FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 7-17-24

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Port Show. I don't think Hank done it this way. No. Good morning, and welcome to the Jeff Port Show. And if you talk 10065, they should be with us on this Wednesday morning broadcasting in Huntsville today. As I continue around the state, take a care of a little 18/19 news business, sometimes duty calls. And here we are, the opposite end of the state. But nonetheless, the show must go on, coming up in about 30 minutes from now. Our friend, Angela Fermot, you may remember me, ran in Bali County for one of the state house seats. And I came up short in Republican primary. But as kind of in the background in law enforcement, drug enforcement, and just talking to these guys about sort of how federal law enforcement works in the wake of this assassination attempt to Donald Trump, I think, is important discussions to have. So we're going to get into that in about 30 minutes. You want to stay tuned for that. Also, on the program today, one of our regulars, Joey Clark, from a Newstalk 93-1 in Montgomery-Hillmate time for us. And then finally, we will wrap it all up with Congressman Barry Moore calling in for Milwaukee. That'll be a good discussion about the vibe in the room, what do you think is going on there? And I'll give you my thoughts here in just a moment. Text line, you want to be in touch with the program two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. That's the text line. That is how you get in touch with the program. And please take advantage of it. We will let me know what you think. Did you watch last night while your feelings of the RNC so far? Does it matter to any of you that all of these former presidential opponents of Donald Trump on the Republican side spoke last night, offering sort of a similar theme? Like, what-- and I really got to think about this. What leads someone to go from running against Trump saying he's not the right guy for right now, to be in, I think-- well, I wouldn't call Nicky Haley's speech all in, but the others, yeah, for the most part. I think this happens. Guys, did Donald Democrats fool you if you're listening to me or watching any left-wing media? Would John Kerry be John Edwards, his running mate, those two loathed each other? Al Gore Bill Clinton? All of that. The party came together, and they did what they needed to do to try to win, just nonsense. And even on the Republicans, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, Pitts Trump was a different. Pitts was a crew supporter. And that's the other thing about the mainstream media right now, trying to highlight all of Vance's past comments about Trump. Look, Hillbilly Elegy is exactly the plight of the common man, the forgotten person, and the Trump voter, the Reagan Democrats of the 1980s. That is the Donald Trump key to winning. Those are his voters. Those are people Democrats who are losing. They're so wrapped up in this, like, one issue agenda-type voter, the abortion voter, the LGBTQ voter, the climate change voter. And there's people with real tangible problems out there, economic people who really oppose the cultural shifts, but it's not the biggest thing on their mind. And Democrats, I don't know. I think the modern Democratic Party is more of a big city, metropolitan sort of-- and I'm not even talking about suburbs, or I'm talking like, you really have to live and breathe sort of a city lifestyle to be a Democrat in America right now. But they're trying to make a big deal out of JD Vance, and what he said in the past. The globalists don't like it. The one-staters, there's trouble abouts, but we're still in that kind of-- you know, we're brushing it off, it feels like. Somebody tried to kill the former president of the United States and the leading candidate to be the next president of the United States on Saturday. It's not a small thing, but we kind of shrug it off. Not all of us, not you in the audience, but I feel like Democrats are just OK. Well, we gave you a day to sort of reflect and come together. Now it's back to the battle stations. And I don't think that's going to go well for them. People don't like that, it's ugly. Text line 2513430106, I got to do is text me, let me know what you're thinking, and we'll proceed accordingly. But the RNC, I guess it just feels very secondary right now. The elephant in the room is the assassination attempt. I guarantee you if this was a DNC and someone took a shot at Joe Biden, it would be three hours of hate, hate of the riot. I would do it the same way they demagogued January 6 riot, and just for whatever reason, tried to paint everybody who ever voted for Trump as a January 6 rioter. It was shameful. I always thought it was shameful what they do. You can't see that. That's our Capitol building. They're like one textures. Like, well, what's the difference between the rioters and Portland, Oregon, vandalizing and damaging property of federal courthouse? This is our Capitol. How could you even compare the Capitol to a federal courthouse? Well, in principle, it's the same idea. And then you get into the democracy. And it's just two things going on with democracy. It's stupid people who don't know any better, who don't know what kind of former government the United States has. Our two people trying to take advantage of a situation and take advantage of the dumb people who don't know or understand our former government. Like, what's too many movies, too many episodes of the Star Trek, Three Quills or something? And there was this last week, guys, or the week before that, John Wall. And I had a discussion about the emphasis to left-hazzled democracy. And one of the brainiacs at APR, Alabama political reporter, oh my god, you're speaking against democracy. And made a big deal about it, which is usually just a blip on the radar, Alabama political reporter, not my particularly influential media outlet. It's just a grift. But it got picked up later by Kyle Whitbier. And oh, last week, Kyle Whitbier, listen to the Jeff Porchow, because he's talking about John Wall's comments about the virtues of democracy in our former government, which are, oh, you're so misguided. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't listen to the show. But anyway, back to all of that. The hysteria and just the shamefulness of the media the last four years, the last nine years. Let's go to 2015. I'm telling you, I've been in this business for almost 20 years. My world really changed when Trump came down to escalator 2015. You used to get the month of August off, accepted presidential election cycles. The news was sort of died down in the afternoon. It would be the night, the evening primetime talk shows, they would make a little news. Now it's just gushing all the time. Donald Trump really changed the landscape. For better or for worse, I don't know. But a lot of it's just hysteria ginned up by people who are just emotionally unstable about government and politics. And that's sort of what breeds what we saw on Saturday. Not that the guy was ideologically either way, but there had to be a reason why Trump was a target in his mind. But if we were the Democrats, we would be making them own it. And we're not, we're not at these. We're not doing that at these, at this RNC. Another thing I've been thinking about this a lot. I hate to be so dismissive of the, well, I don't hate it. It's just where I am. The inside jobbers out there who think that this was the deep state trying to assassinate a president. I mean, do we really think the local authorities in Butler, Pennsylvania, we're in on some kind of inside job here, I mean, the more you think about it, and the people involved, it's just incompetence, guys. And I think that's such an important talking point for the RNC is just the competence of government, that the Secret Service and the Secret Service woman talking about sloped roofs and all of that, Biden has to own that. That is a ridiculous thing to say. And this woman who has a Secret Service head, it doesn't matter who she is, or he or whoever it may be. What matters is making this president, this current president own that incompetence, own it all. Well, what happens if Donald Trump is killed? What happens to the way of life for a lot of people in this country? This is a third world, and this is a big point of mind about what they do in third world countries, or what they do in Russia, and what they do. And the perception is what matters. The perception would have been that Biden killed off one of his political opponents, no matter what they said, no matter what they did. And that would have really, I mean, aside from the fallout here domestically, the rest of the world is watching this, and they're looking at it. And they're thinking, well, there goes United States by way of like Chile or something. So some South American, Banana Republic or whatever. I mean, it's bad enough that you're dying today, you know, threat and criminal charges or whatever. And very loosely constructed, not a great prosecution. And you can blame the judge in Florida for dismissing the documents case, but it's pretty clear what was going on there. There's a double standard. But what this Republican Party needs to do is make these people only incompetence in the government, and it was on display on Saturday for the world to see. Do you think if the Secret Service can't get this right, what do you think is going on to the Department of Treasury? What do you think is going on at commerce, education? What do you think is going on in the Department of State? What do you think is going on in the Department of Justice? That this incident in Pennsylvania has to be emblematic of Democrat Party rule. Not just Biden, the entire Democratic Party. The two focused on gender pronouns, DEI training, and they're not just doing their job that they've been tasked to do. And that is the winning message for Republicans. Inconfidence, the Democratic Party, the big believers, the big government can't even get that right, get these guys out of here, out of Washington, out of our lives. 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6, we'll be right back. This is the Jet Por Show, and I've been talking about 0, 6, 5. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) I can't get to sleep at night, parking lot so loud, and right, DC hasn't worked in 20 years. Probably never made a single person cold, but I can't say the same for me. I've done it many times. Somebody take me home. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to the Jet Por Show, the fifth dog, 1, 0, 6, 5. 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6 is the text line. They're coming up in the next segment of Friend Angel or Fermo from Baldwin County. I've got a couple of cool establishments over there, Daphne, kind of there at County Road, 64, and Highway 181. You got to check them out. There's a coffee shop and another little speakeasy, if you will, a little pub. Anyway, let's see what we got here. Don, you're always welcome on my vessel, Jeff. Well, thank you, Don. Nice to know somebody who loves me around here. Oh, by the way, speaking of no love, we're going on 20 years straight of no Nappy award. The Nappy drought continues. And to have been eligible for a Nappy for this long and not of 1, 1. Now I have two entries, the column, which has been around for a long time, and this radio show. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. dirt nigger, Kamala, and Ted Joe on the ropes and his VP. Democrats always team together to win. Republicans usually stand alone, stand together, the final, see Leo. Morning, Jeff. The FBI has a shooter's phone in a presumably computer. I have zero confidence they'll do anything, but hide the information like they did with the 100 buying laptop. See, Leo, I mean, you're a representation of people's lack of trust in our government institutions. You're not alone, Leo. And there's no reason that you should trust your government. They don't seem to be concerned that you don't trust them. But it just eventually comes back to haunt them politically. And people don't understand that. So if it bleeds, it leads too soon. Now from fire dog. Let's see. I named texture. So sick of hearing Biden say Trump denied the results of the election. What about Hillary Clinton? What about Stacey Abrams? What about Al Gore? They all denied the election results. You're bringing it this morning. Keep it up, Jeff. Jerry, how many Republicans voted against the teacher for this? Sorry, yes. Homeland Security Secretary. Too many. I named texture. Amen. I agree. Great rant. Preach on. They make political divisions probably at an all-time high excluding civil war. This was a tentional thing. Barack. And then finally, James. The sad troll or the official troll, the Jeff Porsche show. To be honest, all of his opponents now like Nikki. You lose all credibility, especially JD Vance. It's this man actually compared him to Hillary. It looks disingenuous. Well, he's got a, I think he's got an answer for it. We'll see where that goes. He's got to speak about that. But Donald Trump picked him. And he accepted. And that's where we are. But, I mean, I'm not going to dismiss his past comments. We all got an answer for things we've said in the past. Well, is that Donna's summary that I responded to? I have never to my knowledge spoken derogatory toward you, sir. As you know, we are in biblical times. My name is Richard. You cannot argue that the point of the pick saviour, true Donald Trump, and the miracle, the experience of Saturday, he doesn't have to read this public due diligence to God as well deserving as a responsible person, or a citizen legal in this country. I am always hesitant. And I'm not going to deny that it's a possibility. But talk about this divine providence in the hand of God. And I'm fine with people believing. I don't know what to believe. I'm always, like I said, hesitant to ascribe anything to God. I don't know. I mean, it's, and he very well could be right. I, you know, I'm not dismissing it, but to say outright. I don't know. There's evil in this world and there's good in this world. We'll get into that a little bit later. Didn't come all Harris called Joe a racist during a debate and told him he wanted to put people in buses. Yes. For Ben. