Orr's Observations Podcast

#18 Biden battling replacement, Supreme Courts big week, RFK allegations, Project 2025

I talk about Biden battling replacement, Supreme Courts big week, RFK allegations, and Project 2025

Music by Yevgeny Sorokin from Pixabay

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome back to the Ours Observations Podcast. I'm your host, Elliot Orr, and this is episode 18 coming at you from Wednesday, July 3rd at 11 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. And today I am going to talk about the aftermath of, you know, I said it on the last episode, I actually, Joe Biden's debate performance exceeded my expectations, and my expectations were perhaps more realistic than anyone who was a Biden supporter, because the one time I say something arguably positive about Joe Biden, I, you know, the mainstream corporate press decides to just shit on him all week. So, you know, it's pretty funny that the one time I say something somewhat nice about the guy, his normal posse of defenders are actually disagreeing with me as normal, but on this time I actually thought Biden did better than I thought he would. So, I'm gonna be talking about, you know, the different scenarios of replacing him, whether or not it's even possible, who could it be, how would they do it, when would they do it? That's gonna be the bulk of the episode. The Supreme Court has been very, very active. So, I'm gonna be talking about that as well. I will be talking about just kind of a, you know, a random, rantable, maybe a little 10 minute segment at the end, talking about some less important events that I have way less to say about. I also will be attending the Young Americans for Liberty Convention in early August in Orlando. So, I am very excited to go there and meet some like-minded peers, which is very hard to do in Portland, Oregon. So, anyone listening who's also going to that, super excited to come and meet everyone and meet some new people and make some new friends. If you wanna follow my ex and we can, you know, chat before then at original or on ex. So, with all that said, let's get into the episode and you should be excited because I'm excited and it starts right now. (upbeat music) Welcome back. So, this is the first segment of today's show. I'm gonna be talking about the devastating aftermath of Joe Biden's debate. And, you know, this debate, I gave some really, really brief post-debate thoughts on my last episode, mainly just because I recorded a pre-debate episode and I was not able to upload it before the debate. So, I had to add some post-debate commentary in there to, you know, not give you guys an already outdated episode. So, I'm gonna just go more into detail today 'cause now that I've heard other people talk about it in seeing the general reaction, this is a whole other talking point now 'cause I was just giving pure my own reactions to debate. Before I even heard anyone else talk about it and I did go back and watch most of the debate again and I, you know, I was going into it more worried, less about Joe Biden's tone of voice and more about just whether or not he was gonna know where he was, could he understand the questions and could he, you know, give an answer loosely based in the content and reality? And looking back on it again, a second time, I definitely see how someone who's been fed the illusion that there is no problem with Joe Biden's age. Well, you know, they could definitely see it in that debate and for me, I've obviously seen the problems with Biden's age well, well, well before this debate and so I wasn't going into it whether or not he's old and incompetent 'cause of course he obviously is and has been for a long time, right? So I was even seeing some clips like comparing Joe Biden from the 2020 debate to this one and it's not even the same person. I mean, when you look side by side response compared to response, I mean, there is a third of a person in there, maybe even a quarter or less. You know, it is, it's getting really bad. And to even imagine four years more of Joe Biden in what's, you know, everyone obviously says probably rightfully so that this is the most stressful job in at least America, but the world, you know, 'cause America, the dominant, the superpower of the world, right? So of course, since we're the biggest, baddest nation on the block, we have to have the hardest presidential position and we're giving it to currently a senile old man and instead of, you know, trying to find a better candidate, these people who, I mean, my whole life, right? I'm growing up in Portland, Oregon. So I am around the fucking radical liberals, right? And I've always heard how much this group of people hates old white men. So why is everyone just not even questioning the fact that they're running the oldest right man who's been a fixture of the American problem and the government for years, right? Decades, longer than almost everyone has been alive, right? So, I mean, it's ridiculous to just not see that problem straight up, but to be so fear-mongered, to think that this guy is the only guy or the best chance of beating Trump to only vote for this dude who sucks because you don't like Trump. You know, that's the core of the issue right there is that these people think that they have no choice and no voice, but, you know, the Democratic Party is not the only party. I mean, you guys talk about, oh, the two-party illusion, let's get rid of it. You know, the electoral college, the problem isn't the electoral college. I'm gonna tell you that right now. The problem is that, right, we have this illusion of choice in the government. And when you start to see through the differences, right, these kind of superficial social issues that are never going to get solved. And if they do, the only way that these problems are gonna get solved is if one side, like, just totally loses, right? One side is gonna have to dominate the other side. And that's not democracy. And I don't think that's the way that it should work, right? I, as a libertarian, just think, you know, let's all be chill people, let's all be free. And on these things that we disagree with, you know, I don't understand why it has to be an all or nothing compromise all the time. Let's just mind our own business, right? But also in this party system, right, there's only, there's two choices, right? So one side's gonna have 50%, right, the Republican, the right-wing social issues paired with the right-wing economic policies. And on the left side, it's gonna be vice versa to that. So what if, I mean, and it's really not this black and white, and this is the problem is it isn't black and white. So if I want the