FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Cameron Smith from - Caroleen Dobson - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 7-17-24

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping, there will be no booing, and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful, and it will be for a long time." "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper." "This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065." "We're shot to tough, yeah. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it?" "Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a bad council. I had no doubt about them." "That doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question. Were you high on drugs?" "Last question. Tish my ****." All right, on we go, FM Talk 1065 Midday Mobile on this Wednesday. Glad to have you a long phone number text line. They are the same. 3430106. 3430106. Also, as I tell you daily, or at least week daily, you can use the FM Talk 10065 app to leave me a talk back message. She's that microphone icon on the front page, let's you record a message, emails it to the show and I can play it back here on the air. And just before we get started, I got a friend of mine, my guest, hanging on right here, and just a thought as I came on there. Has there anybody combined a vape shop and a plasma donation center? Is that happened yet? I mean, I'm just thinking it's efficient. You're looking at those two things, one place. You have plasma. It could be like a duplex with a door that opens in between them, just an idea. As I look at the new construction around town or the remodeling of buildings, you have a plasma center vape shop, just the two hottest trends out there going on. All right. Without further ado, and by the way, we'll be checking in. We're going to Milwaukee, at least telephonically checking in with Carolyn Dobson at about 1235. And right now, you know him. You love him. He's a lot of you love him. I do. Cameron Smith from in the Triptych Foundation joins us. Hey, man. Hey, Sean, it is good to be with you. How about our successful cabal to build bridges in Pennsylvania and Alabama? Who else other than you and I has interest in those two bridges? And now we got Harrisburg and Mobile getting a lot of federal money. I'm just saying we may be the two most effective guys in town. I'm just going to say this. If you're out there looking for a lobbying firm, the Smith Sullivan or Sullivan Smith or Davey Crockett, Inc. or whatever we call ourselves, we're been pretty successful bringing that money in. Yeah, we're making it happen, Sean. Big things. And we talk about fiscal conservatism. And yet we support massive government spending projects. Some might find that inconsistent, but no, not here. No, no, it's just right on. Yeah, by the way, so 550 million coming in for the I-10 Mobile River Bridge project, you know, and I talked to on Friday with Congressman Carl about that. And he talked about how much and not the you're not naive to this. You lived in it. How much goes on behind the scenes, right? Like there's the people getting from the cameras every night and talk about these things, but there's other things being done that probably are more pivotal to life here, well, at least in southwest Alabama and the Harrisburg Metroplex. Yeah, I mean, this goes, this is everything to get a lot of these big projects, not only to get the project sort of planned out, but certainly to get it funded and get it included in appropriations measures, that sort of things. I mean, big projects, they're game changers. It'll be a game changer for Mobile for Harrisburg, other places that get those big projects. And I do hear the fiscal conservatives. I love the setup Alabama had for such a long times of Dick Shelby and Jeff Sessions, because you had a fiscal hawk and you had an appropriator. And it's bringing home the vacant, but also pushing down and creating top down pressure on the federal government to rain and spending. I'm a little concerned right now that the Jeff Sessions of the world who are true fiscal hawks just aren't there anymore. That there's a lot of lip service to debt issues. There's plenty of people that want to appropriate. There's not as many that say, hey, we have a lot of good things. We got to start saying notice some of these because it's just not politically very popular. We've talked about that for a long time, that the deal making that goes on in Washington is not one of no, it's one of yes, but then yes. It's not that somebody goes, I'll tell you what, Democrats that want funding for this, we're going to say no. And yeah, we may take it on the chin and lose appropriations for these things that we're interested in. They don't do that. They say, well, we're going to let the Democrats get that, but we're going to get funding for our troops. And if you don't support that, then you don't support our troops, those kind of things. Yeah, one of the congressmen I worked for in the House of Representatives, he said it this way, that he believes that we need to reduce spending. So he evoted against a lot of the appropriations bills, but he said, as long as I represent my constituents, I need to do what I can to get that available