that note, I think it's time to wrap things up So as always you can email us at Pat is my co-pilot at and you can go to our blog at Uh, w w w dot pot is my co-pilot at, baby I don't know I never get that one right. You know that so let me take a look at w w dot pot is my Or you could just say pot is my Okay. Or you could be our friend at my space by going to Shit Shit. I've never been there Come back slash pot is my co-pilot. Very good. You got two out of all backslash And we're going to be introducing facebook and actually No facebook It's i'm just gonna I'm actually going to be putting a link up to be our friend on my space those are facebook those of you that are friends Facebook those of you that have a facebook account. Um, we have 18 right now, and it's mostly People that we yeah people we know. So, um, I prefer the my space I prefer the my space too, but apparently facebook is becoming the new facebook is the new my space Yeah, it's a little safer. So safer because the safety word is yellow Okay, so this is Taylor and tappy and tank have a good week everybody. Bye. Bye Ta-da You You You (upbeat music) (rock music)