Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 22 - Bottom Shopping, or If You Care, 26...
Taylor sets himself up for failure in the first minute of the show (The title of this episode will make sense by the end of the show, though I‘m sure I missed some when I kept count). Taffy and Taylor thank all the previous guests of the last few weeks. Taffy lets a cat out of the bag re: sound quality on the show…Michael’s visit, We do a plug for a local Mom and Pop place….More on the Mountain Woman…Ramble Redhead and being on his show (look for it soon on www.rambleredhead.com)….Taylor’s on call for work…. SYTYCD and High School Music 2...Taylor gets another one of his fabulous ideas (thank you Blair Warner) from another one of Taffy’s hair brained, Lucy and Ethel schemes…method acting….another story from the trip to NC…..back to school shopping….Taffy talks about being ?Bitten.?…. Taylor talks to a fortune teller at the nursing home, and plays covert assistant at Target….We finally answer a question that many of you have asked…A NEW Listener Challenge - Leave us a review on iTunes....That MEANS YOU!!!! (pretty please) Visit our blog at www.podismycopilot.com, be our friend at www.myspace.com/podismycopilot, or e-mail us at podismycopilot@gmail.com. Music: Brain Bukit - Run Rabbit/The Chase.
(upbeat music) You're listening to "Pod Is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodin. (upbeat music) - Welcome to episode 22 of "Pod Is My Co-Pilot." With your fabulous host, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and her equally fabulous co-host, Fabulous. I did it again. - You did do it again. (laughing) - Taylor the Latte Boy. - Hello everyone. - I said fabulous the last time. - Much like Christina Aguilera, we are back to basics. - Well, don't kill him. - She has the two of us. (laughing) - The way it should have always been. - And actually, we just finished doing show notes, but I'm going to add something to the show notes. - No, he's lying on the seat of his pants. - I have noticed over the last couple of episodes when I talk, I say the word so. - About a million times. - Right, so Taffy, yeah, well. - I should keep a running count. - From this point on, whenever I say the word so, Taffy's going to bring it to my attention. - By hitting you? - Uh, no. (laughing) - I think that would be fun. I could like, throw a little rocket at you or something. - Okay, how about we do something non-violent? - Like you? (laughing) No. - I haven't had my shots. (laughing) - I think I haven't had my shots, and that's the one that you saw. - No, you also, not only do you say so, but you also say, uh. - Well, uh, is a little different than the SO. - So. - So. - Oh, I did it right then. (laughing) Son of a bitch. All right, um. (laughing) So between the umbs and the sobs, this is going to be interesting. - Yeah, what? - If we edit it, if we took a podcast and edit out all the sobs and the umbs, it would sound like this. - And then, uh, we, uh. - Okay, here's what I'll do. Here's what I'll do. Every time I say so, I will take it out and put in some weird noise. A dang, or something. - There you go. - Which will be lovely for people to listen to. All this fucking dinging. What are they doing? - It'll be possible. - Bells, bells, birds, birds, birds. (humming) - Well, first we should take a chance to thank our recent co-hosts. - Yeah. - The. - That doesn't sound them. - Exactly. - Thank you very much to Tank Drum Mountain Woman for episode 20, 20. - 20. - And thank you very much to Michael and Daniel from Cucast Connections. - Oh. - Oh, fancy. - And love connections. - Yes, they'll be back in two and two. - Okay. (laughing) - And Daniel from Call Box Seven for their help with episode 21. The mixer and the microphones? Yeah, you and I will be talking about that because that was so cool. - Wait, you mean like an actual microphone? - Yeah. - Like that I hold on my hand. - No, no, no, no. You don't hold it in your hand. It's got an actual stand. - We have microphone stands here. - What? - Do you have a mixer here? - I don't know what a mixer is. (laughing) - Okay, a mixer has got knobs and lights and things connected. - Tank has one of those in his store. Has several of those in his store. - Shut up. - I had no idea. That's what you were talking about. - Yeah. - I thought it was some stupid thing that you put on like an iPhone. - Yeah, we'll be back later. (laughing) - I had no idea. - Oh, it's like, but he, like a mixing board? - Yeah. - Oh yeah, he's got tons of those. Yeah, he has tons of local DJs come and train them in for stuff. - Are you kidding? - No. I don't know if he has any that are out that we can actually get yet, but I will certainly call him when this is done because, oh yeah. I didn't know which, the one who wants to have the things that slide. - Well, this, Daniel's has knobs. Daniel's has knobs and he changed my voice to where it was very, very deep and scary. - Yeah, so what we can do though. - And then he does the fairy voice. I was like, yeah! Yeah, it was. - How would that be different than normal? - Because I wouldn't have slapped you before I said it. (laughing) - No, we will vote that out. - We will discuss that. So the sound quality may be improving on, how does Michael vote? - Yeah, the next time they hear us, it'll be. - This is fun. - Oh yeah, no, I've already decided that we'll be changing voices and doing all sorts of fun. - What did your voice change? - But, well, Daniel was showing me on Audacity how you can do that without a mixing board. But as far as recording, you know, that would be an editing. That would be, you know, post. But in actual recording, it would be. - I think we should turn one of the rooms in my house into a recording studio. (laughing) That would be awesome. - Yeah. (laughing) - Except your children would never let us in it because they would be recording. - I have friends that have an actual recording studio in their house because their son is in a band and they have burn TV's for him. But they have like an actual padded room with the glass wall full thing. - But they have we never thought about going there. I y'all call her today too. - Well then, but then we have to let her in on the fact that, you know, you talk about butt plugs and that sort of thing. - I'm sure she has her own, but that's neither of her or her. (laughing) - Yeah. - No. - Oh, I want to say the word so bad right now. - Why are you saying it? (laughing) - That doesn't count. That one doesn't count. - It totally counts. - Because it was said within the sentence, semblance of. - Oh, so it has to be said at the beginning or the end of it. - Yeah, when you do, hmm, or, hmm, anyway, yeah. - It'll be like, you know, the one where you do my hat and it has three corners and you have to leave off the words as you're singing it. My hat, it has three corners. - Yeah, that's when you were a kid, like in second grade, when you had to do my hat, it has three corners. And you have to go back and say it, but then you couldn't say the word hat and you couldn't say the word three, then