FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Senator Tommy Tubberville talked about attempted assassination of Trummp - Jeff Poor - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 7-16-24

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17 Jul 2024
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News. Sports. Weather from Dr. Bill Williams. Traffic info from Kane and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. Six minutes after 8 o'clock, a gentleman nights and we knew his coach back in the day with the first 10 club and my God for even that group. But he's gone on since then. Yeah, two big things of course in our state and in the US government. Senator Tommy Tubberville. Coach, thank you so much for coming on with us this morning. Yeah, good morning. How's everybody 70 degrees here in Milwaukee and 77 going to be pretty nice. You got to speak by about a million degrees. Yeah, you're bragging now about the weather. It's hot down here. Yeah, let's get to the weekend, Dalton. Yes. And this could have been a much, much different week than it is, of course, with what happened Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. And the 45th president who appears to be on his way to becoming the 47th president less than two inches away from being shot and killed. Of course, it grazed his ear. And the questions afterwards, Senator Tubberville, how could this possibly happen in an event like this? What were your thoughts? You know, I've been to many of these rallies with him over the last four or five years. And it's gotten to be a little bit complacent. And that's what I put a lot of it on. But if you got to remember, he's not the president of the United States. He doesn't travel with the number of people secret service-wise that are present if this would have been Joe Biden or any president Trump when he was in office. I mean, there would have been this would have never even come close to happening. But you have to involve local police and county and city and state police. And just unfortunately, it would look like the ball was dropped on some areas. And we'll find out more and more if we go. But, you know, I talked to him several times since I've been up here. And he just, I mean, he hit the top of his ear. You know, he's a Vanderhola Phil of politics now. That's what I tell him. He'd lost top part of his ear. And it won't be very noticeable once it goes back. But very lucky. The whole world is lucky that this wasn't a catastrophe because when you have an assassination, it just steam rolls into ideologies that sometimes you would never even dream of. But that being said, it didn't happen. He survived it. And we'll find out the details as we go. But it's been a very emotional convention up here unifying convention, a lot of enthusiasm. And it's been good. I've never been to one before. But I think we got a lot out of it. And then we're going to take that toe and put into a game plan and win this thing's not over with the Democrats. They do not quit. And it's been a good couple nights there at the RNC as we've been watching on our TVs. And you've been up there watching it live. Of course, yesterday, you got the chance to see some of his former primary competitors with Rama Swami and Haley and DeSantis getting up there. But I think the most monumental moments of both nights has been Trump's entrance into the arena. And the craziest thing after that shooting immediately after I think was his response. And then of course, the iconic photo that came from that response with the American flag behind him and his fist raised. Does that line up with the person you know Trump to be over the over the years? 100%. You know, the unifying of our country cannot come from politicians. People need to understand that. Politicians just get in the way most of the time are overdue things. That's what I've learned since being in it for going on four years. Donald Trump's not a politician. That's reading. I like J.D. Vance. He's not a politician. He didn't get in this for a living. He got into it to help. You know, he's been financially independent. You know, people don't realize J.D. Vance, you know, he's very, very poor and then got out of school, couldn't afford to go to college and went straight to the Marines. And then went after that, went back to school, graduated in just a very short period of time. Ohio State then went to Yale. And this guy, I tell you I've got to know him real well the last year and a half. He was my choice. I talked to President Trump about him for the last year. Now I didn't have anything to do with the selection other than just giving my opinion. But you know, if we can unify, you know, the American people, get them behind whether it's, you know, the Republican Party or whatever we call it. We probably need to call it something else. It needs to be the new America or something because this is totally different than what I was brought into three and a half years ago. That's how much has changed with President Trump. And we need to give this country back to the people and let them have some say so about what's going on in study. Rhino Republicans and socialist Democrats. And with the announcement of JD Vance as that VP nominee, of course, the Democrats go after him. That was expected. But it seems like those rhinos you're talking about or the old guard Republican establishment, maybe the neocons. If you want to call them that they were the most upset by that choice of Vance. Oh, no