Spoils Of Horror

Deadly Spawn Recut

This week, Leo & Steven bring you another Spoils Rewind with the Deadly Spawn Hassle us via text during the show!

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

This week, Leo & Steven bring you another Spoils Rewind with the Deadly Spawn 

Hassle us via text during the show!

Hello again me bangs Leo here we are once again bringing you a classic from the vault because summertime is here and life is busy and we really have gotten into the idea of sharing with you some of our earlier works that we're very very fond of but many of you might not have actually had the opportunity to go back and listen to obviously this is first season stuff and this particular episode is about our fifth episode which means it was very early so we don't have all the good equipment there's audio that isn't perfect and we're still goofy and new with the whole idea of podcasting so you're going to hear a whole different version of us as we go through this movie but it's a movie both of us love very very much when i was going through the vault of what to share with everyone this one seemed like a natural pick especially on the heels of critters and other creature features like that that we've had fun with so far so prepare yourselves for the second run of deadly spawn hey Leo yeah i have got a business proposition for you another one yes okay yes so this is the second business proposition yes the first one was that i was going to turn you into a robot i remember very distinctly yeah i still think it's a good idea for me right it's a good idea for youtube because then you have to do a lot less work for this podcast so i was reading the news and listening to a bunch of different podcasts yeah and i thought we need to get out into the world of conventions oh okay you know we need to start going to them sure so what i wanted to do they have these conventions for people that collect dolls but they look incredibly real they're fucked up and the people they go on youtube and they like feed them and they change their diapers but when they change their diapers they like put like dye in it and shit like to make it look like so what i was thinking is that you could go and represent spoils of horror at the reborn doll artist conference oh yeah yeah um but bring all chucky dolls i was gonna say would i be the doll or oh we could yeah we could do like a like the man-baby fetish thing you give me like a certain sheen like a powder that's just a little lighter than my natural skin tone yeah and i'll just sit there and interact with people weirdly yeah and uh they'll think oh my that is the realest real man-baby doll ever that's what we could do people out there who haven't seen you you're bald you don't have like a ton of hair on you so you got more so you could and you can shave in the spirit of the podcast sure so yeah we can put you in life i'm punching enough for the baby yeah we could put you in a giant crib thank you and thank you and just a little sign saying do not touch the baby right you know with the diaper and don't forget to listen to our podcast i just want a little radio on a little table beside the crib an old timey radio that's just piping the podcast feed through while we're while we're sat there in the crib it's so spiraling like what the fuck are you making fun of us i'm a real baby i cost ten thousand dollars take me home and listen to spoils of horror but only if you're rich i deserve a spoiled life because i am a spoiled baby are you in uh i will find a way to make that work for you there you go all right so we'll discuss but in the meantime welcome to spoils of horror episode eight the deadly spawn put an excellent day for an exercise it's all for you i'm our number one fan i hope they are watching there see they'll see and they don't know pretty nice you know what's going on i'm scared to close my eyes i'm scared i'll open up whatever you do don't fall asleep so leo yes why this movie that i had to dig up on youtube i like that you called me leo and not doll i appreciate you leo doll baby leo why did you pick this movie as i mentioned before with thanksgiving around the corner when i was choosing i decided choosing things for my childhood when i told the story before about going off and renting these vcr's and tapes for the weekend in my little poor humble family this one was one we returned to time and again it was such a crazy film that we loved it you can imagine growing up with three brothers in a house and a single mom we all had different tastes we all had different things we wanted but this was the one we all agreed on pretty much every time it was there we would take it must have watched it 50 times when i was a kid can i tell you my takeaway from this absolutely i watched this movie once right after you assigned it to me and i thought to myself why the fuck did leo show me this movie like this is just fucking crazy our listeners don't know this but you were sick last week i was and so we had to change our time schedule around so because of that this movie has been living with me for about two weeks now i've been living breathing and eating the deadly spawn for the past two weeks now and it's really grown on me it's a fun movie it's a fun movie and it's one of those ones again where i haven't seen it since i was a kid i was shocked to find it online streaming anywhere yeah and my god it was a nostalgic kick in my ass this movie is a ton of fun it's got some shit that doesn't work it's got some stuff that's real bad but it's got some real sincerity to it i think it's a quintessential 80s horror the people who made it were just really into it they're devoted to it you can see that in some of the behind the scenes footage they really wanted this to be what it was you want to get into it i absolutely do i'm so excited i got to share this with you so this movie begins with a meteor crashing into a forest which is very plainly somebody has a model kit and they put it together on their desk but it looks all right yeah straight from land of the lost absolutely which again favorite reference you've made so far thank you two friends camping nearby hear the crash see the blue light in the distance and go to investigate they find a flaming meteor and poke at it because of course they do everybody always pokes at the meteor when they find it you can't not poke at a meteor if you find it it never goes well but they always do it like every time so my mom said never poke at a meteor i think that was a sexual reference or whatever it will be it will be one of them runs off to get a camera and the other one while he's gone gets killed off screen we go back to the tent where the camera looking camper gets knocked backwards screams reaches out of the tent his shirt sleeve miraculously changing color while he does it which is wonderful and i loved it watch it you guys watch it and you'll see he had like i don't remember what it was but like blue shirt and then his arm flops out as a yellow shirt it was amazing the shadow of the creature that killed him is seen growing in size literally a sheet in a basement with a light behind it and there's this puppetry work of this creature and then we cut to the amazing music that is the intro to this film so this is the first two minutes of this movie and already there's a ton of different stuff that you can talk about just with this opening this kind of classic horror movie opening where a bunch of people find something or see something and get killed yeah you know pretty standard stuff first of all they see this blue light out in the distance and then they go to the meteor there's there's no blue light to be found anywhere that is true i picture that this creature was sort of like waving like a light it's like hey hey come here and then like shut it off and like play dead the forest looks like the adults in ET are running around you know the ones you only see with the flashlights yeah you're just like waving them off in the distance like and then they get to this flaming meteor so in this movie i also want to call the deadly spawn the dangers of slip and falls there are plenty of them in this there's a lot of prap falls in this movie where the camera is sort of focused in on somebody's face yeah and they're looking at something and then they clearly kind of throw themselves backwards oh yeah that's the greatest part too it's not like when you're running through the woods and you trip and stumble over yourself and fall over and go oh it's literally close up bust up shoulders head then they just drop out of the camera looks like this guy slipped on a banana peel and then his glasses just sort of got blood squirted on them for a minute i was like i i can't i think this was telling this guy's dead but i'm not totally sure they could have just got a nosebleed the other thing that i wanted to reference was the yes the this shirt does change color which was absolutely fun what a great opening what a great introduction for me of like what i was about to experience for the next hour and 20 minutes it really was though like i obviously had no idea that that was the thing until i watched it back in my adult life but yes that sets the tone for the entire movie well and lots of movies have continuity problems sure fucking game of thrones had a fucking Starbucks cup in one scene yeah you know shit like that happens this is blatant oh yeah this is literally this guy's hand reaches out of the tent as he's getting killed he's got a fucking purple shirt on i think it is and then it just cuts on the shot like it just like it's not like it cuts away and then cuts back it just cuts on the shot it's just a totally different fucking shirt absolutely like why even show the shots cut the shot out yeah you are correct about the shadow puppetry happening uh so good i have like mixed feelings about it because on one side you're right it does look good on the other side it looks like a dinosaur is boning a squid it's true it's because of the design of this particular monster which if any of you are going to watch this on youtube