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. You need to be a touch with me, your show host, your text to me. Coming up. Angela Fermot. Also, we will have maybe one or two appearances from our friend, Parker Griffith, the official Democrat response to the Jeff Pore show. We'll be right back. This is effing talk. One of six, five. Living on the road, my friend was going to keep you free and clean. Counting flowers on the wall that don't bother me at all. Playing solitaire took dawn with the deck of 51. Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Pangaroo. I don't tell me. Welcome back to the Jeff Pore show with effing talk with 065. Thanks for sticking around on this Wednesday morning. We're in Huntsville this morning. A nondescript office building kind of off of Whitesburg in Huntsville. Fred Parker Griffith. Loning us his conference room, one of his office buildings to use today. So we're appreciative of that. Still a couple of program about an hour from now. We'll have Joey Clark from News Talk 93. One in Montgomery and then in the 11 o'clock hour. Our good buddy from the second congressional district. Barry Moore will be with us. So make sure you stay tuned for that Barry calling in or Congressman Moore. I should say calling in for Milwaukee. We can hit on more of what's been going on at the RNC here throughout the program. And then I assume we'll have a couple of cameos for our good friend Congress. Former Congressman Griffith. I mean, why do you think you, you know, if you're a Democrat right now, what are you thinking? So we'll figure that out here shortly. But joining us now, he's a former DHS agent. It knows the federal law enforcement realm better than a lot of us around here. But I'm pleased to bring on Angela Fermot to the program. Angela, good morning. How are you? Hey, good morning, Jeff. Thanks for having me on your show again, man. I appreciate it. Hey, thank you for making time. I'm appreciative that you could do this. Especially what I texted yesterday. So thanks for making it on short notice. Well, I appreciate you putting me on this lineup you got on here today. It's a pretty good, good show schedule out you got. So thank you. We're slowing down a little here. We jam-packed into the last few days. Let's start here though. Just watching what happened there on Saturday, clearly there were, I don't think just one or two things that went wrong and the way they're trying to explain it. But there were a lot of failures of protocol with that security detail. No, absolutely it was. I mean, you can see it and I kind of, it's one of those things where, you know, I think somebody made a comment on one of these channels that this was like the 30-something event that Trump has done. It was like 36 or something that he's done so far this year, which is a lie. And it's a strain on Secret Service and their resources when you're doing that many events, especially when you've got other candidates out there. But you know, you look at that and even the average person that looks at that, you know, I don't know if it just was complacency. They kind of got in the groove of, you know, whatever, you know, not really going through the motions and not actually extending out and, you know, the security perimeter and stuff. But I mean, the average person can look at that and go, well, wait a minute. That building right there should have been secure. And 50 yards away, you know, there should have been somebody posted on every corner. I mean, from a strategic standpoint, you look at it and say, well, I wasn't somebody on that roof to begin with. You know, it appears there was lack of communication where you have citizens reporting what they're saying, you know, which that, you know, that is definitely a concern where you have citizens calling this out, you know, several minutes before. And it's like there was a lack of communication. I think they showed today some more footage of the scenes of the area for the perimeter. It looked like they didn't have entry and exit points for the vehicle. I think one of the police vehicles had to ram down a fence to get the officers through the first perimeter into the second, you know, perimeter towards the building. Even when you saw Trump come off stage after he was shot by Secret Service, there was a kind of a lull in getting, you know, get the vehicle out of that area and off. You know, from my experience in dealing with it, you know, it's like, you know, Secret Service, Trump has his own protective detail. And then you have these advanced teams that go in and they look at all these areas and aspects going into. And I think there's reports out that they look at it as a vulnerability. And then they pull the resources of the local police department and stuff to augment them out and help them out in those situations. And it just is kind of mind blowing the fact that they didn't have that area secured because it's not like there was a ton of buildings and they're like, okay, well, we didn't know which one it could have come from. I mean, there's not a lot out there in that field, especially 150 yards away from the podium that he was at. You know, that's a concern. It'll be interesting when some stuff comes out to see if there's emails out there. Had they requested additional resources, you know, because the Secret Service is part of DHS Department Homeland Security as a whole. So it's not just Secret Service when these details are occurring. I mean, even this time of year is a very busy year because we have the UN detail. Well, Secret Service controls all those details and stuff that goes on. And so what they do is they reach into the ranks of the other departments. So they reach into the ranks of the Homeland Security Investigations, which I was a part of. And like every office is required to spend so many agents through every details when they request to the RNC, to the UN, to presidential speaking event. So they lean on those resources when they need it. So it's kind of -- you're kind of wondering, you know, why they didn't have that. I mean, in each region, Homeland Security has their own basically like a tech team in those areas. Those guys, that's all they do. They love that stuff. They train kind of like SWAT teams, you know. Why weren't those teams being pulled and put in those areas? Those guys would love to do, you know, in those areas and do secondary perimeter and stuff. So it's a major fault. And it's going to be interesting when you see some of this stuff come out. Well, and you know, my perception kind of limited but unique is -- and I've been to 100 probably way more. I don't know. Events that require Secret Service detail, be it for kind of a mid-tier candidate or for the President of the United States, for former presidents, vice presidents, et cetera. And they all have varying degrees of Secret Service protection. I mean, it's just obvious, be it like Duke Gingrich who got Secret Service protection. What he ran in 2012, and he was just only one South Carolina. They gave him Secret Service protection. Or be it, you know, all of the presidents, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton that I've seen before. And they're all different. But it looked to me, and I think this gets back to you saying he's done -- Trump's done 30-something events. And people have told me, no, that's not the case. But it just seemed like today we're kind of stretched in and you didn't get the A-Team there for that event in Pennsylvania. Yeah, I'd agree with you on that. And I think that it's kind of one of -- you know, like he has his own protection team. And then like I said, you have your advanced teams that come in weeks prior to set everything up. I feel exactly the same way. I know people say that, but even -- you know, again, I don't -- I think she should resign just because of, you know, the buck does stop with the director of Secret Service because he's in a pointed position by Biden and he should fire. But it really goes back to that local -- there is somebody that was in charge of that thing, that entire location. And it'll come out in the congressional hearings that they'll do. And that person is also responsible. I mean, it's like being a leader in the military or any operational that you're doing. That one person is responsible for organizing the state locals from the state police, to the sheriff's department's local police department. You know, looking at a maps thing, we're going to place officers here in these locations. We see weakness points in these locations. So, you know, there is somebody that -- it'll be interesting to see that comes out that -- I mean, that individual that was in charge of that location is ultimately responsible for the lapse in there in -- you know, they're in charge of the planning and the location. So, that's going to be something to see that comes out, is why was there a lackluster, you know, area of coverage in that area, you know? Well, is this Angelo and I -- I mean, I think there's threats then, number one. But -- and I must say that they intended for someone to take a shot at the President of the United States. No, absolutely not. But it does feel like, would you leave your keys in your car at night and the windows rolled down? Like, you know, it's -- it's -- it's there for the taking. And you went how your car got stolen. That there were just a lot of corners that were cut and just a lot of people who were just kind of over the whole Trump phenomenon running the show there. Well, you know, and there's some questions that they're not asking yet that I'd like to see what comes out. Like, how does a kid walk across to this building with an AR rifle? And no one sees him with the AR rifle going to this building. You know, I just can't believe that he just -- I mean, maybe he did, you know? But it seems like he had a plan going there. He knew where he was going to try to get, you know, because I think the amount that Trump was coming there sometime the first week of July. So, you know, it'll be interesting once they -- if they ever reveal it to us, what was in his social media, what was in his computer searches, what was in his phone searches, because I think that's going to shed a lot of light on some information. You know, I think the other day, for example, somebody mentioned -- and the general public doesn't understand this, and I saw it myself when we were at the NAS, you know, Pensacola Naval 2019 terrorist attack over there. You know, as soon as that attack occurred, we were already en route over there to support, you know, the FBI and that stance. And I think as soon as we got there within an hour, we already knew that the shooter had already pledged his allegiance to Al Qaeda on one of the social media platforms, but within that first hour, the shooter was identified, the social media platform was identified, and that -- those posts and stuff were pulled down. So, the general public didn't know what, you know, that information was out there, and that shooter had been posting and stuff like that, and it'll be interesting to see that's the similar situation that occurred in this factor. You know, did that shooter have a social media presence, and was it pulled down, you know, either by the social media companies or, you know, at the request of the federal law enforcement? That's one I'm really kind of interested in, because there's no way a 20-year-old kid that's been plotting this, you know, because, I mean, he's been plotting, and he, you know, made his little makeshift explosives and, you know, had a plan in place, and he's done some research on there, and it'll be interesting to see what the one is electronic devices. If they ever let us know, you know. Well, tell me something here, because I kind of dismiss this as more government incompetence that I do, some kind of grand conspiracy, but knowing what you know about sort of how the inter-workings of the federal government, I mean, they couldn't pull off. The deep state isn't the driving force here, is it? Well, I absolutely not. You know, we used to laugh all the time