Jesse Kelly Show

The communist has used our tendency to avoid confrontation against us

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17 Jul 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR it is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show. I will get to some emails and stuff this hour we have. We have yet another statue of an American legend coming down while it's this happened. Apparently they keep running into violent people here at the RNC. They just snatched some dude up with an AK and a ski mask. So things are going to be spicy all week apparently here. Let's just finish up my thoughts on this in case you're just not joining us. Guy wrote an email and he said. The left will turn things into shameful things to say. But people don't change their minds about them necessarily. They'll just stop talking about it. Well, I want to explain it this way. You know, you know, my wife, Aubrey, you know, she's the healthy one. She's the health freak, the national gymnast, she's one of those types. Me, not as much, especially when it comes to my food. I prefer to eat things that aren't disgusting like she does. And so we had, you remember this, people who listened to the show a long time, we had these a peanut butter war, a mini peanut butter war in the house. I just want to jar a gift peanut butter. That's all. I'm going to walk around the house probably with the jar in my hands eating it with a spoon. I just do. I just walk around eating it with a spoon. I'll put it on a banana. I'll put it on toast. I'll make a little PB and J Sam, which will little raspberry spread on there. I'll go. I'm just Mr. peanut butter. You can call me Mr. Nutter butter. I take that back. Don't ever call me that. I didn't think that through. But you understand exactly what I'm saying. I am a peanut butter freak. And she did another one of those, it's too many preserving names type thing. And so she buys some weird organic, who knows what it was. It was disgusting. It's what it was. Peanut butter. So it was awful. I hated it. Boys hated it. We all hated it. Now before this war came, that's the part we haven't talked about yet and we'll come back to the cultural thing. Stay with me. Before that came. What happened was every time I would grab the peanut butter, she would say, or the boys would grab the peanut butter. Hey, we need to switch. I just want to let you know she's going to switch or I'm going to switch, we're going to stop buying Jeff. I'm going to stop. We're going to switch. I'm telling you right now, we're going to switch. You would go over and over and over and over and over again. Why did I eventually relent shortly and allow the organic, whatever super healthy peanut butter to get there? Why did I do that? Because it would quiet things down. I just want to go get a friggin spoon and I just want to get a big old glob of peanut butter and Fred will follow me around the house because he knows he's going to get to clean it off of it by the time I'm done. I just want to do this in relative peace. You know what? Just get the other peanut butter. I'm sure it won't be that fine. People historically, no matter what, whether it's about peanut butter or whether it's about a nation. People will accept things they do not agree with to avoid getting yelled at, to avoid making things uncomfortable, to avoid getting things heated. Look, the Speaking of marriage, I'll just tell you this right now, and I'm certainly not any kind of a marriage expert, obviously, as you know, but one of the biggest mistakes young couples make is they try to avoid fighting. For me, I was telling them it's a mistake whenever you get with a young couple and they'll say, "We never fight. We're just so in love. We never fight. Why don't you fight? Why wouldn't you fight? You're two different people. You obviously are going to have disagreements about some things. You don't want to keep it within reason, but you never argue? If you never argue, then somebody is shutting their mouth when they should be speaking up. That is a fact. But that is not human nature. Human nature is to seek out calm, quiet peace, and the communists have used that in our society against us relentlessly. It has in either large ways or small ways. If you're being honest with yourself, somehow, someway, it has shaped something you have said or something you didn't say. Oh, I didn't want to say that that way, that person might find it defensive. I don't want to say this. There have been a lot of yelling about that. I'm not sure if you shouldn't say that is why they do it, and that's why they create these huge, just thunderstorms of rage at the drop of a hat because they understand there is power in that. If you lack shame, if you don't seek calm and you don't seek peace, and instead you seek destruction and domination like the communists does, if you don't seek calm and peace, then there's huge power there over people who seek it. That's a fact. They can use your values against you and that way as well. Well, I just want everyone to think I'm nice. I don't want any mean comments on Facebook. They use that stuff a lot, all right. I've got to play this one. Looks like toning