doubt, no doubt because he's not on their team. You know, I'm not, I'm not very well liked because I don't fall in line with them. I don't, I don't hang around them. You know, I work for the people of Alabama. I don't work for, you know, the upper echelon, the elite of politics. And that's what, that's the problem we're having. You know, what, what American people are so disgusted about not having to say so. And no, it's why are we 35 treating that? Why are we sending money all over the world when we can't take care of our own country, take care of our veterans and the mental health problems and, and the crime in this country, we got open borders intentionally killing Americans that people don't, I hope they wake up and see this because this will probably be the last chance that we have in all of our lifetimes, years and years down the road, they might get it rectified. But this is our chance now to, to take the country back over as the citizens and taxpayers and have a say so. Yeah. Senator, your, your comments on Vance, interesting, we were going to get around to what did you think about it. I mean, it sounds like you really, really are high on him. And I think in the next few months, he's going to get a, get a chance to, uh, ingratiate himself with the American people and people can get a better idea of just how genuine he is and how intelligent he is. And I think he'll, he'll equip himself well and actually help the Trump campaign. And he's a young guy. He's a young guy that achieved the American dream. He came from nothing. I mean, nothing. Just read his book into a point now where he's got a chance to be the second in charge of our country and maybe even person charge and, you know, after, after these four years. But tonight will be the first time that he will step out on the stage, uh, really and, and give his thoughts about the country and his direction. So if you want a good understanding of J.D. Vance, the new vice president of Canada, uh, not as a Republican or Democrat, but as an American of what he believes tonight tonight, he will give his acceptance speech. And, uh, again, he and President Trump will unify our country, give the country back to the, to the people, get out of the dang way and quit spending money just to be spending money and for favors and help the American people that pay the bill. So tonight would be a big night for J.D. and out to him this morning. And, and he's fired up about it. He's, uh, again, he's a young guy that's he's years ahead of, uh, his time just in terms of good Lord, giving him the ability to have common sense and, and a lot of intelligence. We're speaking with Senator Tommy Tuberville, who's in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention this weekend. Last night, night, two of the convention was about immigration, uh, coach and some very, uh, genuine, heartfelt, emotional stories from, uh, members, uh, from people who have lost family members to either fentanyl or violence that, uh, originated from the Southern border. And, um, we're also talking about voting and you helped introduce the SAVE Act, which, uh, made it through the house, uh, talk a little bit about that and those efforts to safeguard American elections. Well, first of all, the, the border is probably the biggest disaster of our lifetime, uh, for our country. Uh, it's, it, it can bring our country to its knees in a short period of time. I just got back to the daring gap, went to the inauguration of a friend of mine who became president of Panama. And, uh, that's where all the people are coming from. Venezuela and up through the South America up into our country. And I talked to some operatives from the CIA and some other people down there. And right now we're having thousands of people come from Africa that a lot of them are ISIS. We're in trouble. We're in real trouble just simply for the fact that, uh, the Democrats won't voters to vote for them and no other reason they're bankrupt in our country. And as you heard last night, kids are dying of fentanyl. We're not talking about four or five. We're talking about three, four, five hundred a day in this country. People should go to jail for this. You know, this administration is dead wrong. They know it, but they're doing it for their own, uh, ambitious goals of control in a country and Senate, Senate, that's the socialist, uh, communist country. They, they won't power, but it's, uh, uh, the save act is basically says, listen, you can't vote unless you're in a citizen and have an ID and you get to vote. And that's the only ones that control this country and not politicians and not people that come in here to this society want to come in here for certain reasons where, with, uh, again, we got a lot of good people coming, but we need to do it the right way. But we also got a lot of garbage coming in our country that are absolutely taking us to another direction. Hey, coach, you know, this, this activated through the house with such a tight split in the Senate. This seems like you could get, you know, some bipartisan consensus. I mean, can this thing pass in the Senate? Yeah. Well, no, it'll never be brought to the floor in this Congress. Now we might be able to get it done when we take the Senate and take the house and get president Trump elected. That's the only way, um, Chuck Schumer is a socialist communist from New York that believes in Chuck Schumer as he doesn't believe in anybody else. And he was told controls and I'm telling what the guys work now. He's been up. He's been in DC forever. I mean, it's a shame that American people have to deal with politicians, you know, like this that won't do what's right. And again, he won't bring it. He's already told us he's not going to bring it before he controls it 100%. So it's not going to happen. But this is the one this actually does control what it seems to be to the American people, to me, just simply out of control. And now, and now to afford them the opportunity to vote, coach, it's insane. 