FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Representative Barry Moore - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 7-17-24

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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I'll fly a starship across the universe divine And when I reach the other side I'll find a place to risk my spirit if I can Welcome back to the JetPort Show with us from talk 106. I'd like to stay with us on this Wednesday morning. Real quick, didn't have an opportunity to do this in the last segment. Programming note, we'll have April and Marie Fogel, a couple other guests to be named later joining us on the program. So make sure that you tune in for that for tomorrow's programming, which ought to be just equally as riveting as today's. But joining us now is a pleasure, our friend from the second congressional district, soon to be the first congressional district congressman Barry Moore. Congressor, good morning, aren't you? Yes, we are doing well. Good morning to you, sir. Hey, thanks for making time for us. We always appreciate it. Well, can you give us the rundown on what's the vibe? I've been watching on TV. It does seem I gather the optimism and I do since not a two boisterous of a situation, but maybe a little bit of confidence going into the third day here. Yeah, so it is. I tell, you know, people have asked me that question. And, you know, I was at a 2016 convention in Cleveland, as you were, and there was a level of excitement. You know, Donald Trump, he was, he was drawing some incredible crowds at his events. And of course, everybody was excited to nominate him, but this year, there's something different in the air. And I think it's a level of excitement with a level of resolve. And it seems to me because of what they've put this man through, whether it's two impeachments, the rating is home, the rigging of evidence by Jack Smith, the law fair that's been used against him. The millions of dollars he's been in legal defense, they've tried to put him in prison for life. And then there's an assassination attempt. And so there is a level of commitment to these folks here. And then I think around the nation, a resolve to support this man, not because his policies are great, but because he's committed to this country. And I think in some ways, to me, Jeff, they know he could run off in the sunset. He's willing to stay in fights. To the point that at risk is lifeless Saturday, and I think that so the people here and across the country, I heard somebody say they're willing to walk across broken glass to vote for him. I think that's the feeling. And of course, I think the confidence level, as we see the Democratic Party in free fall, Joe Biden's horrible debate performance is the possibility of removing Biden from the ticket. I think at this point, the nation's uniting behind the party, behind the message and certainly the policies, but also this man's willingness to serve this country. And so it's just a different feeling in the air, a level of conflicts that resolve that I am not an experienced, they go to these conventions, but just being in politics for the last 10 or 12 years, my goodness, man, it is something different in the air and we're excited about it. Yeah, I think there's truth to that that people, you know, whatever your political stripes are, your ideological stripes, the guy was died, tried to, I will say died for his country like a in this sense of, you know, member of the armed services or something like that. But wanting to be in public service and have that close of a brush with death. And it was close. I mean, we're talking centimeters, right? Yeah, incredibly close. It's unbelievable. So I would, I would just think that, I mean, that has to, that has to resonate when people want to be like, well, this guy is the real deal if he's willing to take these kind of risk. Yeah, you know, you know, like you said, I don't think he wants to be the president of the United States. Jeff, I think there's a willingness for him to be president of the United States. And that's, that's a difference. He's not seeking fame. He's not seeking notoriety. He's one of the most famous people on earth. He's done this job before they came after men and incredible. I was there when he was sworn in on the day one in 2017, January 21st, buildings were burning cars were on fire and the man hadn't even served the day in the office. And so there is, there was just an attack on him from that point forward and it's been incredible to watch what they've done to him and what they've done to his family. And yet at some level, he is so committed to this country, he's not willing to throw in the towel and he's one of the toughest human beings and mostly physically just to be willing to get back up after that and shake his fist in the crowd and say, fight, fight, fight. He wasn't talking about for him, and he was talking about for this country. And I think that's what we appreciate about him. He has nothing to gain, everything to lose, and yet he's willing to put it on the line. And I think that just says so much about who he is. Yeah, I just, and I've been going around with Parker Griffith about that all morning. I just, the, the, the voter in this country, a lot of it's already baked in, but you can't, you can't undo what happens Saturday, see what happens Saturday, and not have, if you're undecided, not have that kind of change of perspective about at least one of the candidates. Absolutely. And I think if you just look at the convention speakers so far, it's been his opponent has been his naysayers. It's even the Democrats, it's the union leaders, people who are saying we now support this man. And I think we saw a movement in urban America when they arrested him and convicted him. And I think that moved a lot of minorities who had felt they were victims of the system to see him being a victim and, and, and for just standing for the country and, and I think in for many cases, them in a way that they maybe didn't realize up until that point, well, it was securing borders or whatever it was, the economic freedom, those things. But yeah, it, man, it's, there