do you watch it watch it of not only seeing this movie but watch the behind the scenes stuff that's up there too oh i'm going to talk about that later yeah but it's it's fabulous to see how much work these guys put into this and the practical effects and the puppetry monsters and all that but then when you see the behind the scenes stuff it really makes it just how clear how cheesy this shit was well and i'm going to come back to that because make no mistake about me laughing about this movie i have like a broad look at it that has to do with that behind the scenes documentary that i showed you i have a i have a huge love for practical effects and this movie is absolutely filled with it i grew up in a family that made fun of each other and so i just that's that's my love language it's one of the things we ended up becoming friends over as we both have that yes we both make fun of each other ruthlessly but we're very clear and that you know we are very uh very close and that we enjoy our friendship so that is very much how i feel about this movie too i have a lot of affection for it absolutely and it's still worth punching in the face once in a while oh yeah i mean 100 yeah i was watching this shadow pupper degree happening and i was just like am i am i supposed to see this like that it was supposed to be on the blooper yeah it was like like that things head goes up and i'm like he is jizzing in her right now that is that is happen they're gonna have some squid babies which i guess does kind of happen it's really one or two flipper babies it's so great i was like jesus christ like they boned fast yeah yeah it's tremendous all right so now we get to part two which is the early kills this where we go inside the house this little miniature house on the styrofoam hill it looks like it looks like some like majestic little home like you're gonna yeah like it looks like you're gonna watch like an old nice sweet movie yeah oh yeah this is very white picket fancy and very like oh it's so cute it's like one of those christmas hallmark films where they fly over that toy village yeah and then they pretend somebody's living in one of the houses it does if they put a little snow on it it would be my mom's christmas village what's funny though is it doesn't match any scene where they actually show you outside of the house it's true though the little model house they have looks nothing like the house they used in the movie not at all right we suspend disbelief sure there's a couple getting out of bed dad's putting on his robe and heads down to the bathroom the hot water isn't working he tells his wife he's gonna go downstairs to fix it that's when he goes to the basement and that's when he gets eaten so first i want to talk about the different pajamas that they have so dad gets out and he looks like Homer Simpson you know he's got like a like a pair of boxers on and a you know t-shirt or you know what not she gets up in this outfit that is like a sheer nightgown that i can only describe if victoria's secret did a mosquito net it is the thing that would have given them an r rating had they actually shown more of her under it because there was not much to hide yeah right and she was very naked underneath it it's very attractive woman like i was not depressed by it but i was i was just very like entertained by the very by the very schlubby dad she's putting on the sexy lingerie right rather than i'm gonna have a robe on to go make breakfast two pasties and she can go down to the local burlesque and she'll be totally fine and that was her christmas present the year before you know he bought for her wink just to wear it every fucking night now she doesn't even like it she's got to wear it every fucking night out of her christmas in the house we're gonna get to it but they had guests in the house and she's wearing that downstairs yeah i don't wear a whole lot when i go to bed but when i have guests over i definitely wear a little bit more roommate i wear a robe when i go to the bathroom like just to be sure why is it that everybody in this movie when they go down to the basement like the dad does yeah walks through the basement like they've never been in it that's a good point you know i get the fact that a lot of times in these movies they'll have some sort of like noise or something and they're like oh what's that noise but it's your own fucking basement especially when these movies do with attics and basements they load them with stuff short they have all dressers and trunks yeah and exercise equipment and all all the fixings down in the basement and somebody had to put them there you know they made dad do it every attic in a horror movie has an old rocking horse in it absolutely or a rocking chair one or the other right right at an old mannequin exactly it's like somebody put them there but they walk through this basement which seems far bigger than their house maybe that's why they don't recognize it because they fill up only three different basements and merge them together but they walk through these because he does it she does it when mom goes down there after him and then their kid does it yeah when he goes down there they all walk through this basement like they're like he's what's what's back there it's like they just fucking move in yeah it was just like went through the wardrobe come out of the coats went holy shit so he goes down there see something has another one of those prattfall deaths he said like like like slips on ice falls down dead but then it was weird because he falls down and he's got blood coming out of his mouth yes and then all these holes in his stomach yes kind of like they ate their way out of him yeah and i was weird they did they crawl in his ass when he wasn't looking like what was the time lapse which when when he fell and when we're looking at him maybe he fell on them so they eat the way out from under him he's got one of those butter bodies that exactly he's had so they just stuck in him when he fell but it does lead to some cool gore i also found it fascinating not only does he not know his own basement he does know it well enough to know that apparently it's flooded because he puts these little galoshes on to go down to the basement which means that there exist for the purpose of going into the wet basement right but he puts them on over his slippers yeah i texted you and i was like is this a thing that people do i have no idea i've never done this i've never seen anybody do this before ever because like why though i don't know but all i could think of is that that's why his wife dresses so beautifully and sexy is she's like i gotta make up for this fucking schlub who fucking puts his galoshes on over slippers looks like home or simpson i gotta make up for this guy somebody in this relationship's gotta look cute somebody's gonna walk in they're gonna see the two of us and go uh-oh i will say though i love the use of shadows in this movie we're making fun a little bit of the earlier shadow puppetry but they do a lot with a little like you can tell their budget wasn't big they do the thing where they want to show somebody die but they can't afford a big gruesome deathblood scene so they just have them sort of lean back while the flashlights on them and then this puppet creature very close to the light yeah and they make it look like it's attacking her or him yeah against the wall yeah and then splash some blood up there yeah but it's really cool to see that it actually kind of works there's a lot of effects in this movie i am not gonna knock on so eventually the dad gets eaten and then the mom comes downstairs wanders in the basement like she's lost for a long time and then she gets eaten too and the gore effects on these deaths are just awesome it is yeah absolutely they're awesome the one thing they spent money on was blood they have tons of fake blood the chunks of shit in it there's a close up of her getting her face pulled yeah and again i think a good gore effect first of all you just admire it for you know it's makeup and it's special effects yeah but also especially when it's someone that you don't want to die or something that it should sort of turn you off right but i mean that in a good way like when she for her face got pulled off i was like jesus christ the movie lands some of the kills it really does it really does and i was really impressed by that but i got to tell you something you who were talking about the part where i think it's with the dad gets killed might have been the mom but one of them gets killed and it's in the shadow every time i watch this movie i was fucking beside myself because there are these noises that's happening it's like uh you know it's like a right yeah you know you know i says uh as he's dying and so later on in this movie you referenced that you kind of connect with the kid yes when i watched it the second time i thought to myself oh leo kind of connects with the kid and i kind of connect with the creature because he has ibs just like i do oh he farts and shits when he eats too and then i could stop thinking about it it just made me laugh every time i watch this every time i got to that part and he was eating that guy and it's going and they didn't hold back either they really let it go and i think it's supposed to be a chewing or him but it just sounds like he's farting like crazy he's one of those fat guys at an Italian restaurant is just letting it all go but then thankfully from the farting we are saved by some fucking badass intro music absolutely the music in this movie all around is really good i just want you guys to hear it again because it's so good right now all right so now we get to meet the rest of the family because this is when we realize you know while mom and dad are dead the basement to the fart monster the rest of the family is upstairs waking up and getting on with their day it's aunt millie and uncle her and they wake up to the sound of screaming which i think honestly is a really good transition i like a smooth creative transition from one scene to another in a film i