Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Episode 13.5 - Wii Want to Play.....
Our first (and only) WiiCast! This is the live recording Taffy and I did that was supposed to be on the end of the last podcast, but the file ended up being too big, so I thought this would be a fun little treat to hold you over til the next episode! We'll see you all next week!
(upbeat piano music) - Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy. On June 10th, 2007, Taffy Carlisle Huffington and myself went to the Tyrone Square Mall Toys R Us and got weez. As we talked about in episode 13, we taped the experience for you. However, the file was a little too big, so we decided we would break up the episode into two parts, one, our regular episode. The second part, this little we cast. So consider this to be episode 13 and a half. Enjoy, we'll be back next week with episode 14. Thank you very much. Bye bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Is it recording? - This is Taylor the Latte Boy coming to you live from the Toys R Us at the Tyrone Mall. I'm here with Taffy Carlisle Huffington. - Tragically, we're waiting in line so we can buy a Wii and Nintendo Wii because tomorrow is my birthday and this is all that I want. This is how sad and pathetic our lives have gotten. - And I have no money, but I got a credit card and I have a ticket too. So we are standing in line, there was approximately one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight people. - And it's ours before they open? - It's two, no, it's about an hour 'cause they opened at 11. So we only have to stand here for an hour. And Taffy's cell phone is going off. - It's our other location. - Okay. - I am in line at Toys R Us and I have one of the golden tickets but they're letting us in, they're actually letting people who are buying the Wii's in about one or two at a time to go in before they actually open. Ahead of me is about nine people. Are you at the other Toys R Us location? Well, if you get there, call me because I do have one of the inventory tickets. They were coming out, they're coming out sporadically to give us each a ticket if we have it. And I currently am holding one but that doesn't guarantee you're going to get one. So I will call you if I have one in my hot little hands. - Okay, that's boring. So we're gonna talk to some other people, I guess, or not. So Taffy called me this morning about 15 minutes ago. I was just out of bed and says, "They have Weeza Tyrone, you have to go." And she apparently was in the pool this morning and while she was in the pool. So she's all wet and gross and I'm smelly and gross. But we're doing this because it's Taffy's birthday and she wants a Wii, so we're going to get her a Wii. So. - Okay, update on the secondary location is, they have not arrived there yet but as they were pulling in, he said there was about 25 people online. So our line looks a little better. The quest continues. - Well, because this is the choice the rest that nobody remembers about. So, and everybody always assumes the best buyer, you go to Best Buy or Walmart or something like that. - But apparently Kmart on Wednesday had a very large line and they only had three in that thing. I was just, I was hearing, maybe we'll interview some people online, get their thoughts, okay. Because now I'm becoming a big giant tech geek because it's Tech Talk with Taffy. (laughing) - So. - Can we? - Can somebody hear? - You'll interview somebody? - It's interviews with Taffy. Okay, I'm walking up the line. This is, I'm currently. - All right. - Don't cut, lady. - I'm not, hey, back off. Hello, I'm recording for a podcast called Pot As My Co-Pilot. Would you like to be interviewed? - Yes. - Okay, what's your name? - Terence. - Hello, Terence. And why do you need a wee? - Because it's gonna be great and I can't wait to go home and play it. - Have you played a wee before? - No. - You've never played a wee? - No, no. - Are you kidding me? - No. - Okay, remember, you have to put the strap around your wrist or you're gonna nail it into the TV. - Yeah. - Well, there are some people coming out who it appears, half purchased a wee. Are we jealous? - No, 'cause we're gonna get ours next. - You think so? - Up next, yes. - You think? - Yeah. - You think it's gonna happen for you? - It better happen, bro. I'm pretty mad if I have a stick. - All right, he's coming out. Talk to you later. And we're back. - And he has more tickets. - He has more tickets. - He has more tickets. He has a golden ticket. - And the people behind us get