Pod Is My Copilot
PiMC: Epiode 3 - Catfights, Smoothies and Tiaras
Well, tonight it's Taffy and I joining the voices in your head. We catch up on ANTM, discuss how Taylor crossing a picket line of sorts leads into Taffy telling a story...sort of....and the Taffy asks another question from her big book of "If..." Always looking for punishment, we are...Pod is My Copilot. Music - Brain Bukit, Run Rabbit/The Chase
(upbeat music) You're listening to "Hot as My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte Boy, Tappy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Hi, this is Taylor the Latte Boy, and you're listening to the fourth episode of "Hot as My Co-Pilot." I am joined by the lovely Taffy. - Hello, lovely. - Hello, you. We weren't able to record with Rodan. Well, we actually tried to record with Rodan on Sunday morning, but the recording got all wonky, so as you all know with episode three, it courted something, and I wanted to make sure that Taffy was not left out, because when Taffy's not happy, no one's not happy. And there are two cats fighting out by my back door. (laughs) - Sure there are. - All of a sudden, I just plucked over and I hear, (laughs) and there's two cats fighting, but they seem to be doing okay now. So, I wanted to give some information about some updates on what's going on with the podcast and everything going on. First of all, I wanted to say, we got our first email. - Yay. - Yay. And our first email comes from Mr. B, who has his own podcast with his partner, and that podcast is "Qcast Connecticut." I've listened to it, it's a really great podcast, and Taffy is going to be really jealous when I tell her this, because the episode that I listened to, they were recording it because they had nothing better to do because they were snowed in. - I don't even want to hear it. - I know, doesn't that suck? - That just makes me very unhappy. - Yeah, because, wow. - Even though the weather lately has been beautiful here only because it's getting up to about 80 degrees, and in the morning at 60, I would trade that for three inches of snow, no problem. - No, no, I love the snow, I love the cold. - Oh, I would trade it in a heartbeat, yeah. - Which many people right now who are listening to us in places like Montana or Utah are probably going between your crazy, stupid, stupid, you live in paradise, but-- - Exactly. - Talk to us in August when everything is, you know, hurricane watch, and it's 85 degrees with 120% humidity, and it's just, you know-- - It's sticky and gross and salty and yuck. - It's sticky and gross and salty, exactly. - Exactly. - Didn't I say I wasn't going to repeat everything you say? - I believe you did. - Oh, okay, well, we're going to try and do that. We'll try and not do that, okay. Another thing that we had going on was, Mr. B was generous enough to give us our second review on iTunes. - Fabulous. - Fabulous, so that's always nice. If you like what you hear, please leave us a review on iTunes. The more reviews that we get, the better chance that we have of showing up as a featured podcast on the main podcast page. - Plus, we're just narcissistic enough to want to hear what everyone has to say about us. - Exactly, as long as it's wonderful and fabulous. - Right, if you're planning on leaving lousy reviews-- - Email those. - Email those, email those to us and tell us what's wrong so that we can just look at them and-- - Laugh and point. - Laugh and point and go, whatever, and then throw them over our shoulder. - Thank you. - So, we are recording this on Wednesday night, and the reason we are recording this on Wednesday night is because there was a new episode of America's Next Top Model tonight. - And can I please just say, for those of you who watch this show, I just have one thing to say to one of the girls in particular. JL, open your damn mouth, I can't take the mumbling. I cannot take the, she is much mouth from Fat Albert because if you watch her when they interview her, she does, her bottom jaw doesn't move. I watched specifically for that this evening. The bottom jaw does not move. It freaks me out. - Well, before we talk about the specifics of the episode, I do want to point out that there are spoilers ahead. So, if you haven't watched America's Next Top Model yet, if you have it t-vode or recorded, you might want to wait to listen to this podcast until after you've watched it. 'Cause we are going to talk about who's been eliminated and we're going to talk about the fashion shoot and whatnot. Okay, so hit pause and go listen to something else for a little while. - Okay, so first of all, the challenge tonight. What did you think about the challenge with the silver suits and the bogeying? - Well, first off, I think that unless you are a 12 year old boy and even then it's bad, putting any grown woman in a gray mylar looking unitard is hateful. Even though most of these girls are flawless and their bodies are great, even underneath the lighting, they still look horrible. So that in itself is mean. But, you know, whatever, I thought the little posing guy was kind of funny. I mean, voguing, you know, welcome to 1991, I guess. But-- - Yeah, I did think that was a little odd that they were talking about voguing and-- - Exactly, I guess it's, you know, maybe Madonna will be a guest judge, who knows? But, God willing, can you imagine Madonna on America's Next Top Model, aw. - She would never do it. - I know she would, but wouldn't that be fabulous? - She's so mean here, it's so mean here. Have you ever seen Paris is Burning, the movie about voguing, the documentary? 