thought it was fun yeah i thought it was a fun transition because the mom has just died down in the basement right she's screaming and that carries through into millie and herb waking up yeah they wake up to that what we think is that screaming but it's not it's actually the youngest son in the house and he's in his bedroom watching horror movies yeah aunt walks in says oh you woke us up but come down to breakfast whatever else she goes down to the kitchen to start making breakfast this is where we find out that herb is actually psychiatrist the youngest son charles who's we find out now is obsessed with these horror movies he's really into it this is where i relate to this kid but he wants to like evaluate this kid he doesn't want to be direct and say i want you to come to therapy you're sick but he wants to try and like needle the kid and find out what's wrong with him what i got from this when millie went into charles room it was all filled with all this horror movie shit you know so all those posters and masks and things like that tommy Jarvis when he was a kid from that first time we met yeah from friday the 13th part four what we find out is that people seem to be freaked out by his love of horror so what i gathered from it was that his parents asked millie and herb to evaluate him because herb is a you know like as a child psychologist i guess so that makes sense that was what i interpreted on my sixth or seventh view of this movie right charles comes down to the breakfast table herb is there and he's like hey i want to talk to you about your horror movie stuff then we meet the older brother who comes down to breakfast i call him useless pete useless pete they really make you think he's going to be like a hero or something oh god he is set up to be like the bruce campbell of the movie he's already going to pull it together at the end guy no not spoilers no they're talking downstairs with millie and herb are talking about charles needing to be evaluated what the fuck is she doing whisking those eggs she's beating the hell out of them yeah that's not a whisking that's a brutal murder yeah you you guys got to watch this so she's beating these eggs while she's doing it and she's kind of like smashing them up and down yeah and she reminds me of um Shelley Duvall like yes yes exactly and she's talking really strange she's defending charles and she's like i think the charles just fine i think he's a wonderful kid flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop i think it's just great i think the horror movie stuff is fine i think it's great flop flop flop flop and i'm like jesus christ is she gonna like start just getting faster and faster and explode it's like all of the internal rage and frustration that she has with her life is being taken out on these eggs yeah she looks like somebody who's bottling it in exactly yeah and she's just like whisk whisk whisk whisk it's like she's stabbing it she's throwing it in the air she is it's weird and i don't get what's going on because i actually think of all the actors i actually think she's the best one i think she's really good you know like i i think she gives a good performance i think that she's kind of fun in some scenes later on i wonder if she was just frustrated like maybe they did that scene 45 times and she's just at the end of her rope with whisking these fucking eggs it's like Shelley Duvall in the show exactly it's like when they had her doing like 300 takes of the same move over you've heard about that i have absolutely yeah when we get to the shining yeah i've got a whole list of conspiracy shit to go on with that oh yeah no doubt it must have been like the 100th time that they shot it because it just looks crazy so now they're all at breakfast millie the aunt leaves to help her mother with a vegetarian Tupperware party on her way out she leaves a sign for an electrician saying to let himself into the basement through the backyard whatever the music in this movie is fantastic oh yes but i was overpowered when she walks out because she walks out she you know she puts up a sign up for this electrician and then she gets in the car and it's pouring rain there's a lot of stuff because it's pouring rain and the fucking music that is playing is all i can describe as emotional power fluting all right yeah it is loud it's like really powerful i felt like with as good as the music was in this film throughout the movie this was the one scene where somebody promised i don't know the producer yeah that their little kid sister could have a song in this movie yep they gave that little kid a flute and then they pointed at the scene where she was whisking the eggs and they said match that energy that's it go destroy that flute yeah there's some hardcore power fluting at a couple of these scenes that i would love to have like electric flute in a rock band yeah and just have her go nuts like she grew up to be somebody special it's the kind of flutist that you'd see at those like irish step dancing shows where they're like they're like kind of like rock stars absolutely flame shooting up behind them as they're you know like it's just on his flute yeah 100 percent so i want to hear about you identifying with charles because i have my own story around that charles is in this movie effectively who i was at that age my mother had me watching horror movies from about the age of five years old not because she wanted to share with me or she thought i was growing up enough or whatever else but because she stopped giving a shit my mother had reached a point where she wanted to not be inconvenienced by her children she wanted to watch whatever the hell she wanted to watch whenever she wanted it and if we happen to come into the room and see it and we happen to get nightmares that's on us it was that kind of relationship you know sure i've been watching horror movie since i was about five years old and then i got me into reading like steven king books and other stuff as i was growing up for me it was just another thing to be into like i could be into jjajos and i could be into horror movies i brought a steven king book into the class one time was reading it as part of the assignment and he told me i was never allowed to bring that stuff into class again because he didn't want me to be an axe murderer when i grew up i have had people my whole life coming down on me and telling me i'm weird and i'm wrong and there's a problem with me just because i enjoy this stuff yeah you and i you know we're both over 40 and it was a very different time you know we grew up in the 80s and 90s error people just looked at horror very differently at that time so i have some similar stories my parents were very supportive because my parents were very young so my parents had me when they were like 17 18 so when they were in their early 20s i was five six seven years old and so they were watching horror movies and i watched a ton with them and my dad used to tell me all about every horror movie that he saw that i couldn't see that's so cool oh yeah we'll get into that when we talk about friday 13th but he told me about everything and so i then when i started watching them i watched you know everything that i could get my hands on but i started writing and when i started writing was when i started to learn that people found this stuff really weird because i was writing these short stories and i would turn them in a short stories in class and i wrote this one that is so fucking hilarious if i ever find it i'll read it on the podcast it's so fucking hilarious oh my god it was a total rip off of Halloween with like crisper pike vibes because i'm pretty sure that the killer went after his sister i'm pretty sure and i turned it into some like writing contests i never got back to me i wonder why of course they didn't i was in eighth grade when i wrote this wow and when i did i had to read it in front of everybody in front of the class and i just remember feeling like such a fucking freak yeah because i was describing these deaths i was talking about people dying i'm into monsters more now than i was back then i was really into slashers back then me too so i was a little different than this kid but i i definitely get it and it's the same vibe they have in this movie where the psychiatrist is talking to him like he's asking legitimate questions like do you think these monsters are real kids like now it's all just fake yeah he's like are you obsessed with this stuff he's like no it's just something i do yeah that's a scene that's coming up which is yeah but charles and herb the psychologist have a really unproductive therapy session absolutely the purpose of the therapy session is to try and get out of him why he's crazy and he's not you you learn through this he's just a kid and this is just something he's into and that's how i was growing up nobody understood that very few people there were a couple others you know who liked horror movies as well at that age whatever else but like nobody really understood that it wasn't like i'm going to turn out to be john wing gacy it's just this is pretty cool and if i grew up to be a filmmaker or a writer or something else and i emulated steven king or klei barker then nobody would think i was that weird yeah but because i haven't all i've got is this podcast you know and my entire life i would felt like i was one of the adam's family where i was this weird guy always on the outside of normal yeah society is concerned and they had no hesitation of telling me how outside of them i really was yeah of course just so much more mainstream now which is fine which is great yeah so this kid goes through a lot of that in this movie too and that's why i relate to it i do want to talk about though watching this movie made me realize that there is a type of plot armor that i did not see before the kid that is protected by the power of fangoria magazine this is not the only horror movie with this type of kid in it oh that's true that kid always survives if you have a horror movie where they go into a bedroom and this kid's