Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 18 - Taylor, uuuh-lone

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2007
Audio Format:

A mini episode, Taylor records his first solo podcast ,and explains why in the first few minutes - regular episodes will resume later this week, so never you fret.  Taffy will be back. 
Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and you're listening to episode 18 of Pot as my co-pilot. Normally, I would be introducing Taffy Carlisle Huffington right about now, or even Rodan, but it's just me tonight. We taped an episode on Saturday with Drum Riley Calhoun, actually, as our guest co-host, and once again, had technical difficulties. Looking at our schedules, it doesn't look like we're going to be able to get together any time soon, at least not until end of the week. I didn't want to go that long without putting something out there, and normally, I'm not a big fan of the personal journal type podcasts, in which it's just one person talking, you know, out into the ether, but I thought, you know what, let me just give it a shot, so this may be a five-minute podcast, it may be a 15-minute podcast, and I really don't know. I'm just going to talk till I'm tired of talking, and sort of put it together and see what happens. I just finished my second bowl of cereal out of my brand-new bowl that I just made, Taffy and the littlest Huffington and I went to practically Picasso last week, and painted some pottery. Taffy's daughter had been asking me to do that for quite a while, and I promised her we would do it sometime over the summer, and thought it might be nice to actually do it, so she made a little fun jar that she has where she can put her loose change into it, and I decided I wanted to make like a cereal ice cream bowl type thing, and I had the idea of what I wanted to do in my head before I got there, and I really wanted to use all sorts of different colors, so I kind of made a rainbow bowl, which sounds very gay, and it kind of looks kind of gay, but I didn't do it where it was, you know, the rainbow flag, I have it, where some colors are on the outside of the bowl, and other colors are on the inside of the bowl, and it's pretty neat, I was very excited to get it, and then I realized that I didn't have any ice cream or cereal in the house, so when I went food shopping today, I purposely bought a couple of little containers of cereal just that I could try it out, and I had a little bit of milk left over from last week, so rather than buy a big box of cereal, then it just sort of keeps that whole thing going, I thought, you know what, I'm just going to get a couple of little boxes and some milk, and there we go, so here's my bowl, that's what it sounds like, I'll take a picture of it and maybe use it as the art for this episode of the show, which is possibly the lamest thing I've ever said, and but oh well, some updates on what's going on with me, as we've talked about in the episodes prior to this, drum is out of the house now, and this weekend was the big pet drop-off weekend where we sort of took, decided who was getting which animal and kind of they went to their, you know, either stayed in their current home or went to their new home, and drum was able to take Hershey, which was our blackpug, and you also took Samantha and Sermina, which are, were, you know, our two cats, I guess they still are his cats, and so I was a little sad to see them go, with Hershey, you know, Hershey was kind of, when we first moved into the house, we started doing volunteer work for a local rescue organization, and Hershey was our first foster pug, and so that kind of makes it a little sad, and then Samantha and Sermina, I knew, you know, just about as long as I've known drum, because he had them prior to being in the relationship with me, so it seemed only fair that they should, you know, go stay with him, so, but I've also got Otis and Rocco here at the house, and you can probably hear Rocco snorting in the background, we just got back from a walk a few minutes ago, so he's a little chubby, so he tends to have some trouble keeping up sometimes, but, you know, that's, that's kind of what's going on with the animals I am. I did take this weekend, and rather than go out a lot, I decided to try and do some, I guess I'm nesting is what Taffy calls it when I talk about doing it, and I set up some shelves for my DVDs and my CDs, and then realized that I didn't have enough shelf space for the CDs, so I ended up just putting the DVDs in there, and all sorts of little chotch-keys and knick-knacks and pictures and all that sort of stuff, and it ends up looking a lot nicer than it would have had I used it for CDs, it would end up looking really sort of junky looking, and I spent the better part of yesterday and today cleaning my bathroom, which is absolutely disgusting, I had really let it get away from me, and the tub was just, you know, a nightmare to get in, and every day I would get into the shower, and I think I really need to clean this, so decided, you know what, I'm going to clean it today, so I got some soft scrub and, you know, they managed to get the tub, but the tiles didn't work, and it didn't work on the tiles rather, so I went out today and I bought one of these new little scrubbers, this is like, you know, it takes a couple of batteries, and you can get them for like ten bucks at Publix, and tried it out, and it ends up working really, really well, I got into the grout around the toilet, and around the sink, and, you know, I'm sure this is fascinating for all of you to listen to, but I'm just sort of, this