'Cause I know you love the documentaries. - I do love the documentaries, and I did see Paris is Burning, but I only, I haven't seen the whole thing. - Yeah, me too, I haven't seen the whole thing, but the little bits that I have seen, it's a fascinating movie. - That's what we should do. One Saturday night, watch Paris is burning, and then go voguing. - And go voguing. (laughing) Because again, 1991 called it once it stands, moves back. - Exactly, but no, it was okay, you know, the whole vogue through the lights, but you pose, but then I don't know. It just seems like something that they did just to use up airtime, but I get the point, I guess. - What did you think of the winner? Do you think that she deserved to win the challenge? - Yeah, I thought she was good. - Okay, and that was Whitney. - That was Whitney, who I am really loving. I really like her, she's bubbly, and she's fun, and she doesn't seem to take any shit from anybody. - And she works the hell out of those hair extensions too, man. - Yeah. - And you know, she's a plus size girl, or at least you know, on the show she's a plus size girl, and she's holding her own, I like that. - Yeah. Now, they talked about the whole Renee thing and Renee being all sad, and I wanna go home and wah, wah, wah. Or as you say, wah, wah, wah. - Wah, wah, wah. Paper hurts, that's, that was one of those things. You know, if you, you're married, you have a child, you decide to go on America's Next Top Model. You don't realize you're gonna be away from your family, so you're gonna cry and complain. Please come pick me up, shut up. Just shut up. You're one of the top not in people, top eight people, however many are left, and you know what's happening, you've had a bad day, suck it up, I don't know. If I only got to talk to my husband and my son once every day, I don't think it would, I don't think I would talk to them and spend half the time crying, but maybe, I don't know, that's just me. And then as soon as she was done, it was all happiness, and I've got it all out, and now I'm just, I'm fierce. Eugh. And I like her, and that's what's sad, is I actually like her. - I don't get it. - I know you don't care for her. - Yeah, I know. - I don't know, I don't know how you like her. I'm loving Dion, who was one of the final two. I like the little swoopy hair, and I liked her picture. I liked the whole theme of the whole dead girl. - I liked the dead girl theme, yup. - I thought some of the pictures were absolutely amazing. Now, who was the girl who went home tonight? - A Felicia. - Felicia, that's right. - Yeah, yeah. - Felicia, so. - She needed to go home, and honestly, as soon as she started jumping up and down outside, saying, "I'm safe this week." I thought, "Okay, well we know who's going home." (laughs) That was easy. Because the reality shows with the editing, they don't put it all out to you on a silver platter or anything. - They're still cutting edge, yeah. - Yeah. - But the little Russian mail order bride, I thought her picture was great, and I thought the one falling out of the tub was great. - That was an amazing picture. - Yeah, that was a great picture. - That was an amazing picture. Honestly, I like JL's. I just, I can't listen to her talk. It freaks me out, and I like Sarah, the one that's the photographer. - Yeah, see, I don't know if I'm crazy about her. - Well, I don't know if I'm crazy about her either, but I thought she had a good picture this week. - And I liked, I did like Rene's with the head on the table with the poison bottles around that way. - Yeah, I think she had the prettiest picture this week. - And Jelisa, Jiceela, Jicella, the Cha Cha girl. - Jazleen. - Jazleen, oh yeah. Yeah, because that sounded exactly like what I was trying to say. - Like Jicella, exactly. - I liked her picture too, with the ankles all sort of twisted and falling over on the side, I thought that was an amazing picture as well. - She is a damn freak. If her measurements, her waist is 18 and a half inches. - Really? - My wrist is really 18 and a half. Her waist is 18 and a half inches. That is unbelievable. Tyra Banks was talking about her on one of the morning shows and she was just talking about, you know, what their picks were and what they liked. And she's like, you know, this girl is the smallest girl I've ever seen, that's an adult woman. - Well, she is really thin. I mean, for all the girls there, she's particularly thin. - Yeah, she is. - So who do you want to win? If you had to pick your winner right now, who would it be? - Oh, that's hard. I really like Brittany. I really, even though I know she's cry, cry, cry and everything doesn't seem to focus on that this time. - And she always takes fierce pictures. I like