Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 17 - The Janitor Checked Me Every Day for Scoliosis...

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2007
Audio Format:

We jump around aimlessly on this one, folks... It would be easier for me to just list what we talk about, because it's 11:30 and I am tired....  We discuss Rodan, and his future on the show....Tank's birthday...Taffy goes down a dangerous path....Taylor tells us how he found what was missing in his life, and talks about adjusting to livin' a 90's kinda world, he's glad he's got HIS girls... (Sorry, a Kim Coles won't happen again....)  Pillaging Drum's CD collection before it leaves Casa Latteboy...Which NKOTB would Taylor do...and which one would he feel dirty doing it with....Steel Magnolias rustlin' through the winds of St. Petersburg.... World Series of Pop Culture.... "Aeronautical?".... Taffy's....ahem..."theory" on space travel.... A discussion on cereal turns to waxing nostalgic on growing up 80's style... A brief break - with accompanying music, to boot!.... A check in from cheer camp.... So You Think You Can Dance.... The cute boy next door.... Big Brother, which we don't watch.... The worst job in the world (or an excuse to pull out another John Goodman story).... MySpace updates....Foul Monkeys, DTWF, and Taffy listens to...BTALK?!?....A challenge for the listeners...and we end with movie quotes.




MUSIC: Brain Bukit: Run Rabbit/The Chase, and random music from

(upbeat music) You're listening to "Pod Is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodin. (upbeat music) - This is episode 17 of "Pod Is My Co-Pilot" with your fabulous host, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, joined by her equally fabulous, fabulous. - Fabulous, fabulous. - The faggiest, fabulous. - The always caffeinated Taylor the Latte Boy. - Hello everyone. - And we're flying quasi solo, just the two of us today. Where is Rodin? - If we try, that's the joke from last time. - Exactly. - Well, we have an announcement to make, and that is that Rodin is taking an extended period of time away from the show. We actually taped an episode Sunday night, and Rodin was part of it, and it was great, but we continued to have technical difficulties, and decided that Skype is not our friend, and we are going to be trying this without him for a while. - Shall we think phase out? - Which kind of sucks. Okay, or which kind of sucks, you know, he will be listening to this eventually. - We love Rodin. - We do love Rodin, and he was very gracious in bowing out for a while, and we are going to try and work some sort of magic so that we can talk to him over Skype, and have it actually work. And once that happens, then he will be back on the show, and, you know, he's still planning on posting on the blog at So please check him out. He did mention that he thought his stories were funnier in the written verse versus the verbal, and to which my response was, well, if you say so, then so. - But he did also tell us that he has moved out of the hotel, and is in a house, and things are going well for him in-- - Monroe. - Yes, we'll be missing that. Not really, but, you know. - Shut up. - Shut up. - We are having a little bit of time this afternoon, and I really wanted to get an episode out, so we are gonna probably keep this short, which means it'll go on for four hours. - Once again, we are having an afternoon delight. - Yes. - Boo! - How are you? - I'm fabulous. - What's going on? What's new? - You know what? Every time you ask me that, I think of 18 things I should say, and, you know, I never say any of them. But every, it's summer, so life is crazy, and children are every direction, and Tank just had his birthday. - I was gonna ask you about that, how, because I purposely did not ask you how dinner went the other night. I know you went out to eat. - Dinner was great. We went to a restaurant called The Capital Grill, where they have fantastic food. It is lovely. They have a three-story wine kiosk, for lack of a better word. It's just this big, giant, like, mahogany tower that goes up through the center of the, of the restaurant, that the little girls get in it, and, you know, they do the thing where they slide up to get the pulled bottles for people. It's very cool. And what impresses me about those kind of restaurants is when you walk in, that people can pay to have their own little cage thing with their name on it, where they keep their own wine or own alcohol. - Really? - Yes, and then they all, they pay as an uncorking fee for, they say, you know, we have this little thing as you walk in, it has our name on it, which gives, you know, is a write-off, because it can be used as advertisement, genius. And so everyone who walks in sees that they are, you know, important enough, or whatever you wanna call it, to have their little name on a cage. And then they tell the waiter, we have, you know, our own port here, and they just charge them a small uncorking fee, and they bring in their own alcohol. So they're not charged, you know, $600 for Kristall. So I thought that was cool, but food was great, and a tank had a lovely birthday, and he's now old. I can say that I've had sex with a 40-year-old man. - Oh. - Well. - Again. - Again, I'm sure that's not the first time, you know, you could say that. Probably had sex with a 40-year-old man when you were 12 or something, but. (laughing) - Actually, I