inside the bubble, the government bubble that we call it, you know, because you hear all these reports about the deep state and stuff, and they're not that organized or good as some of the people out there like to think. I mean, it's more, they're bawling through life, barely getting by, you know. But yeah, I mean, like, you know, it's just a lackluster and, you know, operational planning out there. And I guarantee you, moving forward, like you looked at the RNC, the other night, I think he had like 10 secret service agents around, and all of his same height, you know, they were really pushing the protection detail on him at the RNC as a show of force, and he's going to get whatever he wants along with his kids, and, you know, they all should have the protection. You know, the Secret Service has a $3 billion, I think it's $3 billion a year budget. I mean, so they have the resources, and they have the resources to reach into the other department of Homeland Security to pull those officers out to help augment the Secret Service department. So it's there, they just need to utilize, you know. Enjoyed by Angela Fermot here on the program. But the repercussions here, I mean, do you think it's just a situation within the Secret Service room? They need to make some tweaks? Or do you think there needs to be some wholesale changes from top to bottom? I mean, we hear DEI, and we hear all of this sort of social engineering going on behind the scenes, and it's really, really a threat to meritocracy. I mean, does that, should Trump be elected? I mean, I mean, or whoever, is it in need of like a real makeover? I think it is, they need to, you know, the DEI situation. They focused on that so much. I saw it on the outskirts of, right before I retired and stuff. You know, a reporter asked me something the other day about this, and I said, "Look, I could drive to South Alabama over here, and I can get you 20 college kids that are graduating, or I could drive to people, you know, up to Montgomery and get you 20 kids that are just out-crossing outside the military, and I could get you the best of the best." And we could put them in those roles, and they would be willing to take those jobs. But, you know, we've, right before I left, we've switched to this hiring system only, and they're kind of rushing it through. Like, it's like, they'll do an announcement, you know, for a specific, you know, gender, and they'll just push that down the throat, and it's, like, higher at all costs as quick as possible, get them in, and you're not, like, you know, when I came on, you went through so much background checks, and you went through all this stuff, and if you had certain things in your, you know, criminal history, you didn't get to make the cut. You know, you had to do so many push-ups you had to do, you know, so many sit-ups, you had to shoot at certain scores and stuff, and you had to be, you know, able to comprehend the training material that was being presented to you, and I think they've kind of cut corners on that to meet quotas for this DEI stuff that they're pushing, and your result is you're not getting the best of the best that you used to get, you know, and I think if Trump gets in and when he gets in, I hope they take a strong look at that and start, you know, just make an aggressive campaign operation to recruit and retain those type of people, and you're going to get them, you know, it's just, you just can't just throw it together and play "We got to meet a quota, so we're just going to do this and run with it." Well, it's kind of interesting that you say that, but I mean, Angela, I mean, look at all aspects, at least in Alabama, municipal police departments, county sheriffs, and even at the federal level, but, you know, prison guard, any kind of like in that realm of law enforcement, they're having a hard time getting people, and is it, I mean, what makes it any different for the feds? Well, the difference in the feds is, you know, I hate to say it all comes down to money and benefits, you know, I mean, the feds, you know, like, when I was a police officer in Mississippi, I went from $21,000 a year, you know, right at 9/11, you know, it's a hiring on the federal government, I went to $35,000 a year, I thought it was the richest person in town. You know, I mean, that's the job, and I mean, of course, that pay scale has changed dramatically over the past 25 years, but, you know, they know that when they get, you know, on the federal side, that's where you're getting the more paid, the more benefits. They need to tweak it a little bit, because it's not as, as, as appealing as it used to be when I first got hired on, you know, I mean, it was, it was a strong push for that. There's other things that they can do, retention in place, you know, people don't want to move their families that much anymore. So, you know, some of these agencies, you know, hire and put the people within the local areas, which I think is, is kind of a benefit and a plus, but now you're right, the local departments are having a tremendous hiring issue, and it's not just the local police departments, it's even our military, you know, they're cutting corners on letting some recruits and stuff in, both with the local police department and the military in order to meet the numbers, because, you know, the newer generation, they just are going a different route, and I think that that, you know, patriotism that you saw at 9/11 with the terrorist attacks has kind of faded out a little bit, and, you know, maybe the younger generation are going a different route in life, you know. Angela got to leave it there, we're out of time, but, like I said, thank you for coming on, make a time for us. It was a marvelous talk again soon. Oh, absolutely, Jeff. Thanks for having me, and have a good day, brother. I appreciate you. Thank you. Angela Fermot, therefore, DSH agent. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porchow, and I've been talking 106.5. Yeah. [MUSIC] We're back to the Jeff Porchow, and if we talk 106.5, they just stick it around on this. Wednesday morning, we're in Huntsville. Coming up here, shortly, we'll talk to former Congressman Parker Griffith in person. A rare appearance on the program in studio, well, what we're calling a studio. This conference room, a little cavernous, if you can't tell by the tone, but still come on the program. Joey Clark from News Talk 93.1, and Congressman Barry Moore, our likely, most likely future congressman for the first Congressional district, because barring some kind of studying upset in November. Let's go through some text here. Well, we got a bunch. Josh, I've had it for you two or three years in a row now for the nappies. Remember, there are a lot of angry liberals in Mobile. That said, a few of my liberal friends to sit around and get too conservative. Well, I will never win an Appie. Even in the talk radio realm where it's dominated by conservative talk, it's just, I don't know. It's the one elusive thing in my career. It's really where the career started, unless you want to count college newspaper. The first non-college professional gig I had was covering the County Commission 20 years ago. I could see it now, going to those County Commission meetings every other week. Steve Nodine was Sam Jones for a while, then it was Juan Chastain, and Mike Dean, who I've seen around here in the last few years. But going to those before moving off to Washington, D.C. and making the column sort of the belt way be. But I say much stuff doesn't get why I'm told I don't have it seen this concrete evidence. I've seen the traffic does decent, so maybe there's some virtue in that. But getting a nappie will probably always elude me. You're right about the liberals, too. She don't fight with someone on the text line. Yeah, if you're going to call somebody a dumbass. Learn how to spell dumbass, okay? Text line 2513430106, you're going to swear your text here in a moment. This is the Jeff Porte Show on FIT Talk 10065. [music] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porte Show. I don't think Hank done it this way. [music] Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show on FIT Talk 10065. I just stayed with us on this Wednesday morning. We're in Huntsville this morning. Thanks to my friend, former Congressman Parker Griffith, who I call the official Democrat response on the Jeff Porte Show. But he put me up in the last minute. I'm typically what I do when I'm on the road. I'll figure out a hotel room. There'll be like a noon checkout and the show ends at noon and I can hustle and get right out of there. But I made an error and booked a room that did not have a noon checkout. So here we are. But we're grateful for Congressman Griffith hooking us up this morning up here in Huntsville, Alabama. 2513430106, if you want to be in touch with the show, that's the way to do so. You text me. You still come on the program here in about 30 minutes. Joey Clark from News Talk 93, one in Montgomery. And then in the 11 o'clock hour, calling in from a Milwaukee from the RNC, our friend, Congressman Barry Moore. So stay tuned for that. But joining us now, the man of the moment, the official Democrat responses. I previously said Parker Griffith is with us. Congressman, how you been? Been well. And we're glad you're here, Jim. It's been a beautiful day so far. Going to be hot. We've got some storms coming. Hopefully, the rain will continue long enough to revive some of this corn crop. It's really looking pretty, pretty bad. I mean, it's turning. It's not going to be good this year. We don't seem to have quite the shortage of rain that you guys have up here down our way. It's been pretty bad here. Going over toward the shows, it looks pretty good. But for some reason, this part of Madison County has been really, really dry. But anyway, the convention, the momentum, it looks incredible. It's over at Milwaukee. Are you resigned to President Trump? Well, I'll tell you, I've got to, yes, in a sense, unless Biden can pull a rabbit out of the hat. Is there any reason to think that he can? Well, I think Vance is interesting to me. You know, you and I love politics and we like, you know, strategize. If I'm playing against somebody, I want to know what they're thinking or whatever. So I'm not sure why he took Vance and not the governor from where was he out of home or? Well, I will tell you that, and here's my theory on that, that Trump did it their way the first time around. Now he's going to do it his way. He learned the hard way and he's going to stick to his instincts, his gut. And maybe that is for better or for worse, but I think that's clear from his vice presidential selection process. Rubio would have brought the establishment types, the Rockefeller Republican country called types into the fold. I don't know what he brings, what he would have brought, who he really represented in all of this. And then the Vance pick is just more in line with Trump philosophically. If he read his book and you've seen the movie, it's that brand of populism that I think made the whole Trump phenomenon possible. Well, you know, I agree with that, but from a strategy standpoint, Trump is going to try to soften his message with the getting away from the. But this stuff, do you think it matters? It doesn't matter to people who, for Trump, I think post, post assassination attempt, I don't think it matters as much. It may not, but Trump already has his base. And JD Vance is his base. JD Vance may be a little more an extremist than Trump. So he's got that. What he needs is that 10 or 12% of independence. Now, Biden's got his folks. They're going to go with Biden. Trump's got his, they're going to go with Trump. It's the 12, 15% independence that you need. And he's not going to get him with Vance. But I mean, Biden's not going to get those independence either. Or worse, they stay home. Well, the thing is, Roe AIDS not going away with a significant number of women voters. The blacks can, can Biden turn them out? This business about, this business about Trump appealing to Latinos and blacks. That's, he's smoking, he's smoking. He's doing better than his predecessors, I think. Well, maybe, I mean, maybe he's very marginal. Very marginal. And when, but what I do like about this contest is that it is a stark contrast. It is stark. I mean, America is going to look at Trump's position, and they're going to look at Biden's position. And they've got, they got some decisions to make because Biden is going to support Ukraine. Now, Trump is going to support Putin in any way he can. And, and, and JD Vance is anti-Ukraine. I mean, I don't think that's an uncommon position as out of the mainstream as you think it is. Because people, I mean, all of the Republicans had it with the Neocon approach. They've had, they, you know, the Bill Crystals and, you know, they got burned by that in '06. Do you remember? It was the anti-war cycle. And I think Republicans have gone back to their like, Pat Buchanan is on roots. And just paleo conservatism. And I think that's just, it's not necessarily a Putin versus Ukraine thing. As much it is, hey, why are we doing over there? You know, we'll spill to America, you know. Yeah, I