
Wrestling Life:My Top 10 Money In The Bank Matches

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28 Jun 2024
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Tonight’s Episode Is My Podcast Series BrandonJaneauShow:Wrestling Life And On This Episode I’m Doing Another Top 10 List This Time About All Of The Matches That Happened At The WWE PLE Money In The Bank

what are you doing to a notice of the brand new show as you know i am brand new and like always all podcast platforms brand new show social media platforms Instagram TikTok threads Facebook brand new show of course YouTube channel brand new show go subscribe comment follow you know other stuff you know to do you know tonight it is wrestling life and on this episode of wrestling life I am doing my top 10 list nope it's not a wrestler it's a prim of you see money in a bank is around the corner money a bank will be next Saturday to be exact and I decided to do my favorite matches now matches not just the money in a bank match matches of this paper view if had some really great matches and money in a bank which is crazy to say but they've had some amazing matches now yes the money in a bank ladder match can also be in this because it is money in a bank for a goddamn reason so let's get into it if you know I did my top 10 list you know I start at 10 go all the way up to one that's how a guy do it so start off at number 10 it is the men's money in the bank ladder match 2021 this is literally right after the pandemic this is the first pick-a-view they did at the WrestleMania in front of fans which is crazy to say but this was the first one and this ladder match was amazing ricochet Matt Riddle set Rollins Drew McIntyre Big E since Kenaka Mora John Morrison kind of but John Morrison is a fucking pro at ladder matches so I get that and then Kevin Owens an incredible incredible incredible ladder match and the winner is even more surprising to a lot of people but if you know Big E was like a fan favorite close clearly from New Day but everybody wanted him to get that push man and he got it not only did he get it he actually won the fucking title which is rare it will money in a bank so he actually won the title so but the match itself was fucking phenomenal man incredible body of match up everybody got the offense off ricochet did a couple flips off the fuck it's it's it's wild it's wild so yeah coming in at number nine Roman Reigns versus Edge for the Universal Championship at that same pay-per-view an incredible matchup this was the first time Roman and Edge actually really fought each other one-on-one of course everybody knows how it ended set Rollins came out and cheated Edge screw it and they went on and had their trilogy incredible trilogy itself and I thought it was an amazing matchup this is this is tribal chief this is the beginning of the tribal chief Roman fucking Reigns like you know we're only like what nine months into this tribal chief you know gimmick I don't say gimmick but tribal chief Roman Reigns era who would have known that it would have lasted three fucking years but yeah coming in number eight I must really love the Universal Championship because I must really love the Universal Championship it's coming in number eight is set rather than AJ Styles for the Universal title this is AJ's first title defense after being Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania this is his first side of fence and it was it gets AJ Styles and money in a bank on paper a dream match in reality a dream match what the fuck did you think I was gonna say said Rollins is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time AJ Styles is also one of my favorite wrestlers of all fucking times so it was like a dream come true everybody knows the the everybody knows the the video of of set trying to do the stump on AJ Styles and then AJ caught a mid-air and hit up with Styles clash like it was in that match yeah so an incredible matchup both men went out there had an incredible match like I've said my brother my brother straight through ropes my family straight through ropes the first time you get a title match it's probably what AJ Styles they did it with Roman they did it with set they did it with Cody that robbery he's the perfect person to start off your title robberies with because he fucking makes sense he's at AJ Styles one of the greatest wrestlers to have a fucking do it so yeah coming in number seven it is the women's money in the bank match from last year's money in the bank again creating stars and nothing was better than seeing E.O. Sky finally finally break out of damage control E.O. Sky was getting a lot of love especially after her match with Bianca Bella and Puerto Rico it was an amazing match that the two had so a lot of people was waiting for E.O. Sky to kind of break out of damage control and then what she finally did was she finally won his money in the bank briefcase it was like okay this makes sense the way she also won it she handcuffed Becky Lynch and Bailey together so neither one could actually climb the fucking ladder anymore it is she used Bailey as a goddamn like this kind of a Bailey it got the briefcase this shit was incredible oh no man and also all these women were crazy in this match E.O., Bailey, Tris, Zoey Stark, Becky it was amazing it was one of the best lot of matches that they had put on for the women probably ever it was it was it was an incredible lot of a lot of match yeah come in number six how long is it coming number six is the men's letter match from that same period I love this match up to like I said create new stars a lot of people would still say a pissed off behind it because they wanted Ellie Knight to win now Ellie