100% insane. They want people to vote for them. Even Social Security, we're getting calls from from offices all over the country that people are very concerned in Social Security offices, Medicare and Medicaid. The illegals are going in signing up for it. By the way, are receiving help from the federal government taxpayer dollars to live on because they can't live it. They can't make a living they can't speak the language. But when they go in there to sign up for all these food coupons, welfare Social Security, they rest from the vote. And it's, you know, it should be against law. And these people should be put in jail for it. It's just, you just can't imagine all these people you heard last night or kids are dying. Some people die when they even touch fentanyl. Some of them, we've had policemen die. They just breathe and highlight coming out of a car. You can't, you can't make this up of how devastating, you know, the Democrats and the politicians have been to this country in terms of taking advantage of American citizens. Last question here for you, Senator Tuberville, Joe Biden, of course, his mental deterioration and full effect and view at the debate. This weekend's events kind of put a pause on things. What you read on whether he'll remain the candidate or not, he's been defiant. Well, it's not his age. It's not him almost being brain dead. He hadn't known what he's been doing for three years. It's not that he and his family have crooks and they've taken money from 22 different countries. No, that's going to play in effect. What's going to play in effect is, is the higher ups and Democratic party. No, he can't win. And so that's going to get him in the long run. And he's fighting hard. And, you know, the only thing he's really fought for since he's been in office, he's just trying to fight and save his life in terms of knowing, you know, he's probably negotiating a exit package like a pardon and a book deal and a TV deal, all those things. But at the end of the day, it's just, this is exemplifies what's wrong with our politics, United States or America, give the country back to the people and, and run these career politicians of 50 years, Joe Biden's been in DC and hadn't made one good decision since he's been there. Coach, thanks for your time this morning. We know you've got other appointments. You're live from Milwaukee, the Republican National Convention. I have a brought for me in Dalton for lunch today. Get yourself ready for a guy, and again, watch J.D. Vance tonight, maybe your future president. You never know, Tommy Tuberville, US Senator, Senator Tuberville, we appreciate him coming on now. Time to turn up your voice 2513430106. What were your thoughts on that interview? How about night two of the Republican National Convention and we'll get into the excuses from the top at the Secret Service on the way on Mobile Morning's. Good morning from Dan and Dalton. If I'm talking 106.5, thank you to US Senator Tommy Tuberville being our guest of the podcast. You can check it out online. If I'm talking 106.5, Secret Service director under a little scrutiny, obviously she should be after if you want to call it a performance over the weekend that was absolutely tragic. Yeah, Kimberly Cheetel, who, what was that stat? She laid out there. She wanted 30% of the Secret Service to be female by the year 2030 and we saw several of that initiative, the women that were protecting Trump on Saturday. I told you the New York Times had a ridiculous article saying people were blaming them for the assassination attempt, blaming the female Secret Service officer. No, not what was happening. No. People were just watching and saying they aren't ready for prime time. Yep. Get someone else in there who is. Yeah. But the excuses came out immediately and it's so hard to tell. We haven't gotten any true press conferences from Secret Service or the FBI since Saturday to let us know how things are going. Everything's leaked or sourced anonymously, trying to piece all of this together and Cheetel. She did do an interview, but it was basically kind of covering her rear. Yeah. And the same thing from my orcas covering her rear. Mm-hmm. And then the excuses get more and more ridiculous like the slope of the roof is what she said to ABC News. That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. Now, beyond that, her future with the organization, she says two things here. She says, reluctantly, the buck stops with me. You've listened to the way she says it. And, but also that she's, she plans on keeping her job as number one at the Secret Service. Here's Cheetel. What I would say is that the Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former president. The buck stops with me. I am the director of the Secret Service. It was unacceptable. And it's something that shouldn't happen again. Yeah. And, you know, the first, as you start to hear sources from the Secret Service talking to their contacts in the media and they said there