her and I like, I like Whitney too. - I like Whitney. I like Whitney and Brittany are my two favorites. - Whitney and Brittany. - Whitney and Brittany. Whitney and Brittany, 'cause crack is wack. Whenever I hear Whitney Houston, that's what goes to my head. Crack is wack, crack is wack. At that end, Deborah Wilson on MantiVee. - Going Bobby. - Bobby. - Oh, blah. Okay, so, well today is March 21st. - Yes. - And today is the first day of spring. - Actually, yesterday at 809 was the first arrival of spring. - Okay, well of course. - So I guess today is the first full day. - According to the place that I was today, there was a signup that said, "Welcome first day of spring." - Where were you? - Well, that is what I'm going to talk with you about because I'm-- - I'm not gonna be happy, am I? - You're not gonna be happy. - Because, but this is a perfect lead in for something that happened to, for you to tell a story of something that happened to you last week. - God, what? - Today, you could get a free iced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. - Okay. - And I was not gonna go, I got the text message on my phone from my boss today saying, you know, just that, you know, they're having furious coffees and I thought to myself, I'm not going because of what Taffy went through last week, which I'm gonna give you the opportunity to tell. And then I got a call from a coworker of mine who saw me on US 19. She was going the opposite direction and she was like, we're going to Dunkin' Donuts. There's three of us in my car, you have to meet us. And I was like, oh, and then I thought, you know what, this will be a perfect opportunity for Taffy to tell the story tonight. So. - Cool. At least my story did not involve. What was your drink? - A nice coffee. - A nice coffee, no. Well, last Wednesday, I was at a local, actually, and I never ever go to Dunkin' Donuts, which is what's funny. I don't care for their donuts. I don't like their ice drinks. I don't like anything about them. But I was actually supposed to go pick up a tropical smoothie and I ended up running out of time. So I thought, well, okay, I'm driving past Dunkin' Donuts. There's huge signs everywhere. Try our smoothies, smoothies, smoothies, smoothie. Tropical flavor, berry, blend, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, fine, we're going to go try a smoothie. I pull off the drive-through to which this, you know, you get the 16-year-old high school dropout who they have hired, so fine, whatever. And I said, yes, I'd like to order three smoothies. And she says, oh, well, we don't have any smoothies. And I said, well, okay, but you have about 14 different signs proclaiming that they've arrived. And she goes, yeah, but they're not going to be here till Friday. Okay, so I pull around to the window and the man- - You just left out a huge part of the story. - Okay, you tell the story for me. I was enraged, oh, I see when I tell you the stories, I tell you right then, so I hit every single part. - Okay, well, the way you told the story to me was that you pulled up and they have 14 signs all over the place saying, we have smoothies, smoothies, smoothies, smoothies everywhere. - Yep, still up. - You said I would like a strawberry smoothie and a kiwi smoothie or something like that. And the response you got was-- - Triple berry and tropical, yes. - Okay, and the response you got was, we don't have smoothies. - That was it. - And you said, well, but I thought there's signs up everywhere with the smoothies. We don't have smoothies till Friday. - That's a fact. - And then you said, but you have signs up everywhere and the response that you got through the intercom was, are you going to order something or not? - Well, actually it was, are you just going to order something or are you just going to, what? And that is when I proceeded to pull around and ask, just speak to a manager. - Actually, that's another part of the story that you didn't tell me. - What, though? - Or rather, that you just told me a different version of the story. - Shut up. - Because you said that you pulled up to the window-- - Window. - And then proceeded to lean on the horn until somebody came over to the window. - Okay, well, I wasn't going to give every single little detail, we'll be talking about this for an hour and a half. Okay, but in fact, I did pull up to the window. I did sit there and because I had not placed an order, they were over by the donut counter. And so I just sat on my horn until someone decided that they were going to finally give me the time of day to walk over. - Okay. - Now the little girl that had talked to me first had lovely expletives tattooed on her knuckles. So therein lies what I'm dealing with, fine, whatever. So the manager says, you know, is there a problem? And I said, yes, I'm here to order smoothies. And she said, well, I heard her tell you they're not available until Friday. And I said, then why are the signs up? This is not difficult. At this point, it's now the principle of the thing. So she kind of says, you know, are you going to be kidding me? So now I'm just furious. So I pull around, I get out of the car, I walk inside. - Again, you're leaving out parts of the story. (laughing) - Go ahead. This is a round robin of storytelling. - This is the round robin of storytelling because she said, well, something in the lines of, well, we don't have smoothies. And you said, well, but then why do you have the signs up? And then she turned around and as she closed the window and you said, now I see what you were talking about. - Now I see what you mean. Yeah. So, and then as soon as she did that, that's when I pulled around to the front, got out and come in. 