(upbeat music) You're listening to "Pod Is My Copilot" with Taylor the Latte Boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodin. (upbeat music) Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and thank you for downloading episode 13 of "Pod Is My Copilot." As always, I am joined by Taffy Carlisle Huffington. - Hey y'all. - And Rodin. - Hello. - And as of today, we can no longer say that "Pod Is My Copilot" is officially a Florida-based podcast. - Why is that? - Rodin. - That is because I have finally made it to Munro, or Munro, Louisiana. - Munro? (laughing) - Thank you, Ted Baxter. (laughing) - Wait. - So I'm here. - And we are going to talk about that later on in the episode, but before we start, I have to say a big thank you to Michael of Q-Cast, Connecticut, who allowed me to have the privilege of being his co-host for an episode earlier this week on his show. - Yeah, you guys sent it great. Are you trying to replace Rodin and I with Michael? I don't think so. - I'm not trying to replace you. (laughing) - Nice, that was smooth. - Nice, yeah right, well smooth, thank you. - It was a lot of fun. I was very nervous because as I mentioned on the podcast, I usually am the one who likes to think I have some semblance of control over this thing as far as show notes and knowing what we're going to be talking about and the order in which we are going to talk about it. And I had to give all that up, so it was a little scary, but we had a really good time. We ended up talking for almost an hour. - Did you have a safety word? (laughing) - Your safe word is yellow. - You mean the illusion of control that you have? - Thank you. - That's what I said, the illusion of control. I actually, that brings me to a funny story. When I was working in the mall when I was a teenager, I had a co-worker, this guy Mike, who is a complete queen, and he got up in this girl's face one time as a joke and said, "You're safe word is yellow." Like an intro face, (laughing) preacher, (laughing) so anyway, but Michael, I want to say thank you very much. And we look forward to hearing future podcasts with you guys, so thank you. Now that I've said, I've had the happy moment, now I have to have the angry moment. Let's hear it, how was the Sopranos finale? - I... - Did you guys, did you throw things to television? (laughing) - I believe the first thing out of my mouth is, are you fucking kidding me? - Who did they kill? - They didn't kill anybody. It was, oh, we have spoilers here. So if you haven't watched the episode, if you have it T-vode, you might want to pause over the next couple of minutes or wait till after you watch the episode to finish this part. I will say that the final scene, very well done, very well done from a directing point of view because it was set up so that pretty much Tony and his wife and the kids were all meeting for dinner at like a local family restaurant sort of thing. And they had it set up to where you kept thinking, okay, it's 11, it's, you know, it's 58 minutes into this thing, there's only two minutes left, something big is gonna happen. So every time that somebody would walk through the front door, he'd be looking, he was the first one there and he would look at the menu and every time he'd hear a ding, he would look up very quickly. And then eventually Carmella came in and they were sitting and just having this really random conversation of they were just talking that thing's going on in their lives and he kept looking around and there was like this one guy who was staring at them the entire time, this Italian guy. So then you think, okay, he's gonna kill him. And then eventually the sun comes in and then these black guys come in and you think, okay, well, they're here to rob the place or, you know, and then the Italian guy gets up and he sort of walks past them, you know, think, and you think, okay, he's gonna pull out the guy who's gonna kill him. Plus the daughter is trying to park a car and she keeps trying to parallel park and she keeps going out into the street. So you think, okay, a car's gonna hit her or she's gonna have a problem or somebody's gonna come along and they're gonna shoot her. And just as she finally parks the car, she goes to walk into the store and they, the restaurant and they open the door and Tony looks up and the screen goes black for like 20 seconds. So where you think, because it happened right at 10 o'clock, you think something happened where there's something wrong with your TiVo or there's something like that and you just sit there and, you know, so Drum and I were like, what happened, what happened? And then they just went into credits. - I would have been furious. - I'm, it sounds like that was the point though. I mean, it was the point. - It was the point, it was actually to where I was so stressed out watching the scene. It was similar to the scene that Taffy and I talk about. - In book nights, oh God. - The Chinese guys throw on the firecrackers. It was done like