a ticket. - Hey! - Michael is the assistant manager. And the people behind us got the last ticket. All right. There's rejoicing in the masses. Now we get to disappoint people when they get up in line, we say they'll leave though, you lose it. - No problem. - We're not leaving. - Okay, no problem. - We'll wrestle people to the ground. Check their tickets. (laughs) - That's not guaranteed. - Thank you, Michael. - Michael. - That's how he feels about getting the last ticket. - Michael's our new best friend. Okay. - Thank you. - Excuse me, sir. - Yes. - I'm recording for a podcast. Pod is my co-pilot. Can I interview you? - What's your interview myself? - All right. What is your name? - Mitchell. - Mitchell. And how do you feel getting the last ticket? - Oh, good. - Good, have you ever played We before? - No. - Yes. - Was it yes or no? - Yes. - Are you just confused about the excitement? - No. - So Dad, are you gonna play with him? - Yes, I am. - And have you played it before? - I have not played it before, but our neighbor has won. - Ah. - Shut up. - I recommend the baseball and the bowling. - Okay. - Good, that's fantastic. - It's awesome, yes. Have a great time. Enjoy your Wii this weekend. All righty. - All righty. - Back with Taylor. - I don't know what to talk about. (laughs) - We've only been recording for four minutes, and we still have another hour. Another hour. We can fill another hour, but we won't because we wanna keep our listeners. - Can you sing the Jeffy theme song? The Toys R Us Jeffy theme song? - I don't wanna grow up. I'm a Toys R Us kid. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. - I need to see a dance with us. - They can't see a dance, so it's not worth it. - They can utilize a dance. - We know. - Belly's going one way. - Stop. - That'll be out of the doubt. - So. - They come with four games. - Four? - It comes with-- - I'm a big kid now. - Baseball, tennis, the Wii comes with four games, bowling, baseball, tennis, and... - Hockey. - Hockey. - Hockey? Does it come with hockey? - I know. - Boxing. - Boxing, that's it. Give this me an surprise. - Whoo! - 11. - People are being turned away left and right. The tension is mounting. And guess what, if someone tries to cut the line, Kayla's going to sit on them and I'm going to flog them. It's going to be awesome. - Ah, we'll cut somebody and they try to cut mine. - No, we have the tickets, so. This is so exciting. I can't afford this. Why am I buying it? I'm getting caught up in the... - Exactly. - It's the Friday after Thanksgiving, and everyone's going to be screaming, "Get a cut and run!" - Yeah, actually not everybody. That was me as a joke. It wasn't last year, it was the year before, we went and stood in line of Thanksgiving. We got up and did the five o'clock. I just wanted to go for the experience of going shopping first thing, five o'clock in the morning. And as we were getting there at Walmart, they were opening the door as I started screaming, "Run, grab a cart, run!" Only I was using other words that I won't use because there's children around and, you know. - They're sad. And what's lovely is that when there's families that are all just the same, like in the world's worst hot pink, quiet shirts, they can see each other in the masses, in the middle of Walmart. Yeah. But you were helping people get dolls off of the top shelf. - No, I was knocking people over to get the last Cinderella doll. - I was trying to put a positive spin on it. - I did help a couple people get to something, so, but it was a little crazy, and now that I've done it, I'll never have to do it again. - Which means he'll be doing it every year. - I didn't do it last year. - Again, which means he'll be doing it every year. - All right, whatever. So, all right, we're going to take a break now because I don't know what else to talk about, and so, oh, apparently Taffy wants to continue to talk. I'll do the sound, I'll do the sign off. So, we'll have another update later in our quest for the Wii. - Okay. We'll be back later. Stop, don't hit me. All right, bye. - Tell me a minute, yeah. - Seven minutes and three seconds. - Now, can you edit that in to? - Oh, wait a minute. - Wait a minute. - It's not stopping. - We are speaking with the lady behind us in line, and your first name? - Marian. - Hi, Marian. And why are you buying a Wii today? - I'm buying a Wii to use at a family fun night at St. James the Apostle Church in Port Ritchie. - Very nice. You should have all the way from Port Ritchie to get here. - Oh, I live in St. Pete, but I work