down the rhetoric lasted a long time. When you say there's nothing wrong with going to the Capitol, breaking in, threatening people, a couple cops dying, putting up a new cigar officer done for the former vice president. Somehow you, and then you say you're going to forgive people for that, you're going to pardon them? That was just a normal response. That is not, I have my entire career, voted against him, railed against him, moved against the idea of violence is never appropriate, never, never, never, never, never involved. Yeah. And here's how you responded when asked about the debate. Your last TV interview you were asked. If you had watched the debate, your answer was, I don't think so. No. Have you since seen it? I've seen pieces of it. I'm not much sold debate. And the reason I asked, because I guess the question is, are you all on the same page? Are you seeing what they saw, which was moments of, frankly, that appear to be, you've appeared to be confused? Lester, look. Why don't you guys ever talk about the 18, the 28 lies he told, and then there's this. What happens if you have another episode like we saw during the debate? What happens? Yeah, what happens, what happens if you have another performance on that par, on that level? I don't plan on having another person. What happens if, what happens if you do that again? What's everything? I don't even, I don't think so. I appreciate it. Dear Jesse, while at the convention, you'd brought up how I can access these Medal of Honor citations on my own on the internet. I am sure I'm not the only one interested. Where do we get, go on the internet to find these? There's a few different places. I know the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. I know that that's one of them, but there are several websites, but I know that's one of them. If you just do an internet search for Congressional Medal of Honor Society, if you're interested in those Medal of Honor citations that are all listed there, separate it out by conflict, it out by branch of service, it is a fascinating read, I'm warning you right now though. It's like going in to a website with an endless volume of interesting short stories. It becomes an addiction when you log into it and you start logging in and you're reading of this story for, for army from this conflict and Marines from this conflict and you, you realize how many heroes they are. There are out there and you can't stop. Once you start, you can't stop mourning you. Hey, Jesse, regardless of your feelings about unity, what are your thoughts about President Trump rewriting his convention speech to address unity? His name is Chuck. Okay. Let's talk about that because, you know, I reject the notion of unity as long as it's a notion without a concrete plan, it means nothing. It's a bumper sticker. It means absolutely nothing. It's a child's blankie that makes you feel better. It means absolutely nothing. So what do I think about Trump rewriting his speech? Let's talk about that in a very frank way. Before I talk about that, let's talk about how are you planning on eating? If the power goes out, do you think, do you think the open border for the last three and a half years, do you think some bad people came across that border and do you think any of those people have a concrete plan in place already to go after our power grid? Let me clue you in. They do. This is something we know from intelligence now the enemy knows we are vulnerable there. Well, what happens to your grocery store? We just had a friggin hurricane in Houston. Our grocery stores have been down for days. They lost it all. You didn't have it before the hurricane. You weren't getting it afterwards. My patriot supplies sells emergency food kits. They sell emergency three month food kits $200 off right now. Everyone who lives with you needs one. If it's just one of you, just get one. You don't have to go crazy. Everyone needs a three month emergency food kit at That's where you get $200 off. Prepare with we'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Gosh, it's tough to interrupt Johnny Rivers. Nevertheless, I will because we have to have a discussion about this before we get to Iran trying to kill President Trump before we get to that's question was, you know, I've been going off about the unity and peace thing again, unity and peace are fine. But those words themselves mean nothing. Especially nothing, unless there's an actual concrete plan to get there. Oh, we need to unify. What does that mean? That's a child's blankie that makes you feel better when the wind's blowing. It doesn't actually accomplish anything at all. So stop saying those things to me. Booty piece. Okay. How? What's the plan for that? Who's who's going to lay down their swords? What does that mean? All right. That's what I've been saying. She said, Hey, Jesse, regarding your feelings about unity. What are your thoughts about President Trump rewriting his convention speech to address unity? It's actually it's not a she. It's from a guy named Chuck. What a great name, Chuck. All right. Let me let me talk to you about something. We are at the Republican convention. It doesn't matter. I'm not talking