'Cause I thought, you know, this is ridiculous. And then it becomes, it's not about the smoothies. It has nothing to do with the smoothies. It's about you are in a customer service situation. I am a customer, you need to provide me with service. This is why you don't go to Dunkin' Donuts. This is why you don't go to McDonald's. Okay, fine, whatever. So I get out, I walk in, there's like, you know, the little couple who you know comes in every day to get a cup of coffee and a Dunkin' Donut and they're sitting, reading their paper and there's, you know, the sort of skater kid that's over by where the tropical orange juices are and they're all looking at me like, I'm ranged because now I'm mad. And I walk in and I'm like, you've got to be kidding me. And the manager's kind of doing the whole, you know, she's looking at the girl who I was talking to and rolling her eyes and she walks over to me and she's, ma'am, we've explained to you that there's no smoothies and, you know, I said, okay, that's fine. However, the little girl who was dealing with me, besides being completely disrespectful, as I drove away went, bitch. I said, now, I am a customer. This is a corporately owned environment. Do you really think that that is appropriate behavior from one of your employees? To which she was, the answer was more of the, well, you know, you hire who you can hire and this is the problem we're having and we're really sorry, but, you know, she, I heard her tell you that they weren't gonna be ready till Friday, so I'm missing the problem. So of course, what do I do? I have to get the number for the corporate office at this point because this cannot go on any further. No, no good of the, no good will come of this because my blood pressure is going, do, do, do, do, do. - Okay. - So she gives me the number to corporate who I call while I'm sitting there and, of course, they're all back behind the little aisle. There used to be a, a Basque and Robbins in there, which has since kind of, the counters are still there, but all the ice cream accoutement is gone. So they're standing back there and, of course, they're huddled in a little mass, chitter chattering away. I'm sure, you know, plotting to overthrow Gotham, whatever. And so-- - And tattoo huddled in a screaming fucking bitch and sending things correct. - And slamming spoons down, that's what I was getting to. She's slamming the door that still opens, that used to hold the big things of ice cream. She keeps slamming it down and then she throws the spoon over this way. And at this point, there's still people coming up through the drive-through because the local school has now since gotten out and people are starting to pull up and I'm standing kind of over where there's like a glass partition where there's booths. I'm on my cell phone and I'm calling this manager this whole time and I'm telling the manager after he gets on the phone that, you know, you can hear her in the background. This is happening in your restaurant. This is happening where other patrons can hear her. You know, what, and of course, he was as nice as he could be. The only thing he was saying was the whole, you know, "Well, obviously this is not the kind of service "Dakota's wants to offer and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." And, you know, we would love to, you know, we'll be happy to purchase you to your smoothies on Friday when you come back and I'm like, "Really, really? "Do you really think that's going to be an option?" - Do you really think I want to sneeze Triple Berry Smoothie right now? - Thank you. So the whole thing was ridiculous and it was so completely ridiculous on my part as well. It was just the idea that this little tiny person was going to mutter fucking bitch the whole time I was trying to do something and she's an A, she's at work. So obviously her parents have taught her an incredible work ethic. B, they have hired her with tattoos on her knuckles where she's handing money to people out a window, people who can read, people who have children in their car who can read, the whole situation was bad. So the fact that you, patron of "Dakota Nats" well, I hope your iced coffee was good. I'm sure it was probably delicious. - It was delicious actually. - I'm sure it was. - But it had a side of shame with it the whole time. - Good, I'm glad. I'm glad it was a side of shame with it. - The doughnut was really good too. Anyway, so I did ask, I almost said Israel name, Rodan a question and I wanted to ask you the same question too and that is, what is your favorite cocktail? - My favorite cocktail, that depends on