Positive Christian Motivation

Starting Your Day with Hope and Gratitude - Morning Inspiration

Make God's word your ultimate source of daily motivation as you tune in to this impactful episode filled with motivational messages, empowering life advice, inspiring teachings, and stories. Enjoy this remarkable blend of spiritual insights and empowering inspiration that motivates you to become the best version of yourself and nourishes your spiritual connection with God.

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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(whistling) - Hi, Drew and Jonathan Scott here, reminding you that American family insurance agents can help build a customized renter's policy. So you can protect stuff like this, or this, or even this, yep, well, case in point. Life's better when you're under American family's roof. Ensure carefully, dream fearlessly. Get a quote and find an agent at - Products not available in every state. American Family Mutual Insurance Company SI and its operating company, 6,000 American Parkway, Madison, Wisconsin. - Save big this summer with great deals. All in the King Supers app. Get juicy Washington red cherries for £2.99 a pound, then get 10 for 10 on items like Lay's Stacks, Rice Oroni, and Sparkling Ice Sparkling Water for $1 each, all with your card. Shop these deals at your local Kroger today, or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers, fresh for everyone, prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply, see site for details. (upbeat music) When you wake up in the morning, you can feel gloom, despair, nothing good in your future. Will always be opportunities to be discouraged, offended, upset, but you have to make the choice. That's not for me. I'm gonna live this day in fame. I'm gonna focus on what's right. I'm gonna enjoy my family. I'm gonna be grateful. I'm choosing to have a good mood. When you get your mind going in the right direction, feel what thoughts of fame, hope and victory, you'll drive away the blobs, the discouragement, the discontentment. Instead of dwelling on what you don't have, what's wrong, what didn't work out, start thinking about what God promised you. Father, you said my latter days will be better than my former days. You said I haven't seen, heard or imagined what you have in store. The mistake we make is we let feelings determine our mood. We wake up and think, how do I feel today? If we feel the blobs, then we go around discouraged. I don't wanna go to work. I don't wanna deal with these children. I have so many problems. Right there, you have a choice. Are you gonna let those feelings dictate your mood? Or are you gonna rule over those feelings and decide what kind of mood you're gonna be in? You have to be proactive. Father, thank you that this is gonna be a great day. I know I'm surrounded by your favor. Goodness and mercy are following me. You said your whole victory in store for the upright. Don't wait for the feelings to come. Get your mind filled with the right thoughts and the feelings will eventually follow your thoughts. This is what David did. He had all kinds of trouble. Armies coming against him, people slandering him. His own son was trying to take the throne. You can imagine how strong those negative feelings were. Discouragement, anger, self-pity. When everything said be depressed, be sour, he woke up in the morning and said, this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in the end. Each day that God gives us is a gift. I wanna emphasize that. Each day that God gives us is a gift. David said, this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad. You know, I don't wanna waste a day in self-pity and anger and sitting around feeling sorry for myself. And I don't know, but maybe when David said, this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad. Maybe he wasn't having such a good day and he wasn't feeling like being jolly, but he was making a decision. I'm not gonna waste this day. I will rejoice and be glad. So maybe right now, maybe this is a day for you where you have a problem. Something has happened that you certainly didn't want to happen when your kids has done something that now you're gonna have to deal with or you've had another kind of challenge, a test, a tribulation. And you have a choice to either let it make you miserable or to seize the day and say, no, this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad. Now come on, just think about it. How many days have you lost and wasted in self-pity, in anger, in reasoning, trying to figure out some situation in your life that you're never gonna figure out because only God knows the answer? We don't wanna keep wasting our days. Each day is valuable and we need to make each one of them count. You have to say to discouragement, I will rejoice. Say to self-pity, I will be glad today. Say to sadness, the blast, to no passion, you're not gonna control my life. I may feel you, but you're not telling me the truth. You don't dictate my future, I will live this day in faith. I will rejoice, I will be glad in it. God wants you to live with joy. Do you believe that? Like contrary to popular opinion, God doesn't want your life to be so stress, worry, and anxiety. God doesn't want you to feel like you're about to collapse under the weight of your circumstance. Now God's plan for you is joy in every season of your life. The Old Testament prophet, Nehemiah, he said the joy of the Lord is our strength. It's what fortifies us, it's what holds us when it