agree with that. That's, that's, that's what I think is going on there. But it's, I mean, it's being played up like it's, it's either you're either with Putin or you're with Zalintz. I do believe that, that if we don't prevail in Ukraine, it puts Poland at risk. It puts, it puts northern, northern Europe at risk. But these deadbeat NATO countries too though. Well, they're deadbeat, but we need, we cannot allow Russia and China and North Korea. This is the argument your side needs to make. I don't think they need to like make it all about Vladimir Putin. But look, the United States has to take a lead role in the world to have the economic prosperity that we enjoy. Absolutely. We're going to reserve currency, a price, oil and dollars. We have to be the global leader. And sometimes we do have to be the world's policeman. Okay. That's just, that's, we have to patrol with to keep the shipping lanes open. That's the argument Democrats need to make. It's just like the, the demagoguery and it's Putin. I don't, I just, I'll think that's. Well, that's, that's what people know who Putin is. Okay. The other, the other gets complicated and hard to understand from the average guy. Do you enjoy your way of life? I mean, you want to compare yourself to say, I'm not saying we would go to be Ethiopia tomorrow. But the United States were like a secondary actor in the world. Do you want to have like the GDP of Italy or something? And you know, whatever it may be. I'm hearing you. Yeah. But the thing that America is struggling with, I think, is that we spent X number of years in Vietnam, nothing to show for it, tail between our legs. Okay. We treated our Vietnam vets like trash. Then we spent 20 years in Afghanistan, nothing to show for it. The exit from Afghanistan was a disaster, his own Biden's watch. However, I think it goes to, goes to the issue. Are we losing confidence in our government? Because we're sending these bozos to representatives. We got it. Look, think about it. We had a guy from Florida, McCarthy, Schumer, the Democrats and Republicans. These are mediocre people going down with the bars of gold yesterday. Yeah. They're not. You know, something is kind of fascinating. I don't know, like, how much your exposure to Washington, D.C. was before you served in Congress. But I was going to put Washington on a pedestal. You know, sort of smart people went and they had. That's what we thought. You get up there, you're like, holy cow, these people are idiots. They are. And they are so mediocre. What we've done, I think, and I think we've done it very well, is we've been very good capitalist. So some of our best and brightest have gone into other fields and they've seen politics as a dumping ground, not a, not a, not public service. Not only George Washington or Jefferson or Lincoln or Reagan. They've seen it as a negative. And so some of our really good leadership right here in North Alabama, we've got some great, great smart people, both Democrats and Republicans that do not want to get into the arena because they don't want their kids. They don't want, they don't want to be in, it's an ugly, ugly game. It's an ugly game. You got to have a sense of humor. I mean, I've had more said about me than, that, in, of course, 50% of us from your buddy, Dale Jackson, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll put Dale on the map, but you don't want to hear that. Yeah. But, but you do have to take a lot of, a lot of, to get in the arena. And I admire those people who have gotten in the arena and lost and gotten back in. You know, I was fortunate. You know, I already had a career. I was retired. I didn't need their money. I didn't need their retirement. I didn't need their health insurance. So I could serve. And I could, and I wasn't a very good politician either. But it's hard. Well, you switch parties like five times, right? But it's hard to give up your family and give up your way of life to go live in a place that's more expensive than New York City right now. And nobody wants to do that. You are, when you become a public service at that, at that level, you really are sacrificing. And it's hard to get the best and the brightest to do that. It, it, it's, it's just some good people that really want to do right for their country. They made their fortunes. And this is the way they had decided to get into public service. There's also some scumbags up there. Big time. You know what I mean? Big time. Both parties. It's no discrimination there. But we, we don't have the, the kind of leadership. Look what we're trying to decide whether, whether to elect a 78 year old or an 81 year old as president. Now, the chances of, of either one of them, whoever wins, number one, they're lame ducks. The day, the day Trump wins, the day Biden wins, he's a lame duck. All right. The senators know he's a lame duck. So they're not, they're not going to follow him anywhere, whether it's Trump or Biden. So it's going to be a, a government that's going to be very, very difficult to move forward. Well, I think Trump or Biden, I think caliber that goes, goes everything down ballot. Right? I mean, I mean, don't you think if Trump wins, then it's going to be a big Republican night. It might, but not, maybe not in the Senate. But if Biden wins, I think it's going to be a big Democrat night. I think that's just, it's just like AL2, right? Well, you're probably right about that. The genius of our founding fathers was that the Congress has come up for election. Everyone, every two years, every one of them. But the genius was the staggered Senate turns six years. Trump wins in November, 2026, to be a Republican bloodbath. Could be. I mean, that's how you did that. If I were, if I were a Republican, I would be very fearful. Well, I think that's why McConnell never fully embraced the Trump presidency because his eye, his, his priority more important to him than the White House was being majority leader. And he knew a Trump election would, a reelection or whatever it may be. What hurt his chances in the midterms when somebody Republicans. I think you're right about that. Let's get a quick break in here. Parker Griffiths sitting in with us, maybe for multiple times today. So stay tuned. This is the Jeff Porte Show on FM Talk, one of those six, five. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show on FM Talk, one of those six, five. Joey Clark coming up here in a few minutes, so stay tuned for that. Still with us, uh, former Congressman Parker Griffith, the official Democrat response of the Jeff Porte Show. So you still, you still sound, you don't sound quite as devastated as a lot of Democrats. I've been watching on TV the last few years. No, I'm really not. You know, the closer you get to the election, the things narrow. Uh, uh, the assassination attempt, uh, I think speaks volumes for mediocrity as far as, uh, the protection that, uh, former President Trump should have had. If a sniper could shoot the guy immediately after he gets off eight or nine shots, why didn't the sniper seem before he shot? He saw him immediately when he heard something was wrong there. Something bad, bad wrong in the protection of, of, of President Trump. Well, I'm, and I don't know how much you don't see him been watching, but they haven't really made that an issue. I, if I'm a Republican, if I'm like a Karl Rove type, that is emblematic of why the, the Biden administration can't run this federal government. Because if they can't get the Secret Service right, what about the rest of the bureaucracy? Well, my, my impression of the folks that protect the President, uh, and then those who protect our former President, that, that was a team of people that have been with, have been with Trump since 2016. It was, uh, so, so, because you could recognize some of the same people. Yeah, I'm talking about this last few days. I've been more than a hundred of these presidential adjacent events. We're candidates, vice presidents, former presidents, former vice presidents, um, well, not former vice presidents, but where there has been an element of Secret Service protection, it all varies in different degrees, you know, depending the President being the very top. And knowing what I know and going to these events, I mean, you don't always get the 18. You, and sometimes it's a lot of contract employees. And I just think they are stretched then. And you did have some very capable, good people there, but you didn't get the best possible team for Donald Trump's situation. Uh, and also something that we don't see in American presidential politics. He's hosting these rallies with thousands of people. And it's, it's, it's much different than it's ever been. And he's doing multiple of these and it takes a different level of Secret Service protection to, to, to really work down a person, you know, it's different. So, so there's all these variables that we have to consider, but I'm not trying to make it excuse for the Secret Service. They needed to have that covered, but you could kind of see where it got away from them. Well, you know, it obviously got away from them. But my, my point is if the sniper saw him after he shot, why didn't he see him before he shot? Why didn't he, why didn't he see him? Well, they say it was all a, a sloped roof. And, and they, I was, we had a Navy Seal on, uh, there was a sniper talking about it. And you're looking at through a scope that could do like a thousand yards, but you're only a hundred yards away. And it's a hot roof and there's like, uh, you know, the reflection and the mirage and all that. You could tell it was just a bird dancing around the roof of what was going on. So I'm not, I'm not making excuses for the Secret Service. He never should have been up there in the first place. But that's a, the sniper had a difficult shot there to, to try to figure out how to get it. This was the way it was. It was a difficult shot, but it was a good shot. I mean, he blew the guy's head off. Yeah. As soon as he popped up, boom. Yeah. But they were looking for him. I don't know. Like what are you doing that situation? Do you want to scare the crowd? But the thing is Congressman, I don't understand as soon as they think that there's a threat over there. The president should have been off of that stage. Absolutely. When they heard that there was this weirdo scouting around, he should have never have taken the stage. Yep. And that's where, that's what I didn't understand. That's the people who were guarding our former president. I thought some of those team members have been with him a long time. I mean, they felt very responsible for him, closeness to bond and liking. They, you know, and, and it was, yeah. I mean, we're getting to be a little, little two-third world here. Well, yeah. Well, come back in about 30 minutes. So continue this discussion. Former Congressman Parker Griffith, the, the, uh, the official Democrat response to Jeff Porsche. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porsche Show. I have to talk about '65. ♪ I made my prediction ♪ ♪ So if I get stoned ♪ ♪ I'm just carrying on and on and on ♪ ♪ And... ♪ ♪ He's found it down ♪ ♪ Loding up and trucking ♪ ♪ Are we gonna do what they say can't be done ♪ ♪ And we've got a long way to go ♪ ♪ And it's short time to get there ♪ ♪ Time is kind of what no man did run ♪ We're back to the Jeff Porsche Show of a Dark 10065. Thanks for staying with us on this Wednesday morning. We're up in Huntsville this morning. Uh, tomorrow we'll be Murray Ham and then hopefully on Friday back at the Fair Hope Bureau. Still to come on the program about an hour from now. Mr. and Barry Moore will be with us. We'll get another cameo from Parker Griffith. Your text, 2513430106. We need to be in touch with the show. But joining us now, he is our Wednesday regular. Always a pleasure to be joined by Joey Clark of News Talk 93.1. And Montgomery, Joey, good morning, how are you? Doing great. How you doing this morning, Jeff? Just on to move. Last night in the shows this morning, Huntsville. We'll be back in Birmingham tomorrow and then the Stop and End Illusion will be back at the Home Bureau. Thank you. See you in our lovely stage. Yeah, well, when you run a state news site, you have to occasionally make it around the state, which is, I think that's important to seeing how things are going. But I've been up here to probably about six months. It's changed a little. Yeah, it's too much responsibility for me. I like being a lowly talk hosting column. Well, then I carry around a small radio studio at the back of my car. And all times. So it's, you've seen it. You and I have sent in the hotel room there near y'all station a few times, but it's always with me. So it's. We don't. We don't get any details, but folks out there listening up set up. It's very impressive. It's not really. It's two consoles and two mics and a laptop. But we, when you, when I was always like, you never know when you got to be somewhere and well, you know, when you find a fill in, what if I can't and well, we can do a radio show from just about anywhere in 2024. It's fantastic in it. Don't have it. Always on the job. Always on the bed. Yeah. Well, I mean, you and I haven't talked a whole lot