spending that I lose on for my constituents. And in that sense, he was very consistent. He said, I'm not going to just take my ball and go home because I lost on an appropriations vote. He said, I'm going to take care of my constituents and do what I can to get that spending. Democrats always like to whack Republicans that do that. They say, you voted against the spending. Now you're talking about securing the spending. In my mind, those are two pretty different things, securing the spending once it's been spent for the district or the state. And hey, the spending itself, which is out of control. Yeah, hey, listen, I didn't want to take the trip to Gatlinburg, but I lost the vote with the family. I'm not going to sit in the room, you know, I'm going to go to Dollywood. I mean, if we had to end up going there, I am going to, I'm just not going to sit in the room and do nothing. Yeah. And that's strange analogy, yeah. But it's accurate because a lot of fiscal hawks will say, I'm not going to spend and I'm not going to help you get a piece of existing federal spending. Well, that's not a very good representative. A good probably conservative representative is I see the need to bring the spending under control. I'm going to vote against these appropriations bills because they by any measure are insane. But when the choice has been made to spend, I'm going to make sure I represent my constituents. Well, that's a consistent position. Yeah, there you go. So that that was the portion of the discussion between Cameron and I, we did not talk about this ahead of time. But, you know, maybe actually talking issues versus what drives political talk these days. And there's a whole bunch of that. I've asked everybody since since Saturday, and I asked them on the air last couple days, your gut reaction Saturday with the attempted assassination attempt to Trump, you just like you're feeling right away. What would you think? That was close. That was my first reaction was, oh, man, this could have been a lot worse. And it was a matter of a couple inches that this could have been really, really bad. And my sort of secondary reaction is I know exactly how this is going to go. Everybody's going to call for turning down the rhetoric and unity and all of that stuff as we typically do. And I've got a piece that I'm working on right now that says basically that's full of crap, because the politicians, they generate fear because it's expedient, right? It's we engage in hyperbole all the time in politics to try to get people to kind of fall in line and go along with whatever the party's doing. And everybody kind of does that. My point is all of us know and should know not to shoot people. Political hyperbole has been around for thousands of years. And those adults in the room, no, well, you know what? I'm not going to go shoot anyone. And the idea that some in the media are saying, well, the rhetoric is responsible. That's like, that's the same argument that will guns kill people. No, they don't. Individuals have responsibility here. Same deal with somebody trying to shoot the president or hurt somebody with physical violence. We say there's no place for it. Yeah, that's right. And most adults in the country know that. So the idea that the rhetoric here is what caused the problem. No, I actually prefer us having it out. And then we sort out our differences by voting. And I can't wait to get to a vote in November, because I think folks are ready for change. They don't like the status quo. And I feel like what's coming is not going to bode well for Democrats. No, for sure. And by the way, just as self serving, you can see a story that came out on in a all dot com yesterday from John Sharp were unquoted as saying exactly kind of what you said that, you know, the heated rhetoric that everybody's all we're going to pull back from it until the vote until it doesn't work, then it's not going to change. I mean, it's been part of our republic the whole time. So this idea that, you know, we've got to change you know, you got to have rules on rhetoric because there's some dirt bag out there that wants to try to kill somebody. Like you said, we knew before even the founding of the republic, you're not supposed to kill people. There were there's some some commandments came out about that. So yeah, I don't get it. Now, next part of this you mentioned, I started Saturday calling in president elect Trump. I don't know what could be done. And usually I'm guarded and I tried to, you know, make sure I understand all sides. Right now, I'm feel pretty darn sure there's nothing Democrats can do other than, you know, taking Trump if Trump is their Trump wins. Well, and I think I'm a good example of the voter that Trump needed to move somebody like me who's, you know, I guess I'm an independent these days, but I'm more conservative and I call balls and strikes when I one of my big concerns with Trump all along was that, Hey, this was sort of a self serving thing that he was doing. When you get shot at, and then you get up and you're like, fight, let's go. There's no inauthenticity in that that that is a moment where you're exposed. Everyone sees you. They see how you react. And I'm looking at project 