got Dracula on the wall he's the fucking hero he's tommy doil he's the kid from the monster squad i was gonna say he's like that kid from scream and everyone thinks he's a fucking dork and everyone thinks he's a loser but he survives to the end because he knows how to get around the ship because he's seen it so many fucking times which is why it was a good choice for west cravin to kill him in the second one absolutely because he didn't see it coming and that's also because west cravin knows what the fuck he's doing so the next 20 minutes is all about eating time after being evaluated by her child's goes to the basement he sees some dead bodies he meets the big-ass main creature and figures out that it hunts by sound and can't see shit at the same time Ellen and Frankie show up to have a study date but they have a dead tadpole with them from outside Ellen takes it to the bathroom and dissects it afterwards Pete and Ellen have a very fucked up conversation yeah so first of all we get to see more of the house during this part this one fucking ugly house like if it had looked like the model they were using it would have been a better house there's an interior design decorator that needs to be fired because this is a fucking ugly ass house Pete has his two friends come over Frankie and Ellen there's a lot of talk about dissecting the creature and what it is a little tadpole that they find yeah but every time I look at Frankie Ellen's dressed like a normal school kid from the 80s right Frankie's got on a pair of overalls did you ever see the show dr. Katz yes so there's a great joke in dr. Katz where somebody talks about wearing overalls and the response is do you know what overalls don't get you jobs and women Ellen and Pete are like the nerdy super brains their conversations are very brainy they're all about the scientific method they're all about I found a dead tadpole I'm gonna go dissect it first things first they're very nerd and then there's this other guy in his overalls he was meant to be like the weird hillbilly one I think he's supposed to be comic relief and he just comes off more like some back country hick it was weird to me like I've not been around that kind of like high intellect nerd in high school it impresses me that this sounds like a natural conversation they would have the kids that are really into D&D the kids that are really into science the ones who are like so deep you and me were a very particular kind of nerd so there is the jocks were great at athletics sport and then there's the nerds that are really smart and then there's a particular type of loser that is neither exactly yeah that was us boy does that describe my childhood it was it was a very particular loser I was never smart enough to be a smart nerd I was never sporting enough to be a sport nerd I was never a car nerd or a shop nerd right I never fit in anywhere that's why you're now at the high point in your life of doing a podcast that no one's listening to that's right exactly I've made it mama yeah there's a particular like outcast that is good at nothing yeah and that's exactly but they have nice people and people like having them around I guess and so they kind of go with these groups from time to time they're sort yeah really fit right they're sort of sad and they're wonderful yeah that was me yeah sad and wonderful but you're right you pointed out this scene to me where I just thought it was like fucking endlessly showing this you know this tadpole get pulled apart and I was like well they fucking took hours to make it they got to show it but then you pointed out the alien thing and I did also notice that there are a couple other things that they've done to clearly steal from the popularity of the movie alien so yeah when I saw that I was like oh okay I get it a little bit more now that it's meant to be like the part where the face hugger is being sort of cut up and they're having that kind of deep conversation around it and they're all like fascinated by it but not really sure what they're doing right the only difference is she doesn't actually discover anything about it it's meaningful you know when they do the face hugger thing that's when they figure out that it's got the acid for blood and how different it is it's the difference between a good story writer like Ridley Scott and a fun story writer like the deadly spawn a fun story which is exactly where you were going with that precisely the word I was going to use 100 percent can I go to the basement for a second please go to the basement so the basement so while this is all happening charles went down to the basement for some reason and he's wandering around and he runs into the creature which as you described is when he figures out the creature can't actually see him the creature can only hear him right which is going to be really important later on one of the shots that I just fucking love is charles looks at this creature and it's got the head of the mom and it just sort of rolls out of his mouth like was it like caught on his molar he's like somebody bring me a toothpick yeah I can't figure out what it looks more like like this thing was like car on two and just fell out or that the mother creature which is what we'll call this big giant three headed creature this mother creature if it was like a fucking dog it was just like oh here you go oh I just like dropped it in front I'd believe that more of it could see that the kid was there but yeah for reference because we haven't really described it yet the creature itself yeah starts as like a little tadpole looking thing then it develops these squid tendrils it's like a Pokemon it just keeps evolving by the end of it it's like this eight foot tall three-headed thing with every tooth so when we're talking about mother spawn yeah it's the big three-headed thing in the basement that could destroy a city but is weirdly powerful when they need it to be it's very cool looking it's one of my most favorite 80s creatures ever when they show it when it looks like right at the camera it looks cool okay has these like Audrey two vibes when it's in these close-ups it looks badass yes absolutely it does so while Charles is in the basement dealing with mother spawn Pete is upstairs dealing with teenage hormones yeah he has a crush on Ellen yes he does he's fucking send Frankie off to like go do something off camera for a minute Frankie you're worthless go fix your overalls yeah go curl your hair somewhere else they send him for something and then he has a conversation with Ellen that I don't understand so he says to her you know when you're in school you're just really smart and you answer all the questions you do all the right things but then when you come over here you sit next to me on my bed it doesn't come off that he's saying like hey you're flirting with me and I don't understand it it comes off like you're this really smart girl and then you're the kind of girl that sits next to a boy in his bed yeah and I was like did you just simultaneously call her smart Anna slut all at the same time time and you got some fucking balls on you Pete did he was like you're like two different people one's a whore and one's a really nice smart kid yeah you fucking idiot say that you sound like a douchebag it was just really weird and okay like I get that they want to do a little like flirty scene dude Pete you're fucking useless yeah you fucking suck I like Frankie way better than I like Pete and Frankie's not even in the movie that much I'm not sure Frankie has too many lines like he's always just there and always kind of screaming but yeah yeah there's literally I like every character better than I like Pete Charles who spends most of his time sitting in a basement staring at this creature oh yeah I understand it's supposed to be him being quiet but there's like a thin line between him just being comatose and being quiet they establish early on that he's not very afraid of things but man you could only lean on that so hard when a kid's mom's getting eaten in front of him Charles does literally nothing and just stands there and he's a kid I don't like to go out to kids and they're acting but you know that's a director problem exactly yeah that's not a kid actor problem so now we get to the monster mash where the shit hits the fan yeah stuff starts going wild it's a lot of fun Millie has gone over to her grandmothers they're prepping their 100% vegetable vegetarian lunch and that's a goddamn nightmare in the first place that lunch is fucking gross first of all I'm gonna cut in here for a second we're gonna talk about this lunch so they've been talking about this lunch over and over and over again and they're talking about they're cracking jokes about like vegetarians which I'm totally fine with yeah great but then they get to this thing and I'm like what is this is this like a vegetarians anonymous I just don't get it says I'm gonna go over to mother's place and she's invited a bunch of her friends over and we're having a big vegetarian potluck together so maybe it was a little dinner party maybe it was a little lunch party it's a hen party is what it is just a bunch of ladies getting together could have been a book club could have been anything but they're getting together over vegetarian dishes once fucking gross too like everything they have is just vegetables but it's it's not like what you would think for nowadays that a vegetarian lunch is it's literally I cut up cucumbers and put them in a bowl eat that they did everything but bring leaf clippings from outside yeah like it's that bad they might as well have mowed the lawn and dumped all the shit on the table and said gray as girls right exactly like just gone out and like snipped the bushes and then put them in a bowl can I tell you I've had this lunch once did you really oh yeah so back when I was in college I had some friends that were vegetarian and they invited me over to their house for like a dinner party yeah and I've never been so fucking hungry in my life and it was like so vegetarian party now would be fine because