is what I'm talking about, and I ended up seeing, you know, a really big difference, so I haven't gone over the rest of the bathroom yet, I guess I'll do little blocks of time, you know, over the next couple of nights, so I've done a little laundry, and the dining room had been my office for a while, once Drummond and I split up, he took the second bedroom, he took the second bedroom, and that was where our office was set up, and I just sort of moved into the dining room, and now I'm back into the office, and it's a little weird, so I'm not used to being back here, but it's kind of nice, so we'll see what happens. Another thing that I did, over the last couple of days, is I caught up on some television watching, and I watched the last six episodes of last comic standing, it's time that I will probably never get back, but once I started watching and I figured, well, maybe I'll see something funny, and there were a couple of funny comics, but the people that I thought were really funny, almost none of them got on, and I'm a little bothered by the fact that I have heard of at least two of the contestants, Doug Benson does things on Best Week Ever all the time, and I don't find them funny on that show, and I didn't find them funny on the show, and then Fia Vidal had her own sitcom back in the 90s, so I'm not quite sure why she would want to be a contestant on the show, and get $250,000. I also remember she used to come to tracks the bar here, one of the gay bars here in Tampa all the time, and perform, and used to make all sorts of comments about, you know, lesbian tendencies, so I don't know if that's the big secret, or if that will be something that will come out in the future, who knows. So I've been watching a lot of that, and now that they've gotten down to the final ten people, I don't know if I'm going to actually watch it or not, so it just gives a lot of them more kind of boring. Also watching Attack of the Show a lot on G4, which is kind of like a nightly live geek fest where they talk about video games and comic books and all that sort of stuff, and a lot of the shows, episodes are actually, a lot of the segments are actually podcasts, video podcasts that you can watch, so I think I've decided I'm not going to watch that either. I'll just, you know, watch the podcasts and take it from there, so, and I've also got to watch, still have to watch the last episode of The Starter Wife, which I have T-Vode. The rest of it was a complete piece of shit, but I figure, you know what, I'm five episodes in, I might as well watch the last episode, and I have last week's Kathy Griffin to watch, and that's what's on my T-Vode right now. The thing that's going on with me is, and we talked about that a little bit on the episode that we had the technical difficulties with was my journaling group that I've been doing. I work for a local non-profit organization that deals with grief and bereavement, and I work with children, so we decide that we're going to offer summer groups every year, and most of the time when we have groups, nobody shows up for them, because, you know, kids don't want to be bothered over the summer, or the family goes on vacation, or they, you know, have other activities that they've got planned, or, you know, camps, that sort of thing, but we offered this journaling group for teenagers who've experienced the loss of a parent, and it ended up that we had three people show up. I was really pleased. Myself and another counselor are facilitating it, and it was just a nice evening with these three girls who are all around the age of 16 to 18, and they've all experienced the loss of a parent, and it was nice to, because with them being teenagers they kind of, you know, direct themselves somewhat, but you can sort of gently nudge them in these directions, and we started off that the first night was just going to be a social night, and everybody was going to get to know each other, and eventually as they were working on these art projects where they were decorating the fronts of their journals that we bought for them, they started opening up and talking about the loss of their parents, and, you know, talking about things that, you know, are going on in their lives, and things that they're happy about, not happy about that sort of thing, and the conversation started talking about movies, and how certain movies make them cry, and, you know, every time they watch the movie, like, one movie that came up was "Step Mom," which I guess is, I've never actually seen, but, you know, I understand there's, you know, the death of a parent in that one, so I can understand why that might make them a little sad. And I thought that I would, you know, I asked all of you on the blog, which is, to list the movies that make you cry, and we had a couple responses for that, and I realized that I never told anybody the movies that make me cry. So without further ado, the first movie that I remember crying to as a child was E.T. I remember going and seeing that in fourth grade and just thinking, you know, "I don't like how this alien died," and I just remember, I just remember bawling in the movie theater. I'd never done that before in a movie, and another movie that makes me cry would be Rocky, which is kind of a weird, that's sort of a weird cry. It's kind of one of those, like, happy cries that, you know, when, at the end of "The Color Purple," when the sisters reunite, and all that sort of stuff, but I just, Rocky is just one of those movies, and Drum had joked on the episode that it's because I'm from Philadelphia and that all Philadelphians have to love the movie