2025. I'm looking at the conservative ideas that are out there. And I'm saying, wait a minute. Here's a guy that yeah, I have questions about I have reservations about his character. But if he's got that level of moxie that he's going to get shot and then go play golf the next day, then he's built differently. And if some of these agenda items that are available to him, if he's able to knock those through with conservative majorities in the House and Senate, a lot of the stuff that I've been fighting for a long time may become a reality. And that's a big deal to me. Yeah, is also with the second day last night in Milwaukee for the RNC and their messaging. I guess the first night was make America wealthy again, which is important. You would think there might have been handlers ago. Oh, we can't use that word, but I think it resonated than the safety they talked about. And then of course, a big announcement. I want to get you to react to that and also react to, I guess the big talk has been that former Trump rifles are endorsing him. So what do you think, you know, say you want to shove a microphone in every conservative's face and go, well, what do you think now? So what do you think? Yeah, they don't matter to me. And I want to be real clear about that. Like, I've made no bones about it that we had other options in the primary that we could have supported that are younger that have less baggage. I said that all along. But the one thing I saw throughout the whole primary is that nobody, and I said this on your show, nobody is was enthusiastic about DeSantis or Haley in the way people are enthusiastic about Trump. And I think that's just reinforced with him getting shot at. There are a lot more people that are a lot more enthusiastic about him. So it's not as if this is a big, it sort of symbolically, maybe it's a unifying moment. But I don't know that DeSantis or Haley saying I endorse him because guess what? They already liked Trump to begin with. They just decided to run against him because they wouldn't sure if he could win. That's why they did it. And so they liked him all along, which is frankly, why they were bad candidates. Because if you from, yes, we talked about that. Yes, yes. Yeah, go ahead. If you're telling if you're telling the other folks that, Hey, this guy's great. And he did a lot of really great things. But like, I'm kind of like him. That's not a real compelling campaign. Bingo. And that's what happened. Yeah, you and I talked about that through the primary season. I mean, if you if you're going to run against him, then then you got to say, well, I can do a better job. I don't think he did a good job. But if you're there, you're just, I thought people like Haley and others were playing to be the person in reserve because they thought that Trump would be taken out by the legal, you know, not by the assassination attempt, but you know, convictions in court or something like that. So they wanted to be there because they would be the next man up or woman up. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's a fair assessment. And what really, what Trump needs to do, one, he doesn't need to rest on his laurels and say, Hey, this is a slam dunk now because I got some cool photos taken of me after somebody shot at me. But two, I think he's got the ability to say, I'm going to pick somebody like JD Vance who is kind of in my mold, but if JD Vance is a very smart, very capable candidate. So we see, oddly, Joe Biden was the bridge candidate that is now turning into a bridge to nowhere. We never thought Trump was a great bridge to anything because we weren't sure he could, you know, have somebody on the ticket that could outshine him in any way. And I think with JD Vance, you get somebody who has flip flopped. I mean, he's been way harsher on Trump in the past than I ever have been. And now he's a very close ally. And so I think Trump's actually the bridge to a Republican future now, which is a weird thing coming from my mouth. Yeah, it's interesting with Vance, those things I agree with. It does go away from the old politics of getting somebody to bring in a group that you don't have right that whole thing where you bring in a VP and I don't know how successful that was in the past. And with the Trump world, I don't think it was successful where you go. Okay, because they brought Pence in to get evangelicals, but the evangelicals showed up for Trump in a really more than Pence. They moved beyond Pence. This old idea that you'd have to get somebody in a swing state or something like that to cobble together a win. I don't think that was part of the calculus here with JD Vance. No, I think it was very much a someone in Trump's image that it could be an heir apparent. I do not think this is actually really interesting. It'll be interesting. It'll be fascinating to tell whether JD Vance is the presumptive presidential nominee in four years from now. Or whether Trump saying, this is my running mate right now. And then we have a free for all after this. I think if Trump is elected and the administration is successful in moving a lot of these conservative policies, you got to believe Vance has an inside track. But there are a lot of Republicans that are