I know that people know how to like cook it now I'm not a vegetarian but I know that people know how to do it back when I was in college these were college kids they didn't know how to do it so it's just fucking like more greens it was just like they fucking pulled open every bag that they could from the groceries flipped into a ball it was so fucking it was like one gigantic broccoli under a silver platter yeah that was and it was like and it was of course you know everything had like hippie dressing on it you know so it was like sunflower seeds and one woman's armpit hair yeah yeah exactly that that's vegetarian from the 70s there you go gross because that's basically what this whole thing was except yes we have all these little monsters running around they're not just isolated to this one house which I thought was a cool gimmick yeah I dig it they're all running around all over the town yeah so aunt goes over to grandma's house the monsters have gotten into that house too one of them goes into the kitchen takes a nosedive into the blender yeah it's like a food processor food processor fair but it's got like literally somebody opened a salad bag and dumped it in the food processor looks so gross and this thing goes in there and you brought up a point to me which I thought was hilarious the little creature goes in there and starts just chomping away on the greens and yet every other little tadpole creature has been all about the flesh so this is I think of running theme with this part there were these ladies that were vegetarian and then there's this one tadpole that's also vegetarian he had to get in that shot he's the one loner the one oh the other tadpoles make fun of him but he found his place yep he's an outsider yep maybe he's got other struggles too he's got a whole backstory but we don't care because this is where he dies yes exactly he goes into the food processor they close the lid they puree him meanwhile whoever the grandmother whoever it was just like I've got my very special recipe and I added a little something different this year and little something different apparently means green slime what they've done is they've like poured this over like it's like barbecue sauce yeah like they've poured it over to the other greens and I don't know who thought this like secret of the ooze shit it's like a normal thing you're supposed to eat this was like neon green oh yeah this was like slime this was that's why secret of the ooze it's like a huge it's amazing these four women don't turn into slug people and she just spreads it over the whatever it is they're eating and they all look at it and go huh and then they all taste it and go ugh but then it cuts away for a minute somebody's in the other room and they hear a bunch of screaming that person comes into the main room and suddenly these fucking tadpoles are everywhere and this is like pretty cool because like paintings fall off the walls and there's a bunch behind the painting yeah and there's a bunch like behind the paintings and millie starts looking around and seeing that these creatures are like biting their ankles and biting their faces and actually the practical effects again very good like there it looks like the slug thing is going in somebody's leg at one point like it's eating its way into her it's biting somebody's toes off it's got somebody by the the cheek they're doing a pretty good job of making it look like these ladies are all getting attacked by these things and if you compare that to we know that these things are now getting around this neighborhood you know there's other houses that they were having this problem too yeah that's pretty cool it's starting to spread yep things are not just contained they're starting to get out yeah yeah yeah and eventually millie helps fight some of these off with using like a fire poker and different things like that and all these ladies are able to get out all of them survive but it's pretty cool scene it's brutal yet it's not excessive gore either yeah it's just as you say brutal yeah and it shows the extent of how if you have an infection of these things going around it can really damage you and your property and whatever else and it's cool so now we go back from the vegetarian convention the main house where Pete Ellen and Frankie burst into the den and they find herb extremely dead he's very dead oh yeah he's all the dead this was a death that surprised me i didn't see it coming and it's not that i expected him necessarily to live all the way to the end of the movie but honestly didn't expect him to die at all let alone right here either yeah i don't know it's kind of one of those on-screen death that's kind of cool because you think he's gonna be a larger character and then he has this very unceremonious death yeah he's clearly been eaten from the inside out yeah it's pretty wild his eyes are gone it's pretty it's pretty fucking gross so the tadpoles are now infesting the main house with the main characters just like they did over the hen party and the kids all run upstairs to charles room charles makes a miraculous appearance out of the basement the mother spawn got up the stairs to chase these kids and charles shows up to act like the defender the hero yeah and he's gonna start shooting fireworks he's gonna start smacking on the walls he's gonna distract the creature to get him away from his brother and his brother's friends so before we get to his final fight i got a couple things i want to say here i realized i coded something in my notes okay because i kept referring to the creature as the d&b and the d&b stands for what i thought when it showed the creature full-on so after they go into the den where herb is it's not his place but yeah after they go in there and they freak out because these tadpoles everywhere and he's been eaten out they turn and they see the creature that i can only describe as a giant dick and balls uh that it looks like it's like moving on a giant hacky sack and it's even got like the cleave down the middle of the walls yeah or i was thinking one of those like uh sacks that people used to sit in those like beanbag chairs beanbag chairs yeah exactly it looks like a giant beanbag chair and a shaft with three heads sort of moving along everybody runs up to child's room they devise a plan to run back to Pete's room and grab the phone soon as they leave of course dick and balls attacks and wait yeah wait wait we are coming up on one of my favorite things good so basically the creature has this moment with charles with the radio and then here's something back upstairs and so the creature starts to move back upstairs but when they show the shot it's just the creature like standing in profile and then it just slides backwards yeah it looks like someone just fucking pulling it's tail backwards like they had it on a dolly and they were just like it looks like he walked in on two people having sex oh sorry just like back sound that Homer Simpson backing into the bush's game that's exactly what it looks like it looks like he's back into the bushes i love it i love it it's a great moment but holy fuck when that creature goes back upstairs oh yeah so the plan for Pete and his friends to go run into Pete's bedroom and use the phone gets all fucked up because as soon as they run out the creature is there and so Pete gets trapped on one side Frankie and a new friend who showed up girl named Kathy who kind of randomly showed up and she gets in the room it doesn't matter how it happens and the two of them run up into the attic and then Ellen is stuck in charles room yes alone and holy jesus christ this death where do i start with this you know i can't fucking wait to talk about this i know you've been waiting this is fall break level for me as much as i couldn't wait to talk about the song fall break is how excited i am to talk about this death so first the creature hits the door that she's closed the door and i watched this like six times because i was i the way the door falls over just was just very odd i just couldn't figure out why it was odd and then i watched it after five or six times and i realized that for that shot the hinges have been removed it falls over it falls over like a set in a theater scene yeah like where there's like buster keep movies absolutely where the side of the saloon would fall over that's it just falls right out of the frame of the door just straight down it it doesn't look like the creature hit it it looks like the creature blew on it just like it just did like a like that it just dropped it over the creature comes at Ellen it's looking at her screaming and her head gets bit off which i gotta say shocked me i for some reason did not see this character dying the whole setup with the love story totally tricked me that really blew my mind when i saw and it's violent it really like my jaw was kind of on the floor i was like holy shit i didn't see that this character dying at all it felt very gruesome and then it cuts it cuts to the window of Charles bedroom from the outside and her body just shoots through the glass and lands on the ground and if i cannot possibly express how fucking hilarious this looks i know it goes from looking masterful and gross to utterly hilarious because you have to think about like okay so the creature she was like trying to get out the window the creature bit her head and shoot it off but then her body somehow shot out the back well what happened was her back was facing the creature and the creature bit her head bent her backwards to take her head off okay when her head came off of her spine the momentum flung her forward through the she must be made of elastic because her body comes out the other way it comes out as first i'm pretty sure it comes out as first jesus christ this is up there 100 percent if i did my top 10 favorite kills all time in every single move if i count a fucking regular movies this would be in my top 10 it is so fucking hilarious all i can picture is that that creature like swallowed her head and then spit her out like she was like fat on a steak there's