about physically. I'm talking about timeline wise. It's July 16th. It's the Republican convention. Trump is going to officially be the nominee in a couple of days. I think it's what is it Thursday? I believe it is. They're making the nominee. Chris, is that right? What am I asking you for? Chris never knows anything, but I think it's Thursday when he officially becomes a nominee. So this period of time can be very difficult and probably will be difficult for someone like you and someone like me. So what am I talking about? Someone like you or someone like me? You are the hardcore, politically involved person. You know the issues. You know what you want. You're probably pretty far to the right. I know we have a bunch of kind of middle of the road people who listen and I realize we have a bunch of dirty commies who hate listen, but for the most part, you're probably someone far to the right. So allow me to just give it to you. The Trump portion of the campaign that was aimed at you is over. It's absolutely over. This is now general election, presidential politics now. That's what it is. The things Trump is going to say, even positions he may take publicly. I don't know whether he believes them or thinks them at this point in time. Trump is going to say and do many, many things in order to coalition builds to ensure he wins the White House in November. And I'm not complaining about that. And I'm also not celebrating that. That's the way politics works every time during the primary. I know I hit the microphone again, shut up, Chris, during the primary process. That's when they try to talk to you. That's when they try to convince you. No, I'm the one furthest to the right. I'm the one who actually secured the border. I'm this. I'm that now that we have a nominee, that's over. That is over. And this is why I implore everyone to get involved in local elections and primaries. That is the time to hash out exactly what you want your GOP rep or senator or one running for president. The primary is the time to make that decision. Now when we get here, the portion of the election that was meant for you is over because a campaign, any presidential campaign, this is not unique to Trump's, any Republican nominee at this point in time will automatically bank on your vote and should bank on your vote. Does that mean every single one of you is going to vote? No, I know. There are a bunch of people who plan on voting RFK. There are a bunch of people who plan on not voting for Trump. They're mad about this at the Vax or something like, I understand. I'm not talking about that. But for the most part, a Republican nominee should be focusing every minute of every day on the people he doesn't have yet. And that means ignoring you, ignoring me. I've said this before and it's, it's wild how differently people hear what I'm about to say. Some people took this as some hardcore defense of Trump. Of course, the Trump worshippers took it as some insult of Trump when it's neither of the two. What Trump says between now and November doesn't really matter to me at all anymore. All that matters now, the only thing that matters is if Trump wins, what does he do? If Trump wins, what does he do? And I don't have the answer to that. And you don't have the answer to that. I don't know if he does pull this off in November and it looks good. I don't know what his plans are for governing governing. Is this going to be the four years where there is some swamp drainage? Is he going in there as if he's the sort of God to clean out this deep state corruption to go after all these people who've done us wrong, who've done him wrong? Is that his plan? That might be his plan. And if it is, sign me up for it. I don't know. I know that he can't run a general election talking about that. So I don't expect him to. I expect him to do that if he's elected. And look on the, on the bad side. If he's elected. If he's his plan to just kind of moderate and do a, buy the book down the middle presidency, try to soothe over some hard feelings with the media and be known as the guy who did it kind of normal at the end, I don't know. You don't know. So don't pretend like you do. We don't know none of us know. The proof will be in the pudding as the saying goes, we'll know when the time comes. I don't know what we're going to get. But I know that the campaign between now and then it's not meant for you. It's not meant for me. And it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be. This is going to be a campaign that's probably going to nauseate you like most general election campaigns do because the campaign is for nauseating people. You know who these people are. We call them Norm or Norma. This is a campaign that will be so dumbed down in basic. You're just going to see ad after ad after ad about immigration, inflation, public safety. Almost every ad you see is probably going to be fall somewhere in that theme. Get used to it. The election for use over. All right. All right. Let's talk about this Iranian plot to take out Trump before we talk about that. Let's talk about the greatest freaking betting on the planet. My pillow. And I love that they've expanded beyond