Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 14 - Oh, God! We're Not At Minneapolis Yet?!?
This week we wax nostaligic on Summertime fun, which ends up being a conversation about 80's reruns, Summer Camp, The Joizee Shore, Brigantine Castle, and Rodan's travel woes. The review about Ocean's 13 that was talked about in the beginning in the episode will be in a future episode, after Taffy goes and sees it.Thanks to Drum for help with the opening theme music this week! Closing music: Brain Bukit: Run Rabbit/The ChaseVisit us at http://www.podismycopilot.com/, send us e-mail at podismycopilot@gmail.com and please friend us at myspace at www.myspace.com/podismycopilot.visit out podcast at the direct link, http://podismycopilot.libsyn.com/, if you would like to hear the episodes directly on your computer vs. on your MP3 player
[music] You're listening to Pot is My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle, Huffington, and Rodan. Monroe? [music] Welcome to episode 14 of Pot is My Co-Pilot featuring the Sassy and Tangy, Taffy Carlisle. I'm my co-pilot featuring the Sassy and Tangy, Taffy Carlisle, Huffington, and Taylor. He adds the foam to the Latte Boy, and I'll take a double shot please. And I'm Rodan coming from the bustling city of Munro. Thanks Munro, so how's everybody doing this week? It's a little piece of hell right here on Earth. It's been damn hot everywhere I've been this week, so I am over it. You live up in the bog now, so that makes sense that you'd be. But I spent a week in Minnesota. Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know, and it was hotter there, you know? In Minnesota? In Minnesota! Oh, Jesus Mary and Joseph, she's pregnant! Speaking of Ellen, speaking of Ellen Barkin saw Oceans 13 today. How was it? Did you? Yeah, we'll talk about it later because I know that we have other things to talk about. But I will say, we'll talk about it later. But will we talk about it later? Actually, the little teaser was Scott Kahn, but we'll find out. I thought the Taylor Tease was just the tip, just to see how it feels. Thank you Vince Vaughn. Thank you. Oh, wow. So, what was I going to say? I don't know. But I think a little Huffington went to camp this week. Oh, dear. She did. My little less Huffington went to, she went to camp about three hours away, and we actually just got back not long ago from dropping her off, and she's very, very excited whenever she goes. She's very much, you know, pretty much we got there, and of course we were the first ones there, and they don't let them check in until four o'clock, and so she's standing in line with her little friends, and of course by the time they actually are ready to check everyone in, there's about 25 girls in line. And at that point, she's completely running the show. She has assigned beds. She knows who's going to be in the top bunk, who's going to be in the bottom bunk. You can't sleep there because she has to sleep there, and you need to sleep over here, and you don't want to be there because it's by the air conditioning and it's way too loud, and everyone was just like, "Okay," and all of them had already been there, too. And I told her, I said, "Give it one day before you're running the show. Just one day. Just so you don't make complete and utter enemies," but she was... So by Wednesday they'll be hanging her in effigy? Exactly. No, by Wednesday they'll be, you know, she'll be carrying her around on a little raft that she built, and chanting her name or something, I don't know, but... So she'll be the little blonde camper from Adam's Family Values. That's my... That's the oldest Tuffington whenever she goes. I'll be the victim. Oh, you're live. Yes. Yes. No, she... They were very excited to get there, and she'll be there until Friday, so she's gone the entire week. Yes. Did you ever go to summer camp? No, never. You never went to resident camp? No. I went to day cubs scout camp back when I was probably in like between fourth and fifth grade, and that was really my only experience as far as camp goes. Yes, but now you just like to scout cubs. Oh, that was good. Thank you. Trusche! I got as far as camp to watch green acres and the fall guy sitting in my ass at home during the summers. You watched the fall guy and green acres. Was Heather Thomas. They were on at, they were just on the shows that were on syndication, I was growing up. So I would watch green acres and the fall guy. I actually feel a little better than about my TV choices over the summer, because what I would do is every morning, I would get up around 9.30, and I would get a big bowl of cocoa puffs, or not cocoa puffs, cocoa crispies, and go downstairs to the TV room, and I would watch from 10 to 10.30 would be the facts of life, and then from 10.30 to 11 would be Gidget with Sally. Oh, I watched the Gidget every once in a while. Yeah, and then what I would do is I would get in our pool, and I would swim until probably about one o'clock, and then I would come out and have a grilled cheese sandwich, and then I would go back in the pool and swim until dinner, and we would have something that usually involved tater tots. That should be your name, tater tots. Then I would get back into the pool until my mom said I had to get out of the pool for the day, and I would watch bad summer 80s TV, until it