just like boom like a like a blow gun you know i saw this for me so many times and i burst out laughing every time and i'm so tempted to just pause for a second and watch we're gonna do it we're gonna do it right now we're watching it oh jesus dragged all man oh god and you saw what i was talking about it that she goes out ass first oh yeah so it's literally like he just went oh god i love that it's so funny it like it's never stopped being funny jesus christ go on youtube it's about an hour in maybe an hour and two minutes into the movie and just watch this fantastic death after this glorious moment he climbs through his bedroom window crawls up the roof joins kathy and frankie in the attic then he freaks the fuck out and now he's just losing his fucking mind yeah i kept wishing the timing was different and that while he was up on the roof we got to see ellen's mannequin corpse shoot out the window god that would have been so good oh can you imagine he's trying to get out on the roof and suddenly the window busts open in there she goes he's like no would have been such a great scene you guys missed a mark there that would have been so good so now we get mother spawn up in the attic yeah yeah yeah so the frankie and i think her name's kathy has gone up in the attic and the mother spawn and now of course uh pizza up in there too he's knocked out because he had a freak out but the creature has come up how the fuck does creature get upstairs carefully just fucking one ball second time oh yeah oh that hurts me just talking about it but charles gets up there yeah charles runs after it uh after he has kind of done his MacGyver scene where he has run around his room and he set up this trap you know he's got like a wire and he's got some flash powder and he's got a bunch of other shit foil yeah rubber band a yo-yo that stick yeah what he does is he puts the flash powder and glue and shit yeah into a mask oh that's right because because we got to have the whole thing tied together it's got to be the horror saves the day right so so he gets one of his masks off the wall yeah and he fills it full of makeshift gunpowder and then he tries to get the creature to eat it he's got the fake head on a ski pole he has it peeking around the corner right for the creature the creature gets right up on it can lick it decides nah yeah and does that dolly thing where it backs away again yep we're just slide it's backwards and and charles is like shit so he shoves the thing out there and makes it go yes and that's what causes the creature to eat oh yeah because i thought to myself well if it hunts by echolocation wouldn't it know where charles scream yeah when i just go around the corner and get that guy yeah the creature charles kathy and peeting all them they're they're all fucking standing there doing nothing while this kid's fighting this creature by the way because a lot happens so they shove this mask in his mouth with the bomb inside and then the kid has to like struggle with the creature he has to stab it at one point he stabs it with a ski pole this kid's fucking badass and those fucking older teenagers are doing jack shit they're just standing in a corner holding each other crying exactly that's all they're doing meanwhile this 10-year-old kid is fighting this enormous creature right and winning with the power of fengoria that's right well so one of the things i was thinking of when i was thinking of these kids that have all this like scary shit i was thinking that's my life too i have all this scary shit i had all this scary shit and you know while other people were out like making money and having sex i'm just waiting for my time to be the hero of a horror movie that's it that's what it takes man that's what it takes one day my time will come it will not be this day but there will be a day yeah there'll be a creature and all those people that were making money and having fun will fucking rule the day that they didn't get into horror like i did have no friends so i can blow up the creature and that's what happens child ends up plugging this thing into the wall and the head explodes inside the creature's mouth or gut or whatever and it it goes boom it made me wonder like this creature's not bulletproof like why did you have to put it in his mouth i mean that's true he could have just said it next to him or something why just fucking club him with shit he's not that fast i mean he can get up the stairs pretty good though he can one ball second time can you imagine so if he was running if we're picturing like one ball sack going up the stairs imagine what it looked like when he lunged towards ellen oh yeah this is a thing i've always thought about in these movies like they're freaking out about it because all the teeth are coming at them but if you get behind this thing yeah like that's not so threatening yeah i want just fucking pull its tail and pull it down stairs i said the same thing about as much as i love the franchise don't get me wrong i said the same thing for years about jason voorhees as tough as he is as killer as he is if you're hiding in the bushes and you wait for him to walk past you and then you blast him with a shotgun in the back of his head the part that's not protected by the hockey mask sure i don't care what zombie you are your brains are gone you're gone you could have taken about pretty easy now this scene is very strange to me i get what they're doing it's all the townspeople there's cops out there there's doctors out there that looks like they formed a little local uh lynch mob to come out yeah like a little militia yeah they've all got these little pitchforks and tasers and cattle prods and they're looking through the bushes and they're getting all the tadpoles and they're putting them in a big fire and they're burning them up and i get that but this literally looks like they found people walking down the street and said hey you want to be in a movie for a minute we need we need you to just take this thing hold it like it's a piece of poo and walk from one end of the camera to the other with it and that's your scene that's what will give you a byline it does it's like you in the flower hat you in the Hawaiian shirt come here like none of the people in the scene look like they belonged in this movie yeah i couldn't figure out it was just a bunch of random townspeople and plus also at the same time that they're all running for these creatures so they're bringing out pea and they're bringing out charles and the survivors are coming out of the house and charles is like sitting on the ground and i'm thinking these creatures are fucking everywhere they've been crawling up people's asses in a meeting from the inside house exactly why would you sit there in the dangoria magazine unless it's stuffed in your ass is it gonna help you right now and get the fuck up here's my thing with charles at the end of this movie he's in a coma they pick him up by his shoulders and kind of walk him in between i don't know a ambulance driver and his mom or some shit he has this look on his face like if you told the 10 year old to act drunk and he's dazed and he's out of it and i'm sitting here i'm like i know you just fought a large monster but you did more action hero stuff in this movie than anyone else to get past that point of i'm so terrified that i've locked up as a human being there are other people in this movie who saw worse than this kid saw but this one is having a fucking comatose reaction yeah i think there's a law in this ending that's messy because it also shows the three teenagers it shows fucking Frankie and Kathy Kathy who we've barely met sitting in the back of a cop car and it fucking stays on them forever oh yeah it's like an hour long if these were our main characters it stays on them so long yeah and i'm looking i'm like i'm like who are these two again like i mean i know what i know one of them is but why don't they get this big scene at the end they get this long shot and then they pull out Pete and all i can think of is that these kids must just feel it's not that they feel so much like comatose because of all the horrible things that happen but they've got to feel like really guilty that just a fucking 10 year old just save their ass and they didn't jack shit they didn't do anything they're like jesus christ i just fucking saw into the abyss right there because i saw that when a creature attacks i will do nothing i'm not a doctor but i don't think Charles went through so much that he has to be that out of it i also got confused because i forgot that old at amiallences look different than new amiallences like he's probably going to die of fright at some point he's way too gone we're just gonna log on us now just fucking zip yourself up when you get in touch crawl in the body bag and zip yourself up i got really confused when they were fighting him so get all the slugs they drive away i mean we don't know that they get all of them well true but here we are then we we assume by the way they're presenting the end of this movie that they all get caught and everything's fine and the happy music plays but there's one cop left on the scene i guess he's closing out the night or he was the one that had to sweep up the blood i don't know what happened to him it's hard to tell because it's indiscernible where he is i don't actually think it shows him even in a cop car it just shows him like in a dark abyss and he's on the cb radio with somebody about like hey we got them all blah blah blah slugs gone no problem and then the earth starts to shake and he's like wtf puts his ear to the ground looks around starts to scream starts to holler in the radio help me help me help me and then we hear the sound of him dying which is weird because there's nothing about the end of this that indicates he died yeah like at all and the screaming's coming over the radio also the screaming's coming from the other guy the guy he's talking to right which is equally weird because of what we see in the last shot which is that it cuts back to our deadly spawn christmas village that's