that. Originally, obviously, it was just my pillow and that just blew up everywhere as people figured out, hold on, I don't have to spend a fortune to have the greatest pillow ever. But that morphed into these other incredible products. And now they have item after item after item. They're sandals. Honestly, every time they have a big sale on the sandals, they sell out. Every single time. They're six piece towel sets. They're amazing. You realize that both those things are $25 right now? At, you click on the Radio Lister Special Square and use the promo code Jesse. They have a laundry list of things that are 25 bucks. Go, click on the Radio Lister Special Square and use the promo code Jesse or call them 800-845-0544. Now, let's talk about this headline. I've seen a bunch of this today. US detected Iranian plot to kill Trump, separate from last week shooting. Oh, let's have a chat about Iran, Trump, and lies. Hang on, it is the Jesse Kelly show live from the Republican National Convention here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I feel like such a journalist when I say it like that, Chris. Do you look at me differently now than you did before? That is true. I don't have the sound bite. Well, you didn't send me with my sound board. I have this little stupid sound board that doesn't have my fart sound or the wire, you gay sound bite or anything like that. So I'm basically naked here. I'm doing a show with no help, which, granted, that's how I normally have to do it because Chris is the only one there who's supposed to be helping. Anyway, if you'd like to email the show, you can Jesse at Now, okay, you know, this whole assassination attempt, we've talked about it at length. There's a lot of things about it that smell and don't add up. If you missed it last night, last night we had Clay Martin on at the very beginning of the show. He's that former green berets sniper type. And I kept him on for 20, 30 minutes last night to break some things down. Help me understand things, help you understand things. Why was this not done? Why was that not done? And you don't know, you don't Clay had some very direct things to say about the response and lack of response. You know what I've said about it. I don't have any idea what to believe and I probably never will because we don't have anyone we can trust. Are we dealing with some 20 year old nut job, lost his mind, decided he was going to kill Donald Trump, all on his own? Oh, yeah, that might be absolutely what we have. Are we dealing with something bigger, something more evil, an organization, government or otherwise using a patsy to take out a powerful person as they've done many, many times before in the past? Is that what we're dealing with? I don't know. I can't dismiss anything. And if you say you can, I say that you're wrong, you're naive. There's nothing that can be dismissed. It may be the most obvious benign explanation in the world. It may be some huge palace coup put on by the CIA or something. I don't know. But we're never going to know because we can't trust anything. But here's something I definitely know. The things that don't add up the more we get information, they keep not adding up, meaning the further we get away from it, the more video we get, the more audio we get, the more eyewitness testimony we get, the more official reports we get from this police department, this sheriff's department, this group, that group, this group, that group. It's not getting any clearer. In fact, it looks worse and worse and worse. And then today, I saw this doozy, headline after headline after headline, alluding to the fact that US intelligence agencies were tracking a potential assassination attempt of Trump by Iran. Okay. So let's deal with that on its face. Is that unbelievable? Not at all. In fact, it's something that's very, very believable. Remember, Trump is the one who approved the taking out of Qasam Soleimani, their general. Iran has had a huge axe to grind with Trump ever since then. And they've said so very, very publicly, this is someone they do want dead. Okay. So it's plausible. We also know that we have a wide open border. So if they wanted to bring assassins into this country, they would have had no trouble doing so. That happens when you elect communists who open up the border of your country. So that's bad. All right. So again, believable. We also know this, the intelligence network of Iran, it is a big boy intelligence network. Very sophisticated. We as Americans, I'm as guilty. This is anyone else, especially when we think about Middle Eastern countries, Islamic countries, we tend to think about them as more backwards than they really are. Iran is a country that has a major intelligence network. They have a major military as well. Iran is not some tiny little mud hut country. So is it believable that Iran was planning on taking out Trump? They are planning on taking out Trump because who knows that plan may still be in place? Of course, it's, it's something that's possible, certain more than possible, but I find the timing of it to be very, very interesting. You see, Donald Trump almost loses his life. If he doesn't turn his head, he does lose