weren't enough Secret Service stationed there. They had to use a lot of local law enforcement and local SWAT team. So initially with the reports, it sounded to me like they had the SWAT team stationed. Well, first, the first reports, we had no idea that law enforcement was actually in that building. That's mind blowing. Right. And then it was okay. It was a SWAT team. And the reason a counter sniper was taking so long to take the shot is he wasn't sure whether or not the shooter on the roof was a good guy or a bad guy. I thought it might have been part of the team. But then you hear, and one of the first excuses I heard was that it was too hot on the roof. And that's why they weren't on the roof. Then you get this sloped roof response. I mean, that was a, from what I've read, a two on 12 sloped roof, which is very low. I mean, I think all of us who have done any kind of who have gotten on the roof at all, have walked on something at least with that kind of slope. And you look at where the counter snipers were in the building they were stationed on. It was a much steeper roof than the one they said they couldn't put people on. A lot of this just not adding up. And you would think at the very least that she would be gone. Her and others. But at the very least that Biden would say, this was just a catastrophic failure. I can't imagine her being in charge of keeping me or my family safe. That's what a president who's actually working on making things better would say. I don't want her anywhere near my family protecting my family, but he hasn't. He's backed her up. So is my orcas. Yeah, we find that my orcas is over the secret service, which was news to me. And so, you know, my orcas, raise your hand if you're a big fan of his, because his handiwork has led to everything going on at the border. Obviously, a lot of people are saying that's not a flub up. It's actually purely intentional. Yeah. So, you know, how much trust you have in him. So when he comes out and he says, I still have got the greatest faith in Ms. Cheetah to the average American after seeing with our own eyes what happened over the weekend, that just says more bad about him. And I don't know what the intent of putting this story out there, but we talked about it earlier. Now, as the secret service said, we told that we've amped up our secret service protection of the former president because we've been getting more and more chatter of Iranian assassination plots. Well, was that the beefed up security? That's the question. It's like, that story comes out. You're saying it. So that was the, that was an improvement over what had been detailed for Trump? Crazy. Yeah. It's to say the least. It's 830. We'll talk a little bit about last night at the RNC. Straight ahead, Dan and Dalton, Mobio Morning's on FM Talk 1065. 835 FM Talk 1065 as Kenny Chesney brings us into segment three of this morning show. This would be this get along. It'd be a good song for the RNC this week. Yeah. They talk about unity. They would get along last night. Yeah. There's a lot of getting along. We'll get to that here in just a few minutes. Right now, it's time to head over to McConnell Automotive where we check in with Louis Arrata. Good morning, Louis. Hey, good morning, guys. How are you? We're great. And I know things are great over at McConnell Automotive. You're expanding the body shop in the service department. And of course, you've got the lots that are chock full of great vehicles. Yeah, I don't know where we're going to put all these vehicles. I guess we're going to have to build a double decker garage or something. Man, we've got a bunch of stuff coming in, especially three-quarter ton trucks. I mean, Gump told me the other day we got a bunch of them coming in. So if you need to pull that boat this weekend, hey, come on by here. We got pulling it up, stacked in right here. Half tons and three-quarter tons on the new side. We've got them on the use side too. So we got a great selection. You check all that stuff out online at And you're right, the body shop. It's just cooking back there. We got, hopefully, to have the side put on there this week. And we'll be waiting on a lot of folks come by here and come by and see us. Yep. And you guys make it easy on the customer. And that is very much appreciated. Thanks for your time, Louis. Hey, thank you all. Come see us. Louis, Radha, you'll find him and the whole crew there at mcconnellautobotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65, and that website, It was definitely a night of unification because you had some of the former opponents. Well, not necessarily opponents, but they were. Well, yeah, they were primary challengers of President Trump. Well, some of them were already in before he was in. I might have all that wrong, but I just- Well, yeah. All of them ran against him. Yeah. Yeah. Ramiswami, you had Nikki Haley, you had Ron DeSantis, Ben Carson. The one that was least babe Carson, but at least combative or confront of Trump was Robert Swami, anything. Yeah. And the entire time during the primaries, well, Trump was- he didn't do any of the debates or anything. He said, "This is my party." Ramiswami was kind of- while making his case to become President, he was the one up there that was kind of mirroring a lot of Trump's policies, and saying it in a different way, kind of like he's young, like Vance and some of these other upcoming Republicans. But yeah, he was during the campaign, probably the least confrontational