right-wing economics and the left-wing social issues, there isn't a party, well, there should be, but in this two-party system, right, I can't vote for a representative that represents me, right? And if I lose, right, because I live in a state, right, and I live in Portland. So my representative, I'm never gonna get a libertarian representative in Oregon, right? So at least in Portland. So funny story, I was trying to get like a tattoo, like a, and it was like a libertarian tattoo, and the guy realized that it was a libertarian tattoo, and he was like, oh, this logo is associated with a far-right group. It was a libertarian group, and he didn't wanna do it, so I'm not getting that tattoo, unfortunately. But that's what I'm saying, right? So if I can't get my representative in, I'm basically unrepresented, and worse than that yet, I'm represented by someone who doesn't represent me. So I mean, that, you know, just that problem alone should make everyone question the system of government we live under, because if the mass, the majority of people don't agree with you, you are not represented. And what if, right, you know, for instance, let's just use this like Trump Biden example, for instance, where, you know, you hate one guy, and then most, I don't think there's a Biden supporter who loves Biden, but right, this hateful thing, you hate the other side. And now, that person represents you. No, they don't. I hate that guy, he doesn't represent anything I stand for, but he represents me. So, you know, we need to A) escape the two-party illusion, and that's not gonna happen right now. And if anyone can't see it, this whole thing is to keep the two-party illusion going. That's the whole point of this election. And, you know, it's a divide and conquer, 'cause the only true interest in the government is bipartisanship, right? So if you think about it as, for instance, like a Venn diagram, you know what that is? Like, we're two circles, the vesicopices in the middle, right? So the two circles, Republican and Democrat, they have all these things outside the circle that they want you to think, that's really what we stand for, right? Those are our most important core issues. But the thing is, is that since both sides disagree, and it's about 50/50, both parties, so neither issue is gonna get solved, right? So all the stuff that's in the middle of these circles, the vesicopices where they meet, that's the real interest, and they share them, and their real interest is making money off of you. And, of course, power in some respect. There's probably something even deeper to it, right? And you also have to realize that in this era of American politics, the politics go on in the shadows. They go on way deeper than the American people realize. This isn't just the presidency, the House, and the judicial system, right? There is a deep state that secretly runs the entire government. You have to think of they, the entire government as one group, because they are, right? Everything that either party does that you don't like, but that they do, that's still the same entity, right? The government is one big unit. So all the things they do, the bipartisanship, that is the real interest, right? It's not these outside fringe issues that people are voting for. It's these things that are so boring and don't affect real people. So they're not gonna even look into it or hear about it. And if you're only watching the corporate press, they aren't going to tell you about it because they are tools of the establishment. They wanna say that they're keeping power accountable, right? And this is the rule of real journalism. And rather than that, their mouthpiece is to the power. They do the powers bidding for them. So this is a really long introduction to what I really wanted to talk about, which was Biden's debate performance and the general reaction to that, right? So finally, this guy walks out here just obviously old as fuck and he is, right? He has no energy, zero energy. I mean, you could barely hear what he was saying. He was tripping up on every other word and he never really went anywhere with anything he was saying. You know, he was lying too. People really wanna say that Trump was the liar there and Biden, you know, wow, he's so incompetent, but he doesn't lie at least. And that's not even true. He said that the border patrol endorsed him. They endorsed Trump, you know, they don't endorse Biden. So, I mean, that's just a straight up lie. And there are other examples. CNN actually like fat check straight up all the shit he was lying about. Like the insulin cap, he said it was like 15 bucks, but it's actually 35. And, you know, from my understanding of that, he actually raised the price of insulin when he got into office so that a few years later, when everyone forgot that he did that or didn't even realize in the first place, he could lower it back down, blame it on Trump, and then, oh, well, I lowered the price of insulin. But you raised it first and you're not gonna talk about that. So, you know, now, all of a sudden, every single corporate like press news agency is now calling for Biden to step down, finally. There's a lot of voice in the democratic establishment calling for Biden to step down. Wow, this is a little too late, isn't it? Wow, I mean, instead of doing it during the primaries, you're gonna do it now, right? So, this is where it gets a little bit suspect, right? And, you know, it's actually funny, the amount of left is, I see, now trying to, like, somehow claim that the corporate press is biased against Biden because they're all writing about how Biden is old and incompetent and not writing about Trump. They're writing rightfully so about the news of the debate, which, oh, apparently this is new breaking news. Biden is old as fuck and shouldn't be the president. Pretty obvious, right? But, you know, don't write about that, write about the Trump criminal conviction 'cause I'm sure they haven't been writing about that for weeks, you know? And that's just the democratic mind is, oh, well, I can't take any criticism. I can't take it. Where's the Trump criticism? You know, it's a comparative thing. I feel like a lot of them, they are not even supporting the Democrats at this point for anything that the Democrats stand for, but purely because they aren't Republican. So, I mean, at this point, can everyone just find someone that they genuinely like no social pressure, right? None. Don't get influenced by someone else. Don't even get influenced by me. I mean, go, look, find a politician that you agree with. I mean, that would fucking solve America right now 'cause we need people who actually represent