right the little model of the house to a little model of some random house on a hill somewhere and it shows this miniature shit miniature shit just this miniature set and then out of the mountain that's behind it comes crashing out this giant mother spawn and then it you know cuts to black and because of the fact that these people were screaming on the radio i wanted them to be on top of that mountain just waiting to see their little bodies fall out like it would have been so good i thought it was a brilliant shot like the entire time we see these exterior shots of the house we see this hill in the background so you don't ever think anything of it and then the end of the movie the hill is actually one of these giant spawn creatures it looked good yeah it looked really good if you painted that house yellow it looked like norman baits house he just looked so like remote and on a hill somewhere who knew that norman baits house had a tremor hitting inside of it i did it so i got to tell you now that we're at the end i've been living with this movie for two weeks now i'm a little sad to let it go it's a fun movie this is a fun movie we know troll is one that i also dug up from my childhood back in the day i don't have a lot of love for that movie having watched it as a doll i'm like i see it okay i don't hate it i'm no longer nostalgic over it i'm no longer enraptured by it this one complete opposite i'm actually probably even more in love with this movie now than i was as a kid we've done eight movies now troll is the one i would want to watch the least if we had to watch one again that is the one i'd want to watch the least this doesn't even come close to it i really ragged on this movie as we said in the beginning though ragged on it from a place of love rather than this is a shit movie well yeah i was having fun with it and you know i do make fun of things that i love but there are three things that i really like in this movie number one i think the gore effects are great absolutely number two i think the sound effects are great it has some great music in it but it also does a lot of cool stuff with like dripping noises like the ambient stuff yeah yeah and it's really cool it's really spooky and they didn't overplay it they used to just the right moments to make it a good atmosphere that you're hearing yeah and there's a way that the carnage all kind of happens at the end too i've described this before i like when my carnage feels spread out for instance when you have like a family and the carnage doesn't necessarily match how like the families are grouped right because a lot of bad horror movies will do that like the whole like nuclear family will survive but like everybody else will die right exactly but you see in like if you've ever read the book like desperation steven king does that in that book where he just like rips these families apart so like the mom will die here but then the kid will die there and it really just it makes it feel very visceral like everybody has something to lose and that actually i think really lands in this movie i mean you think about this kid charles his uncle got killed his parents got killed he's gonna say yep you know and then for Pete like his girlfriend got killed yeah like this isn't easily matched like it's easy for you to walk through this movie and think of millie and herb as their parents but they're not they're not at all so the only survivors are Pete charles they're two like fucking random friends and then millie who just wasn't there because even the uncle and the psychiatrist are dead well he the same guy but yeah the yeah this movie doubles up the uncle and the psychiatrist i did that that's i'm leaving it in i'm leaving it in that was my bon don't edit that out it's like when i called him leony vernan leony vernan see i owe you that so i'm going to leave this one in here there you go yeah you left in leony vernan when i accidentally called leslie vernan leony vernan it's fucking hilarious it was pretty great i still want that movie to come out then leony vernan make it make it happen yeah there's a lot to like in this movie it kind of also if i'm gonna add a fourth thing in it it has a pretty cool pace yeah it has a couple boring parts but then when it starts to move it just fucking rocks it just moves really fast it's a lot of fun this would be a great bad movie night but there is something else about this movie that kind of endeared me to it which is that i watched about a five-minute documentary that i found on youtube uh about the making of it and it is just kind of a nice reminder that you really don't want to look at yourself as better than these movies because it really warmed my heart to see it because you're watching these people and they're just having such a fucking ball making a monster movie yeah and you're seeing the conditions a little bit and again it's only five minutes but you're seeing what they have to work with and it just is a nice reminder that doesn't mean i won't rag on it because i rag on things that i love and i love cracking jokes about stuff that i love but it does mean that it it's worth mentioning that there is kind of a heart to this movie of people that made it under very endearing circumstances you can tell it reminded me of clips i've seen and behind the scenes stuff i've seen about making evil dead sam ravey and everyone who worked on that movie you could tell they were loving it they were doing it their hearts were in it at first they were well yeah it got tragic yeah but i mean right they were into it and it showed in their acting and it showed in the delivery of the film and it showed in the product that came out of it and this movie has the exact same thing especially for those who watch it and please do it's a silent run this five-minute clip of behind the scenes there's no audio to it yeah we'll see if we can like link to it or something because it's pretty cool oh we'll see if we can post a link in the show notes or something absolutely check it out and just see how great these people are having a good time with what they're doing yeah it's really fun and it it really did kind of warm me up reflecting on my own experiences of making fucking terrible movies right but they were a lot of fun to make and i made some nice friendships with those people and i have yeah i have really good memories and you know what this is a movie on youtube could i say it's great no yeah is it fun yeah yeah this is a lot of fun and it actually does do some cool stuff and yeah i'll make fun of the creature until i die for looking like a giant dick and balls but still regardless very a very well done dick and balls very very well done dick and balls circumcised exactly right it really really nails the ridges on those balls but there's some real charm to this movie i i have to go with like if i was gonna like do that thing where it's like you do you like it do you not like it i gotta say i like it i'm glad i'm so glad i shared this with you yeah no i'm really glad you shared it with me too yeah it's not like the mutilator where i'm like the mutilator challenges my feelings about whether or not like about how i should feel about bad movies this reminds me of how i want to feel about them mutilator challenged a lot yeah the mutilator it's one of my favorite episodes we've ever done because it's such a fun fucking funny episode it really is um but holy shit like that is that is a movie that i do not look forward to going back and watching yet i'd like to give that one some time i would watch fucking prom night or Leslie Vernon or the shed i would watch any of those movies again like in a fucking heartbeat oh sure mutilator i'm like oh that's so much oh that's got to wait at least six more months well this was a really fun episode now we got to own something real quick while we do the next uh movie list so because leo was sick i've actually already told him what the next movie was so he knows what it is so it's no surprise to him but it wasn't really a surprise to him anyway because it was a movie that i've been talking about for a while that i really wanted him to see i asked him to watch a great streamer called the dark and the wicked and so for our next episode we're going to talk about the dark and the wicked that's the one and hopefully he doesn't fucking hate it so i hope you guys are looking forward to the dark and the wicked as our next episode i'm looking forward to watching it and getting a good conversation about it yeah i'm looking forward to it too if you want to reach out to us do so through spoils of horror at or you can check us out on instagram or facebook also we would love to get a review from you it just really helps us out so you could do so through apple or itunes anything like that we would love to see a five star review plus the best thing that you can do with us if you have a good time with this if you think we're fun we're a very small operation here so if you could just pass it on to like one of your friends the likes horror maybe one of your friends doesn't but all joking aside that would really help us out it can be bother something to have people come across like they're begging for following but when you're starting out in a thing like this you have to ask yeah until you get enough of a following that you don't have to ask anymore so that's what we're doing check out the social media is interact with us we're eager to talk to you guys and share these movies and just open together yeah who knows maybe you'll help us meet bags to a little bonus i wanted to throw in at the end of this episode we have just delivered to you our rerun of deadly spawn which as i said at the opening was i think our fifth episode ever so it was short and the editing was weird and the sound quality was dumb because we didn't have good microphones and all that other shit and as every other podcast we started off rough but got there in the end so i felt like it would be worthwhile for those of you who made it through this a second time to give you a little look back on the past from steven