was time to go to bed, and I would do this the entire summer, except for the two or three weeks that we would go down to the Jersey Shore. Now, see, my summer bad television habits were much more along the lines of, especially in the 80s, they were more like Gilligan's Island reruns, and then you'd kind of segue into something like the price is right. And I watched a lot of, I liked the prices right, and then it was always, you know, the really, really bad TV, like search for tomorrow. Okay, I think search for tomorrow is off the air, but I tell you I was bored. Probably was. Well, I'm not that much older than you, good lord, but no, as far as 80s TV, you can't do that on television. Yeah. Yeah. Well, on the days that it would be really big, you would watch, you can't do that on television, and I think they usually did an hour of you can't do that on television. On the two episodes back to back. I think so. I think so, yeah. And then it from five to five thirty would be old happy days reruns, then from five thirty to six would be what's happening. Oh my lord. How? And then they would usually show Laverne and Shirley, and Mash was in there somewhere, and you would watch all of these, you would watch all these old sitcoms. So how sad that it makes it sound like all we did was watch TV. You know why? Helps explain. Helps explain. It was watch TV. Yeah, right. Helps explain art, I don't know how our weight issues may be, because none of the three of us. What are you trying to say? I was going to say, what are you trying to say? Gee. That were all super thin. Exactly. And the TV was always the big thing that we had to make sure we brought with us when we went down to the Jersey Shore. That was always that we had this little tiny black and white because we would rent this beach house that was like literally you would cross the street and you would be on the beach. And for some reason, I was like, we have to have the TV because I would get up in the morning and I would watch Facts of Life and Gidget because you would get the same channels. The Philadelphia UHF channels, you could get those down at the shore. And you know, then we would go and spend all day on the beach and that would be one of those where we would get down. My mom would set up her beach chair and she wouldn't see me for hours because I would be out in the water. I would either be out in the water or I would walk, like, you know, this, it's a wonder nobody ever, like, took me out, it took me. We used to go to, we used to go to Brigantine, New Jersey and there used to be a pier called the Brigantine Castle, which was this huge, it was a haunted house type thing and it was this big castle that was at the end of a pier, obviously. And they also had an arcade and they had, you know, a little way you could get funnel cake and macaroons, homemade macaroons, all that sort of stuff. And I just remember you could like from about a mile away, you could see the castle when you were going, because it was only one main drag on this strip of, on this island. And you'd get so excited when you would turn that corner and you could see the castle like way, way in the distance. And when I would walk on the beach on those days where there'd be the sea mist in the fog, you know, totally thought you were like a night and shining armor sort of thing, walk into the, it was just, those are some of my happiest memories, was walking, walking on the beach and for the July, for the July, because Brigantine is the island that's directly above Atlantic City along the Jersey shoreline. And so what we would do is we'd walk to the southern end of my whole family would get together and we'd walk to the southern end of the island where there were all the rocks because there would be the intercoastal would be between the two islands. And this was back in the late 70s, early 80s when all of the casinos first opened in Atlantic City. So on 4th of July, each one of the casinos would have this huge firework presentation, but they didn't want to do them all at once. So what was like two hours of fireworks where you would just set your chairs on the rocks and like first resorts would do theirs for 20 minutes. And then Golden Nugget would do theirs, and you could see the whole skyline of Atlantic City. And we would all just sit there and be all bundled up and everything. And then, you know, it would never leave me in my sister would get into a fight, but it would be okay because we'd be watching the fireworks and that actually, when I talk with kids about like happy memories, when I'm playing games with them and stuff, when we're doing, when we're doing clinical stuff, I always bring that up as one of my examples of one of my happiest memories would be watching the fireworks on the 4th of July, over Atlantic City. So you taunt them? No. What do you mean? What do you mean memories? No, because I'm sorry you're sad, but these are my happy memories. No. I always make sure that when we play the different games so that they're not the only ones out there, I always just make sure that, you know, I answer some of the questions that are appropriate for me to answer in front of the kids so that way they know that it's okay to share and it's okay to share feelings and it's, you know, just something to help along with that. And then if I talk