Knight was fucking fighter at this time but it wasn't time to put the briefcase on it was always said that me and Priest shall win the money in the big briefcase I've always said because it made fucking sense just like E.O. Sky backlash they they mean Priest put on a fucking phenomenal match at least with E.O. she's in their ring with an actual wrestler this man had to go out there and perform a street fight with bad buddy at backlash and that match was the best match of 2023 wasn't even close one of the best matches in 2023 the only match I think I had over that match when I did my 2023 list might have been Cody and Roman like that might have been the only match I had over it because that fucking match was phenomenal so it was only right at Money in a Bank you gave him the fucking British case since he deserved it it just made sense man all in all man the match was incredible Logan Paul Ricochet who else is in that match Santos Escobar like I said LA Knight that's just really fucking good like really fucking good but yeah so like I said gotta recap it obviously so coming in number 10 is the man's money in a bank 2021 number 9 right Roman Reigns vs Edge 2021's money in the bank for Universal Championship number 8 AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship 2019 yeah money in a bank coming in number 7 is the women's money in the bank ladder match at 2023's money in a bank in London and number 6 is the men's money in the bank ladder match at 2023 in London number 5 kicking off the list is AJ Styles vs. John Cena the first ever encounter between these two is that money in a bank believe it or not yep want to say 2016 money in a bank yep Eddie Styles had just got on the scene yeah for Chris Jericho at WrestleMania for Chris Jericho at WrestleMania then the next pay review he had his back to back matches Roman Reigns for the Universe champ for the WWE championship so everybody's like what is he gonna do after that enter in John Cena everybody wanted to see these two fight everybody wanted to see these two Russell it was obvious let's had this match money in the bank 2016 we had that match it it was one of the best matches out this up this thing now of course I have been a lot of people say it was the SummerSlam match be personally I love their match at the Royal Rumble in 2017 for the WWE championship I thought that was way more bet I thought that was a way better fucking match but this match was incredible now of course they had a bullshit finish of course the good brothers the OC came out and screwed John Cena but all in all it's still a really good fucking match so yeah um yeah I really love this match coming in number four the Usos versus the Street Profits for the undisputed tag team championships at Money in a Bank 2020 - yeah this is right after the Usos won the undisputed titles became undisputed champions so for it to be the first matchup was the Street Profits in this match I get so pissed off because they literally read it back a couple weeks later as SummerSlam in it fucking sucked it was it didn't suck but it was it wasn't as good as this I watched this match again just to like make sure I wasn't tripping this fucking match was phenomenal like damn fucking phenomenal so I got why they ran it back in SummerSlam but man you talk about a height killer that shit was man I was like it in the added Jerry just Jerry I was like what the fuck I don't know man yeah they killed my buzz this fight kill my buzz man yeah man but this match was that match at Money in a Bank chef kiss fucking phenomenal and I understand why they did it because the referee didn't see my test for it all come up I got it but this match was fucking phenomenal go back watch it and you have it on peacock I think they probably got it on YouTube now do it go watch it it's like 22 some minutes of just them fucking killing it this was a tag team match and it's minus yum coming in number three I don't know though money in the bank and tag team matches because these motherfuckers are great last year the first bloodline Civil War match the Usos vs. Roman and solo all in all I didn't if you if you cut out the first maybe 15 20 minutes in its match you got the first 15 20 minutes of this match it just cut to the end fucking phenomenal the slow beat down of the Usos vs. the solo and Roman and you get to the end where solo and Roman you know through the the beginning of the the spike spear some more spike spear and Roman stacks up the Usos and he's like yeah this is over oh everybody in London I oh my god kick out of the mat oh man this Roman this is the first time solo looked at Roman and Roman you know what the fuck he was doing in the match he's like I don't know what I don't know what to do it's so those look at that I'm like what the fuck are you like come on yeah they tell him like come on like like even at WrestleMania perfect call back cuz I WrestleMania funny he did the same shit he like Roman let's go come on like I know I know I know guess it was that it was kind of in solo gets you know double team by the Usos and then Jay ends up pinning Roman which launched another title match for him I don't know why it was it was stupid but this match all in all was amazing it was because it was storytelling man and this is where WWE is so such a fucking amazing brand and this was one of those times what storytelling just overwhelmingly won the day speaking a story tell it cuz coming at number two it is see him punk versus John Cena money in a bank 2011 but a WWE championship we all know what happened with this match we all know what happened still doesn't stop it from being one of the greatest goddamn things that ever happened in wrestling at the time a