and i about this wonderful delightful episode that we love so very much it's interesting because now that we are over 130 episodes not every movie stands out in the same way i don't think about horns all that much i'm not gonna lie to you love you daniel but yeah and i don't you know what i mean like you know there's just certain movies and there's movies that i've picked that you just you know probably have like seen and forgotten well i think that's a fair statement too we've forgotten a whole lot of the ones that are on our list i mean it's 130 episodes and so it's not that i forget the movie they just don't stand out in the same way yet deadly spawn is not one of those movies this is one that you and i have always kind of come back to this was a movie that you introduced me to i had never heard of it i'd never seen it and i think that probably other than maybe 80 slashers this is one of the places where your taste and my taste so deeply overlap yeah because i love a cheap charming creature feature made with love this to me is right up there with bloody muscle bodybuilder in hell as just two of the most charming fucking movies we have covered on this show and i deeply remember this walking around on its own ball sack toothy fantastic looking creature practical effects creature yeah prac total practical effects really like both a terrible looking film and a really good looking film all at the same time like it doesn't it yes great lighting or filters but it's got a great great cinematography i just i'm just so fucking charmed by the deadly spawn i love that this movie has been in my life as long as it has i must have been 10 years old ish when i saw it for the first time i maybe the age of the kid that's in the film the hero kid in the basement my god i've never forgotten about it and this is going through vhs into laser disc into dvd into digital and over the years i genuinely thought i was the only one who knew about this movie then i presented it for the show because i was so eager to do this and when you brought the show to me i was like yeah deadly spawns in there it's don't know when but we're getting it and then i found out so many other people know this film yeah there's websites devoted to it and there's behind the scenes footage i'd never heard of and it's phenomenal that i can live with this movie for so long and love it so much and then suddenly there was a whole new world of this movie to take in and enjoy and be part of and a weird little community of people who love this idiotic fucking monster film and it's been a delight to relive all that there is something that happens when you're a horror fan that decides to go really really really deep into seeing horror films not just seeing what comes out in the theater but really going deep and i feel like there's two points in the horror fandom that you can strike with the pickaxe and get all this oil that you didn't know was there and one is going this super fucked up route the like unearth films you know like august underground world right right right but then there's another one of just like beautifully bad film and sometimes it's bad in a way that their heart was in the right place and it's charming like deadly spawn and i i don't think deadly spawn is bad let me let me be clear but i think everybody knows what i mean i mean the acting is kind of terrible and you know but but it has things about it that are so well done it has some great kills and it has one of my favorite kills of all time which is a woman having her head be eaten off and then her body spit out a window and it just is so fucking funny like it's right up there with the you know with the javelin kill in fatal games um it's just one of the funniest kills that you'll ever see but the movie also like just has this great like uh that kind of film that you can discover that's not just all bad like elves it was just like fucking terrible but we had a ball with it this movie is one of those ones where it has like really low quality but there's talent there the creature is genuinely deeply well made and there's also like a great randomness to the kills that does make everybody feel like they're on the table and there's some kills that are really gnarly like for instance i always found the i remember that dad's death in it because it happens off screen and he's just eaten alive by these worms his just his body is just sitting there and then you find out his total like he's just a husk they've literally eaten everything inside of him and he's gone and i i actually love those kind of deaths i find them really unnerving when a character is perceived to be alive but they are really dead in a terrible way so this is that part of that like that sort of strike of lightning that sort of like you you hit the ground with the pickaxe and like i said the oil comes out in that there is this this wonderful world of like really talented bad movies and really like just so bad just fucking awful bad movies and i'm really grateful to find this one i really really really enjoyed it every time i see it somewhere now i just want to give it a big hug i want to lock into that word you use talented first and foremost the acting may not be amazing in this film but it doesn't matter because everyone loved what they were doing you can tell by their performance they're having a great fucking time putting all of this together and it's not just the actors the people who made the monsters and were controlling them the people shooting the blood off camera the the cinematography the directors everybody just put so much of themselves into it and you can tell these are people who are in love with what they're doing whether it's the acting whether it's the creature makeup whether it's the special effects whether whatever it is everyone loves their job so so much that it just oozes into this movie and even if the acting's bad it doesn't matter even if somebody's arm got in the shot or the boom mic came down it doesn't fucking matter because it's so much actual visceral love and delight and joy going into this film nowadays this would be one of those kickstarter campaigns and it would be two guys in their garage with a passion putting something together that would have so much meaning when you saw it and it's rare it's rare then it's rare now to see a film come out and have all that and that's one of the things that really stuck out to me with this movie you know it's so funny i'm going to adapt something that i say going forward because it's the argument that i make with evil tunes where look like you're like this is a movie good like i don't really think so but but oh my god just everybody's having so much fucking fun on the screen yeah that you're like i can't be mad at this movie i just can't like i can't be mad at it and i think that the deadly spawn has more talent in the sense that like this is what they're wrong with the girls and evil tunes it's just the the creature's terrible like you know it's you know it's an it's animated it's barely in the movie and it's mostly just the girls acting you know like possessed but but the argument still stands that like those girls were having so much fun in that movie i have to transfer that over to the deadly spawn because you're right everybody is so sincere in their love for these monster movies and but then you add on to that that the creature actually delivers the creature actually absolutely actually looks amazing and i saw there's a little documentary on youtube about the making of this movie that i really loved that was had it had a lot of footage from when they tried to shoot it and there was no audio to the footage because you know it's a movie that they made for like 20 cents like they didn't have the audio you know whatnot but they interviewed the guy who made the creature and he said something that really made me laugh that i thought was so great he said we know that this is not the greatest movie ever made he said but please understand that we were sincere and he said that kind of like a joke like he said that like like look we were all like 20 we loved monster movies but that shows that shows and man oh man oh man i really think like please if you're a horror fan yeah if you're just a casual horror fan there's nothing wrong with just going to see the big movies at the theater you got wife you got kids you got husband you got life i understand we can't all be super into everything but if you're the person that really sees yourself the way leo and i do as we want to be as much of a completus as we can we actually desire to be as knowledgeable as possible about horror film you got to put deadly spawn in your watch list you just got to watch it it's one of the few times i would ever say don't even think about it just go buy the dvd or the blue ray or rented off a streaming service for four bucks just do yourself that favor spend the money it's absolutely fucking worth it even if you walk away for some ungodly reason hating this movie you will have been a better person for having seen it because this version of being a horror fan qualifies that also if you do walk away hating this movie get the fuck out of the horror community your heartless and don't rent bloody muscle bodybuilder in hell because you're not gonna like that either and i'm gonna dislike you even more and on that note i'd like to thank everyone for tuning in to this little bonus clip i'm hoping that you enjoyed the deadly spawn for those of you who are hearing it for a second time thank you so much for going through it again we love this episode not of the podcast alone but the movie itself and for those of you listening for the first time check out everything else in season one you know like i said it's it's first time podcasters with a little rough quality but it's totally worth it and the shows are good and they're absolutely worth you good diving into killer workout still one of my favorite episodes that's fair absolutely no doubt and my sign off will be if you did not like the deadly spawn or bloody muscle bodybuilder in hell go rent urban legends