Talk Louisiana

Ty Tashiro on being socially awkward

Ty Tashiro, author of "Awkward: The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome," on how the same traits that make us feel uneasy in social situations can provides the seeds for success. -
Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2017

Ty Tashiro Awkward The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome

Ty Tashiro, author of "Awkward: The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome," on how the same traits that make us feel uneasy in social situations can provides the seeds for success.


Ty Tashiro, author of "Awkward: The Science of Why We're Socially Awkward and Why That's Awesome," on how the same traits that make us feel uneasy in social situations can provides the seeds for success. -