that. Only, there was no big. - There was no climax. - No, there was no climax. - What's really the worst thing about that, that life? I mean, what, I mean, the worst thing is death. No, the worst thing is living every moment of every day. Knowing it could be your last. That, I think that, that sounds like it's very much the point. - Well, and they sort of made it look like there was a good chance that he was going to be indicted that one of the guys that he'd been working with had decided to turn state's evidence and they sort of like kind of glossed over that in the last 10 minutes. So, and then when they were sitting in the diner, it was just him and his wife and she asked him some question about the lawyer and he said, yeah, this is a guy that, you know, he's testifying at the grand jury and she just sort of shook her head. You know, so they're looking like that's probably what would end up happening to him is that his character would go to jail. - So do you feel, do you feel closure? - No, no, not at all. I don't feel closure. I'm very just disappointed and I'm, I'm just, it's just very sad. There have been other, okay, the classic best series finale ever, Six Feet Under. - Yes, where they all died. That was awesome. - That was, you know, that was the best way to end a show like that. And for a show that you expect for there to be big things that happen, like last, last episode should have been the last episode. - Yeah, because they've been talking all week that, you know, who's gonna get it and who's gonna, how are they gonna take Tony out and all this other stuff and nothing, nothing like that. No, no big murder, no big nothing. I don't even watch the show and that's disappointing to me. - Yeah, I was just, I, when Rodin and I first started talking, it was like speechless when he first called me on the Skype. I was like, I just, I, and he's like, what's wrong? And I'm like, save it for the show 'cause I can't start talking about it now 'cause it would have been a 20-minute rant. And that was about three minutes after I finished watching it. - Now, what are they gonna start doing on Sunday nights? Do they have a Finland? Do they have something that they're typing to be the next big show? - They have a bunch, very much, they have a lack of buzzworthy stuff going on, that's for sure. - Yeah, I mean, they still have entourage and they're trying to drum up that, the polygamy show, Big Love, but I don't hear anybody really talking about that one. - That's because it has that Chloe slaw-glaw-glaw against and she's gross. - And Jean Triple Horn, who is the biggest piece? - Who's the even grosser? - He is the biggest piece of shit actress I've ever seen. - So one thing that they're doing is that John from Cincinnati show from, I think it's John from Cincinnati. - Yeah, that's what it is. - That's kind of a mix of, it's from the guy who created Deadwood, Deadwood, but that's supposed to be, it's a little bit, it sounds a little bit like carnival, but just modern. - Yeah, and I have no, well, I'm gonna be, in an attempt to save money, I'm gonna be getting rid of the HBO and the Showtime and all that sort of stuff. 'Cause I really don't watch it. Sopranos was the only reason I've held onto it as long as I have. So, and now-- - Besides, now he has something else to occupy his time. - I-- - Oh, you mean like the obsession of, how does my copilot? - No, I mean the obsession of we. - Oh yes, right. - Today, Tappy and I got we's. - We got we's-- - It's about time you got some action. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, thank you, thank you. - Hello. - He needs it worse than anyone I know. - So, now, this little escapade started, what day was that Tuesday that I saw you? - Well, actually, it started on Mother's Day when I told my husband that for my birthday I wanted a wee. Every so often we would call different places and my husband would call different places and then Tuesday it became an all-out war. - Yeah. - To try to find one. - Tappy and I called between us probably about eight or nine different places and got all sorts of different answers and everything and finally Tappy was successful and often calling a Toys R Us up in Countryside or the Clearwater area that said we're planning on getting some in on Sunday. The line usually starts at nine, we open at 11. So there was all this discussion about us going and I was kind of like, well, do I want to go to her and I don't want to go and she said, well, I'll go to the one on Tyrone and that's about five minutes from my house. So I'm like, yeah, sure, I'll meet you there. And if nothing else, we can just hang out. - So half of my family went to the one in Countryside and I went down to the one by Taylor's house. So we figured between the two groups, someone has to come home with something. - Right, however, however, I call her last night about nine 30 saying, are we still planning on doing this? What's the plan? 