at Port Ritchie. - Oh, my God. How long does it take you to get to work? - An hour and 15 minutes. - That is dedication, dedication. - That is a strong faith. That's what, the paperwork that I do at work, we would put strong faith under personal strengths, so. - Very cool. So, now are you doing this on your own, or was somebody saying that you should think about trying to find one, or? - No, I started calling around looking for one because I thought it would really add some excitement to the night. We're gonna have a karaoke night, and we're gonna have the Wii there. - That's awesome. - And we're gonna have Go TV for the preschoolers. - Very nice. - Very nice. - Now, is this something that you do, is this a weekly event, or is this a? - It will be, this is our first one, but it will be a monthly event through the generations of faiths. So, from age two days to 92 years, it'll all be together. - Now, are you planning on playing the Wii, too? - Oh, yes. - Absolutely, I love you. - What are you looking forward to playing on the Wii? - Actually, I'm looking for the new game that's coming out on Tuesday. It's scheduled to be out on Tuesday. It's kind of a talking game, talking game more. - I'm sorry, I'm talking game. - An educational game. I think it's gonna be a question game. I've seen it advertised. It's coming out on Tuesday. - Excellent, that makes me excited. - It's advertised to come out on Tuesday. - So, we'll be back for it. - If it's a backing game, then Taffy will be the little wide champion. - That's right. - But, that's what I'm looking for, because I think that would add to it. We're gonna have some Jeopardy and some newlywed game and stuff through the karaoke. - Okay, excellent, excellent. So, well, thank you very much for allowing us to interview you. - Thank you. - Bye-bye. - Bye, have a good day. - Thank you. - Taffy and I are next in line. We are the next people to go in and get Wii's. We love Michael. - We love Michael. We love Michael, the assistant manager. We do a podcast called, "Pod Is My Co-Pilot." We're doing a Wii cast. - I report. - Yeah, so we've been annoying all of your other customers by... - They've been very gracious to give us their stories, but why do you need a Wii? Because we are here to play. That's gonna be the name. (laughing) That's gonna be the last time we go. - So, who are you just talking to on the phone? - Because she woke up and she was like, "Why don't you take me?" And I say, "Because you are sleeping." "You guys are doing a podcast." "Oh God, thank you for that break." (laughing) - Yeah, because I'd be asking our million questions. Why don't you have a job yet? (laughing) - Good life. I should have called it back for an interview. - Excellent. I'm recording this, so you're giving way too many personal information. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - We're next in line. Michael is going back into the building... - Michael, Michael. - To rush the people that are ahead of us so that way we can go in and we can buy our Wii's. Ooh, air conditioning. - I'm just saying. - A cool win. (screaming) - Because this morning, on my car temperature, at, you know, 847, it was 85 degrees. - Yeah. Yeah. Oh, there's a car. That's the type of car that Rodan has. - That's it? - Yeah, only he has his in like some sort of RNG red color. - And have we talked to him yet? - I talked to him last night. He was lost in Alabama. - Aw. - And he had already been driving for about six, seven hours and he said he wasn't ready to stop. So, which I told him I didn't think that was wise, but, you know. So, and Taffy got yet another phone call and she's walking away from me. So, she looks confused. Oh, well, okay, again, taping this, so. - We can edit that out. - Okay. - Because you love me. We should have a Wii song. That's a Wii song we can sing. - We are Wii. - Yes, Roar. (laughing) - We are Wii players. Here is Roar. - We're gonna throw him on the floor. - In pound. It's too great to ignore. (laughing) What did you say? - I'll remove it upon the floor. - I said in pound, it's too great to ignore. (laughing) - Nice. - So. Okay. Apparently, Taffy is calling her husband, Lemony Splickett or whatever his name is. Vishru. - You're right, Spargus. - Felix Spargus. You're out of line. You have to go to the end of the line now. (laughing) Stop recording. Why? - If she left, she did not leave. - She did not leave. Oh. - Get back in line, get back in line. (laughing) - Thank you. We are now officially, they are going to be letting us in in just a minute. - My remote