Talk Louisiana

David Poole on Baton Rouge's high HIV and AIDS rates

David Poole, Director of the Southern Bureau of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, addresses Baton Rouge ranking in the top five cities in HIV and AIDS rates. Also on today's program: Barry Weinstein, J.B. Hunt, and Dr. Azeem Kahn talk aortic aneurysms, here.
Broadcast on:
11 May 2017

David Poole

David Poole, Director of the Southern Bureau of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, addresses Baton Rouge ranking in the top five cities in HIV and AIDS rates.

Also on today's program: Barry Weinstein, J.B. Hunt, and Dr. Azeem Kahn talk aortic aneurysms, here.

David Poole, Director of the Southern Bureau of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, addresses Baton Rouge ranking in the top five cities in HIV and AIDS rates. Also on today's program: Barry Weinstein, J.B. Hunt, and Dr. Azeem Kahn talk aortic aneurysms, here.