'Cause I hadn't heard from her all day and she informs me that she has to go pick up, you know, the widow Carlisle at the airport. So we're not going to be able to do this. I'm like, okay, fine, I have the morning to myself, whatever. So at about nine 25, I get a phone call from her. They have wheez, I'm on my way down there. You have to meet me right now. So I haven't even showered yet. I've just gotten up about 20 minutes before. So I stand in line, all stinky with my hair sticking straight up with Miss Taffy in front of the Toys R Us at the Tyrone Square Mall. - And they had 18 and they were passing out the little, the golden tickets, as it were. And we were number 15 and 16. - Wow, and I mean, I'm just amazed they had 18. - Well, oh, well, what was amazing to us is that they didn't make us stand outside. They took us in one at a time because we could go ahead and buy them. - Or in mine and Taffy's case, two at a time, because we said, yeah, you have to let us in together. The reason why is we taped for the podcast. - We were roving reporters. - Yes. - We were on location, pot is my co-pilot. - We did a-- - That is fabulous. - It was fabulous. - I have about 21 minutes of data, as you would call it, or 21 minutes of reporting, where we ask the people in line all sorts of questions and we annoyed the assistant manager and we embarrassed the two little nerdy guys that were working behind the counter and we did all sorts of fun stuff like that. - It was tech talk with Taylor and Taffy. - Yeah, so what I will be doing is after the, at the end of this episode, you might notice that there's about 21 minutes left to listen to. I'll be adding that onto the end of the episode. For people who are interested in hearing us make complete fools of ourselves in front of strangers. We make fools of ourselves to all of you because you enjoy that and we want to give you entertainment. However, these people were hostage-- - In some bystanders. - They were hostage just who are. They were collateral damage. They were held hostage to our obnoxiousness and some enjoyed it, some, not so much. - Not so much and one of them enjoyed it way too much but that's okay. - Yeah, but it was a lot of fun. Afterwards, I went over to Ms. Taffy's house while her husband set up the Wii and it was pretty fun to play. - I can tell you right now though, Carpal Tunnel and tennis elbow have set in. I'm gonna be in a sling tomorrow because after you left, we swam for a couple hours and then we went right back to the Wii for another three hours and let me tell you something. We had a heated round of golf and my shoulder is interaction. I'm gonna be pitiful tomorrow. But it was totally worth it. It is one of the very coolest games. They even have a fit test to see how fit you are that you do with the Wii. It's pretty cool. - So yeah, it is very much a, you work up a little bit of a sweat. - At one point we were like, we're gonna have to install extra air conditionings in this room if we're all gonna play this game because it was getting pretty hot in there. That's why we had to stop and go get the pool for a while because it was way too hot in that room. And you just, I don't know, you don't even do anything. You just kind of stand up and, but you're almost stressed out about how you're gonna hit or how your shots gonna be and it's hysterical. I love the game. I've wanted one for a long time. I think it's awesome. - Now you realize not every action has to be over exaggerated. You can just make small movements and everything. - Oh no, no, no, no. When I get up to bat, I've got the leg in the air. It's ridiculous. You would think that I'm on the PGA. No, no, no. I have the full swing when it comes to bowling with the leg kicked up to the side. Yeah, no. - And you know that's how all those TVs got destroyed because people were doing stuff like that without the little wrist strap on or the wrist strap broke because they were like really going at it. - Yeah, we only had one mild, mild infraction tonight. And that was, my husband forgot to tighten his wristband and smack himself in the face with the roof. - Oh, what was he playing? - Baseball. - Now have you guys played the Wii play yet? - Yes, we did the skate shooting and the one where you have to put the people into the bubbles, which is very, very hard and a couple of other ones. But for the most part, we just concentrated. I actually, I concentrated on making characters. - Okay. - So now I think we have a cast of about 20. - Okay. - Now have you done a little parade thing yet? - Oh yes. I did the parade and I set them up according to gender and I set them up according to color and alphabetically. Oh yes. - So are you going to keep your Wii? - I don't know. I don't know. It's still in the box and it's all taped up and everything and it's still in the bag. - Oh god, this is going to be another Mac, isn't it? This is going to be what you're supposed to do. - Oh yeah. - No, this isn't going to be as bad as the Mac 'cause the Mac was like $2,000. This is, but it's