us, right? The only way to slow down this government trend. I mean, I think the only way to actually do it is to just tear it down, right? There's this meme I see sometimes where it's the Nicholas Cage Pedro Pascal meme, I don't know if you've seen it before, but it's like me talking to my normy friend. Oh, the system's broken and it must be fixed. Me knowing that the system is working exactly as it's intended to and must be abolished. That's about where we are, right? Because in the 21st century, when we could all vote, I mean securely, right, with the right systems, an independent neutral party that everyone can trust and agree to trust, open source that shit. I mean, let's just, you know, let's make a fucking obviously crystal clear transparent democratic process where people can directly vote on their phones anywhere, right? There's no excuse to not give the people more power. There isn't an excuse at this point. And this is why I think that, you know, a third party president is maybe the solution that we're all looking for right now, right? Because I think there's a higher chance to get a third party president than enough of a third party Congress or, you know, any sort of legislative body to actually have a difference, right? But let's say we do have an independent president, independent of party and he gets to oversee the whole like government, theoretically. So, you know, he's not gonna be taking sides because he's intentionally trying to heal the country, right? So when you have this only partisan system, right? Theoretically, where it's, you know, one team versus the other team, the president is always playing politics, you know? He can't sign on to a bill that might appear to Republican even if he agrees with it, right? We need someone in there who is not doing anything for any other reason than to better America into better the people and out of, you know, Donald Trump or Joe Biden, I don't think either have that interest in mind and I think it's pretty clear. And, you know, Fourth of July, I'm recording this a few days post now 'cause I was not able to finish the episode when I first sat down to start it. But I was wearing my Kennedy shirt around, talking to some people and, you know, some people were just like, oh, I'm not gonna vote for anyone, I'm just gonna not vote, you know? And this is a problem I've been thinking a lot with like the Libertarian Party, specifically the like more right wing Libertarian Party, which I associate myself with a little more, is that, you know, since Chase Oliver, who's the Libertarian nominee for president got chosen, a lot of these more like conservative, more like, I guess you could say right of center Libertarians are now not gonna even vote Libertarian. And before it's like, oh, okay, you know, I don't like Kennedy 'cause of his stance on Israel and whatever else, you know, insert whatever problem you have with him, right? And I know that, you know, Michael Recht and Walt can't win, but I like actually really believe in what he has to say. So I'm still gonna vote for him, you know? But this idea, oh, I hate Biden and Trump so much that I'm just not gonna vote for anyone, right? If you hate them so much that you don't wanna vote for either, then vote for someone who might make it so that neither one of them are president, you know? And I just don't understand how you think that, you know, this, I'm obviously talking about Robert F. Kennedy here. And I don't see a world where we're gonna be worse off with him as president between, you know, Trump or Biden. Biden, we're so fucking close to World War right now, man. That like, if you really think that you can just leave the same establishment in right now and it's gonna be okay, it's not, bro. The amount of people, oh, well, we can't split the vote. It's still about stopping Trump. And, you know, I live in Portland so it's not something I can totally say all the time, but I would vote for Trump before I voted for Biden, you know? People are like, oh, well, you can't split the vote, you need, we can't let Trump get in there. I don't give a fuck. I think they're about equally as bad, honestly. I really, like, I would never, ever vote for Joe Biden. I would never, ever vote for Gavin Newsom. So that's just out of the question for me personally, right? But for everyone else, they'll tell me, oh, the two-party system, this is the whole problem, but we have to vote for the Democrats because we can't let Trump get in. And that, my friends, is called the two-party system. That is the exact thing right there that they are trying to hook you in with, right? They want you to be afraid of either one. That's what I was talking about with the Venn diagrams, right? They want you to only see the things that they are different on. And those problems are never going to change drastically. At the end of the day, I believe that. I think that both of these parties, at the end of the day, it's one party at its core, and it's a show. The best way to keep the masses from revolting is to not let them know that they're being oppressed. You want them to think that we have a choice. This is our government, we choose it. Oh, well, so, okay, let me ask you a question then. If you are going to vote for ex-political party, Republican or Democrat, every single election, you get two choices, right? Are we really building this government? Are we really choosing if we only get the option between, oh, you know, this person supports abortion, and I support abortion, but everything else sucks. I hate everything else they say, but I guess I have to vote for them 'cause there's no other options, right? So how is it that one person somehow represents the diverse interests of like millions of people? That just seems totally outrageous. And there's another problem here, right? We're a big country, right? Huge country. And at this point, no one can say that we aren't very, very divided to the point where a lot of us hate our own neighbors more than we even hate the politicians because we blame all the problems on them. We blame them for what their politicians are doing, right? So it really is becoming this point where the country is so separated that it's ridiculous to think that we should still be making decisions on such a wide federal scale. We need to, you know, the federal government, right? You couldn't have an argument about state governments, city governments, I am open to having those. What I am saying purely is that the federal government should not be making these widespread decisions, right? Why does someone in Florida, why does their vote affect what I get to do in Oregon, right? If I live in Oregon and they live in Florida, I