podcast. - Hello Taffy's husband. So, this is very exciting. But yet again, I cannot afford one of these. Did you get one? - You have one? Why? - You only get one for a little muscle. - What? Okay, well just tell me after. Okay. - That's what I'm doing here. They're letting people in early. If you have the Golden Ticket, you've been early. They were there at five o'clock in the morning. There was a line and they let them all go in early to get to Tyler. - Are you kidding? Wow. So that means there's none left at the... Okay. - Okay, there's none left. - So apparently Taffy's husband struck out as far as trying to get a wee at the clear water toys for us. - You should be able to get controllers. - You should be able to get controllers. - Bye bye. - Okay, goodbye. - Wait, stay on there. - Okay, he is opening the doors. - My goal, my goal. - Now, can we both go in at the same time or? - Do you want to? - 'Cause we're together. Okay, thank you. - My goal is this is true. - I get in. (laughing) - What happens to you guys though? - I don't know, 15. - 15 and 16. Oh, cool error. It's heaven, it's an... - I don't know if there's a lot. - Tired toys are awesome. - I want to grow up. - Ah, it's my first kid. Okay, we are walking through the store. I hope the sound quality on this is pretty good. We don't get that crackling like we did that time. So, hello. - Yeah, you know what? (laughing) - And how many controllers come with that? - How many? - Five, three, one. - All right. - Did you want one of them to be people's play when you come to play O and the game? - How much is that? - 49. - How much is the regular? - 39. - Check, make one of them. - Is he none checks the good ones? - I know. Do I need none checks? Now, let's... - It depends on the game. - I like, we play those tape none checks on some of the many games. - And, did that come with the four games that normally comes with it? - Yes, it comes with the Wii Sports. - Okay, this is Matthew, Matthew's helping us. - Hi, Matthew. We're taping a podcast called Pot is My Co-Pilot. So, we're on a week cast. I have a ticket too, but... - Matthew doesn't care. - They just let us in together because... - We'll have to get your game and get out. (laughing) - Matthew being on sale too. - Oh, look it. No, he's gonna up sale me. - I was gonna buy another game besides just the basic unit. - Yeah, why is his technology three that will work to shoot her for a 1992? - What else got you? - One other one's on sale. We've got Spider-Man from the United States. - I may have to get the Spider-Man. - I'm kind of the Spider-Man, I'm like... - 49, I am. - So, $10 off? - Yeah. - Yeah, we do have another pro on two. If this is your final, we already bought Car 6 here in B, it's going to come in the car. - I'll be that, I'll be the Spider-Man. - Why is his technology a part of the day? - Yeah. - I have to be in the community and just bring up one of your own 17. - Okay, I'll do that. - Sounds good this morning. - Okay, so I got prior to the Caribbean game, plus an additional, I don't know, some bizarre... a Wii play, which I guess means something. I don't even know what it is. And three extra remotes. So we can all have a battle duel. Dun, dun, dun. - Great. (laughing) - I don't know what to say. - I hate you. - Thank you. (indistinct chatter) - Apparently the remotes need batteries. - Tax-free. - Oh, because it's- - Tax-free, it's the- - Okay, how many, what is it, double it? - Yeah, they all take double it. (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) - Why is your total gonna be $7,000? Can we buy other things while we're in here or no? - Oh yeah. - That's the joke. - I'm here. (indistinct chatter) - Yeah, no, I'm fine, I'm good. We're good. We're good to go. - Oh, he's not prohibiting me from playing. Shift it. (laughing) - Okay, did you wanna get a fire protection on mine? - God, no. (laughing) - I'm done. (indistinct chatter) ♪ I'm gonna play Wii ♪ ♪ I'm gonna play Wii ♪ - I'm playing Wii. - You play with your Wii. - Hey. - Well, 'cause we're in a children's store that's inappropriate. Kyle laughed. - Kyle would. - God, Kyle. (indistinct chatter) - Taffy just paid $426.25. Challenge extended. Challenge accepted. (laughing) Now I have to beat $426.25, because again, cannot afford this. - Because in the great scheme of life, food or Wii, really? It's physical exertion. Yay, you'll lose Wii by playing Wii. It's the health-- - Oh, yeah, give him the credit card. (indistinct chatter) - He's yelling at me. - Oh, I'm thirsty. Don't offer me batteries. It says free