about a happy memory, they often talk about a happy memory and I talk about some of the losses in my life and that allows them, that shows them, that it's okay to talk about, you know, when their grandma died or when their dad got sick or all those really happy things that you want to talk about on a comedy podcast. Exactly. Well, listen, I want to bring this conversation full circle because I did have a question more about the viewing of us when we were little. Did you mostly watch cartoons or actual like show shows? You know, like bewitched or see, I watched, I can remember bewitched in Gilligan's Island when I was little. But I can also remember watching like underdog. Oh, I love you now. I remember watching like facts of life in Gidget are the two shows that stick in my head as far as shows that I would watch. Did you ever watch? And I especially remember like the Flintstones and I remember when Masters of the Universe, when he met in the Masters of the Universe, did there, that was like a big deal. Let's see, I remember. I was like so excited about that and I remember, I remember making a deal with my sister as far as the, I know that we both watch TV after school every day, but from 3 30, there's going to be this new cartoon coming on and I want this time to TV with for myself. So I can remember there was super friends and challenge of the super friends. Oh, duh. Yeah. You should watch super friends too. Yeah. I watch those too. And I also watched, oh, like, what is it? Crafts Super Show? Oh, like Sigma in the sea monster. Yeah. Well, see, I would consider that to be a show versus a cartoon to fly back. Me too. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I love me. I'm just never a big fan of all of the... Jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, jab. I was always afraid this could be you. That's the one. Speed, speed buggy, the, all the ones where it's like the, you know, there's the cute guy, the stoner guy, the cute girl, the dumpy girl, and then the weird animated thing that's not supposed to be able to talk. And then they're all being chased, like, on that loop. I never got into shows like that. I was always afraid of two shows when I was little, because Brady Bunch was right in the middle of them. Scooby-Doo would come on first, and I never watched it because it freaked me out. And then the Brady Bunch would come on and then right at five o'clock, Star Trek would come on. And I would race to the television because this is, of course, before remotes to turn it off before the opening music of Star Trek came on because I always used to freaked me out as a little girl. But I love that. So live action Star Trek or the end is? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I got, I got open the door. Hold on a second. Oh, I got, I got, it's getting ready to rain. I got cat standing at the door. Hold on. Okay. Oh my God, it's in the world. Cats get wet. No, no, it's the giant, it's the giant wave from Deep Impact again. You are telling me, Daddy. Why any chance did you happen to notice what I posted earlier? No. I haven't been since I posted that. No. I think it was posted something on about Scott Can. Oh, I think I didn't see that, but I don't read the comments yet. Sorry about that. That's okay. Are you getting all that thunder? I'm not getting anything like, okay, you just said my name, Genius. Well, because are you guys talking about the show? We were, but that's okay. No, we, it's bone dry here. No thunder, no rain or nothing. Hope, hope to God it's not coming our way because my dog is already on a nervous basis. So, okay. I'm sorry. All right. So, well, can you guys just repeat what you had said before? No, it was nothing major. You can, I did, I did make a post today that I actually, a big shout out to TV tell Tails was that they were talking about since it's Father's Day, the hottest dads on TV. I read it. Yeah. Mike Brady. Yeah, of course, of course, you know, my personal favorite will always be Bob Newhart, but he wasn't really a dad to me on those. He wasn't a dad. No, he wasn't a dad. It wasn't like the whole eight is enough type dad. Yeah. Oh, Dick Van Patten. Dick Van Patten. He was a big piece of shit. Dick Van Patten was, no, he was a power bottom. It's not like he killed his first wife. That we know of something had a screw at him, rich up. Maybe that was it. Dick Van Patten is a power bottom. Oh my God. Rodan, did you go any place as far as did you guys ever go anywhere? You know, I know you lived up in Wisconsin or wherever you were from, but. That's just a lot of interest. I know you're from Wisconsin or wherever you're from. I think this is quite possibly the worst segue ever. Are you trying to ask me about my trip this week to Minnesota? No, I'm trying to finish up the conversation about summers and when we were growing up. Oh, yeah, I think we pretty much we talked about television shows from the eighties. I know that. That was our entire summer growing up. That enlightening bugs. Yeah, when you post the things today about lightning bugs or fireflies that made me very, that made me a little sad because I know right now there's fireflies and stuff up north and we don't get those down here. I think there are fireflies like up Tallahassee way, like Ocala and Tallahassee and on up north, but I