wanna make the rules for Oregon and they wanna make the rules for Florida. And this is the thing about libertarianism is that we can all live the way that we want to live these differences and divisions at a certain point you have to kind of withdraw yourself and stop controlling everyone else because for some reason there's this real big need to just push your values and force them on everyone. People don't like that, right? That's not the right way to go about it. And it's a two-sided thing, right? We're not focused as a whole in this country on open communication and trying to really have meaningful conversations, trying to, you know, to me, part of it is you gotta be able to express yourself but you also have to genuinely listen to what your conversation partner is saying. I want to take something away from you. I want my mind to change but you also need to have the same, you know, perspective. If everyone went into a conversation and was genuinely giving their best faith effort to try and hear, understand, and, you know, empathize with other people, then these divisions that we think we have, we could talk them out in a way that works except it's an all or nothing thing. I need to have, you know, no restrictions on abortions across the entire country. That's just kind of unrealistic because as much as, you know, you or me or anyone else supports that, right? There is a lot of people who think it's murder, right? And, you know, this is my argument with the whole federal government thing is that this is the best way to solve it is if it's a state decision instead of a federal decision because, I mean, I really like this, this is a point that gets a lot of hate but there are people who genuinely, vehemently disagree with whatever position you think is so morally superior that to them they think they're morally superior. So if you, you know, I just keep using abortion as this one 'cause it's the most, you know, it's definitely one of the bigger, if not the biggest, kind of division topics, right? And that issue specifically, right? You can't force this on other people just like how you don't want it forced on you. So the only solution right now is to separate it by states. Would you rather have it banned on a national level or a state level, right? That's basically the conversation right now. If you wanna put it back up to a national, you know, thing, then you have to be ready for a national ban. But if you want it to be legal in your state, then you wanna keep it a state's rights thing because you have more power in your state than you do federally. So why would you not want it to be a state's right? You have more say over your own rights in a state's right system, right? So if everyone or most people in X state, right? Mississippi, Alabama, right? They don't want abortions, right? Then everyone else who does can get them. But if it's a federal thing, now no one can, right? It doesn't really matter about your vote federally because you're one of like 100 million, 200 million. You don't fucking matter on that level. And that's the problem. Why are we living in a country that is so big under one government? It doesn't make sense. And you know, sure, Canada, right? Russia, most countries are not this big and most countries are not this advanced and most countries are not this populated to have one government with this much power and this much size. Yeah, we like to say that we're free, right? That, you know, we're the best country in the world that we've got it all figured out. You know, democracy, blah, blah, blah. No, we don't have it all figured out. It fucking sucks here and it's gonna get worse. Way worse, right? And that is the core of the issue is that it's never going to change unless we demand it to and splitting the vote. I mean, it's just such a, like, you know, we saw four years of a Trump presidency, right? We know what that's like. Say whatever you want. And we fucking survived it, right? And I feel more comfortable avoiding World War III with Trump at the range because this is a thing. It's such a more existential thing than people are making it out to be, right? It's literally World War III. If Biden stays in there, we will go to World War III with him. We will. I mean, we might do it before the election even happens, right? 'Cause once it starts, it's not that easy to end. So it's not just about whatever, you know, social issue you wanna talk about. We are literally on the doorstep of nuclear war, the end of our species. And we're fucking worried about all these trivial tribal things, great, in an advanced world and in a perfect world. We can go through that, but we have to be realistic about the situation I'm in. Not me, but we're in, right? And it's not like Trump is the guy. That's what I'm saying, he's not. I'm equally mad at both people for not being able to just get past their two party system lens, right? You know, they're both evil. They're both evil. Why would you vote for evil? You know, you're so worried about splitting the vote. Everyone is, everyone is. So imagine everyone who didn't want, you know, afraid to split in the vote. Just don't vote for either of them. Enough people have to do it, right? And at the end of the day, your vote does not matter that much. So why not? Especially if you're not gonna vote. Especially if you're not gonna vote. You must. 'Cause if you're not gonna vote, I do not want to hear you bitch one fucking time, right? If you just let this happen, if you let either of those fucking men walk into office by not voting, 'cause that's protesting, know the fuck it's not. So you're gonna just sit here and let one of these two fucking evil people dominate you for four more years. Four more years are the same shit. Who fucking knows where we'll be? But right now, we have a candidate who, you know, everyone's still saying he can't win. That is such an outdated thing to say. This is the third Cardi candidate who for the first time in most people's lifetime, since like Ross Perot has actually had the recognition and the momentum to make some noise. And even if he doesn't win, if he can get enough of the vote to just legitimize the option that, oh wow, this isn't splitting the vote because there's already a solid 20, 30% of people. We just need a little more to get over the top. Just a little bit. There's gonna be a lot of people who vote for Robert F. Kennedy. I'm telling you that right now, there will be a lot. So we need every single scrap vote we can get. It isn't splitting the vote, it's not. Biden is the spoiler. If you hate Trump so much, you must vote for Robert F. Kennedy. Because that is what the no spoiler pledge is about, right? He