Rocky, and I think he may be right. Rocky is just one of those great movies, and the music at the very end is very cheesy and very 70s, but it just completely encapsulates what the movie was all about and the love between these two characters and how he's yelling for Adrian, and she's running through the crowds, and it just, it just makes me cry every day. Just thinking about it, it just sort of, you know, makes me want to cry, but I'm not going to because that would be, you know, even more depressing, so hopefully this isn't too depressing and we're not going to scare too many people off. We will be back to fun and merriment, you know, next week, I promise. Finally, and this is one of these that I hate to admit because I'm sure it will come back to haunt me, but I remember when they, I am a huge, well, nerd, but I am a huge Star Wars fan, and Star Wars is one of, I think, the first movies that I ever went to go see when I was a kid. The original Star Wars came out when I was about four years old, and I remember being so excited and seeing it at the Deperate Mall, General Cinema 6, and my dad took me and all through elementary school and everything, I just, I just love Star Wars and thought Star Wars was just the greatest thing ever. So when they announced that they were going to be having them with episode one, I thought that was just so cool that they were going to be doing this again and everything, and I knew when they were releasing the trailer for episode one, they were showing it on TV, and I was purposely avoiding watching it just because I, I wanted to see it on the screen up close and personal for the first time, and wrote Anne and I were at the movies, and I knew that it was coming because the LucasArts thing came up and all that sort of stuff, and when the music started, I actually teared up. I was so excited and was like, this is, you know, all those memories of childhood came back and I just, you know, it was a big plus, so, and at one point, wrote Anne turned to me and said, are you crying, and I was just like, no. So, and, you know, he called me names until the actual movie started, so I'm a huge Star Wars fan. Finally, the last thing that I'm working on right now, or the last thing that I'm doing is I've decided to give myself possibly the dumbest mission that I've ever given myself in the past. I decided that I wanted to go back and listen to all the episodes of The Daily Purge. I'm a huge fan of The Daily Purge. I love J. Michael Haas and Robin Lee Show, and thought, you know what? I'm gonna hit the Get All button on iTunes, not realizing that there was about a hundred and twenty episodes, each of which is about 40 minutes long. I have gotten maybe over the course of the weekend because I've been busy working and doing things, and when I walk the dogs I listen to it, I have maybe about ten episodes in. It's a great show, and it's very interesting to see how it has transformed from the beginning when it was just J. Michael Haas and that eventually it was, oh, and we have a guest star, Rob Lindley, and at one point there was even somebody else in between where they were talking about Golden Globe nominations or something, and, you know, and then hearing Rob talk about his friend Sarah and how they're thinking about, oh, we're thinking about doing a podcast called How Much Do We Love, and we taped our first episode tonight, and that's another one of my favorite shows. You kind of get to see where our show can go and some of the things that I would like to see happen with our show, and I'm really hoping that this podcast, this little experiment into madness that Taffy and Rodan and I are working on will eventually become something that is, you know, fun and something I could be proud of. Well, that's not true, I'm proud of it now, but I'm just tired of all the technical shit that's wrong with it. So, but I would like to see it grow and change and be something that, you know, years from now we could be talking about, oh, remember when we did episode, you know, 22 and now we're at episode 300 or something, and, you know, maybe one day go into video, you know, podcasts or something like that. So that means we'd have to show our faces. I don't know. I think about showing my face every once in a while. I think about giving my real name, but every time I start to think about doing it, then I go back to that episode with Rodan, and where he told everybody how about how I masturbated, and I don't know that I want the world to see that face. I don't know that I want the world to see the face of the man who masturbated next to his best friend in a bed. So, so maybe you'll see me, maybe you won't. I don't know, but I would like to try and do something one day. So that's pretty much it. And I've been talking for 15 minutes, so color me impressed with myself. As always, you can email us at, or you can be our friend at, or you can go to our blog, which is So thank you all for indulging me in this little bit of, you know, narcissistic drivel, whatever you want to call it. So thanks a lot. We will be back with regular episodes, hopefully over the weekend. We're planning on taping something on Friday with drum and some other friends, and then we may be taping something with another guest co-host later on in the weekend, and this guest co-host may be from the Nutmeg State. We're not sure we need to see if our schedules can join up or not. So, as always, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and this would be where I paused for Taffy and Rodan to say their piece, and everybody have a good week, and we'll see you later on. Bye-bye. [Music]