didn't have sex with a 40-year-old man once. - What's the oldest man you ever had sex with? And how old were you at the time? - I think he was 40, and I was before I met. - I was 16. (laughing) - I was eight, and I was limping muddy under the floorboards of his house, and it was a very traumatizing time. (laughing) I would say, okay, I remember it was one of those, it was an online beauty call thing, and I remember-- - Shocking. - Yes, I know, and this was back before I met Drums, so I must have been about 26, 27 at the time, and I remember going to his house, and it was one of these where I was there, and he was kind of creepy, and I'm thinking to myself, oh, I really don't want to be here, but I just-- - So, of course, you had sex with him? - Yeah, because I remember him saying at one point, you're my birthday present, and I mean, oh, my God. (laughing) - But again, but you had sex with him. - I think I let him blow me. (laughing) - Oh, my God. (laughing) Lord. - It's a little different in my community. (laughing) Once you're there, you're pretty much bigger, eh, you know what, okay. - So, he was 40, or just, or over 40, or 65? - I think he, actually, I think it was his 40th birthday that day, and he had been out with all of his friends, and I guess he didn't get lucky at the bar, so-- - Well, that's 14 years, that's pretty good. That's pretty good age difference. - Yeah. - Do you want 26? - Who was the oldest that-- - The oldest that I ever had sex with? - Yeah. - Was only three years difference. - Okay. - Yeah, nothing big excitement there, but only three, yeah. But there's always time. (laughing) - Of course, there were-- - I'm sure Tank will help me with that. - Of course, there were six of them that were three years off. - Exactly. - At the time. - Exactly. - Chew, Chew, Chew, Taffy's pulling a train. (laughing) - Get on, boy, boys. - Have I ever what? - Nothing. I'm still saying if you ever had a threesome, because you're talking about having a six on, but I figured you wouldn't want to go there. Again. - I've had threesome, yeah, I've had threesome, so that's fine. - That's fine, that's fine. I've never had a threesome. I've often thought of who I know, though, that would be involved in the threesome. I don't know if you could be involved. I think there would be a lot of giggling going on. I think when there would be-- - And by giggling, you mean screaming at the top of my lungs and beating on doors. Let me out! (laughing) - I think it would either be nervous, energy, but it would be very much giggly. I said that about Lola, too. - With who? You and me? - Yes, you and me and Lola. That's the reason why we're talking about how you and me and Tank. I had said that before, that I didn't think that could ever happen because of the giggling, but that would be Lola and I, too. Lola and I could never be involved in the threesome because it would either be, "Oh, God, don't put that near me," or just nothing but hysterical laughter. - Wow, okay. - Not that I've thought that much about it. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Oh, I know a lot of people I'd have threesome with. (laughing) I keep a list. (laughing) As people upset me, I check their name off. (laughing) - That's it. No clint for you. (laughing) - I'm a clint tease. - Oh, God. (laughing) So. - Do you have anyone you work with that you would have sex with? - Do I have anyone that I work with that I would have sex with? Um, no. And there's a couple of reasons. - You should work with one. - Yeah, well, one, I know people that listen to this podcast that I work with, so I would actually admit to that if I did, but also as I said yesterday at the office, you can't swing a dead cat without being a lesbian in my office, so there would be, you know, a lot of lesbian stuff going on. - Girl of parts, big gap. - Girl, yeah. - Not all girly parts just yours, but... (laughing) Um, no, I have tried the girl thing and just doesn't do anything for me, and... - You thought something's missing. - I did. I did the first time I was with a girl. I was thinking to myself, there's something not right here. There's something missing. And then about six months later, when I was with a guy, I was like, that's what was missing. - Lukaki. (laughing) - There was no Lukaki during my first time. - I was gonna say, there has been just not that, for particular time. - Yeah. - So you, and speaking of, you know, having sex with, you know, people, is it true that you are now sleeping single in the middle of it? - Yeah, that's the worst segue in the history of podcasts, but... - I thought it was brilliant, insightful, and witty. - Yes, and I'm getting more used to the whole drum-numping in the house thing, and I'm making the house a little more of my own, and moving things around. I did spend the last two days. I had asked Drum to let me go through all of the CDs that we owned together one last time, so that I could make sure I had them all on the hard drive and anything that I wanted, and all that sort of stuff. - I just had an image of you, you know, like in the house with all by myself playing loudly through your computer as you walk around touching every dog's head. - No, nothing like that, but it was a lot of, I didn't realize some of, and Drum's gonna sit back and say, I told you so, but Drum has a really good music. He has some things that I can't stand, for example, he loves the song "Copper Line" by James Taylor, which-- - I love James Taylor though. - I like James Taylor too, but that song "Copper Line" for some reason, if I had a nail gun, I would put it to my temple because there's something about the music. - I didn't know what song you're talking about. - It's horrible. - It's just a horrible song. - Which means it'll be played at the end of the podcast. - Yes, yes, so, but I did find one CD that he had, which was, and I actually listened to it all the way through while I was downloading CDs. Ben Folt 5's "Whatever and Ever Amen" is a great CD. It's an amazing, that's the one that has brick on it, and a song called "Song for the Dumped," which actually, that would be the one that I was listening to on then. - Was it a Kleenex? - Yeah. And, what was the other one? Oh, this is kind of embarrassing. But I didn't buy the CD and drummed it, but Joey McIntyre's CD? - You would have sex with Jordan McIntyre though. - No, I would have sex with Jordan Knight. Again with the sex, we're going back to the sex. - No, I'm sorry. - We must be in one of those moods. - No. - Don't look at me that way. - Oh. - So. - Because when I think about you. - I touched myself. - Yes. - So, Joey McIntyre, he was the little one. - He was the little one. - Yeah. - So, I think when I see him, I just picture him being like 14 and then thinking, "Okay, now I'm Chester child and a luster." - But isn't he not like a Christian, doesn't he have like, he does a lot of Christian albums? - I don't think so. - I think so. Joey McIntyre from "New Kids on the Block." Yeah, he does Christian albums. - Well, for the album that this wasn't, it was very, ooh girl, when we get in my Jeep. We're gonna do this and I'm gonna take you to the club. And yeah, it was. - That was me in tank Monday night. He was putting me in his Jeep and checking me to the club. Not really. (laughs) - Is that what he's calling it now? - The club, yeah. - The club. - Which means, of course, yeah. - The heights of ecstasy. - His pants. (laughs) Let's go clubbing. - Lord. So, yeah, so, and it's just, I'm waiting to get the last of drums things. He's going to be picking them up, hopefully in the next day or two. And then I will be able to move all my stuff into the other room and we'll just kind of take it from there. - Oh, good. - So, everybody keeps asking me if I'm gonna get a roommate and I don't think I am. - I think with your dogs, that would be odd. - Yeah, it's kind of weird, the whole idea of having somebody in my house that I don't know that, you know, around my dogs and my stuff. And it's one thing if you're renting a house and you need to find a roommate, but I own this house. - Plus, it might be good for you to be on your own. - I think it is gonna be. I am, yeah, I'm enjoying the, you know, listening to music as loud as I want and watching the TV shows that I wanna watch. - Walk around the house second. - I've only walked around the house and naked once or twice. And that was just because I had to go to the garage because I had underwear in the dryer and I forgot to fold one. - Really? - Yeah. - Me, yeah, I love being back in my house. - Okay. - I have no problem vacuuming naked in pearls and heels. - I have no response to that, I don't know what to say. - It scares me just the image. - Yes, and one thing interesting thing that happened, which we already talked about on the previous tape podcast, but I'll tell you about it again 'cause the listeners in here about it is, one of my neighbors had, I guess, a malen moment. - Malen? - Malen, because I was out in the backyard with the dogs while they were, you know, doing their business and everything and out of nowhere, my next door neighbor, Mark yells, "I could run to Texas and back, but she'll be catch." She never could. And then that's it. That's all I heard. - And you didn't sprint over the fence? - I sprinted around the corner and I was going to quote, I was trying to, as I was running around the corner to the other side of my house, trying to come up with the perfect-- - Don't talk about me like I'm not here! - Yeah. - And I thought, okay, well, is that, am I sure is that where I came from? And I didn't want to just randomly scream out something 'cause then I would-- - I think you should have just blurted out another random steel magnolia's quote. - Yeah, that probably is the best idea, but-- - You can have your own version of the World Series pop culture. The greatest show on television that you don't watch. - Keep talking about the World Series of pop culture and I've explained to you why I don't watch the World Series of pop culture. - Because you know that you will be mad that you're not on it. - Right, because it'll be one of these where I will know the answers because if it is useless information, it is left away in my head and then I'll think, why am I not on the show? - A couple nights ago, one whole subject matter? Ferris Bueller's Day Off. - Oh, really? - Yes, I'm telling you the show is addictive and you will sit there and think, "I'm the smartest person on earth." Because it is completely stupid useful information. - Well, I do know that I am smarter than a fifth grader apparently 'cause I did watch that one. (laughing) - I was smarter than a fifth grader except for one question, I think. And it was some aeronautical space, which of course, you know, you know how I feel about aeronautical and space travel, though. I