waiting to kind of see what's next. And so I think it's a gutsy pick more than anything. I can't wait to see him debate the vice president. Hey, they're not going to let that happen. There's no way they're going to let that happen. Because he would eviscerate Harris. Oh, I think you're right. But I don't see how I wanted to have a party that's trying to show, hey, Harris is viable. You can trust Biden at the top of the ticket because she's so great. I think they have to. I think she can't shy away from a challenge. And she'll get blistered publicly. And so you'll have the president and the vice president both look foolish on the debate stage. I think Democrats are really hurting right now. If I was a Democrat, I'd be freaking out. For sure. People want to continue the conversation with the online. How do they find you at d Cameron Smith on slash opinion. You can look for the good looking Cameron Smith on Facebook or you know, go see the ballot of David Crockett and Hey, my executive producer credit somewhere in there. It's good stuff. And you know, he's got a beard. JD Vance has a beard. We're going to have a discussion of beards in politics to come it up at one o'clock. So you may want to tune back in Cameron. All right. Thanks, buddy. All right. There we go. So we're coming right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106 5 by 1235 FM Talk 10065 bid day mobile by the heavy along phone number in the text line. Open for you. 343 0106 343 0106 and quite often we're talking to her from somewhere in a vehicle or the stop in a L2 or here even in the studio. Now, Caroline Dobson live from Milwaukee joining us now. Caroline, thanks for your time. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah. So Milwaukee, the RNC Europe there is a an alternate you said? Yes, I'm an alternate delegate for the state of Alabama. So very, very grateful to be representing Alabama. We've got a great delegation up here. Very strong group of folks here work. We've taken over a whole hotel. It's been great fellowship with Republicans throughout the state. Give us a assessment. I've talked to a couple of people this week. Congressman Carl, Secretary of State Allen about and just getting your base take on the security there since in the aftermath of Saturday. What's it like? I've seen the news reports, but like give me like regular people. What's it like getting into the event? Yeah. I mean, I think the security is strong, but it's not overbearing. And I think all of us are there's such a sense of purpose and unity. So we're all concerned about making sure that the event is safe. And so just very, very grateful for our first responders and law enforcement. They've even got some TSA folks. So they've all been really positive to have been fun. And last night we were leaving after 11 and they were making jokes. So really grateful for their attitudes too. But again, I think all of us are willing to undergo the added headache to ensure that it's a safe convention. Yeah, absolutely. You're kind of highlights from like one last night, like night two kind of your take here on the RNC. Yes, no, I this is exhilarating. There is so much energy. And again, like I said, just a sense of resolve. I think Nikki Haley's address last night was so unequivocally supportive of the president. You have to think back in 2016, for instance, Senator Cruz who I admire tremendously, he gave a great address as well last night. But you know, you've seen in prior conventions where you had other presidential contenders kind of be a little bit lukewarm or a little, I guess, ambivalent about their support of the nominee. And that was not the case with Nikki Haley, ensuring that, you know, she was, you know, fully supportive of the president. And again, I mean, I think it's unrealistic for us to think that there's going to be a candidate that, you know, for any individual thing, there's going to be a candidate that reflects exactly their point of view on every single issue. And I think as, as Republicans, we also believe in freedom of thought and individualism. So even more so, you know, that means that we're not always locked up with every other Republican out there. And but it's so important that we've got to be unified and taking our country back. And that means the presidency, of course, is also the Senate. And in my case, the House and that's why district two races. So very important. Yeah, we're digging to district two first in just a second. I do want to say this. Well, media is shoving a microphone in anybody's in anybody's face who who had run against, you know, run against Trump at the primary and say, well, can you believe these people were, you know, giving endorsements after they ran against him? And I'm not one to play the what aboutism game because I think it's a downward spiral. But in this case, the vice president of the United States was the biggest critic of Joe Biden in the primary. But that doesn't, there's no Mike shoved in her face. So, you know, right now that's true. I hate to point those things out. All right. Al too. So we have been your ears might have been burning the last couple of days as we've been pontificating here, like we do on talk radio that, you know, I've started