with Trump, while Haley and DeSantis- Yeah. The most confrontation that got awfully dirty at times. So all three of them spoke last night. Some of what Ramiswami had to say about Trump. But there is one more reason I'm going to ask you to vote Trump, and it's the most important one. It's the one the media won't talk about, but it's the truth. Donald Trump is the President who will actually unite this country. Not through empty words, but through action. Because you know what? Success is unifying. Excellence is unifying. That's who we are as Americans. That's who we've always been. I thought this was interesting too. Ramiswami talked directly to black voters and warned them that what they see from some of the networks, you know, simply isn't true. And I think you're seeing more and more black conservatives out there. I'm reading more and more of them. I'm seeing more and more of them. Anyway, this is Ramiswami. I just thought it was a, it was calculated, but it was daring in a way. But this is what he had to say. To those of you watching this at home tonight, I'd like to deliver a message that the media doesn't want you to hear from the Republican Party. Our message to black Americans is this. The media has tried to convince you for decades that Republicans don't care about your communities, but we do. We want for you what we want for every American, safe neighborhoods, clean streets, good jobs, a better life for your children and a justice system that treats everyone equally, regardless of your skin color and regardless of your political beliefs. Our message to every legal immigrant in this country is this. You're like my parents. You deserve the opportunity to secure a better life for your children in America. But our message to illegal immigrants is also this. We will return you to your country of origin, not because you're all bad people, but because you broke the law and the United States of America was founded on the rule of law. The big grandma swami last night. I think there's a cabinet post waiting for him. Am I out there with that one? But if Trump is elected, Trump advanced now. Anyway, that's some of what happened last night. Yeah. I imagine a lot of the people who we see on the stage or have seen this week will be part of that Trump team. Let's go to the phone lines here and on the line with us right now. We have Joel in summer day. Oh, good morning, Joel. Hey, good morning. Sorry, I got cut off yesterday. No problem. Just weather but everybody does realize and I'm sure the news just started reporting on it. Jill Biden, President Biden's wife, put her in that position. She is a friend of Jill Biden. Right. How many other people has Jill Biden put in positions that Joe Biden has not made a decision in that administration. Now that it's starting to come out from an attempt at assassination on Trump, you know, and then for her to have the audacity to sit there on a live interview and say, no, I'm not stepping down. That's how bold she feels that she has got that job because Joe Biden's not going to put her out of that position. It has to come through Jill. So who's running this country. It's definitely not Joe Biden that doesn't show y'all how many people have still put in the positions that they are in up there at that White House now. Well, also, also she had the she had the support of her, her direct boss. My orcas came out and in full support of her. Right. So she did that interview knowing that she was secure at least for the moment. And of course, you know, especially since the debate, the chatters ramped up about how much control Jill Biden has over it. And yeah, the story I read was that her chief of staff was the one who pushed so hard for Cheetah to have that position and that there's a real I don't know if it's a clashing between her chief of staff and the Biden chief of staff science now, or whether they're working hand in hand. But you're right. She does apparently have a lot of control over some of these decisions. Yeah. Yeah. And I would just what I was trying to tell y'all yesterday for the interview that y'all had with I can't even pronounce his name. I was so aggravated with him yesterday. Quinn Quinn, God dang. Yeah. How he could come out and say what that man has accomplished, that man came back to Thomas Coasty. It's just said he came from nothing with no help with a domestic violent dad that beat him and his mother and his grandmother helped raise him. And they didn't have nothing. They were poor. And for him to come out and just be so negative on that guy, I just it just really surprised me sometime. And that goes to show you how we have rogue Republicans. And I don't really know what Quinn affiliation is with a Republican or whatever he is, but just to be so negative and saying that's just just the worst pick that Trump could come out with that. That is just unbelievable to me. Yeah. I thought it was interesting with Tuberville had to say too. He was like, look, Tuberville was on this kid from, well, the kid, young man from early on, even had talks with Trump's about him. So we learned that this morning. And Tuberville, you know, he's been around the block. He says, I don't associate with many of the rhinos either. And I just know, you know, and that's is that's not because they're not a rhino. And they're not up there kissing butt and all that kind of stuff. And that's been in that. I'm thankful that he hadn't been in a politician long. He's not he's not bought out. You