just, I don't know that I'm necessarily going to keep the Spider-Man. I bought Spider-Man 3. And the more I think about it, I would probably just play the stuff that I played at your house today. So I'm going to need, and if I was going to play a game like Spider-Man 3, I would be more comfortable playing and say the PS2 that I own just because I'm used to playing games like that on a remote. - Well, that's just retarded. Why get something that's got a different control team? Control scheme, if you're not going to play other types of games with it, just with the pack in games. - God, Taylor, how could you be so stupid? - I might play things like Super Mario, Paper Party or whatever that thing is called. Like, you know, the games like that, but as far as games that I'm used to playing in a certain way, I would probably just continue. - Well, don't open your Spider-Man 3, and I'll probably get it from you, and I'll buy it from you and give it to my husband for his birthday next month. - Okay, well, if you're going to sell it, you probably should do it, like if you're going to go like an e-bear, whatever, and sell it, I would do it sooner rather than later, because if they like had 18 weeks today, then that may mean that there's more entering the pipeline. - Yeah, no, when I thought about that, selling it on eBay versus keeping it, you know, or taking it back, but I don't know. So everybody-- - Well, let me go take it back. - Okay, well, if people have advice for me, they can send me some email at potismicopilotgmail.com and tell me what I should do, because I am incapable of making decisions for myself. - I think we should have an auction. I think we should auction it off to the-- - You know, I actually thought about that and donating the proceeds to charity, but then I thought, uh-- - No, I was thinking of having an auction and you and I splitting the proceeds, but we can do whatever you want. - The charity of Taylor is a lot to avoid. - Exactly. - Well, I would think that you made more than enough money at your birthday gathering the other night. - I made more than enough money in my birthday gathering? - Dancing on that center pole. - Ow! - For Dan. - You don't wanna know. No, actually, I actually had a fairly tame birthday party. We went to a venue that could have, under different circumstances, have been ridiculous and there's a very good chance that some of the people I hang out with could have went home in jail or two jail, but no, we went to a restaurant in Tampa at the Hardock Cafe called Floyd's. It's a really, I think it's a neat restaurant. It's decorated very interestingly and except Friday night happened to be starting, well, what was supposed to start at 11, which ended up starting around one o'clock, was the Stuff magazine search for the next centerfold contest, sponsored by Budweiser. So let's put in, let's throw in girls and bikinis and free beer at a fairly nice establishment. And did you know that the people who were all waiting online, all like 500 of them? It was $50 a person to get in the door. - All those people that were standing in line? - Paid $50 a person to get in. And I know this because when everybody finally left, we thought we had left something in and I went back in and they were collecting. 50 bucks a person, that's how they cover the free martinis for women and the free beer. - Holy cow, that's a great thing. - No, Rodan, you need to understand, it was shoulder to shoulder. They were packed in that room. We happened to be up in a VIP area so we could sit down and everything. There was not one place to sit unless you were actually in the bar. And the place probably held, I don't know, maybe 400 people, they were packed in. - Well, this way, the Seminole Tribe's gonna be able to buy back the entire country. - Well, not only that, but this party went on till six in the morning and then they set up a breakfast buffet. And let me just tell ya, these people were ugly at one o'clock in the morning. I cannot even imagine it's a good time for their life. It had to be some ugly people. - The room was full of the scent of skank. That's, it was horrible. - By horrible, he means fantastic. It was totally, I was in my helmet 'cause we were just kept watching people and we would go, really? I mean, like girls who, their entire outfit consisted of a t-shirt they had bought from Target and a belt. - Yeah. - Yeah, it was awesome. - And on the video screen, they had commercials for Budweiser, which are the commercials that I think they usually show during Saturday Night Live of all the different things that actually make up the Budweiser logo, like the conch shell and the girl holding the sarong over her head and the ends of it and everything. But then they would intersperse it with these horrible, gross, like girls gone wild type thing with all these like, Hori looking girls drinking beer out of an aluminum bottle and these guys. - And getting a bottle head. - Yeah, and all these guys that were all like