showed in the only poll this year with like 20,000 plus people, the only, the first poll of the year that was including electoral vote counting, right? He beats Trump. Biden does not. In a head-to-head race without Kennedy. So without splitting the vote, Biden still loses. And this was a few months ago. It's only gonna be so much worse after that debate performance. And you know, I wanted this segment to be about replacing Biden. So we're gonna roll into that real fast. You know, it's, after his debate, Newsom gets up and he's like, oh man, anyone calling for him to drop out, fuck you pretty much. You know, he's, this guy is amazing. He's the greatest president of our lifetimes. And I mean, the coping is just off the charts. It's fucking wild. But he's obviously trying to preserve his role 'cause he doesn't wanna come off too strong. And, you know, I think he's the guy. And I said it on the show a few weeks ago. I like the theory that Kamala Harris goes to be the governor of California in order to kind of switch it. Because how are they gonna sell to their like woke DEI base that their woman, black vice president is now not gonna be the president, right? How are they gonna sell that to him? And I honestly would love Kamala Harris to be their nominee. Light work, light work. Kamala Harris will not win, right? So, I mean, please, please, I think that might be the only candidate that's worse than Joe Biden, right? So, you know, be my guest, please. But they know that they can't run Kamala. They can't fucking run her. So they need to get rid of her. But how are they gonna do it? That is the interesting thing about Michelle Obama is that obviously she's also a black woman and she's Obama's wife. So, not a tough sell. You could even make Kamala the vice president again, right? But they need to figure out what they're gonna do with her if they wanna replace Biden. And they wanna replace Biden. Just today, it's still unconfirmed and it's very contested. Laura Loomer, who's like, she's like a random Trump supporter on X, she does some podcast and stuff, but she's not like a, she thinks she's serious. Nah, she's not serious. So, I'm not buying it from her, but she said that Biden had a medical emergency on board Air Force One today. So, there's been some controversy about that. I mean, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Biden just fucking dies, right? But I just, the way this debate went, it screams, screams replacement, right? 'Cause, hey, they had this debate really, really early, right? And they gave him like 12 days of rest and you're, I mean, I'm sure they put him on so many drugs. This is the best version of Joe Biden, right? At least they wanted it to be. So, if this is the attempted best version of Joe Biden in such an important moment for this election and we get that out of him, then I mean, who the fuck is this guy gonna be in four years? You have to think about that and you have to think about that seriously, right? 'Cause how fucked up is it to vote, you know, I don't wanna vote for Trump. So, I'm gonna vote for this dude who literally can't even be president. I mean, how disrespectful is that to your country? The fact that the Democratic Party is running this guy and people are like, yeah, this is such an unserious organization, right? That was part of what it was for me is I fucking saw this fucking relic of a guy and I'm like, whoever decided that this is the candidate doesn't deserve my vote. I don't want those people in charge. You know, you can make whatever argument you want, but I'm gonna vote for someone that I like and that I want to be the president, right? 'Cause that's what you should be doing. Peer pressure, guys. It's like the number one fucking thing you learn in like grade school, don't give in to peer pressure and there's so much peer pressure going on. You have to vote for Biden. Do it for the women. Do it for the women. You don't get a choice anymore, right? That's what they want you to do. They're not gonna sell totalitarianism to you straight up. They're gonna sugarcoat that shit and hope that everyone's dumb enough and distracted enough to A, see it and not understand or B, just not see it at all. And I don't know. I, the lesser of two evils is still very, very evil. And I would argue maybe not even the lesser of two evils. So yeah, we'll see. We'll see if Biden makes it to November. We'll see if they don't replace him, which would be surprising. I honestly, it's gonna be a tough road to replace him. I'm excited to see the downfall, but I also kind of don't want him to be replaced because he is the weakest candidate I've ever seen. So if there's a, see, this is the other thing about the third party thing right now, is we have an opportunity where so many people, when are we gonna get two candidates more hated than these two fucks, right? So this is the best chance, maybe ever, because they're two horrible candidates. And the third party candidate is way better, right? So when else will we get two guys who suck and are hated? You know, it's easy to get one maybe, but two, we can really upset this shit right now guys. You just gotta wanna do it and not be afraid. But we'll see, I don't have that much hope because I think a lot of people are afraid and brainwashed and they don't know that they are brainwashed. So yeah, I could probably keep going, just keep rambling and ranting, but I'm gonna cut this segment here. I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna talk about some Supreme Court activity. Thank you guys. (upbeat music) All right, hello and welcome back. It has been a active week for the Supreme Court of the United States, multiple decisions and a lot of not so happy reactions. Obviously the biggest one this week, I think was the presidential immunity stuff with, you know, loosely regarding Trump, but just in general, I'm gonna get to that one second. First, I'm gonna talk about the Chevron, I think it's the Chevron documents, Chevron deferants. That's what it is. So I found a great synopsis of that from Spike Cohen on X. So here is why it ended and I'm just gonna quote this whole thing. So this is from Real Spike Cohen on X. A family fishing company, Looper Bright Enterprises was being driven out of business because they couldn't afford the $700 per day that they were being charged by the National Marine Fisheries Service to monitor their company. The thing is, is that federal law doesn't authorize the NMFS to charge businesses for this service. So they just decided to start doing it in 2013. Why did they think they could get away with just charging people without any legal authorization? Because in 