you couldn't say the word corners. - You say my, it has three. - No, you can't. Oh, it's the first time that-- - Every other word? - No, it's like my hat, it, like, my hat, it has three corners, three corners has my hat. And if it, nevermind, it's stupid. Those of you who actually, you know, had a childhood, remember that? - I had a childhood. I had a great childhood. I had an okay childhood. It was all right. - I know, it was hard. It got really bad at times. I was beat as a child. My childhood sucked. It was horrible. I wish I was dead. - Yeah, well, you were a witch Catholic school. - So. - That long. - Oh, just didn't die. - Number two. Oh, I was charging five bucks every time you say it. That'll pay for my new iPad, absolutely. - Yes, Ms. Taffy wants a new iPad. - No, we have talked about the work of Art I want to, but we'll do that later. - Okay. - Speaking of other podcasts-- - Wait, wait, wait, how was Michael's visit? - Oh, it was a lot of fun. We had a good time. We showed up probably about one o'clock and was there maybe till about eight. It was a day trip. - Oh, fun. - And I-- - Did you take him around about town? - I took him to Chili's. - 'Cause there's not one of those in every frickin' day. - Well, but we were kind of like-- - He was here, he didn't go down to the hurricane or crabby bills or something. - Oh, I didn't even think of the hurricane. I didn't even think of the hurricane. When he said he wanted something that he knew, he said there's something comforting and knowing the menu of the place. - That's like Starbucks, it's comfortful. - Yeah. - And then Michael is a big comic book fan, so I took him that that one doesn't count 'cause that made sense within the semblance of a sentence. - Wrong. - I took him to my comic book store that I go to, which is Emerald City Comics in Seminole. So I should get it. - Which tank has certainly patronage for the last 12, 13 years? - Oh yeah, me too. If I started going there in August of '91, when I came down here, that was one of the first things I did in the first week that I was here, was look for a comic book store. When I think about the thousands of dollars, I spent in that place, it blows my mind. - Well now there's like, within a five mile radius from Emerald City, there's four or five that's just opened. - Yeah. - There's tons of them popping up. - We walked around. - We walked around. - Yeah, dorks among us. There's a fungus among us. We walked around there for, I would say, a good hour to an hour and a half. He really liked it. - That's cool. - And he's very big into, not just the comic books, but also things like action figures and statues and they have tons of that sort of stuff there. Those of you in the Tampa Bay area that are looking for a good comic book store. Emerald City Comics sits on Seminole Boulevard. - Yeah, it's great, actually. - Yeah. - I mean, I am a girl, I have been in there and actually been somewhat quasi-entertained. - And there's a girl there named Terry, who is the-- - She's fabulous. - She's like the comic geeky girl, but she's very cool. - That's all the boys love. - Yeah, she's the one that she's very cute and she's very fit and she-- - Does she have wings tattooed on our shoulder blades? Is that what I'm thinking? - I know she has a big like spiral tattoo on her arm. And she is just awesome and she and I love each other and she, you know, I think because part of it is that I don't-- - Follow over her. - Yeah, it's not what these are. I'm like, "Oh, you're pretty." No, you know, what's new this week and she'll say, "You might want to try this, this is really good." And she's always steered me in the right direction as far as trade paperbacks and news titles with the exception of one. - Does she listen to pot as my co-pilot? - I've told her about the podcast a couple of times and she kind of just looks at me. I may have to tell her, you know-- - We mentioned you-- - Yeah, or-- - We mentioned you on the pot. Yeah, then I sound a good creepy guy. You're so pretty. - Wait, when you say they have to go (laughs) - I like spacer women their best, don't you? - Good lord. - Yeah, 'cause there are guys in there that are like that-- - Oh no! - That are like the comic book guy from The Simpsons. - I've never seen The Simpsons, so I have an idea. I've never seen an episode of The Simpsons. I know I'm a freak of nature, but I've never seen-- - You've never seen a single episode once? - No, not one episode. - Well, they have the guy that is got the balding head with the mullet and the goatee and the t-shirt where the belly's hanging out of the bobbie, whereas the shorts and the sandals. - No. - And he's always saying things like, it can possible for Aquaman to have gotten out of that chair. (laughs) - Because in age 64, yeah, it's stuff like that. - Actually, Take has a couple friends that are kind of, not necessarily look like that, but they're that way over certain role-playing games and comic books that are still scary. - Yeah, and there's guys that walk around that like that. And then there's also unusually hot guys that walk around and that are all muscly with the tight shirts and everything and they advice stuff. Yeah, like my shirt's tight for a completely different reason. - Because I love your fat. - Yeah, because I love your fat. And it's fun. I enjoy, I get to buy comic books and occasionally look at a cute boy. - And in the same strip mall, the best German food in the world, Martinez, but they're not open until September 5th, nowadays. But anyways, sorry. - So anyway, we went to Emerald City Comics. I'm trying very hard not to say that word and I just said it and, all right, I'm gonna stop talking about it. I'm just gonna say whatever and whatever happens happens. And we went back to my place and Daniel from Callbox 7 came over and we recorded with the mixer and everything. And hopefully you all enjoyed episode 22. It may not have been super funny like episode 21 was because we've heard tons of things that be 20. - Me, 20. - 20. - Yeah. - Yes, 20, thank you. Because people, we've heard from a lot of people that we don't normally hear from saying that they really, really enjoyed episode 20. - Episode 20, yeah. - So if you haven't downloaded it, go back, download it. - Yeah. - That's what you think. - The mountain woman should be back, hopefully, sometime soon. Hopefully we didn't scare her off too bad. - Actually, the mountain woman didn't talk a whole lot but she kind of just inspired us. - Yeah. - I think her, her mirror presence. - She was our muse. - She is our muse. - Our... - She's our musing. - Our corn pickin'. - Oh. - Cousin Marion. (laughing) Up on the mountain livin'. - My armpit chair. (laughing) She knows we love her more than our luggage. - We do. - She is the matriarch of our little group. - It's very, no, if you really think about it, sometimes it's very scary to think that she's like the age of our mothers. - Oh yeah, no, I know. (laughing) I know. - A little unnerving. - 'Cause she doesn't act like either one of our mothers. - No, she's normal. (laughing) - Touche. Good