super cool, but they're 22 and have skid marks in their underpants and they just thought they were the shit. And it was just horrible. However, as Tappy said, she did get us into the VIP section. And for the first time in my life, I had Kristall. - We had a bottle of Kristall. - Yes, we did. - And we can all, and all of us collectively agreed? Not so great. - Yeah. - Gotta tell you that. - Anybody who's ever had osteosumumontae, you've had Kristall. - Pretty much. No, actually, I kind of think oste is a little better. I will say that this particular bottle of Kristall ended up being about $80 an ounce. And I don't ever have to do that again in my life because if it had been, if it had tasted fantastic, I would have been all excited and everything. But we all were like toasting each other and then we drank it and all of us were looking around going, "No." - Yeah, it was very good. - Well, I mean, how good were you expecting it to be compared to-- - Well, I was expecting it to be a little sweet and very smooth. And it was neither of those things. It was rough. - Even with strawberries put in it. They put strawberries in the bottoms of the champagne flutes for us. And it was still kind of like, "Oh, okay." - But you know what? We all just looked at each other like-- - I don't get it, yeah. So at least you can say, you've had Kristall in your life, which again, I don't ever need to do. - But thank you for the opportunity for me to have Kristall. - Yes, you're correct. - When does the album drop though? Your rap album. (laughing) - No, that would be if I had Patron. (laughing) - If you what? - Patron is what they always rap about. I mean, Kristall, yes, that's Patron is what they rap about. - 'Cause that's what they get paid 'cause they have an open thing where they'll pay X number times they drop the name. - Well, then I think Potter's my co-pilot should get paid because Kristall, Kristall, Kristall, they're-- (laughing) - Have a plug meter. - We're a little more Bartles and James than Kristall, if you have any-- - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - Speak for yourself for your teeny girl. - Oh, oh, oh. - I'm a martini girl. - And we thank you for your support. (laughing) We at Potter's my co-pilot, thank you. (laughing) - Always drink responsibly. - Well, I have to, you know what, Rodin, you did not hear that we have a fan club. - We have a fan club. - It's a little teeny. - So someone's standing next to a fan going, I need a fan. - Jesus, any time a Spice Girls reference can be added, I am. (laughing) - We have a little teeny, tiny fan club, but a fan club nonetheless. So yes, where I get my haircut? - Ah, yes. - There was a, what? - You mean we have to wait four more days for the next podcast? Which was met with squeals and peels of laughter and excitement for me. (laughing) 'Cause I was like, "Really, you love us?" And so my hairdresser-- - It's a little sad I feel moment, really? - Exactly. - You really, really like us? - Thank you. And my hairdresser's name is Crystal and she's fabulous. I call her the haremaster. And she, if you kind of, if a plus size Barbie doll and the rocker pink had a child, it would be Crystal. - That sounds cool. - She's very cool. - She's very cool. And let me tell you something for a white girl, she got a rockin' ass. She has a rockin' ass. (laughing) And she laughs when she laughs, she sounds like Betty Rebel. - And the podcast takes a different turn on it. (laughing) We're gonna talk about her rocking ass tonight, but-- - Well, you know, and she does, she laughs like Betty Rebel. So I love her, I think she's adorable. And she has freckles and I just, she's one of the coolest, nicest people in the world. And she can do a mean haircut. Let me tell you something. She, she's striped me. (laughing) - Yes, she has new stripes now. - I have new stripes. - Oh. - Highlights, low lights, oh my. - So you got your hair done? - I got my hair done. - I got my hair did. - I got my hair did so I can have my crystal. (laughing) I'm full on gangster love. (laughing) - Missy misdemeanor's got nothin' on you. - That's right. - And she got a weed. - Taylor's just crunk. (laughing) Okay, and there, there ends my whole entire repertoire of, you know, gangster word. (laughing) - I don't think that's all you know is crunk. - That's right. I think that should be the name of the pocket. Taylor is crunk. - Taylor is crunk, right. Dang right, he's crunk. Dang right, he's mean. - Not that any of the three of us could describe what crunk really is, but hey. - It's crazy drunk. - I don't think so. - That's what crunk means, crazy drunk. - That's because he's been drinkin' his pimp juice. That's one reason he knows that. (laughing) - Yeah, smokin' that gin and juice. That's not what you say. - I don't think that's right. - Laid back with my mind, all my money, all my money, all my mind. - We also had a request that we should sing more, which I find hysterical. (laughing) - Well, because everyone needs