soda if you, I do not offer you batteries. (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) - They do things right at Toys R Us, because he is asking to see Taffy's ID. - Taffy deserves his house right now, so let's not-- - Oh, no. - Wouldn't have bet that I'm still gonna get this Wii even if I don't have my team. (laughing) - I would be telling that to his lover. (laughing) Again, I need power. (laughing) - I need this Wii. I'll blow you for this Wii. (laughing) - I have standards. (laughing) - I let him take it out the butt. (laughing) (indistinct chatter) - Okay. - Shift it. - All right, hold. - I don't transaction. - Oh, geez. Okay. I would like to buy a Wii, please. (indistinct chatter) - I'll take the Spider-Man game. - Okay. - Spider-Man. - Spider-Man. - Spider-Man. Okay, I'm pulling out my credit card. And... Let's see. He's walking over to get this Spider-Man game. I like Spider-Man too. (indistinct chatter) - Whatever. - I haven't seen Pirates of the Caribbean. I've seen Spider-Man 3. - Whatever. (indistinct chatter) - You're getting preferential treatment because you have a penis and that's not fair. - I don't think they care that I have that. (indistinct chatter) Okay. So now how many controllers does it come with? - One controller and one non-chuckler. - Okay. So if I wanted to have somebody over to play one of the other games. - Yeah, you need an extra controller and an extra non-chuckler, depending on the game. - Okay, what about the basic games that come on it? Like the bowling and all that sort of stuff? - Yeah, most of that is all just remote, but the reason that it comes with a non-chuck is because some of them are quite at like the boxing game. - Okay. So I'll take an extra controller then. So that way... - And did you wanna do the replay one that comes with the nine extra mini games? - How much is that? - It's $49.99. So you basically spend $10 on an extra game while getting $39.99. - Yeah, that's the same way. - Okay, I'll do that. So do Spider-Man and replay. - Yeah, that's the way that's fine. - So did you just wanna get an extra non-chuck then to go with that? So you have a whole two player? - How much is the extra non-chuck? - $19.99. - At this point, what the hell? Sure, I'll take the extra non-chuck. - All righty. - To realize over the course of the last three days, we've spent enough money to buy three people, the laptop that you went from that. (laughing) - Do you need any new batteries today, water transfer? - Uh, see, yeah, I'll buy some batteries. How many do, how many will I need? They all come with it, right? - They all come with batteries, right? - All right, I'll take just an extra, just an extra couple. - Touch the highlights. - Okay, and my total is? - Did you wanna get the fire potential player? - No. - It comes to $300.89. - Jeez, ew. - You did me happy. - I must tell you that being a Toys R Us before it actually opens, with no other little minions running around, or little-- - The creepy music playing. - No, the creepy music playing, it's rather invigorating. I can look through-- - Let's be a conditioning. - I can look through and see all the things that I wanted as a child, but was denied. That'll show up in therapy. I'm thinking that we should maybe go over and look at the like the Easy Bay Govens. - I think that the people outside would kill us if we decided we were gonna wanna go around. - But Kyle and Matthew would let us because they love us. ♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪ I'm singing now, I'm singing to our audience. They love it. - They don't care. - They do care. He's signing his name. Transaction completed. Denied. - I think I did my idea. - Denied. Approved. (laughs) - You're a mess. - You love me. I'm going over here. Thank you, Kyle. Thank you, Matthew. Do you wanna say hello? Say hello to our listeners. This is the international podcast. Say hello. - Hello. - Hello, thank you. Kyle, the careless. Kyle's thinking it's God, please leave. - You think I said get out of my store. - Get out of my store right now. - All right. Why does MichaelPilot.com? - All right, well, we're now leaving. Can I walk through this security thing without it screwing up your iPad? - Whoa. - I think I just did. - I need to think of that. - We'll see. I'm always thinking. We're coming past our beloved assistant manager. He loves us. He's smiling. Thank you, Michael. - Thank you, Michael. - Thank you, Michael. (laughs) All right, listeners, more, later. (clicking) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) [BLANK_AUDIO]