point. (laughing) I want to talk about another podcast that I have actually been on, or will be on. - What? - And that is the ramble red head show. After months of trying to align our schedules, I was finally able to be a interviewee, I guess you would call it? - Yeah. - On the ramble red head show. - Did you divulge any secrets like masturbating in Rodin's bed? - We did not talk about the masturbating. We did talk about episode seven, though. - Which is-- - The episode where we talked about masturbating in the bed. He thought that was hysterical, and he just thinks that's really funny. And I told, I think I told one or two stories that I haven't told on this podcast. It's pretty much, he interviewed me from the, my earliest memories till present day. - I can't believe you did enjoy that since your favorite topic to talk about is yourself. - Which is so unlike you. - Oh, no, no, that's why we're the perfect team. (laughing) - You've talked about yourself long enough, now it's time for me to talk about me. It was fun. It was an hour and 46 minutes. - No, at some point when you were-- - Which was crazy. - I don't mean for this to sound bad, but at some point did you just think, oh my God, I have to stop talking about it. I think an hour and a half of talking about yourself, you just go, oh my God, I want to kill myself. - No, I could have done it for all of you. (laughing) - There you go. - I enjoy talking about myself. - Did he ask any question that you would answer? Or that you weren't comfortable enough to answer that you asked me that it is? - He asked some questions that could have easily veered into territory of me talking about things that I don't know would have been appropriate in the context of what we were talking about, which I think that sentence probably made absolutely no sense, but he asked me some questions about a very good friend of mine who came out much later in life. - Oh, well that kind of said that. - And then it looked like the conversation was leaning towards a certain way, and I just sort of said, okay, we're done talking about that, and he was a really great host and sort of moved on to the next thing, and occasionally I would tell things about myself, and then he would say things about himself. - What is that going to be-- - I have no idea. - Can our listeners find it? Does he have a website? - A rambleredhead.com. And you can also subscribe to him to iTunes, which I've subscribed to. And I thought that that was a couple nights ago and a new episode just came up, but it wasn't me. So it might be like the way we are right now, because we have, at this point in time, we haven't even posted episode 21 yet. We're only at episode 20. - So what you mean before we were totally behind, and now we're completely ahead of the game? - Yes, yes. But then this one will come out early next week, and then we'll probably go back to our regular where we're recording once a week and all that sort of thing. That's the plan anyway. - We're so prepared. - Things could change. The reason why we are ahead right now is that, as Taffy had mentioned earlier, I am on call, and it's been a little crazy. For my work, each of us takes turns where we hold the pager in the evening during the week, or we take care of the pager during the weekend, and then if there's an emergency where we have to make a visit, or if we have to make some phone calls, that sort of thing, we get where the one who gets called, because working for a medical organization that deals with death and dying, death does not take a holiday, and sometimes people die in the middle of the night and they don't want to-- - Ashley's death prefers a holiday according to you. You said the holiday weekends are the busiest weekends. - No. - Like Easter and Mother's Day. - Before and after holiday weekends is the busiest. - That's so weird. - Well, because people don't want to die on Christmas Day, where they do something where they will themselves to stay alive until, and we've seen that before where all of a sudden, the week before Christmas, all of a sudden people start dropping like flies, and you're running around and trying to do all sorts of stuff, and then it gets very, very quiet, and then after the holidays, you see all of a sudden you've got a week of where it just gets crazy like that. - So you've had a busy week? - I've had, yeah, I've been busy anyway. This week has been very slow, primarily because we get most of our referrals through schools when families have, you know, a death in the family, and then somebody wants, you know, us to come out and see their child, and because school's out for the summer, school's out for ever, yeah. Then we end up where the referrals go down. So we're helping out in other ways, which I have a story that I'm gonna tell you about a bad act on call that I haven't even told you about yet that involves me helping out in other places. - Oh God. - And-- - The free clinic. - Yeah, I was there getting my shots anyway. (laughing) So it's been very busy as far as-- - Because if they were handing out an aerial disease, we would all be at the free clinic. (laughing) - Thank you, Julia, sugar break. (laughing) It's been very busy in that just, it's been a weird week for me where it's been very, very busy. So one-- - But things have been very busy. - Shut up. (laughing) Wednesday night was crazy in that I get home around five o'clock and then I get a phone call that I have to go out to a nursing home to visit with a family, which is fine. It's not very far from my house, it's about 10 minutes from my house. So I go out to the nursing home, I meet the family out there. Then I'm out there for about an hour. I get home about 7.30, get another phone call saying that I have to go up to Largo near where your old house was, which is about a 35 to 40 minute drive from where I live. Okay, fine. So I drive all the way up there. It's kind of a crazy situation. Obviously I can't talk about it, which is one of the things that sucks because I have all these great stories, but due to confidentiality, I can't necessarily share them with the masses. But let's just say it was just crazy and that the Sheriff's office was almost in court. - Oh God. - Yeah. Then-- - Were you at John Goodman's house? (laughing) - Then I drive all the way back home and then get a call saying that I have to go back to Largo. - Oh God. - But not at the same place, I have to go to another nursing home and work with a family there. So you were driving for like an hour and a half. - Yeah, I didn't get home for 12.30, back and forth till it was after midnight, yeah. I was able to listen to the latest Q-cast connections episode on the way, and I actually even called their listener line. I was that just why I needed to like-- - They have a listener line? - Yeah, and that's something that you and I will be talking about that we need to get a listener line. - That is so cool. No, did you just call and leave a message? - Yeah, you call and leave a message and then they become MP3s that you can play on your, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll discuss that later on. Taffy's looking at me. See, I'm telling you, it's Pot as My Co-Pilot version 2.0 with mixers and microphones and voicemail and-- - Oh my. (laughing) - Um, yeah, so 12.30, and then I ended up, and the night before I was up with Ramble Redhead till like after midnight, and then had to get up early for a meeting. So I was going on very little sleep and almost you know, food. Yes, and that's why you saw me the next day and said, "You look really tired." - I apologize, you're not supposed to help me for that. - Well. - But you did, you looked beat. - I know, I was beat. - Yeah, you looked beat. - It was a really hard last night, really hard. Very hard. - Very hard. - Yeah. - Rock card. - Rock. (laughing) - All night. (laughing) - Are we talking about tank? I'm sorry. (laughing) - Okay, I don't need that metal picture. And by need that metal picture, I mean-- - You're in for? - Yeah, you're in for. (laughing) What was I talking about? - I know I never listened to it. (laughing) You being on a call, you were tired. I saw you the day after. - Weekends tend to be a little bit crazier, and I'm on call this weekend as well, and-- - But then how long do you get to go before you're on call again? - A week. And then I'm doing the same thing all over again. I don't know what I was thinking, but-- - Would you be rolling in the money? - That's the thing is that we get paid a little extra money for doing on call, and I'm trying desperately to pay off some credit cards, and all of the money that I get is going towards these credit card bills. - You're being a responsible homeowner. - I'm trying to be responsible. I am trying to be responsible. Cleaned the shit out of my house, both literally and figuratively last week, and-- - Oh, so all the kitty cat residue is gone? - Except for that room, yeah. (laughing) - Oh my god, clean the frickin' room. - Well, it's the back bathroom. I never use that bathroom. The door's closed, so I don't have to worry about it. (laughing) Oh, I don't think you'd want it back. - I don't think I want it back. - Yeah. And that's what's going on with on call. So I'm a little crazy, and that's why we're recording these. We're going to be talking about some stuff that may be a little timed, but it's, you know, work with us, eventually we'll be back on that where we're talking about things that are a little bit more current events. - Like the '80s. - Yeah, yeah. (upbeat music) - So okay, back to "So You Think You Can Dance." - Yeah. - The dancing Wednesday night, I think it was the best episode ever. - It was, yeah, I was impressed with every single dance. - The thing with the table, the '80s power luncheon, power meeting, whatever, with Sabra, and with Neil? Yeah, that was fabulous. - Yeah, I gained a whole lot of more respect for Neil. - Neil is not one of my favorites. - The chest press pummel. - Yeah, with the thing where it wasn't like he flipped, he just sort of held it for a second, and then he did the thing where he lifted her up and she spread her legs, and it was just-- - And then the thing where the pattern, the pasta dove away, where she held onto her heels and slid down his body, where she tightened, and he expanded his legs to keep her from hitting. Yeah, that was fricking incredible. We wound that several times. So yeah, I thought I was very impressed with them. But my favorite girl, she kind of let me down this week, even though she was great, but I love Lacey, but she just-- - I don't think Lacey's gonna make it to the end. - And I, that makes me very sad, because I think she's probably the best dancer there. - No, but I have to disagree with you. - Of the girls? - Of the girls, Sabra, I think Sabra is a-- - Sabra's awesome, yeah. - Is a better dancer than Lacey. - No, she's awesome. - I know that you like Lacey, and I know that you have the attachment because of the guy that won last year, and this-- - Her brother. - Yeah, her brother and all that sort. - Well, no, not only that, but Sabra has been a paid dancer. So technically that makes her a professional dancer. She was in high school musical, the original one. But Lacey isn't, and I don't know, I think in this kind of competition. I realize a lot of them are dance instructors and stuff, but you figure she was already in a movie, she's already has some exposure and Lacey doesn't. - But she was-- - She was a background dancer in high school musical, right? - Yeah. - Well, that's, I mean-- - Yeah, you're on a Disney train. I mean, it's just a hospital-- - Well, okay, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she's going to be in every single high school musical from now on, I mean-- - Because we're on this together. - You say that all the time, and I've never seen the movie, and I've never-- - I know, two times on Friday, or next Friday. - Is it on the Disney channel, or is it, okay. They didn't, or at least that in the-- - No, in fact, there was such an uproar, I don't know if I told you this or not, from the parents and students and faculty of my daughter's school, because Friday night is back to school night for them to get their lockers and organize everything and meet their teachers, that in the gym, they are showing high school musical too, so after the kids are done, if they have siblings, or if the parents have to go talk to the teachers, they can go to the gym and watch it. There was such an email uproar, I guess they received over 100 emails in one day about, are you kidding me, it's Friday night, that's the night high school musical comes out. - I'm not kidding me. - What is it gonna be on a million times? - A million times, but this was the first airing of it and the kids were furious. Some of the faculty, I talked to the math director of the junior high and she was like, I can't believe it's Friday night, we've been waiting for him, he's going, I'm like, are you being serious? Yeah, that's a problem. - Well, that's probably a good way to figure out if it's male faculty, which ones are gay. - No, it was a woman. So, that's not fun. - That's not fun, is a cute kitty, little, he's a little son. - Have you seen the thing on the Daily Purge about how it looks like his hair was matted down with the boy juice or whatever? - Yeah, and I think that the title underneath the fan of the fair is saying it says bukkake. It was time to get all immensely. - 'Cause you'd love the bukkake. - And the power bottom. I wonder if you could be a bukkake on a power bottom. - Yeah. - I have some videos at home that I'll show you. (laughing) But again, that's a story for another day. - Today, later on today. - Later on today, let's take a ride to my house. We're on a trip. - Lord. - Yeah, so who, so you think Lacey is going to win? - No, I don't think Lacey's going to win, but I hope she doesn't get voted off this on Monday whenever they announce the winners. I think that-- - I think Lauren's going to get voted off. - I think Lauren and I think-- - Because she messed up a couple of times. - Yes, she did. - And I'm a little worried about Pasha as well. - Pasha, yeah. I think Pasha and