are people coming into this camp that we've not seen. And he told us a few weeks ago in DC before this assassination attempt, even that, that on when read after his conviction, he normally would raise eight million dollars a week. He raised 58 million dollars, small dollar donors, 30% of those people who had never given. And so there was a, there was already a, a, a little vacation or an, I don't know what's the word is, but people moving to his support. But after that, after the nation, if you're just sitting on the sideline going, how many billionaires do you know, that would actually take a bullet or get shot at and try, I tried to break him and him still be willing to do this job. It's astonishing to me. I'm grateful that his life is fair. Obviously, I think that was the progress of God Almighty. There was just too many things, brother. I was in the military and I was on those guys. I got expert marksmanship, but from 140 yards, uh, if he had not turned his head in and just moved the muzzle of that gun, just, I mean, it would have took just a little win. And then this thing could have been totally different. Yeah. But thankfully we're not having that discussion today, but the Secret Service Congressman and seeing what we see there and then I get the remorse and the knowledge they screwed up. But the consequences of this failure, number one, the, the woman who's head of it, I mean, she's got to go. Uh, she has to fall on the sword. But secondly, I just, or Republicans so far in this RNC haven't made a big deal like I would have thought. If it had been the other way around and it was a Democrat president, I mean, I think we would have had four nights of hate out of the DNC, but the approach is a little different here. But to me, the whole breakdown of the Secret Service is sort of symbolic of just the Biden administration in general. Absolutely. I think they, the, the DI hires, all this stuff, you know, the box people need to be checking to go to work for this country needs to be qualified and many of the people obviously we've seen hires for the New Yorkist, the Garland, all those guys, it's a fixed deal and that's the problem. And we've said this and I think I've heard it said in judiciary a bunch of times people are losing confidence in the system, the justice system. And when you know that Jack Smith planted those documents and took those photos and they were trying to put him in prison for life and then all of a sudden they, for my try to take his life and the response is, well, you know, we'll have to have a review. We'll have to look into that. Rather, that is concerning for me. And I think there's a lot of people in the country that the credibility of this government and this leadership in this country was already a road based on what we've been seeing. We've never arrested a president before, we've never had to put one in prison for life. The fact now that a guy with a long gun on a rooftop for a minute and a half and he was already marked by the secret service, they were already targeted in on him. But the problem is once a round goes down range towards the president of the United States, the mission has failed. They should have took him out before he ever pulled the trigger. And the question is, why was the Green Line not given? And that's what we need to get to the bottom up. What do you think that looks like? I know the oversight committee is looking at this and they got a lot of questions and I've seen some of the interviews from the house oversight members. Your colleague Gary Palmer has raised them on this show. Do you, how long will it take till we get some answers forthcoming through the leverage of power on Capitol Hill? You know, the problem is it'll be down the road, I mean, I think we can, sure, we can let this lady fall on the sword and she can be the scapegoat. But remember, Secret Services under DHS, which is my, my orchus, I 100 my orchus. And he is in charge of that whole operation. He's also the guy that's supposed to be secure in the US Southern border. So there are questions within this administration of exactly what is going on and why would somebody get that close within a perimeter and have a clear shot to the man on the stage, maybe 140 yards away. That is astonishing to us. That raises so many questions. And again, the concern, the credibility of what the link they're willing to go to, that's something we have to get to the bottom of. And I don't know that we'll know it before this election, but I was talking to a friend of mine, former Graham Barray, and he's experienced a lot of things in his life. And he thinks the president needs to up his security, his own personal security, and even bring in some guys, a couple of guys from the slide, maybe SS. Because there are other countries now, Iran has put out apparently a hit on the president. But we've got to make sure that we secure him by whatever means is necessary to let him be sworn in as president of the United States and get us respected again around the world. Our enemies don't respect us and our allies don't trust us. And we've got to make sure that we get this man into office to help this country recover and the system itself is terrified of him, but the system must be brought to bear. Well, let me ask you this question, I mean, like how close is this incompetence to malice? I mean, like, what did they pull resources off of Trump because of, you know, whatever reason they don't like him and, you know, some of your Democratic colleagues want to strip him of a, what did the strip him of his secret service detail? What do you think of that? I mean, do you think that that maybe there's something else going on here that just has more to do with it being Donald Trump's detail that led to this? Yeah, when you got the chairman of the January 6th calling for him to lose the secret services in the convicted fellow, we know that was directed at Donald Trump. That's the only person that has a felony conviction right now that I'm aware of in the world that also has secret service and for them to want to defund his secret service, Denny Thompson who chaired J6, which we know is just a mock, it was