calling Saturday evening, I started calling Trump president elect Trump. I think you have a groundswell that's going to motivate the people that were Trump fans anyways to vote, but has changed some minds and people that might not have voted for him that absolutely will come out to vote for him. What does that mean for you in Al too? Y'all have to have looked at this and talked about it. Oh, absolutely. I think I combined with a debate performance, not only diminishing confidence in Biden and dampening enthusiasm for Biden, but also again, just seeing president Trump and how he responded to being shot, you know, and that's what I think a lot of Trump naysayers on both sides of the aisle had had here to forebend. Oh, well, he tweets so much. How do we know that in a time of crisis, he's going to be level headed and cool and the strong leader that we need. Well, we saw that on the stage in Pennsylvania on Saturday night. The man was shot and immediately got back up to his feet and encouraged the crowd to fight. I mean, you talk about strength and crisis, dignity, courage. That's what we need in our leader. We need a strong leader. I have to imagine if you're if you're Putin sitting across the table for Trump, you're now Putin's looking at a man who has been shot. And so when when when President Trump says, look, you know, don't do this or we're going to come after you, you have to believe it. And that's what we need again in our country. We can only have peace if we can deter and we can only deter when we're strong. Yeah, you know, looking at that too, if you had questions about character, like says, some of us had over Trump, when you're in shock, and anybody's been the unfortunate situation when you're in shock, you see how you go to it. There's no, there's no script. You're seeing the true person in that case. And you know, you're you're getting a great example, unfortunate situation that happened, but you do see that out of Trump. I think I think that resonated with people. So people who didn't vote for you in the primary, who who now see that and may be coming out, what do you tell them? Like they drew this district, right? So the Democrats would win. But Caroline, you had as many people show up to vote for you on the Republican side as figures had on the Democrat sides. What are you telling people? You think you can win this? Absolutely. Look, you know, we we want to take our country back. We want our country to be safer to be stronger. And we want opportunities for our kids. I think this race in particular, you know, it's it's a binary choice. It's very clear. My opponent was part of Biden's transition team. He was deputy to Merrick Garland. He's been part of the weaponized DOJ. Again, this isn't a, you know, a Democrat who's, you know, been in Alabama and has this, you know, moderate record. You know, he has been, if you want more of the same with the Biden administration, then then vote for my opponent. But there's a very, very clear choice here. We've got to get President Trump back in the White House to undo all the harm that the Biden administration has done, not not just to our country, but to our standing in the world. You know, I hope and and pray every day that our enemies don't take advantage of the ensuing months between now and the election, knowing that we have such a weak leader in the White House, but it's it's incredibly important that we not only get the White House back and flip the Senate, but also maintain control on the House. And that's where this race is key. Now, okay, this is in this idea of flipping the Senate. I've talked to several people this week. Caroline, score that for me. Do you think that's the house thing? I see obviously the president executive branch. I see you think you think Republicans can get a majority in the Senate? Yes, I really do believe it. And then this week has been an opportunity to meet some of those candidates. It's very exciting. And again, I think there's a real sense of of resolve among Republicans and just any Americans with common sense that want our country to be safe and secure that want our borders to once again reflect the sovereignty of our nation that want our military strength restored. You know, the combined branches of the military last year in 2023, according to the DoD data that they produce missed their recruiting targets by 41,000. And I'm not, you know, are you surprised given that our commander in chief is not competent to hold office? So, you know, there's some some real issues that we have that really aren't even partisan. It just comes to saving our country. And again, I think that's why there is going to be such a huge Republican sweep this fall. Let's talk about AL2 specifically. One of the big issues here, of course, the 110 Mobile River Bridge, that process moved along here with $550 million in money coming to the project. That probably may make your lift a little easier if you're elected. Yes. Yes. And that was a huge, huge victory. And I want to thank all of the Alabama delegation for advocating for that, Governor Ivy, for really advocating for that. And that's how it should be. That is a federal interstate. And that those funds should be provided by the federal