know down here I've never seen a firefly the whole time I've ever lived in central Florida. So it makes me very sad because I absolutely wax nostalgia for those kind of things as you know and fireflies kill me. Although when I was little, this is a little side note. Probably I'm certain Taylor would love to do right a segment on me for some of Lisa's paper. But when we were little, we didn't know that it killed them, of course, but we would pull the lightning parts off and stick them to our fingernails and then run around and shake our fingernails because it looked all scary and freaky. I used to make rings. I used to be the green lantern because it glowed in the dark. Yeah, you guys are going to help for killing so many. We didn't know that's what we were doing. It doesn't matter. But it was really cool because when you pulled off the lightning things, they were sticky. Of course, that was probably like innards or something. You just take them on your fingers and on your ears to make earrings, of course. Yeah, girls would do that to make earrings. Yeah, so you weren't allowed to have pierced ears then. So yeah, it was fabulous. Oh my goodness. You guys are evil. We killed folks for entertainment. What was it like we were killing puppies for entertainment, Jesus? Oh my God. Thank you. Okay, Rodan, you had a topic that you wanted to talk about but wouldn't tell me what the topic was. You wouldn't let me tell you because you don't want to be spoiled for anything on the podcast. No, no, no, no. This is a double edged sword with him. He wants to know so he can approve it but he doesn't want to know so it's all spontaneous. No, that's not what happened at all. That's not what happened at all. Did I not talk to you last night and you said I've got some stuff I want to talk about on the podcast tomorrow and I said, okay, fine. Email me what you want to talk about and that way I can add it to the show notes. Yes or no? Yes, but then you say, oh yeah, I guess I know. So then I sent an email this morning at a reasonable time this morning by the 11 o'clock figuring you would be up and you would have sent me the information that you need to send because I send the show notes every Sunday morning. You're so responsible. You only send them every Sunday afternoon. You might not check your email so the afternoon but I send them in the morning. Mine was sent at 10.31 a.m. just so you know. This one, this time, which is 9.30 here, which is very early in the morning. Exactly for a Sunday. Ah, suck it. What do you want to talk about? Well, this week, I've been listening to a lot of Q cast Connecticut and they've been saying that a lot. Suck it. Suck may be beautiful. What movie is that from? I'll be very impressed. Very good. Oh my gosh. Is that from like the second one or the first one? The only one worth watching is the first American pie. No, the wedding was very good. Oh god, the wedding one was horrible. When he shits his pubic hair and it goes all over the cake, it's fabulous. That's just a series of little-- Fight gags, yeah. Yeah, a little side gags that they pretty much post the funniest ones in the trailer. Yeah, that was awesome. Have you ever seen it? American pie? Are you just judging it? No. Wow, okay, so what else do you think about some of the comments that I make? It's Rudy and everyone can tell the story. I don't know. I don't know. Rudy, I want to know what the topic is. I'm intrigued. Well, last week when we were talking, I was mentioning the fact that I was going to Minneapolis for my first week of work. And so I wanted to tell everybody my travel story, which was lots and lots of fun. And the day started out back, because we did the podcast, and I think I pretty much passed out the moment we were done with the podcast last Sunday night. You were spent. I was spent. I was just done, because I had crutched around for a while during that day and blah, blah, blah. Just bank it before you went to bed? I'm a probably. I can't remember now. Which means, of course, yes. He's spanking it now while he's talking to us. Come on. Oh, God, I don't need that mental picture in my head. You spanked it in bed with him. Get real. I was asleep. I didn't see it. Oh, my goodness. So anyway, so I should have known that day was going to be bad, because I'm trying to fill out my bill or whatever and sign everything so I can drop it off at the front desk. And the pen that they put in my room had leaked all over the end table, like a big putter, like three inches in diameter. And so I'm like, I pick it up. I'm already dressed to get to the office for my orientation, my picture taken, all that stuff. My hands are now covered in blue ink. And I have to grab the crutches, because I have to get to the sink to wash my hands off, then try to clean up the mess so I don't get charged for like inking the end table. And so I ended up getting an ankle over my crutches, all my pants. I had to change my pants. So when that means I had to unpack stuff from the car and all that kind of stuff, so it was already starting out to be a bad day. I get to the Sentry Tail late, and they run me through the orientation stuff, and I'm done in like 10 minutes. They told me I was going to take three hours. So they let me go so I can go to the airport after they give me a tour, so I crutch around all