his life right before the convention where he was going to accept the nomination. So at a time when Joe Biden's cognitive decline is headline news everywhere, are they going to replace him? Are they going to not replace him? Let me ask you. How many times over the last 48 hours have you read a major or watched a major news story about the effort to replace Joe Biden? Haven't seen many of those, have you? It's kind of fallen out of the news, despite the fact the guy still can't talk and apparently doesn't know who a Secret Service Director is. Is it acceptable that you have still not heard at least publicly from the Secret Service Director? Well, I've heard from him, but have you heard from her publicly? Publicly. I've sat down in a situation of downstairs. Secret Service, yes. Well, I've heard from him, except it's a her and it's a her that he himself appointed. Okay. So the timing of this, let's, let's do a little revisionist history. They take out Donald Trump before the convention at a time when Joe Biden's poll numbers are in free fall and everyone's calling for his head, okay? And now the attempt fails. Now you have to deal with the fall out of that. The assassination attempt fails. Of course, the shooter, the lone gunman, he's dead, as they always turn out to be, somehow someway they always end up dying really shortly afterwards, whether they run into Jack Ruby in a parking garage, whether it's a sniper bullet to the dome. It's weird how these lone gunmen always get killed so quickly, but anyway, now at a time when the Secret Service and the failures to protect Trump are headline news, now we're being told that it was the Iranians. I'm sorry. That just seems a little too neat and convenient for this man. Keep in mind the same people telling you it was the Iranians who tried to take out Trump. Those are the same people that told you COVID came from a bowl of bat soup and Wuhan. These are the exact same people who told you the mask, the vaccine would slow the spread. These are the people who told you Trump colluded with Russia. George Floyd was a saint who didn't die of a drug overdose. All the same people who've told you these things are now telling you it was the Iranians. Sorry. I don't believe anything you people say at all. And then we have. And a fear that what's going to happen now is that the Republican Party will do what they do, but the media will acquiesce to trying to convince people that the things they've been experiencing for the last five, six years didn't happen, that the greatest purveyor and promoter of political violence, really, you know, since anyone can remember since George Wallace, I think, you know, that we just haven't experienced this kind of open, you know, sort of sighting or sort of incitement of violence or sort of luxuriating in the idea of violence. It's just not something we're used to anymore in American politics. And then we had to get used to that being a thing. And people are concerned and expressing concern that we won't be the guardians of memory. And that we will allow, I can't, I get the guardians of memory the way these people see themselves. Now, I just find the whole thing interesting headline Trump rally shooting upends Democrats Biden crisis. Now everyone's focused on something else. That was very oddly timed. Wouldn't you agree? Extremely oddly timed. Anyway, Jesse, I have this nagging question about the whole thing as do I. The Secret Service leaves this roof uncovered. How does this 20 year old kid know just where to go? Just how to get up on this roof? Don't you find it a bit strange? His name is Roy. Oh, I find it extremely strange. I find these latest reports we have more than strange. We're getting reports about the kid being in there with a range finder beforehand and the cops saw him in there with a range finder. Why would he know to go to that roof? Did he carry a ladder to that roof? Or I don't know what would be worse if he carried it to the roof or if there was one already there. Look, we're never going to know the answers to these questions and I don't want to promote conspiracy theories because I don't know. You'll never know. Oh, I find a lot of this strange and I don't believe any of these people. And I also don't believe you're still walking around with that daily pain that you experience. That pain you wake up every single morning and you're grabbing your neck. Ah, maybe this is the day and it's not gone, is it? It affects your sleep, doesn't it? It affects your mood. Daily pain sucks the life out of you. It does. And, you know, you could take steps to stop that. Your body's already trying to fight that inflammation, but your body needs help. Otherwise the pain would already be gone. That's where relief factor comes in, drug free, unnatural. It helps your body's natural response to inflammation. You take it every single day. You take it for three weeks and then tell me how you feel. Watch it disappear. There's a reason everyone calls the order more. It's just miraculous, miraculous. Go to or you can give them a call. One 800 the number four relief. One segment left. Hang on. Feeling a little stalky. Follow, like, and subscribe once. It is