just, I was completely lost. - Do you want to tell the listeners which how you feel about aeronautical and space? - No. - Come on. - Smoke 'em ears, smoke 'em ears. I'm not 100% sure. - Oh, now you're back paddling. Now suddenly-- - No, I'm not 100% sure that we ever went to the moon because you know what? If you look at the A, supposedly we went to the moon, but they never went back, ever. They never went back. And yet, all the images from the moon are, you know, shot on the Disney backlight. They're all, you know, it's grainy and it's wood and it's red and I don't buy it. - It's wood. - Well, you know, it all looks like wood grain, how every single image you have of it is all this. I realize the technology wasn't then what it is now, but since we have the technology now, why don't we go back? - 'Cause it's kind of expensive. - Oh, you mean like, you know, sending space shuttles into orbit just to, you know, drive around for a while? - No, wrong. That went back. It never happened because now they can prove it never happened. But that's just my theory. Lobo shares my theory, just, just saying, you know, and I'm sure all of our listeners are going, "Oh my God, she's an idiot!" Probably true. - Oh, trust me. They were saying that long before-- - Long ago, exactly, exactly. - So. - What have you been up to? Besides, you know, singing all by myself with good hugs and the underwear in your house. - I have not been singing all by myself. I know what you've been up to. The sugary goodness of Coco Crispies. - I, yeah. I made the mistake two weeks ago. I went to, actually a week ago, I went to public, so on my day off I went food shopping and Coco Crispies is one of my holdovers from childhood that is just, it's just chocolatey goodness and it's happiness in a bowl and-- - Does it make the milk chocolate? - Yes, it does. And they made, they had buy one, get one free. And I-- - Have you ever put chocolate milk over Coco Crispies? - I'm not a big fan of chocolate milk. Which is surprising because it turns the milk chocolate. - Yeah. - But as far as buying chocolate milk. - See, to me when you buy chocolate milk, it's thick. You know, it's a really thick consistency and I can't, do you drink whole milk or anything like that? - Yeah, I have drank whole milk over it. - Honestly, I, I mean, one percent is okay. Two percent is perfect, but I can't do the whole milk. And that's how chocolate milk, whenever you buy it in a store, it just makes it feel like, yeah, yeah. It's not in your mouth, I don't like it. I hope everyone's eating why they're one of those things to this. - So, yeah, so cereal, cereal was a big thing for me when I was a kid. I remember having cereal just about every morning or cinnamon toast, which was, you know, a piece of white bread with, you know, a dab of butter in the middle of it. And then my mother sprained cinnamon on top of it and saying here eat this, the school bus will be here to pick up in 20 minutes. - Which is bizarre because cinnamon toast, when I was little, was where we put the butter on the bread all the way, covering every single inch and then you put cinnamon and sugar and you broiled it. And to where the cinnamon and sugar got all bubbly and hot, like a creme brulee. And then the bottom of the bread was still kind of soft. And that, that was always my, my shot test. Pretty much threw a couple slices of bread in the toaster and said, get your ass ready for, I remember one time. - Get your ass ready for kindergarten, no. - Yeah, the preschool bus is picking up a little shit that she hit me and so Coco Crispies, I just, they were my friends, not crapple and pop. I remember one time, and you know how the dentist used to come to your classroom and talk to you back - And give you the tablets that you didn't have? - Okay, yes, yes, yes, yes. I remember one time brushing my teeth and then getting dressed for school. And then afterwards thinking about the tablets which I just got in the day before and thinking, oh, well, I need to see how clean my teeth are. And then I popped the tablet in and it was one of these who were like, as I'm getting my coat on, I'm like, mom, look, and my, and my mouth was all red and freckly and everything. And I remember getting yelled at. And I think I might have been late for this. That was like the one time I was late for the school bus. So my mom made me go brush my teeth again, which I didn't understand. - Right. - So, but. - We're just supposed to do it before you brush your teeth? - Yeah, but. - Okay, here you were. - You were seven. - Yeah, that was paying attention to directions and I never paid attention to directions. - No, I used to love those things. They came in a little plastic wrapped. - Yeah, there were usually two little tablets and you put them in your app and you chewed on them and then. So. - Now, did your school ever do you like where you had to have the, you know, they took into the little room to check your spine with like two other kids and you had to bend over and. - We had, yeah, this where. - So I always thought it was kind of weird because it was always like our female gym teacher and like the school nurse. And they would take you into the girls' locker room and there'd be like three girls standing there. You have to go off your shirt and bend over. Nice to think. It's just weird. - Well, we used to do it in with all the boys in the. - Gym class or something? - It