Lauren are out of here. I think, I never remember the black guy, the black guy. - Daniel. - That man has got some lines in his body that are fricking amazing, but he's-- - When-- - But she is so full of himself though. - When she threw herself at him, I don't think they were supposed to fall at her. - Oh, no, I don't either, yeah, it was a little-- - And then they did something where she sort of like, he put his hands around her and then she tried to get, she tried, I think they tried to hold hands or something and it just looked like he was swatting flies and they both have this crazy look on their faces. They were running around and I love that song. I love that Celine Dion song, but it was a little-- - You kind of win. - It was a little much. - I tell you who I love in that show is Mia Michaels. With the weird hair and she only has a second look in her face and she's kind of-- - She was like that she was a cry. - She's kind of sweaty but you don't know if it's tears, exactly. - That's her though, I really do. - Debbie Allen was on, I'm not a big fan of the Debbie Allen. - I'm not either, I, in fact I fast forward every time she talked. - No. - Mary Murphy, is she pregnant? All of us kind of went, what's up with the clothes? Because you know, she had the pilgrim outfit and then she had the like 19-- - The pilgrim. - We had the black with the white bow and then she had like the 1989 spiral, like I don't know, sequin thing and then Wednesday night she had these bizarre stripes but when she stood up at the clap at one point I thought, is she pregnant? - Maybe she's just fat. - No I don't, I don't think so because, I mean she doesn't have the little Donnie, Maria Osman, chipmunk cheeks, things going on but I don't think she's a heavy girl. I just think she's, either that but she had on it was not a prettier, she's gonna get on the hot tamale training with somebody on it. The whole screaming thing with me, dress me crazy. I have to fast forward. - Yeah I don't quite get that. - What's amazing to me is the most articulate one of the bunch is Nigel and you wouldn't think he would be on a Y. - Why? He's British, they're all articulate. - No, no he seems to have, he actually seems to have a knowledge about dance which kind of surprises me. - Well yeah, I would hope so. - He's the producer of the show, I would think he would. - I think that you and I should produce a theater and I think that there is a theater, like an actual stage theater that might be opening up that will be in need of a new company. I think you and I should be the one that produces it and that way we can make little boys take out their shirts and by little boys it means over 21 of course. - Okay, you know how Nigel has knowledge of history that makes him articulate, a knowledge of theater? - I have knowledge of theater, excuse me. - I have no idea what I'm doing. - Do you think boy's you're cute? - Yeah. - Okay, do you know bad acting when you see it? - Sometimes. - Okay. - But, do we want to do plays of bad acting? - No, we do plays of like, you know. - That's, that would be a genius. - Where you know you're going to see purposely bad acting? - That would be, that's where you know what the line is supposed to be delivered. - All right, I'm in, let's do it. - No, no, no, it's like method acting. Look honey, there's a box, I wonder what is in it. That is the kind of method acting that would be fabulous. - That's method acting? - No, you know where it, yeah. - I thought method acting was like when you lose-- - You know, I'm a piece of bacon and I'm hiding in a frying pan. - I thought it was when you like lose a bunch of weight for a roll or that sort of thing and are you. - No, that's cause you're getting paid a lot. - Well, like what Robert De Niro did for Raging Ball? - Yeah, kind of, but you know, bad method acting is when they're, you know, that's a whole sensory thing where you pretend you're smelling the onion and that's what makes you cry. Or you remember something sad in your life and that's what makes you cry. I don't know, it's all that bullshit. - All that bullshit, yes, I'm a pheasant. - You managed to-- - I'm a pythaspian. (laughing) - You managed to encapsulate all of acting or your beliefs in acting in one single sentence. That's a bunch of bullshit. - I felt a lot of community theater, I love, I love that whole idea. - You? - A shock if you realize-- - You've been up on a stage talking to the masses. - I think we should do a bad community theater one on one. That could be the name of our troop. - No, we'd have to come up with something more original. - VCT 2000. (laughing) - Much like the PAB tour. - PAB tour. Which is-- - Punk ass bitch tour. - Yes. On the trip that we talked about to North Carolina to the Mountain Woman's house, every time we would stop at a rest stop-- - Lola and I-- - Taffy and Lola would go into with a Sharpie marker into the bathroom and write PAB tour to-- - Thank you, now all the people between, you know, on I-75 of up to North Carolina every time they had to go into paint something in their bathroom that said, you know, PAB, now they know who did it. - Yes, because I'm sure all of the maintenance people of all the rest stops in here, between here in North Carolina have-- - Exactly. - Been listening it. And remember the graffiti that they, you know, instead of-- - Three years ago. - You know, my mouth is a convers optical. Be here Sunday at three o'clock and I'll give you the blowjob of your life. - Wow, that was like spoken, spoken like a true smartass. So next topic, let's see. (children screaming) - So it's almost back to school time. - Yes. - And-- - Thank you very much for letting me go school supply shopping with you and-- - It is cool. - The Littlest Huffington. I enjoy back to school time just because of all of the notebooks and pens and erasers and there's just something about that when you go into stores and it's all the back to school stuff. - I agree. - Okay, I love it. And honestly, it's the whole idea of all of that stuff-- - A fresh start. - The potential-- - That's it. - That was within all of the school supplies, which sounds very dramatic and-- - No, I really agree. - But it's one of these where, you know, the greatest, the great American novel could be written in one of the notebooks that you're walking past in Target. - And you can keep those notebooks. And I mean, I can remember going-- I can remember going to Elder Bareman, which is regional for up north and buying my school supplies. And you know what? I loved coming home and putting my name in everything and putting my subjects and it was all fresh and clean and you knew. I loved-- - And the first week of school, you write very neatly on notebooks. And then by week three, it's all pages are ripped and things are smeared. - My favorite part of back to school shopping, and unfortunately, my children are too old to buy these anymore, which makes me very sad, is the big box of crayons that when you opened it up, I can't, my nose doesn't work very well, so I can't smell it. I've never got the joy of the smell of