feels like the world is caving in, when the weight of the world is on our shoulders. It's the joy of the Lord that is our strength. God wants to see us filled with His joy. - The scripture says joy comes in the morning. Every morning joy is waiting for you. But let me tell you what else comes in the morning, guilt. Look at the mistakes you've made. Bitterness, boy, they did you wrong. Discouragement. (whistling) - Hi, Drew and Jonathan Scott here, reminding you that American family insurance agents can help build a customized renters policy so you can protect stuff like this. Or this. Or even this. Nope. Well, case in point. Life's better when you're under American family's roof. Ensure carefully, dream fearlessly. Get a quote and find an agent at - Products not available in every state. American family mutual insurance company S.I. And it's operating company 6,000 American Parkway Madison, Wisconsin. - Save big this summer with great deals. All in the King Supers app. Get juicy Washington red cherries for $2.99 a pound. Then get 10 for 10 on items like Lay's Stacks, Rice Aroni, and Sparkling Ice Sparkling Water for $1 each, all with your card. Shop these deals at your local Kroger today. Or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers. Fresh for everyone, prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply. See site for details. - Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. You're valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh Riley ♪ ♪ Auto Parts ♪ - Nothing good is in your future. Self pity, why were you raised like that? God sends joy every morning just for you. But the enemy sends all these other things. Now you get to choose. Here's the key, the negative is easier. Living off the surface, just going by what you feel, letting that dictate your day, that doesn't take any effort. But if you're going to live a victorious life, if you're going to reach your full potential, you have to go deeper and not be ruled by your emotions. Not let feelings dictate your day. You have to choose to have a good mood despite the feelings. Choose joy despite the discouragement. Choose faith despite the doubt. - So start your day with God. I love this poem by Ralph Spalding Cushman. Says this, "I met God in the morning when my day was at its best and his presence came like sunrise like a glory in my breast. All day long, the presence lingered. All day long, he stayed with me. And we sailed in perfect calmness or a very troubled sea. Other ships were blown and battered. Other ships were sort of stressed, but the winds that seemed to drive them brought to us a peace and rest. Then I thought of other mornings when the keen remorse of mine, when I too had loosed the moorings with the presence left behind. So I think I know the secret. Learn from many a troubled way. You must seek him in the morning if you want him through the day. Seek God first. Start your day with God. What does he say? Seek first the kingdom of God in his righteousness and all these things, what you shall eat, what you shall drink, what you shall clothe yourself with, all your needs, all these things that you need will be added to you. He will take care of that if you put him first. And then take life one day at a time. When you lie in the bed in the morning, you can dwell on the negative, everything that's wrong. You're gonna draw in more negative, more discouragement, or in the face of those feelings, you can start thinking faith-filled thoughts, positive, hopeful, uplifting. That's what you're gonna draw in. And it's important to start the day off in faith. This is when the enemy works over time to try to give you the blobs. Instead of letting him set the tone, why don't you set the tone? Before you get out of bed, you need to decide it's gonna be a good day and you're gonna live it in faith. And sure, you may have challenges, but God is on the throne. He's fighting your battles. While he's working, instead of being discouraged, worried in a bad mood, why don't you enjoy your life? I'm not asking you to deny what you feel. I'm asking you to add the yet. Had a bad break, yet will I rejoice? A child is off course, I shouldn't be depressed, yet I'm hopeful no one God has the final say. These people at work aren't treating me right. My feelings are telling me to get better, to be angry, to pay them back, but I know God is my vindicator, so yet will I rejoice. Yet will I have a smile. Yet will I be good to people. The psalmist said a good person may fall seven times, but the Lord will raise them up. Sometimes you can't get up on your own, but God is right there with you, lifting you, strengthening you, healing you, breathing in your direction. Every morning, start the day off in faith. Father, thank you that this is going to be a great day. God, I'm grateful that I'm alive. Thank you that you chose me before I could choose you. Thank you for my family. Thank you for good health. Thank you for opportunity. Thank you for surrounding me with your favor. Lord, I'm gonna live this day to the full. (upbeat music) (soft music) Save big this summer with great deals. All in the King Supers app. Get juicy Washington red cherries for £299 a pound, then get 10 for 10 on items like Lay's Stacks, Rice Oroni, and Sparkling Ice Sparkling Water for $1 each, all with your card. Shuff these deals at your local Kroger today, or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers, fresh for everyone, prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply. See site for details. (upbeat music)