a laugh, and it was-- - Apparently, apparently that's what it is. - We are a comedy podcast. It is-- - It is a twine. (laughing) - We are still ridin' that thing. We occasionally tap you and I look at each other every no reason ago, it is a dessert wine. - Well, you guys have a tendency to have riding jokes for, you know, a couple years ago. - Years. (laughing) - Sometimes our entire conversations only consist of one-liners of jokes that have existed for five, seven years, I don't know. - Singers. - So it just singers? Just a chit throw out there? - I have a huge bruise on my arm. (laughing) - Oh, okay. - That has nothing to do with-- - Apparently, that safety word didn't work. (laughing) - I don't know, but-- - Well, maybe he never said the safety word. - By the light of my monitor, I can see that, like, I have a, it looks like a track mark. What's wrong with me? - Jesus. - Oh, God. - That's how you got your energy to get the Wii? - No. - We've told you heroin kills. (laughing) - Always drink responsibly. (laughing) - So did one of the dogs attack you or something? - No, on my other arm, one of the dogs scratched me last night while we were watching TV, but on this arm, I shouldn't have, this is so boring. Okay, let's talk about something else. - Okay. - I wanna hear about Monroe. - I was gonna say, Monroe, Monroe. (laughing) - You can't do that every time we say Monroe. (laughing) - Yeah, I can, and I know-- (laughing) - Kinda over it. - So, is it bigger than you thought it was gonna be? - It is huge. It is, well, okay, there's like six exits, or six, seven, eight exits. - Not the first time he's been asked that. - Thank you. (laughing) - On I-20, is the main interstate that kind of runs through town, so it's long, if not wide, I guess. But I drove through this. - No, I'm dead. (laughing) - Thanks. You guys aren't getting out of any action in the area, 'cause sounds like you guys are a bit dry. - Speak for yourself. I'm always moist. (laughing) - Oh, God. (laughing) - Well, let me start off a little bit in my mouth. - Okay, so Monroe is big and wide. We got it. - Monroe. (laughing) That's 'cause Taylor and I are too close for comfort. (laughing) (horn honking) (horn honking) - I'm, I'm being a thing. (horn honking) - I'm beginning to think that you guys should share your brain cell. (horn honking) - Right now, everyone's turning their radios completely down. - Yeah, right. People are chucking their eyeballs in a trash. (horn honking) (horn honking) It's over now. Jesus. (laughing) - I'm sorry. Now, police are on the way. You know that, right? Police are on the way. It's a real worry. - John's head is running all over Pinellas County. (laughing) - What's really sad is that while he was doing that, I was replaying the opening montage of where, you know, like the blonde pops out of bed, but the covers are her head and the brunette opens the closet door and peeks around the side. Yeah, Monroe falls over the couch. Yeah. - Oh, it's head backster fell over the couch, but I knew what you meant. At the very end, 'cause the couch was just sort of pillows that were piled up around the top of these two-- - And it's like, stay completely straight. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Sorry, Monroe. (laughing) - Oh. Let me start off with saying, oh my God, I know, right? Let me first off of saying that, leaving home was the hardest thing. I procrastinated until like Friday morning. I didn't even start packing. All my crap and office stuff and everything, until Friday morning, and it was just miserable, miserable, miserable. So leaving the dogs was, you know, I broke my leg, what, four or five weeks ago now, and I didn't cry the whole time, and I barely took any pain pills and blah, blah, blah. I was balling like a baby, the whole prospect of leaving my dogs. It was, oh, it was bad. And my dogs are freaking out. - When are you, when are you gonna see them again? - Faggot. - When are you gonna see them again? - I'm not sure. Actually, I have not scheduled a trip back to Florida. - Notice that he didn't say he was sad to be leaving his lover. He's sad to be leaving his dogs. - I don't think that was appropriate. - I'm just telling you, that's what he said. - Well, I already had my moment about that. I mean, that is very hard too, but he's coming up here in two weeks. So he'll be up here the 24, 23rd through the 25th. So that's not, I mean, we're gonna see each other in two weeks, I've talked to him like six times today. So that's fine. It was just leaving the dogs and then, you know, trying to, all my luggage and stuff, I have like four bags, and I carried it all out to the car myself, like one hop at a time on the crutches. So it was painful and sweaty and a good workout apparently. So, and I found out something here a few minutes ago, right before the show was I tried on my, the outfit I'm gonna wear for my first day of work tomorrow. - First day of school? - Exactly. And my pants, my ass is down to my knees. It