wasn't gym class. It was in our regular class, but then they would split it up with the girls would go in one class and the boys would go in the other classroom and they would put tape up over the window and then we'd all be standing there with them. - Go on. (laughing) - Yeah, we'd all be, I don't think we'd all log on. (laughing) But we were all just sort of standing there with our little, you know, I remember specifically in sixth grade doing it. - Mm. - 'Cause I remember thinking. - Yeah, it was. - It was like, it might have been the gym teachers that were checking, but one of my teachers, one of my male teachers was in the room and I remember thinking it was kind of weird and then Miss Luzinski came in to get something 'cause we were in her classroom and we're all screaming because, you know, we none of us had our shirts on. - So, because, you know, 12 year old boys. Of course now though, you know, Mary Kayla Turno. - Yeah. - I'll never, never know. - But she didn't even look at it. She just went and grabbed her stapler and then left and we were all just like, ah, you know. - She saw my nipple. - Right. So everybody's standing around with their hands over their nipples and their fingers under their armpits. Yeah. - Because they had just been at the pool the other day running around with their shirts on all day. But, yeah. - Well, it's different when you're in a classroom and you don't have your shirt on. It's kind of weird. - Time you went through college, Gabriel. - No, that's how I went through seventh grade. And the janitor checked me every day and stole the oxygen and everyone understood why. - Did he make you turn your head in cough? - Yeah. Well, usually it was grab your knees and cough. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - So. - Little windex. (laughing) - Floor wax, thank you. (laughing) - I did have some, you know... - Class culture. - Yeah, that's... I don't know what I'm looking for. - He used the florals and stuff. (laughing) - Stand on the buffer. Oh. - Oh. - The phone is ringing so we're going to pause this and then we will be right back. (upbeat music) - And we're back and Taffy, do you want to say who the phone call was from? - Absolutely. It was from the eldest Huffington child who happens to be leaving the camp at the University of Georgia. She got second place in the dance, the dance routine, dance off, whatever you want to call it. And she was very targeted. - So only one girl was better than her. - Only one girl was better than her. - At swinging her in the pole? (laughing) - Yes. Because heavy hangs the head, the last night wore the ground. (laughing) - And the feet that wore the clear acrylic heels. - Oh, cheerleaders are not strippers. They're leaders of tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, so she was had a great time and she was very talkative and very animated and they had taken a college visit and life was wonderful and birds were chirping around her head, I don't know, but she sounded very excited, so that's good. - Okay, very good. What are we talking about before? I don't remember. - I know I remember Coco Crispies and I remember, I don't know. - Okay. - I don't listen to what we talked about. - Okay. - Neither do I listen to her, so it's fine. - All right, well then let's talk about so you think you can dance. - Oh, it's on again tonight. - What are you, what was, you're the one who got me watching it. - No, I know, but I was kind of disappointed that the blonde girl got voted off last week because first off, I think she, her solos were fantastic. I think they were amazing. And the one woman that looks like the Russian from... - Anya, Anya. - Yeah, she looks like the Russian from the Tasha, exactly. She has got to be what, 40 years old? - I think she's quite that old, but okay. - She just, I just don't like her at all. I was really, and I don't, I just don't care for her. I was really hoping she would go home, but that's fine. - Well, yeah. - I was very glad Cedric went home. His ticket was up about five weeks ago. - Well, because any does the same thing resorted as the floating across the floor and throws his hands around and... - Does that hole, I can bend my elbow behind my head and it gets a crap. I think you and I should go on so you think you can dance. Because you know what? I can totally see you doing, you know, like the worm across the floor. - Stop staring at the boy playing basketball next door. - Oh, Daddy's so cute. - He is cute. - He's so cute. - Our neighbor is very, very cute. We call him Man Scout, that's his nickname because he just made Eagle Scout, but he's very, very dreamy. And he's that whole, I'm short. I have something to prove and I have big muscular arms and he loves his little brother, so he's outside playing basketball with him and he's very cute. So Taylor is completely distracted. - Okay, I'll stop looking. - I'll close the blinds and then I'll kick you in the face. (laughing) - So yeah, I'm glad Cedric's gone too. Now, okay, so explain this to me when the next two people get voted off this week, then they'll be down to the final 10. - It's, I believe it's final 10 or final eight and then they get to pick their, then it goes where it's every man for themselves and they have to draw every week. - Okay, so then is it only one person is voted off then a week or is it two people are voted off? - I think it goes then too. It's, you know, I don't