know, Joel, thanks. Thanks for the call. And thanks for making it through a call without swearing. Get him down quick. There we go. Thank you, Joel, for the call. Let's go through the text line. It looks like a text you're here who spent the last two days saying that he thinks the shooting was staged by Trump. Okay, says your your black vote speech sounds like bull blank. Well, it wasn't one Dan's black vote speech. What in Dalton's black vote speech. That was someone who's called the vet grandma Swami, who was speaking last night. We played the audio from that. You got it? Sorry, you understand? Sorry, if you're not keeping up with the dynamics of the show Ben Carson talked about it to a black man on the stage last night, not Dan, not Dalton. I hope that clears things up. Pete says Cheetah is just another Patsy like crooks. They will leave her out on the roof until it's time for her to take the blame. And with these hearings that are coming up, you know, I wonder, I don't know. I wonder if you let her go. If she's more likely to talk about more egregious failures from the Secret Service or if you keep her on, maybe she during the next couple weeks keeps a lid on it. I'm not sure, but I have even though they've resisted moving her out these last four days. I really, if we're here in three weeks and she's still the Secret Service Director, I will be absolutely amazed. Let's see here. Jason, a nice job on the Tuberville interview. I had my doubts about a football coach with no experience, but he's been terrific. And I think we're learning that political experience isn't necessary. Geez, wagon, thank you for the updates as Bankhead is back open. And earlier said, wasn't the Secret Service snipers on a slope to roof? Yes, they were on the roof behind Trump, which appeared to me to be more of a slope than the one that the shooter eventually gained access to. And the fact that they were they watched this guy with his with a range finder earlier in the day, scoping the place out. And then they see him walking around that building and then they lose him. And all this, you know, 30 minutes at least before the shooting took place. Then of course, we have all the bystander video where at least a minute and a half before the shots rang out. Tons of people there on the ground said, Hey, look, look, look, there's a guy up there. There's a guy on it's I've said, I can't get past. It's just unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Matt from Daphne. The Secret Service Director's excuse to keep personnel off that roof is hilarious. I used Eagle Eye. It's a program that uses satellite imagery of roofs for calculating the roof that the Secret Service returned fire from has the same pitch as okay. So the same pitch as the roof that the shooter shot from three on 12. See, I think the one the shooter was on was two on 12. He said the only difference is one is only pitched in one direction. Funny how stupid they think people are hilarious. And people are stupid. Matt, there's a lot of people who bought that who are saying, well, what are you going to do? Roofs have slopes. We can't put people on them. What? What? If you if you'd driven around like a construction site, have you watched any documentaries over the years of it's I'm watching a house go up on Old Shell Road and the roofers do their thing up there. The massive house, a lot of roof, a lot of slope. They're getting there done. Yeah. And it's hot. Yeah. One of the excuses tried it out there was too hot for them. It's all bunk. Randy says, I can't believe a soda pop security expert Cheetah is in charge of the Secret Service. Yeah, she had a couple of years there with PepsiCo, but before that, 27 years with the Secret Service. And he says, in my mind, it should be a former military commander or a former high level FBI person or former Secret Service person. All these agencies, the FBI Border Patrol Secret Service, have been going downhill since they were all placed under Homeland Security. And a lot of text coming in. Thank you for the text. 2513430106. We'll try to get to more of these tomorrow. I want to spend some time on this, the Attorney General, Steve Marshall, with this Alberta charity, this autism charity, High Hopes for Autism, who had what looks like a kind of a charity lottery, a drawdown to win a jeep. And the AG gave him a cease and desist. So that's an illegal lottery. Ben saying exactly what I'm thinking. He said, drawdowns are a huge fundraising apparatus for many big named organizations. Marshall might have stepped in it here. There's a lot of takes on that. I'm sure. Why now? Why this one? That's what I need to read up more on that. So I have an understanding of why Marshall is making that move on this group right now. 848, Jeff Poor with the Jeff Poor Show joins us here in a minute. We get ready for your show at nine o'clock. Dan Dalton, FM Talk 10065, that text line. 2513430106. Give us your thoughts. If I'm talking one of six five mobile mornings, 853 with Dan and Dalton. And it's time to talk with Jeff Poor, Jeff Poor Show on the way next. And what a week to do radio, Jeff. What a week to watch the national response to everything that's happened. It's like we're, I don't know, it's like everything hit fast forward on Saturday. There's just so much happening at the same time. And you're covering it all. And you've got some great guests all along the way. Right. So we are in Huntsville today, by the way, at the thank you to Parker Griffith for offering us