is bad. I mean, like fully belted up, my crotch and my ass is down to my knees. - So, all right, did the pants grow or did you shrink? - I've shrunk. Apparently more than I realized. - That's really surprising 'cause usually people who are not able to get up and, you know, move around too much lose weight. I mean, gain weight. - Well, I think I have gained weight, but I think I lost a lot more than I realized during the first part of my unemployment. - Oh, wow. So, 'cause I haven't tried anything on in weeks and weeks and weeks, so. - So, you just been laying your bed naked with a cast? Awesome. - I know, right? Just doing little leg lifts every once in a while. - Exactly, yeah. - Again, throw up a little bit in the ass. (laughing) - Yeah, four weeks of your legs in the air and you'll lose weight. - Oh, God. - You see those big, sassy thighs going flying up in the air with a, oh, God. - Yeah. - While watching too close for comfort to complete their season. (laughing) - So, yeah. - Bro! - So, are you looking for a house yet? - I've been looking. I actually was driving around town today and there's this cute little area that's very similar to Old Northeast St. Pete where it's all these older homes built in the, you know, like probably 30s to the 50s, actually some in the 60s, you don't really tell which ones those are. And they're just cute little homes right across from the Wichita River or whatever the hell it's called here. And it is gorgeous. It's awesome, great neighborhood, huge pine trees and huge oak trees. And it's just very, very pretty. And I am dying to get a house there. All the houses are very, very expensive. We're talking 1,800 square feet for $130,000. - Okay, where we live, that's very cheap though. - $130,000, exactly. $130,000 in, you know, Boynton or, you know, South Florida would buy you 500 square feet. - Thank you. - If you're lucky. - If you're exactly. - That's amazing. - Yeah, no, I'm just, I'm thrilled and I just can't wait 'til sprockets up here and we can go to town on getting to go over the house. - I'm glad, I'm glad that you're excited about it. I'm glad that you are, aren't, they are going, oh my God, what am I gonna do, this little tiny town? I'm really glad that it's working for you. - Well, that'll happen. But the cost limit will be so much cheaper here that we'll afford to be able to travel more. So that's good. - He'll be fine. He informed me earlier that they're building a Best Buy. - Yes, they're building a Best Buy and they're converting the target to the super target. - Why would you ever leave? - So in other words, he's home again. - No, exactly. - Naturally. - That's alone again, naturally. (laughing) - Is there a Starbucks? - You twin. (laughing) - I don't know, I'm sure there is, but-- - Maybe the one on this is a super target though, have a Starbucks in it. - He's not a big Starbucks fan. - I don't drink coffee. - You're dead team. - But if you're gonna come, if you're gonna come visit me, I realized there needs to be a Starbucks tier. (gasping) - Tailor, that needs to be our next road trip. And then we can go down to New Orleans, aw. - Okay, and then-- - I'm in a row. (laughing) - Afterwards we can go to like Baton Rouge or something. Or like the Shreve port. - Oh god. - Oh. - That sounds like a disease, that's it. - It really does. - Sounds like a port where you get a disease. - I'm killing the moments till we get in the car. - On my way up, right, to me at this point, never use Yahoo maps because they suck. And all the mapping services gave me a completely different way to get here. Well this one took me through Mobile, Alabama, muh. And I had to go like through downtown. You know, we even between the two skyscrapers they have, underneath this random like bridge underneath water. And Mobile, Alabama is not exactly the biggest town in the world. Strangely enough, it's very small. I had to go like north, east, west, south, and then back south, going northwest. It was just crazy. And it's like dark out and I'm freaking out 'cause I know I'm going, the directions are horrible. And there's all these people with no teeth around me. So. - We're country, y'all. - We're country, y'all. - Yeah, how far away are you from where Britney Spears grew up? - I have no idea. - I can't live Louisiana. It's wrong that I know that. - It's always 'cause they have a fact that you know that. - I know. I need to just, yes. - Remind me to slap you the next time. - Thank you, thank you very much. - Just slap the stupid right out of me, please. - My hand's not big enough. - You know what? - What? What are you gonna do? - Well, I would smack your ass, but my hand's not big enough. - Oh. - Yeah, I know. I saw those full pictures from last week. (laughing) - That's not nice. (laughing) - Yeah. - That's not nice. - I've got plenty of ass myself. - Still. - That is true. - So. - I thought you were gonna post those pictures. - I thought about it and I forgot about it. I still may. - So did we get any