the crayons, which everyone says is a distinct smell. - But everything is brand new with it. - And the sharpened and perfect ledges, and there's always the gold and the silver, which were kind of glittery. I mean, now they sell glitter crayons, but I'm talking the true crayola box where they had the little glittery ones and the built-in sharpener in the back. And then all the little compartments would come out. And of course, because I'm who I am, I would have to take all the crayons out and put all the blues together. And all the dance together and all the rest. I'll-- - You down with OCD? Yeah, you know me. - No, you know me. But no, I love, I love, I love that. So yeah, she went and bought, anyway, so she bought all of her school supplies, but then we had to go bottom shopping because my daughter's wearing uniform tops. And we went to a store called-- - And bottom shopping is what we do on a Saturday night at the bar, but go ahead. - God, that's hope it's not the same thing. And we went to a store called Stephen Berries. Have you ever been there? - No. - Well, I had never been there either, but on Oprah, like two months ago, they had this thing with Sarah Jessica Parker, and she had come out with a new clothing line called "Bitten" speaking of theater. She named it after, you know, when you get bitten by the acting bug. - Okay. - So-- - I was wondering what that was. - And that's it. And first off, Stephen Berries is huge. - Real quick though, have you been on Dlisted.com when they call Sarah Jessica Parker, my little pony? (laughing) That's what they call her. Go ahead, I'm sorry. - I just think of Sarah Jessica P.P. from a present, but so we go over there. This place is enormous. It's the only one in the state of Florida. And this-- - Is it like-- - It's like in a Macy's. Like when you pull up to a mall, there's like a Sears at one end. - Yeah, an anchor store. - And Berries at the other end, yeah. It's an anchor store, it's huge. It's only, that I noticed it was only one floor, but it is enormous. And it's all close. - Is it men and women or? - It's men, women and plus size. - Why are you looking at me when you say-- (laughing) - The most expensive thing in the store is $20. And let me tell you, they have winter coats, fully lined, 20 bucks. So, okay, I'm very, very, very snobby. I know it's shocking, but, so I'm thinking these clothes are gonna be, there are certain stores in the mall that you know you're buying disposable clothing. You're gonna walk in, rave. To be old Navy is disposable clothing. I never had that last from there. And so that's how I looked at this was, I'm gonna spend $100. If it doesn't last, I'm out $100, but I've learned a lesson. And if it does last, then great. So nothing is on sale, or very few things were on sale, but if the prices are reasonable, who cares? So the first thing, which is very telling and very tragic all at the same time, is my eldest daughter says to me, "Why is everything so cheap in here?" And I said, "Well, it's not that it's cheap in here. "It's that you're used to paying $80 for a polo shirt, "and now they have $1,695." And some of the clothes were cut strange. I mean, they definitely do not cut on the bias like at a higher end store. But for the most part, the jean jackets for $14 with the double stitching, and the serged bottom, and all the extra buttons as nice as anything you're gonna buy. But the bitten line was awesome. The only problem I have with the bitten line is that I happen to have a daughter who wears a size zero and a size two, and their stuff mostly starts at size four. You could hardly get a two anywhere. I guess they only send like two or three twos and they're gone instantly. But the clothes seem to be made very well, seem to be put together very well. Beautiful dresses. So anyways, we bought five pairs of pants, one jean jacket, one dress, one pair of shoes, two tops, a pair of earrings, and a bracelet for $112. - Holy shit. - Thank you. (laughs) And then I could have shopped all day long in that stuff, but we had to leave because we had a game for it. We had to go to, but yeah, it was awesome. So highly recommended, decided to throw that out there. You should go over there. They definitely have polo shirts and pants and shorts, stuff that you love. - Well, maybe some Saturday when I'm off. We can go up there, yeah. - Take a ride out. (clicking) (clicking) - I want to tell you about what happened to me yesterday. I alluded to it earlier in the podcast. - Is this a sex story? - Why you got to go there? Why does it always have to be a sex story? - 'Cause it's a sex story. - You think I wouldn't tell you right away when you open the door? I got blown yesterday. That would have been the first thing out of my mouth. - You'd have called me during. - I would have called you during. - I would have called you during. (laughs) - No, no, okay. This is a lot of questions. What happened? Guess what just happened? (laughs) I, okay, as I said before, as I was saying earlier, are the children's program, the referrals go down during the course of the summer and we're able to help out in our end-of-care, end-of-life care facility that we have that was kind of famous a couple of years ago for-- - For bad reasons, yes. - Yeah, for reasons. If you do some research as to-- - You'll figure it out. - Hospice issues in Florida a couple of years ago, you'll know what I'm talking about. I'm, as an employee, I'm not even allowed to say the name. Anywho-- - I went along with the South Park episode. - Yeah. (laughs) - And what I normally do is I-- - You can't say the name, really? - No. - Ever? - I can't say the name, no. - Like not in a, like, not if you're in a meeting, you can't even mention that name. - No, if I'm in a meeting at work, then I can maybe, we can maybe talk about it, but we wouldn't-- - I should discuss the outside. - No, like, I wouldn't discuss it with other families and I wouldn't discuss it with my-- - Me. - No. - Really? - Yeah. - Yeah, well, it's part of HIPAA. It's part of the-- - Oh, yeah. - I've already said too much just to talk about this, so-- - Right, I'll be glad. - Anyway, we help out, and what we're normally doing is we're helping the crew at Woodside to help out with their bereavement calls, so-- - So what side is A? - Is the facility. - Right, okay. - And so really, what it does is entails is that I am the one who, I make bereavement calls and I call families who had lost somebody six months ago and just check in with them, make sure they're doing okay. If they need to start seeing a counselor, I refer them to the counselors, they're there, all those other stuff. So it takes a couple of hours and I'm pretty much done and I have my journaling group that I have to get to and I have to go to Publix and I have to buy 'cause we get little snackies for them and everything, so while they're sitting journaling, they can, you know, pepperoni and Oreos and all that sort of thing. And as I'm walking here, which we ate together, pepperoni and Oreos, it was fabulous. And lemonade, you think my stomach didn't hurt by the