just an artificial committee set up by Nancy Pelosi, go after any conservative America-first people, now all of a sudden they're wanting to remove his secret service and a few weeks later there's a kill shot at him. And, and honestly, even one of his staffers said, how did you miss? I mean, there's been a Thompson staff saying this, the man who wanted to remove his secret service, they got raises so many questions for us who are setting here is every day Americans who don't trust this system anyway, and to see them almost kill the former and future president of the United States, that to me again is astonishing. There are so many questions that have to be asked, Jeff, and it makes American people who didn't trust this government. There is a level out there, even Corey Mills said it, he thinks that it, that maybe, and he's a member of Congress, former special operator, he said himself that this looks like maybe they knew what was going on. I don't know, brother. It's safe for sure, it's going to take some time to find out, but it's not unplausible that people think that. Well, joined by Congressman Barry Moore here on the program, well, back to the RNC, and what, what, well, first off, let's tell us what did you make of the JD Vance pick? Well, I think he's an excellent choice. He's been, you know, JD like many Americans, I think we're never Trumpers. If you go back and look at immediate, but he said once he got to know the man, the American people have got to know this man. I think Saturday sent another message of who he really is, and so JD, haven't come up the hard way, been in the Marine Corps, he's American first guy, he's very brilliant, and I think he's young enough. I mean, he's 39. I thought he was older than that. He's 39 years old, so Trump is setting, he knows he's got four years to get the ball roll and to fix some of the problems that we can fix the border and all those things day one. I think that Trump did in his first term that he can continue to work on, but JD Vance can continue that legacy of making America first for another eight years after Trump, and it's going to take some time. This country didn't get a system that wasn't for the people, of the people, about the people overnight, and to get it back to the people, it's going to take some time and dance. He's young enough, he's smart enough, he's very capable, and so I think he is an absolutely dynamic pick. Well, Carson, I mean, you've been on the Trump train from the get-go, and we talk about it all the time. We talk about people stadium in 2015, and being one of the first people in my memory to endorse him formally, and kind of watching Trump in the '16 election, he's sort of in '17. I think he had a lot of voices in his ear, and he's sort of winning against his instincts and put people in places that he never should have, Tillerson, and you can go down the line, all these people who are now bad mouthing him. Carson, I feel like the Vance Pick, at least kind of turns the page on that, and he's going to be more loyal to what he thinks the right thing to do is, instinctively, maybe this time around if he is elected. Yeah, I love the fact that Trump's a business guy, and I think he thought, Jeff, when he went in and 16 that, "Hey, I tell these people to fix these problems, they're going to work for me. I'm the president of the United States. This is the way the system works." But what he didn't then is the system wasn't working for him, it wasn't working for the American people. It was working to maintain its own survival, and so he's learned a lot of lessons he's a brilliant guy. Trump is. And Vance also gets that. He hadn't been in the system a long time. He's been in DC a couple of years. They haven't gotten a hurt spinning, and we need guys who are willing that are not political politicians or career politicians, but who are willing to say, "Hey, you know what? The country's more important than my job, keeping my job." I think that we need to elect people who are true what we call statesmen and not politicians. The defense, to me, fits that. Trump fits that. I was with Trump early on because he was an outsider, and I've seen that we needed people from outside the system to fix the system. The system itself controls a lot of those within it, and so I think Vance, Trump, and hopefully America-first people from around the nation are getting elected, and I think that's going to be, he learned from the mistakes the first time I don't think we'll see him make those again. So, I mean, they're sitting here today, I mean, and then, you know, things, everybody's just things can change, but at least in my lifetime, maybe with the exception of 80-84, this is probably as good as it's been going for Republicans heading into November. Yeah, I think so, Jeff, and I think that the party is not the same party that it once was. I think that it truly has started focusing on, and I'm not saying that, I mean, I love Reagan, he's the first guy I voted for, but I'm thinking that Trump is, he brings a different dynamic to the party itself, it's an American-first approach instead of everybody else. And so, I think that he's certainly bringing people within the campaign. I mean, we saw the union president speak here, and to me, the fact that he was even here, I don't think that's ever happened, and I've often wondered even with the unions, I mean, I have so many friends who are on Fort Rucker or Fort Novosel that are in the unions, they get frustrated because they're conservative, but their money always went to the Democrat, and so the fact that you have the president of the unions here speaking saying, hey, I'm at the convention, he didn't necessarily endorse Trump, but a lot of it, I think that people within the unions and the minorities are coming to see that this man's policies are good for them, and they're good for the country. Carson, we got to leave it there, stay safe up there, safe travels, and look forward to hearing again from you. Hey, yes, sir, Jeff, thank you. All right, Congressman Barry Moore there. We got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk, 106.5. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]