of the Sentry Tail, because they couldn't just parade people to me. They had to make me crutch to them. And so I leave, eventually get out to go to the airport, get to the airport, and genius me decides that I need to carry my own garment bag, which was about somewhere between 40 and 50 pounds full of suits and shirts and ties. Because, you know, I was told the meeting was business casual to, you know, to the airport. So I park in long-term parking, because there was nothing else closer, park in long-term parking, get my laptop bag, my garment bag, and start crutching towards the terminal. Why is no one helping you? Where are these new people that you're working with? Were you by yourself? Well, I was by myself, because I, you know, I drove myself over to the airport, and, you know, I just, I figured... I repeat after me, for future trips, bell captain, valet, hello. Okay, have you ever seen wings? Have you ever seen wings? Okay, I think this airport's about half that size. So Stephen Weber's there to bring up? This is not a problem. Aw, I like Tim Daly better, but anyways. I like Tim Daly better too. Why are we going back to 80s TV? I go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. So I, you know, load up, right? I close my door, you know, and start heading towards the terminal. Well, I just, it's like 200 yards. I'm thinking that's like nothing, because it really is nothing, unless you're on crutches. And it's nine degrees out, carrying luggage. So I make it to the terminal, right? I'm wearing a blue, you know, shirt, tie, black pants, black, you know, black work shoes, and carrying my bag, right? So I crutch in to get to the, you know, finally, finally, finally, you know, it takes me like 25 minutes, because I was like an hour early for the flight, and by the time I got there, they were boarding. So I, you know, crutch towards the door, get in, it's air conditioning, I just stop, right? And everyone just kind of looks at me. No one offers the help. None of the airport people offer to help. And I look at me, and I look down, and my little blue shirt went from light blue to dark blue. I was, I was sweat through my clothing. I mean, not just a little bit, I mean drenched through. I can't see because I'm wearing contacts, and the sweat has rolled down into my eyes. I can barely hold on to my crutches because I am that soaking wet, right? So the Northwest counter, because that's where we were flying, was all the way on the other end of the terminal. So I start crutching over there to check my damn bag in. And so I get over there, right? And guess who's standing there in a big group? I'm daily. No. No. The town mascot. No, Jim J. Bullock's the town mascot. All the central, all the central tell people I'm going to be getting on the plane with. So you look great. Oh, I look disgusting because now my hair was, which was cute in the morning because I did it dry and blow a blast. So I was all, you know, feeling good about myself on the left to go to center. You just see my hair was cute in the morning. And he also said he did it dry. Never do it dry. You always need lube to drum, not teach us anything. Ow, ow, ow. Thank you. Wait, I'm not familiar with that story. You're going to have to tell us later. But anyway, so, you know, I'm feeling, well, I don't know, she's not about drum doing a drum. Yes, there's a story. Go ahead. We'll get to that in a minute. So I get, you know, there's not a story. Shut up. So, you know, I shake everybody's hand and I'm all persuading gross and everyone wants to say hi to me and talk to me. Are you laughing at the middle picture of this or at drum and lube? Which it isn't. I don't know. I'm sorry, Rodin. Go ahead. I'm sorry. No, you're not sorry because you could meet your mic. So, anyway, so I get up to the counter. Finally, everyone wants to talk to me and, you know, me and everybody and shake their hands and make them all sweaty and gross too. And pop my bag down and say, ask them if there was anything that they can do to help me get on the plane and blah, blah, blah. And he's like, no, he barely talks to me. He just takes my bag, whatever prints my shit out and, you know, I crouch over to the... It prints my shit out. I mean, that's how he was. That's how he was because he also... A new single from Apollonia. Because we also... You can print my shit out. I'm sorry. I was thinking of prints, my shit out. Sorry, go ahead. So, I, you know, flority. So, yeah, anyways, get over to security, right? And I'm thinking that they'll just, like, take me over and, like, hand-won me down or whatever. No, no, no, that's not how it works. I still have to, like, strip down, take off my shoe, which isn't very easy when you're on crutches because they take the crutches from you first. So, they take the crutches so they can run them through the thing. You know, I have to undo my laptop while balancing on one foot and taking off the shoe. Why didn't you request a wheelchair? They didn't have any wheelchairs. At least it's not that I could see because I asked the guy when I was checking in to see if they had anything to help me with. And he was like, "Mmm." So, I'm pissed off. I'm sweaty. Because the second I get there, I have to, you know, go through security because I'm so late because I was, "Oh, that was a Transformers trailer. That