Talk Louisiana

Martine Turner and Kellie Bertrand on flood-related mental health issues

Martine Turner and Kellie Bertrand of the Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Center talk about mental health issues stemming from the historic flood of 2016. Also on today's program: Russel Honore talks Trump, Charlottesville, and the environment, here.
Broadcast on:
18 Aug 2017

Martine Turner and Garcia Botley

Martine Turner and Kellie Bertrand of the Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Center talk about mental health issues stemming from the historic flood of 2016.

Also on today's program: Russel Honore talks Trump, Charlottesville, and the environment, here.

Martine Turner and Kellie Bertrand of the Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Center talk about mental health issues stemming from the historic flood of 2016. Also on today's program: Russel Honore talks Trump, Charlottesville, and the environment, here.