know. - Because it got to, you said, 'cause the last season it got down to two guys. - Yeah, I was gonna say, I think they just voted off one at a time. Yeah. - So we have another 10 weeks? - You know, I don't know. Maybe it's when they get down to the final eight or final six and they keep voting two off for a few more weeks. I really don't know, but I know eventually it gets that point and that's when it gets really neat because then they don't know, sometimes they have the same partner, sometimes they have someone they've never danced with. - Okay. - And it's kind of interesting. But they did get down to two boys last time. - I talked to my mom the other night. She wants me to start watching Big Brother. - Yeah, really? - And I just can't. She says it's my guilty pleasure and it's the, she goes, but I really think you need to start watching this so we can talk about it every single week. And I'm like, really, that's what we have to talk about and I was Big Brother, you know? - Yeah, I've never seen an episode of that show. - Well, now this season they have the thing where the people's enemies came in to the house. - Oh, God. - So for three of them, there is, I know that there is-- - Do you have an enemy? - No. - I would say I would hope I didn't. - I have many enemies, but (laughs) but I mean, one is it's like a-- - Her mother-in-law. - It's a girl and her estranged father. - Oh. - And then there's another one where it's a gay guy and then his ex-partner. - I would think that-- - And they're both really bitchy and really queeny and then there's like the girl and the high school rival. And now they're both like in their mid 20s or something and then, yeah, it's-- - So it's just being done for the absolute, the only reason it's being done is for-- - And I did watch a little bit of, I think, the second episode where they did a recap of where all the people are sitting and talking, you know, about just different things in their lives and then they said, well, we have three more guests to bring in and then they bring in the three people and the other, you know, like the gay guy's like, oh, I got, yeah, and it's-- - That's just-- - I was like, okay, I watched the first season of "Big Brother" and was captivated with it and then I just, you know-- - How can you watch that when "Dead Like Me" is now on sci-fi, which is one of the greatest shows ever. - I really don't watch any TV. I watch any TV-- - I watch very little-- - I watch very little, yeah. - And I watch heroes when heroes are on. I watch Kathy Griffin, my life on the D-list. Those are the three things that I watch religiously. - And my guilty pleasure is to-- I record them though, I never watched them when they're on is so you think you can dance, America's Next Top Model, even if it's a rerun, I'll watch it. And Gilmore Girls, that's about it. I'm very girly, dance and models and drama. Which is odd because I usually, I'm dirtiest jobs. That is a great show. - That's not a girly show. - No, but that's a great show. You will never, what is your line? I shouldn't complain about my job or something like that. - Yeah, I complain far too much about my job. Do you wanna tell that story? - A friend of ours, John Goodman. She attends a place that's in Tampa, not far from where we record. And it is a Swingers Club, maybe? - I guess that would be the greatest one. - I guess it's the best way. Yeah, it's a club slash brothel. - Slash meet in place. - Meet in place, that you go and they have little rooms and if you would like to hook up with someone there, you can have sex with them in the jungle room or the dungeon or, I don't know, the aquatics team. I don't know, and they have an orgy room, apparently. And, oh, you can go there with your gentleman friend and you can just be an exhibitionist or whatever, which is fabulous if that's what you're into. Who gives a shit? I don't think anyone wants to see my big old giant ass flapping up against things, but you know what? Maybe they wanna see hers. - That's not gonna stop us from eventually going. - Oh, that's gonna happen. - After multiple drinks, just okay fine take us there and let us walk around. - That should be the next roving reporter podcast we go. 'Cause we take this to-- - Ma'am, how are you? Will you get the cock out of your mouth and answer the question, please? - It's a ball gag, it's a ball gag. - So, anyway-- - And so, I was telling Taylor that she was regaling us of her adventure there one evening and she says, "And it's really, really clean. "When you leave, they have a house cleaning staff "that comes in and changes the sheets "and sprays everything down with this antibiotics spray, "so it's really, really clean." To which Taylor's response was-- "I complain far too much about my job." - Thank you. - And that's also the place where you were telling me about how in the nightclub they have a woman who was swinging on a swing-- - Underneath a disco ball. - And got dizzy from the disco ball and fell and cracked her head open and the ambulance game and I laughed so hard at the sushi place that we go to that I thought they were gonna ask us to leave. - Exactly. Because you know, you know, there are a lot of our friends that I can actually see going there. Just as a fun type. I know, for fact, the Orlando group, the group that we all get together with, there's probably out of that 10, eight I would go there with just to watch the way they