Talk Louisiana

Thursday, October 26,2017: Jim Nickel, Jennie Lightweis-Goff

  Former Louisiana Democratic Party Chairman and veteran lobbyist Jim Nickel comments  on the state’s shifting political winds, the 2019 gubernatorial race and the impact of lobbyists at the State Capitol post-term limits.   Writer Jennie Lightweis-Goff talks about her appearance at Louisiana Book Festival this Saturday in Baton Rouge.
Broadcast on:
26 Oct 2017

  Former Louisiana Democratic Party Chairman and veteran lobbyist Jim Nickel comments  on the state’s shifting political winds, the 2019 gubernatorial race and the impact of lobbyists at the State Capitol post-term limits.
Writer Jennie Lightweis-Goff talks about her appearance at Louisiana Book Festival this Saturday in Baton Rouge.

  Former Louisiana Democratic Party Chairman and veteran lobbyist Jim Nickel comments  on the state’s shifting political winds, the 2019 gubernatorial race and the impact of lobbyists at the State Capitol post-term limits.   Writer Jennie Lightweis-Goff talks about her appearance at Louisiana Book Festival this Saturday in Baton Rouge.