decade later and we still talk about this match 30 something minutes of pure emotion storytelling and actually just the two best wrestlers in the fucking company just wrestling against each other tell you be mad at that what a fucking imagine of see him punk but it came out to coat a personality that night in Chicago oh and not a couple weeks later you know at the elected company and took about yeah this match was phenomenal fucking incredible see him punk beating John Cena at that time in wrestling or lower that shit didn't happen this is to the people on the internet this was super senior you don't beat super senior and he beat seen not just beat him he left the fucking company and took the belt with him that don't happen it don't happen he did it in his hometown he took the belt one the damn match and immediately became a man made a man superstar literally that night I should be for that night a lot of people would say that night but we forget that he also did the pipe bomb before that match and he became a goddamn superstar to the following weeks up to that match this is also the first time in kayfabe Vince McMahon lost control of WWE Triple H took over right this was the first time we saw that ever play out so this was this was a this was a really this was a really great match in it was the first time I think money in a bank we didn't give a we didn't give a fuck who had won the money in a bank because the story was better than the cash the person that had it at the time not of course the person that had it at the time was a birthday real so they couldn't talk about that person he fucked up the summer of punk I was shit about that dude it became like the fall of punk really wasn't like the summer it was the fall of punk but um yeah that was that was that was but that match still to this day is one of the greatest money in the bank matches of all time I know a lot of people sit here and say how in the fuck is that not number one because I think a match was better in that is all three meal all three show members winning the fucking title on the same damn night all three members of the shield holding the WWE Championship in the same damn night it is one of the best I have said numerous times set Robin's one of my favorite wrestlers so him coming back in 2016 same money in the bank pay review is Johnson AG South's him coming back in 2016 Vegas and taking on a Roman reigns for the WWE Championship a title that he never got down loss to begin with was all great for me so when he won the belt for Roman that night which by the way is on YouTube so saw it today that matches like 30 minutes long fucking phenomenal incredible match up between those two they always got great chemistry in the right actually they Roman is set I actually have the best chemistry between Roman and set have the best chemistry I would say Roman and set Roman and Kevin Owens that's like his two best competitive like opponents ever in WWE Roman and set of setting set in Kevin Owens or Roman Reigns is two best opponents in WWE like I've never seen a bad Kevin Owens and Roman match I'm never seen a bad set in Roman match ever and those two are incredible so imagine having set your first match up your first match up be footed out of each championship after you tore your ACL MCL yeah he blossom he blew out a lot of fucking legaments in his knee and for him to have Roman Reigns who at the time WWE was literally trying everything in that power and I mean everything in that fucking power to make the star and people was just like nah nah this match is incredible the redesign rebuild Roman set Rollins it's crazy it was an incredible match up man I love this match up so amazing and of course like I said the ending course with Dean Ambrose cashing in money in a bank on set just made it even more crazier it's one of my favorite matches that Roman and set have ever had I can't wait to see what's gonna happen with him Roman comes back sets already back I can't wait but that is the less so let me go ahead and brief rehash it and number one and number 10 just a means money in the bank 2011 I'm 2021 number nine Roman versus Edge for the Universal Championship at 2021 money in the bank number eight set versus AJ Styles in 2019 money in the bank money in the bank for the Universal Championship number seven the women's money in a bank match at the 2023 money in the bank number six demands money in the bank lie to match at the same period of 2023 number five AJ Styles was a giant scene of their first encounter ever in WWE in 2016 number four the Usos were Street Profits in 2022's money in a bank for the Universal for the other disputed tag team championships number three the first ever blood line Civil War the Usos versus Roman Reigns and solo Sakoa number two Sam passes John Cena from WWE Championship in the and fight for pretty much WWE 2011 money in the bank and number one set Rollins versus Roman Reigns with the iconic cash in of Dean Ambrose at the 2016 money in the bank pay-per-view the next top 10 list will be the one and only the let-it-go medalist himself Kurt Angle I will be doing my top 10 matches now this is gonna be interesting because I'm not just gonna be doing WWE I'm going to go in find his TNA match too so that is gonna be pretty fucking interesting but in that man money in the bank is next Sunday Heatwave is next Sunday I'll be doing both of those shows and I will be doing my first debate like I said just recently it'll be Kurt Angle and Seth and Shawn Michaels I'm trying to come up with the categories of how I'm gonna do that but yeah but it's that next time I am brand new this has been a brand new show this is wrestling on life peace go off the money in the bank peace