since Saturday and then this, this convention. And I, I'm kind of where you are on it. If I was running that program to program me much different, but how are you feeling about where the presidential race is right now? I think Trump's clearly the favorite now. I think you can. It was one of the realest things I've seen in politics because as you know, maybe better than me. So much of this stuff is contrived in politics and messaging. You can't say what happened on Saturday. And there's, I'm not one to usually run around and start talking about divine providence, but I don't have a better explanation. And so, and then that sign of just strength and physical courage, I know everybody's saying that's good. It's just true. And I think it's one of the rare moments in American politics. But other than a few malcontinent leftists, everybody's seeing the exact same thing. Yeah, I just, I mean, it's a historic moment. What are we going to? I mean, Joey, let's, let's hope we're in better places. But let's say we're doing this segment 10 years from now. And we're talking about this moment in history. I mean, what are we saying about it? You know, remember that time? I mean, how, and, and, and just all the weird things that happened right after, but how things kind of, you know, when is expected, but how people still. I don't, there's all kinds of like weird reaction to it from the media. I think those first few days of media didn't know what to do about it. Now they're back to their battle stations, but it's, it's, it's ringing very hollow. Well, and I don't think we're out of the woods just yet. Much more could happen. And I'm not going to immediately start putting on my tin foil hat, but the more information it comes out about the secret services performance that day is really unacceptable. And just more questions keep popping up the answers. And I don't know what that, it becomes so negligent that it might very well be malice at a certain point. Of course, I can prove that. But I think you're right. I don't think it was because a lot of people are like, well, this was all applied. It was the deep state and they look at this. I don't think it was that pre planned. But I do think, I do think that it was negligence is bordering on malice. It's like this. And I've been using this analogy throughout this whole thing. It's like leaving your keys in your car with the windows rolled down and just if it gets stolen. Oh, wow. My car just got stolen. Well, you know what I mean? It's that level of negligence. Why did you think was going to happen? And it feels that way to me. Well, and the more people I watch to kind of trying to watch a lot of interviews with special forces people, people in that world, I would extend the analogy. It's like you leave the keys in the car with the window down and like a $500 bill hanging out the window and it's like a sign on it saying, please take me. You had to hear that you had that nest right there, that roof right there. And it wasn't covered as just absurd. And then to see the excuse that came out yesterday if it was a sloped roof. So it was dangerous. It's just, I don't buy it. Then you add to it. We still really have any information on this 20 year old who took the shots. Well, let me say this. Just having experience going to these presidential events at all levels. We have different levels of secret service. Presidents always going to get the best protection. But then the vice president and the serious presidential candidates didn't maybe the second tier candidates. It's all varying degrees. Looking at it, I don't think that Trump had a really good, good, good team. I was listening to a Congressman Michael Waltz from Florida talk about it. And he believes, because Kamala Harris at the same time was in Philadelphia, that they had given her the better detail and the better assets at Trump kind of got. I mean, they're stretched thin. It's a political cycle. And that's how these things work. And Trump didn't really get the best of the secret service protection. Well, that makes sense. And I think it shows too. And I think there was more that some of them were even just homeland security folks, not even exactly secret service agents. I mean, when you see one of the agents literally cowering behind the stage pretending to be active with their pistol drawn, I mean, there's just so many little moments where you go, that's not how that should work whatsoever. And maybe we should have people that are, you know, six, two or above if you're guarding them. And like you and I are talking about fair kind of about how underwhelming the RNC and just how exhausting it is. But let me say this, I don't think they're hammering this enough. This is, like I said, this is symbolic of the ineptitude of a Biden run federal government. This is what the RNC needs to just hang around the neck. This is the highest level, most important thing. The secret service protecting a president and therefore the world to see. And this is what you got to see on live television. What do you think it looks like at the department of state and to the department of justice, the department of commerce, education, whatever department meaningless department we have in Washington, D.C.? Do you think that you're getting the same level of excellence that you are with the secret service? That's the message, right? That's the message. You almost got somebody killed it. What would have happened in this country, Joey? And you and I are talking about this, too, all fair. That had been a successful assassination. I think he would have started to see an unraveling, like in our neck of the woods, I wouldn't be too worried that if I was living in D.C., your own government building, I think. Very worrying. I wouldn't want to see any of that. And then just the psychological effect of billions of people around the world would have seen the most gruesome photos ever. Like, yeah, everybody saw the photos I think of the shooter who was taken out. It's hard to fathom. In those few minutes, when the shots were taken, I was very fearful and kind of playing out worst case scenarios and just, they truly thank God we're not having to deal with that right now. Especially the convention, maybe they hit it later. It seemed like the last couple of days, but especially yesterday, was like, "Well, let's let the Santas and Haley and on the first day of the cemetery speak, let's let the party people kind of get their stuff out." And I'd imagine on Thursday, it's going to be pretty over the top in a good way, if that's at least my hope. Well, I just watch it and I know they have different themes on different nights. The first night was, it was very, very strange. I mean, the highlight of the nights, both nights have been Trump walking out. But the first, having the Teamsters guy go on and on and on and having these random people come up, I guess I've been to these things before and I know there's a lot of like kind of like, there's a lot of extra fat that they could cut from the program at these things. But this doesn't seem to be the best use of the Nashville spotlight for them. And I don't know, I mean, I don't know that you necessarily take the page of the Democratic playbook, Joey, if this had been the other way around, somebody had taken the shot at Joe Biden and in their convention was days later, it would be three nights or four nights of hate. Oh, yeah, and then look at what the fascists did. There might be a way for Trump and Team to bring up the subject, but put it in terms of this is a world historic, heroic thing and not throw too much, I think, blame at the end of the side. And I think that's what they've been building it is like he wants to unify. And I think the best way to unify is to sort of play up how historic this was, how unexplainable this was. And there are ways you could do that, I think, with the dramatics that would come across well to folks. And to your point, I think questioning the rot within our institutions would also be very helpful that maybe if somebody out there would throw some heated rhetoric in the sense of this person should be fired, this person should resign and just go down to the litany in the list of the failures that day, and then you pick people back up with, "Well, he's still here. He's still alive. And here's this amazing United Speed." Well, here's the thing, Joey. Republicans are in a position they've never been in. We were probably in it in '84, and I was seven years old, eight years old during the '84 presidential cycle, but where they have a lead, and there's no question about it. The Republicans, the Republican candidate for president is winning this contest right now. It's in the Electoral College with a popular vote. Most polls show that, and there's no reason to believe otherwise, just the facts sort of show us, historical president shows us what happens here. I don't think they know what to do with that. I think they're so used to playing from behind and playing catch-up and just eking it out, with George W. Bush and Donald Trump, that what do you do strategically? And it just is just, on the other side, it's true, too. The Democrats don't really play from behind that much. Well, and I think let's not forget. I think the divisions within the Republican Party, especially the older guards that, you know, has the donor class and a lot of the money, they're still very much, I think, more with the populist movement. I think the JD Vance pick is a huge win for the populist movement, but you know, for instance, when you see Lindsey Graham praising the pick of JD Vance, I wanted to kiss Tucker Carlson for his take-down of Lindsey Graham saying, "You little snake, you're behind the scenes lobbying against him. Now you act like your opponent's best friend." And I think there's a lot of that going on, and you see, when Mitch McConnell tried to present the delegates from Kentucky and got booed, pretty crazy, Kevin McCarthy getting into it, Matt Gaetz on the floor, like, I think there is still a unholy marriage here though it now seems the populist are much more holding the reins. Yeah, I just, that's the move of the country, and what I understand is, now, who knows what Democrats are thinking, but they don't seem to be concerned because the populist movement goes back to the Tea Party, right? When you argue that was a populist sort of vibe. Yeah, it was a little different in terms of policy, but definitely- I think that's where it started, and I think everything is sort of evolved from that point forward. The Rick Santelli rant on the floor, which was really in 2009, and everything has evolved from that point forward, well, Democrats don't seem at all interested in understanding any of it. It's just easier to say it's racist to say it is steeped in hate or whatever, and I think they do themselves disservice, and eventually it's going to fade, and they're going to fade into a relevant seal, as they figure out the temperament, the mood of the country being disappointed in our institutions. The rise of the far left within the Democratic Party is sort of a sign of that, but whenever you want to talk to somebody about it, it's not, well, what do you think Donald Trump is popular? It's an orange man bad, cold, cold, cold, they never really want to understand where these people are coming from. When I would start the clock, I would start the history books of the modern populist movement probably with Pat Buchanan in the early 90s, I believe he gave a pretty big speech there even after giving it up to George H.W. Bush, I would say Ron Paul is also a part of this. Then I would definitely throw in Tea Party also, I think, elements of Occupy Wall Street. Sort of working class folks who hate at the bailouts, and the beautiful thing to your point is, say the elites don't really understand what they're dealing with, or they're just now in the last year or a few months waking up to the plans that this new populist movement has in place. Trump, I think, having lost in 2020, or at least not being president, hoped it that way, it almost was a blessing and a gift in a way, because it allowed a lot of folks to be tested by fire, and it allowed a lot of folks to go, hmm, what did we do wrong when Trump first took off in 2016, and make some real dangerous, like, I know many Democrats who were freaked out, oh, they're ready to staff up the entire White House with 3,000, 4,000 people. I've been reading, let's say, really smart folks on the right who've been calling for that for years, and to see it now actually in control of the party to a large degree. It's beautiful from my perspective, and I can see how other folks go, what is this month that we don't understand? Joe, you've got to leave it there, but I appreciate you making time for us as you do every Wednesday, and we'll talk again soon. Appreciate it, Jeff, thanks. All right, Joe, Clark, ladies and gentlemen, we've got to get a break in here, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show, and I'll have to talk when I was 6'5". I've got to stand, but what I've got is my time, rich, but Lord, I'm free. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, I keep my eyes wide. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show, and if we talk when it was 6'5", they're staying with us on this Wednesday morning, text line, 2513430106, that's how we get in touch with the program if you see fit. Still to come here on the program, we'll get another visit from our friend Parker Griffith, who's putting us up here at one of his mini properties around town. Also on the program, Barry Moore, he is the Congressional First Congressional District, we'll talk to him about what's going on in Milwaukee, we'll hear from him soon. I'll see you here, muppa-lum, Jeff, I am sorry to say, I'm not really pulling up, you and your guests sound like a Secret Service apologist. It could have been willful of competence, honestly, I don't know, I'm not trying to sound like a Secret Service, a competent of our apologist, a named Dexter, but I do think that there is a, obviously, there's something to be said about just incompetence in general and government. We've seen this play before, we know how these people operate, we know how they work, and sometimes it's just easier just to explain it that way. See, Daniel says hoax, Paul says mucka-lum, when Michael, the official, this is the official Democrat response to the response to the program, is a hundred times more interesting they can and Quinn Hillier's response, I would agree with that, unnamed texture, this is a turning to the Parker call of all time, our government is an apt toothless bamber, yes, the Trump campaign needs advice from Parker on how to woo the precious independent voters, be quiet and stick with the court and weather report as he walks into the room, put more NATO years ago, if they keep in tune closer to Russia, to the Russian border, he would take Ukraine, how in the hell is this war on Putin and not NATO and Biden, Michael and Mobile Vance explained his earlier opinions in an interview with Sean Hannity, and he played it on Tuesday, let's see here, slipping through these, morning Jeff, please pass this on the cards from Griffith and the middle ground Republican, I've always enjoyed the segments on your show, see, anyway, enough of that, we ain't gonna break it here, we're right back, this is the Jeff Porsche one at the top quarter of six five, from Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics, it's the Jeff Porsche, I don't think I've done it this way, no, we're back to the Jeff Porsche, if we talk one oh six five, they just stick it around on this Thursday, I wish, on this Wednesday morning, text line 2513430106, time permitting, we'll get to some of your text, still come on the program, Congressman Barry Moore, calling in from Milwaukee, that's in about 30 minutes from now, so stay tuned as we proceed with our number three, back with us here for the next couple segments, who's putting us up, kind of like a refugee here up in North Alabama, former Congressman Parker Griffith, the official Democrat response of the Jeff Porsche show up on a text line, I had a couple of textures questioning your Democratic party credentials, really, but you are, you're still very active in in Alabama Democratic party politics, whatever somebody runs, they do come knocking at your door, don't they? Yes, they do, and some I help, some I don't, I don't think the Democratic party, as a matter of fact, I'm meeting with a young man, finished Alabama law, smart, crackerjack guy, grew up in a Democratic family, and he wants to be in public service, and he's asking me, you know, a Griffith you've been there, you've been a Republican, you've been a Democrat, et cetera, I remind him that, you know, I'm a, I'm a cancer specialist, we never cared who, who cured the patient as long as the patient got cured, so I, I didn't really come in politics apart branded, you know, I didn't, I don't, I don't wear a brand and don't wear one now, but I am concerned with really good people who grew up in Democratic families and want to be in public service, I, I cannot really say to them, you need to be full tilt Democrat, because if you are, you're not going to get elected in Alabama, unless you're a black Democrat, in a district that's overwhelmingly black, I think the, the race down in, in your, in your neck of the woods, figures, in the Dobson, right? Yeah, Dobson, I mean, she's, she's raising a ton of money, but it'll, it'll still be, it'll still be impressive. I mean, she's Harvard educated undergrad, Baylor Law School, um, knows, she sees, she's got the work ethic of a Katie Britt, maybe not quite the charisma, but she's kind of an impressive figure, right? I don't really have a read on other than these movie and a micro figure son and spent a lot time in D.C. I don't know. I mean, I, I don't think you need that matter. So I, I think Al too is going to go. However, Trump or Biden, to Trump wins that congressional district, she's going to get elected if Biden wins it figures is going to win it. Well, I think that's true. Uh, but you don't think the labels are going to, they're not going to play out down there. I don't think the names are going to play out. I think the labels, I think it's just Republican versus Democrat and, and it's, and that's solved. It's a very top of the ballot. It could be whoever's got the R next to their name and whoever has the D next to their name. Doesn't matter. The, the, you're going to walk and it comes and now man, we get straight ticket voting. Yep. And people are just going to walk in and they're going to go. Yeah. Republican are not going to fill that crap out. I think that's true. And I, I think that, you know, so however this national election goes, specifically in the second congressional district, it's who emerges as the congressman there. Yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right. So, and then that's, I mean, I would be worried if I was some of our figures right now. I mean, it is a, it is a district that lines up in his favor, but only slightly it's not a foregone conclusion that Biden's going to win that district. And it's, I mean, it's just like turn out, turn out, turn out. But that's a hard district. And you know, you've got helmets corner all the way to Phoenix city. Well, you, and you also have a divided democratic party. You know, you've got to Joe Reed and a, and a Kelly who are not in figures corner as a matter of fact, speaking negatively about it, attacking Biden. I mean, Joe Reed is used to democratic party in Alabama as a personal piggy bank for his own, you know, self self enrichment, self benefit for for decades. Well, that's why I'm the young, young people who want to be public servants. They're democratic by nature. But I don't know whether they want to, I think I don't know what to tell them. I mean, they're the next of the most from your full self. I'm going to point of view, Congressman. And I know you're loyal to the world. I don't say loyal. There's not a lot of fidelity there. But I know you're Democrat. But if I'm, if I'm, if I'm from your side of the party, your side of the tracks, I'm looking to infiltrate the Republican party and try to change it from within to be something that's happening. I think, yeah, I think the Republican party, Alabama school will not scratch, but the elected official, sir, Republicans, it's it's diluted the potency of the conservatism in the Republican party. Yeah, I agree. So I mean, that would be dusty only because right now the the Democratic party, and they tried it without Joe Reed. It was it was a miserable failure with Chris England. Oh, absolutely. So, so you've got to have him. You could say, well, Joe Reed finally gives up the reins, but it's going to be the same problem, just different actors. Well, the problem is a national Democratic party. It used to be local, but every time I ran, I had, I had Pelosi to deal with. And as far as I know, she's not gone. Well, I don't think she plays this problem in a role. But I do think there's just this connotation. You can be left to center, but the left of center branding in a state like Alabama, where it's dominated with people like Jeff Pore, Dale Jackson and other chronic malcontents. It's they're all local liberal bedwetters, all wanting girls to boys to play girl sports, and all these social issues that Democrats nationally find virtue in. I don't think you can do that in Alabama and Democrats will seem to care. I don't think you can do it in Alabama, either. What tickles me about Republicans in Alabama is they know Trump's not a Republican. They know he's not conservative. They may be about the conservative part, but I think the Republican party is whatever Trump wants it to be. Absolutely. He is the Republican party. He absolutely is. It's a fair statement to say that he's not conservative, but it's a fair statement. He is Republican because by virtue of being the Republican president and the Republican presidential nominee, he's a Republican, you know, right. And he and he is the party. Yeah, he may not be traditional Republicanism, but he's, I mean, honestly, he's not conservative, but like Republican party, he's just a different brand of off-brand conservatism or whatever. You know, Republicans aren't. They adopted all the social conservatism stuff in the 80s with Reagan. It used to be in the South, at least the Democrats on that on that lane. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry. But that, but now there's a whole core of Republicans, good Republicans, good conservative Republicans, seriously conservative Republicans that are not in Trump's corner. And they got to be, I mean, they have to say they are. Yeah, well, they'll be ignored. They're not going to get the things they'd like to get. I just don't think there's that many of them. Trump's won people over. And the people that hated him in 2016, that Ted Cruz faction, Mark Levin, guys that sort of identified themselves as flag wave and deep partiers that were reluctant to adopt this populism that surrounds Trump have just roamed to love the guy now. Oh, absolutely. He's like a big giant teddy bear. He where he used to be. Well, you know, populism leads to fascism and fascism leads to our now and JD Vance is one of them are now just like he's a lovable cuddly just wants the best for the country. Oh, absolutely. Look at the Santas. Rama Swami. I mean, they just just got down on their knees, man. Please, please bless me. Bless me, Trump. Well, Haley's away my pain. Haley is the one who a lot of your friends on the left. I don't know what you've been so busy to watch, but they seem to be really down on Nikki Haley this morning for going back to Trump. Well, that's too bad because that tells me that whoever is unhappy with what she's done doesn't understand politics. Forget your damn principles and vote your party. Forget about it. Listen, if America has to decide between its principles and its pocket book, it takes pocket book every time. Well, it's a binary choice. So like, if we had like 100 choices, it's a much easier to vote your quote, unquote, conscience and vote your principles. We don't have that option in America. I do I mean, like, but it's just a hand word, Delta's as true in this country. There's not good RFK juniors, not going to be present United States, okay? You're not going to have a Ross Perot. You're never going to have that, at least in our lifetime. And you have to make a decision based on what you're offered. Well, you can't go to, you can't go to Chick-fil-A and your choices are chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich and order a damn cheeseburger. Okay. Yeah, I'm sorry, guys. That's right. The menu is fixed. This is this is two things on the menu. Which one are you going to decide? Okay. Yeah. This is this is and that's right on. That's the option for Nikki Haley. Okay. Yeah. And if she wants to be in politics, she did the right thing. So somebody that says, Oh, we're so disciplined. They don't understand politics or they just want to line. Well, they like the division and the Republican party. But guys should tell me this. Are you worried about a divided Democratic party on all these, especially on like Israel and turn out and for whatever reason, this and know, whatever reason Democrats have decided to take up the pro-Palestinian side here. And it doesn't seem like a natural fit to me. I don't understand it. I don't either. I don't get it. I mean, usually they, you know, Schumer and those guys have been very pro-Zion decision. They're liberal, but they never really they always supported Israel because it is real. I mean, it's not a conservative sort of. Yeah, I have a real problem with Democrats being pro-Palestine. To me is ridiculous. They have but but it is now the hill to die on it. That's bizarre, isn't it? It is. Yeah, it's it's too bad. And it's if someone were to ask me what are the national Democratic party stand for? LGBTQ DEI. All of that silly crap that doesn't create jobs, doesn't educate a child, doesn't provide health care. And that's and that's what they're known for until that changes. We don't have a chance to regrow here in in the south. It's not going to happen. I have a question. Well, what's happened to your buddy Doug Jones? He is. He used to be Mr. Kitchen Table issue Democrat. He looks like he's got off the, is he just trying for