Talk Louisiana

Dr. Rebekah Gee on the Medicaid expansion and budget cuts

Dr. Rebekah Gee, Louisiana's Secretary of Health, talks with us about the uncertain future of the Affordable Care Act, the state’s reliance on the federal Medicaid provision, the dangers of additional budget cuts to the state's largest agency. Also on today's program, IEM's Madhu Beriwal on disaster management and equal pay, here.
Broadcast on:
11 Apr 2017

Dr. Rebekah Gee, Louisiana's Secretary of Health, talks with us about the uncertain future of the Affordable Care Act, the state’s reliance on the federal Medicaid provision, the dangers of additional budget cuts to the state's largest agency.

Also on today's program, IEM's Madhu Beriwal on disaster management and equal pay, here.

Dr. Rebekah Gee, Louisiana's Secretary of Health, talks with us about the uncertain future of the Affordable Care Act, the state’s reliance on the federal Medicaid provision, the dangers of additional budget cuts to the state's largest agency. Also on today's program, IEM's Madhu Beriwal on disaster management and equal pay, here.