1984, the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the, quote, experts in their field and that the court should just defer to their, quote, interpretation and, quote, of the law. So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to interpret laws to mean whatever they want and the courts had to just go with it. It was called the Chevron difference and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country. It's how the OHSA was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab or be fired. No law gave them that authority, they just made it up. It's how the ATF was able to decide that a piece of plastic was a machine gun. It's how the NCRS was able to protect a small puddle as a protected wetland. It's how out of control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air and force you to comply and the courts had to simply defer them because they were the experts. Imagine if your local police could just arrest you for any reason and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you'd actually committed a crime or not. Just off to jail you go. That's what the Chevron difference was. It's not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused a measurable harm to everyone. Thankfully, it's gone now. We haven't even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts. It will be used for years to come to roll back federal agencies and we'll all be better for it. And that's why politicians in corporate media are freaking out about it, right? So anyone who thinks that this was a bad decision loves government regulation as a libertarian. I hate government regulation. So my stance is fuck yeah, fuck the government. They got less power today than they had yesterday. And I don't think, this might be the difference. I don't think that the government regulators do a good job. I would rather have a third party regulator. They can put their stamp on there, they can regulate it. And, you know, people are going to say, oh, how are you going to know? What if you buy something that's bad? It's called a personal self ownership, personal responsibility. You know, you can choose not to buy something, right? If there's like a third party regulator that you trust, you don't see their badge on there, don't fucking buy the product, bro. Just don't buy it, right? I saw this thing the other day where like Walmart is doing digital price tags now and everyone was like, oh my fucking god, they're going to bait and switch. They're going to, I'm going to take the milk off the shelf. And by the time I go to pay for it, it's going to be 30 cents more expensive. But what if it's cheaper? What if you pick it up and then it's cheaper the next time, right? You can always scan it and look at it and if it's like way more than it was, don't buy it. But also the dollar fluctuation value by the time that you bring that milk from the shelf to the counter. So, you know, if it's just reflecting the value of the dollar, then it's not on Walmart. But, you know, a relevant, irrelevant point. But I think that the federal agencies suck and I think that they're unconstitutional. And I want, as I said earlier, the federal government to have as little power as possible, right? So, I am very, very happy that, you know, these agencies can't just make up laws as they go, right? If they really want it to be a law and they're really the experts, then draft a law, make it, send it to a congressperson, get it passed. But you don't get to just interpret the law and do whatever you want. And that also eliminates the check and balance. If the courts can't do anything about it, then I mean, what the fuck is the point of the courts? So, I'm happy with this. I think democracy wins today. Or, I mean, this was a few days ago. But, it's pretty, you know, it's an interesting, interesting time for sure. So, the other thing is presidential immunity. The Supreme Court basically grants the president a presumptive presidential immunity. And I'm gonna just kind of give a much more, like, instead of getting really specific about the ruling, I'm gonna, like, talk about some things. So, one of the justices, I think it was Sotomayor. I don't know if it was Sotomayor though. One of the Democratic justices said that this gave the president the power to, like, you seal Team Six as, like, an assassination squad, which is such an over-exaggeration, right? It's immunity, but it's not like, you can't just do whatever the fuck you want type shit, right? And, you know, also, as a libertarian, the idea of presidential immunity to me is baloney, right? If you commit a crime, you should be able to, you know, be held to that law. But the idea is, it's a long-term precedent in America that the presidents have presidential immunity. When Barack Obama drone-striked and killed an American with no due process, right, killing an American, a president killing an American with a fucking drone. Presidential immunity, Mr. Obama. I mean, if you can't criminally prosecute for that, and you're gonna criminally prosecute because someone gives a porn star hush money, I mean, come on, bro. That is not the same level of thing. You could argue, and, you know, you'd probably be successful in saying that what Trump did was not a crime. No one would be charged for that. And it's not even related to him being the president, right? But, I mean, the fact that he got convicted is relating to him being the president. But, you know, presidential immunity's always existed. Why do you think George Bush and Cheney are walkin' free, right? Look at those fucks, look at those guys. Look at all the shit they did, and they're chillin', right? Because there's been this long-time idea in America that, you know, if there wasn't presidential immunity, then every single time a new president came in, the old administration would be on trial. Which, you know, there's an easy way to fix that. Just don't commit crimes. You know, govern morally and justly. Pretty simple fix. The fact that we're even having this debate tells you everything you need to know, and that you shouldn't support either party. 