would act and react and listen to the, oh my gosh, yes, that would be worth a dollar, oh God, yes. - Road trip. - Challenge extended. - Yeah, we're gonna have to definitely fix that. - So tragically, I think only two people from the Orlando trip actually listened to this podcast because we talk about everyone else and they can never listen. Karen and John Goodman. That's the same person, but yeah, no, they all listened. - Yeah. - Or they all can't listen, actually. - Yeah, you're probably right. There probably would only be a couple of us that would maybe go, but it would be a lot of fun. - It would be like, to me, it would just be fun to sit and watch. - Yeah. - And point and laugh and giggle. - Speaking of sitting and pointing and laughing and giggling at people, we have more people at my space. - Yay! - So we did reach our quota or our challenge. We now have 50 and we've gotten a couple more in the last few days, but they've been, you know, my space won't let me show my nude pictures. Come check out my web app here. And so obviously I don't click on those, but one of our new friends actually caused our second friend to join us and that would be the Falmonkeys podcast over in Lakeland, Florida. - Excellent. - And Falmonkeys is very, very funny. And I just downloaded your latest episode, but I haven't listened to it yet. - God, Taylor. - I know, usually their episodes are about an hour. So between them and Cucast and Drink Door Funny. Drink Door Funny just came out with a new one, which we said about having listened to it again yet. - I've still listened to B-Talk. - You listened to B-Talk? - I listened to it a couple times. I go to the website, everyone wants to see the pictures and some of their pictures scare me. (laughs) - You should totally send them an email, anyone who knows that you listen. - Oh, I think they will. - Do they listen? - We occasionally have people from Minneapolis that check the blog. I don't know if that's them or not. - All right, well, I will send them an email that says we have a podcast and we've mentioned you. - And I know that they have talked to the guys who fell monkey, so maybe when they heard of the fell monkey, 'cause fell monkey's talked about us a couple of weeks ago, which was a weird thing because apparently, one of the guys on there said that he saw a pot as my co-pilot bumper sticker on a car in Tampa. - Fabulous, I'm so excited. - And as I'm listening to it, Ricky, the hot main host is saying, I don't think they have bumper stickers and the guy's going, yeah, yeah, no, I saw it, I saw it and I'm going, no, we don't, we don't have bumper stickers. - That he knows of. - So maybe we'll have to get bumper stickers. That's where the rest of the row out is at the gay pride parade picture here. - It says, how does my co-pilot with a picture of Taylor, with a big giant cock in his mouth? It's family fun. - Yeah. - I think we should get things to, I think our viewers, our viewers, because, you know, mince equality, I think our listeners should send us ideas of things we should throw out at the gay pride parade. - Okay, so, okay, do you want to make that list? - Challenge extended. - Challenge, okay. So what we want y'all to do is, after you listen to this podcast, 'cause we need to start planning for this, we need to year in advance, what should we throw out at audience members, at the parade goers next year's fraud? - It can't be these three things. You cannot suggest candy, you cannot suggest rubbers, and you cannot suggest beads, 'cause everybody throw those things out. It has to be something original. And don't say cockering. Actually, cockering's really-- - Cockering's a great idea. - No, so that's it. Come up with some new fabulous ideas. Okay, and what should the winner get? - The winner? - The winner for the most creative idea, we'll get, we'll work on that. - Yes. - We'll work on that. 'Cause I have an idea. - You get an autograph picture. - Of who? - Us. And by us, I mean our dogs. (laughing) We'll take that little pause and implement ink and then smash 'em on the paper. - Yes, 'cause I want you to smash my dog's paw. The phone rings yet again. - I'm sorry, I'm very popular. - All right, hold on. - Hello. (upbeat music) - So, Falmonkeys is one of our friends and one of the listeners of Falmonkeys, which is Rachel, she became our friend as well. - Excellent. - So, and Rachel has one of the most awesome pictures for her Myspace, which is a some out South Park character of her topless holding an iPod with censored across South Park hoops. So, it's amazing. So, hello Rachel and hello, Falmonkeys. And welcome to anybody who may be listening to us for the first time from Falmonkeys. - Yeah. - So, we appreciate your support. - And tell your friends. - And also, I mentioned this on the last podcast, but as I said before, we had issues. So, I want to personally take this opportunity to thank the boys at Q-Cast Connecticut for all of their support. We have received a lot of our Myspace friends and a lot of the new listeners that we've had that we've actually emails from have told us that they were originally, you know, fans of Kevin and Michaels and you guys talk about us all the time and talk about how great you think our show is and we really appreciate your support. And we appreciate all the listeners who listened to us from Q-Cast. So, Kevin and Michael, thank you very much. - Yes, we love you. - Yeah, and