government. Oh, you, yes. I saw some video on X the other night, you with Senator Britt, as you're going around at the RNC, are you making? I mean, I know that AL2 is on the radar of the national party. Are you talking to people about where we are and why Republicans elsewhere should care? I mean, can you make them care? Oh, absolutely. No. And again, I think there, there's such a sense of excitement. And this is such an opportunity. I'm so, so grateful to have this opportunity to get to, you know, you're just walking down a hallway or in the restroom, even in running into congressional leaders. So being able to let them know about what's going on in the race, we got the news on Monday while I was up here that we had outraised Shamari figures in the second quarter. So that's really tremendous, especially given that a lot of this district is small towns and rural communities. I'm from a town of of less than 200. So when I entered the race, you know, of course, the fancy political advisors want to say, well, can you have some family friends who can max out to you? And I'm like, I'm from a town of 200. In rural Monroe County, no. So it's, you know, this wasn't and then whereas, you know, Shamari worked for Obama, worked for Biden, had access to some, some high dollar donors ostensibly. I think the Winklevoss twins did his campaign. But because the people in district two and throughout the state are so committed to ensuring that we keep the seat Republican, they've really, really stepped up to the plate and given so generously. And I'm so, so grateful for that. And I think I'm one of two Republican non incumbents and in the whole country that outraised their Democratic opponent. Yeah. And not by, not by a nose here. That'd be by big time, outraised. And so congratulations in that. The other part of this is you talk of the Winklevoss twins, which I've not thought about since watching the Facebook movie, but yeah, yeah, with that, you know, but the, the, it doesn't show. I mean, they donated, but it showed that maybe people on the Democrat side don't think figures has a chance to win. I thought that money would pour in from the national Democrats for him, but so good on you for out raising, but it tells me he is not raising. Yes, I mean, again, you know, there's always a super PAC world, which, you know, I'm sure, I mean, he, he, he will definitely have more money than I do, you know, without a doubt, the Democrat candidates always do, but, but he will not outwork me. And there's, there's nothing to, to replace, you know, just boots on the ground and keeping, keeping the tires hot as well. But we were really excited to have that second quarter result. What do you expect? What should we expect tonight? Did you get a little preview of what night three from the RNC is going to give us like insider take what we're going to see? Yeah, no, I, I, I think it's, we're going to, you know, I think each night has been, each session has been progressively just more inspiring and encouraging. And, you know, what I've enjoyed just as much as the kind of the big names has been the, the ordinary Americans that we've heard from the, you know, the widow on Monday night, the mother last night, the mother's last night who lost children to, to crime and to fentanyl. So I really commend the RNC for also having real people who suffered under the Biden administration share their story. Those of, you know, and you may not be able to tell in the, you know, watching it on TV, but those have been some of the most powerful responses were just to the, to the moms who've been speaking, to the wives who've been speaking, to the first responders, policemen who've been speaking. Those are the ones who've gotten some standing ovation. So that's been really incredible. But of course, I'm so excited to hear from future Vice President Vance. I think we're all, you know, are you a fan? I was going to ask you that. Yeah, you got to, are you a fan? You fan? Oh, I am. I read it. Hillbilly elegy really spoke to me as someone from a small town who, you know, then, you know, had an opportunity to, to go to an Ivy League, kind of the discrepancy between those experiences and, and also kind of, you know, appreciating the values that you were raised with in a small town. He's entirely self made. He's a veteran. And he also represents, you know, kind of the face of young conservatism. He's the first young Republican to actually be a nominee. So, you know, I think a lot of the other potential BP picks had different assets and, and qualities that they brought to the table. So definitely, you know, I think there were, there were a lot of good choices that President Trump had. But I think his choice in Vance does signal that, you know, which is correct. The Republican party is not the party of the elite. That's those, that's the Democrats. Those are the liberal elites who want to tell you what, that they know best for, for how to run your life and how to raise your kids. And so I'm, I'm really grateful that this is, that, that Vance is reflective of what a lot of Americans feel that they're, they're set up with the administrative state. And again, with a lot of Washington bureaucrats telling us how we should live our lives. Yeah, folks