'Cause they both suck. It need presidential immunity. They commit so many crimes that they need to be protected from the law, that they create, which is pretty fucked up if you start to think about it, right? I mean, look at Hunter Biden, bro. His dad is the reason why, like, you know, a lot of black kids aren't growin' up with dads. He passed that 1984 crime bill that, you know, was disastrous for black families across the country. And not just black families, of course. You know, drug users across the country, families across the country. But, you know, specifically when you're talking about criminal justice, the black people are the focal point of it. So, you know, the fact that Hunter Biden is an in jail for crack, says everything. He's on video doing it, bro. He's on, like, there's evidence of him having, like, incestuous, pedophilic relationships. And this isn't even the president, right? So the fact that people are only getting mad at, you know, the Trump aspect of this, while A, Biden is actively president right now, but presidential immunity has been something that every party, every president has enjoyed. So it's not a new president. It's not a precedent that I agree with, but I just don't like seeing people kind of only apply this to one person in one situation. It's not just about Trump. It's about every president, and it's about the entire system as a whole. So you got to look at that from a wider perspective. And, you know, there could be an argument where I could see, okay, you can be immune from some things, right? Like, if there's really, like, some crazy thing, you know, you suspect someone to be in a terrorist and they're not, right? I feel like they should at least have to go to court for that, right? You can get proven innocent if the jury, you know, does that, but you got to face up to the crime first. So, yeah, I mean, it's been an interesting week with that. And I'm going to come back right after this with just, you know, a finisher on some headlines and some rapid fire news right after this. (upbeat music) So, one of the most funny things I have seen after the debate is that, you know, rightfully so, the mainstream news for the first time has said that Trump, not Trump, Biden is old and needs to step down. Yet the reaction from Democrats rather than saying, oh, why yes, Biden is old and needs to step, how dare you write about Joe Biden negatively instead of Donald Trump? He's a convicted film, he's on paper office, you need to call for him to step down. So, let me get this straight, right? The mainstream media, which is, I mean, with the exception of like Fox News, which is the, you know, neo-con propaganda outlet, all the democratic propaganda outlets that publish Trump hit piece after Trump hit piece and I'm sure none stop talked about Trump's felony conviction is not allowed to write any articles about Joe Biden having a bad debate performance unless they put an article about Trump above it. Do you understand what you're saying right now is that you want an echo chamber, you don't want to be exposed to information that you don't like because it makes you uncomfortable and it makes you question your beliefs. Oh, no, I might have been wrong, right? I mean, how is that the reaction to this fucking guy just shitting himself on stage pretty much? I mean, I went back and watched it, right? My original commentary was, oh, he did, you know, pretty good. And that was just 'cause my expectations were on the floor. I expected him to maybe even die on stage and he goes out, we beat dementia. Fuck, no, it wasn't dementia. It was, we beat Medicare. What? We beat Medicare. I was, you know, he was, oh, you know, there's all these women being raped by their husbands and their family members and their sisters. It's ridiculous. Yeah, Joe, it is ridiculous. It's also ridiculous what you just said, bro. I mean, God. So the general reaction just says a lot to me that, you know, they can't, you know, the left as a whole, they just can't handle like real information, right? They can't handle information that puts in question the things that they, you know, assume to be true because the news tells them, right? And then as soon as the news runs a story, they don't like, now they're starting to say, oh, the news is bias, bro. Yeah, welcome to the fucking party. I wish it was bias on my side, but, you know, you just consume straight propaganda 24/7. So I don't know what I can tell you. There's been a freak out about Project 2025 and this is like, so the Heritage Foundation is like some sort of like conservative think tank and they have this outline for Project 2025 which they want Trump to like use. And Trump literally the other day said, you know, I don't know a lot about this. I don't agree with most of it. It's not his plan, right? It's, you know, people who like to, you know, the left and other people like to associate with Trump, but it's not like that's Trump's official plan. It's like, that's like if you were saying CNN had a plan and Joe Biden is gonna use it, right? And then there's Joe Biden, he says, he responds to like what Trump is saying and he says Trump's lying. It's his people and his plan, right? So I don't like, right? That's what a weird response from Joe Biden. He's lying that he says he's not gonna implement this plan. His people that aren't his people, you know, people that like him want him to do this plan. And the other thing is that, you know, it's being really, really over like blown and you know, they're trying to use it to scare people which obviously there's some like relatively scary stuff. I don't like all the shit about like Christianity and banning stuff and all that, you know, from a libertarian perspective. But I mean, it's not like that surprising to be totally honest. I don't think there's anything where I'm like, wow, I didn't think Trump would ever do that. And I don't know. I don't think he's gonna implement it full. Like I don't think that's A, his plan. And I don't think B, that he's, even if he uses some of it, I don't think he's gonna implement it just full scale across the board. 'Cause these people are just, you know, they're not like, it's not Donald Trump. It's not his cabinet. It's just these fucking like people in a think tank. And maybe he takes some of them into office to help him. But at the end of the day, like it doesn't really matter what those people say because it's, you know, I could fucking say whatever the fuck I want too, man. You know, there's all these liberal plans that I don't like but I'm not gonna freak the fuck out about them and lie and say that they're someone's plan and they're gonna destroy America with this if they're openly saying they're not. And you know, he could be lying. He probably is, I don't know. But it's just like a very interesting dynamic here. Another really wild thing that happened this week is Vanity Fair ran a piece with like a picture of RFK holding like a goat, like a dead goat and pretending to eat it 'cause he was gonna eat it. It was like a cooked goat. And they were like, this is a dog. He's eating a dog and people were running with that for a few days and it's like, bro, what? It's a goat, not a dog. It's not that weird. And the other sad thing was that he got his first sexual assault