Talk Louisiana

Friday, December 29th: Rannah Gray, Maxine Crump

Rannah Gray on Redstick Revelry, the annual New Year’s Eve celebration in downtown Baton Rouge. Maxine Crump, President and CEO of Dialogue on Race, on the major story of 2017, sexual misconduct. Crump says sexual harassment is often accompanied by racism.  
Broadcast on:
05 Jan 2018

Maxine Crump

Rannah Gray on Redstick Revelry, the annual New Year’s Eve celebration in downtown Baton Rouge.

Maxine Crump, President and CEO of Dialogue on Race, on the major story of 2017, sexual misconduct. Crump says sexual harassment is often accompanied by racism.

Rannah Gray on Redstick Revelry, the annual New Year’s Eve celebration in downtown Baton Rouge. Maxine Crump, President and CEO of Dialogue on Race, on the major story of 2017, sexual misconduct. Crump says sexual harassment is often accompanied by racism.