the Jesse Kelly show, final segment of the Jesse Kelly show, but don't worry. We will return tomorrow. You should send me an email where we're still getting these, as you can tell. I don't know how he's doing it. Somehow, Jewish producer Chris is getting the emails in physical form over to me so I can read them. Email us,, all right? Also, I was thinking about this. I don't think that space travel is as cool as astronauts make it out to be. Be clear. I understand why they do it because it's this really impressive thing to be an astronaut and all those guys, they're normally pilots and fighter pilots and they're really, especially the beginning. They're such impressive people, so it's not that I'm dogging on being an astronaut. I think that's really impressive, but I feel like when you're an astronaut, you have to come back and say how cool it was and say how great it was. Oh, my gosh, it's the best, really? Which part? Which part? You're telling me that suit doesn't get you a little claustrophobic? Tell me that? I call bull crap. You're telling me you enjoy going pee on yourself? You know they have to wear diapers or something in there, right? That's how they have to do that. Don't tell me you're enjoying that. You tell me you sleep well in space. You know those beds suck. You know the food sucks. I think they've been overselling it to everybody for a long, long time, and if you're a kid out there who dreams of being an astronaut, I think you need to set those dreams aside because I'm telling you right now it's going to suck. What, Chris? What is zero G? What are you talking about? Is this about money again, Chris? Oh, no gravity. Okay. Okay. No gravity. You know what? That'd be fine for five minutes. And then if we get so unbelievably old, I don't want to have to chase down my orange juice. Okay. I just want to be able to pour it down my throat. Anyway, let's talk about some more important things. Sorry, Chris got me distracted. Jesse, I spent over 20 years in the United States Secret Service full time detail for four years saddened by what has happened to my agency. I actually got a few of these from former Secret Service guys. This is a period of time. Everyone's facing challenges. I don't want to act like there's only one generation that's having it worse than the others. The younger generation, they've got unique challenges and older generations have unique challenges. But this is a period of time when I feel genuinely bad for about my dad's generation, I would say. If you're 50 to 80, 50 to 90, I feel the worst for you. Why? Because these revered, formerly wonderful institutions, maybe institutions that you used to belong to, they've turned rotten. And what happens is not only are you upset because you used to be part of it, but that became understandably part of your life and part of your life's resume. Like this guy here, he said, he used 20 years Secret Service. I'm sure he's not a braggart, but if he finds himself having a conversation with people, who are you? Where you're from? You married? What do you do? I have no doubt at some point in time, it comes up that he spent 20 years in the United States Secret Service. Why wouldn't it come up? Isn't that freaking cool? That's one of those shortlist things on your life's resume that you will bring up to people when you're in conversation with yourself. So how do you handle it? How do you deal with it if the United States Secret Service goes bad? We've talked about this, maybe you go through this, maybe you went to one of these prestigious universities. We just use Harvard, but there are how many examples, sadly there are a lot of examples, but how many examples could we use if you went to Harvard? Let's say you graduated from Harvard in the 80s or something along those lines. Well, that's pretty much amazing. Most people can't even get a sniff of getting into Harvard. You not only got in, you made the grades, you passed, and now, look, if you Harvard, yeah, wherever you went, you have that diploma hanging in your office, don't you? Maybe it's at home in the office, maybe it's at work, but that's one of those things you kind of lead with, don't you? You're proud of that, understandably proud of that. How do you mentally, emotionally deal with the fact that Harvard has become a putrid place, a place where your values, the values you have, the values you had, they're completely rejected and frankly despised? That is a lot to deal with, and I have a lot of sympathy for that older generation, just a little bit older than me going through this, watching organizations, institutions, you've admired your entire life, watching them be taken from you. This is the head of the Secret Service after Trump almost died. Who is most responsible for this happening? What I would say is that the Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former president. So the buck stops with you? The buck stops with me. I am the director of the Secret Service. It was unacceptable, and it's something that shouldn't happen again. The president and Homeland Security Secretary said today they had 100% confidence in you, but there are some members of Congress calling on you to resign.