where I am. - Okay. - Like are you saying it was one of those things that if you had one more alcoholic beverage to drink for you actually? - You had to go to a resort, be it a ski resort or a tropical resort, pick whatever one you like to go to and you were only allowed to have one drink for a year because you were gonna be staying at that resort for a year. What would your drink of choice be? Like when you first checked in, they said we need to know what your drink is that way every morning or every morning. - Every morning? Wow, you can tell we travel together can't you? - Every afternoon, you know. - Every hour on the hour. - Every hour on the hour you will have one of these drinks. So what would your drink be? - I would be conflicted. I would be conflicted between a lemon drop martini and a mojito. - Okay. - I would say probably a lemon drop martini with a sugar to rem. Only if the person who's making it knows what they're doing because sometimes you get a Nazi out there who thinks they know what they're doing and they put way too much lemon juice or way too much vodka. Not that that's possible but there has to be a nice balance and it has to be somewhat sweet and still strong. - There's no such thing as too much vodka. - That's I said not that that's possible but I would-- - That drink we had in Savannah that time at the old pink house. - Oh that was vodka with just a drop of lemon juice. - That was vodka where they held a lemon and just like held it over it for a second. Not even a whole lemon that hadn't been cut. They just wait just a couple of, you know, essential oils over the top of it. But here you go, enjoy. - They set the glass next to a lemon. - There you go. - Yeah, that was, yeah, that's why after one of them you had me laying on the table laughing hysterically. That sounds really bad. You had me laying on the table with my blouse haphazardly unbuttoned. So while the couple who were celebrating their 60th anniversary sitting next to us, you know. - Yeah. - Well, I think that pretty much wraps it up. I only wanted to do maybe a 20 to 25 minute podcast tonight so we've definitely accomplished that. - All right, yes I have new questions for you and Rodin too. - Do you want to ask me a question real quick? - Well I can, I was kind of saving it for you and Rodin, but that's, I mean-- - You can ask me one. - I have, I think I'm going to be the question girl. At the end of each segment I'm going to have a question. - Okay, well then ask me a question. - I don't know, do you want a serious question or a haphazardly silly question? - How about a haphazardly silly question? - A haphazard. If you can name the best gift you were ever given, what was it and when were you given it? - The first one that comes to mind is actually something that you gave me. - Oh, what? - Well, yeah, I guess I have to say that now, now that I've said that. - Yeah, I was going to say, now you can't take that back, loser. - You gave me this one time and you've always said you wished you had a camera on me when I opened my eyes, was that you gave me that replica of the Wonder Woman tiara and the bracelet and the star earrings. I remember, you got that about six months before my actual-- - Yes, I did and other people who knew you had seen it. - Yeah, right, so, and everybody talked about you're going to love this present, you're going to love this present, I didn't know what it was. And I kept thinking, okay, this is going to be something where-- - Will you open it up and you think, what the hell is this, why did you give it to me? - Right, or is it going to be where I had myself really determined that, okay, no matter what it is, I have to act really surprised and have a really good attitude because it was just so built up, but you brought this thing around and I opened my eyes and I was genuinely surprised and touched and I think I may have actually let out a squeal. (laughing) I'm not sure. - Did we get to see your soul? - I think you may have gotten to see my soul because-- - From NipTuck? - Okay, and it is. - Is that whenever you see a woman come, you've just seen her soul. - Okay, so there's a good possibility that you may have seen my soul. (laughing) - Well, now I have that middle image I can sleep on, thanks a lot. (laughing) - And on that note, I think it's time to wrap things up. - Fabulous. - So, thank you very much for joining us tonight on our podcast. As always, you can come to our blog, which is okaysopodcast.blogspot.com. And you can always email us, our email is-- - Pod is my co-pilot at gmail.com. And as always, we have a MySpace page. We don't have any friends yet on our MySpace page. - As we go through life. - As we go through life. - We just have any friends. - Because after listening to the last 23 minutes, you can understand why we have no friends. (laughing) But you can go to our MySpace page and join our friends. Our MySpace page is myspace.com/pod is my co-pilot. So, thank you very much for joining us tonight. This is Taylor the Latte boy. - And Taffy Carlisle Huffington. - Have a good week, guys. We'll see you next week. - Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]