Michael is getting ready to move down here probably in a couple of weeks. And he and I have already talked about getting together and hanging out and if that happens-- - Thank you for your guests in our podcast. - That's what I was going to say. We'll have to have Michael be, you know, or it could be something where we record, you know, where you and I are guest hosts on Q-Cast Connecticut and then we switch over. He did that one. - It's hot as my Q-Cast. (laughs) - Yeah, okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So, and he did that with "Pop Trash Radio" where they did like a 45-minute show where Davian Kendra, the host of "Pop Trash Radio" won Q-Cast-E-T. And then for part two, you had to go to-- - Oh, that's a good idea. - Yeah, so it's one of those cross, you know, pollination-- - It's like when, it's like when, you know, ABC lineup has an earthquake is going to hit, you know, Ellen and friends and a true carry show all night, yeah. - Yeah, they used to, that was NBC that was-- - Yeah, I don't know. - But I think ABC did that with where they all went to Vegas at the same time. - I think so, yeah, so whatever, yeah, exactly whatever. - Oh, no, okay. - I have stuff linked with my watch. - Yeah, I should do it because there's going to be clinking and then you're going to yell and then there's going to be technical issues and you're going to-- - Just technical issues, um, so-- - I think we're done. - I think we're done too. - Fabulous. - I don't really have a whole lot of us to talk about this week and so. - All right, well listen, you can email us at-- - - Don't ask me to do the rest of them, but you can also visit us and be our friend at MySpace. - .com/potismicopilot. - Excellent, and please check out our blog and see all of our witchy repartee at-- - Jesus, it's the same things every week. - I'm testing you. - I'm the one who set them all up. (laughing) - Ugh, so, and be sure to check and look for Rodan's posts as well. So, we do love Rodan and there isn't, you know, I know that on when PNS, when Scott left the PNS explosion, there's a lot of people saying, "Oh, they're fighting and there's all sorts of problems." There isn't, we love Rodan and Rodan. We'll be back on the show eventually. It's just a question of, you know, double-checking and fine-tuning, whatever technical issues we're having and getting it, you know, over with, so that we can actually have him back on the show, so. - And of course, after he files a written apology. - He-- (laughing) Shut up! He did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. - He saffed me. (laughing) - He had to go. (laughing) - He had to go. - Sorry, Debbie. No Mercedes this year. We've got to be sure. (laughing) - We have to set an example. Set this! (laughing) - They had to go. - They had to go. I wanted a Malibu Barb, no. - No. - I was-- - I was-- - I was like-- - I was a ballerina Barbie. But did they get me that? No, I got a Malibu Barbie. I wasn't a Malibu Barbie. That's not what I was about. I was a ballerina. Graceful, delicate. (laughing) They had to go. - That is the moment I knew I loved Vova. We were sitting in a sorority meeting a million years ago, and she pulled that quote out of her butt. And when she said it, I actually went like, oh my God, and that's when I thought, oh, I think I love her. (laughing) - We had that yesterday at work with a friend of mine, and I quote co-worker of mine, it's quoting Dr. Ed Gorgeous. The scene where she had to spell all the names of all the states, and we were going Arizona A-R-I-Z-O-N-A. West Virginia, W-B-S, yeah, it was, and then we're the only two that are laughing because all of the women in the room thought-- - Have no clue. - Crazy, yeah they have no clue. - Because-- - It's a gay camp class. - You're the most fastest. - Most smartest. - Most smartest. - Most smartest. Can I just say, and have we were supposed to finish up a minute ago, but last week's B-Talk, did you listen to last week's B-Talk? - No. - Okay, Jason was doing a really thick Minnesota accent. - Oh God. - And he kept like one of the what I asked a question, he'd go, oh shit, yeah. (laughing) It's every time he did what I was doing laundry. - I would, it was just, it was the funniest thing. So Jason, if you do listen to this, you made another podcaster cry just a little bit from laughter, so. - Well, that should be the goal of all podcasters. - It should be. - You know, Dennis-- - I know that we reach that goal this episode, but-- - I'm certain we don't, but Dennis Miller used to say that whenever he would do a show, he never cared if he made the whole audience laugh, he waited for the one guy that fell out of a seat laughing, and that's what he wanted, was to make it obscure enough that one person went up and started laughing, and that's what we aspire to. Everyone else just kind of went, ah, but there's one person out there that thinks everything we're saying is funny. - Well, and that's good. - And that would be us. (laughing) - Yeah, and Bro Dan's listening is going right away. I dodged a bullet with this one. (laughing) All right, we're gonna get out of here, guys. Everybody have a good week, and we will try and be a little more regular with our postings and-- - We'll take some metamucil. - Yeah. (laughing) - I really don't have anything I can add to that, so have a good week, everybody, bye-bye. - Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]