like you and Vance may drop the average age in Washington and elected officials by 20 or 30 years. It's pretty high right now. So yeah, that's, that's a good thing. Right. Well, yeah. And I mean, you know, certainly, I mean, some of the other options for VP had, had, were older and so was age comes wisdom. So I'm not, not disparaging that. But at the same time, it's, it's not true that the Democrat party is the party of youth. That's not the case is the more and more younger people, you know, seeing the light, not being able to afford their first home or having their car payments double under the Biden administration or just not having job opportunities. So again, I think combating the narrative that young voters are unequivocally left leaning is also important. Before we wrap up, I don't think you're ever on with me that people don't text in and say, where can I get a yard sign? So Caroline, where can I get a yard sign? Yes, if you will, please, we have a field that you can fill out. Dobson for Congress dot com. It's like a send a message and we will get a yard time to you. I really appreciate that. Again, in this, in this day and age, the yard signs, the word of mouth, that means the most. And of course, prayers always have the biggest impact. So please keep us in your prayers, check us out on X through social Instagram and Facebook, Dobson for Congress. All right, Caroline Dobson, we will talk to you again soon. Sounds wonderful. Thank you so much. All right, live from Washington live from Milwaukee. I was kind of jumping, jumping forward there. But yeah, it's live from Milwaukee, Caroline Dobson. We're coming right back more Midday Mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 by 1254 FM Talk 1065. Time to check in with my friend Anna at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry. Anna, you were talking the other day about the engraving y'all are doing. So you're getting silver rounds with specialty, you know, especially civil rounds and then make them even more special. How long does it take? Is that like months? How long does it take to get something engraved? Normally within 24 hours, you know, and it's up to me to engrave a lot of that stuff right now. So yeah, I've been doing a lot of engravings and we can even customize it, you know, there is no specific design. We have blank bars and blank rounds that you could personalize the front and the back. I love it. And so, yeah, you get the you could either get something specialty, you know, on the front, then engrave on the back or, you know, do your home thing, create your own adventure. All right. Somebody wants to get that done. They got to find the item to engrave and then get the words. So how do they find you to get that rolling? They're at 2204 government streets at Midtown Mobile, just a block west of Little Clark at the school and church. Good stuff. And we'll talk again soon. Sounds good. All right, Anna, checking in for mobile play coins and find jewelry. Take some phone calls as well at three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Wonder what the story that the Devon has on the news update from WKR gene. This one, I don't know. Yes, criminals. Yes, they are criminals. They broke the law. But these are creative. So the two people have been arrested, Baldwin County Sheriff's Office deputies say they found over $50,000 worth of counterfeit Apple products. So you heard Devon's update there. So first of all, first of all, they pulled them over. Why did they pull the car over? Deputies stopped a car going too slow on I-65, which I mean, if you're too slow on I-65 means you're somewhere below 80 miles an hour, right? So first thing is they got pulled over for going too slow, which is which is interesting. That's that like under 40. What is it on interstate? Gotta go 45 miles an hour, I think. So it didn't say what speed, but they pulled them over good. They go on too slow. They found items valued over $50,000, including AirPods, watches, and headphones. So here's what they say. Deputies say the suspects, 36-year-old Vincent Wong Tang and 24-year-old chauvin Jai Hao Tan, were making money by buying real Apple products. Okay, here's how it works. They buy real Apple products and then taking a laser engraver to put serial numbers on counterfeit items. So they get the counterfeit items. So they got the counterfeit stuff. They get the real item, take the serial number and put it on the counterfeit one, and then return those to the store and get their money back. And then they would sell the, you know, so the real thing overseas said that the member accused of doing this at Target stores from Louisiana to Florida, including those in Mobile Gulf Shores and Pensacola. Now the criminals that get busted, good server time, at least it's creative. In a world of hemfisted criminals, at least creative. Yeah, I can do the old thing here. If they could only use that energy to do something legal, they probably could be very successful. How many times do you say that? You see a scam out there or something like that. These people would have just taken their talents to the world of good. They could be very successful. Alright, coming back at Bitday Mobile hour number two. [Music]