a space right off a bat. But we got Angel Fermot, who is a former drug enforcement agent, kind of understands security and security details. We're going to talk to him in the nine o'clock hour. Then the rest of the way, Joey Clark our Wednesday regular and then Congress of Barry Moore joining us from Milwaukee. So we'll talk and get his impressions of this week's festivities up in Wisconsin. Yeah, a lot of the people you know are up there, Senator Tuberville, who we talked with earlier up there. And of course, we've seen so many speakers on the stage last night while it was about immigration was kind of the main focus. But it was also all of the former primary challengers to Trump getting up there and making their endorsements clear and telling folks why they should vote for Trump. I think it was very important that Nikki Haley said that Trump called her to get her to come and speak. And she did. And I thought that was probably the most important of the speakers last night as far as politicians go. Yeah, and I don't know that it really is an important symbolic gesture to do the do the never Trump Republicans. It's just like Quinn Hill here in Cameron Smith going to be all in for Trump now. I don't know that that does much there. But I do think it does at least show the other side. There are some efforts to unify around Donald Trump. Not just what do you think about it, but Republicans, Republicans that you talk to pundits and elected officials and otherwise, what do they think of the choice of JD Vance? You know, I don't think there's a lot of at least in Maga world or Breitbart world where I reside. I'm very pleased that Breitbart was big on JD Vance. That's, you know, that was Dod Jr's guy. Was he fits kind of that populist narrative? Rubio would have been the unifying pick to kind of bring the Rockefeller Country Club, establishment Republicans. But, you know, I was talking to Dale Jackson about this earlier. And I think Trump 2.0 is he's going to go with his instincts and build his team based on what he's wanting to. He's not going to try to do all this like, you know, like all these gestures to unify things when it comes to governing. It's from night one of the RNC, the just speakers from all different kinds of walks of life. I'm kind of stuck. And I think a lot of other people are too, because I'm like, well, these people don't really Amber Rose, you know, the, the, uh, Harmet Dylan thing that happened. I'm like, this doesn't really seem like a conservative conference. But at the same time, people have been calling for years to Republicans, for Republicans to pull more people under the tent, right? You want more voters, you need to be more inclusive to get more voters. And I've seen a lot of people that are really kind of angry with how the RNC has gone about things this week. I know you were talking about night one and not really talking much about the assassination attempt on Saturday. I know Ted Cruz brought it up yesterday in a couple more candidates, Ben Carson, our politicians. But what's your overall thought of how the RNC has pieced this thing together? I, I, the messaging is weird. The union guy on the first night, right? It's just, there's not, I know they tried to do themes, but they did themes. But the, the messaging about the themes isn't really working. So I don't know this is a big messaging convention. I don't think it matters. I mean, obviously the events on Saturday are going to overshadow no matter what they try to communicate. And I think all eyes, obviously all eyes on the Vance speech, but the probably you're going to see just record ratings for Trump's speech on Thursday night. Speaking of ratings and TV, MSNBC, I've not really sampled much of their coverage of this event, but Rachel Maddow and the team are there. Have you kind of sneaked over there to see exactly how they're presenting things? Yeah, I've watched, I mean, it's, it's attack Vance, villainize Vance. They, they were really disappointed about Nikki Haley. A lot of the establishment, people are really upset that Nikki Haley decided to throw her weight behind Donald Trump last night and speaking at the convention. Joy Reid, very perplexed about it. That was sort of the narrative of yesterday on the liberal leading networks. That's funny. Yeah. And so looking forward to your show today, Jeff hat tip. We'll just kind of say this isn't the side. It's not really national news, but I saw on your site, Ziggler, he's, he's going to try to drive turnout in AL2. I have been pleasantly surprised by Jim Ziggler and what he's done over at 18, 19 news, the things he's written. I thought he was great there, but obviously he is a, he's a local politician through and through. So he's working to, to get the vote out there in district two. And I'll say this for quick about that. I mean, he wants to take because he, you guys got to remember the stop the Bayway toll stuff with him, kind of a grassroots thing on social media. He wants to apply that to the Carolyn Dobson effort. Yeah. Yeah. Well, good for him and good for 18 19 news. Thank you, Jeff. Thanks for having me on the Jeff Porsche on the way in minutes and mobile mornings on the way in hours 21. Actually, we'll be back at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Midday mobile follows Jeff at noon today and then Paul Feynbaum live from day three of the SEC media days. Alabama, Kaitlyn Dvor gets their chance. So a good entertainment all day long right here on FM Talk Mark 106.5.