more MySpace comments or friends this week? - We have two new MySpace friends, one of which Ms. Taffy has already talked about, and that would be Crystal. - Yay. - She left us a lovely review on iTunes too. - Say hello to Crystal. - Hello, Crystal. Hello, the Hairmaster. - And we also-- - Masters of the Hairmaster. - No, I call her the Hairmaster because she can do anything, and I also call her delicious. - 'Cause you like her. - I thought you called me delicious. - Wow. - She licks you. - Do I lick them? - I have to lick them. - She doesn't lick her hair dresser either. - That you know of. (laughing) How do you think I tip her? (laughing) - Oh, dear. - Well. - Oh, God. (laughing) - That's leading all sorts of menop, okay. Anyway, we also have Eric. - With a K. - With a K. - Did he listen to any messages? Did he say he loved us? Did he say we sucked what? - Well, one of you say hello to Eric, please. - Hello, Eric. - Hi, Eric. When did we start this process? 'Cause you just randomly spring process these on to us and just like make us some dump for nothing. - Well, I would think that if I am saying something about one of our new listeners or a listener who cares enough to actually comment on MySpace or send us a link to be their friend that you guys could at least say hi. - Well, Eric, if you read comic books, then I will say hello to you because one of my favorite all-time comic book movies is The Crow and his real name was Eric. So I always thought that was cool. So hello, Eric. - Does he have comic books on his MySpace page? - I don't know, I haven't been there. - Well, then why would, okay, never mind, it doesn't matter. So, what else are we talking about? Oh, I know something we can talk about. - What? - We've had a slight change to the blog. - Have we? - We have. Like you don't know. Yes, we have. - Can we talk about the breakdown regarding the two of my co-pilots.com? - If you wanna talk about the breakdown, that's fine. - No, go ahead. - Now, tell us about the new PILOT. - Well, first of all, we can say that we no longer have to say the okaysopodcast.blogspot.com. Now, I can say our email address or our website address is podismicopilot.com. - Yay, no more backsplash. No, no, backsplash is for the MySpace page. - Oh, still backsplash, but yay. So, we're finally legit. - Too quit. - Too legit. - Too quit. - Oh, oh. - Oh. - Legit, too legit. - Yeah, you guys just kind of. You guys consistently show your age. You know that, right? - Thank you. I love being a child of the 80s. We discuss this on many times. Hello, what happened? - Oh, are we just lost Rodan? - Are we still recording? - Yes, lost Rodan. Are you still recording? - Yep, 39 minutes. - Okay, well, let's hit him and. - All right, hold on. - Yeah, you're gonna have to major league. - All right, I am going to hit, don't panic. - No, I'm calling him. - Oh, you're calling him? - Yeah. - Well, I'm gonna have to write it out. - Hey, what happened? - Uh, it shows me, is that dropped? - Did I drop you? - That you dropped. - Hmm. - Well, I'm still here. And you said my real name. - Dumbass. - Idiot. - All right, what do I do? - Taking my toys and going home. - Put it on a top, I. (laughs) - So, what you guys stayed on the line together? - We did. - Yeah. - Well, that's weird. - We apod as my co-pilot, apologize for the technical disruption. - Okay, so, pod as my co-pilot.com. Visit it, visit it often. - Come see us. - Hey, can we post yet? Is that fixed? - I posted, that shows you haven't checked it yet, 'cause I posted the last three things. - Okay, cool. - Taffy's posted a bunch of stuff. - I've been having internet problems with the, I haven't been able to go to all the websites yet, so. - Clearly, clearly you've been having internet problems. - He lived in his car for three days. I would hope he hasn't had problems. Let's get real over. (laughs) - So, as we just said, you can go to pod as my co-pilot.com. You can also email us at Taffy. - You can email us at Taffy. You mean you can email us at pod as my, wait, what are we emailing us at? - For the love of Christ. - You can email us at pod as my co-pilot at gmail.com, or you can also go to myspace.com/pot as my co-pilot. - Yay. - That's so proud. - So, we are going to play the closing music in just a second, and then afterwards, if you are so inclined, you can listen to Taffy. Now, I may complete asses of ourselves in front of the Toys R Us at the Tyrone Square Mall in St. Petersburg, New Jersey. So, - Get their wees that up. - St. Petersburg, New Jersey. - Did I say St. Petersburg, New Jersey? Shit! - You don't have to wait to listen to us, like, asses of ourselves. Do you just listen to this? (laughing) - You mean St. Petersburg? - I'm still on that Sopranos, New Jersey thing, so. Okay, it's any who. Fuck it. Okay, this is Taylor. - And Taffy. - And Rodan. - See you guys next week. - Have a lovely week. - Say bye, Rodan. - Bye-bye. (laughing) - Oh my God. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]