a TV gig or something? Let's go. I don't know. I think I think Doug, you know, had his had his time in the sun and, you know, of course, perfect storm, put him in. He's now in D.C. with a prominent law law firm, very well connected to not only the legal community but also to the lobbying community. And so I imagine he's doing very well and that I don't know anybody up there that doesn't get conflicted while they're there. Just knowing him, and he's probably just trying to feed me a bill of goods all those years when he was the United States Senator. He would come on the show regularly. But now he goes on and he just, he's a CNN or MSNBC and he just sounds like your typical standard issue left wing crazy person. And he's kind of sad to me. Well, he's trying to make a living in D.C. And I don't know what his true colors are, but I just, I was, even if he wasn't going to be United States Senator, or at least it's, it's just like you, you know, somebody you could talk to and kind of worked this out, but he's gone in that other direction. Well, I don't know. He's, you got to remember he's an attorney. Yeah, because that's very reptilian. I did, by the way, yesterday, when I was in the shows that stopped by the how helpful in trying to pay my back share from the courthouse. That's a beautiful courthouse too. Let's get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the jet pour show. What if I'm talking like, well, that's 65. All right, let's take it on down to muscle shows to the potato. I'll get back to the jet pour show. And if I'm talking what, oh, six five, got Congressman Griffith here for just a few more minutes where he joined Mary Moore will join us and at the bottom of the hour from Milwaukee. So we'll hear from him. Well, all the Congressman, I mean, you're calling it here today. You still think to do a shot for for Biden, but you're not, you're not. I think there is a shot for Biden. He's two things need to happen. Biden needs to show that he's capable. Do you learn your reason, believe that he will? Well, yeah. So far, he hasn't completely erased that debate performance and but he needs to show that he can. He's got a he's got a good record. He's done. He's been a good president. Would you put him on the debate stage again? Absolutely. Really? It's the only way. That's his only chance. He's got to get off. He fell off the horse. And he needs to get back on the horse. And he needs to show that he's capable and he needs to care Trump out of the front. He believe he's capable. I don't think he's capable. He is. I really believe he is. Now, I haven't seen him in a couple of years. So, you know, I'm, you know, I've had lunch with him. I've been, I don't know. My experiences with him is always, they're always pleasant. He's he's a politician though. He'll be very much. He'll make you feel good. And I was like, wow, he's not he's not the evil bastard. I thought he was. No, he's not. But he comes out that way on TV. But but I don't. I don't know. I mean, we've been hearing these stories about him for years. I mean, he's got to just everything's got to line up just right. I don't it does. But the other thing is he's got Trump Trump can stumble over himself. I mean, I'm I admire whoever's handling Trump because Trump has handled himself extremely well. Much different this time around. Much different. And so he's back on his medicine, I'm sure. And all right. That's all I can. It's all medicine. Anyway, I'm sure he is. And and but he's paying attention to somebody that says if your opponent is destroying themselves, be quiet, sit down, and let them destroy themselves. Don't get involved there. Well, tell me after that debate last month. Once it's all done, what were you were you like a lot of the the long faces in the media? Did you think it was over or were you like we should have hit the panic button much earlier? I was so disappointed in Biden in that debate that I couldn't even I couldn't even imagine what he could say. It could explain that. Right. And and and so far he he hasn't erased that in a lot of democratic brains. Right. Well, so but you don't think he's gonna be replaced? I do not think so. I don't either. It's too late. It's too late. It's absolutely too late. Now they had it to do all over again. Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, the rear view mirror is great. But no, he's not going to reminds me of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her ego got in the way. Right. When they when you say pancreatic cancer, you need to retire. And it would have given Obama a chance to appoint somebody to the Supreme Court. Her ego said, Oh, no, I'm good. I'm great. And she screwed up. Yeah, yeah. And Biden's got the same ego. But he's not going anywhere. Do you do you buy into this belief that he is not being given good information by his people around him? Did he's playing for Biden? No, no. But Biden's smart. And he's a gifted or gifted. He's a seasoned politician. He's on automatic pilot. Right now. Stumble badly into debate. Yeah. Well, Congressman, we got to get we're going to wrap it there. But thanks for allowing us to do the show here. And we'll talk again soon. Thanks, Jeff. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff foreshow enough to talk one oh, six, five and when I reach the other side, I'll find a place to risk my spirit if I can. Look at my to the jump or show it up and talk with us on this Wednesday morning. Real quick, didn't have an opportunity to do this in the last segment programming note. We'll have April Marie Fogle, a couple other guests to be named later joining us on the program. So make sure that you tune in for that for tomorrow's programming, which ought to be just equally as riveting as today's. But joining us now always a pleasure our friend from the second congressional district, soon to be the first congressional district. Uh, Congressman Barry Moore, Congress. Good morning, are you? Yes, we are doing well. Good morning. Yes, sir. Hey, thanks for making time for us. We always appreciate it. Uh, we'll take give us the rundown. What's the vibe? I've been watching from TV. It does seem I gather the optimism and I do sense. Um, not a two boisterous of a situation, but maybe a little bit of confidence going into the third day here. Yeah, so it is. I tell, you know, people have asked me that question and, you know, I was at 2016 convention, including as you were, and there was a level of excitement. You know, Donald Trump, he was, he was drawing some incredible crowds at his events. And of course, everybody was excited to nominate him. But this year, there's something different in the air. And I think it's a level of excitement with a level of resolve. And it seems to me because of what they put this man through, whether it's two impeachments, the rating is home, the rigging of evidence by Jack Smith, the law fair that's been used against him, the millions of dollars he's spent in legal defense, they've tried to put him in prison for life. And then there's an assassination attempt. And so, there is a level of commitment to these folks here. And then I think around the nation, a resolve to support this man, not because his policies are great, but because he's committed to this country. And I think in some ways, to me, Jeff, they know he could write off in the sunset. He's willing to stay in fights to the point that at risk his life last Saturday. And I think that so the people here in across the country, I heard somebody say they're willing to walk across broken glass to vote for him. I think that's the feeling. And of course, I think the confidence level is we see the Democratic Party in free fall, Joe Biden's horrible debate performance is the possibility of removing Biden from the ticket. I think at this point, the nation's uniting behind the party, behind the message and certainly the policies, but also this man's willingness to serve this country. And so, it's just a different feeling in the air, a level of conflicts, but resolve that I am not an experienced, a goer to these conventions, but just being in politics for the last 10 or 12 years, my goodness man, it is something different in the air and we're excited about it. Yeah, I think there's truth to that that people, you know, whatever your political stripes are, or your ideological stripes, the guy was died, tried to, I will say died for his country, like a in the sense of, you know, member of the armed services or something like that, but wanting to be in public service and have that close of a brush with death, it was close. I mean, we're talking centimeters, right? Yeah, incredibly close. So I would, I would just think that, I mean, that has to resonate with people and to be like, well, this guy is the real deal if he's willing to take these kind of risks. Yeah, you know, and you're like, you said, I don't think he wants to be the President of the United States. Jeff, I think there's a willingness for him to be President of the United States. And that's, that's a difference. He's not seeking fame. He's not seeking notoriety. He's one of the most famous people on earth. He's done this job before they came after men and incredible. I was there when he was sworn in on the day one in 2017, January 20th, buildings were burning cars were on fire and the man hadn't even served the day in the office. And so there, there was just an attack on him from that point forward and it's been incredible to watch what they've done to him and what they've done to his family. And yet at some level, he is so committed to this country, he's not willing to throw in the towel. And he's one of the toughest human beings, and mostly physically just to be willing to get back up after that and shake his fist of the crowd and say, fight, fight, fight. He wasn't talking about for him. And he was talking about for this country. And I think that's what we appreciate about him. He has nothing to gain, everything to lose. And yet he's willing to put it on the line. And I think that just says so much about who he is. Yeah, I just, and I've been going around with Parker Griffith about that all morning. I just, the, the, the, the voter in this country, a lot of it's already baked in. But you can't, you can't undo what happened Saturday, see what happened Saturday and not have if you're undecided, not have that kind of change of perspective about at least one of the candidates. Absolutely. And I think if you just look at the, the convention speakers so far, it's been, his opponent has been his naysayers. It's even been Democrats, it's been union leaders, people who are saying, we now support this man. And I think we saw a movement in urban America when they arrested him and convicted him. I think that moves a lot of minorities who have felt they were victims of the system, to see him being a victim and, and, and persist standing for the country. And, and I think in for many cases, them in a way that they maybe didn't realize up into that point, well, that was securing borders or whatever it was, economic freedom, those things. But yeah, it, man, it's, there are people coming into this camp that we've not seen. And he told us a few weeks ago in D.C. before this assassination attempt, even that, that on when read after his conviction, he normally would raise eight million dollars a week. He raised 58 million dollars, small dollar donors, 30 percent of those people who had never given. And so there was a, there was already a, a, a, a little vacation or an, I don't know what's the word is, but people moving to his support. But after that, after the nation, if you're just sitting on the sideline, go on, how many billionaires do you know that would actually take a bullet or get shot at and try, I tried to send him to prison. I try to break you. And him still be willing to do this job. It's astonishing to me. I'm grateful that his life is fair. Obviously, I think that was the progress of God Almighty. There was just too many things, brother. I was in the military and I was on those guys. I got expert marksmanship. But from 140 yards, if he had not turned his head and then just moved the muzzle of that gun, just because, I mean, it would have took just a little win. And then this thing could have been totally different. Yeah. But thankfully, we're not having that discussion today, but man, the Secret Service Congressman and then seeing what we see there, and then I get the remorse and they acknowledge they screwed up. But the consequences of this failure. Number one, the woman who's head of it, I mean, she's got to go. She has to fall on the sword. But but secondly, I just Republicans so far in this RNC haven't made a big deal like I would have thought. If it's been the other way around it, it was a Democrat president. I mean, I think we would have had four nights of hate out of the DNC. But the approach is a little different here. But to me, the whole breakdown of the Secret Service is sort of symbolic of just the Biden administration in general. Yeah, absolutely. I think that they, the D hires, all of this stuff, you know, the box people need to be checking to go to work for this country needs to be qualified. And many of the people obviously we've