time I went there, I was just like, I had a rumbly and my tumbly. I'm walking out of the office, the social workers office, and I hear this, hey, hey, hey! So I turn around and in the hallway in this huge oversized wheelchair, there was a woman who was about a foot and a half tall. - Aw, like... - Not literally. (laughs) - Never know! - So she was ahead in one shoulder. Now, she has head and shoulders about the rest. - Yes, and so I sort of look at her and she was waving over at me with one finger. And this woman is about, I'd say, about 300 years old. (laughs) Not a tooth in her head, she's got the little black and gray hair, she's got to pull it into a ponytail and she has on her little sweatshirt, she's covered in a blanket. So she waves over to me and I walk over to her and I said, you know, can I help you? And I guess she's must've seen that I had my badge on. - Yeah. - She holds her hand out. - Can it look like you're in an official capacity? - Yeah, I'm actually wearing khakis and a polo and, you know, and my sassy shoes. Now, it wasn't a red polo, which I hate that. When I wear a red polo and I accidentally go into Target to get something, and I get it. I just eventually help people. It's just easier when they ask for, you know, well, I need to do some size nine. And I'll say things like, that's all the other sizes that we have, I'm really sorry. Everything we have is out on the floor. And then I walk away. So I did get in a fight with a guy one time when I said, I don't work here. And he says, well, why are you dressed like that? And I said, why am I dressed like what? He goes, you're in a Target uniform. I said, no, I'm in a red shirt and a pair of khakis. Well, you've got to tag on. I said, it's a tag to my work. Where do you work? Someplace other than Target. - Thank you. - Well, you shouldn't be dressed like that. I said, you shouldn't tell people how to dress. Fuck her, get away from me. Which then, making friends everywhere you go, personable, and somebody you want to talk to you about problems. Anyway, this woman says to me, she waves over at me and she pulls her hand out to me. I go to take her hand. She pulls me towards her with the strength of men. It was the weirdest thing. And I get where I'm like a couple of inches from her face and she says, you have to take care of yourself first. You can't worry about other people. Take care of other people after you take care of yourself. - So, she's like the gypsy and thinner. She's like. (laughs) - It was the, and I said, okay. And she said, did you understand me? And I said, yes. And then she said, I would like some juice. I said, okay. - Guys, that's something that will stay with you, though. - Oh, no, it's totally. I mean, I got this very weird. And she says, I would like some juice. And I said, okay. - Don't tell me you want to get the juice to come back and she was gone. - No, no. - 'Cause I would punch her on her face. - And then she said, I said, okay. And then she said, I would also like some candy. And I said, are you, 'cause I know the diets are, and I said, are you allowed to have candy? And she says, yes. (laughs) And I said, something tells me you're not allowed to have candy. And then she said, no, I'm not allowed to have candy. And she said, but I would like some juice. And I said, if you asked anybody for juice yet, she said, no, I'm asking you. - Did you get it? - And I said, okay, I will get somebody to get you juice. And she says, thank you. She goes, now, don't forget. You have to take care of yourself first before you take care of anybody else. And I said, I will do that. I was telling the secretary of the office about this. She said, you should have walked past her drinking the juice and said, I'm taking care of myself. (laughs) - I love her. - Yeah, so. - That's all. - And that was everybody else that they said, please tell me she didn't, you know, you didn't bring that back to the juice and she was dead. And I said, no, she was still sitting there. And I went to one of the nurses station and says the lady over there in the chair and needs a juice. And they said, all right, we'll get a tear. That was it. - Did you make sure she got it? - I had to leave. I had to leave because they took care of her, trust me, over the last couple of days, going into some of the nursing homes I've had to go to, I went to one of the ones that I went to on Wednesday night when I had to do my own call stuff. Actually hurt my heart walking. - That's what I only, I can't hear anything about it. - No, it was, it was, and this is supposed to be a funny podcast, so I'm not gonna talk about it, but it makes me very sad and it makes me very scared for what the future holds for people in our generation. 'Cause if they're treating people like that now, what's a, yeah, that's very scary. - What's it gonna be like 50 years from now? - So are the greenest people? - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The green is people. The year. Always a drop dead gorgeous reference. Always gotta be a drop dead gorgeous reference. And that was my big, that was my weird, like I had, I had not the creepy vibes for a while, but I just had that where this woman's voice resonated in my head. (gentle music) - So I believe that we have new friends. - We have a couple of friends, - They're a turning friend, sort of, kind of. - Yeah, yeah, I received a comment on the blog, which is podismacopilot.com about episode 20, and Mika Ann, Mika Ann is back to us. - She was the first person who did a fabulous review for us for iTunes. - Yes, and she also, I think was the first person that really posted to our blog and the first person we got an email from. - Have we heard from her since? - No, and the weird thing is I was just, because I've been thinking about, you know, statistics as far as how many episodes we've had and that sort of stuff, and I was thinking, you know, we haven't heard from her in a while, and I was wondering if, which, by the way, we have a 13th review on iTunes. - Oh, excellent. - So we were at 13, and then we went down to 12, because apparently one of them was anonymous, and they got rid of all the anonymous reviews, and then it came back. But anyway, getting back to Mika Ann. - But for those of you who listen to us, come and give us wonderful reviews on iTunes. - Yes, we're gonna talk about that in a second, because there's a listener challenge getting ready to happen, and so Mika Ann wants to know when we are going to put our faces on the block. - I don't know. - I don't know either. - That's rough. - I don't know. I think about it every once in a while. - I don't know. - And then I think, yeah, I work with kids, and I told a story about jerking off that I don't know that that would be good. So it may be, I can guarantee you, while I am working at my current position, I probably will not be putting my picture up there. Maybe I'll put an eyebrow, or an ear, or something like that, yeah. Yeah, one eye. But brown eye. - I am your brown eye, girl. - I'll be putting my butt hole up for my portrait, but it probably will be a