allegation that, you know, 20, 30 years ago, he like groped a babysitter, like grabbed her breast and it was like a babysitter that he was employing. And, you know, I'm not gonna, in any world, try and like, you know, dismiss him and dismiss that and, you know, say it's okay 'cause it's not okay. But I am going to say why I will continue to vote for him after hearing this, right? A, Trump, obviously, that's one of the number one things people hate about him is he has a lot of those. He has a lot of those allegations and they are frankly a lot worse. So comparatively, you know, bad deed versus bad deed, you know, also it was, you know, Biden has some allegations for sure. There's a confirmed journal entry from Biden's daughter saying that the showers that Joe Biden took with her as a kid were, quote, "probably inappropriate." So, you know, this guy is doing some probably inappropriate shit with his daughter, his son, obviously does some fucked up and, you know, stuff. And Biden himself has allegations of very similar nature. And instead of, you know, admitting it and not calling these women crazy, he makes them flee to Russia and buries them. So when Kennedy was asked about it, he didn't deny it, right? And that is a big difference compared to the other two, right? I think the first step in working on yourself is to acknowledge it and he could have acknowledged it better, totally, he could have. It was a long time ago. I don't, I really genuinely don't think he's that person anymore that at least would like, you know, sexually assault someone. And again, under no, I'm not trying to, you know, justify this. I'm just saying comparatively, I worry about this less and I'm going to still vote for him because I think he, I think he's learned. I think he's a better person from it, probably. I'm sure he has done a lot of reflecting about it. And, you know, again, not an excuse, but what presidential candidate hasn't had some sort of scandal like that. I mean, a lot of them have. And men in general, and I'm sure many women can vouch for this, are fucked up in general, right? They're fucked up. And especially when we're young, right? Young men are a problem. And sometimes, you know, again, not an excuse. It's hard to, you know, control urges, especially when you're, you know, in a situation like him, he was like always a very privileged child growing up. You know, obviously there was tragedies that happened to him, but he was a very high status, rich family. So he probably, I mean, I'm sure as a young man was like, oh, you know, nothing bad can happen to me. And again, no excuse whatsoever. I fully condemn this action. And I hate that this came out about him. I hate to know that he would ever have done something like this, but I don't think he's that person still. And, you know, he used to be a heroin addict and he's not. So obviously, he's done a lot of growth. And I think that, you know, it's a horrible thing that he did, but I would still rather have his horrible action than the horrible actions of his opponents. So that was one of the wilder stories and random stories this week for sure. That was kind of out of nowhere. Speaking of Kennedy, the Libertarian Party of Colorado officially endorsed him as their presidential nominee. And in order to do this, Kennedy agreed to end all foreign military aid. So I'm assuming that means Israel too. Opposed the draft, give war declaration powers back to Congress, abolish the intelligence agencies, audit the Fed, abolish the Department of Ed, and abolish all unconstitutional gun laws. So huge, huge promise from Kennedy who also, you know, has all these other great points about chronic disease and crypto. Just shit that none of the other candidates are talking about, right? It really is that big a difference, right? And a lot of people who aren't totally like black and red-pilled are not gonna understand why I wanted to abolish the Department of Education and the Fed and the intelligence agencies. And let's just say that they are the problem with everything, right? The Fed is the root of all evil. They are the reason why our government is not relying on our money anymore and can do whatever they want and print as much as they want of it. The Department of Education is the reason why the United States no longer has good education. So that is a pretty, you know, pretty big deal for what he had to do and had to say and just commit it to. I'm very excited about that, huge deal. And the last headline I have today is a sad one. My favorite Congressman, Thomas Massey, his wife died this week. And they're not like super old. I haven't heard any sort of cause of death or anything, but it, from my understanding, was kind of sudden and unexpected. Um, there are some not so happy theories. Um, and I don't want to like, it is kind of like baseless in terms of evidence, but Congressman Massey has been, you know, known to be anti-Israel, not in like an anti-Semitic way, of course, but opposing, you know, from a, from a, from an America first standpoint, he doesn't want to give all these powers to a foreign country because he's America first, as he should be. And he's really been going after APAC, which is like the Israeli lobby in America that pays Congressman and other politicians a bunch of money to basically do whatever they say. He's been calling them out. So there's been some people suggesting that there may be some sort of APAC or massage involvement, but um, obviously that is purely, purely speculative until we know more about the true nature of this. So just have that in the back of your mind, you know, be open to everything, but that is not confirmed. And all we know about what happened is that she died. We don't know anything else about it yet. I'm sure he's going through it right now. And my thoughts go to him and his family, and it's a very sad, tragic thing. And I hope that he does not stop doing what he's doing. I hope that he takes all the time he needs and that he can ultimately come back somewhat the same person and continue to do this very important work that he's doing for us and our country. So thank you, Thomas. I know you're not listening to this and you're never going to hear this, but I'm just putting it out into the world. Thank you. And thank you to everyone else fighting for freedom and liberty in this insane country that we live in today. That's all I got for you guys today. Thank you for listening to this. And I really appreciate all of, you know, any and all support. Go ahead and follow my sub-stack at Elliot or Orr's Observations and my X at Original War. Thank you guys and good night. 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