seen hires for the New Yorkers that go out on all those guys. It's a fixed deal and that's the problem. And we've said this, and I think I've heard it said in judiciary a bunch of times, people are losing confidence in the system, the justice system. And when you know that Jack Smith planted those documents and took those photos and they were trying to put him in prison for life. And then all of a sudden they might try to take his life and the response is, well, you know, we'll have to have a review. We'll have to look into that. Rather, that is concerning for me. And I think there's a lot of people in the country that the credibility of this government and this leadership in this country was already eroded based on what we've been seeing. We've never arrested the president before. We've never tried to put one in prison for life. But the fact now that a guy with a long gone on a rooftop for a minute and a half, and he was already marked by the Secret Service, they were already targeted in on him. But the problem is, once a round goes down range towards the president of the United States, the mission has failed. They should have took him out before he ever pulled the trigger. And the question is, why was the Green Line not given? And that's what we need to get to the bottom up. What do you think that looks like? I know oversight committee is looking at this and they got a lot of questions and I've seen some of the interviews from the House oversight members. Your colleague Gary Palmer has raised them on this show. Do you, how long will it take till we get Smanshers forthcoming through the leverage of power in on Capitol Hill? You know, the problem is it'll be down the road. I mean, I think we can sure we can let this lady fall on the sword and she can be the scapegoat. But remember, Secret Service is under DHS, which is my my orchus, I 100 more orchus. And he is in charge of that whole operation. He's also the guy that's supposed to be secure in the US Southern border. So there are questions within this administration of exactly what years going on and why would somebody get that close within a perimeter and have a clear shot to the man on the stage, maybe 140 yards away. That is astonishing to us. That raises so many questions. And again, the concern of the credibility of what the link they're willing to go to, that's something we have to get to the bottom of. And I don't know that we'll know it before this election, but I was talking to a friend of mine, former Green Beret, and he's experienced a lot of things in his life. And he thinks the president needs to up his security, his own personal security, and even bringing in some guys, a couple of guys from the slide, maybe SS, because there are other countries now, Iran has put out apparently a hit on the president. So we've got to make sure that we secure him by whatever means is necessary to let him be sworn in as president of the United States and get us respected again around the world. Our enemies don't respect this and our allies don't trust us. And we've got to make sure that we get this man into office to help this country recover and the system itself is terrified of him. But the system must be brought to bear. Well, let me ask you this question. I mean, like, how close is this this incompetence to malice? I mean, like, where did they pull resources off of Trump because of, you know, whatever reason they don't like him? And, you know, some of your Democratic colleagues want to strip him over. So you wanted to strip him of his secret service detail. What do you think of that? I mean, do you think that that maybe there's something else going on here that just has more to do with it being Donald Trump's detail that led to this? Yeah, when you got the chairman of January 6th calling for him to lose the secret services in the convicted fellow, we know that was directed about Trump. That's the only person that has a felony conviction right now that I'm aware of in the world that also has secret service. And for them to want to defund his secret service, Denny Thompson, who chaired Jason Hicks, which we know is just a mock, it was just an artificial committee set up by Nancy Pelosi, go after any conservative America, first people. Now, all of a sudden they're wanting to remove his secret service. And a few weeks later, there's a kill shot at him. And honestly, even one of his staffers that how did you miss? I mean, there's been a Thompson staff saying this, the man who wanted to remove his secret service, do that raises so many questions for us who are setting here is every day Americans who don't trust this system anyway. And to see him almost kill the former and future president of the United States, that to me again is astonishing. There are so many questions that have to be asked, Jeff, and it makes American people who didn't trust this government. There is a level out there even Corey Mills said it. He thinks that it that maybe and he's a member of Congress, former special operator. He said himself that this looks like maybe they knew what was going on. I don't know, brother, I can't say for sure. It's going to take some time to find out, but it's not un plausible that people think that enjoyed my Congress and Barry Moore here on the program. Well, back to the RNC. And what what what first off, let's tell us what did you make of the JD Vance pick? Well, I think he's an excellent choice. He's been, you know, JD like many Americans, I think we're never Trumpers. If you go back and look at him, he did, but he said once he got to know the man, the American people have got to know this man. I think Saturday sent another message of who he really is and said, JD, haven't come up the hard way, been in the Marine Corps. He's America's first guy. He's very brilliant. And I think he's young enough. I mean, 39, I thought he was older than that. He's 39 years old. So Trump is setting he knows he's got four years to get the ball roll and to fix some of the problems that we can fix the border and all those things they want. There's a lot of things that Trump did in his first term that he can continue to work on. But JD Vance can continue that legacy of making America first for another eight years after Trump. And it's going to take some time. This country didn't get a system that wasn't for the people of the people and by the people overnight. And to take it, get it back to the people. It's going to take some time and dance is young enough. He's smart enough. He's very capable. And so I think he is an absolutely dynamic pick. Well, Carson, I mean, you've been on the Trump train from the get go and we talk about it all the time. Let people stadium in 2015 and being one of the first people in my memory to endorse informally and kind of watching Trump in the 16 election. He's he's sworn into 17. I think he had a lot of voices in his ear and he sort of went against his instincts and put people in places that he never should have. Tillerson and you can go down the line. All these people who are now bad mouthing him. But Congressman, I feel like the Vance pick at least kind of turns the page on that and he's going to be more loyal to what he thinks the right thing to do is instinctively maybe this time around if he is elected. Yeah, I love the fact that, you know, Trump's a business guy. I think he thought, Jeff, and when he went in and 16 that, hey, I tell these people to fix these problems, they're going to they're going to work for me. I'm the president of the United States. This is the way the system works. But what he did not then is the system wasn't working for him. It wasn't working for the American people. It was working to maintain its own survival. And so he's learned a lot of lessons. He's a brilliant guy. Trump is and Vance also gets that. He hasn't been in the system a long time. He's been in DC a couple of years. They haven't gotten a hurt spending. And we need guys who are willing that are not political politicians or career politicians, but who are willing to say, hey, you know what? The country's more important than my job. But keeping my job, I think that we need to elect people who are true what we call statesmen and not politicians. And the facts to me fits that. Trump fits that. I was with Trump early on because he was an outsider. And I've seen that we needed people from outside the system to fix the system. The system itself controls a lot of those within it. And so I think that's Trump and then hopefully America first people from around the nation are getting elected. And I think that that's going to be he learned from the mistakes the first time. I don't think we'll see him make those again. So, I mean, just sitting here today, I mean, and then, you know, things, everybody's just things can change. But at least in my lifetime, maybe with the exception of 80 and 84, this is probably as good as it's going as been going for Republicans heading into November. Yeah, I think so, Jeff. And I think that the party is not the same party that it once was. I think that it truly has started focusing on. And I'm not saying the reply, I mean, I love Reagan, he's first guy voted for it. But I'm thinking that that Trump is, he brings a different dynamic to the party itself. It's an American first approach instead of everybody else. And so I think that he's certainly bringing people within the campaign. I mean, we saw the union president speak here. And to me, the fact that he was even here, I don't think that's ever happened. And I've often wondered, even with the unions, I mean, I have so many friends who are on Fort Rucker or Fort Novosel that are in the unions, they get frustrated because they're conservative, but their money always went to the Democrats. And so, the fact that you have the president and the unions here speaking saying, hey, I'm at the convention, he didn't necessarily endorse Trump. But a lot of it, I think the people within the unions and the minorities are coming to see that this man's policies are good for them, and they're good for the country. Congress, we got to leave it there. Stay safe up there. Safe travels and look forward to hearing again from you. Hey, yes, sir, Jeff, thank you. All right, Congressman Barry Moore there, we got to get a break it here. We'll be right back. This is F and talk 106 five. It's 30, it's 30, I'd be dead, but somehow on and on I close, I spawn rolling with the flow. Oh, yes, we have voted a total of them on credit that it just smiles. I'll never forget it. Daddy never was a Cadillac cat. He said something. Just glitter and shine. Taught us that love lost the one thing. Welcome back to the Jet Force show. That's a talk 106 five. They should stick it with us on what's the left of this Wednesday morning. Coming tomorrow on the program, we'll have April Marie Fogle, a couple other guests that need to work on probably sometime during the day. But as always, you want to know it's coming up on the program. Your best place. There's a Facebook page, the Jeff Pore show, and then there's also my Twitter account, or, whatever you prefer. Backslash Jeff underscore Pore. Come up here shortly. Midday mobile. Sean Sullivan, what's that for him today? Speaking of Twitter too, you see the news today. I mean, it was coming. We knew it was coming, but Elon has moved Twitter now from San Francisco to Austin, which, you know, even though Austin, the People's Republic of Austin in Texas, that's a big conservative jump to go from San Francisco to there. Well, I mean, it is still very blue, but you're right. I mean, it is. Everything's relative, brother. Yeah. We talk about being like what culturally it's very different. Very different. I mean, you'll hear people go, why? Remember when the tea party movement came up and there were people running in northeastern states as Republicans and people down here like, I can't believe that's not a real conservative. I go, dude, in Massachusetts, that's a real conservative. Yeah. So yeah, very much. Everything is relative coming up in just a couple minutes here. Cameron Smith from joins me. We'll talk about him. Maybe answer some questions for Jerry from the text line about Cameron. Also, we'll talk to AL to candidate Caroline Dobson. She's in Milwaukee. I talked with her about last night, the last couple nights, and what she sees happening in the AL2 race. So that's on the way. Plus later in the one o'clock hour, we check in with my friend, Dr. Sean Powers. Not only is he, you know, over marine scientists, the University of South Alabama and Dauphinale and Sea Lab man, he's also the big judge in the Alabama deep sea fishing rodeo. So he got questions for the judge. You'll get a chance to ask those about 130 today. And if funny, the cool places that people want to live right now, Nashville and Austin. Yeah. Next, next will be Fair Hope. Jeff, they're all going to live next to you. Oh, don't come. It's close. You don't want to come to Fair Hope. That place sucks. Don't get a Fair Hope. Don't come. Stay out of West Mobile to you. I got to get out of here. It has been a pleasure. I will try to do better tomorrow. Sorry, folks. Once again, I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the Jeff Pors Show on FIT Talk. 106.5.