while. So we want for everybody. Much like "Drink to Work Funny" did, 'cause "Drink to Work Funny" went till about 80-something episodes before Dina actually showed who she was. We want you to have a mental picture in your head of what you think we look like, and continue to enjoy that. - Well, we're Sven, and beautiful. - Yes. We don't want to disappoint you when you see Taffy. (laughing) - So it may be a while. However, we may ask Tank or Drum to show up, because apparently they sound like they're damn hot, according to Mika Ann. - They are damn hot. - Tank is damn hot. - Drum, he's all right. - Drum. He's okay. - He's okay. - Drums balls now, that's a totally different. - No, you could put Tank's penis on drums balls. Oh my God, people would never leave their houses, they just didn't stare at the picture. - Drums not lackin' in the penis department. - They didn't call 'em beer can for nothin' in the army. (laughing) - Call who? - Call Tank beer can? Why are a bunch of guys callin' him beer can? - That was a joke. - Oh. - Have you seen how thick his shoulders are? Work with me. (laughing) - Okay. Nevermind, I have to take a moment for myself. (laughing) - Okay. - So do we have any new Myspace people? - We do have new Myspace people, one of which is Jimmy, who is the partner to Mr. Difficult, no. (laughing) He is the partner to Mr. Difficult, who are both fine. - Fine. - I would like to be the meat in that love sandwich, let me just say that, they're both kinda. - Aren't you Mr. Difficult? (laughing) - No, I'm Mr. Bitch, there's a difference. - You're Mr. Challenging. - I am, when we came up with Princess Nade, or the Indian names, I am Princess Pouting Bear, apparently according to Ms. Jackson. - That's true. - And also I wanted to say that in episode 20, we talked about, there was somebody-- - Michelle. - Post it something about, and we had said that it was Michelle, and we, I was wrong. Michelle had sent-- - Oh, I'm sorry, can you say that one more time? - I was wrong. - Thank you. - But however, Michelle-- - That was the title for the podcast. - Michelle had sent us a comment that I had responded to, so when you said she was just checking in to say hi, that's what I thought, and then when I went back, I realized it was our friend, Kristen, who was my friend from back in the day when I did e-diets, probably about four years ago. - I think that we've mentioned her before. - Yeah. - Yeah, when she first became our friend. - Wonderful. - So, hi Kristen, and hi Michelle, we don't wanna take away from Michelle, because Michelle is awesome. - Hi Michelle, we like it. - And we also have, we've talked about the listener-- - Challenge. - listener challenge, and what we would like for everybody to do, the majority of the people who listen to our podcast listen to it through iTunes. We would like very much to become a featured podcast on iTunes, and in talking with Michael and Daniel, they said one of the best ways that you can do that is to have a sudden rush of people sending in positive-- - Reviews. - Reviews. - Up to you. - Yes. - Have you ever posted a review for us? - No. - No, neither have I. So, that's two right there, if we both post a review of iTunes. - This is in kind of slightly, I mean not narcissistic, but that's the whole book for myself from Hong Kong, I think, Wayne-type thing. - Which you told your daughter to do-- - That's because she lost last year by four. - Doesn't matter. - Hey, right. - And so, what we would like for everybody to do is, please, please, please, if you enjoy the show, if you enjoy our semi-weekly rants, weekly when we try rants about things, please leave us a positive review on iTunes, and what we're hoping to do is that, iTunes will take notice of us, put it on their main podcast page, and from there-- - And our listeners will grow. - And our listeners will grow. We usually average about 160 listeners. - Which is not bad. - No, that's not bad. Considering we started out the first week we did-- - 47. - No, it was less than that. It was probably about 25. And I thought, you know what, 25's pretty good. And then, all of a sudden, we really started skyrocketing, partially through the help from the Q-cast guys. - Right. But we didn't have one episode that went to 240, I think. The Kim Zimmer episode. - Yeah, the episode posts. - Post masturbation. - Yeah. - So I think what happened was a lot of people listen-- - Pooped for masturbation. - Yeah, a lot of other podcasters listened to that episode, talked about it on the show, and for some reason, that's our most popular episode, which is the "He is Kim Zimmer." Please, please, we're begging you. I'm not a book begging. I will do just about anything. - I am a book begging. - Taffy's about begging, Taylor is not. Because as we learned in episode 20, I have no self-esteem. (laughing) We would really like to review. So I'm gonna ask that we get at least, we are at 13 reviews right now. - 10 more. - I would like to see, I would say seven, but you know what? - 10. - 10. We would like to see 10 new reviews by the next time we record a podcast. So-- - It's doable, totally doable. - It is doable. It is doable. - Like you. - Yes, for a nominal fee. (laughing) And a nominal fee is saying hello to me. (laughing) Hi, how are you? I'm Barry. Stick it in! (laughing) I love your fat. - I love your fat, yeah. - I miss your mask. (laughing) - And when this is all over, you and I ought to get an apartment together. (laughing) - The best show ever. - Yeah. - All right. - Is that it, I think that's it for this week. - Love you guys, keep listening. - You can always check us out at potasmycoapilot.com or you can email us at potasmycoapilot@gmail.com. Be our MySpace friend at myspace.com/potasmycoapilot. - You did it, I'm so proud. - I do it, you're the one that was a problem with it. - I know. (laughing) - Anyway. - I'm projecting. - Projector, projector. - Hector, projector. - Do you ever see that movie? - No. - What movie is that? Stuart saves his family. You know, Stuart, I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. - And Doug on it, people like me. - Yeah. - Yeah, no, I would ever. - They did a movie which was a twisted movie and Laura Sanjio Como. - Oh yeah. - And he says something to her and she goes now, you know, that's not how you feel. Hector, projector. (laughing) That would make me funny. - It made me funny. - It made me laugh. - Your mess. - So, so, have a good time. - Okay, so, so buttoned. - One ice cream. - So one ice cream? - So buttoned on ice cream. But didn't you ever hear that when you were a kid? - No. - When you say so and then usually some old wise sage person would say, so buttoned on ice cream? - On ice cream? I don't know. - Have you ever heard about nailing jello tool? - Yes, yes. That's like raising teenagers or something like that, which I think is ridiculous. - Raising teenagers is like nailing, yeah. - I hate that expression, but. - Okay. - Oh, I'm glad we ended on Happy Notes. (laughing) - This is Taylor. - And Taffy. - Bye, everybody. - Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)