looks so cool." Focus! You're saying focus. You're not supposed to have anything open on your computer. They'll ride. Go ahead. I'm watching TV. So, they, uh... So glad that he's focusing on what's at hand. I'm talking. It was just, you know, I get distracted by giant robots fighting each other. You just distracted by shiny things that are in the same room. Exactly. So, yeah. So, I, uh, so I have to hop through security. One foot. They take my shoe, and then they, like, pat me down and do the wand thing, and they won't give me anything. So, I remember how I was saying last week that none of my clothes fit. So, I'm wearing the pants that don't fit, hopping. You know. Oh, God. This story is making me hot. And so, I have to, you know, and so the lady who can't go on the other side to, like, actually help me through, she can only hold out her hands. And she's like, "Oh, I don't know, four, three, and a hundred, one, a hundred, three pounds, maybe?" And so, I'm kind of afraid that, you know, she's not going to be able to catch me if I fall. So, and you can't... She'll soften your landing, though. And just talking about me spanking it during the podcast. No. And, you know, and you can't grab the little security thing because, you know, the alarm sounds, everybody freaks out. So, you can't grab that because I did the alarm sound. Everyone freaked out. And so, I hopped through it, and then they want me. And they pat me down. Do they buy you dinner first? Right. I'm all wet, and they pat me down. I'm like, "I'm sorry, I'm wet and sticky." And he's like, "Oh, no problem." As he, like, reaches for my crotch. It was just... Okay. I'm wet and sticky. He reached for my crotch, and then he wanted me. It's pod porn. All right. Oh. And so, essentially, the whole story gets to the point where it's the whole day was like this, right? And we get to Minneapolis after, you know, having to hop one foot into town. Oh, God. We're not even in Minneapolis yet. [laughter] Join us next week as the conclusion happens. That's true. We're day two with the luggage. [laughter] He's never going to want to do this. [laughter] Good Lord. So, you know, there's like... Are you there? Yes. Uh-oh. Okay. I thought we lost you. If we wouldn't lose him, he would have ran away. [laughter] We're hobbled. Yeah, right. As it were. Crushed away. Anyway, so, you know, those little planes that only see 25 people? Yeah, that's what we took to Memphis. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, they only see like one person or two people on one side and one person on the other. When they have to ask you your weight before you get on blame, it's just... That's a problem. That's a problem. I hate it. They didn't ask you your weight, but yeah, so anyway, so the whole day was like that, right? And so, we get to Minneapolis and they tell me. He's like, "Did you guys, did you bring shorts and like T-shirts and stuff?" And I'm like, "No, they told me it was like business, business casual." And they're like, "No, it's casual. Shorts and T-shirts." And I'm like, "Oh shit." Because everything I brought was like dress pants and dress shirts and... Do they not have a Target in Minnesota? I know they do because the boys on B-Talk talk about it all the time. Well, yeah, they would have a Target in Minnesota because that's where they're from. But it doesn't matter because I don't have any money because I haven't worked in two months. So... Target's in Minnesota? Yeah, it's where it's based. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. Minneapolis. Yep. Target and Northwest Airlines are based in Minneapolis. So, I used to say by this point, I'm dead and we have to go to dinner. And I change, which we had like 10 minutes to change, so I changed dressing in my leg which was disgusting. And they wheelchair me around the Mall of America. Which isn't nearly as fun as it sounds because it was like, again, some little person who was like 4'3" and 95 pounds. How was the Mall of America? Push my fat ass through. Is it easy to wear this? I barely remember because what? It's cool. I mean, the big roller coaster and the stuff is all kind of neat. But all the stores are very much like this is a mall that was built in the '90s. And, you know, it very much has that feel. Like all those kingdoms. The next generation stores after that. Well, I've heard that they say that, you know, we have 500 stores but they'll have 5 different gaps. You know, a baby gap, a body gap, a men's gap, or they'll have 5 different Victoria secrets. So, it's not really that many stores. Yeah. Well, but then plus they'll have 20 Starbucks and 15 caribou coffees. And what's wrong with that? Nothing. Not very well. And that's when the podcast died. Unfortunately, we had some technical issues. Again, with this episode, and that's going to have to be the end of the episode for this week. However, as always, you can email us at potismicropilot@gmail.com or you can visit our MySpace, which is MySpace.com/potismicropilot. Got it right back time. Or you can go to potismicropilot.com to visit our blog and leave comments there. As always, this is Taylor the Law Tableau. Thank you very much for listening to episode 14 of Potismicropilot. Rodan and Taffy, thank you too, but they're not here. And have a good night, everybody. Bye-bye. [MUSIC]